• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 843 Views, 37 Comments

Thunder and Magic: Season 1 - Rapane443

Lux Festus, the youngest and last wielder of the Philosphers Stone sacrificed himself to save the future of Earth from the darker side of humanity. However, God had other plans for the early teen, besides the afterlife.

  • ...

Episode 4: Boast Busters

The sun beamed across the territory of Equestria, lighting the land in its warmth. This was especially true with the humble orchard of Sweet Apple Acres, the fruit embracing the product of life as their own. Under one such tree, was Darklo who sat on a surfaced root while scribbling a myriad of engravings on the sole of a set of hoof pads.

"Okay, perfectly symmetrical. Now watch this Bloom." The studious colt said as he turned to a hoof-made bench in front of him where the Apple family's filly sat, already watching intently. The two had frequently visited each other at this specific location since they were formally introduced which gave the colt enough time to fulfil some latent questions with his alchemy along with demonstrating them to his first friend his age.

"Ah'm ready Darklo!"

With the nod of approval, he equipped the golden laced pad onto his hooves and tapped each one against the bark to test their durability.

"Okay. Everything is set, now here we go." Darklo shifted his weight and bucked towards the sky, bullets of wind skyrocketing out of the troposphere. Following this, he performed the same action again, but instead of another barrage of air, a blast of fire erupted from his hooves which only reached the highest point of the trees before dissipating into smoke. Excellent, just one more step before I can feel the currents coursing through my skin again!

"Woah, Ah fought you could only use one at a time. Ah mean," Appleboom proceeded to grab Darklo's hoof to investigate the written sign. It had what looked like the Star of David etched into the leather, "there is only one on each."

"Well you're not wrong Bloom," the smiling colt responded, clearly loving the chance to do the teaching for once, "you see, the power of fire, or Ignis as its said to activate from, is an upside down triangle, while air's sign, or Aer, is drawn with a normal triangle." At the call of each phrase, the shape of each element lit up and returned to normal. "So I'll be able to use both without the need to draw one in the situation. I mean, those notes aren't the most efficient source to use."

"Yah sure I can't do that too?" The filly asked innocently.

"I've only been able to use them by imbuing them with my magic but, only one way to find out, I suppose." Darklo replied with a shrug, tossing her a pre-made fire note which she caught in her teeth.

"Uhm, put that on your hoof. If it works... I will NOT be held responsible for a burnt jaw."

"M'kay." Applebloom stuck it on, as told, and closed her eyes.

...Nothing happened.

"Try saying it aloud. Remember, you need to empower it with magic. All ponies have it right?"

"Yeah, obviously, we wouldn't be livin' if we didn't... Ignis!"

Once again, nothing. The enthusiastic filly drooped to the floor, checks puffed out. "Aw, still nothin'..." Darklo couldn't help but take a stroll down memory lane. Her disappointed face almost mirrored his own during his many failed attempts at remastering the art. So understanding her point of view, he patted her back.

"Bloom, we haven't gone through ALL the possibilities yet. From what I read in the ruins, about 2 signs will work for you. Like me for example, I can only use fire and wind." Darklo kinda lied through his teeth with that statement. He had forgotten to test the rest of the signs since Twilight lectured him on staying out of danger, taking to a normalised method of study to placate his sister. Still, he didn't know if magic could even be manipulated out of the body by earth ponies and pegesi so for all he knew, he was stringing her on. But looking at that face, hopeful and determined as he once was, he couldn't push himself to be up-front. "I know you can do it, it will just take more time and experiments. Now, how about I ask my sister to buy us ice cream for the day."

Bingo. Applebloom's demeanour had turned a complete 180, a giddy smirk plastered her cheeks while her eyes gleamed like fire. "Do Ah?" She answered, the innocent sarcasm so thick, it could be cut with a knife. The filly let go of the note and galloped with Darklo back to Ponyville.

The note guided itself along the air and landed onto the soil, the drawing facing towards the sky.

And then it flickered, puffing out a hint of smoke.

The happy foals made their way across the Ponyville pathway towards the Library. But the colt noted that there was a large abundance of ponies outside. It wouldn't be so strange if they weren't crowded into one place.

"Uh, what's happening over there?"

"Ah don't know Darklo, maybe somepony is putting on a performance." The two of them nodded to each other, instinctually recognising eacho others desires and pushed their way through the crowd, which was remarkably easy given their small statures. Eventually, they got to the front of the crowd and the fist thing they laid eyes of was a remarkable show stage with colours and add-on's built to impress. On said stage was a smug looking mare with a blue coat and lilac eyes, wearing what Darklo thought was a wizard's cloak and hat. It was strikingly similar to the attire in Aide Academy, only given to students who graduated at their specified course to keep as a memento of their well earned grades.

Does she know alchemy too? Maybe this will be worth the watch- wait what's Twilight and the gang doing here?

Darklo had just noticed Twilight watching nervously in the crowd while the others stood by her. The colt lightly jabbed Appleboom to follow him and as they closed in on their location, Rainbow Dash, well, dashed towards the mare. "So, 'great and powerful Trixie', what makes you think you're so awesome anyway?" the unamused pegasus said, finally revealing her name to the newcomers.

"Aha! Why, only the great and powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish. The dreaded. Ursa Major!" Trixie dramatically roused, pride scraping from her voice as the special effects on the stage lit up and sparked into an eruption of fireworks and dazzling colours. The end of the spectacle revealed the 2d image of the 'Ursa Major'.

"An Ursa Major... I've heard of it before, but how dangerous is it?" The colt asked, facing his sister with a gleam of both amazement and curiosity.

"It's a creature endemic to the Everfree forest. Legend has it that they are larger than an adult dragon." Twilight responded, ignoring the sudden appearance of her little brother. "But they are normally territorial creatures that stay in deep caves to protect their young. It's a wonder how Trixie even encountered one, especially in a populated town like Trottingham. I'l have to give 'Guide to Magical Creatures' another read and do some fact checking."

Darklo nodded. If what Trixie was claiming was true, although a stretch given Twilight's information, then he was definitely going to stay around. Maybe he could get some tips on magical tricks from her, though her attitude might make it difficult.

And the colt and his companion did just that. However, what Darklo was witnessing left a blank stare on his face. After a duo of colts hyped her up, each of Twilight's friends who were present hopped onto the stage to bring her down a few pegs. Applejack tried a rodeo trick but was out-staged by a rope that constricted her with snake-like movements, leaving Applebloom appalled. "What in tarnation was that! So much for an honest-to-heart magician..."

Darklo could help but agree as he continued to watch while the filly helped untie Applejack from the magical rope. Rainbow Dash was up next and did as her name implied, flying as fast as possible, which was impressive, albeit, going from dash to crash when Trixie blasted her with a clumsy spell. And Rarity got up last, egged on at a slide comment about her style, but was repaid with her hair becoming a nature reserve, bringing her to tears and galloping away from view.

The colt could ignore the boasting and arrogant nature of the magician, who he realised was just using plain old magic, as everypony should have the right to validate their success, especially if it helps other ponies in someway. But what he couldn't get behind was the disrespect she showed with her competitors. The goal was to do better than them, not make them look bad.

The display had given Spike the same idea, shaking his head while clicking his tongue. "Well Twilight, guess it's up to you. Come on, show her what you're made of."

"But Spike, I'm nothing special," Twilight glanced at Darklo and Applebloom momentarily, "flaunting a lie like that wouldn't make me a good role model."

"But you are! Darklo isn't gonna think any less of you just 'cause you want to prove yourself." He answered, but Twilight ignored it, backing away from the crowd.

"Hey, don't drag me into this. It's her choice!" The colt interjected while Applebloom tilted her head, confused over the situation. Though, the conversation did catch Trixie's attention.

"So you choose to run away, unicorn. Why? Too scared to challenge the excellence of a pony greater and more powerful than you?"

"I-I dont-." Twilight struggled to make any words before making an excuse and speeding back home.

The three of them looked to her fading figure, one disappointed, another unsure, and a third mildly irritated. Applebloom sighed before getting a bright idea and turning to Darklo. "Why don't you try Darklo?" She asked, getting the colt to turn towards her.

"I don't see the need, Trixie is only doing what her job entails. Entertain." He stated, tapping his hoof while avoiding his friends gaze. "Besides, you can't measure or prove power."

"But look what that pony has done to ma sister! Look how she made y'ers sister feel. Yah gotta do somethin'."

"Yeah, surely you can blow her hooves off the ground with your ancient magic! Besides what will feel better: watching as that pony messes with our friends or avenging your sisters honour?" Spike cheered, placing both claws on his shoulders.

"Ey, keep her out of this-"

"Pleeeeease~ best friend." The filly said as she decided to commit a war crime and unleashed the strongest puppy dog eyes Darklo had ever seen. His heart melted with only a single glance and he wasn't going to wait any longer to feel the long term effects, so he groaned in defeat.

"Fine, but even if I win or lose, Twilight doesn't hear about this, deal?" The two nodded eagerly, which got the grinning magician's attention.

"Ahaha! So the little colt wishes to play? Go on now, show the adults what you can do. I LOVE a good show." Trixie goaded, beckoning him onto the stage while the crowd stared, whispering about the familiar figure.

Darklo, scoffed at the playful remarks, standing firm. "The last thing I want to do is play Miss Trixie, I'm more of a work kind of pony." He said, walking towards the stage, and to everypony's perspective, the colt... hovered.

A steady whirl of wind swirled around his hooves while he continued to make his way on stage without a glow of his horn or any of the notes he usually carried, leaving everypony starstruck with their mouths unhinged, including Trixie and minus Appleboom who was grinning maniacally.

"And with work comes mastery, and with mastery comes efficiency. Enough efficiency to where magic can be awakened from within. So tell me Miss Trixie," the colt peered down at her with a blank face, making sure he didn't appear to be rude to an older pony, "could you meet me at eye level? I'd hate to keep looking down at you, it hurts my neck."

The crowd awed at the shocking display while the magician gritted her teeth. "Why, you insolent colt, you dare mock Trixie?" she grumbles, igniting her horn and shooting a blast of energy his way. The colt propelled himself upwards and avoided the attack. He was not amused.

"I wonder if assaulting a foal will land you in a jail cell... oh well, not like I'll stick around and find out. I made my point and that's that. I'm out." Darklo said, turning his back from Trixie and floating over the crowd before landing on solid ground and galloping to who knows where.

The night invaded Equestia as it always did, bringing a calm darkness across the lands and Darklo loved it, gazing at the moon while resting on a grassy field. He did admit to himself that he should've just left with Twilight like a mature adult, yes he did it for the purpose of another but Applebloom and Spike definitely had vengeance on their mind.

Miss Trixie did seem rather pissed. Getting outdone like that would probably hurt anypony, though. For petes sakes it's her job to act like that, I mean, who'd wanna watch a timid pony do magic tricks?

As he continued to stargaze, the colt had pondered on the whole situation and nodded to himself, resolute. "Yeah, I should probably apologise." He rolled upright and walked to her stage at the town square. But it wasn't there.

Instead, there was a wagon that had the same wood holding it together as the stage boards he refused to walk on. A convertible stage that's also a vehicle? Now THAT is what I call convenient.

The colt made his way towards the wagon's door, and with a deep sigh to relax his nerves, he gently knocked on the wood. A few seconds after waiting by the wagon, he could hear the shifting of sheets and the sound of hooves landing on hard wood. "Huh? yaaawn who in their right mind dares disturb the great and powerful Trixie during her beauty sleep?"

Trixie then opened the door with her magic, the magician looked almost the same as usual, the only difference between her show persona being a few strands of hair lying out of place and a stare that screamed 'don't bother me'. "Oh, it's you." Her voice was dry, but not venomous which was a positive in Darklo's eyes. "Here to gloat, little colt? 'Cause Trixie doesn't care and would much appreciate some shut eye."

"Sorry, to bother you at night Miss Trixie. I just- uhm, wanted to apologise for what happened at your show." the magician raised her eyebrow at him, sceptical of what he meant. "I didn't mean to make you look bad in front of your audience, it was really rude of me. It's your show and it's your job to make things entertaining. Still, I'm not gonna forget how you put everypony down just to boost your own. You should show your own magic instead of using others as stepping stools. It just isn't cool, or show any strength on your part."

"Hmph, your apology shall be granted. Be grateful! For I don't forgive such transgressions so easily. I shall admit that your magic is..." the mare paused, as if trying to think of a less gratifying word, "different. But you have a long way away to outshine a mare as powerful as I."

Did... did she not hear my word of advice at all?

Darklo couldn't help but shrug. If the mare was going to at least take the apology, then everything is now even and he can leave without a guilty conscience. "Fair enough, your magic IS impressive. Tell me, how long have you been practicing that style of magic?"

"Oho? You wish to peer at Trixie's craft? Well Trixie is tired, take this and scram. Nice chat colt!" Trixie answered, tossing a book at his direction which he caught in his magic before the magician shut the door.

"Well goodnight I guess." Darklo added, checking the cover of the book. '100 Ways to Impress: The Show is Yours!' Yep that seems like a Trixie book. Well some of her spells did look pretty useful, I'll just take this back home.

Unfortunately, his plan would be turned over his head when two blurs zipped past him, causing him to spin like a twister and skid along the dirt. "Woah, watch where you're running." The two, who had recognised as the colts worshipping the magician before, impatiently ignored them and stopped near Trixie's wagon and banged on the door with haste and panic in their movements.


Ask and they received, as Trixie jumped out of bed and dashed back at the door to see her invaders. "Trixie thought she said the great and powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed! Did you put them up to this?" She pointed at Darklo, who only walked a few paces away.

"I don't even know their names."

Trixie groaned in response. The colt could understand it though, the colts were practically sticking to her with no breathing room, so to be interrupted by them while trying to sleep would make anypony annoyed.

"Ahahah... we- we have a tiny problem." The fat one weezed.

"Actually, it's a big one." The skinny one corrected.

"What is so important, that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie." For the first time, Darklo heard the venom in the mares voice in that sentence. But that venomous look was replaced with fear and shock when a bellowing roar cascaded the night.

Darklo turned behind him to see a bear the size of a house, it had spectral blue skin that resembled his form in God's world. The rage filled eyes and its silver claws were the only other points of note about it along with the star plastered on its head.

Darklo spoke first, tossing the book to the side. "Well, it's not a hydra at least." Immediately after his obvious statement, Trixie screamed, her mane spiking outwards like electricity shot through her skin and bolted away, which made Darklo and the colts do the same. They sprinted in the opposite direction as the Ursa Major crushed her wagon, screaming in fury.

The squad of ponies had run for as long as they could but at some point, they could tell that they reached an impasse when they were forced to stop at a dead end of houses. Going around them would only mean the Ursa Minor would crush them while pursuing them, endangering even more lives than necessary.

"Great and powerful Trixie, you've got to vanquish the Ursa!" The fat one cheered

"Yeah, big wish so we can watch!" The skinny one said.

"It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here." The fat one added... What? Darklo asked in his head as he turned to face the ignorant colts.

"Wait, YOU brought this here, are you out of your little pony minds?" Trixie questioned with a knowing fury.

"Do you even REALISE the damage that thing will do to the town?" Darklo added, mimicking the magician's movements, exuding a sense of pressure from their gazes.

"But she's the great and powerful Trixie!"

"Remember? You defeated an Ursa Major."

As if the Ursa wanted to call that bluff, it roared in her face but Darklo set up a 2 dimensional shield to act as an umbrella for them. "Uhhh okay then, stand back!" Trixie ordered, the confidence she once displayed waning with every second as she ignited her horn and tried a variety of tactics. From the snake rope to a thunder cloud, but it only ended up boring the creature.

"Huh, well that was a dud."

"Hey at least she tried. Now everypony has to deal with your mess" Darklo shook his head while the Ursa roared once more, scaring the life out of the others, which resulted in the three dashing away from danger.

Now the Ursa only had one target in its sights. Darklo.

I guess I'm all that's left between this thing and a ruined town. But I'm no longer the scared fool I was back in the Everfree. Now I have the knowledge and know-how to beat creatures your size!

His heart revved its engine, his eyes locked onto the beast and his hooves scrapped the soil as the signs on his pads glowed. "This time, I wont lose!" and his hooves shot a mini tornado of air, shooting him towards the Ursa, sending a full blown tackle at its head.

It dug its feet into the ground slightly sliding from its original position, and clapped its paws to catch the colt. But he was ready.

Darklo kicked his hindlegs to face the moon and shot a point blank fire bullet from his front hooves, onto its head while the knock back careened the colt in the air. A singe of ash overtook where the white star used to be, the beast roaring in agony from the assault.

"Come on now! You want ME buddy!" Darklo yelled, flying along the already torn up road while the Ursa followed.

I don't really need to beat it, just send it back to the Everfree and lose it in the vegetation. Worked with those cockatrices, it'll work again.

The Ursa eventually gained distance with the hovering colt, pouncing on him with a paw. The colt's thoughts went by in a single second but it might as well have been a couple minutes as he blinked and smirked to himself. His horn ignited and grabbed a rope from a barrel, shooting it like a bullet in their direction, allowing him to bite it as it flew by, taking him with it before the Ursa committed to its swing that banged on the concrete, kicking up dust in its wake.

The colt flipped, turned and eventually had his hooves facing the ground, skidding to a halt before barrelling into a poor pony's window and set off once more.

At that point, he could see the bridge that would exit Ponyville and smiled proudly. Finally, I'll get a well earned victory for once!

The colt hovered to the ground, skating along the floor like he had roller blades, leaving small jets of fire behind him.

The Ursa jumped and hung on a building for leverage before pouncing towards Darklo with haste, forcing the colt to break away from the bridge and slide out of harm's way. With no more room to fly, Darklo dodged and weaved around the Ursa's lethal slashes. But a fly can only do so much until the larger animal finds their mark, as the creature finally connected with Darklo's side, sending him flying into the rubble of Trixie's wagon.

Well shi-

Despite the activation of his shield spell, the force immediately shattered the barrier, cushioning, but not relieving him of the collision. Pangs of pain shot up his back and he whelped, gritting his teeth as he tossed the debris aside with a magical push.

"Heh, ouch- alright then, you got me good. But you ain't seen nothing yet!" The hyper-focused colt, flared his horn and his hooves shone with fire and wind, converging until they vanished, leaving sparks of electricity to flow through his skin.

The Ursa lowered its head, growling at the instinctual threat looming before it. "You see Ursa, what you see before you isn't fire or wind. But it needs to be just right for a third whole new combination to occur. Too much fire and it becomes smoke, too much wind and it becomes hot air. But when the power of both signs are JUST right..."

The lightning zipped its way around Darklo's horn like a conduit, displaying a force of magical energy exuding from it. "It becomes my favourite element. Lightning!" A beam of pure golden energy, surrounded by electricity, streamed from its source and slammed into the Ursa's chest. It flew back a few meters, flinching from the high voltage coursing though its muscles while the once unbridled fury turned into fear.

Once the offensive spell subsided, the creature lifted itself from its slouched position and fled back to the welcoming arms of the Everfree forest, though it made a huge crack in the bridge on its way out.

...He did it.

After so long in the body of another, he finally felt like himself again. The tunnel vision diluted itself and his blood slowly regulated its flow, he manually blinked and he could see a crowd of ponies he didn't know were there. Staring at him, mouths agape with looks of shock and amazement. Through the sea of colours, he could pick apart a few of them like Trixie and the colts who each had an eye twitching from the display that was unveiled to them, and Spike along with Twilight.

The dragon had his hands over his mouth, attempting to not let out a peep while Twilight had an expression that Darklo could't understand. Was it worry, anger, concern or amazement. He couldn't tell and it didn't matter as he gave the crowd a salute. "Heh, see? Now THAT'S how you put on a show. And I didn't choke that time! Oh... and sorry about the bridge."

Just as he was about to walk towards them somepony else hovered above him and lightly gripped his shoulders to keep the colt in place. "Oh no, Darklo. You're- you're bleeding!" Fluttershy stuttered. Darklo didn't get what she meant though, he didn't feel anything-

Until he did. The adrenaline had finally died down, which granted him a wave of pain to stab through his back, forcing a grunt out of him. "Woah, uh, I guess I am." He turned his head to see that his back was in fact bleeding, most likely from the shrapnel that hit him on impact, the fortunate side was that the would didn't have any excess material lodged into it.
"Eh, it doesn't look too bad. Don't worry Fluttershy, it'll heal."

"... little brother." Twilight leered over the colt in what he could now recognise was worry. "What the hay did I tell you about jumping into danger like that?"

"You said to only jump in when I have a plan. I did, and it worked."

"Still, you're injured for crying out loud!"

"And it'll heal. I'll go see a doctor if that'll calm you down."

Twilight sighed, understanding that getting this colt to know the words 'flee' was impossible and ruffled his mane. "Well, it was still some impressive magic. Glad you're learning."

Darklo smiled. "Well I do have a great older sister to call on." Twilight mirrored his expression before she turned to face the magician who walked into view.

"Trixie, during our show, you asked me why I ran away from showing off in front of everypony. So let me ask you the same question. Great and powerful Trixie, why did you run away when you've vanquished an Ursa before?" Twilight questioned with a cocked eyebrow.

But unlike her usual flare, Trixie responded in a normal apologetic tone. "I-I made it up, nopony can vanquish an Ursa Major, I just said it to make me look better. I didn't mean for anypony to get hurt from it, I promise!"

The crowd glared at her in discontent but Darklo shielded her from their stares, even though the shocks electrifying his back wasn't helping. "Wait -ow!-. I know it looks like Trixie did a bad thing, but is having an ego really a crime? She said to herself that she didn't mean harm by it. The point is, that although she did lie, that doesn't mean she's not strong or great. She's just a magician wanting to entertain."

The colt, still in pain, gave Trixie a big smile which finally turned her frown back to its dramatic smirk, ruffling the colts mane like every adult pony has the urge to do. "Of course, the great and powerful Trixie is still great and powerful. Trixie will continue showing everypony just how powerful Trixie really is! You shall see someday."

And with a smokescreen, she galloped into the night and into the horizon. Hope she WILL return someday. I kind of feel sorry about her wagon though.

Meanwhile, the colts from before were crawling away from the scene, only to be stopped by Darklo. "Now, we may be the same age, but I believe it goes without saying that leading an Ursa Major home is a stupid idea-"

"Actually, that was an Ursa Minor." Twilight added. "Ursa Major are much bigger- wait, Snips, Snails, you two caused this?" Twilight switched moods from teacher to strict parent as the brother and sister threw disappointed looks their way.

"Ehehe... well, we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor."

"We just wanted to see some AWESOME magic."

"Yeah! And the way you vanquished that Ursa Minor was AWESOME! Think we could do that stuff too?"

Darklo performed an obviously sarcastic thinking pose. "Hmmm, maybe when you two learn your lesson. Got anything in mind sister?" The colt sent a sadistic grin her way.

"Well for starters, they can clean up the mess. And what do you say Darklo. Should I give them number 25?"

"Uhm, I wasn't there to see number 25 but I'll go along with it!"

"Oooh number 25, yes. And I think I deserve it too."

"I think you're right." Twilight smirked, charging her horn and cascading a purple aura around the guy's philtrum and exploded into hairs, forming a gentlemen's moustache.

Wow, punishments here are pretty tame compared to the academy. Eh, they are colts after all... hold on if that was an Ursa Minor, how big an Ursa Major?... I gotta keep training.

The hospital was surprisingly short on patients. given the rampage of an Ursa Minor in the town, but the employees could thank the only patient in their care. Nurse Redheart wrapped a long, sterile cloth around Darklo's waist and secured it, clearing the wound of anything harmful while excess blood smeared onto it. To his left, Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike sat on chairs by the window.

Fluttershy was watching the treatment with the utmost interest. It always warmed the colts heart to see how much she cared, even though they hadn't conversed much since Rainbow's friend came crashing into town. She wasn't the element of kindness for nothing.

Spike meanwhile, was watching Twilight as she wrote a letter to the Princesses while Darklo joined in when he felt like it, reading the first page of Trixie's book he recovered from the wreckage.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

I have learnt a very valuable lesson about friendship and I have learnt an unforgettable lesson in confidence and ego. I was so afraid of being a show-off, that I was hiding a part of who I am. My brother helped me realise that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off. Especially when you're protecting your home, friends and family. It shouldn't matter how anypony sees you, as long as you know you're doing enough to be happy, that's what counts.

"So Twilight, now that Darklo showed her whose boss, do you NOW believe you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?" Moustached Spike asked, nudging Twilight's side as she wrote the final part of the letter.

"Well, yeah."

"Right on sister. I wouldn't have gotten this far if I didn't have somepony like you with me-YOAWCH!" Darklo squealed, making Fluttershy flinch, and Nurse Redheart chuckle.

"Now you're going to need to stay and rest while that heals. Come back in 4 days and we can check to see if its better."

"Heh, sure thing Doc." Darklo responded, gritting his teeth.

"Oh and I'll visit you daily... just so I know you're doing okay." Fluttershy added in a pitch just barely high enough for everypony to hear.

"Fine by me Fluttersh-yow! Jeez, it's tight enough Doc."

Twilight held in a laugh of her own at the colt's restraint and turned to her assistant. "So how did things go with Rarity?"

"Eh, she didn't go for the moustache."

"You know Spike, that moustache has nothing to do with who you are, maybe you should just try being yourself."

"Ooor maybe the moustache wasn't enough, maybe I need a moustache AND a beard!" Spike stood prideful of his revelation while Twilight shook her head and Darklo blinked rapidly, wondering what a moustache had anything to do with visiting Rarity.

Oh... ooooooooooooh. Wait are inter-species relationships a thing?!

Author's Note:

Apologies for the long distance for this chapter. IRL stuff hit hard. Still, this one was a blast to write. Building Darklo into the cast and his interaction with villains is so fun.

Also, I'm sorry but I'll be skipping episodes from now on. I'd be forever if I went through them all. Il try to mention them though. Sorry if your favourite episode doesn't get in! :scootangel: