• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 27,625 Views, 1,204 Comments

The Empty Room - Wanderer D

An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses...

  • ...

Chapter 9 (Original)

The Empty Room
Chapter 9
By Wanderer D

The familiar sound of the royal call woke the ponies that were not already up and about. Roused by the echo of the trumpets, the various citizens of Canterlot gathered under the Royal Balcony where Princess Celestia usually addressed them.

Spike, red-eyed from crying, made his way to the crowd so he could see what was happening. Maybe they had found the bastard that had killed Twilight... he tried to ignore the comments and speculations of the ponies around him as he waited for the Princess to come out.

When a weird-looking Celestia stepped into the balcony a hush fell on the whole gathering. Ponies stared in awe at the majesty and power embodied in her. She looked down at them with cold eyes, and Spike couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this.

"My loyal subjects." the Princess spoke into the quiet air, her voice reaching the whole assembly without problem. "Yesterday was a trying day for me and my sister, but as the Goddesses we are, we emerged victorious. I stand before you, changed to reflect who I truly am."

Mutters erupted in the crowd below.


Her order was immediately followed. The ponies below cringed in fear as a sudden heat-wave hit them all - a physical manifestation of the goddess’ fury. Some cowered while other simply stared in awe.

"You shall all address me by my proper title now: Queen Nightmare Flare!" her wings opened and Spike could fully appreciate the power she exuded as just about everypony bowed down in deference. The power... it was not her usual warm magic... it was corrupt and felt somewhat familiar to him.

"But I shall not rule alone." Nightmare Flare declared. She stepped lightly to the side as a very familiar figure stepped up next to her.

Spike would never forget her from the first time he saw her. The blue mane, swaying in the wind deep as the night and glittering with stars; the dark coat, black as her heart; the purple regalia...

"I present to you my true sister... Nightmare Moon!" Nightmare Flare announced.

Immediately several things happened. The crowd screamed and the guards were forced to contain the confused ponies from stampeding away. One of the Guard Pegasi drew a sword and charged towards Nightmare Moon, while another pegasus, this one in Wonderbolt uniform, also burst out of the crowd and charged the balcony.

Their flight was short lived however, as out of nowhere another Wonderbolt tackled the first, throwing him to the hard floor in front of the crowd, who gasped in horror.

The guard was tackled by a flash of rainbow and landed painfully next to the Wonderbolt, a filly pegasus rising to stand over him.

"Rainbow Dash?" Spike whispered in horror as the rainbow-maned pegasus shook her head at the guard.

"Nah-ah!" the weather pony taunted. "Who do you think you are, attacking our Queens?"

"It's that monster!" the guard spat. "Nightmare Moon! She did something to Princess Celestia!"

"Spitfire?!" the gray furred and white maned Wonderbolt groaned, wincing as he got up, he looked back at his left wing. It hung useless on his side. "Oof!"

He crumbled to the side as she kicked him from above, landing heavily on the floor gasping for breath.

Spitfire on the other hoof, landed daintily in front of him.

From the crowds Spike couldn't believe what was happening. "I got to stop this!" He took a couple of steps forward only to be stopped by a hoof. He followed the leg up to see another familiar pony, who was looking hard at the events transpiring in the courtyard.

"You dare attack your Queen?" Nightmare Flare's voice was cold. It drew the attention of everyone back to the two Nightmares. "It seems a demonstration is in order."

Spike's heart skipped when a third pony walked in between the two self-declared Queens.
He watched in trepidation as Twilight Sparkle looked down at the two pegasi. She looked a bit different, but there was no mistaking her. Even some of the noble ponies around him gasped and whispered her name.

"My student and heir." Nightmare Flare said coldly. "Give these two..." she spat out the word "... rebels... a proper reward."

"Yes my Queen." Twilight said with a very slight bow which had the nobles muttering at how inappropriate it was.

They shut up immediately though as Rainbow Dash and Spitfire quickly flew out of the way and Twilight's horn shone with a dark energy, her smile widening. With a laugh echoed by thunder, a lightning bolt struck the two downed pegasi. For a split-second everyone could see their skeletons. The two thrashed around as electricity circled their bodies for what seemed minutes but in reality was no more than a couple of seconds. They landed in a heap, smoke coming out of them, but apparently still alive. Another lightning bolt. And another. And another.

Spike couldn't watch. He turned around and buried his tear-covered face on the leg of the pony that had stopped him. He heard two more. Then silence.

After a few seconds Nightmare Flare spoke again. "Let this be a warning. Whoever dares attempt to attack either me or my sister will suffer a worse fate than these two."

The whole crowd was quiet.

"A new reign has begun. That of the Queen Sisters." Nightmare Moon declared after a moment. "Night and Day will no longer be." Both of the alicorn horns glowed... slowly the sun started moving up its normal cycle, slowly, but still faster than normal. The gathered ponies stared in awe at the blatant display of power.

Soon the sun had reached its midway point just above the castle. There was a murmur as the sun just stopped... and before the horrified looks of everypony, the moon slowly rose, its course taking it towards the sun until it finally covered it, creating an eclipse.

"Rejoice!" Nightmare Flare called out. "The Age of the Eternal Eclipse has begun!"

“Hey, come on Big Mac!” Spike whispered angrily. The little dragon had reluctantly followed the draft pony after he had stopped him from charging into the open and confronting Twilight Sparkle. Since then, Big Mac had been quiet despite Spike's constant badgering. “Where are we going? I need to get to Twilight!” he shuddered. “Did you see what she did?! Something is wrong with her!”

"Eeyup." the draft pony said. "But that don’t mean we should just rush in."

The dragon growled. "And what about Rainbow Dash? She was acting weird too! Since when does she take orders or defend Nightmare Moon? And don't forget that Applejack was with them too! What happened to her? Do you think she’s okay?"

The red pony stopped cold and looked down at the small dragon.

Spike gulped, but Big Macintosh just sighed. "We can't trust any of them."

"What?!" the dragon could not believe his ears. "But why!?"

"I would like to know that too!" another voice said from above.

The pair jumped when a strong looking pegasus landed in front of them. His green eyes drilled into the pair, his wings opened to block their path.

"Hey!" Spike said suddenly. "I know you! You're Soarin'! Rainbow Dash has told me about you!"

The Wonderbolt nodded, his grim expression not leaving his face. "I need to know why Spitfire did that to Blizzard." he growled. "And why he had to die!"

Big Mac sighed and looked around. "Did anypony follow you?"

The pegasus shook his head.

The draft pony nodded and indicated that they should come with him.

Nightmare Flare, Nightmare Moon, Twilight Spark, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash walked away from the balcony, slowly making their way towards the court.

"Now that that has been dealt with, we will need to ensure we get loyal servants." Nightmare Flare said.

"Hey! There's no-one more loyal than me!" Rainbow Dash said. "And I'm your servant!"

Nightmare Flare glowered at the pegasus. "That might be true, but you would do well to learn when and how to talk to your Queen."

"I have been thinking about that, sister." Nightmare Moon said. "You have Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Spitfire. I would like to recruit a couple of assistants for myself."

Nightmare Flare stopped, followed by the whole procession. "Who do you have in mind?"

"The Assassins Guild has always had utmost respect for me. For centuries they have prayed to the Moon for guidance and to the Night for protection. I say it is time I pay them a visit and exact payment for services rendered."

Nightmare Flare laughed. "Somepony in particular?"

"Yes... a pony I have blessed from my distant prison on many an occasion, one of the best... if not the best." The dark alicorn smiled. "Silent Jade."

It took the other ponies a second to realize that Nightmare Flare's jaw was actually open as she stared at her sister. Realizing her state, the flame alicorn closed her mouth. "Absolutely not."

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"Because, dear Twilight, Silent Jade once slipped into my sister's room, stole one of her jewels, and left a note detailing how many ways she had found to get into the room and how she could have killed my sister." Nightmare Moon said.

The white alicorn growled. "So it’s a she... I'd always wondered. In any case, she called it her 'civic duty' to let me know in writing how pathetic my security was back then." Nightmare Flare growled. "Even if she couldn’t have killed me, it was... disturbing."

"But it is safer now, isn't it?" Nightmare Moon countered.

Her sister grudgingly nodded. "How do you know she'll accept?"

The dark alicorn smiled. "As I said... she owes me a lot of favors. I still have to visit the guild to inform the Guild Master that I am taking her under my service indefinitely."

"Go ahead." Nightmare Flare did not sound happy. "At least I'll know where the little weasel is now and that she won't be trying anything..." she glared at her sister with some trepidation. "She won't be trying anything. Right?"

"Not without Royal Orders, sister."

"Fine. Go."


Applejack had her own room in the castle. There was a bowl with fresh fruit, including apples from Sweet Apple Acres, bananas, strange little brown things the servant had identified as Kiwis, and oranges.

The bed was the four times the size of her own, with white linen and fluffy pillows. Her hat lay on it, discarded.

The three windows offered an amazing view of most of Canterlot (it was a corner suite). There was an adjacent room with a marble bath and other amenities.

The stone floor was mostly covered by a circular carpet with the sun embroidered into it. The walls of the room had little nooks for scented candles, and a small lamp stood on top of the bedside table.

While she had always dreamed of being able to afford a suite in an expensive hotel, she held no excitement for her being here. None at all.

One of the windows faced the Plaza of the Sun, where Nightmare Flare had talked to her subjects.

Although she hadn't been able to hear anything, Applejack had stared forlornly at the two Alicorns as they addressed the crowd.

She had witnessed part of the attack. And she had seen what Twilight... sweet, bookish, nerdy, fretful, eager-to-help Twilight... had done.

Her friend was gone. Completely gone. Hay, even Rainbow Dash had somehow succumbed to this... madness.

What was happening to everypony? How long before the whole castle was corrupt? How long before she... how long before she turned?

She closed her eyes. Would she be just as ruthless? It was wrong... so wrong.

What had happened? It was not normal for Rainbow Dash to defend either Nightmare... or to stand by and allow something like what had happened to take place.

She groaned. What would happen to everyone in Ponyville once word came out? What would Big Macintosh think of her sister's friends helping such monsters?! Would they believe she was on their side?

What would Apple Bloom do? Her blood went cold. What would Sweetie Belle do without her sister? Applejack might be able to go back but... Rarity... and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy...

She gritted her teeth. How in the name of all apples was she going to explain what had happened to Rarity to Sweetie Belle? How could she face her? And Scootaloo, that filly's hopes would be destroyed if she ever found out her heroine, Rainbow Dash, was a Nightmare Moon follower!

As she sank deeper into despair, she heard laughs outside her door.

"I really don't know what they were thinking." Twilight's voice reached her. "Attacking the Queens?" she could imagine the unicorn shaking her head sagely. "Utter folly."

"But did you see us?!" Rainbow Dash's voice asked. "Spitfire was like, blam! And I was like whoosh, kick!"

"It was very impressive, Dash." Twilight admitted. "I would love to continue chatting, but this is my stop, and you know we have a lot to do later today."

"Yeah... hey, before you go, do you know anything about that pony Nightmare Moon mentioned?" Rainbow Dash asked. Applejack growled at how easily the pegasus would talk about their enemy.

"Silent Jade?" Twilight asked. "No... I don't know anything about her, but if she's as good as the Queen makes her sound..."

"Well, it will be interesting having her around, that's for sure." Spitfire said. "Anyway, are you sure you don't want any help with Applejack? I might still-"

"No." Twilight's voice was firm. "She's to remain untouched by anypony but me."

"If you say so..." Spitfire sounded doubtful. And she should, Applejack decided. There was no way that she was going to fall for Twilight's tricks again.

She heard the ponies say their goodbyes and then the door started opening.

The moment it was open enough, the earth pony charged through... or would have, had Twilight Spark not levitated her of the ground the moment she saw her.

"Trying to escape, my apple pie?" the unicorn asked with a smile.

"Don't call me that! And put me down!"

"Well, somepony's grumpy." Twilight said, depositing her on the floor after she had closed the door with magic.

"I just saw you kill two innocent ponies!" Applejack shouted.

"Easy! You'll disturb the neighbors!" Twilight hissed, but then looked serious. "They attacked the Queen. That's punishable by death."

"And you had execute them yourself?" Applejack countered walking away to look out of the window. "How could you, Twilight?"

"I'm sorry."

The earth pony snorted. "Sure you are."

There was a rustling sound behind her and a sniff. Applejack gritted her teeth. She was not falling for it. Not again.

"I'm sorry, Applejack."

The cowpony remained silent, looking out and listening to Twilight as she sniffed pitiably behind her, wanting, but not daring to turn. Twilight Spark had once deceived her. Fool her once...

"I had to!" Twilight insisted, her hoof touching Applejack's shoulder. "What do you want me to do?!"

"Let me go!" Applejack shouted. She turned around and was startled to see tears streaming down Twilight Spark's face, but she was still angry. "Stop following those... murderers! How can you think I will believe you suddenly developed a conscience? I saw you! You could have stopped after the first lightning bolt! But you did it six times! SIX TIMES!"

Twilight had withdrawn into a small ball as she stared at Applejack. She looked so harmless the apple farmer almost forgot her anger.

"Twilight! There is no excuse for what you did! Snap back to reality!"

"But... I love Nightmare Flare!" Twilight shouted. "She brought me back! She practically raised me before then! She's my family!"

"Your real family is not them! Your real family was Rarity and Fluttershy! Your real family included Pinkie Pie and Princess Celestia! Not Nightmare Flare!" Applejack closed her eyes as she threatened to cry, not wanting to show any weakness to the purple unicorn. "You let them die! And you did something to Rainbow Dash and now she's crazy like you! I HATE YOU! You're heartless!"

She heard galloping and the door smashed closed before she opened her eyes. Twilight was gone. She stared at the door.

"What the hay just happened?" Applejack stared slack-jawed at the door. Had Twilight Spark just ran out because of what she had said? Had she really hurt the unicorn’s feelings that bad?

The door slowly opened and Twilight Spark peeked in with a smile. "Am I forgiven?"

"No! Are you bipolar or something?!"

Twilight frowned. "Well... I am bi..."

"Bipolar?" Applejack squeaked as Twilight made her way into the room again, closing the door behind her and swaying sensually as she walked towards her.

Twilight smirked.


Spitfire traced with her hoof gently on Rainbow Dash's back. The blue coated pegasus was lying on her stomach, apparently distracted.

"Are you okay, Dash?" Spitfire asked as she lay next to the other pegasus, who was busy playing with something in her hooves.

"I don't know." Rainbow Dash sighed. "I'm... just thinking."

"About what?"

"My friends."


"I've always been loyal, you know?" the blue pegasus sighed, glancing down at the Council of Nightmares amulet in her hooves. She kept turning it around and around. "For as long as I have memory, I've had this, and I've known my duty... but I never knew it was going to be so hard!"

Spitfire looked away quickly, and Rainbow Dash's eyes followed her reaction, a frown crossing her face.

Letting the amulet fall to hang from its chain, Dash stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Spitfire asked.

"I just need some air... to think. And remember." the rainbow-maned pegasus said.

"Oh, are you sure I can't help?"

Spitfire dropped her hoof as she watched her open the door, Rainbow Dash looked back at her over her shoulder. "Spitfire... don't you regret what happened to Blizzard?"

The Wonderbolt was silent for a few seconds. "No... he betrayed our Queens." she said finally.

Rainbow Dash looked away. "I see. I'll be back in a little bit."

The door closed behind her, leaving Spitfire to stare at it guiltily, her hoof going unconsciously to hold her own amulet.


Rainbow Dash walked silently through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Servants and guards all gave her a wide berth, averting their eyes and trying their best to not draw her attention.

She wasn't used to this. Or was she?

The pegasus shook her head. She had to be, right? The Council prepared everypony in it for this kind of reaction. It was normal that it would happen once their Queens stepped up and the Guardian ruled from the shadows.

She stopped, confused. But wasn't her loyalty to the Nightmares and her friends? Dash groaned. She was developing a headache. Maybe she should go out to fly... maybe do a few practice loops like she had been doing ever since she was a filly. The Wonderbolts wouldn't just choose a simple... but... how had she found the time to practice when she was being taught in secret by the Council?

She started walking again. Slowly.

"No!" she stopped outside Applejack's room when she heard the earth pony's shout.

"Oh, come on, apple pie!" Twilight's voice came out. "You know you'll like it! It's just a feather!"

"I don't care! You are not touching me with that! Especially there!"

There was a crash and the sound of galloping behind the door.

"Hey! Stop that! Look what you've done to my beautiful straps!"

"Twilight! Listen to me, girl! You are not a fillyfooler!"

"How would you know?"

"I-I just know! It's... it's that evil thing that happened to you! You are not yourself!"

Twilight's voice turned slightly deeper. "Is this more like my old self?"

"N-no! I said stay away!"

Blushing Rainbow Dash stared straight ahead and turned slowly around. "Yeah... I should take flight..." she walked away not noticing the minute piece of metal that had fallen to the floor.


Nightmare Moon looked down at the unicorn sitting petulantly before her. "... and that's how it is. Do you understand?"

The unicorn nodded.

"Will you join my cause then... Silent Jade?"

The unicorn in front of her started and stared at the alicorn. She hesitated. "I do owe you..." she looked behind her at something hidden in the shadows.

"Trust me." the dark alicorn said. "Like you did so many times in the past when you prayed to the moon and the stars for inspiration and help in your endeavors."

"I did not know back then I was praying to you." the unicorn replied glancing at the alicorn with suspicion.

The alicorn smiled. "Did I ever fail you, though?"

A bitter smile in return. "No."

"Then trust me again." Nightmare Moon said.

The unicorn sighed shaking her mane. "Fine. But I need to get some things first..."

The dark alicorn nodded. "Just make sure you are not seen."

The assassin barked a laugh.

o.0.o End Chapter 9 o.0.o