• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 27,610 Views, 1,204 Comments

The Empty Room - Wanderer D

An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses...

  • ...

Epilogue (Original)

The Empty Room

By Wanderer D


“The repairs around the city are going well, Princess,” Lance reported, limping over to her as she overlooked Canterlot from her balcony. He looked at the city. “I have to say that I’m glad Pinkie Pie brought nearly the whole of Ponyville with them. I don’t think we could have been able to make so much progress in a week without their help. Too many were wounded, and even more were traumatized by being turned into stone and back.”

“The cost... it was tremendous, Lance,” Princess Celestia whispered without looking at him. “I can’t help but feel that I was foolish and unprepared.” She sighed, and smiled. “Had Night- I mean, Luna-- had she not been so strong, this would have been the end of Equestria.”

“My Princess, I-”

Celestia shook her head. “We made mistakes and we paid for it. It cost us our memories of my daughter, and the knowledge of Eldritch’s fate... it allowed an insidious enemy to corrupt me, and caused the death of so many innocent ponies during the fight.” She turned to the Captain, tears falling down her cheeks. “How can I face them, Lance, knowing the part I played?”

The old warrior sighed. “I don’t know what to say, my Princess... but you have to talk to them. They love you and they have forgiven you; they know you were not yourself... they need you now to be strong.”

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed, dreading facing her subjects. “Lead the way, old friend.”


“My little ponies,” Celestia spoke standing next to a raised platform in the center of the plaza. “We have survived something I wish had never come to pass. It has tried our hearts and conviction; it has stretched hope thin... but we have prevailed.”

The pony workers slowed down as they turned to face the Princess and a crowd started to gather.

I stand amongst you today because I can no longer hide from my responsibility for the terror which my action brought upon all of you. You have forgiven me... far quicker than I can forgive myself. I am... more indebted to you all than I could ever express in mere words. However, there are those whose lives were sacrificed... whose lives were the price of my freedom. For them, and all those whom we have lost as a result of the Guardian's machinations, and my failure to realize them, we have created this in their honor."

Her horn glowed and slowly something started to materialize in the center of the plaza. It was a huge statue. At the very top, in the center was a sorrowful unicorn mare playing the lyre; to her right, a pegasus took off, mirroring a female gryphon on the left, a fierce expression of determination etched plainly on both their faces.

The statue extended down into a solid square, where the names of all those who had fallen in battle were written.

“The personal cost for each of us is immeasurable. The sacrifices some made...” She closed her eyes. Unnecessary. “We will never truly be able to comprehend... it is to them that we dedicate this statue.”

She stepped back as Soarin’ and Misty, accompanied by a heavily bandaged Spitfire, stepped forth, each holding flowers in their mouths, which they carefully left at the base of the statue. Spitfire searched the names on the statue until she found Blizzard’s, her eyes went to the effigy of Blast and she couldn’t look at either much longer. She rested her head against the cold stone as tears slowly dropped from her eyes. “I’m sorry, Blizzard... Blast... you two were the best friends any pony could ask for... I’m so sorry...”

Soarin’ nudged her gently and the group started moving away, but not before Misty looked up at the statue of her friend. “We fought well, Blast,” she whispered with a small smile before following the others.

Next in line, Rainbow Dash walked up to the statue. She placed three flowers down. “Blizzard, you were one of my heroes, I’ll never forgive myself for my part in what happened... even if I had no control. I’ll always remember your courage.” Her eyes strayed to Blast. “I was your superior officer for this one time... it was a dream come true to work with all of you... too bad it turned into a nightmare.”

She took a deep breath and turned to look at the statue of Gilda. “I-” she looked down. “I lost so much time... I’m sorry I pushed you away when we could have figured out things together... thank you, Gilda... we won’t have a chance to be more, but you will always be my sister.”

Rainbow Dash slowly walked away, allowing for Nightmare Moon, Celestia and Paper Craft to approach.

“Sis...” Paper Craft sighed. “I’m going to miss your visits. It’s been hard, taking care of your things, cleaning up the house... Mom and Dad are gone too...” He looked down. “They were crushed by some crates that collapsed during the Guardian’s attack. It seems that they tried to hide under them and when the Elements of Harmony attacked the Guardian, they landed on top of them.I don’t know what I will do with myself... your music, your smile... they’re gone forever.” He gritted his teeth then took a calming breath. “I’ve been contacted by a couple of your friends... a DJ and a cellist... they’ll drop by during the week to help me out.” He sniffled and turned away.

Celestia stepped up to the statue, placing a hoof against the cold surface. “Lyra, Blast, Gilda... I owe you three so much... especially you, Lyra... I will always remember you. I hope to be a better mare thanks to your efforts. You stood up against me, even knowing how it would most likely end. Thank you.”

She stepped back and looked at Nightmare Moon.

The black alicorn looked at the statue, then back to Celestia, before her eyes turned to all of the gathered ponies, settling on the bearers of the Elements of Harmony for a moment. Turning her back to the statue, she faced them all.

“A thousand years ago, I brought war to Equestria,” she began, her voice carrying over the whole assembly. “I held only hatred in my heart for the ponies that ignored the night, whose loyalty seemed only to the sun. I hated that friendship always seemed to be beyond my grasp, reserved for everypony else. I brought horrors, pain, and eventually forced my sister to banish Luna, along with myself, to the moon.”

The crowd muttered amongst themselves, several ponies looking a bit distressed. When Nightmare Moon opened her mouth to talk again, they all quieted down, paying rapt attention to her words.

Nightmare Moon paced in front of the statue, her hooves echoing in the heavy silence. “After I was defeated again by friendship, I thought myself trapped forever within Princess Luna’s soul... but the Guardian’s attack set me free once more... only this time... this time the spirits of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were there... and they helped me open my eyes. I saw, for the first time, what a monster I had been so many years ago, the twisted reflection of my sister I had become. I saw, for the first time, what extraordinary bravery lived inside our subjects...” Her eyes settled momentarily on Rarity and Rainbow Dash. “And later, I felt... for the very first time, understanding, respect... and friendship.”

She bowed to the flustered mares and rose again. “I have learned so much... and have you all to thank for it.” She looked up over her shoulder at the statue. “I owe much to Lyra as well; she was an inspiration and I can only hope she will be one for all of you as well. Remember her lesson: never surrender to evil. Now- now it’s my time to go away... I must leave you and return your beloved Princess.”

Nightmare Moon closed her eyes and let the sun warm her coat before she looked up at the sky. “It’s a beautiful day, Celestia.”

Celestia took a step forth, her eyes wide. “Nightmare Moon... I-”

“Don’t...” the black alicorn smiled. “I wish... I wish I had known... so long ago, when I could have called you and Luna ‘sisters’...” She chuckled. “Back when it was still possible for me to be a separate being... Take care of my niece. Luna has already promised to do so.”

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash stepped forth. “What are you saying... are you... leaving forever?”

Nightmare Moon smiled and approached Rainbow Dash, giving her a short, completely unexpected hug. “It was nice knowing you, Rainbow Dash. And a pleasure having you as one of my Shadowbolts.”

“Nightmare Moon,” Rarity called, taking a hesitant step forward. “I... thank you, thank you for all the nights when I prayed to the moon for help and you answered.”

Nightmare Moon smiled slightly, nodding. She stepped back and closed her eyes.

“I’ll miss you,” Rainbow Dash said. “Thank you, for being there for me.”

The sounds of movement made Nightmare Moon look up. She took in a shuddering deep breath when she saw every pony in the square bowing to her, including Celestia and the bearers of the Elements.

Nightmare Moon nodded and let out a slow breath as a small smile played on her face. Her body slowly became smaller and dark energy seeped out into the daylight, fading under the sun into nothingness until only Luna was left, standing in front of Rainbow Dash with tears in her eyes.

“She... she’s gone...” Luna gasped as tears slowly crawled down her cheeks. “I didn’t have to fight... she just- she just left. And... she was so happy and... I am... sad...”

“Sister...” Celestia walked up to Luna and hugged her. “She will be remembered from now on as the mare who saved Equestria.” She looked at the statue. “Perhaps an addition can be made.”

“A fitting change, from her previous deeds...” Luna commented after a moment, looking up at her sister with a small smile. “Thank you.”

Both Princesses stepped back as pony after pony went up to the statue, looking at the engraved names of lost loved ones.

“Will Canterlot ever be the same?” Twilight asked, approaching her mother and aunt.

Celestia shook her head and nuzzled her daughter. “No. And it should never be the same; we shall never forget the lessons that were so costly to learn.”

Twilight nodded, looking at the statue. “Mum... I need to go to the cemetery.”

Celestia closed her eyes and nodded.


Twilight stood alone in front of two graves.

“Mom... dad,” she whispered, her body beginning to tremble. “I love you. You both raised me, you supported me, and had it not been for the council... you would both still be here. I don’t know... how we would have dealt with this.” She shook her wings. “But... I wish you could have both been here... I’ll miss you dad, just as much as I miss mom.” She sniffed. “I won’t allow what they turned you into at the end to be my last memory of you...”

Slowly, she knelt in front of both graves and cried for a long time. She didn’t stop until she felt somepony hug her. She looked down to see Spike holding on to her foreleg, tears in eyes as well. As she pulled him close and felt Celestia’s wings engulf her in a hug as well, she slowly dried her tears.

I’ll miss you both... but you can rest easy... I’m not alone.


That same night, three alicorns stood around the remains of the being once known as ‘The Guardian’.

“Who was Balance?” Twilight asked, looking down and the pieces of stone. “He looked like a draconequus, and for a moment I swore it was Discord.”

Celestia sighed. “A long, long time ago, before ponies had learned to write or even developed a real language, the draconequus and alicorns were little more than forces of nature. We were not sentient as we are today, Twilight... I was the energy, magical and mystical that tied the sun to our world and moved it.”

“I was the whisper of dreams and hopes that lit the night with stars and moon,” Luna added. “Winter was the force that brought clouds and darkness and cold to the world, while Spring would be the opposing force that would drive her back, and in turn would allow Summer to push the cycle forward for Fall, who would prepare everything for the return of Winter.

“Back then, the draconequus were more than we were and at the same time less: they were boundless imagination; concepts without form or purpose. When sentient beings started to discern our existence, giving us names and defining our relationship to them and to the world, their thoughts and hopes shaped us into alicorns... and so they also shaped the myriad little things, snippets of fancy and boundless concepts into beings of amazing power.”

“The draconequus,” Twilight whispered. “So... that’s how you, we, came to be?”

Celestia nodded. “We were created as infants, because that is also how we were viewed, as beings that simply played without caring for the poor mortals we affected. As time went by and we grew, we all settled into our roles, but also developed problems with each other. How long should the day be? Why couldn’t it be Winter earlier? Why shouldn’t Summer be longer, everypony enjoys Summer!” She chuckled.

“Fun times,” Luna agreed. “And into that mess stepped two draconequus. One argued that we should do as we pleased. Fight it out from time to time. Have fun, you know. Shuffle the seasons: Spring, then Winter, then Spring then Summer, then Fall, then Winter, then Fall... Days that lasted for weeks, Nights that extended for months.” She chuckled sadly. “This draconequus called himself Discord.”

Celestia sighed. “The other, however, calmly presented his case that we should all decide once and for all how things should work, and we should stick to it. We were free because they were rules we were creating, but we also had duties to those whom had given us shape and sentience.” She looked down at the pieces of stone. “His name, he said, was Balance.”

“And of course you listened to him!” Twilight smiled. “After all, it makes the most sense!”

Luna snorted.

Celestia smiled sheepishly. “Actually... we all pretty much sided with Discord.”

“What?! But- but mom! That’s-”

“Completely irresponsible?” Celestia laughed. “Yes. But we were little more than toddlers, Twilight. Discord’s option seemed more fun.

“Even if it wasn’t right,” Luna quipped.

“And so it went that we did what we wanted, with Discord throwing in as much chaos as he could to disrupt the lives of mortals. Balance, for his part, did what he could to control the damage, but it wasn’t enough.” Celestia looked up at the darkening sky. “We had our fun, and hurt countless beings as a result, but eventually we grew tired of it. One day it just wasn’t as fun as it used to be. It could have been any number of things; the nests of the gryphons freezing to death; the way nature started to die around us... we suddenly realized that we had responsibilities. That order was part of who we were, deep inside. And so we searched for Balance to help us.”

“He laid down laws to which we all agreed,” Luna chipped in. “And we all tied our magic to him, so that he could slowly guide us into each cycle.”

Celestia nodded. “At first. it was hard. Balance had to step in more than once to remind us of our promise, but, as time went by, we all settled into our roles. Even Discord. He became a true creature of mischief, but limited himself to acts that would not hurt more than somepony’s pride at worst.

“Balance slowly let us take the reigns of our lives and eventually, we were maintaining the natural order by ourselves. I think... I think that’s when he just, faded away.” Celestia said, her eyes on her sun as it slowly settled in the horizon. “We never knew what happened to him, until now.”

“But... why did he became the Guardian? There has to be a reason!” Twilight exclaimed. “And what was he guarding?”

“He once said that he was the Guardian of Order and that Discord was the Guardian of Chaos,” Luna answered. “I thought he was just being pretentious, but he might have taken that title very seriously.” She sighed. “My guess is that he felt he was not needed. Once we all knew what had to be done, his purpose was lost. He hid himself, and let himself turn into the creature we fought.”

“But...” Twilight shook her head. “That can’t be all there is to it, there must have been something more! We don’t just turn into monsters for no reason! You know that!”

“I’m not saying there was no reason other than what I already suspected,” Luna replied, locking eyes with Twilight. “However, that is the best we can do: guess...”

“Luna is right, Twilight,” Celestia agreed, nuzzling her daughter. “You have to learn that, sometimes, we can’t ever know what it was that caused something that horrible to happen.”

Twilight looked down in frustration. “I want him to be evil... but what you’re telling me is that- all the manipulations, all the murders, turning alicorns into Nightmares, turning my father into a killer... it was caused by a creature that once represented what we want in our lives?” She scratched the floor with her hoof and whispered, “It just doesn’t make sense.”

“We can never know why he turned into what he did, Twilight,” Luna sighed. “I wish I could understand why he turned Winter and the others into Nightmares... how he reached me to turn me into one myself, but... I can’t.”

“I have a theory,” Celestia said after a moment, Twilight perking up at her mother’s words. “Balance, for all his virtues, always wanted control. That’s why he had us all tie our magic to him so long ago. That’s why he hated Discord, even if he never said it... when the control slowly slipped from his claws, he decided to act in a way to ensure he would always be able to return to it. I think his cult started when we were all still fooling around. I think that, while his initial intentions may have been genuinely good, when we turned our backs on him, feelings of hate, anger and betrayal all festered inside of him, for as much as we were toddlers... so was he. When he was not as necessary in the capacity of being a leader, he hid away and planned his revenge.”

Twilight sighed. “But that’s just a theory.”

Celestia nodded morosely. “I’m afraid so, Twilight.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “I don’t think I’ll be happy with just that.”

Celestia chuckled and nuzzled her daughter. “I know, but like I said, Twilight, you have to learn that there will always be things we cannot fully understand.”

“I guess,” Twilight rolled her eyes and yawned. She shook her head. “I’m sorry! I just... it’s been a long day and...”

“It’s okay, Twilight.” Celestia stretched. “We should go to bed.”

Twilight yawned again. “Okay,” she said sleepily as she followed her mother towards the castle.

“Are you coming, Luna?” Celestia asked.

Luna nodded. “I will be there shortly, sister.” She watched the pair walk away and sighed as everything became quiet.

One of the stone pieces shuddered and trembled, starting to roll. Luna’s hoof crunched it into the ground and turned it into dust. Her eyes looked at each piece of Balance and each individual rock was collected by her magic and disintegrated.

Slowly, Luna let out a deep breath. “You shall never be a threat to my family again. Goodbye, Balance... and good riddance.”


"Rainbow Dash stared out at the twinkling lights of the city from her bedroom window in one the castle's many towers. She started when she heard somepony knocking on the door. “Yeah, come in.”

The door slowly opened to to admit Spitfire. The Wonderbolt was still heavily bandaged, most of her body still recuperating from having the draconic parts suddenly removed even if it was done by the Elements of Harmony. She closed the door behind her. “Um... hi, Rainbow Dash...”

Rainbow Dash smiled at the presence of the Wonderbolt captain. "H-hey..." She paused for a moment to get rid of the frog in her throat. "How are you feeling? Being purged of the Guardian's magic can’t be a good feeling.

“It wasn’t...” Spitfire shook her head. “I’m still feeling it.” She gingerly lifted a bandaged wing. “I won’t be able to fly for a while... but at least I’m a pony again...”

Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Dash... about us... I-”

“Don’t worry about it,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, looking out of the window again. “I know it wasn’t the real you... I don’t know if it was the real me either.”

Spitfire looked down. “Oh,” she sighed and looked up. “Well... I also wanted to tell you, if you ever want to...” She dropped something on Rainbow Dash’s bed. “We’ll be waiting.”

Still staring out the window, Rainbow Dash heard the door close behind her. Slowly, she pressed her head to the cool glass of the closed window, twisting her head to follow the fading light of the sun as it shone on the golden lightning-bolt embroidered on a Wonderbolt uniform.

Rainbow Dash sighed and looked longingly at the uniform. “Maybe... maybe after I visit the Gryphon Mountains. Maybe then.”

Another knock on the door and another sigh.

“Come in.”

Fluttershy walked into the room, closing the door gently behind her.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash gave her friend a half-hearted smile.

“How are you doing?” Fluttershy asked, sitting timidly on the bed and looking at the Wonderbolt uniform curiously.

“Could be better.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Rainbow Dash looked back at her, rosy eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “I-”

Fluttershy stood up and walked up to her, pulling her into a tight hug. “Shh... let it out...”

“I-” The tears finally started flowing as Rainbow Dash buried her face in Fluttershy’s mane. “I miss her! I miss her so much! I’ve missed her all this time! She was my best friend for so long and I pushed her away over one fight!”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything, choosing to rock gently as Rainbow Dash cried.

“I’ll never see her again....” The cyan pegasus sniffled softly, trying to regain her composure. “I wanted to go to the Gryphon Mountains and... I don’t know, let them know she died fighting...” She slowed down a bit. “She would like that, wouldn’t she? You know how gryphons are.”

Fluttershy nodded gently. “I think she would.”


“Yes?” Fluttershy smiled at Rainbow Dash.

“Can you stay here tonight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I- I could really use a friend.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Thank you... let’s... let’s go meet the others and then we can come back... I really have a lot to talk about...”

Fluttershy nodded as they stood. “I know, that’s why I’m here.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.”


“Are you sure you don’t want to stay longer?” Golden Cross asked.

“Ah’m mighty grateful for your hospitality,” Applejack thanked as she helped Apple Bloom into the wagon, “but Scootaloo needs to head back home, an’ me, Big Mac and Apple Bloom need to get back to workin’ th’ farm.”

“Aww...” Daisy Sprout pouted. “I’ll miss you!”

“We’ll miss you too!” Scootaloo promised. “I hope you can visit Ponyville soon!”

“Ah’ll be glad to show you the Crusader HQ now that you’re officially one of us!”

Trixie coughed. “Well... why don’t you let Daisy come with me to Ponyville? Trixie will take good care of her, Trixie promises.”

The fillies all turned to look at Golden Cross and Cinnamon with wide puppy eyes.

“Pleeeeaaase?” they chorused so loudly that Golden Cross had to take a step back. “F-fine... go pack!”

“Yay!” Daisy shouted excitedly, galloping headlong into her house.

Cinnamon turned to look at her eldest daughter. “Trixie, are you sure you don’t want to stay longer?”

Trixie smiled. “I’ll be back soon, mom. I just wish to go down to Ponyville for a short time.”

Cinnamon hugged her daughter. “Very well. We’ll be waiting.”

Trixie nodded, holding her mother close.

“I’m ready!” Daisy Sprout announced, walking up to them with a bundle hanging from a stick.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “An’ here Ah thought Ah was th’ only one that did that sorta thing.”

“I read about it in a book!” Daisy smiled.

“Well, hop on, y’all!” Applejack chuckled as Trixie let go of her mother and went to join Big Macintosh at the front of the wagon. She looked over to a mare with a light pink coat standing next to her. “Ready to learn how to work a farm, Dawn?”

“Do I have to talk like you to do it?” Dawn asked as they started walking. “And how do you hold things without magic?”

Applejack chuckled. “You’ll learn.”

“Hey, Spark, why are you comin’ to the farm again? Don’t you want to stay here with yer sister an’ mom?” Apple Bloom asked.

Dawn rolled her eyes. “It’s Dawn now, missy, and nah. Too much stuff going on right now with Twilight and mom. I figure some easy work will give me time to think too.”

“Easy?” Applejack laughed.

“What can be so hard about kicking trees?” Dawn asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow as the group walked down the street. “It’s not like they kick back or anything.”

“Girl, they might not kick back, but you’re in for a surprise if yer thinkin’ it’ll be easy. ‘Fore you know it, you’ll be beggin’ to stop and your body is gonna hurt like hell.”

Dawn leaned into Applejack, rubbing gently against the farm mare’s side. “But... I could ask for a massage... right?”

Applejack chuckled nervously, looking around with a forced smile. “Uh... maybe...”

Golden Cross and Cinnamon watched the group leave with a shared smile.

“Honey?” Cinnamon asked.

“Yes?” Golden Cross replied, turning to his wife.

“Since you’ll be retiring soon... perhaps we should look into finding a quiet place to settle down? Maybe a place like Ponyville?”

Golden Cross chuckled. “I was thinking the same thing.”


Trixie and Big Mac pulled the stagecoach along in silence while Applejack and Dawn trotted behind the wagon and talked the fillies inside.

“You okay, Trixie?” Big Macintosh asked, glancing at her.

Trixie blinked. “Oh... sorry, I was just thinking,” she sighed. “How much my life has changed. A couple of weeks ago, I didn’t even know I had a sister, I hated my parents, I was trying to rebuild my career while refusing help from anypony that offered to do so... it was crazy.”

Big Macintosh nodded pensively. “Eeyup.”

“I just never imagined I would, you know, meet Daisy, ask my parents for forgiveness, find new friends, be accepted...” She looked up at him with a subtle grin. “Fall in love.”

Big Macintosh smiled with that little smile that told Trixie that he felt terribly self-conscious, but pleased. She snorted. “You’re too cute, Big Macintosh.”

The stallion chuckled. “Eeyup, but not as cute as you are when you’re blushin’.”

“N-nonesense!” Trixie stammered, blushing furiously. “Trixie never blushes!”

“You’re doin’ it now,” Big Macintosh pointed out.

“O-only because you keep bringing it up!” Trixie growled. “Quit it!”

Big Macintosh chuckled again and nodded, then looked back towards the road. “So, Trixie. What are you goin’ to do about your career?”

Trixie looked down as she thought. “I- I need to create a new routine and... learn a few more magic tricks. I was hoping I... could stay in Ponyville for a little while, maybe practice there before I set out on the road again.”

“Oh,” Big Mac frowned. “Ah’ve been hoping you’d stay for a long time, Trixie.”

Trixie sighed. “I would love to, Big Macintosh... but it’s my dream...” She looked at the buildings they were passing by. “I want to perform on the greatest stages in Equestria. Show my tricks to everypony I can reach, and...” She looked at him. “Have a home to come back to.”

Big Mac slowed down a bit as he stared at her. “You mean...”

Trixie nodded. “I’d love to someday get a home in Ponyville and spend the rest of my life there... hopefully with the one pony I love.”

“Are you asking me to-”

“No,” Trixie said interrupted in all seriousness. “I want you to think about what I’ve said. And then I want you to ask yourself if you feel the same. Because, dear Macintosh, as far as I’m concerned, I’ve already said ‘yes.’”


“Thank you for being there, Prin- Mom...” Twilight corrected herself, shuffling nervously beneath the great white wing wrapped about her..

“It’s the least I could do, Twilight...” Celestia smiled, her eyes studying her daughter for a moment before she looked around Twilight’s old ‘student’ room.

I have to say something... this silence is killing me! Celestia thought, looking at Twilight. My daughter... for the longest time I never thought I’d have the chance to have a foal of my own and then... I just hid her away and gave up my memories of her for most of her young life. Even if I was with her, I saw her as my student and protégé... close, but not as a daughter.

“Pr- mom... why are you crying?” Twilight asked softly, her voice tinged with concern as she used a hoof to carefully wipe a tear from her mother’s face.

“It’s because I’m so happy, Twilight, and so sad,” Celestia explained, leaning into her daughter’s touch. “How much time did I waste in an effort to protect you?”

“Mom... we’re going to live for a long time, I think you will be able to make up for a few years,” Twilight joked a bit shakily. “And you were there...” She looked down. “I felt loved, all this time. Even when my parents, my adoptive parents, were still themselves, I felt like you were a mother to me as well. I not only looked up to you, I loved you like I would a parent. Mom... I never knew until a couple of days ago who you really were, but I’ve never felt deprived of your love.”

“Oh, Twilight,” Celestia whispered, pulling her daughter close. “I do regret not being your mom all that time... When Luna found the empty room...” She shuddered. “I felt a sense of loss like I never could have imagined I ever would... it felt as if my heart had stopped. I felt like all the will to live had been taken away from me... I had so much trouble com-” she choked up. “Comprehending... when- when I saw your dolls I- oh, I’m so- sorry I...”

Twilight leaned in, holding Celestia close as her mother broke into sobs, and barely able to stop herself from joining her, even though she could feel her own tears trailing down her cheeks.

“I was deprived of seeing you play with your dolls... of reading to you at night so you could sleep,” the elder alicorn recounted sadly, “of teaching you your ABCs...”

“Mom...” Twilight whispered, the word coming more naturally this time. “Mom... you protected me as much as you could. I wish I had been able to be with you and do that... please don’t cry... you’ve taught me so much... and you still teach me so much, every day...”

Celestia shook in her daughter’s embrace. “I- I have some memories of that time now, Twilight... if you would like to hear them...”

Twilight felt a knot form in her throat and a shiver run down her spine as feelings of anticipation and nostalgia welled up inside her. “I- I would love to, mom...”

Celestia nodded and her horn flared with light. The world around the pair went completely white as Celestia’s spell completely engulfed them.

The pair were suddenly in the empty room. The door was closed as the rest of the wing was still being repaired, Celestia carefully trotted to the small bookshelf. “When you were just learning to stand up correctly, you decided that you wanted to take one of the books yourself... you really loved this one story, ‘It’s Not a Cold Dark Place’...”

“Oh...” Twilight’s eyes lit up. “I remember that story! I would always read it over and over again and ask mom to read it to me at night and-” Twilight flinched, looking up at Celestia.

Celestia smiled sadly, not commenting on Twilights outburst. “When you tried to reach it, you stumbled back, and... and you opened your wings and tried to flap them while you were on your back on the floor, you started flopping around and-” She sniffed and choked out a laugh at the same time. “It was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!”

Twilight smiled as she levitated the Luna and Celestia dolls with her magic and nuzzled them. It felt... right.

She opened her eyes and blushed, looking over at her mother, who had a soft smile of her own. “Sorry, I-”

“Don’t be,” Celestia said. “You used to pick them up and nuzzle them just like that.”

“It’s strange how familiar this room feels, after all this time,” Twilight realized.

Celestia nodded. “There are so many little memories... you were sitting right there, next to the toy chest when you said your first word.”

Twilight’s eyes shone with interest. “Really? What was it?”

Celestia laughed. “Can’t you guess? Your very first word... was ‘book’. And you pointed straight at the bookshelf.” She chuckled. “Your next words were ‘Woona’ and ‘Tia’.”

Twilight blinked. “What?”

Celestia’s magic levitated the Luna doll. “Woona.” The Celestia doll performed a little pirouette and floated over to Woona. “And Tia.”

Twilight blushed, embarrassed. “Oh,”

The pair stood in the room in silence, soaking in the little memories and feeling comforted by each other’s presence. Then Twilight slowly walked up to her mother and hugged her again.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here with you,” Twilight whispered. “I can tell how much love went into this room.” Her eyes slowly went around the carefully selected furniture; the tiny table and chairs; the bookshelves; the little net on the corner with several plush toys; the crib with bed sheets folded and tiny pillow...

“We’re never getting that lost time back, are we?” Twilight whispered, staring through bleary, tear-streaked eyes at the room.

Celestia let out a long sigh. “I’m afraid not, Twilight.”

“Mom... I know we have thousands of years to spend together...”

Celestia looked at her daughter and nodded mutely.

“And I know I'd said I'd be going back to Ponyville... but...” Twilight leaned into the hug. “I’d like to stay for a few weeks, if you don’t mind.”

Celestia smiled and chuckled. “Not at all, my beloved daughter, not at all.”

“I love you, mom,” Twilight said, closing her eyes.

“And I love you, Twilight,” Celestia replied, nuzzling her daughter.


“Hey! There’s Rarity and Sweetie Belle!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she walked alongside Trixie’s stagecoach, making both Applejack and Dawn jump back in surprise. “Hello, Rarity! Hello, Sweetie!” She waved eagerly at the two unicorns standing just inside the Canterlot Gates.

“Pinkie Pie?!” Applejack gasped. “Where in tarnation did you come from?”

“Silly, I’ve been here all along!” the pink mare grinned. “I was taking a nap on top of the wagon!”

“On top of the-” Dawn stopped when she felt Applejack’s hoof on her shoulder.

“Don’t ask, sugarcube, don’t ask. It’s just Pinkie Pie.”

“Heeey! I know you!” Pinkie bounced around Dawn, making the mare look at her warily. “You’re Twilight’s evil twin!”

“Easy there, Pinkie, she ain’t Spark no more and-”

“Yeah, I am,” Dawn interrupted, glaring at Pinkie Pie. “I was lucky the Elements chose to heal me into an earth pony rather than turn me into dust. What about it?”

“Are you going to live in Ponyville now?” The Pinkie asked.

“That’s the plan,” Applejack confirmed. “She’s gonna be stayin’ at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Sweet!” Pinkie Pie beamed. “That means I get to organize a party! Yay!”

“Dear, you might want to make sure you call her Princess Dawn now,” Rarity said as she and Sweetie approached the group.

“I’m not a ‘princess’,” Dawn growled venomously. “I’m just lucky to be alive and that my ‘mother’ and biological progenitor decided that I was not worth killing.”

“Darling, you’re starting to sound like Twilight even more now!” Rarity teased. “Isn’t that lovely? Are you going to start making lists next?”

Dawn gritted her teeth. “Are you looking to change your looks, Rarity? Because you’re halfway there for me to lend you a hoof on that...”

“Darling, I’d rather avoid the mess altogheter...”

“Alright,” Applejack interrupted, stepping between the two. “That’s enough! There ain’t gonna be no fightin’ now, ya hear? What kind of example are you settin’ fer Sweetie, actin’ like this?”

“Eh, I’ve seen worse,” Sweetie shrugged, seeming entirely nonplussed.

Rarity shot Sweetie Belle an annoyed look, then rolled her eyes and huffed. “Fine, Applejack, since you insist, I shall put up with this-”

“Rarity...” Applejack warned.

“Fine,” Rarity looked away.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle, ain’tcha getting in?” Scootaloo asked, motioning for the young unicorn to join them.

“We got Trixie’s mom and dad to let Daisy Sprout come with us!” Apple Bloom added.

Sweetie sighed and looked down, dejected. “I’m sorry, but I have to go with Rarity for a while. I shouldn’t be too long, though! Maybe I’ll make it in time before you come back home, Daisy Sprout!”

“Aww...” Scootaloo groaned. “We haven’t seen you all week, what have you been doing?”

For a moment Sweetie didn’t reply as she traded glances with Rarity, who arched an eyebrow. Sweetie shrugged and looked back at Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. “Um, training...?”

“You mean...” Scootaloo slowly drew an imaginary line across her neck with her hoof, while poking her tongue to the side.

“No...” Sweetie said, chuckling nervously. “Just learning a bit more about magic, you know?”

“Hey, guys!” Rainbow Dash called as she and Fluttershy flew towards the group. “I see we’re almost all here.”

“Almost,” Applejack repeated as Trixie and Big Mac approached. “We’re just missing Twilight.”

“Do you think she’ll make it?” Trixie asked. “She must have a lot to talk about with her mother...” She sighed. “I know I did with mine.”

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed, earning an elbow to the ribs from Trixie.

“She’ll be here,” Rainbow Dash assured. “Twilight wouldn’t leave us hanging.”

A flash of red light melded into Twilight Sparkle, who shook her head. “I really need to learn how to control that power difference...” she muttered, blinking owlishly. “Want to ask me how the weather is in Neighpon?”

“Toldja,” Rainbow Dash grinned smugly.

“Oh, hi!” Twilight smiled, turning around and pointedly ignoring the guards and passing ponies who bowed to her.

“Still nervous about being royalty, Twilight?” Rarity chuckled. “How charming.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Well, you know me, I’m ‘Miss can’t-stop-feeling-self-conscious.’”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “You should relax, Twilight. Just do like your mom and be all cool about it!”

“That takes more practice than you might think, Rainbow Dash, we can't all be naturals at coolness, Dash” Twilight groaned. “Anyways, I’m glad I made it in time.”

“Well, you’d better get used to it, ‘sis’,” Dawn remarked, rolling her eyes. “After all, you’re a princess now.”

Twilight glanced at Dawn. “You know, being my sister, you could also-”


Twilight smirked. “I figured as much.”

“So,” Applejack said after a moment. “What are your plans, sugarcube?”

Twilight sighed, and looked towards the city, where several buildings were still being rebuilt. “I’m staying for a bit longer... I want to be with my mother and aunt Luna for a while.”

Rarity nodded. “We thought you might, darling. I think it’s the right thing to do.”

“But... you won’t stay stay, right?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I mean, you’re staying, but you’re going to come back to Ponyville eventually, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Don’t worry, Pinkie, before you know it, you’ll have librarian and dragon back in Ponyville.”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “And then we’ll have a BIG party to celebrate all the new friends that will be there!”

“Ah heard that Paper Craft is movin’ over to Lyra’s old place,” Applejack said after a moment of awkward silence. “We should all make sure to give him a hoof. That colt needs some good examples after livin’ all that time with those parents of his.”

“Trixie hates to say this but-” Trixie cleared her throat, a bit embarrassed by her slip-up. “But I can’t say I’m saddened by the fact that they were crushed.”

“Trixie!” Applejack gasped. “That’s a horrible thing to say!”

“You didn’t hear what they said,” Trixie whispered.

Applejack sighed.

“So, where are you going, Rarity?” Twilight asked into the awkward silence.

“We’ll be going north,” Rarity said. “The trip shouldn’t be too hard, but I have several things to attend to.”

“You, or Ja-”

“Me, Twilight,” Rarity interrupted. “It’s time to put an end to that chapter of my life.”

Twilight nodded as she looked at the others. “I guess... I guess this is goodbye for now.”

“Only for a short time, sugarcube,” Applejack soothed, giving Twilight a hug.

“Me and Fluttershy are going to stay around for a day or so,” Rainbow Dash said. “And then we’ll head for Ponyville... and after that... well, I still have to think about what to do after that...”

“Please make sure Angel is okay,” Fluttershy said to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “And feed the chickens. Tell them I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, Fluttershy!” Apple Bloom exclaimed with a curt salute.

“See you soon in Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie shouted, somehow hugging everypony at the same time. “And be ready to party!”

“We will,” Twilight smiled as she Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stepped back, allowing the Stage Wagon to roll past.

Trixie and Big Mac gave them a nod in goodbye, followed by Applejack and Dawn, who hurried to keep up the pace. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Daisy Sprout waved goodbye as the group slowly disappeared into the winding road that led to Ponyville.

“Fare-thee-well, Twilight Sparkle,” Rarity said, hugging the alicorn as well. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Make sure you do,” Twilight replied. She looked down at Sweetie Belle. “And you take care too, Sweetie Belle.”

“I will, Twilight!” Sweetie said happily. “And thank you for the help with the spells!”

Twilight grinned. “It was my pleasure.”

The two sisters turned around and slowly walked out the gates, leaving Twilight alone with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“Hey, Twilight.”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight looked over her shoulder at her friend.

“How about we give those wings of yours some more practice?”

Twilight smiled in appreciation. “I’d like that.”

“Well, let’s go!” Rainbow Dash shouted, jumping into the air.

Twilight smiled and looked towards Ponyville, her eyes settling on the wagon being pulled down the winding road. She then looked further to where Rarity and Sweetie were making their way towards their own distant objective. She looked at the city around her and sighed.

“And so we move on...” she whispered.

“Hey, Twilight! Fluttershy! Are you coming?” Rainbow Dash called, interrupting her musings.

Sharing her smile with Fluttershy, Twilight jumped up, following the two pegasi towards the Castle. “Hey!” she shouted, wobbling and losing altitude after a few seconds. “Wait up!”

o.0.o The Empty Room o.0.o

The End