• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 27,608 Views, 1,204 Comments

The Empty Room - Wanderer D

An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses...

  • ...

Chapter 14 (Original)

The Empty Room
Chapter 14
By Wanderer D

The Griffon burst through the clouds in a frantic dive, trying to lose her pursuer. But it was not to be. Her nemesis emerged less than a second afterward and was catching up quickly.

Not to be out done, she banked to the right, then proceeded to gain altitude an angle, aiming for yet another cloud. But this time, she was not going to try to avoid her pursuer.

Gilda landed on the cloud after dropping out of her enemy's sight and prepared to pounce.
When she felt her opponent was close, she threw herself at the pegasus, claws extending, roar leaving her beak... She took a swipe, but the pony dodged, sending a hoof straight into her stomach.

“Oof!” she tried to roll with the punch, but the pegasus was relentless. She pounced, the mare jumped over her and kicked her with her hind legs as she sailed past under her. She snapped her beak, as dangerous a weapon as her claws, but the pony's hoof met her chin, snapping it closed. She hadn't even recuperated from that when the pony twisted in the air and kicked her side, sending her sprawling onto the cloud which held her aloft by a sheer miracle.

She spit a bit of blood and glared at the pony as she landed a few feet away from her. Gilda locked eyes with her. Golden eyes met amber-yellow for a second. Then the mare's left eye started looking up and back while the other stayed firmly in place.

Unable to hold the stare any longer, Gilda relented. “Fine. Give me the stupid letter.”

The gray pegasus with bubbles for cutie mark smiled and gave her an envelope. She nodded and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Gilda said suddenly, still holding the letter in one claw, the other clutching her ribs. “What... how did you learn to fight like that?”

The gray pegasus looked at her (maybe) over her shoulder. “Muffin-Fu.”


Nightmare Flare stood in front of the room looking at the preserved objects that had caused her so much grief. It had remained intact through the explosion that had destroyed the wall and killed Twilight, and through her transformation and the revival of her student.

“Sister.” Nightmare Moon nodded towards the Queen as she approached.

“She is not here.” Nightmare Flare said, still looking into the empty room. “I gathered all the mares of the appropriate age and tested them with my magic. If any one of them had been an alicorn in hiding that spell would have revealed them.”

Nightmare Moon was silent as she also gazed into the room that had started it all. “Perhaps the secret is still in this room.”

Nightmare Flare glanced at her sister. “Perhaps.”

“Have you asked Twilight to take a look at it again? She was close to a breakthrough before she was attacked.”

“I have called for her, yes.” Nightmare Flare said, her eyes still on her sister. “And that is another part of this mystery that needs to be solved. Who attacked her? And why?”

Nightmare Moon was silent as she returned her sister's gaze. “Whoever it was took advantage of your... emotional state, sister.”

Nightmare Flare turned away. “I know.” she looked at the destroyed wall. “Did I tell you we caught a rebel during one of my scans?”

“I had heard, yes.”

“She will be executed.” Nightmare Flare said. “Along with any other rebels we catch. But I have sent for her family to be rounded up too.”

Nightmare Moon remained studiously calm.

“According to her, there definitely are other rebels, and they are organized. There is a chance that they were the ones that attacked Twilight Sparkle in the first place.” the white alicorn said.

“Are you going to interrogate her?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“Of course. That is why I sent for her family to be brought before us.” Flare answered. “Normally I would have entrusted the interrogation to Twilight... but I must ask you to do it for me, sister. Twilight needs to unravel the spells in the room and help me find my filly.”

“If they are indeed responsible for all that has happened, these rebels have a lot to answer for, my sister.” Nightmare Moon said, her tone vicious.

Flare smiled at the inflection in her sister's voice. “I trust that you will extract all information from her.”

Nightmare Moon was already walking towards the dungeons. “If they are responsible for hurting you so much, sister... this rebel will regret ever being born.”

Nightmare Flare smirked. “Just don't kill her. I changed her execution to tonight, so don't roughen her up to much... and don't tell her.”

Nightmare Moon just nodded.



The little dragon stared at the table, gems and rocks forgotten as his mind processed what he had been told. He... couldn't believe it. Even with Midnight's warnings, even with what he had seen in the court yard... there was no way his friends could be gone. It was impossible, wasn't it?

Applejack had tears in her eyes and suddenly he felt himself in a hug, as the farmer held him, crying.

He turned to Twilight, who held his gaze. “Twilight?”

“They attacked the Queens, Spike.” the purple unicorn said. “That is high treason.”

The little dragon didn't know what to say. He could feel inside of him as if his entire self was crumbling into little pieces.

“But why?!” the little dragon wailed. “N-no more parties with Pinkie Pie... and no more taking care of little animals with Fluttershy...” tears streamed down the little dragon’s face.

“I'm afraid so.” Twilight Spark nodded.

“And... Twilight, I never got my chance to tell Rarity how I felt!” he wailed. “I will never be able to tell her that I love her! Or how inspiring she is! Or how she was always a vision of beauty in an otherwise gloomy world! I mean, sure, the world is more gloomy now, with the eclipse and all, but... but... and that flank! I'll never see that flank again!” he broke down crying.

Twilight blinked. “Really? You had a crush on Rarity?”

“Oh, come on Twilight! The only pony that didn’t seem to know it was Rarity!” Applejack looked at the dragon with pity. Jade hit her chest with a hoof as something had stuck in her throat.

“But... how did Rainbow Dash... and Applejack...” he finally choked out.

“Rainbow Dash... saw the error of her ways.” Twilight said. “Spitfire convinced her that it wasn't worth it to try and debunk our beloved Queens... and Applejack... well, the thought probably hasn't crossed her mind, but the only reason she's alive is because I love her.”

Spike saw the farmer tense.

“Its better to die on your hoofs than live on your knees at the mercy and whim of a twisted pony like you and your Queens!” Applejack shouted, pushing spike back.

“Oh, AJ, you say the sweetest things.” Twilight giggled as the fuming earth pony approached her, murder in her eyes. “And you're so silly! It's a well established fact that it is better to live on your hooves than die on your knees, which is what would have happened to you.”*

“Twilight Sparkle!”


“Shut up! I don't care! Your name doesn't matter! Did you even think about what I said to you earlier? About who you were and what you are now?”

“I did! And I like who I am now.” the unicorn smirked as the earth pony moved so close their snouts were almost touching.

“If you did, then you clearly didn't do it enough! I give up on you, Spark. The real Twilight is dea-mff!”

Spike stared as Twilight's forelegs encircled the surprised Applejack's neck, pulling her closer as she kissed her, tongue and all. It was too much. The confusion and shock and hurt from earlier, combined with this sudden turn of events overwhelmed the baby dragon. He fainted with a whimper.

The earth pony for her part seemed to be frozen, she struggled faintly, pushing back at the unicorn, but apparently without sufficient strength. Twilight's right hoof slowly traced a line from Applejack's neck, down her spine to her flank, where she slowly rubbed the farm girl’s cutie mark.

The door opened.

“Lady Twilight!” a guard coughed. “Her highness, Queen Flare, needs your presence immediately.”

Twilight slowly pulled back from Applejack and stepped back. The farmer, who seemed to have been leaning forward, slowly melted onto the floor, where she stared in a daze at the unicorn.

“The Queen has the worst timing possible.” the unicorn pouted. She then perked up. “Oh well, don't worry, AJ, we'll continue later!” she leaned down and playfully kissed the earth pony's forehead before turning around and walking out of the room. “Coming, Spike?”

The dragon groaned as he looked up. “Uh... s-sure, Twilight...” he stumbled out of the door, not really paying attention to where he was going.

Applejack for her part didn't seem to register the fact that the unicorn and the dragon were gone. She sat on the floor, completely spaced out. A cool hoof on her shoulder snapped her out of it.

She started sputtering and shaking her head. Through teary eyes she looked up at the masked face of Silent Jade. The azure eyes betrayed the smile hidden under the mask.

“N-not a word!” Applejack said, still unable to push herself up. “And don't you laugh!” she added when the assassin turned around and brought a hoof to her mouth. Her body shook with mirth.

The door swung open once again and both Applejack and Jade looked up in surprise.

“Jade.” Nightmare Moon said. “I need your help in the dungeon. My sister caught a prisoner that might know how all of this got started.” she looked around. “Where is Rainbow Dash?”

“That traitor is gone.” Applejack said as she stood up slowly, trying to put the recent experience to the back of her mind. “And if I'm lucky I'm never laying eyes on that pegasus again.”

Nightmare Moon observed the earth pony carefully for a few seconds. “Be careful what you wish for.” she turned to look at Jade. “She's coming with us, we might be able to get something positive out of all of this.”

Jade nodded and looked at Applejack, who looked back at her then at Nightmare Moon. “Fine. It's not like I have much of a choice.”


Trixie hovered dejectedly back to the cavern. She sighed when she noticed Big Macintosh was not around. She walked into the back cave, where she found Midnight gazing at 'it'.

“Found anything interesting?”

Twilight's father jumped. “T-trixie!” he said weakly. “I'm sorry, I didn't hear you... hover in.”

The mare sighed and sat down. “It's okay.”

Midnight nodded, looking back at 'it'. “I have... I have a theory. With your help, we might be able to find out what it does and harness its power.”

Trixie tried to look excited, but the emotional toll from her encounter with her family still hung over her. “Hurray.”

“Guys!” Soarin' shouted, running into the cave. “I just heard from Misty! Lyra was captured! She's going to be executed! And I haven't heard from Spike in several hours!”

“Great.” Trixie muttered. “We've just started and we're already dropping like flies. At least there won't be a shortage of ghosts.”

Midnight remained impassive. “We have to figure out this soon then.” he said, looking at 'it'.

“I have to go back for now, they're keeping a very close eye on us Wonderbolts.” Soarin' said. “I'll try and come back a little later.”

“Go, we don't want to lose anypony else.” the male unicorn said.

The Wonderbolt nodded and hurried out.

“I should go and find Big Macintosh!” Trixie said, jumping to her feet.

“No!” Midnight looked at her with steely eyes. “Don't you dare. If something had happened to him Soarin' would have heard about it and I need you here. If my theory is correct we'll be able to strike the Guardian a decisive blow.”

Trixie's eyes went to the door and back to the unicorn. Finally she sighed. “Fine.”


Big Macintosh stood amongst the crowd in front of the castle. He had heard about Lyra, but for all he could think about, there was nothing he could really do about it right now. Wild plans flew through his head. Could he disrupt the execution without getting both of them killed? Maybe he could sneak inside the castle tonight...

“Her Majesty, Queen Nightmare Flare wishes to announce that tomorrow's execution of the traitorous rebel, Lyra, will take place in three hours at the Canterlot Plaza instead of tomorrow at dawn! Attendance is mandatory!”

“...” Big Macintosh cursed in such a vile way that had he actually done it aloud, he would have probably made several of the surrounding nobles faint and earned himself a very sharp scolding from Granny Smith.

He noticed the crowd moving and followed suit to let a chariot with darkened windows pulled by several guards slowly make its way through. Whispers spread throughout as everypony tried to figure out who was inside it.

When the castle gates opened and Nightmare Moon herself stood awaiting the carriage the crowd gasped. But Big Macintosh was not paying attention to the goddess. His eyes were on the miserable-looking mare wearing a stetson hat... who looked around the crowd and then stared at him.

'Please sis, whatever you do don't...'

“Big Mac!”


Applejack looked at her brother guiltily. “I am sorry Big Mac... I truly am.” she looked down as they walked side-by-side with a deadly assassin and Nightmare Moon herself, followed by a small group of scared ponies. A colt, an elder male and a mare. A family.

There was something familiar about them, but neither of the Apples could put a hoof on what it was.

Big Mac sighed. He looked at his sister. She seemed really contrite about getting him dragged into the whole thing. But once she had shouted his name and Nightmare Moon had noted him... if he had ran away it would have been very conspicuous.

At least his little sister seemed to be okay, and she did not look like a cultist. “It's okay.” he said finally.

“No!” she said. “It isn't! They have a strange way of... changing ponies! They made Rainbow Dash into a murderer! And Twilight...”

Applejack shut up, looking up at Nightmare Moon who seemed to roll her eyes.

The farmer blinked. No. She must have imagined it.

They all proceeded down to the dungeons where they could hear a melody being played.

“Oh no...” the elder mare from the group behind them whispered. “It can't be... not my Lyra!”

“Lyra?!” Applejack looked in horror at the unicorn family. That's why they looked familiar. She turned desperately towards Nightmare Moon. “You can't be serious! Lyra wouldn't do anything like that!”

“Oh. I am.” Nightmare Moon said. “I received a report of her exact indiscretions against us Queens. Her involvement with the Rebel Alliance was reported by her lover, Bon-Bon herself. And then she proceeded to make a fool out of my sister in front of witnesses.”

“What?” Lyra's mother spoke up again. The guards stared at her and the Nightmare shot her an icy glare. “I'm sorry my Queen...” she said sheepishly. “I... there must be a mistake. Bon-Bon is just Lyra's friend... they are not involved in any way other than that...”

Big Mac and Applejack traded looks, Jade shook her head and Nightmare Moon arched an eyebrow. “It seems your daughter also concealed some secrets from you.” the dark alicorn said finally. “That's good.”

“W-what do you mean? If she lied to us...” Lyra's father spoke up.

“That means that it is highly improbable that you three are even aware of the Rebel Alliance beyond what we have talked about now.” Nightmare Moon interrupted. “That also means that there is less of a reason for you to be here... or stay here.”

A guard pony stood silent vigil next to the entrance to the dungeons. Nightmare Moon looked at the guards. “I do not believe it is necessary for them to follow us in during the interrogation.” she said motioning at Lyra's family. “Wait with them here. They will have a lot to talk about with Lyra in between now and her execution.”

Applejack gave Nightmare Moon a hard look but held her tongue until the door to the dungeons had closed behind them. “They are suffering enough already! Why did you bring that up again?”

The alicorn snorted, not bothering to look back at them as she made her way down spiraling stairs. “If they have time to argue about their daughter's sexual preference instead of her well-being and impending fate, they need a reminder of what is important and what isn't.”

When they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, the music stopped.

Lyra's cell was not facing the stairs, so she could not see who had arrived, but the sound of hooves on stone had apparently heralded their arrival.

Nightmare Moon looked around at the few interrogators in the room with narrowed eyes. “I have my own specialist with me.” she announced. “I shall only need one of you to remain. You.” she pointed at a seemingly random interrogator, who immediately knelt down.

“At your service, my Queen.” the dark furred earth pony said.

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Everypony else... leave us.”

After much moping, the rest of the interrogators left the room and the group of five moved to stop in front of the cell.

“I will tell you nothing.” Lyra said, and Applejack's eyes watered. She had been roughened up.
She had a split lip and several scratches, by the way she moved as she put down her lyre, there were certainly bruises under her coat, if not worse.

“We shall see.” Nightmare Moon said calmly.

Smirking, Lyra looked up. Her eyes suddenly widened and she gasped. “Oh no, Big Mac! They caught you too?!”

The interrogator had his sword in his muzzle immediately and Applejack had jumped in between him and her brother, who shot her an annoyed glance as he prepared himself for battle.

“You know I can take care of myself, sis.” the draft pony muttered.

“I’ve no doubt, big brother, but I’ll help out, just in case. Wouldn’t want another wound stoppin’ you from bucking apples this year!”

They both knew they wouldn’t stand a chance against Nightmare Moon, but they would not go out without a fight.

“Lyra, that mouth of yours is a magnet for trouble.” Big Macintosh stated.

“I'm sorry Big Mac!” Lyra said, tears pooling her eyes. “Please don't tell Trixie! She'll kill me after I die!”

“What's this about Trixie? Are we talking about The Great and Powerful Trixie?” Applejack growled. “What does she have to do with all of this?!”


“She's Big Mac's undead fillyfriend!”

“Say what?!”

“It's complicated!” Big Mac snorted.

It was then that the laughter stopped the conversation and made the interrogator slowly lower his sword.

Nightmare Moon was laughing. And for all that Applejack could tell it was honest to goodness laughter. Not at all like the malicious cackling the Nightmare had showered them in when they fought her back in Everfree.

Beside the alicorn, Jade's muzzle was clamped shut even as quivering lips could be seen trembling under her mask.

Nightmare Moon took a deep breath and shook her head. “Lower the sword, Interrogator.”

“My... Queen?” he stammered but put away his sword, looking completely confused.

“It's unnecessary.” Nightmare Moon said. Her draconic eyes settled on Big Mac. “Are you part of the Rebel Alliance?”

The draft pony hesitated, but slowly nodded.

“Big Mac!” Applejack gasped. “Don't you know what Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Flare do to rebels?!”

“Tell me, you two.” the dark alicorn started pacing in front of the whole group. “Why are you rebelling against me and my sister?”

“Because you are not our queens!” Lyra said. “You've been corrupted! Turned into monsters by...” she stopped, looking at Big Mac.

Nightmare Moon smirked. “I see you know something. Tell me.” Her voice became cold. “Who is responsible for turning my sister into Nightmare Flare?”

The draft pony and the unicorn looked unsure.

“Somepony took advantage of her fears and suffering.” Nightmare Moon said, the edge to her voice drawing shivers from all ponies around her. “They exploited a weakness, in the vilest way possible... and through that Nightmare Flare was born.”

She looked at the two rebels. “My sister is trapped in a shell... she's fighting it and causing Nightmare Flare to make mistakes. But she won't last long. Who is responsible for this?!”

Lyra looked down. “You wouldn't believe us...”

“The Council of Nightmares.” Big Macintosh said evenly.

“They induce new members by giving them medallions with spells on them.” Lyra said with a shudder. “They change their memories to make them believe they were always part of the council.”

Applejack was stunned. “Then... is that what happened to Rainbow Dash?!”

Nightmare Moon's horn started glowing. With a gasp of surprise the interrogator was floating in front of them. He tried to struggle but was unable to break her hold on him. Slowly a silver chain was revealed as the alicorn's magic pulled out a medallion.

“Like this one, you mean?”

“We've never seen them.” Lyra said, wide eyed. “But... how did you...”

Nightmare Moon smirked. “Rainbow Dash was breaking out of the hold of the medallion Spitfire gave her before I even talked to her. When she showed me the medallion, I felt something familiar about it. When I came down to the dungeon I felt a similar energy coming from this pony.”

The chain with the medallion broke until it was floating in front of the group.

“But... we were told that the only way to break the hold of the medallion was in death!” Lyra said.

“Fools!” the interrogator spat, glaring at all of them. “You cannot stop the Council of the Eclipse! Even in death we remain loyal!”

Nightmare Moon smirked. “Clearly you think too highly of yourselves. The Element's of Harmony are powerful enough to break the hold of your amulets. And so am I.”

Having said that, the alicorn threw the amulet to the floor and then, with a powerful kick, smashed it into pieces.

The cultist howled and spasmed in Nightmare Moon's hold, struggling to be free, until with a desperate gasp he fell limp. The alicorn's horn flashed and the interrogator was gone.

“What happened to him?” Applejack asked.

“Do not worry yourself with his fate.” Nightmare Moon said. “We need to figure out what to do about you.” she added, looking at Lyra.

“I... can't you let me go free?”

Nightmare Moon sighed. “I'm afraid not... my sister would act immediately and the consequences would be disastrous.”


“Big Mac... are you okay?” Applejack asked her brother who stood staring at the place where the former cultist had been floating.

“Do you reckon...” he started, throat dry. “That what he said was true?”

Applejack frowned. “What?”

“About... their bond not breaking even after death?”

Lyra's eyebrows went up. “You don't mean...”


“Okay, I think I have it down right.” Midnight said after studying the runes. “And this is your moment to shine, Trixie.”

The depressed mare looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

“A physical being cannot access the power contained within... it.” Midnight said, slowly walking to stand next to the mare. “But us ghosts... we can enter it.”

Trixie shook her head. “So you're saying that we can both go in there and harness its power?”

Midnight shook his head. “No... one of us will go in and the other will stay behind as an anchor to direct the power. Since I have been studying the runes and have more experience, I will be the anchor, you will have to go in and activate it.”

“But how do I do that?”

“It should be intuitive.” Midnight said. “Don't worry too much, if it doesn't work the first time, at least we will learn something.”

Trixie nodded. “I will give it a try. Anything to stop the Guardian and the Nightmares from affecting more lives!”

Midnight smiled. “Yes. Anything.”

“What do I need to do?”

“Just touch it with your horn.” Midnight said. “I will chant the spell and keep it active while you are in there.”

The showmare nodded. “Let's get started then.”

Midnight's smile was wide, his eyes shone with barely controlled excitement. “Yes. Let's.”


Bon-Bon looked towards the distance. She could barely see a small cluster of lights where Ponyville was.

The view from the edge of the waterfall was one of the most beautiful landmarks in Equestria. It had inspired songs and poems. Lovers often came here to feel the romantic energy that appeared to radiate from the flowers.

This was the first place Lyra had brought her to once she had convinced her to come to Canterlot. It was the first of many visits.

She had played for her here, pouring her heart out for her, letting her know, without a doubt, that she loved her above anything or anypony else.

Bon-Bon had kissed Lyra for what seemed an eternity, with the sunset casting their shadows, intertwined, like the lovers they were into the distance.

It had been the best day of her life. But now, as she looked down the edge, following the waterfall reach its destination far below, her eyes gazed on the ragged rocks where the water crashed.

She should have known that at the end of the beautiful waterfall that was their relationship, she would bring out the rocks and boulders where it would crash, splatter and break.

Lyra would die in a couple of hours. And it was her fault.

Did she have the strength to go and watch? Did she want to torture herself like that?

“Oh, Lyra.” she whispered. “I love you. I'm so sorry.”

Her eyes settled back on Ponyville. “We won't go back there ever again.” she said. “We won't see our friends, or our house...” she choked. “And it's all my fault.”

Her head felt light and a small breeze brought some comfort to her. “Perhaps... it was for the best... this world is to harsh for somepony with your kind heart...” she looked up at the eclipse, regretting that the light was not enough to create the rainbows that would normally embellish the waterfalls. “I’m sorry it was me that cut your life short.”

She gazed at the scenery in silence.

“I will wait for you... and hope you still love me.”

She closed her eyes and stepped forward. The sudden rush of wind flapped her mane wildly around her head. The sounds of the waterfall became nothing but white noise as it mixed with the wind rushing by.
“I hope... I hope you still love me... when we meet again.”

o.0.o End Chapter 14 o.0.o


Hello readers! Did you anypony see the Catch-22 reference? As always kudos to my faithful and most thorough editor Stephen Cawking, for pointing out so many things that needed attention! Please leave comments as they are not only entertaining, but really appreciated! -WD