• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 833 Views, 37 Comments

Thunder and Magic: Season 1 - Rapane443

Lux Festus, the youngest and last wielder of the Philosphers Stone sacrificed himself to save the future of Earth from the darker side of humanity. However, God had other plans for the early teen, besides the afterlife.

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Episode 3: Applebuck Season

“Alright Darklo… you almost got it!” Twilight said in an encouraging tone as she coached the colt through a new spell to add to his admittedly lacking magical capabilities. His horn sparked vigorously while his coat gleamed with sweat as he held a spherical golden barrier around him.

“Now for a stress test. Spike?” The unicorn called Spike stood by her side, holding multiple pebbles the size of his palm. Once the command was set, the eager dragon tossed a pebble at the barrier one at a time while Twilight recorded it on a clipboard.

And although Darklo's barrier remained sturdy after twelve pebbles were thrown, the surface of contact grew more and more cracks by the twentieth. By the thirtieth pebble, the barrier was flickering from the pressure so badly that it shattered on impact, resulting in Darklo being hit on the muzzle by the victorious piece of stone, and deflating to the floor. Exhausted.

“Man… phew, another failed attempt…” Darklo grumbled, struggling to stand up until Twilight lifted him with her magic with ease and rested the upset colt on her back.

“Darklo… just because you read and understood the theory of the spell doesn’t mean you were going to master it immediately,” Twilight lectured soothingly, “and besides, for a first attempt, you held on quite well for somepony who just started. Have some faith, you’ll get better in due time.”

“Are thirty pebbles equivalent to a unicorn’s basic attack spell? No, I don't think so.”

Twilight sighed in response. The colt has had this ‘be perfect’ mentality ever since she started mentoring him on spell casting, he’d ask for help to learn a spell he read about, she’d do it for him and when it didn’t work how he hoped or Celestia forbid, it failed, Darklo would get all mopey and shove his head into the theory book for an hour before he even attempted it again. It almost reminded her of herself when she was a filly, minus the depressive episodes.

“Darklo, you should know by now that you're just a colt, you shouldn’t need to worry about using these sorts of spells until you're older. The fact that you still want to practise at least proves to me that you’re really passionate about learning, and believe me when I say passion plus time equals exponential growth, it’s what got me to be who I’am today.”

“Twilight’s right Darklo,” Spike added with an understanding smile, “just keep it up and you could rival your sister someday. And you still have your ancient magic to fall back on when you’re stuck.”

While Twilight smiled and raised an eyebrow at Spike as if to say ‘let’s not get too hasty’, Darklo nodded in appreciation, smirking back at them. “Thanks guys, I’m just SO hyped up about the prospect of learning all this magic stuff,” he directed a hoof around the library shelves to emphasise his point, “that I got a little too carried away when I meet roadblocks so early.”

“Well I know just the thing to make you feel better.” Twilight beamed, opening the door and exiting the library with Spike in tow.

The trio were strolling through Ponyville’s market at a leisurely pace, so they could take a left directly to Hayburger. Meanwhile, Darklo felt as if the magic that had drained from him during the stress test refilled into his system. The feeling was almost like eating until his stomach was full, just after he was craving for food and boy was it reinvigorating.

The colt hopped off Twilight’s back and walked along with her. However, Twilight herself had her muzzle scrunched up while her eyes squinted to which Darklo recognised as her thinking pose.

“Is something bothering you?”

“Oh, I just find it weird that you WANT to learn self defence spells in the first place. Sure, I expected telekinesis and light spells, but the attack spell, shield charm and restraining magic… I just don’t get it.”

“Well…” Darklo struggled to put his reasons into words. It was true that he didn’t have to learn offensive spells at the moment since his alchemy could make up for it. Plus, said himself that he wanted a quiet life. So why did his heart still race in both fear and excitement when he faced off against his enemies? Why was he genuinely frustrated when he couldn’t perfect a spell on the first try? Deep inside, he had a feeling on why. “I… I just don’t want to be the reason someone gets hurt. I’ve been through enough life and death scenarios to know that ancient magic won’t be enough to save the ponies around me. So should it happen again, I wanna be ready.”

Twilight and Spike chose to stay silent at his answer, both recognising that whatever they say will only sour the mood even more. Poor colt, he’s been through a lot hasn’t he? Yet he’s still here trying to overcome his fears. He really is like Shining Armour in that sense.

However, the silence that brewed was interrupted not by a sound but a feeling. The ground shook in rhythmic succession while everypony who was outside vibrated parallel to the tremor.

Darklo’s eyes widened, teeth clamped and body frozen. The tremor…


It was a given since the Everfree was a place anypony would feel uneasy, but the foreboding dread that put them on edge was at a higher level than the normal Everfree chill they were accustomed to.

Silence cut their conversation immediately which was just enough for the boys to sense slight rhythmic tremors in the soil.

-End Flashback

“H-hydra-” Darkloud cracked under the name of the creature. His heart pumped with adrenaline and his muscles tensed. The terrified colt attempted to will his brain to move them out of the way or at least push Twilight and Spike away from the imminent danger, but his mind could not agree no matter how much he mentally yelled himself into action. Darklo’s breathing rapidly increased like he had run a marathon as his bulging eyes looked to his hooves.

He was shaking. He, a past Conduit who endured numerous battles, was shaking.

No no no, let me move, let me move, I need to move, move, move, MOVE!

“Woah Darklo! Deep breaths. What’s wrong?” Twilight said, surprise and an exuding sense of worry written on her face as Spike followed suit, attempting to sooth him by running his claws through his coat like a comb which was dripping sweat by the touch.

“W-we need to go… it found me, that blasted hydra found me! P-please we need to-”

“STAMPEDE!” Rainbow Dash yelled from the air, acting like a siren to the Ponyville residents who ran indoors and barricaded their homes.

Darklo finally blinked, the panic ironically draining out of him as he looked to where Rainbow pointed. It was a dust cloud and a herd of cows were racing towards the bridge that connected the town to the rural land.

“S-stampede?...oh, uh. Please forget that ever happened.”

Spike and Twilight shook their heads, clearly indicating their response but they had no time to delve into that sudden event as a different threat was approaching at record pace.

“Heeeeeey, this maakes myyy voiiice sound siiillyyy.” Pinkie Pie interjected as she vibrated along with the beat of the tremor.

“Pinkie, run! And that goes for you boys too.” Twilight ordered, the adrenaline slowly taking a hold of her, and while Spike obliged and sped to a nearby building for cover, Darklo stared at the bridge with a new found determination, eyes bursting with fire as he galloped towards it.

“Darklo, what the hay are you doing!” His sister shrieked, but Darklo only heard white noise. How dare you make me look like a coward… coming out of nowhere and spooking the daylights out of me… and now, you think you're slick trying to hurt my friends? You will pay for this!

And so the colt instinctively sped to the end of the bridge, dragging his hindleg along the soil to create a sign. Once he was finished, Darklo jumped back and cast it. Ignis!

A wall of fire erupted from the floor, providing a deadly curtain between himself and the threat. Charging his horn, he mentally prepared himself to fire an attack spell at the first dumb cow that was stubborn enough to jump through the flames.

But as foolhardy as the plan was, it wasn’t necessary as through the gaps of the wall, he could see Applejack reining them in while directing them away from the bridge so they could stop and lie down.

So the colt breathed in, relief flushing into his body as his muscles relaxed and heart beat slowed. He was safe. They were safe. The fire wall dissipated by the will of his thoughts, and he turned to the cows, who left over the horizon after what looked like a misunderstanding given that Applejack didn’t look angry or annoyed with them.

No, those emotions were on a different mare. “DARKLO what was that?” Twilight shouted as she stormed towards him. Suddenly, his sister looked taller than before, as she oozed disappointment. “Applejack had that under control, you didn’t have to jump in. What if you got hurt or the cows actually jumped through that fire, what then?”

“I-I was just trying to help.”

Spike wandered beside the unicorn and tugged on her fur. “Give him a break Twilight, he was clearly shaken up by the whole ordeal. Maybe, we should talk this out some other time.”

Spike’s logic did appear sound, so Twilight relented, stretching her face with a hoof to relieve some of her built up stress. “Your right Spike. Sorry, Darklo. Just… if you're going to help, please try to keep a cool head okay?” Darklo nodded apologetically like a foal that disobeyed their parents. “Good, now let's go great Applejack, Pinkie will probably want to have a party in her honour so we better get going.”

Town Hall brimmed with colour and festivities, a crowd of ponies gathering by the doors to witness an award ceremony for a very important pony. Darklo stood beside Spike and Rainbow Dash and stared into space.

I can’t believe I went off the rails because of that blasted stampede. Now Twilight’s gonna give me a new one when we get home… glad Spike has got my back though.

At the podium, the lavender unicorn stood, shuffling a pile of flashcards in preparation before smiling proudly and beginning her speech.

“Welcome everypony, today we are here to honour a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to-”

“Did you see Applejack’s slick moves out there? What an athlete, though I gotta admit that the fire wall Twilight’s little guy made was pretty cool too, but back on topic! She’s gonna help me with my new flying trick and I know it’s gonna be SO awesome.

“Exactly Rainbow. And-”

Twilight continued to get interrupted by her friends while Darklo stared into the sky, but it was day time, so no moon to look at. Yet the last thing he wanted to see were the pony's stares at him. Encouraging, sympathetic, disapproving? It didn’t matter if it was out of sight, out of mind.

At last, the introductions had ceased and ponies began to cheer for the guest of honour only for the pony to be late… by 1 minute as Applejack tipped and fell over many ponies just to get on the podium. It kind of reminded Darklo of the time when he first attempted to walk on four legs, the bags under her eyes were proof enough of what happened with her.

Applejack acted like a tired Pinkie Pie on that stage, or a hypothetically tired Pinkie Pie, thinking her reflection was a fun thing to fiddle with. Eventually, the mare dragged the trophy with her teeth, which brought a trail in its wake. And at that, Darklo had an idea to escape the uncomfortable situation for a few minutes.

“Hey Applejack lemme get that for you!” Darklo activated his magic and levitated the trophy a centimetre from the ground.

“Oh heheh, thanks Darkloud.” Applejack said, walking to the other side to push the floating object along with her.

Yep, tired indeed.

“So, can I ask why you're bucking the whole orchard on your own?” Darklo said, watching as the exhausted Applejack bucked a basket of apples.

“It’s Apple Bucking Season and Big Mac hurt himself, so it’s all up to me to finish things.”

“What about the filly my age, can’t she help you just a little bit?”

“Applebloom? Nah she wouldn’t be able to handle the work, besides she’s got schoolwork to do.” Applejack dismissed, leading Darklo’s mind to wonder about school. He may need to ask Twilight about that later but there was a bigger task at hand.

“Well how about I lend a hoof instead?”

Applejack immediately flinched, resulting in her bucking at the wrong angle, which would’ve led to an apple landing on her head if Darklo didn’t catch it and placed it in the basket.

“Nope, no way no how, partner.”

Darklo frowned, the gears in his mind ticking from thinking. “Applejack, you're gonna drive yourself crazy if you keep this up. How about taking a nice nap to regain some of that Apple precision.”

Applejack shook her head as she attempted to walk around the colt, only to catch her leg on him and trip over. “An Apple never backs down from a challenge and Ah ain’t gonna let up. Now, please could yah leave? Thanks for bringin’ ma trophy though.”

With nothing left to bargain with, the colt sighed and walked away.

A few minutes of it and he came across Twilight.

“Good to see you’re feeling better Darklo, how’s Applejack doing?”

Darkloud scratched his mane. “Well, she’s sleep deprived for sure. She plans to buck all the apples in the orchard this season. Impossible in my opinion but she won't take no, nor help for an answer.”

Twilight groaned in frustration. “Alright, head back home. Spike has prepared lunch for when you arrive. I'll take a shot at her.”

And so they separated. But as Darklo left the land of the Apple orchard, he pondered to himself. I highly doubt that Twilight’s gonna break through Applejack’s stubbornness. Sleep deprivation DOES elevate negative emotions so it’s the most likely option. But what could I even do? If we can’t convince her to give in now, then how can we do it when she deteriorates even further…

Darklo stopped in his tracks, turning the gears in his head while he equipped his thinking pose. And a few seconds later, the metaphorical light bulb brightened above him.

“Oh right! If she won’t listen to us, then there are at least a few ponies she might listen to.”

Darklo returned to the orchard grounds, but instead of wandering around for Applejack, he stood at the doors of a huge barn house. A waft of apple themed products hit his nostrils through the expanse of an open window which indicated that the family were inside.

Quickly, Darklo combed his mane and pulled off his best welcoming face. It was true that he had heard of Applejack’s family before, like Big Mac, a granny and Applebloom, but he never visited them until now. He was unable to foresee how they would react to a new pony knocking at their front door. Still, if Heatwave liked them, then they can’t be as irritating as his anxious mind was making it out to be. And so he breathed in and knocked on the door.

“Eh? Now who could be knockin’ this time. Applebloom, be a dear an’ get the door.” a heavily western sounding mare said through the door.

“In a sec Granny.” A younger country girl-like voice followed and eventually, the door opened. Behind it was a pale yellow coated filly, she had a rosy mane that puffed out like a pillow which had a cute pink bow attached to it.

Wow, for once I’m actually a bit taller than somepony. I wonder if we could be frie- hold up Darklo, you know why you're here. Get to it!

So Darklo internally coughed to not look like a staring creep, and focused on her flickering orange eyes before speaking.

“Ahem, sorry to interrupt your dinner, but me and Applejack’s friends are getting worried about her and I thought you guys should know.”

Appleboom blinked at him for a few seconds, making Darklo feel as if something was on his face. “Now wait just a gosh darn minute… you’re the colt that battled with Nightmare Moon!” to emphasise her excitement, she hopped around Darklo with a skip in her step. “Darkloud, if the Ponyville News Board is true?”

“Oh.” Darklo relaxed again. He continued to forget that most of Ponyville was there to witness his failed attempt at resistance. “Yeah, that’s me, though I prefer Darklo. But anyway about Applejack, could I come in and talk with your Gran? I think she’d like to know.”

The eccentric filly nodded and walked towards the kitchen with Darklo following her. “So what is going on with ma sister? Is Apple Buckin’ Season provin’ too much for ‘er? Big Mac expected her to wait for his recovery by now, but she still hasn’t let up.”

“And that's the problem. She’s not sleeping at all and it’s greatly affecting her. If she keeps that up, I predict that she’ll lash out and hurt somepony or crash under the exhaustion. I thought her family could get through to her.”

Entering the kitchen, Darklo saw the rest of them. Both whom were at the table preparing a large apple pie that he smelt before. Granny was a lime coated mare with a frail body, her movements stiff and solid while Big Mac was a bulky red coated stallion who had the face of a gentle giant. However, he had a cast on his left forehoof which was probably the injury that caused Applejack to spiral.

“Did you get all that Granny Smith?” Applebloom asked.

“Dang nabbit, I shoulda known Applejack would overdo it,” the older mare said, shaking her head as she did, “that filly wouldn’t know quitting if it hit ‘er in the face.”

“Yeup” Big Mac added, adorning a face that exuded ‘I told you so’.

“So do you think you could talk her into an 8 hour rest?”

“She better sonny!... uh- what's your name?”

Darklo was about to answer, but the filly bounced beside him and wrapped a hoof around his neck, stunning the colt. “This is Darkloud, Granny Smith. Though Ah guess he likes Darklo better, he’s the same colt that fought Nightmare Moon and lives with Twilight!”

“Uh, yeah w-what she said. Though I wouldn’t call it a fight-”

Suddenly, Granny Smith peered towards him, one eye analysing him until she relaxed herself. “Well I’ll be… I know that dark coat from anywhere. You’re Heatwave’s colt arn’cha?”

Though the name drop was unexpected, the colt followed along. “Yeah, that’s right. He told me a lot about your family and your business. Said you guys kept him going.”

“Aw shucks, you really got y’er father’s stoicism kiddo, he was such a hardworkin’ stallion. Give ‘em an apple cutie mark and he’d fit right in with the family.”

“I’d bet.”

Big Mac had eventually grown exhausted by the constant banter, given his blank stare at the window that showed a third of the orchard de-appled. “I don’t wanna intrude granny but I think we better stop Applejack sooner than later.”

And so, Granny Smith relented. “Alright, we will go give ‘er a piece of ma mind, but then the pie will go cold…” Though, as the problem came to be, the old mare thought of a solution and smiled gently. “Actually, Darklo sonny, would ya care to join us for lunch? We can go get ‘er right after and the food won’t spoil. ‘ow about it?”

Darklo scrunched his muzzle in contemplation. “You sure? I don’t wanna intrude-”

However, the colt was cut off by Appleboom who had retracted her hold of him a minute ago. “Aw it’ll be fine Darklo, we got enough pie to go ‘round. Plus, I wanna know how you did that hornless magic of y’ers. Yah think I can do that too?”

“No idea, but to answer your invitation Miss Smith, alright then.”

The family had finished their meal with Darklo and it was more of a blast than the colt expected. Applebloom had a lot of questions to ask about his alchemy which he happily obliged with and was especially pleased that he also didn’t have a cutie mark, though he didn’t know why. And Granny Smith had a lot of stories to tell about the orchard and even some stories about his father. Big Mac didn’t say much but he occasionally added something to the conversation that was interesting.

At the moment, they strolled up towards an apple tree that Applejack was trying, and failing to buck.

“So dad actually sold you a relic that made you younger?” Darklo asked, intrigue brimming on his face.

“Y’ep, was a few days revisiting ma youth till it cracked. And the family didn’t know about it so they got the scare of their lives when I stocked more apples than the both of ‘em. Heh, fun while it lasted.” Granny reminisced.

By the time they were done, they were next to the exhausted mare who lay on the floor, back on the grass, using every fibre of her being to look up at them. “Oh, hehe, hey Granny. I'm just about done with half of the orchard. It should be done in a few more days.”

The four only peered down at her with pitiful glares. “Sugarcube, y’er gonna tire yourself to death fer pete’s sake! As y’er Granny, I must ask ya to hit the hay.”

Applejack’s eyes widened, revealing her bloodshot eyes. “Come on Granny, I'm almost done. Look at the horizon,” she directed her hoof towards a field of trees void of apples. “I did all that without ANY help. I can do the last half on my own too!”

“B-but Applejack…” Applebloom interjected, but she stayed silent so Darklo added, “That doesn’t look like half to us.” Both of them point to the other side where rows and rows of unpicked trees led to the horizon, leaving Applejack’s mouth agape.

“Wa, b-but d’em apples, they were, they…ughh” she said before passing out in a muffled haze.

“...I’ll just get Twilight” Darklo stated, however a bright light followed his words and made it easy.

“You called?”

“Wait, how did you know I needed you?”

Twilight shrugged and gave a sheepish smile. “Sisterly instincts?”

That’s a load of bull…

Finally, Applejack had woken up in a haze with Darklo peering over her.

“You alive? Okay, good. Now Applejack, I understand doing things on your own feels much better than asking for help. Believe me, I know. But sometimes, there is going to be too much on your plate that you can handle. So please see reason and let others know before you keel over.”

Applejack paused for a few seconds and relented. “Alright.”

“Sigh. Thank you. Now sit tight and let's get working ourselves. Sis, would your friends mind?”

“To help a friend? Absolutely.”

Applebloom paced between them, also relieved of the situation coming to a close. “I can help too if yah like. It’s what friends do right?”

Darklo stared at her amazed. “Friends? Well, sure. I'll take your word for it.”

This resulted in the unicorn mare shrieking in delight. “Ohhh, your first friend. I knew you could do it.”

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she’s always there to help anypony. The only trouble is when she needs help, she find it hard to accept it. Everypony should aim to be independent, but a life of solitude is not how anypony should live. So while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it’s also accepting what our friends have to offer and also understanding when you need to put your hoof down when somepony is hurting themselves physically or mentally.

Your faithful student and thankful colt,
Twilight Sparkle and Darklo.

“Phew I’m glad that’s all over,” Spike said as he entered the group sitting at the table sipping apple juice, “luckily, I know just the treat to celebrate!” And so, he pulled out the most disgusting muffins of all time with worms and a smell that exuded toxic waste.

“Okay, who in their right mind could intentionally make food like THAT!” Darklo asked, utterly appalled at the culinary disaster.

Applejack awkwardly chuckled. “Hehe, well I may have done a couple of favours before yah set me straight.”