• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 844 Views, 37 Comments

Thunder and Magic: Season 1 - Rapane443

Lux Festus, the youngest and last wielder of the Philosphers Stone sacrificed himself to save the future of Earth from the darker side of humanity. However, God had other plans for the early teen, besides the afterlife.

  • ...

Episode 6: Bridle Gossip

The Everfree was as wild as ever, but the shadowy figure paid no mind. After all, they knew the place like the back of their mind. They dutifully strolled along the mud path that led to their destination and whistled rhythmically as they did. Ponyville had always looked to lively from where they could see, yet they knew that once they stepped foot on those grounds, the music, the joy, the fun would all cease and convert into the ghost town the figure was all too familiar with.

If only they would let me talk with them. The figure pondered, but they had to forego that thought as the path became increasingly more difficult to navigate. Twisted and snapped branches littered the pathway and litters of dead leaves scattered along it. The sight didn't look odd at all to the figure, the creatures do tend to get aggressive when they become territorial. No. It was the smell that was different.

A faint waft of burning charcoal scented the air, even though no fires could be seen in the surroundings, while a nauseating sickness overwhelmed their nostrils. It was as if death was near, and that was when they advertised their sight from the path and onto the left where a rather large tree lay tumbled, covering a lifeless earth pony in its embrace.

The shadowy figure gasped. "Oh...oh poor soul." The body was already showing signs of decay, the dark fur was slowly shedding and blots of puss and gasses were bubbling up from within the skin. Though, the stallions eyes were shut, which indicated to them that somepony else was around here, but didn't bother to bury him.

The figure sighed, it was going to be gruesome and very uncomfortable, but if her homeland taught her anything, it was that all creatures must be treated with respect, even the dead. They would not let their soul live in pain.

Darklo awoke from a deep sleep, eyes puffy and legs weak. Though, the colt couldn't necessarily blame anypony about the predicament except himself. Yesterday, he decided to make use of the free time he had away from Twilight's clutches, which meant a full 2 hours of experimenting with all 20 of the signs he had ingrained in his memory.

If memory served him right, Darklo had got stuck practising with the most difficult of the 20, Custodio. The embodiment of gold that took power from the sun in order to reinforce his mind and body from outside forces. Even when he was Lux, his affluence over the sign was almost nothing, just a single shield against something before it shattered metaphorically, but when one could simply dodge or outpace the enemy, it didn't matter. Well, Principle Vir thought it mattered. The countless nights of training his mental fortitude was evident of that.

Besides the recollection, he recalled focusing his magic from the painted symbol of the sun intentionally marked on his forehead but getting no results. Just a tingly sensation through his fur. Call it tiredness overtaking his mind or stupid stubbornness coursing through his veins, he increased the pressure of the sign with a flick of the horn for a better result. The price for that: going unconscious in the middle of Ponyville's garden and waking up in the middle of the day.

Darklo sat up abruptly, clutching his head from the sudden headache. Damn, it's not as bad as mana burn, but exhaustion never gets easier. He stood in the fields until the pangs banging his head vanished and his muscles relaxed themselves.

"Alright then, back to Twilight's... who's probably going to ask where I've been all night," Darklo sighed in a serene panic, "maybe I can say I slept over at Applebloom's and got her in on the lie... but then I'd have to face Applejack."

The colt got to walking, resigning himself to his fate as he passed the busy shops. Wait no, they weren't busy at all. In fact, the houses were different too, doors and windows hastily boarded up while the colt could catch a glimpse of a few eyes that appear and reappear in quick succession. Darklo raised an eyebrow at the odd situation, muzzle scrunching in suspicion. Okay... a ghost town of a shopping district at this time of the evening? I call magical macguffin running amok.

The colt went from a stroll to a gallop, quickening his pace towards the tree-house. However, he didn't have to go that far to find out about the desolate area as a pony was right in front of him. They wore a draped cloak that hooded the pony's facial appearance, it had also hid the pony's body besides their limbs which had a pattern of stripes etched in their fur. The sight was honestly strange in Darklo's eyes, but it was rather getting the answers from the unknown figure or a Twilight with strict sibling mode on max so steeled himself, curling his lips and entering the mystery pony's view.

"Uhm, hello there stranger. You got a minute?" Darklo introduced, putting on his best welcoming face for whatever will meet him. What he saw was not what he expected however, the pony swept back its hood to reveal a zebra instead.

"Oh my, a pony who isn't cowering away, what would you like to know today?"

Darklo stared for a moment, eyes striking electricity in analysis of the striped life-form. Well, if a dragon and cows can have sentience, then it really shouldn't surprise me that other animals are similar. I'm gonna have to ask Twilight for some references.

"Uhm, I merely wanna know why everypony has gone into hiding like a global pandemic has just been announced?" Darklo tilted his head to the side to emphasise his confusion which unintentionally looked adorable to the zebra.

"I believe that the fault is on me, though not by my intent, as the chance of everypony fleeing when they see me is 100 percent."

"But why though? You seem like a decent enough pony- no, zebra sorry." Darklo pursed his lips in frustration at the lapse in judgement which granted him a chuckle from the zebra.

"It's quite alright dear colt, may I ask for your name for a later date? I have some work which will be much easier at this rate."

In responce to the sequway into an introduction, the colt smirked and gave a salute in a bipedal stature. "It's Darklo ma'am. Bringer of ancient magical arts and apparent friendship extraordinaire." He enthusiastically extended a hoof towards the zebra.

"And I'm Zecora, resident of the Everfree Forest. I collect medicines and brews, all made to get a pony back to their best." Zecora accepted the hoof-shake, smiling at the colt.

Wonder what the rhyming stuff is for. He pondered a few answers in his head from cultural things to a gimmick only Zecora does as he watched her scrape her hoof over the ground, uprooting it in the process.

Darklo had to admit that the random action was quite odd, even if it was his first time meeting a zebra, so he put on his best innocent face, honed from the weeks in his sisters care and walked beside Zecora. "Why are you digging up the path? Not to be rude and all but I don't see what that's gotta do with medicine."

Zecora chuckled lightly at him before shaking the mud from her hoof. "There is no harm in curiosity little Darklo, there is just a flower that blooms on roots that extend out of the Everfree and since Ponyville is the only area on safe land, this was the only place I could go."

Despite all the loopholes in wording Zecora used to rhyme his name, Darklo understood the message. In his eyes, Zecora was just like any other pony he's met and it made his lips curl in distaste that the ponies he trusted and respected would rather board themselves away than try to understand her. He really hoped it wasn't just a case of racism (seriously, he thought that didn't exist in Equus) but it was becoming a possibility and he didn't like it. So with a quick sigh he asked with a determined gaze.

"Can I help you out then?"

Applebloom couldn't believe what was happening right now. It wasn't old news that a strange pony that wonders the Everfree Forest occasionally comes to Ponyville to reek havoc but since she never saw them face to face, the eager filly didn't want to belive in the dastardly rumours. Unfortunately, her sister wasn't as skeptical as she was.

Once the first sighting on the pony had alarmed the residents, Applejack yanked her by her neck and dragged her into Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie Pie hid, beckoning them inside. Eventually, all of Applejacks friends had took refuge, talking horror stories of the mysterious figure. At least Twilight had her side on this.

"So girls, what makes this figure so suspicious?"

"Well, she comes into Ponyville... and stalks the market!" Rainbow Dash answered, fear jitterbug from her voice.

"Ohhh how terrifying." Twilight commented, clearly finding a joke in the totally serious evidence. It was followed by a ghostly 'ooo' from Applebloom be her side, face smug and sarcastic.

"Are ya sure they just want to shop 'round like any other pony?"

"Ya don't understand Applebloom!" Pinkie Pie stood on her hindlegs, moving towards her in a stalking motion. "They are evil, have you seen how they scrape and play with the ground like they are plotting something?"

"Or maybe they are upset that nopony is around to talk to?"

"Applebloom, that's enough! Leave the talkin' to the adults." Applejack strictly guided her frustrated sister towards the window and away from the talk.

It wasn't fair. When her friend, Darklo was around, they treated him like an adult so why couldn't they do the same for her? At least Twilight was trying to talk them down by how she commented on their superstitious beliefs like potion brewing and witches.

To get all of it off her mind, she gazed out of the nearby window and rested her hooves on it. But in a few seconds, she saw something. It was a strange striped pony with golden jewellery that wrapped around her neck and hooves. That was most likely the famous pony. But what caught her eye over the digging habit Pinkie mentioned was that Darklo was with her! He was bent right beside her, getting his hooves dirty as he cracked the ground for his accomplise to swipe the specs of rubble away.

"Aye, there she is now. And Darklo's with 'er too!"

"Darklo is what?!" Everypony yelled, immediately filling the space by the window to observe them.

"You see darling? That evil enchantress has clearly put your poor brother under a curse. We need to stop her!" Rarity dramatically swept herself off her hooves and laid on a couch she pulled towards herself in a blue haze.

"Girls, there is no such thing as curses. Also, that's not a suspicious figure at all. She's a zebra."

"B-but the stripes, they look so unnatural." Applejack squinted at the assailant, hooves shaking from the idea of her sisters only friend becoming lost to her.

"That's just how zebras look. And you should really trust my little brother more. After all, you and Rarity of all ponies should know how well he does with judging character."

The group of friends huddled together to further their heated discussion, leaving Applebloom out of the loop while she tapped at the floorboards in frustration. She hadn't been this peeved since the time a small forest fire invaded the secret hiding spot she and Darklo went to. If only Applejack wasn't so tired, their little grotto would've bee n saved. Still, she knew it was not the time for idly waiting by for the grown ups.

She will prove them wrong one way or another.

"If Darklo thinks she's alright, then what do Ah need to fear?"

Zecora and Darklo had finished their round in Ponyville, collecting beautiful flowers that were shockingly open and blooming underground. He would question it, but like Pinkie Pie, there are just some things in the pony wonderland that won't make sense so he continued his pace.

The two had made it past the boarders between the Ponyville territory and the Everfree Forest and the feeling of both dread and excitement flooded the colts senses. Sure, the foreboding glowing eyes had reminded him of the many mistakes he made in those woods but there was something about the natural greenery and unbothered landscape, untouched by magic, that made it feel like home. Rather he ment his home as in earth or his Dad's cave, he didn't know and he didn't care. All in all, the feeling was a nice change of pace.

"It is quite a shock that you used to live here little colt, as the monsters that roam could give anypony quite the jolt."

"My father and I lived here for a long while so I know my way around. Plus I can fend for myself." To emphasise his point, his hooves glowed and sparked with electricity, flowing throughout his body before dissipating with a thought.

"And I cannot disagree with such, I had only found one other pony in these woods but I believe he didn't like me a bunch."

"More like he saw you were different and avoided you?"

"Pretty much."


Frustrations over what could be his late father's racism aside, he couldn't help but chuckle. "You never let up the rhyming do you. Is it like a culture thing?"

"Zebrica has a deeply rooted history with encorporating language with rhyme, so for me, the art was to be carried on. It became second nature with time."

Darklo nodded as they passed the poison joke fields and took care to avoid their pollen. However, that was interrupted by the slight shuffling of shrubbery.

"Alright, you've been at this enough, come out so we can have a civilised chat." Darklo ordered, turning around to see his best friends revealing herself. "Applebloom. What are you doing out here?"

"Ah was just curious on what ya were doin' with her...but I also wanna stick it to my sister that being afraid of another pony is wrong!" The awkwardness the filly excluded slowly transformed into the stubborn confidence that Darklo had grown to respect Applebloom for which got the colt to smile.

"Well, I can't say no, just stick by us and mind your footing. Poison joke isn't something to laugh at."

Zecora nodded at that warning. "It would be wise to listen to your friend. A time of trickery is not a kind of day you wish to spend."

The filly skipped in the air out of joy and hurriedly caught up with them, ready to make the trip, before another interruption got their attention.

"Applebloom get back here!"

"Darklo, wait just a second."

Both foals could hear their respective siblings calling their names, one with more anger than the other. They turned backwards the second time to see the main 6 (or that's what Darklo is going to nickname their group from now on) galloping towards them and stopping right onto the poison joke field.

"Uhm gals, you don't wanna-"

"Applebloom, Darklo, what in the hay are ya doing next to her. Get over here!" Applejack ignored the colts warning, deciding to approach them with haste.

Zecora, at the sight of hostility, adorned her hood into position and backed away into the fog rolling in, leaving the foals in their care. "Beware, beware ponies of the foals, for that flower will play tricks with your souls."

From that final warning, she vanished into the fog, leaving them at the mercy of their sisters. "Ah specifically told ya to listen to me and ya didn't listen. Come on now sis, we have some talkin' to do." Applejack grumbled her words, hoisting her sister onto her back and carrying her home.

Everypony else followed her from behind, partaking in their own chat.

"Darling are you alright? Did the zebra do anything?"

"No way you didn't get cursed without fighting back. If I know you, you'd go kabam kapow," Rainbow Dash kicked the air mid hovering, "before she even knew what hit her!"

"Girls, Zecora never did anything to me, she just needed to find some flowers as ingredients for the med-"

Pinkie gasped so hard, Darklo couldn't help but stop what was saying to give her a hardened stare. "Potions!? I knew she was doing some super sneaky creepy witchcraft! Maybe thta how she inflicts curses on ponies..."

Twilight groaned in annoyance along with her brother. "For the last time Pinkie, there is no such thing as curses. And there are positive practices that correlate with potions and chemistry, we can't dub her as dangerous without talking with her. And since Darklo isn't injured or looks distressed, I'm likely to believe she's a nice pony."

Darklo swished his tail in approval, raising his chin in a smug pose. "Exactly. You can't make a judgement until you make a fair observation."

At that moment, a light bulb lit up in his head. If his recollection was true, they had all stepped on the poison joke so they will most likely hunt for Zecora one way or the other. That way, they can confront her without any hesitation and give him an excuse to show them that their just plain racist... except Twilight. After all, Zelus never pranked his sister during his enrollment so why should he?

The colts grin reached his ears as he twirled a completely invisible moustache as Twilight leaned close to his face as he walked. He froze.

"I should also ask before I forget. Where were you last night?"


There was no way out of it.

Darklo groaned as he awakened from his bed, greeted by the raised sun. He flipped the covers and front flipped onto the floor like an acrobat.

"Okay now. Let's see what prank the flower gave Twilight." He monologued, leaving his room and entering Twilight's. Luckily for him, she was already awake, eyes still baggy from the stress of her friends bombarding her with suspicions.

"Sleep well sis?"

"Urrgh, could've been better... Spike, why are you staring at me?" Darklo glanced over to the lizard who had his jaw agape pointing at Twilight's horn. Darklo didn't want to pay mention to it until he gave his sister the full story but with the cat out of the bag, there was no chance.

"Well, I was going to leave that until you were ready but... you're horn has gone dead."

Twilight raised her brow as she patted her head and felt a flabby piece of bone rather than a rigid horn. She fell silent and her eyes flew open like saucers. "...AAAGH!" The unicorn fell backwards and landed on the rim of her desk, frantically fiddling with her most prized weapon. "I-I what, this...this is impossible." She mumbled, eventually whispering under her breath "were the girls right? Could Zecora really have-"

Foreseeing the misunderstanding brewing, Darklo shoved his hoof onto his sisters mouth to get her attention. "Sorry that I didn't mention this before, frankly I was too tired of all the ignorance your friends were doing that I just went to bed. Don't worry, I know the cause. And no, it isn't Zecora's fault."

Twilight flicked her gaze toward the colt, face brimming with hope. "So this is not permanent? Please Darklo, just get to it already!"

"Hold your horses Twilight, I'm getting to it." He made a light cough to clear the air as Spike walked beside Twilight in support. "The symptoms your dealing with is merely a prank made by the flowers known as poison joke. They are plants endemic to the Everfree as I recall and can mildly change any creature that interacts with their pollen."

"But if that's the case, which book is it referenced in?"

"I...ughhhh" Darklo stammered at the question. Most of his reading in the library was just on magic control and other skills involving physical benefit, he didn't really bother with stuff like flora. To be honest, he wouldn't have known about the flowers if Heatwave didn't warn him about them on his first week in Equestria. "The source is trust."

Twilight sighed. "Well although it's receiving to know what the cause was, I have no idea on how to cure it! I've never read about poison joke before."

Darklo nodded, head held low since his original strategy to calm the waters was not as effective as hoped. Until he had a bright idea. "Well, Zecora knew about the flowers too, and she also said she does medicine and tonics so if anypony can figure out a cure, it would be her!"

In a flash, the colt sped towards the front door empowered by electricity. "Don't worry, I'll be back in a jiffy. Just keep the girls occupied while I get it all sorted."

"Wait Darklo what have I told you about going alone?!"

But it was too late as the colt had already made headway towards the horizon of Ponyville, though she could hear a slight "Come get me if I aint back in an hour!"

Twilight sighed with a smirk on her face. "He doesn't stop for anything does he."

"Nope." Spike confidently replied. However that wasn't the only thing that would appear as her friends and Applebloom came barrelling inside.

She has a lot of explaining to do.

Thanks to the speed granted to him by his lightning alchemy, (Seriously, regaining that power was like walking on water for the first time) the colt only took a quarter of an hour to get from the outskirts of Ponyville to Zecoras home in the Everfree Forest. Correction, it was more like a hut. It was as if she had taken a page out of his father.and etched their house into the confines of nature, though instead of a mountain, she chose a tree. Tiki masks were strung along the stem and the roots while an iridescent herd of fireflies cascaded by the canopy.

The colt could almost feel as if he were getting deja vu from the built in tree home but he shook himself out of the nostalgia and made his way towards the door, knocking on it once he was in range.

After the 3rd rhythmic tap on the door, Darklos ears picked up a faint "come in" from beyond the wooden walls and although he found it strange that Zecora would just let anypony in, he obliged and let himself in.

The interior was just as relaxing as the exterior. Rows of mysterious bottles stocked the shelves, stacks of ingredients lay in barrels or hooks along the walls and an already bubbling cauldron stood dead and center where Zecora was sitting.

The Zebra averted her gaze from the cauldron and onto the new visitor. "Ah little Darklo so we meet once more, I would guess that it is the cure for your friends ailments that you have returned for."

"Heh, for a non-witch you got some keen foresight." Darklo chuckled at his own joke, only to go straight faced as he noticed no hint of laughter from Zecora. "Uhm, sorry. Jokes are more Pinkies thing. Anyway, do you already have it prepared?"

Zecora returned back to the cauldron and cooled the fire below, allowing the hot liquid inside to settle. "Almost little one as although I have most of the ingredients ready for your arrival, I have ran out of something that 'only becomes dangerous once' to ensure the brews survival."

Darklo stared with a confused expression towards the zebra. "Do you really not know or is this an excuse to make me do a fetch quest for you?"

"If I leave to find the last ingredient, the brew could grow to hot or cold, ruining the cure. That is unless you can do it for me if you're quite so bold." Darklo had a feeling that it would be a bad idea. Even as Lux, he had never dabbled in potion making so it was likely he'd mess up somehow, and with the addition of his paranoid caretakers possibly ignoring Twilight's knowledge, he nodded understandingly.

"Point taken." And with a click of the doors hinges, he leaves the hut and sighs. "Okay then, 'something that only becomes dangerous once'..." The colt continued turning the gears in his head while he paced Zecoras front yard, stomping his hoof every time an incorrect answer hit him. "Poison dart frogs? No no, they are always poisonous. Mushrooms? But some are healthy, I don't know how I'd know which is which."

Maybe it was the sheer concentration that got Darklo to be distracted, as he couldn't pick up the sound of his name echoing out to him. That was until a hoof tapped his shoulder, resulting in the colt jumping in suprise and sending a sweeping kick in the direction of the perpetrater. Luckily, the blow stopped mere inches from Applebloom's head.

"Oh! Ugh, sorry about that Bloom." Sweat beads from Darklos fur as he retracted his hindleg and shone an apologetic smile.

Applebloom waved it off after blinking away her suprise. "No worries Darklo everyone gets scared sometimes. Though, Ah've never seen ya react like that before."

"Hey, just cause I like tussling with enemies doesn't mean I'm not scared. That's just what bravery is: Having fear but doing it anyway." He folded his front hooves in a defensive manner, cheeks red from embarrassment.

"Well that's alright," the eager filly manoeuvred around Darklo and walked towards Zecoras hut, "Ah'm just gonna get that cure from Zecora so my sister can finally stop yappin' about how dangerous she is-"

"Hold it." The colt gently grabbed her by the tail, forcing her to stop in her tracks. "Already asked, she's just missing an ingredient, though she's made it a riddle of sorts. 'Something that's only dangerous once'." Darklo let go once he saw that he had gained her full attention and equipped his thinking pose. "I've narrowed it down to something poisonous but I've ruled out any creatures or plants too big to fit in a cauldron. Any ideas?"

The filly fiddled with her pink bow, sticking out her tongue in deep thought. It was almost comedic in the colts eyes, mentally giggling at the image. Eventually, Appleblooms eyes shot open and smiled. "Ah think Ah got it!"

"Fire away, I'm all ears."

"I remember when we were makin' apple cider months back, we were experimentin' with usin' Vineapples from y'er dads stocks, and Granny mentioned that we had to clip off the thorns with scissors cause anything touchin' the tips would inject a toxin that would make it deadly to eat. Makin' it poisonous only one time!"

"Oh..." To be honest, Darklo completely forgot about the Vineapples, the colt only remembered that Heatwave and him picked them clean to sell. His father even told him about the fact about its poison to avoid mistakes.

Darklo hoofpalmed. "Thanks for the extra mind Bloom. Now we have the ingrediant down." His face returned to its determined gaze as he galloped through the foliage before turning back. "Follow me, I remember where they grew. Let's get this done before Twilight can't hold her friends back."

And so, they ran together through the forest. Applebloom gave him an awkward smile in responce. "Uhm, Twilight couldn't hold them back half an hour ago."

"... drats!"

The adventurous foals finally had the hut in their vision once more with a Vineapple carefully floating in Darklos magic. The journey to get one was rather easy. They were able to reach the field of Vineapple trees without any dangerous creatures blocking their path, so Applebloom bucked a tree which resulted in one falling and being grabbed by Darklos ethereal hold.

"Hopefully, we made it in time." Applebloom commented, stopping just by the door.

"I think we-" Unfortunately, Darklo first assumption was proven wrong immediately when both foals heard a ruckus inside.

"Girls please, we can't know for sure if Zecora did that. Darklo had literally told me that those flowers we stepped in were the reason, did you all forget that?" Twilight said. Applebloom and Darklo sighed, realising that they were a little too late, and opened the door.

It was the first time Darklo had witnessed the others and their pranks, so he had to hold a laugh when he saw Rarity's fur and mane, long and thick like a poodle and Applejack whose stature was the size of his leg.

"Then how do ya explain how Darklo and Applebloom are missin'? She clearly made them into stew!" Applejack pointed towards the cauldron that was tipped over, spilling the contents that was going to be their savior, while Zecora hastily readjusted it upright, mildly annoyed.

"Just look around you darling, the decor clearly spells doom. How can you not see that?"

Pinkie replied by sputtering random noises while her mouth was snapped shut, performing some weird dance.

"Settle down, the kids are fine, however I find it quite rude to barge in and destroy the home of my design."

Rainbow got up from a pile of tiki masks and scoffed at Zecora. "After what you've done to Darklo and Applebloom, we have EVERY right to. And this is pay back for what you did to us." She tried to fly into her and tackle to Zebra, but miraculously swerved to the left and crashed into a wall. "OW...see! You're making me look ridiculous!"

Finally, Fluttershy made a comment in a voice so deep and masculine that Darklo would've never expected it. "You made me-"

"Alright pause right now!" Applebloom ordered, closing the door while Darklo followed behind her.

"Yeah, what she said. This little racist trip of yours must come to an end."

The main 6, besides Twilight who only had mild relief on her face, stared at the foals with bewilderment and suprise.

"But... but how, we gon thought y'all were turned into soup!"

"Applejack, ya highly underestimate us if ya think we'd let ourselves get boiled. We just went out to get some stuff for Zecora." Applebloom held her head high, proud of her accomplishment while tilting her head towards the colt. "Ah think ya should give her the apple."

"Oh right. Speaking of which Zecora, here's you go, a Vineapple which can 'only be dangerous once'" Darklo followed up his words by floating the fresh thorny apple towards the zebra.

She grabbed a hold of the stem happily. "I knew you would be able to solve my riddle, though the addition of your friend and other ponies certainly threw me through a fiddle."

Twilight decided to clear the air for everypony involved, smiling at the foals. "I'm glad you both are still in one piece. We're you able to get the cure Darklo?" She asked, hope brewing from her words.

The colt and filly deadpanned. "That's the thing sister. We were ABOUT to, but your cure just got spilled on hard floor a moment ago."

"Mhm" The two nodded in synch with each other, leaving Twilight conflicted.

"Oh... Zecora we are really sorry about this. I tried to tell them why this was happening but they just wouldn't listen."

"Now now Twilight, we had ample reasoning to believe in the worst. Like what's with all the masks."

"They are emblems from my homeland, reminds me of my youth, oh so grand."

"And the creepy rhyming?" Rainbow leered.

"It's a sacred part of their language," Darklo added, "it's just apart of her culture."

Everypony in the wrong lowered their heads apon realising their misjudged fears. "So Twilight was right... it was just a prank from poison joke, not some curse?"

"For the last time, there are no such thing as curses. But at least we end on a good note. Anyway," Twilight averted her vision from Zecora, even though she was talking to her, "is there still enough for the cure?"

"Hmm," The zebra peered into the reduced contents. "I think I can make some more for everypony, thanks to the foals efforts, the cure shouldn't work like a phony."

"And do we need to drink that?" Fluttershy asked in her.

"All you have to do is take a bath and let the contents take the stage," Zecora trots to her potion table where an open book laid, displaying all the steps for the cure, you can find the process on this very page."

Twilight flinched. "Wait, so it WAS in a book? I checked every relevant scripture, how could I have-" the unicorn had went to the book and flipped it onto its cover, revealing the title, Supernaturals. "Oh... I kinda skipped that one. It seemed like it was more supernatural than natural."

Twilight attempted a cheeky smile and Zecora chuckled. "Perhaps you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, though I I'm relieved this is all over."

"Not really." Applebloom jumped in the air to catch everyponys attention. "The townsponies are still terrified of her, we can't just leave it like that."

Everypony nodded in agreement and left the hut to end what Darklo perceived as non-pony racism.

After an hour of getting everypony informed and used to Zecoras presence, the towns perception shifted quite quickly. At least Darklo could feel at peace that he wouldn't have to deal with that ever again. But he knew better, the world is big and not everypony had the same outlook so he would need to stay prepared for such encounters.

The colt watched the main 6 rest in the cure-filled bubble bath produced by the spa and smiled at their progress. They had all gone back to their normal selves and he could tell it was a job well done by the fact that Twilight was writing the next friendship letter to Celestia- wait.

"Twilight, don't forget to add Luna and me on that letter!"

"Don't worry, it's a habit at this point."

Nodding to himself, he rose from the pillow he was resting on and stood by Zecora and Applebloom.

"So how are you liking the new change of pace?"

"It's like a whole new Ponyville than before, no looks of fear or contempt to be seen anymore." She replied while patting the kid's heads. "And I owe it all to you, foals."

Applebloom chuckled at the sensation. "We're both happy to help, that's what friends are for right Darklo?"

The colt in question gave her a hoof stomp of approval. "Certainly Bloom. Whenever there is somepony in need, we are here to solve it. The more problems we solve, the smarter and stronger we get!"

The strange remark about self improvement felt almost new to the zebra. The colt was odd to begin with; having a kind of magic unshackled by his horn while a determined glow of electricity oozed from his eyes. It was unlike any foal she had ever seen before.

"Little Darklo, you can answer only if you want to, but is there a reason why improving yourself at your age is of such importance to you?"

The colts gaze softened as he took the time to look at the main 6 and Applebloom before responding solemnly. "I just want to keep everypony around me safe. T-theres just something about letting chance take the wheel that rubs me the wrong way, so if I'm going to be in a situation where I must act, then I want to be ready for it." Zecora closed her eyes, absorbing the information given to her while pondering.One so young yet so mature, but youth is still youth, that's for sure.

Her wise eyes returned to meet the colt and smiled. "A noble goal like that will take time and patience, but I may have a few methods that could help if it holds such importance." And with that, Darklo's face hardened once more, mouth grinning at the implication.

"Any kind of help is a good thing. I think I'll take you up on that offer Zecora, or should I say teacher?"

"Such questions will have to wait until a more suitable time, as I need to clear up a few things of mine."

"Oh okay. Until we meet again again then." Zecora nodded and left the spa. Once the click of the door was in place, Darklo felt a nudge from his side.

"Hey, Ah wanna go too. Ya still promised to teach me that ancient magic stuff." the eager filly curled her lip in annoyance while Darklo chuckled awkwardly. He kind of forgot about the tutoring session they used to do. Wasn't really his fault since their original meeting place had set ablaze and became off limits, but he did admit that he was still curious about seeing the effects of alchemy with somepony else. Just how strong could they be? Can non-unicorns really use it?

Darklo reaffirmed himself and gave a smirk to mentally ignore his previous shame. "That's fine by me, we needed a new meeting spot anyways. We can get back to working through the signs and seeing if any work for you. Deal?" The colt extended his hoof to her.

"Deal!" Applebloom agreed cheerfully as she bumped her hoof with his four times and stomped the floor in sync. And so their friendship solidified along with a new handshake to boot. With both of us together, nothing can go wrong!

Author's Note:

Wow, that took a little while. But we are getting closer and closer.
I thought this episode would be nice to just enforce Applebloom and
Darklo's friendship since the crusaders will be uniting soon.
Also, I'm taking the training wheels off now. No using the canon lines from
episodes to pad it out. Just gotta make sure I don't screw up :twilightsmile: