• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 832 Views, 37 Comments

Thunder and Magic: Season 1 - Rapane443

Lux Festus, the youngest and last wielder of the Philosphers Stone sacrificed himself to save the future of Earth from the darker side of humanity. However, God had other plans for the early teen, besides the afterlife.

  • ...

Episode 5: Look Before You Sleep

Darklo sat on his bed, hooves dangled over the side while his gaze lay stuck to the door. In light of the injury that laced on his back, Darklo could do nothing but follow the advice of the doctor and stay resting. But nothing could've prepared him for the boredom that overtook him.

Every book in his vicinity was read and re-read during the days of his unexpectedly longer period of recovery, leaving that option even more brain-draining, and there was something about asking Twilight for help that made him shiver in pride. Yes, Darklo respected his sister a lot and would do anything for her. But the other way around...

My pain, my problem.

Understanding that it was to try gaining mobility or suffer another hour tapping away at the oak walls, the colt lifted himself off the bed and landed on the floor with a clop.

The result of the impact left a minor sting along his back, but the pain was leagues easier to handle than the surges of agony he felt after the Ursa Minor altercation. "Phew, even longer rest required, my ass. I know you mean well Doc, but I ain't waiting anymore." Darklo monologued, as he walked towards his desk and pulled out a marker in a magical glow.

"Now with Spike off on Canterlot business and Twilight on the roof, tuning that lightning rod for today's storm, it's time I take this chance." The colt grinned at the marker and made his way to the center of the room, before delicately drawing a sign on the wooden floors. It was the shape of the female gender symbol along with a cut off circle connected to the top, resembling an unfinished 8.

Darklo analysed the drawing for any mistakes in the design and once he saw none, the colt nodded to himself. "Ah the symbol of Mercury, Principal Vir really loved this spell, especially in his hay day," Darklo stepped a few meters away from the symbol and faced it, "albeit, I was never as good as a Conduit, but I know just enough to test my theory." The colt's horn flared and the mercury sign glowed in a golden hue. Darklo shut his eyes, concentrating deeply "Alright then world, show me where you stand with me!"

Lord, my body is yours to direct. Open the doors beyond space and allow your hand to send me to my destination by your will. Ianuae!

At first, the colt felt no disturbance, until his fur flared and an ethereal glow enveloped him. By the time, Darklo opened his eyes, the sensation dispersed and he noticed that he stood, not by the walls of his room but dead in the middle of the sign. The colt grinned like he got a present he always wanted for Hearth's Warming.

"Heheh... they work, by the Lord, they ALL work! YES WOOO!" Darklo exploded in cheers and child-like wonder, bouncing around until the door opened.

Wait wha- The colt froze mid jump, standing on his hindlegs while the infiltrating pony looked towards him, concern and motherly disapproval plastered on her face.

"Darklo, you need to stay in bed. Nurse Redheart made that very clear." Fluttershy entered his room and swooped over the colt, picking him up and carrying him to bed. "I don't want you to reopen that nasty wound before it fully heals."

Darklo sighed in apologetic defeat. Fluttershy had promised to visit him during his involuntary house arrest and she followed through with it. The colt couldn't lie that the gentle mare was a treat to have around, she always kept the door open so he could chat with her and made delicious meals that would give Spike a run for his bits. But it was at times like these where he would find grievances with her boundless kindness.

"Fluttershy, I feel perfectly fine. The cut doesn't even hurt anymore and I can move pretty well, you JUST saw me a second ago."

"I-I know you want to get back on your hooves again, but please understand that we are asking this because we care." Fluttershy unwraps the bandage and flies out of the room momentarily, returning with a clean one and applying it. Darklo looked at his mirror behind him and saw the wound had practically closed, the only evidence of his injury being a dark line that reached his shoulders, but in Fluttershy's eyes, it might as well have been the same as it looked prior to meeting Nurse Redheart, crimson oozing from the open skin and muscles visible to sight. "Just give it one more day and I promise, Twilight will let you outside again and you can do what you want."

Darklo smiled at her. "Well fine, but you promised. Anyway, why did you even bother to check up on me? Surely you would be back at home with the animals for the upcoming storm scheduled today?"

Fluttershy hovered away from Darklo's bed and took a cloth from the kitchen before returning and cleaning up the marking the colt left on the floor. "Don't worry, I left Angel in charge while I'm here, and the storm won't be here until the next hour anyway. I'll be leaving once Twilight is done."

"Uh huh, so basically you're here because Twilight thought I'd do something..." Darklo plainly stated, "well, she wasn't wrong so- wait a minute, you put the rabbit in charge?" The colt scowled deeply. He had already come in contact with the white menace before and he wasn't going to do that again. "That little guy shredded my room and got Spike tied up. You're sure they're safe with him."

Fluttershy awkwardly chuckled. "Yes, Angel can be quite the handful, but he's really sweet when you get to know him. He will be fine."

"Well, who am I to disagree with a mare that could talk down a dragon?" The rhetorical question left a smile on her face as she opened the curtains of his window.

"Please Darklo, t-the dragon just needed a bit of... help." She squeaked at the last word when she noticed that the dark clouds invading the sky crashed a cascade of rain across Ponyville. "O-Oh no, the storm, it's already here! But why so early? I-I gotta go Darklo, I'll be back tomorrow!" The mare sped through her monologue as fast as she moved to the door and opened it.

Fluttershy dashed out into the storm, but one lightning strike later, and she skidded back into the house, shivering. "I...I can't" The frightened pegasus paced around the library room like Twilight would on a difficult question. "Will they be alright, oh Angel please be alright!"

Darklo slipped out of bed and walked down to her. "Fluttershy, I'm sure the animals can spend one night alone." He patted her head to calm her down, which proved ineffective given the shivering didn't cease. The attic trapdoor opened up and Twilight came out, the coat dripping with water before she shook it off.

"Oh Celestia, Fluttershy I'm really sorry, the weather patrol must have brought the clouds faster than anticipated. You will need to stay here until it blows over..." Twilight's face is brewed with concern before turning to Darklo. "Brother, please make some tea. And mind your back!"

Lighting up at the idea of finally being allowed to stretch his body, he saluted his sister. "Right on sis." He strolled his way towards the kitchen and turned on the kettle while setting a few cups and placing tea bags in two of them. The colt sneakily glanced at the mares who were peering out the front window and grabbed the coffee grain tin, transferring a teaspoon of it into his cup.

Nothing is better than a time inside and a cup of coffee.

Darklo's ears flicked as the ding on the kettle rang out, and he poured the hot water in the cups. Once ready, he grabbed them in his magic and walked back to them. "Alright, tea on deck and ready for a nice night- uh what are the two of you looking at?"

Both mares turn to Darklo. "I-its Applejack and Rarity, they are still out there!" Fluttershy responded.

"Hold on, I'll get them in." Twilight said, slamming the door open and calling out their names, which eventually got their attention. Rarity rushed inside while Applejack slid to a halt at the door mat.

"Woah nilly, is a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?"

"That is if you have a magical lightning rod protecting your home like we do. Come on in." Twilight greeted and grabbed a cup of tea from Darklo.

"Oh, well we are MOST grateful for your invitation."

"Thank ya kindly for y'er hospitality-" Applejack was about to walk indoors until Rarity stretched a hoof out and pointed to her muddy hooves, her face oozing a slimy sarcasm.

"Do be a polite house guest and wash up, please why don't you." The remark left the Apple mare in an annoyed heap, grumbling at the situation.

By that point, the house was being invaded by water puddling by the door so the colt, impatiently ignited his horn. "Allow me." The mud on Applejack's hooves became unstuck and levitated in the air before being tossed outside while the door shut along with it.

Applejack smiled warmly at him. "Thanks for that sugarcube." Darklo nodded and they joined Rarity and Twilight.

"Some storm huh? The pegasus ponies really outdone themselves this time, faster and stronger than ever before I tell you."

"Though... I w-wouldn't recommend heading home now. The storm is really intense." Fluttershy added as another lightning strike made her flinch.

"Fluttershy you're here too?"

"She overstayed her welcome, taking care of me and is stuck here," The colt chided before sliding more cups for each mare, "tea?"

Rarity grabbed it with her magic while the rest sat down with theirs. "Thank you darling. And in light of the storm, getting back to the boutique would surely be a problem."

"Well you all are welcome to stay over, Spike is out on Canterlot business so it's just me and Darklo tonight." Twilight then gasped giddily. "You, Applejack and Fluttershy should totally stay over! We'll have a slumber party, I've always wanted one of those."

The two mares blinked in shock and checked nervously. "Oh Ah don't know... Ah think I had a few chores at the barn that Ah needed to get done. Ah can't possibly stay here... with Rarity."

"And I do believe I had an engagement that completely slipped my mind. Ahaha woo hoo, oh silly me, I can't possibly stay here all night... with Applejack."

"I-I think it's a nice idea..."

"Then it's settled!" Twilight brought out a book with pillows on the cover, to which Darklo grabbed a hold of and checked the title.

"'Slumber 101, all you've ever wanted to know about slumber parties but were too afraid to ask."

"My own personal copy, it's a fantastic reference guide, you should see the table of contents. I've been waiting for a chance to use it, and today's the day!" Twilight jumped about like a toned down Pinkie Pie, staring at her friends with big, beady eyes. "This is going to be SO much fun!"

Rarity and Applejack took momentary glances at each other in disdain to Fluttershy's confusion, before Darklo caught their gaze with one of his own that oozed 'don't ruin this for her.'

They smiled awkwardly. "Uhm what do we start off with?"

Twilight grinned, making the young colt realise what he had gotten himself into.

The ponies gathered around each other, taking turns in dabbing sterile mud from bowls and smothering it on another's face. Eventually, it was Darklo's turn and all he could do was sit and take it as his ecstatic sister covered his fur with mud.

Some had gotten so close to his lips that it intellectually forced him to blow it away like he was whistling. "No offence girls, but why must I partake in this?" Darklo said, the colt's face scrunching in unamusement which only squished the mud closer to his skin.

"Come on Darklo lighten up a little," Twilight smiled at him, "a little makeover never hurt anypony. And besides," She brings out the book, "It's in the book, so it's gotta be right."

"Ah kind of agree with the colt." Applejack interjected as Rarity stamped cucumber slices on her eyes. "This just seems highly unnecessary. I mean, what's even the point of this?"

"Why, it enhances your complexion of course." Rarity smirks at Applejack, laying on her pillow to relax in the moment. "I expected Darklo to be dismissive but you have no excuse darling. Your face could really use it."

"Uhm, how about we just follow the rules..." Fluttershy looked concerned, however she wasn't even facing anypony in particular, given that she had cucumber slices on her face.

After Darklo turned Fluttershy's pillow to rotate her in the right direction, he sighed to himself as he swallowed his pride and put the cucumber slices on, tuning everything out to focus on himself. The book didn't say anything about girly talk so he wasn't going to do it.

Shutting his eyes, he reached into the depths of his mind for a funny memory to pass the time.

And he found it.


"Alright newbies, that ends your first lesson in this program." The bulky professor said to a dozen students in the lecture hall, his whole presence clear and aggressive like his eyes. Or shades, they are so dark that no one in the room could see past them. Lux included.

And although the possibility of a mystery to start his indoctrination into the Philosopher Program felt inciting, there was something about the professor's demeanour that made him shudder.

"Now, as a welcome to our toughest education system, I will be giving your homework," A toothy grin came from the professor, "Read and memorise to page 43 before next week. Trust me, failure will not end well in the long run."

The students nodded, sweating bullets at what kind of malevolent nature the teacher. It almost felt like he wanted someone to test it. Everyone exited the class and the majority made a break for it to the cafeteria.

Damn, Professor Crudele really has them spooked. Not like I wanna test my luck either

Lux strayed from the fumbling group and walked to the indoor garden. A waft of rose and jasmine greeted his nose once he opened the glass doors, navigating through the flora of a multitude of plants and insects along a marble pathway until he reached a gazebo with a few chairs for students to relax.

With a head turn to make sure he wasn't being followed, he sat on a seat and equipped the 'Basics of Alchemy' Booklet the demonic teacher needed them to memorise, as well as a few note pads and pens. Welp, the practical lessons wont be up till 2pm so might as well make the big man happy before I do the good stuff.

And so he did just that. Reaching the 34th page with note taking before a wave of boredom crashed his mind. It was mostly stuff he already knew and could put into simple notes easily: Bellica, the country Lux was born in, is the most advanced country in the world due to the high migration from war torn countries that raised their population to 434.6 million in the past century. The reason for such a refuge count? The Conduit. It was essentially a secret weapon that provided absolute certainty in protection along with major opportunities in alchemic industries. However, as there is only one Conduit, other countries would want it for themselves to gain the same benefits.

One such country being Perduellis, a nation far east of the globe. They were the first to claim the Philospher's Stones a long time ago before the Bellicus government were able to secure their Conduit, and they have been at their throats ever since. Lux would've felt bad for them if they weren't using that power for global conquest beforehand. Out of spite of what occurred, they decided to erect an anti-trading blockade at their boarders to deny any Bellican citizen from trade or travel. The country south of them, Sicarius, continued to have a tight relation with Perduellis, so they did the same while deploying spies into Bellica to retake the Philosophers Stone. They have been known as the Ghost of the East from their underhanded military tactics after all.

Finally, the last countries of importance were Socius, who is North of Bellica, and Aequus which is an economically thriving island in the middle. Both are allies and have gained mutual support through industrial partnerships. Socius provided an export on the latest support artefacts while Aequus improved their economy in return of the current Conduit's employment.

Lux shook his head to bring himself out of the hour of exposition he just wrote in note form and put the equipment back in his bag. But just as he arose from the chair, he realised someone was watching him, arms folded and eye twitching in annoyance.

"Oi punk, what the hell are you doing out here?" The guy grumbled, making Lux tilt his head in confusion. It isn't everyday where a person he's never met just comes up to him asking for trouble.

Lux shrugged. "Getting Professor Crudele's stuff in my head like a person with common sense, you?" The boy could already see the shaggy punk's eyes glow red as he stormed toward him and grabbed him by the collar. Though to the kid's credit, he wasn't holding on hard enough to crease his uniform.

"Me? I'm just checking the competition like a person with common sense," the sarcastic use of his own words aside, the punk gave him a smirk, "and beside my sister, the rest of our classmates are total losers. With how they were acting in the cafeteria, I thought they'd run away from the academy with their asses clenched."

Lux raised an eyebrow. Sister... classmates... oh! He's in the program too. What was his name again? Zelus if I remember correctly "So then, uh Zelus if I recall. What's your business with me."

"Merely to stay out of my way punk. Only one person will get that stone and it'll rather be me or Ira, not some random nobody."

Lux grinned at him, gripping his arm and torso before flipping Zelus over him. But as expected, the student recovered quickly and back-flipped back on his feet. "Sorry pal, but there isn't any fun without competition. Still, I look forward to seeing what you can do."

The two stared at each other meticulously, wind circling around them as if a tornado was about to begin and plants being blown backwards from the pressure.

"Is that a bet punk?"

"Mhm, but please. Call me Lux."

Darklo finally opened his eyes after his long daydream, only to realise that his mane was unusually tight. Like each follicle was trying to break off his scalp. Along with that, the mud that previously battered his face had disappeared.

Beside him was Rarity, who was looking rather smug at Applejack while Fluttershy and Twilight watched. The striking difference however, being the appearance of hair straightening rollers in their hairs-

Darklo practically jumped from his pillow. "Dammit!" His slid his hoof over his hair to be met with plastic. Yep, they really did it to me.

The mares finally noticed Darklo, which resulted in a giggle from Rarity. "Oh why don't you look splendid Darklo. How are you feeling?"

"Like my hair is splitting from the hinges."

"Great minds think alike sugarcube." Applejack commented, looking equally as annoyed as the colt. Fluttershy, attempting to quell the mood, hovered her wing over Darklo's back, and although it did nothing to hinder his mood, the colt shifted his mouth into a smile to appease her.

"Oh, wow this is exciting. Makeovers check!" Twilight excitedly cleared a tick on her sleepover book and made the rollers disappear at the flick of a horn. The aftermath immediately relieved the stress Darklo was feeling. And for all the fuss of the girly stuff, he had to admit his mane did feel softer to touch.

"Oh oh, now we gotta tell ghost stories. Whose first?" Twilight giddily looked across the room for a volunteer. The phrase 'ghost stories' sent Fluttershy into a panic as she flew behind Darklo at such an angle that it looked like she was a filly.

"U-uhm can we please not-"

"Me!" Applejack boomed, getting everypony's attention. As much as Darklo felt sorry for the cowering pegasus behind him, it was rather this or the chance to find another girly topic to tick from the list so he put on a smile and listened dutifully.

"Ah'd like to tell y'all of the terrifying prissy ghost, who drove everypony crazy with her unnecessary neatness. Ever heard of it"


Darklo immediately knew what the earth pony was jabbing at, and it wasn't amusing anymore. But he predicted that the banter was going to keep going no matter what he did and he was right.

"Not really," Rarity deadpanned, "but I got a better one, it's the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost who irritated everypony within a hundred miles!"

"Eep!" Fluttershy yelped while gripping onto Darklo's hindlegs.

"Girls, if you're gonna make a ghost story, do it with more oomph than that," Darklo chided, "you gotta get descriptive if you wanna spook the pants of ponies." Darklo coughed a bit, to clear the air and nodded to Twilight who smiled eagerly at what was coming next. "Here lemme show you. Also try tuning out Fluttershy."

Lightning struck by the tree, turning off all the lights in the room. The only light source appearing in the center from Twilight's shenanigans. "The night was cold and stormy, just like right now. Two brothers had entered their house and went to their basement which reeked of death and putrid vomit, but what was on the ground was why they were there. A crude drawing of a rune lay there, written in blood. You see, prior to this, the brothers lived happily with their mother until a sick accident left her a corpse. The brothers were so riddled with grief that they turned to any magic that would resurrect her. They took their mothers lifeless corpse and placed it on the rune while the maggots were still digging into her skin.

"And with a few incantations indescribable to the ears, the body was enveloped in shadows and muck while the two watched. But what exited from the sludge was not their mother... no their mother didn't have a jaw that unhinged to the floor leaving a gaping void of a mouth, no their mother didn't have limbs that were shrivelled and boney as windegos and cracked under their malnourished muscles, no their mother didn't have hollow eyes that revealed a set of shrivelling eyeballs that peered into their souls...no... IT WAS A DEMON!"

Lightning stuck once more as the shivering ponies shrieked in fear of Darklo, who suddenly had his mouth elongated in the shadows, and hollow eyes. But, Twilight settled them down by turning on the light, revealing Darklo with the mud from the face mask dripping from his chin while drawn in creepy eyes glided to the ground.

"Ghost stories. Check." Twilight happily said, ticking it off while Rarity and Applejack backed away from each others grip and Fluttershy retreated from holding Darklo.

"I-is it over?"

Darklo nodded. "Yeah, I think that's all."

From that, Darklo was introduced to many more activities like smores making and pillow fights (a personal favourite). But the joyous activities didn't stop the opposites from bickering. But at least, that would be over as everypony got into bed.

Twilight and Fluttershy shared the main bed while she left the spare one from Rarity and Applejack.I don't know if she can read the room or not. Unless she's trying to fix the problem which wont work.

But he tried to keep his sister's logic out of the way since he had to take Spike's bed. It was cramped and uncomfortable but he had been in worse resting places so he steeled himself and attempted to drift off. Though, the chances of that happening decreased from 40% to 0% as the self proclaimed friends fought for the bed like it was a war zone.

The colt sighed and slipped out of his resting place, hopping onto the bed to confront them, who were tugging on the blanket at the moment. "Alright both of you, what is it this time?"

"Oh darling, right on time. Tell Applejack that she needs to let go!"

"Nah sugarcube, she's being ridiculous, ya gotta tell HER to let off!"

The two continued their tug of war, failing to notice that Fluttershy was the only pony laying in the other bed before it was too late. Twilight loomed over her brother, absolutely fuming.

"Enough!" Twilight yelled. "It says right here in the book, that the number one thing you're supposed to do is have fun, and thanks to you two, I wont be able to tick that off."

"Ah've been tryin' my darndest to get along."

"No, it is I, who have been trying MY best."

"In my eyes, BOTH of you are making fools of yourselves," Darklo spoke up, his tolerance reaching a breaking point, "I know that you two have lifestyles that are complete opposites but that doesn't mean you need to be so aggressive about it." To prove a point, the colt points a hoof to Fluttershy, who had Twilights sheets over her. "Hell, Fluttershy has a greater reason than any of us to be upset, yet she's been nothing but cordial and respectful."

Darklo facehoofs to the bickering mare's shame as Twilight huffs, climbing back into bed with the pegesus. "First sleepover ever and it's a disaster... can anything else go wrong?"

"Don't jinx it sis-" Twilight definitely jinxed it, as a lightning strike hit a tree from outside the home, causing it to break open and allow the head to tilt slightly towards a near-bye building.

Everypony who was in bed got out to witness the scene. Applejack took the opportunity to hound on Rarity about loose branches but Darklo ignored all of that, patting Fluttershy's leg. "Fluttershy, you think you can fly over and push the tree onto the road?"

Fluttershy stammered in responce. "B-but I could get struck by lightning!"

"That, I can give a solution for." Darklo gave her a serious glare before conjuring a shield over her. "I don't know if the remote nature of the spell will weaken its use, but it should stop at least one unlucky strike. You could face a dragon for minutes, you can totally push that tree in a few seconds."

It may have taken a few seconds for Fluttershy to stop shuddering from fear, but once she did, the mare gave Darklo a resolute nod. "Alright, I trust you." And so, she flew through the window and got close to the broken tree, pushing the tree to the left of them. Eventually, the pegasus' strength had paid off as the head snapped from its base and crashed onto the cobble path.

Although a vengeful strike of lightning tried to steal the small victory, Darklo's shield held strong until Fluttershy zoomed back into the safety of the house, allowing the colt to let go of the dwindling spell.

"Phew, well crisis averted. Now back to the two of you." Darklo turned back to his original targets of his rant. "If you took some time to think about it, besides the times you were subtly insulting each other, the sleepover was still fun right?" They only kept their gaze away from the colt which granted them a snicker from him. "Case closed. You don't have to like everything about somepony, but you should see the big picture and understand that their differences are what makes them special. That they are what makes them friends."

Twilight nods in approval while Fluttershy smiled cheerfully at the change in mood. The gem lover and apple lover finally looked at each other. "Huh, well. Ah'm sorry Rarity. I just got caught up with all the minor annoyances that I kinda went overboard."

"And I should apologise also, your life is yours to live and I should have the grace to respect that."

They hugged it out which made Twilight pat her brother on the head. "I must say, you're getting really good at these friendship problems."

Darklo shrugged. "I wouldn't call them problems, friends don't break up easily, they just need a reminder on how their actions can affect others."

Twilight turned to everypony in response, happiness rejuvenating from her. "So how about we continue?"

Most agreed, except Darklo who yawned at the question. "I think I'll just hit the hay. I wanna be all energised when I can finally go outside. In fact, I'll write that letter I know you're gonna send to the Princesses, so have a good sleepover, alright?"

"Alright then little brother, have a good night."

The mares gave him one last nod before heading downstairs to continue the fun while Darklo grabs a scroll and quill in Twilight's bed.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,
It doesn't surprise me that two ponies with generally opposing interests would butt heads, but what does surprise me is how far ponies are willing to express it. Still, with a bit of a push, I was able to see that they really did get along deep down. It's how I learnt that no matter the appearance, habits and background, anypony can become friends with eachother if they bother to interact and understand one another, as if we are not open to accepting change, what does that say about us?

From just your fearless colt,

Finishing the scroll, he places it on the nightstand for Spike to send tomorrow and burrowed himself in Twilight's bed, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.

Heh, butt heads. We really had that on lock didn't we Zelus?


Damn I miss you, dickhead

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. It's probably gonna be like this since early adulthood is tryna kick my ass. Il do what I can though :ajsmug: