• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 27,609 Views, 1,204 Comments

The Empty Room - Wanderer D

An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses...

  • ...

Chapter 19 (Original)

The Empty Room
Chapter 19
By Wanderer D

Nightmare Moon watched as the procession made its way down from the castle, waiting until her sister had assumed her seat before signaling Rainbow Dash and the others that it was time to begin.

Allowing her sister, despite the sun goddess' claim of equality between the sisters, to be seated first gave the impression of deference and slight submission. However, the impressive display of aerobatics from the Shadowbolts would make it look like she was being her usual overly theatrical self. Both actions would be appreciated by the older sister, showing Nightmare Moon to be one with respect for her elder, while not being to shy as to not grab all the attention she could.

In short, a give and take which her sister would find amusing and slightly comforting. As long as Nightmare Moon fit into Flare's expectations, she would be less suspicious.

The black alicorn forced herself to be impassive as the Solar Nightmare spoke to the crowds and then called for Lyra to be brought to the gallows.

The black alicorn had had little knowledge of the musician besides what she had glimpsed from their brief encounter, and some would call the Nightmare a foal for entrusting somepony so easily with a task of such importance. But within Lyra's eyes she had seen an honest mare with more than enough willpower to pull it off -even if the unicorn was easily distracted by her belief in the way things ought to be.

Giving her the means to stop Nightmare Flare and further Nightmare Moon's plans was risky to say the least, but she had faith in the unicorn. There was a chance Lyra didn’t have the magical fortitude to pull off the spell, as it involved tremendous emotional stress, and if the little unicorn failed... well, even then she had a back-up plan. For now, she had her own part to play. Hopefully the musician had mastered the melody thoroughly, or there would be no stopping Flare from hanging the unicorn.

When Lyra asked for permission to play for the Queens, the black alicorn advised caution with a short shake of her head, earning a smile from her overconfident sister.

The black alicorn wasn't surprised by her sister's confidence. She was, however, when Flare made the task easier as she dragged forward two members of the council of Nightmares from the crowd to be hanged alongside Lyra.

Nightmare Moon hid a smile. Celly had always been one for shifting the playing field to her advantage.

When Lyra started playing, the black alicorn immediately knew that her faith in the musician had been rewarded. Already from the first few notes she could see Nightmare Flare reacting.

It wasn’t long before Twilight Spark noticed something was wrong and ordered their bodyguards to attack. Moon frowned as everypony exploded into action around her; Rainbow Dash and Soarin’ rushing to meet Spitfire, Jade and Twilight Sparkle heading straight for Twilight Spark; Misty and Blast clashing almost immediately with one of the shadow creatures in the air, while Applejack and Big Macintosh intercepted another.

Lyra's melody was as strong as she had hoped it would be -the alicorn spared a moment to look down at the mint-green unicorn. She could feel so much pain, so much anguish coming from her... The Nightmare felt a sudden pang of regret from what she was putting the musician through... But the plan was working, and that’s what really mattered.

On the other balcony, Nightmare Moon could see Flare paralyzed by a melody the Sun Queen hadn't heard for more than a thousand years. The music pried open her mind's eye, revealing to her memories of happier times even as the spell woven into the notes created a crack in Nightmare Flare's defenses. The music would have to continue as long as possible for it to complete its task.

But her own task beckoned. Taking flight so she could see her objective more clearly, Nightmare Moon extended her magical senses to encompass herself and her sister. She knew her task would not be easy. She began weaving magic around her sister's aura first, probing and enveloping it with her own in a way that she would have never tried under other circumstances; it was an incredibly intimate and possibly uncomfortable thing to do to a magic user.

Nightmare Moon watched carefully as Nightmare Flare remained static, eyes filling with recognition as memories began to surface.

Soon sister, you will be free. What will you think then? How will you deal with what I had to after returning from being a Nightmare the very first time? The black alicorn’s eyes darkened at the sight of her sister trembling. The worst is yet to come, Celly. You will have to face your decisions. You will have to deal with the responsibility of having let the Nightmare loose... just like I do, every day and every night.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed one of the shadow monsters flying her way. Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth angrily. Under normal circumstances she could take care of the creature easily, but this task required the utmost care and attention. Without taking her eyes off of Nightmare Flare, she telekinetically grabbed a hold of the shadow chimera and held it writhing in place. It would not do for her to lose her concentration over so trivial a creature.


Nightmare Flare grinned. Lyra hadn't even batted an eye when she had ordered two more ponies to the noose. She nodded at the musician, and with the briefest of acknowledgments, the unicorn started strumming her lyre.

The melody started slow, almost hesitant... but as the notes reached her, it awakened something deep in Nightmare Flare's heart... nostalgia. “T-this melody... how...” she stammered. Stop! Stop it! She thought furiously, feeling her defenses fall as the melody continued.

The unicorn did not stop playing and the white alicorn felt her body sway slightly to the music. This is... the 'Requiem of the North'... how did she... realization struck her. Nightmare Moon... it had to be her... she betrayed me! Despite her best efforts, the Solar Nightmare felt herself being pulled into her memories...

Celestia stood by herself in the room that once had belonged to her daughter. Despite the presence of a crib, books, a small table and toys, the room felt completely empty. The lack of life in it making the absence of her loved ones all the more pronounced as she stared at the horn on the floor. Twilight's horn was slightly burnt at the tip, the bottom part cracked and splintered.

“Oh, Twilight...” she sighed. “In the search for my first child... I got my second daughter killed.” she said, looking tenderly at the horn. “I never told you, Twilight, how much you meant to me... how much of myself, and especially Luna I saw in you. You were such a beautiful filly, in mind and body... so innocent, but still so brave!”

She had raised the purple unicorn as her own from the moment she had taken her in as a personal protégé. Twilight's education in the arcane arts was but one of the many skills and knowledge that the Princess had imparted on her.

She had taught the unicorn how to behave in court, how to approach nobles and common citizens alike. Under the alicorn's watchful eyes, the studious Twilight had grown into a fine mare. True, the purple unicorn had been a bit withdrawn, but she had finally made friends.

It had been Twilight, with just a bit of encouragement, who had gathered the Bearers of the Elements and brought back her sister, Luna.

“I owe you so much, my Twilight...” the Princess whispered. “And now you are gone... and I have to accept that... I will find the ponies behind this... and they will pay.” She stared at the empty room for a moment before sighing in resignation. “But that will not bring you back. At least I know death is kind... even if he is a bit odd.” she chuckled. “But how can I go on right now, my faithful student, when you will not be at my side again? When your reports will not come to me and break the monotony of the court? When the actual joy of you being alive and part of my life... is gone?”

Celestia lowered her head to her hoofs. “And yet, I must. For if not I, who? I only have this night to mourn you, and then, when the time for the sun to rise comes, I will have no choice but to return to my duty and raise it from its slumber. I cannot show this to anyone; I cannot be open, or honest or fragile... even dear Luna needs to see me be strong for her sake... I fear I have become spoiled my student... for within the last two decades not only did I get my dear sister back... I had you.”

“And you can have her again...” a voice whispered almost in her ear, making it twitch.

“Who’s there?!” Celestia asked, she quicly stood up and glared around the room, searching for the origin of the voice.

“Don't you mean... how?” the voice whispered back.

Celestia clenched her mouth shut as she looked carefully around again. There was no way anypony could have crossed her field... so who...

“Not 'who'” the voice whispered again. “How. How can I get her back? How can I get my daughter back?”

“Show yourself,” Celestia growled.

“Turn around... yes... you can see me there...” the voice directed as she looked at one of the walls. There seemed to be somepony there... she approached carefully until she stood, staring.

“That's not you.”

“Yes... it is.” the voice said again. And she saw the pony in front of her mouth the words, just as she had mouthed the words she had said earlier.

“You are not me.” Celestia insisted, staring hard at the mirror.

“You are drifting from what really matters but if you must know...” her image replied. “I am your inner voice, I am the power within yourself able to bring Twilight Sparkle back to life.”

“That can't be done.” Celestia replied angrily. “If you were me you would know!”

“I am... and that's how I know it to be possible.”

The Princess shook her head... the voice was seductive... Could it be as her mirror image had suggested? If there was a chance to bring Twilight back...

“There is!” The voice insisted, her thoughts betraying her. “You know it... just as well as you know your love for that filly... it is not right for her life to be cut so short... not when she was just trying to help you! We know, don't we... that it was unfair... that it was uncalled for.” the broken horn, not even half the size of Celestia's own floated in front of the mirror now, spinning lazily, held by an unseen force.

“Y-yes...” Celestia admitted. “She was so young...” she felt tears and was about to fight them but...

“There is no need to hide your tears from yourself,” her mirror image said, her voice heavy with kindness. “Who is there to impress? Who is there to see you be a tiny bit sad... fragile? You are alone... not even our dear daughter is here to see us... our sister has to hold the fort for now until we bring Twilight Sparkle back... she is strong; she can handle it...”


“Twilight Sparkle needs us... she needs us to do what needs to be done... she needs us to use our magic and power to bring her back... for her... we should do it for her...”

“But how?” Celestia finally asked. “How can I bring her back?”

“Find me.”

“What?” the alicorn blinked. “Where can I find you?”

“I am within you... I am... a spark... within you... you have never needed me before, because you have not loved so much before.”

“Within me?” Celestia closed her eyes and turned her attentions inward. She searched deep. Going deeper than she had ever gone before. Everything was light, like being under direct sunlight. “I can't find you!”

“I am here...” the voice whispered “You already know me... Look beyond.”

The alicorn’s gaze returned to the horn as her thoughts raced in her mind. Was Twilight’s life worth it?

Yes, she had decided, there was no doubt about that. Every thought of her deceased pupil brought pain to her heart. She might not have brought her into this world, but Celestia and Twilight were as close as any family... what type of pony would she have to be to let the little unicorn come to harm?

Nothing since losing Luna had made her feel so powerless and trapped by rules set down by herself. She had let so many others die, she had selflessly fought to keep a balance in the world, to keep Equestria safe at an incredible personal cost.

Each death of a loved one chipped away at her soul and sapped her determination over thousands of years of meeting and allowing ponies into her life. Her subjects expected her to be above such little things as feelings. She was immortal and wise and powerful after all, surely she would get over it.

True, she was immortal, and it was true that the average life-span of a pony went so quickly... but she lived with them, every day and night...

Her subjects... her friends, lovers, students, colleagues... they all left their mark and she enjoyed every second of their lives and grieved for each death.

And out of all of them, a single and most studious unicorn shone like a beacon of happiness in her life; a unicorn she had feared she would lose eventually... but not without a fight. It could be called selfishness, but she didn’t care.

Celestia looked. And she looked. And she searched... until she got to the edge of the light, where the shadows at the absolute edge of her subconscious were. She stopped. She should be careful, it was easy to forget she was not-

“Princess!” a voice she easily recognized called from within.


“Princess! I'm scared! I can't see anything! There's... something pulling me away!”

“Don't worry, Twilight! I'll...”

“Princess...” Twilight's voice seemed to fade into the distance.

“TWILIGHT!” Celestia shouted, plunging into the darkness. “Where are you?!”

“She's almost gone!” her mirror-voice shouted. “Release your inner power!”

And Celestia felt it... a shell of some sort, floating in the darkness. Her horn started to glow as she charged towards it. “Twilight! I'm coming!”

She knew this was a bad idea but... she would kill to protect Twilight. She admitted to herself. She never wanted to live through the death somepony she loved so much. She would betray herself and cause untold levels of destruction only if it would bring her beloved student back. She would hurt whoever stepped in her way and Twilight’s return.

Because she was tired of losing those she loved so much.

Because she was tired of being selfless to the point losing herself.

Her horn struck the shell. It didn't budge, her own mind and subconscious fighting against her.

There were very few things she would not do for Twilight Sparkle.

She would make things right... she would get back both her daughters...

The alicorn reared back and struck the shell again. This time it cracked and magic and power poured out in a torrent that threw her out of her mindscape and into reality.

Princess Celestia snapped out of her meditation and glared at the horn. “How dare anypony hurt Twilight?! What type of monster would murder such a sweet unicorn? They should be punished...”

Something inside her stirred, her body shook with adrenaline and energy. Slowly, tendrils of power began to wrap around her, solidifying into armor.

Something inside her pulsed with energy and Celestia gasped with the thrill of magic unlike anything she had ever felt before...

“I am ready to come out to the world... to teach my enemies to never threaten my loved ones...” She shook her head. Twilight came first.

The severed horn was enveloped in energy. It levitated until it floated at eye-level. “Twilight...” Celestia whispered as her magic turned the horn around and used it to carve a deep gash into the alicorn's shoulder, allowing blood to flow and cover it.

The magic coursing through her body immediately healed it, not even allowing her to register pain.

The blood-covered horn lit up, the residual magic inside of it giving off sparks of light in tandem with Celestia's heartbeat.

The Princess concentrated. She needed all her precious memories of Twilight.

She remembered the unicorn's early childhood, where she would be pushy and unintentionally rough when she wanted something, especially any of the books she loved.

She remembered the little filly playing with Spike, tossing pillows around and chasing him in her room until the whole place was wrecked.

She remembered the lessons in magic she had taught Twilight... her darker inner-self conjuring the lectures on combat magic to the forefront. Celestia tried to put it into perspective... she had warned Twilight to be very selective on using them... “But not anymore. I won't lose her again.”

As she succumbed to her darker self, Celestia found herself struggling to bring positive memories to the fore of her mind.

Slowly the ghostly silhouette of a unicorn formed from the severed horn.

“Her new body needs to be stronger... able to withstand attacks that would leave any other pony crippled.” The alicorn groaned, fighting to make sense of what she should do and what her inner self was saying.

The mane formed, falling around the horn in Twilight’s usual mane-style... “Her horn should be longer, deadlier. She should be able to skewer an enemy.”

While reinforcing the muscles, the Nightmare grinned. “Twilight will never lose again. She will never leave me.”

Celestia continued watching in silence as the process continued...

The coat became visible, darker than she remembered. She frowned. “Am, I doing something wrong?”

“No.” She told herself. “It is not wrong... she's darker, yes, but that will give enemies pause... she is taller and stronger... much more powerful than before.”

The cutie-mark slowly came into view on her flank, the straight lines of the stars twisted almost to look like wavy blades.

“That's not right...” Celestia said, confusion showing in her now dragon-like eyes. “It looks strange...”

“Her magic is stronger.” she reasoned. “It's natural for a cutie-mark to change a bit to reflect that.”

When she opened her eyes, lavender and red irises regarded Nightmare Flare as the alicorn’s regalia molded around her new form. Celestia smiled at the sight of a breathing, living Twilight.

“Welcome back, my daughter.” the Nightmare said as the last vestiges of the old Celestia faded into her subconscious.

The newly-resurrected unicorn nuzzled the alicorn. “It's good to be back, mother.”

She snapped back to the present, thankful for the short reprieve from her memories. The music continued unrelenting, however, still holding her enthralled.

The melody, a requiem from thousands of years ago, was being played along with one of the most potent memory spells in history. With enough time it would destroy any shield, any mental protection at the whim of the unicorn player. She had thought it lost to time.

But now she was under siege from it.

Unable to stop listening, she felt her mental defenses buckling under the power of the melody. Each note drove into her mind like a red-hot spike. Through the haze of pain, vague images and sounds forced their way through... a wave of foreign memories that somehow felt like her own.

“Is this necessary?”

A tiny filly alicorn cuddled up in bed next to her. She felt tired, so tired... but proud. And strong.

Scenes flashed by until she was looking at a mage... she knew this unicorn. Eldritch... he had disappeared twenty years ago without explanation.

“I have devised a rune matrix that, once started, will conclude the whole spell, finishing by teleporting all of you back to your rooms...” he was saying.

Another flash, red-hot pain in her mind.

Whistling winds, cracking thunder, an unknown unicorn suddenly appearing in the runic room.

Midnight and Star Dancer bowed before her.

“Do we have to forget?”

Filly Twilight blinking in the light, muttering her first word.

“Please take care of my daughter...”

Her first word had been...

It had been... Mommy.

A battle raged around her, but the nightmare could see only the memories as they relentlessly buffeted her mind. And as the last note of Lyra's melody pierced her psyche, destroying all remnants of her defenses, the memories tearing into her very soul, Celestia was ripped free from her slumber and Nightmare Flare collapsed, her last conscious thought on how unlikely it was that she heard Twilight's voice......calling for Celetsia.


After Ebon Rain, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the three unicorns with them made it to the relative protection under of the balcony, Fluttershy realized she didn't know where to look, or where to go.

The moment she had turned around to look at the crowd, she had been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of ponies around her. Surprisingly, although a few groups had started running about in a panic, most of the ponies stood nervously in place.

Even after one of the shadow chimeras had crashed to the plaza ground, killing a pony and injuring many others, the majority remained in place, watching in confusion and fear as if they could not believe what was happening right in front of them.

The pegasus stepped gingerly into the area where the fight had been brought to ground level.

There were dozens of wounded all around her... and where the shadow creature had landed on top of a pony... her whole body shook, her first instinct was to run, but the pegasus was rooted to the spot... Fluttershy could do nothing but stare. She had never seen something like this, or even imagined it could happen! She was used to treating small wounds on animals... not... not the carnage in front of her!

Fluttershy started to hyperventilate. She had no experience in- the sound of splintering wood brought her back to reality.

The pegasus then heard Lyra's melody over the chaos of screaming ponies and everything looking bleak... if the mint-colored unicorn could continue her fight with a noose around her neck and being in the center of all the chaos, Fluttershy could do no less.

The pink-maned pegasus muttered a quick prayer to Princess Celestia, which she stopped with a fearful glance at Nightmare Flare, and instead decided to go with a quieter one to Nightmare Moon. She quickly galloped towards the perimeter of guards.

“E-excuse me, sir...” Fluttershy asked one of the guards urgently. “We... we h-have to... organize a-and help evacuate and... take care of... the injured... if you want... that is...”

The guards either couldn't hear her or pretended she wasn't there. Fluttershy bit her lower lip. There was another crack, and she looked up in horror as the balcony almost collapsed on top of the Crusaders and another filly! Where was the guard? And the filly's parents?

A soft blue glow enveloped the balcony. Letting out the breath she had been holding, Fluttershy turned her eyes towards the crowd, where a light blue unicorn poured her magic out.

The cream-colored pegasus’ eyes widened as she recognized the unicorn. She looked back to the Crusaders and suddenly it clicked in her mind that the little filly standing with the three friends was wearing Trixie's cape. She looked back at the showmare. Trixie had a sister?

The sheer scale of what was happening threatened to make her faint. Whole families were here under Nightmare Flare's orders. Fillies even younger than the Crusaders, older brothers, sisters, parents... all of them scared and unable to act as monsters fought all around them.

Her train of thought was derailed when a chimera suddenly landed on the gallows platform with a screeching neigh that sent shivers down the pegasus' back.

Its claws smashing the mechanism that kept the trapdoors under the ponies closed, causing them to open with a snap before launching itself into the air.

She closed her eyes, not wanting to see... but when Lyra's music continued playing, they snapped open and she stared at the sight of Trixie levitating both the balcony and the ponies.
Fluttershy sighed in relief. Confident that Trixie had everything under control, she took a deep breath.

A cry from the showmare made her open her eyes in horror, just in time to see the showmare’s control slip and one of the ponies fall, breaking its neck with an audible snap at the jerk of the noose.

“Somepony... please...” the shy pegasus looked around, tears welling up. “Please help her! She can't do it alone!”

But her voice went ignored amidst the screams.

The chaos escalated as ponies previously paralized by fear realized what was happening, as if the sound of the neck breaking had been a bucket-full of cold water dumped on them.

But instead of helping, Canterlot's citizens simply ran away, knocking each other down as they scampered for a way out, only to find all the streets so packed by other ponies that they were unable to get out.

The pegasi civilians had already fled, except for the few that were rooted to the spot, whether out of curiosity or panic she couldn't know, but they were not helping either.

Several ponies had been trampled, here and there moans came from the few fallen ponies that still moved.

She turned to look at the guards again, this time however she was getting angry. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!” she snapped at a unicorn guard, staring at him in the eye. She shifted so she could see the other guards, who now were all looking at her, slightly intimidated.

The unicorn and earth pony guards gave her wide-eyed stares. “W-we were ordered to not interfere whatever happened!” one of them stammered.

The yellow pegasus flinched as she heard another rope snap in the air and Trixie's cry behind her. The second pony had died at the gallows, and Trixie... poor Trixie was doing her best to hold her concentration. She could see her talking to Lyra... there was a desperate glint to the showmare’s eyes.

Fluttershy stared incredulously from one to the next. “B-but... who would give such an order?!”

As if finally recognizing the fact that she was a Shadowbolt Captain, the guards were quick to answer. “We're under orders of Nightmare Flare herself!” one replied.

A shiver ran down Fluttershy's back... she turned to look at Trixie as the unicorn fell to her knees due to the stress. And then...

“Lyra!” Fluttershy gasped as the aura that held Lyra flickered and died away. She watched as the unicorn dropped, the rope growing taut around her neck. The sickening crack made her shudder as the unicorn’s hooves shook and bobbed above the ground for a moment. And then... she simply hung there, very still... very quiet. The tears still warm on her face as her body swayed in front of the crowd of motionless ponies.

“Lyra! No!” a new voice shouted, Fluttershy opened her eyes to see three unicorns running against the crowd towards the gallows. Lyra's family. It was impossible to not recognize the resemblance. The cream-colored pegasus never knew the musician had a younger brother.

Something inside her snapped.

She turned towards the guards, her eyes blazing with barely restrained fury. “Who do you think you are?!” she growled at one unicorn guard, who stepped back from her. “You dare call yourselves ‘guards’ while you stand here doing nothing?!” She looked at the others. “Do you think that following the orders of Nightmare Flare is the same as orders from Celestia?!”

“You will act now! You will help clear the rubble and get those fillies from under the balcony before Trixie's levitation spell fails! And you will do it now!” She shouted.

The guards in front of her immediately ran to the balcony, but those that hadn't received the stare hesitated.

“What are you waiting for!? I gave you an order!” Fluttershy roared, her face contorted in anger. “I don’t care who ordered you to do what before! Your duty is to Equestria!”

The guards nodded, all terrified right down to the last pony.

“You four!” she pointed. “Tell the others, we need to clear the plaza now! There's too many ponies here that will get injured!” She turned to another group. “You go help those wounded ponies! And the rest of you, find doctors, nurses, anypony willing and able to help!”

“YES, MA'AM!” came the resounding reply.


The fillies looked in horror at the planks that had fallen on top of Daisy Sprout's parents.

“M-mom! Dad!” Trixie’s sister cried, trying to move the planks. “Are you okay?”

She couldn't lose them! Not now! Not after losing her sister! She sobbed as she tried to push the planks away.

Suddenly there were other small hoofs helping her. The three Crusader joined her desperate efforts to find the buried ponies.

“Don't worry, Daisy Sprout...” Scootaloo said as the first plank hit the floor. “You're not alone. We'll get them out in ten seconds flat.”

Apple Bloom looked up at the balcony, a little nervous. “I wonder what’s keeping it up? That thing looks really heavy!”

Sweetie Belle's eyes roamed the plaza until they settled on a cloaked unicorn. She was on her knees, crying, but her horn shone the same bright blue as the magical aura that surrounded the balcony. She couldn't see why the unicorn was crying, but she knew enough about magic to know that if the unicorn got too distracted, she would lose control of her spell and the balcony would crush them all.

“Help!” she shouted. “Miss! You have to concentrate!” drawing the attention of the other three fillies.

The balcony groaned, as the the mare turned to look at them.

Daisy Sprout stared, her heart beating hard in her chest, her eyes watering even more. “I... TRIXIE!” she wailed “Trixie! Sis! Mom and Dad are hurt! Please!”

The mare's eyes opened wide as she looked their way and noticed what was happening. Slowly standing up, her horn flaring, Trixie concentrated on the balcony.

The structure groaned as the magic tore at the balcony. The fillies looked up nervously as gravel from the wall it had been attached to rained around them.

Another pull and a crack as the wooden stairs leading up to the balcony splintered and broke. The fillies crouched low as the balcony was suddenly ripped from the wall.

Trixie shouted as she threw the remains of the structure into the air, catching one of the chimeras attacking Nightmare Moon with it.

The shadow creature did not even know what hit it as Trixie’s magic slammed the balcony with tremendous force into the fountain, completely destroying the statue of Celestia that used to sit there.

The broken pipes began to spew water into the air, high above the buildings, and the wind spread it, creating a misty haze.

The chimera did not rise again.

“Daisy Sprout!” Trixie shouted, running towards them just as a group of guards arrived and fervently started digging their parents out.

“T-Trixie...” Daisy Sprout stammered, not believing her eyes. “Y-you... you're alive...” tears started flowing freely as the showmare slid into a stop just in front of her.

Trixie was breathing heavily, tears drying in her face as she took stock of her little sister. “I... are you okay? Did anything fall on you? I'm sorry I wasn't able to get rid of it quicker... I-I tried to help...” her lips trembled. “I couldn't save...”

She was stopped from talking when Daisy Sprout launched herself and tackled the older unicorn in a hug. “Trixie!” she cried, sobbing as her older sister stopped stammering and, with a gentle smile, closed her eyes and hugged her sister back.

“They're okay!” a guard said, helping Cinnamon and her husband up.

Cinnamon immediately looked for her daughter, and found her crying and hugging an unknown pony. “Daisy!”

The little filly gasped and turned around, the amount of tears doubling as she stared. “Mom! Dad! You're okay!” she let go of Trixie and ran to hug them too.

Both unicorns smiled and wrapped their daughter in a hug.

“Aww...” both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sighed at the scene while Scootaloo hid a smile.

Trixie slowly stood up, drawing the attention of the two adults. Cinnamon choked, looking at her in confusion as her dad slowly disentangled himself from the hug and walked up to her.


The magician scratched the floor with her hoof. “Dad... I...”

She never finished talking as she suddenly found herself being held close by her father. Soon, Cinnamon and Daisy Sprout were hugging her as well.

“We thought you were dead!” he whispered, nuzzling his daughter. “We heard bad news and...”

Their reunion was cut by a cough from one of the guards. “Excuse me... you’re Doctor Golden Cross, correct?”

When Trixie’s dad nodded, the guard sighed. “Sir, under orders from a Shadowbolt captain, all doctors and nurses in the area are to help those in need.”

Golden Cross blinked. “O-of course! What was I thinking?” he turned back to his family. “We have a lot to talk about, but...”

Trixie smiled, putting a hoof on his mouth. “...but we have duties to perform.” she finished for him. “We all do; go help them, dad.”

As she turned to trot towards the battle, Daisy Sprout jumped forward. “Trixie! Wait!”

The showmare looked down at her sister. “What is it, Daisy Sprout?”

“You’ll need this!” the little unicorn said, using her mouth to undo the clasp on the cape.

Trixie levitated it and threw off her cloak. The cape was a bit torn from the Guardian’s attack, but it was otherwise unharmed. “Thanks,” she smiled as the cape attached around her neck. The blue unicorn smiled for a second. Then she looked towards the gallows and her smile dropped. “I have to go... be careful...” she looked at all of them over her shoulder. “But fear not, The Great and Powerful Trixie is here!”

With that, she shot off towards the fray.

“Wow.” Scootaloo said after a second. “Your sister is awesome!”

“I know!” Daisy Sprout smiled.


Lyra's melody ended abruptly, and it was all Nightmare Moon could do to slam more force into her spell, keeping the memories flowing and hoping that it had been enough to snap her sister back from the Nightmare. She had located what she was looking for, and now she had to find all the little traces that connected her and her sister to the Guardian.

She still needed more time!

Nightmare Moon glanced down at the gallows and her magic almost failed her when she saw Lyra. Struggling to keep her emotions in check, she returned to her work, knowing that she had one more death to add to her long list of failures.

At least Lyra's spell completed its purpose. She thought guiltily. Nightmare Flare has passed out, she has no way to stop the memories from reaching her. I'm sorry Lyra...

It was then that the other shadow chimera attacked. She had less than a second to move, and she banked to the side, then flew up and back, keeping her slim hold of the Guardian's tendrils in check.

“Where's everypony?!” she growled as she allowed her mind to scan for her allies. There was too much going on and everypony was doing their job... sadly that wasn't enough.

Using her telekinetic hold on the first shadow chimera, she proceeded to use it to bat the second one away whenever it came too close.

It would have almost been amusing if it were not keeping her from finding the last tendril!

Her anger rose as the chimeras struggled to get to her. As if you two could ever do something to me. She glared in their direction for a second before snapping her attention back to Nightmare Flare. I can't let them distract me! I'm almost done!

It was then that she felt a tremendous pulse of magic and suddenly her balcony sailed in front of her and took down one of the chimeras.

Her mouth slid open and her eyes widened. “What the hay...” she shook her head and felt the magic start to slip through her control. Nightmare Moon immediately tightened her grip on the tendrils. That distraction had almost cost her everything. Her eyes narrowed. Just a few more...


Rainbow Dash was batted away by Spitfire. The cyan pegasus tumbled through the air, trying to regain her senses. The chimera was strong... really strong.

Soarin' took advantage of his former teammate's distraction and dove down, slamming his fore hooves with as much strength as he could muster into the middle of the dragon-pony abomination's back, eliciting a pained growl. Her draconic tail snaked up faster than lightning, cutting painfully into his arm. Soarin’ gulped. He had almost been completely impaled by Spitfire.

The pegasus bit back a scream, instead opting to fly back and get some breathing room between the chimera and himself as Spitfire turned to glare in his direction.

“Well Soarin’, it seems all those apple pies finally caught up to you, they're slowing you down!” she spat, the hatred in her eyes felt completely surreal to her old wingmate.

“Spitfire! This isn’t you!” he shouted, spying a recuperated Rainbow Dash gaining on their position. “I don't know what Nightmare Flare did to you, but- whoa!” he yelled out, fast enough to duck a burst of flame that passed over his head, but not fast enough to dodge the tail that rammed hard into his abdomen, sending him spiraling down towards the plaza.

“Don't insult the Que- Oof!”

Rainbow Dash's momentum-fueled charge culminated in a straight punch to the chimera's stomach, forcing all the air out of her lungs in a pained wheeze. “We're taking down Nightmare Flare, and then we're getting you back to normal!” the chromatic pegasus shouted, spinning in place and landing a hard kick to Spitfire's ribs.

Gasping for breath, the former Wonderbolt's eyes glowed red in anger. She grabbed Rainbow Dash by the throat before the cyan flier knew what was happening. “I'll rip your wings off and let you suffer for a while until you come whimpering for me to take you back!”

Dash struggled, but could not break free. “W-what is it about Nightmare Flare and turning ponies into perverts?” she gasped, feeling the claws around her neck begin to draw blood.

“Maybe I should get rid of your voice too!” Spitfire snarled. “I think I'll like you better as a mute!”

A roar, similar to that of a lion, split the air. Surprised, the chimera released the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash felt her heart give a lurch.

Something crashed on top of the abomination, slashing with wicked claws as sharp as the dragon-pony’s, putting a sharp beak to good use as the chimera fought frantically to turn around and retaliate in some way.

Both the chimera and her assailant plummeted down towards the city.

“Whoa... is that...?” Soarin' gasped, flying up to Rainbow Dash.

“Gilda!” the cyan pegasus shouted, diving after them.

“A Gilda? I thought it was a griffon! I'm pretty sure it's a griffon!” the stallion shouted, following Rainbow Dash down.

“That's her name, feather-brain!” shouted an angry Dash. “We need to catch up to them! She shouldn't be here!”

“Oh... you know her!” Soarin’ nodded in understanding.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes. “Just help her!”


“Paper Craft, you come back here now!” he heard his mother shout as his parents chased after him. But he couldn't... he wouldn't! Eventually his gallops brought him up to the gallows where he slowed down until he stopped under the slightly swaying body of his sister.

He couldn't bring himself to look up at her, and instead his gaze settled on the pieces of broken lyre that lay at his hoofs. He remembered how, several years ago during Lyra’s tenth birthday, somepony had given it to her. She had searched for a card inside the box, but never found out who had given it to her.

Her parents hadn't been happy about it. They had raged in private about how inconsiderate Lyra's friends were. They had discouraged her interest in music from an early age, unwilling to support her passion and trying to get her interested in other more socially acceptable endeavors, like accounting or law.

The lyre was a direct insult to them, or so they thought. They didn’t destroy it though, since several of their friends were important ponies in their own right, and the musical instrument was exquisite, hoofcrafted with inlaid designs of gold leaf. No, they didn’t like it, but they would never throw something so expensive away.

Paper Craft still felt proud that he had managed to sneak that present past his parents. Even broken, he could tell the loving care with which she had treated the instrument. The inlays were clean, the paint immaculate. After all this time, he was sure that she would have had to take it to be fixed at least a couple of times.

He sniffed, watching his tears fall between the broken pieces. He had loved staying awake at night to hear his sister practice, and had missed her dearly when she had announced, to their parents anger, that she would be moving to Ponyville to join the town’s small orchestra.

He smiled a bit. He, of all his family, should have known that there was more to it than simple rebellion against their parents. He had never understood it fully until earlier that day when the body of the mare had been brought to the dungeons.

His heart had never ached as badly as when his sister had broken down and cried in the Castle’s dungeon. While his parents had huffed and marched themselves out, he had stayed behind, sitting on the cold stone stairs, listening to his sister cry at the loss of her lover. He had gritted his teeth and closed his eyes when she had broken down and started laughing for no reason. He had been about to walk back in and offer whatever support he could... but then she started playing. And he couldn’t intrude.

“Paper Craft.” His father's voice reached him. “There's nothing to see here, son. Let's go.”

“She's here,” the colt said, finally looking up at the body suspended above him. His tears flowed more freely now as he stood up on his hind legs to hug hers. He buried his face in the soft coat and cried.

“She's dead, and good riddance to her.”

His mother's words made his blood run cold. He choked up and the tears died. He had misheard... he must have heard wrong...

“She was always a failure,” his mother continued, refusing to look up at the body. “Playing with that stupid musical instrument, wasting our money studying music and accomplishing nothing but playing in a small town just so she could be with that disgusting Earth Pony. Figures she would be a fillyfooler on top of it all!”

“Come now, dear,” his father said, “Let's not talk about things gone wrong. Paper Craft, let’s go; we need to leave before something bad happens!”

“Before something bad happens?” the younger unicorn whispered. He slowly turned around to face his parents. “Fillyfooler? Failure? That is my sister you are talking about! Your daughter! You raised her! She was beautiful!” he broke down crying and stepped back, shaking his head violently when his father approached. “You're monsters!” he shouted, looking at both of them. His father's face a cold mask, his mother's adorned with a sneer of distaste as she looked up at the body hanging from the noose. “How can you be so cold and cruel?! Don't you feel anything? Don't you feel any regrets? We'll never talk to her again! She's gone!”

“Paper Craft...” his father started.

“Don't!” he shouted. “Don't you dare talk to me! Don't you dare come any closer!”

His father ignored him, trying to put a comforting hoof on his son’s shoulder, he didn’t watch where he was going and stepped on one of the lyre pieces by accident.

Paper Craft saw red. With angry roar, his horn blazed into life, ripping flyers and posters from the nearby walls. They glowed with arcane light as they swirled into a whirlwind around his father. The older unicorn gasped as he was suddenly surrounded. He cried out in pain as small cuts began to appear on his clothes and flesh as the confused unicorn tried to backpedal away from his son.

“Son, stop that this instant!” his mother shouted, only for a piece of paper to wrap tightly around her mouth.

“Shut up! I am not your son!” Paper Craft shouted. “I don't know who you are, but monsters like you could never be my parents!”

“Son! Listen to your mother!” his father shouted, unable to concentrate on his magic to break free from the vortex. “This is not helping any!”

“I don't want to help!” he snapped, his eyes glaring from one parent to the other. “Leave us alone! You have been nothing but unfeeling, hateful and petty jail keepers for me and Lyra!” he shook his head and scratched the floor, breathing heavily and ignoring the hurt in his parents’ eyes. “At least she was strong enough and had the common sense to escape from you!”

“And see where it landed her!” his mother spat back, having used her magic to rip the paper away from her mouth. “Hanging from the gallows after wasting her life and her last moments playing her stupid music!”

“Excuse me?” another voice asked, filled with venom.

The three unicorns turned to face a blue unicorn with a purple hat and cape decorated with stars. “Did you just say that Lyra's melody -the melody that just now brought down Nightmare Flare- was... stupid?” the mare asked, tears welling up as her eyes flared in anger. “Did you just imply that your own daughter’s heroic sacrifice was stupid?”

“What business is it of yours?” Lyra's mother asked, looking down her nose at Trixie. “Wait, I recognize you. You're Cinnamon's daughter, aren’t you? Just another useless dropout who went to waste their life seeking fame.”

She was suddenly thrown back to land painfully on the wet floor, covering her coat in blood, grime and pieces of pony. Unable to fight the bile rising in her throat, she violently vomited, glaring at the meddlesome showmare as she stood up slowly. “How dare you?”

“Who do you think you are?” Paper Craft's father finally managed to blast the vortex surrounding him. “I will have you arrested for this!”

“By whom?” Trixie laughed at them, walking to stand beside Paper Craft. “In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a crisis.”

Lyra’s parents stood their ground, horns shimmering with magic.

Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Do you really want to test my patience?” Her magic aura slowly grew around her, easily outshining the glow of their horns.

The stallion took an involuntary step back, intimidated by her display. “P-Paper Craft... come on. Leave these two alone.”

“No.” the colt said, his eyes furious. “I'll never go back to you.”

“Paper Craft...” his mother tried again.

“The young unicorn spoke his mind.” Trixie growled. “Leave, before I forget what Lyra would have wanted and I reduce your bodies to ashes, then have them baked into a Diamond Dog piss-pot.”

With a silent look, his parents turned around and trotted away.

A soft blue aura enveloped the late unicorn's body as Trixie's magic slowly undid the noose.

When it was done, she slowly levitated the body down, next to Paper Craft. “Can you levitate her?” she asked softly as she placed the pieces of the lyre on top of Lyra's body, using her discarded cloak to cover and wrap the body.

The young colt nodded. “I think so,” he said, fighting the tears that threatened to flow again.
“Good,” the showmare sighed. “Take her over there, to where those fillies are. I don't want anything to happen to her...” she choked. “She's a hero, Paper Craft. You should be proud.”

The colt's magic was already coating his sister's body. “Oh... I am.” he said with a small smile. “I've always been proud of her.”

Trixie watched the young unicorn float Lyra's body along as he went towards her mother and cursed her lack of strength.

She sighed. This battle was costing everypony much more than she had ever- her thoughts were interrupted by a screech-like sound of a shadow-chimera. She looked up and her eyes widened.

The showmare scrambled out of the way, horn lighting up with magic to create a shimmering shield around her as the gallows exploded behind her.


Applejack was sent flying by a stray kick from the shadow chimera she and Big Macintosh were fighting. She landed painfully, but rolled with the momentum until she finally slid to a stop. The rope she had held so tightly to whipped around as her brother jumped back and circled the dangerous shadow-creature as it tried to keep both ponies in sight.

The chimera pulled back, making the stallion brace himself and pull back as well... only for the creature to pounce on him.

The rope went slack so suddenly that Big Mac lost his balance. The chimera was on him immediately, landing on top of him so forcefully that the stallion smacked his head on the floor.

“Big Mac!” Applejack shouted in a panic, charging towards him.

The red-coated pony desperately dodged the clawed talon as it ripped into the stone next to his head, leaving deep gashes on the floor. He kicked as hard as he could, but the creature ignored the pain, still trying to claw the stallion to death.

The chimera opened its maw, black fangs clear even under the perpetual gloom of the eclipse and dove down to clamp about his neck.

Applejack dove in, her legs already kicking out for all she was worth at the creature's exposed side.

The kick made it roll to the side and off the stallion, who stood up a bit shaky. The chimera had managed to draw blood. A small rivulet started flowing down his neck from several small cuts.

“Are you okay, Big Mac?” Applejack asked, looking at him worriedly and wondering if the creature's bite was poisonous.

The stallion nodded, his eyes carefully watching the creature as it jumped to its feet with an almost feline grace. The two ropes trailed behind it as it started circling them. “We need to get rid of it quickly.” he whispered and winced, feeling the sting of the bite wounds around his neck.

His sister nodded and glanced at the balcony for a split second. “Ah have an idea.” she said. “But ah’m gonna need your help... it's a bit risky.”

Big Macintosh nodded. “Just tell me what to do, sis.”

“We need to get the ropes.” she said, her eyes following the creature. “Then ah need you to distract it long enough for me to throw the end of my rope through one of those spaces on the balcony... then, when ah pull it back, you grab your rope and pull down, throwin' all your weight on it. We'll break its neck.”

The stallion nodded again. He started moving to his left, while Applejack moved to the right, effectively stopping the creature in its tracks as it watched both of them warily.
Big Mac made the first move.

Feigning a charge at the monster, the stallion changed his course at the last second, forcing the shadow chimera to whirl around to keep him in sight, leaving the ropes unattended.

Applejack immediately shot forth, picking up the end of the rope and preparing to throw it at the balcony, cursing herself for not thinking of this earlier, when she had been up there earlier.

She was about to proceed with her plan when a sickening crack and Big Macintosh's shout stopped her cold. She looked back towards her brother, only to find lying in a pool of blood at the feet of the shadow chimera.

With a desperate shout, she yanked the rope, pulling the creature a couple of feet away from him, trying to see if he was moving or still breathing.

The creature, however, had other plans.

With a mighty pounce, it landed on the preoccupied apple farmer, knocking the air out of her, and almost knocking her out. She choked and coughed as the chimera pressed its weight down on her chest... the light blurred in her vision, distorting the sight of the fanged maw as it lowered towards her.


Twilight Spark was getting frustrated. Jade was too good to fall for simple tricks and too fast to catch with her most powerful spells.

They had been trading blows since the attack on Nightmare Flare commenced but neither had gained a clear advantage, even if she had been on the receiving end of most of Jade's attacks while the white unicorn had dodged just about everything.

She was just lucky that she had been able to keep vital areas out of the reach of the assassin’s blade or the battle would have been over by now. Had Nightmare Flare not given her more strength, endurance and power than even Spitfire had received, she didn't think she would have lasted more than a minute.

Which made her hate the assassin more. The green-maned pony moved with a grace and intent that were enviable. The white unicorn's attacks were precise, where her own were powerful but unfocused.

She growled as Jade nimbly twirled in place, dodging a magic missile. “Those are always supposed to hit!” she accused.

The assassin took advantage of her distraction to buck her in the jaw, sending her stumbling back. Shaking her head she opened her eyes in time to see her opponent charging at her.

“Enough!” she shouted, expelling a shell of magic around her, and sending the assassin reeling. “I'll kill you, you cheap excuse for a unicorn!”

Jade was already on her hooves, but the assassin had landed far enough that she wouldn't be able to close the distance between them in time.

It was then that Spark heard Applejack shout.

The purple unicorn’s head snapped to the side, quickly spotting the shadow chimera as it stood on top of the apple farmer, claw raised and ready to deal the killing blow. Big Mac was either unconscious or dead several feet away from them, and there was no-pony around to help Applejack.

Without a second thought, the spell that had been intended for Jade slammed into the creature, throwing it off of Applejack, and enveloping it in flames.

“Don't you dare touch her!” Spark shouted, galloping towards the monster as her dark-purple aura formed into five energy blades that shot towards the chimera.

The blades cut into the creature, eliciting a pained roar as it stumbled back with each strike. Its wings were sheared of by a pair of energy blades, one leg was almost completely cut off, the last blade bit into its neck, parting it with ease.

The shadow chimera collapsed, its head rolling away from the body, but Twilight Spark only had eyes for Applejack, who was looking at her in pain and confusion. She slowed down until she was a few feet away from the apple farmer.

“A-are you okay, Applejack?” she asked, her eyes scanning the other mare's body and taking note of all the small cuts.

The orange-coated earth pony stared at her for a few seconds, then struggled to sit up. She looked over her shoulder and noticed that Big Macintosh was slowly getting to his hoofs. He seemed okay, if a little dazed. She released the breath she didn't know she had been holding and turned to look back at the unicorn that had caused her so much grief and worry and confusion. She smiled a little. “Ah am... thank you, Twilight Spark.”

The purple unicorn's heart fluttered. “I... s-sure, anytime Applejack!” she coughed, trying to compose herself. It wouldn’t do for the apple farmer to see her as anything but the strong mare she was. “A-anyway! I couldn't let my pet get hurt! What kind of lover would I be?” she asked with a smirk, still a bit shaken by the thought of losing the mare and ignoring Applejack’s wince at the term. She decided to just tease the farmer. “We still have a lot of stuff to do in be-”

She saw Applejack's eyes widen as the apple farmer looked at something behind her.

The world whirled around in a blur as she turned around to see Jade descending on her, forehoof with its blade poised for a deadly strike.

Suddenly, she felt something hit her hard, the world spinning about her once more as she saw blood fan out over her.


Gilda fought furiously, claws digging into the chimera’s soft underbelly, tearing off scales as her target roared in pain.

Spitfire snarled angrily, as she shook off the pain to dig her claws into the griffon's shoulders, holding her in place while the former pony opened her mouth and flames started to accumulate.

Seeing this, the griffon thrashed about, ignoring the pain as the claws ripped into her shoulders. With a desperate swipe of her hind legs straight at Spitfire's face, she was able to force the chimera's head to the side the moment it released a blast of flame that seemed as though it could have melted her face around her beak.

Both fighters flew apart from each other, bloodied and breathing hard.

“Not bad...” Gilda smirked, forcing her claws to stay put and not rub her painfully throbbing shoulders.

Spitfire growled. “You're interrupting a private dispute, pigeon! I'll give you this one chance to leave.”

Gilda growled back. “That's not happening. You're not cool enough to dance with me, much less Rainbow Dash. But at least I can whip your sorry flank out of the sky and save us all the trouble of looking at your scaly mug.”

“That's it!” Spitfire roared, flames surging around her body. “Foal's gloves are off! I'm going to wipe that smirk off your beak and then remove it from your carcass!”

The griffon gulped as she rolled out of a fire-blast that sailed past her. “You'll have to catch me first, scaly-flank!” she shouted back.

“Die!” the chimera shouted as she charged towards Gilda, who did the smart thing and turned tail, banking up and trying to put some distance between them.

She had to concentrate and evade several fireballs that tore right past her as she dashed from side to side, trying her best not to be immolated.

A black blur zoomed down past Gilda, leaving a rainbow trail. As the griffon snapped her head around, she saw Rainbow Dash plant a solid hoof into/onto the chimera's face, throwing the beast off-course.

Quickly taking advantage of the shift in battle, Gilda did a backwards loop to gather speed before sweeping down towards her friend.

Another dark blur, this one trailing a dark cloud with small lightning-bolts slammed into the side of the chimera, cracking at least one of its ribs as the creature tried to fry Dash's coat with its flames.

“Snap out of it, Spitfire!” Soarin' shouted before wincing as the chimera sliced his foreleg with her sharp wings in a fluid motion.

“How about I snap your neck instead?!” his former partner growled.

“How about you shut the hay up?” Rainbow Dash retorted with a buck right to the chimera’s stomach, where Gilda had clawed her.

The chimera roared in pain before smashing Rainbow in the snout with a vicious blow from her tail, sending the pegasus reeling backwards. At the same time, one of Spitfire's talons grabbed Soarin's head, another ripping through his uniform, leaving bloody gashes across his flank.

Gilda's eagle-like cry split the air as she sped past the chimera, and catching the creature’s throat in her arm, forcing her to release Soarin', who carefully retreated while still facing the pair to quickly scan his injury. Although painful, it seemed the damage was more superficial than he had originally thought. “That will sting for a while...” he wheezed.

Rainbow Dash shot past him, anger in her eyes, blood flowing from her nose. She gritted her teeth as she rammed the chimera in the shoulder with all her strength and momentum, hearing a sickening crack and the anguished cry of Spitfire a split-second later.

The Wonderbolt-turned-monster started glowing and her three opponents suddenly found themselves dodging for dear life as trails of fire sliced through the air.

Rainbow Dash cried in pain as she was hit by one on her hind leg while dodging another pair. She quickly patted the fire out, but the damage was already done, her melted uniform burned into her flesh, much of the cyan fur burnt away.

She bit her lower lip to stop from crying out as the pain blurred her vision.

“Watch out!” Gilda shouted, her claw grabbing Dash by the hoof and yanking her out of the way as another barrage of flames shot past her previous location.

“T-thanks...” the chromatic pegasus panted, nodding thankfully at the griffon.

“What are we going to do now, Cap’n?” Soarin' asked, flying up to the pair as they warily watched as Spitfire turned to look at them with hatred.

Gilda arched an eyebrow at the title, but Rainbow Dash just shook her head. “I don't know... we've tried reasoning with her, but she's too much under Nightmare Flare's influence to care!”

“I say we just beat her up.” Gilda growled. “You can talk to her later!”

“Hey! That's my partner you're talking about!” Soarin' growled back.

“In case you haven't noticed, she's trying to fry us into snacks!” Gilda snapped back.

“Uh... guys?” Rainbow Dash flew in between them. “What’s she doing?”

The griffon and the blue-maned pegasus turned to look at the chimera.

The air around Spitfire seemed to shimmer as small flames licked her body. Slowly a golden-red aura formed around her.

“I don't like the look of that.” Gilda gasped, eyes widening.

The aura slowly expanded until the chimera had a sphere of the golden-red aura expanding a couple of feet in all directions until it shimmered in a protective bubble with Spitfire in the middle. Then it burst into flames and started spinning in place like a miniature sun.

“I really don't like the look of that.” Soarin' seconded.

“Scatter!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she shot up into the air, while Soarin' took left and Gilda right, barely in time to avoid being rammed by the sphere, which turned around and started chasing the griffon.

“Why me?!” Gilda shouted, looking back over her shoulder and snarling in annoyance.

“Because you're the slowest, idiot!” Spitfire laughed from somewhere within her sphere.

The griffon narrowed her eyes at the insults, but concentrated on putting some distance between them.

High above them, Rainbow Dash watched in horror as her friend was about to be fried alive. “Oh no, you don't!” she shouted, diving towards them with all the speed she could muster.

Soarin' watched in awe as the air seemed to bend around Rainbow Dash. The last time he'd been around and that had happened he had been unconscious and falling to his death. But he had heard the description from other pegasi that had witnessed it.

The atmospheric pressure around her made the chromatic pegasus grit her teeth. Her leg hurt horrendously; her wings strained under the pressure and stress from the battle.

The wind buffeted against her mane, and just as she felt she couldn’t go on, the cyan pegasus was in that split-second moment that made the Sonic Rainboom so much more than a simple stunt.

Everything around her came into sharp focus, doubts left her, pain faded away. This was her moment.

The cone of sonic resistance broke less than a second after, shooting her like a rainbow bullet that slammed through the exterior of Spitfire's flame sphere without a pause, and the Sonic Rainboom destroyed the fiery shield, which disintegrated as the pegasus tore out again, this time heading up. Spitfire was thrown down, completely knocked out even before she crashed into one of the buildings in the plaza.

Gilda stared in awe as Rainbow Dash shot up for a few miles before suddenly stopping and falling. It wasn't until her friend’s unconscious form plummeted past her that she reacted and dove to catch her friend.

She easilly caught up with the pegasus and, matching her speed, was able to break her fall. She held her friend against her chest, looking towards the expanding rainbow ring far above them.

“What was that?” she finally asked.

“The Sonic Rainboom.” Soarin' whispered as he hovered over the pair. “I didn't get to see it until now... it's amazing.”

Gilda nodded mutely as they slowly made their way down towards the plaza. Soarin' suddenly drew a sharp breath and without explanation, launched himself towards the gallows.

Gilda followed him slowly, arms wrapped protectively around her unconscious friend.


“Applejack!” two voices shouted in unison as the orange earth pony fell to her side, a nasty cut on her shoulder bleeding heavily.

“You idiot!” Jade shouted.

Turning angrily towards the assassin, Twilight Spark's eyes shone white with barely restrained power. “You talk!” she said angrily, then growled. “You hurt Applejack!”

The earth pony coughed. “Girls...”

“You're one to talk!” Jade snapped back at Spark, knowing that it was too late to pretend to be a mute again. “You've been torturing her since you got your dirty hoofs on her! You're nothing but a mistake at the cost of the life of a dear friend!” her horn glowed with a blue aura and she shifted her position to strike. “You've gotten away so far, but this time I will make sure you die!”

Twilight Spark was taken aback by the anger in Jade's eyes, even as the hurtful words dug at her, she smirked, doing her best to ignore them. “And what is she to you?” she taunted. “You met her once a few years ago. You have no relation to her. I have fought hydras and dragons and even Nightmare Moon by her side!”

“Dang it, Ah'm talking to you!” Applejack growled from the floor, painfully raising her head to glare at the pair. She was ignored.

“You are not Twilight Sparkle!” Jade roared. “You were created to think you were, but you are nothing but an imitation! An equusculus!” the assassin started pacing. “Nothing else!”

Twilight Spark bit her lip and her eyes flashed with hurt and anger. “That's not true! I am Twilight Sparkle! I just changed my name! I have my memories-”

Jade snorted. “Really? If you are the real Twilight Sparkle, tell me, what were you doing just before you left Ponyville?”

“I...” Twilight's horn stopped glowing as her eyes widened. Her mind raced as she tried to remember. Had she been racing? Got fifth place? No... that was in Fall... “I am Twilight Sparkle!” she cried, stepping back. Why can’t I remember? she thought furiously. It’s all a jumble of images... Another memory surfaced, she was at the Ponyville Library, but the perspective was wrong. She looked down at the six ponies around her as she spoke. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and... me?

“Girls!” Applejack called again, but to her frustration the pair of unicorns was too involved in their argument.

“No.” Jade's cloth mask covered her face, but Spark could see the vicious smile reflecting in her eyes as the assassin pointed towards the balcony. “Twilight is up there, setting Celestia free. Which is exactly what the real Twilight Sparkle would be doing”

Despite herself, despite knowing that it was an awfully stupid thing to do, Twilight Spark turned her head up and looked.

The pegasus pony that had been with Jade when the fight began was now standing next to the collapsed queen. She had taken off her mask, revealing her face.

“N-no...” Twilight Spark whispered in horror, her conviction fading at the sight of the purple pegasus.

“Do you see it now, monster?” Jade met Twilight Sparks’ eyes as the unicorn faced the assassin with a slightly panicked look.

“The real Twilight would never kill anypony.” The assassin accused.

“But... they attacked the Queens!” Spark blurted out, shaking her head. I had to do it! she thought. Or did I? Couldn’t I have just paralyzed them like I did with the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony? Another part of her mind argued. The real Twilight Sparkle never killed... even if you can’t remember it, you know its true.

“The real Twilight would not try to force Applejack to love her.” Jade growled, her eyes hard as steel as she looked down at the slightly cringing purple unicorn.

“I didn’t force her! I didn’t!” Spark cried as one by one tears started to run down her cheek. “I was just... I just wanted her to see how much I need her!”

Applejack sighed and looked down.

For a second, the assassin seemed taken aback by her opponent’s outburst, but she quickly shook her head. “The real Twilight wouldn't have let Princess Celestia turn into monster like Nightmare Flare!”

Twilight Spark fell on her rump. What little of her magic that was still active slowly faded, leaving the dark-purple unicorn staring blankly at the floor.

I’m a lie? Her heart seemed to skip painfully. Am I just a construct? A- an equusculus, an imitation... she looked back towards the balcony. “But... she's not even a unicorn...” she whispered futilely.

Even as she voiced her complains, Spark could feel her magic skip whenever she thought of the other Twilight. She could feel herself drawn to her, not as a lover like she fancied herself with Applejack, but as a part of the whole.

I know the truth now. I... was my love of Applejack even real? Could a creature like me even feel?

Her blood felt like ice as her thoughts took that turn. How could Applejack ever love me back, when I am nothing?

Jade approached the immobile purple unicorn, her eyes hard.

“I... I’m real.” Spark whispered, making the assassin stop for a second. “I feel... I fear and I hurt... I can’t be a lie...”

“Don't you dare... Jade.” Applejack said, struggling to get up, but her foreleg was too damaged for her to put any pressure on it.

Twilight Spark flinched and looked up at the apple farmer, confusion in her eyes. Does she care?

“You can't stop me now, Applejack.” Jade said gently. “I don't know what she did to you, and I don't know why you saved her... don't you remember what happens if she stays alive? What will happen to Twilight?”

Spark’s eyes went from one pony to the other. What are they talking about? Am I doing something to Twilight just by being here?

The earth pony winced and looked down, her eyes then rose to meet the purple unicorn’s. “Ah... ah just don't want her to die...” she said, not breaking eye contact. “She had no choice in how she was made...”

The assassin stopped just in front of Spark, never taking her eyes off of the whimpering purple unicorn.

“She...” the apple farmer sighed. “She never did anything to me other than tease me, Jade.” she looked at the purple unicorn. “Ah know she's not a good pony, ah know that she has ah know she's done things that nopony can forgive... but... look at who made her... and why.”

“She was made for all the wrong reasons,” Jade stated.

“No!” Applejack struggled again before sighing and leaning on her elbow. “Jade... she was made out of love... from a mother to her daughter.”

Jade closed her eyes. “Be that as it may... even if the reasons behind her creation are as noble as you say... the fact is, Applejack, that Spark was created by the same magic that turned the Princess into a Nightmare. She cannot be allowed to live..”

“Ah... ah used to think the same thing about Nightmare Moon.” Applejack pleaded. “Ah know wanting her to live doesn't make sense to you, Jade, but... Ah... Ah can't bring myself to let you kill her... she is a part of Twilight Sparkle!”

Jade's blue eyes opened slowly. “Only the horn. And not for long.” She closed the gap between her and the purple unicorn.

Twilight Spark looked up at Jade. Slowly, tears started flowing down her cheeks as she gazed into the eyes of her executioner, before she turned to expose her neck. Her eyes went to meet Applejack's. “I'm sorry.” she said. “I love you.” she closed her eyes.

Applejack averted her eyes.

Jade raised her blade, muscles tensing to make it as quick as possible. The blade was poised to kill... the assassin narrowed her eyes... and hesitated.

Then she stepped back, wide-eyed as everything around them began to shake violently.


“Over here!” somepony shouted.

Slowly she started hearing more voices. Voices and the sound of stone being shifted around, or perhaps the sounds of hooves scraping against stone. She tried to take a deep breath, but something was pressing down on her, barely allowing the air to go through. Her memory was hazy. How had she ended up here? The mental image of a strange shadow monster came to her and she remembered.

“Damn.” she coughed. “That thing packs a punch!”

Somehow, she didn't feel too worried, although being upside down and having several parts of her body immobilized by heavy things put her in a weird position. Her left shoulder was propped on something hard, but not stone. Wood? She thought she had seen a wooden beam... she shifted as the sounds outside continued.

There was something soft under her. She coughed and felt liquid slide down her muzzle. That... was not good. She tried to move more, but then she felt pain from her chest. Something... her hoof felt it's way around until it bumped into that something. It felt...

Her thoughts were interrupted as the heavy weight on top of her shifted, then slowly started levitating.

“I see somepony! She's alive!” a unicorn shouted. “You're going to be okay... don't... oh, Celestia... Ebon Rain...”

“That's not my...” she started to say, but then followed his eyes down. A mangled body lay under her. The legs were twisted into unnatural positions, one was almost completely severed. His neck had obviously been broken due to his horn getting stuck in her abdomen. She gritted her teeth as she looked at how bad the wound was. It was a belly-wound and the horn had probably ripped her stomach. “Great...” she coughed blood as she took stock of her other wounds. “Punctured lung. And... several broken ribs.” she winced as she forced her wings to move. “Wings... survived... somehow...”

“I... w-we can... if we move quickly...” the guard stammered, staring at her.

Behind the unicorn, the pegasus could still see three shadow creatures and her fellow Wonderbolts-turned-Shadowbolts fighting it out. “No.” With the slab off, she forced herself up. The horn slid out of her painfully and with a disgusting squelching sound, her right hind leg almost gave under her weight.

“N-no?” the guard repeated.

She shook her head, barely able to concentrate. “No... there's no time...” Misty was up there, alone with that thing. She couldn’t leave her teammate to deal with that by herself while she was being pampered over.

The guard stepped back, aghast, as she stumbled out of the remains of the wall she had crashed into, dripping blood.

She heard several gasps from around her as several ponies, including a small group of fillies, stared at her. “Hey.” she greeted them all. “Don't worry about me, I'm-” she coughed and swayed before forcing her legs to keep her upright. “I'm just passing through.”

“You... you’re Blast!” one of the fillies, a pegasus, gasped.

“Hey...” she blinked, head feeling light. “A... a fan... how charming! Nice to meet you, little filly!” she knew what was happening. “I wish I... *cough* could s-stay and chat but...” she looked up. “My captain... and my friends need me.”

The little pegasus' eyes welled with tears, but she nodded. “Rainbow Dash told me once that friends are the most important ponies in life.”

Blast smiled. “They're up there with family.” she carefully raised a hoof up and slid her goggles off, throwing them to the filly. “Here... we Wonder-” she stopped and chuckled. “Shadowbolts are like family. I always knew Dash would make it to the team...” her voice faded and she stood there for a few seconds, until she snapped back to reality. “Keep those...”


“Nice name.” she chuckled, then indicated the googles with her snout. “Hold onto those, kid. Hope they bring you luck like they did for me.” She looked up at the battles in the sky and her wings spread open. She took a galloping start, gritting her teeth and doing her best to ignore the stabbing pain as each step caused her wounds to worsen. The pegasus jumped into the air, flapping her wings wildly as she felt her body almost give up on her.


Misty blinked back tears of frustration, anger and sadness as she dodged the shadow chimera once again. The creature had batted Blast with such force that it was doubtful the pegasus was still alive. She had seen her partner crash with incredible force onto the side of the building that had, at one point, had Nightmare Moon's balcony attached to its side. Her partner had smashed through a support beam and been buried in rubble. There was no way she had survived.

After that, with nopony to help her, she had been able to do little but avoid being shredded to pieces by claws sneaking in a kick or two, which didn't seem to do much against the creature. Already her uniform had suffered very close encounters with those shadowy appendages, and she sported a few jagged cuts herself.

She was also getting tired, very tired. She knew that it was the emotional drag as much as the physical exertion... but her movements still slowed down considerably.

The shadow-chimera snapped at her and she executed a roll to avoid getting caught in its maw. The creature turned and followed her as she desperately tried to put some distance between them. But the monster was a fast flier, possibly even faster than her, despite its bigger size.

The Shadowbolt could almost feel the creature’s jaws snap just behind her hoofs when a black blur slammed into its side, making it lose control as the new arrival held onto its wing tightly.

“Blast!” Misty shouted, recognizing her partner. “You're alive!”

“Misty! Grab its other wing and follow my lead!” Blast shouted back, holding as tightly as she could to the wing.

Nodding, Misty did a quick loop around the creature as it flailed around, looking for an opening. When she saw it, she immediately dove in, grabbing the other wing tight.

The monster, with its wings pinned down and deprived of any other means to keep flying, started falling, but Blast started flapping her wings and angling the chimera.

Misty caught on and followed her lead. Between the two pegasi, the acceleration increased considerably, and soon the three were hurtling towards the gallows.

“We'll have to let go at the last second!” Misty shouted over the whipping wind. “This thing is pretty strong! It might be able to pull out of the dive otherwise!” she concentrated as the ground approached. “We only have one chance!” The ground rose to meet them and when she sensed that there was almost no time left she looked at her partner. “Now, Blast! Let go!”

She gave the monster’s wing a sharp twist for good measure before letting go.

It was only then that she saw the blood on her friend's uniform.

Only then did she realize that Blast had not spoken back to her at all during their descent.

Only then did she see the sickly smile as her partner mouthed a goodbye.

“Blast!” Misty's scream mixed with the panicked roar of the shadow-creature's realization of its inevitable death. “Blast!” she screamed again as she dove in a futile attempt to catch up to them.

The chimera and Blast’s impact blew apart the gallows, sending pieces of wood flying everywhere, and causing what remained of the structure to collapse on itself. Misty pulled up hard as debris filled the air, hooves skidding as they met stone before she tumbled head over tail and skidded to stop. She looked up from the ground, tears in her eyes as she stared at the wreckage.

“Misty! What happened?!” Soarin's voice reached her, making her look up to see him, approaching. He was splattered with blood and she could see several nasty cuts on what was visible of his coat beneath his shredded uniform.

Behind him, flying a bit slower, was a griffon carrying the limp form of Rainbow Dash.

She looked back at the wreckage as her team-mate landed. “It's...” she sobbed as she buried her face in his shoulder. “It's Blast...” Misty whispered sadly. “She took the shadow creature with her...”

The male Shadowbolt looked at the remains of the gallows for a second before closing his eyes and nuzzling the sobbing pegasus.

Gilda landed next to them and carefully laid down Rainbow Dash next to them.


The last tendril of the Guardian’s attached to Nightmare Flare magic fell into Moon’s grasp and the Nightmare grinned. I have them all!

With her search over and the delicate work done, it was simple to divert a fraction of her concentration and effortlessly snap the shadow chimera's neck with a focused burst of magic.

Letting the creature fall harmlessly to the ground, she then looked around. There were no more of the creatures to be found and it seemed that even Spitfire had been taken care of.

“Perfect.” her head turned towards the balcony where Twilight Sparkle was standing guard over Nightmare Flare. “Let's draw out the last enemy.”

Nightmare Moon twisted the tendrils of energy together into a single tout strand. She shaped her magic into a long, razor-edged sword, and, with a single swipe, the Guardian's link to her and her sister was broken.

The Nightmare took a sharp breath as she felt the stolen power returning to her; it was as though an enormous weight she had been unaware of had been lifted from her back. Nightmare Moon could see her sister, with the last bits of the armor falling off stir, opening her eyes to stare at Twilight. She looked better already, and if the magic had returned to Celly as it had returned to her, she would be up and about shortly.

Nightmare Moon sighed as things quieted down. Here and there guards ran around under Fluttershy’s orders helping injured ponies and finding more dead than they would have wanted. A few ponies that had been hiding from the moment the fight had started, slowly made their way out into the open. The Moon Queen shook her head sadly at the toll their battle had exacted on the citizens of Canterlot.

The plaza was almost completely destroyed. The building that had originally held her balcony was missing its entire western wall; the fountain was completely crushed with water still shooting out at an angle; the gallows had been decimated; the floor of the plaza was splattered with blood, and seeing unmoving ponies of all kinds just lying there tore at her conscience.

Her gaze turned to the destroyed gallows, where the remaining Shadowbolts and a griffon were approached by Trixie. Looking towards the balcony, she was glad to see that Scootaloo and her friends were okay.

Over at Flare’s Balcony, Celestia was struggling to get up with the aid of Pegasus-Twilight. Moon sighed again as she noticed Jade moving in to eliminate Twilight Spark. It was then that the whole plaza under her started shaking.

High above them, the Sun and the Moon broke their static watch and very slowly started drifting appart.

The few ponies that remained in the plaza began to shout in panic as the tremor worsened. Something was making its way from the eastern side of the city. The ground shook more violently, and she could see buildings crumbling while the road cracked and split open as it made its way towards them.

Everypony looked at each other nervously in the sudden silence.

The ground exploded on one side of the street, sending up a cloud of dust, followed by another explosion on the other side of the plaza. Ponies screamed in confusion as everything at street level cracked and buckled as the fast-moving shape of a huge creature rounded around the area bringing down damaged buildings and forcing the fleeing ponies to run back to the center of the destroyed plaza.

A few of the lanterns adorning the buildings broke, and soon several of the collapsed structures showed tell-tale signs of an imminent fire.

An angry roar rose out of the dust clouds as the shaking suddenly stopped. Ponies shouted and looked around wildly as the area went quiet again. The few pegasi that remained hovered hesitantly over the settling dust.

A hissing sound made everypony freeze in place as the ground rumbled with the movements of the titanic creature that slowly snaked around them. Here and there ponies could see large scales moving through the smoke and dust.

Nightmare Moon floated back as coils and coils of the serpent-like body of the Guardian slowly revealed themselves towering over the buildings around them, until the creature, unlike anything anypony had ever seen, except for Trixie, rose high above them.

The Guardian's several red eyes glowed with power as he glared at all of them. You dare! it roared in their minds as well as in a completely alien language that rumbled like thunder all around them. I have let you all crawl over my world for thousands of years, and now you refuse my due! I will rid this world of all of you and feast on your life energy. I will eat your souls and torture them for eternity.

With a wave of a scale-covered arm, the dead shadow chimeras were pulled up from where they lay. Some of them were missing entire parts of their bodies, but that didn’t stop the guardian as the remains started convulsing and their forms were reshaped.

Nightmare Moon gasped as the shadowy forms became clearer until she could see the familiar faces and shapes. Her heart lurched at the painful memories of having to destroy those familiar beings so long ago.

Trixie, Big Mac and Soarin’ stared, Midnight’s words returning to them. “Legend has it that there were once more Princesses around... true, Luna and Celestia were the greatest, but there were more alicorns protecting Equestria with their power than we remember. Their influence is still felt through terms we still use, like the North Wind, or Spring.”

The last of the shadows faded away, leaving behind four alicorns, all shorter than the Nightmare or Princess Celestia, their coats somehow dulled and muted in color.

The newly arrived alicorns looked around in confusion until one of them settled her eyes on Nightmare Moon.

“Luna...” Winter whispered.

o.0.o End Chapter 19 o.0.o