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Oh BBBFF where are thou?

Oh BBBFF where are thou?

It bright sunny day in Tambelon and in the throne room we see the king and queen talking to shining Armor.

"As you know my son." Said the king Nightlight "The allice between the Equestria and Yakyakistan is very imported. Shining rolled his eyes as his father continued the conversion. "There for it very imported we renew our treaty with them primary sech Yakyaskistan lays dearly with the between the storm Kingdome and Equestria. There for it is essentials with a small party of our most loyal of ponies."

"Yes father." Said Shining "And I know exactly the loyal brave and true pony I'm going to take with me."

"Achoo!" Shouted Thunderlane in a large hanker chuff "Sorry sir but I don't think I'm up for it."

"I don't believe this how did you get your feather flue?" Said Shining Armor.

Fluttershy then said while putting an ice bag on Thunderlane's head. "It was that mission to Cloudsdale. He had to fly thought a entire snow storm to get there."

"Who am I going to take with me on this mission now?" Said Shining.

"Well." Said Twilight Sparkle as she entered the room. "I know some pony who is more then willing to volunteer."

"Ready when you are captain!" Said Flash Sentry as he entered the bed room.

"You've got to be kidding me." Shining Armor said rolling his eyes.

"Look BBBFF." Said Twilight "I know you and Flash have a history but He was the only one who willing to volunteer for this mission."

"Find." Said Shining. "But I don't have to like."

Thunderlane whispers to Flash when shining exits the room. "I was surprise you were willing to voltmeter for this. Constering that the captain basally hates your guts."

"That the point." Said Flash. "This could be a way for me to finally get good with him. I mean we are on the same side am I right?"

"Technically yes." Said Thunderlane nervously but considering your history."

"Relax." Flash said "I got whole thing covered."

Then Thunderlane with a sly smile and said "And this has nothing to do wit impressing the princess?"

"NO." Said Flash Sentry blushing. "It's just wanna prove myself to the castle guard and what not."

Then Shining shouted "Let's get going rookie we got a long journey ahead of us!"

The two ponies exit Tambelon.

"Alright let's get going!" Said flash flying up in the air.

"Ahem." Said Shining Armor coughing to the young stallion. "What do you think your doing?"

"Flying to Yakyaskistan." Flash said.

Shining armor frowned "Do you see any wings on this pony?"

"Well no." Stuttered Flash. "But how are we supposed to get there if we can't fly?"

Then a train whistle sounded "All adored!" Shouted a connecter pony. "Next stop Yakyaskistan!" The two stallion road on the train side by side the slice in the air was so thick you cant cut it with a knife.

Finally Flash decided to break the ice. "So is this your first time going to Yakyaskistan?"

"No." Muttered Shining Armor.

"Well it's is mine I don't really get out of Tambelon mush." Said Flash.

"I'm well aware." Growled Shining.

"Yeah never really got out of the city since I meet Twilight!" Flash said "Remember how I helped her save all of Equestria?"

"Hump." Shining Armor said.

All of the sudden Flash sees some one familiar passing him by. "Wait a minute was that?...Get down!" Flash shouted pulling Shining Armor down with him.

Shining Armor growled at him "What do you think your doing?"

"Look over there." Flash pointed where the pony that pass them sat down.

Then Shining said "Who is that?"

"That's Starlight Glimmer she works for Sombra I remember seeing her and it looks like she got a new mane style." Said Flash.

"And how is this imperative to are mission?" Shining asked.

"Maybe you didn't hear me?" Flash said "She works for Sombra!"

Shining Armor shook his head "This mission has absolutely nothing to do with King Sombra."

"Oh yeah." Said Flash "Then why is she here?"

Shining then pulled out a pace of paper. "Our only coinsure is taking this treaty to prince Rutherford. So we can protect our boarders from the Storm King's army so can you please stay focus."

Flash knew that he was right but just in cased he would be keeping an eye on her.

Hours have passed and then the conducer pony shouted "Last stop to Yakyaskistan!"

"Wake up Sentry!" Shining said to a sleeping Flash.

"What?" Flash said

"This is our stop." Said Shining

A drossy Flash fallowed Shining Armor off the train and into the station and when he open his eyes he found that they were in a snowy nowhere.

"Um.. Where are all the yaks?" Flash ask.

"You didn't expected the train to take us directly to Yakyaskistan?" Shining said while rolling his eyes.

So two ponies began to trot thought the frozen north to Yakyaskistan. As they continued they began to pass through a large pass of moutains.

"We must be getting close." Said Shining.

"I hope so 'I'm freezing to death here!" Flash said

Shining then rolled his eyes and said "Well you shouldn't volunteer to come."

Then Flash was quickly getting annoyed and said "Look I'm getting tired of you putting me down. Treating me like I was before."

"If I was treating you like before you would be in prison." Shining replied.

"Then why are you acting like this to me?" Flash asked.

Just as Shining was about to respond he notices something.

"Get down!" Him tackling Flash throwing him behind a boulder.

"What the heck are you doing?" Flash said.

"Huss look." Shining said while pointing over the boulder.

Flash took a peek over it and to his amazement he saw.

Numerous yatis dress in storm king armor talking to a pony. But not just any pony it was...

"Sunset Shimmer!" Flash problemed out loud.

"Hush!" Shining Armor said pushing Flash back behind the boulder. "Those are storm king solders."

Then Flash "Well that's Sunset Shimmer she also works for Sombra. Still think that shadowy king not involved?"

"That's impossible." Shining Armor proclaimed matter of factly. "King Sombra and The Storm King hate each other no way they forces would work together."

Flash then asked "Then what is she doing here?"

Shining Armor then said abruptly "Our concerned is to get pass those yatis with this treaty in tack."

"Find." Flash said in angry voice. "What's your plan captain."

Shining Armor thought for a minute. "Here you take this."

He gave Flash the satchel that has the treaty in it.

Flash said "Umm way are you giving me this?"

"Because you have wings." Said Shining Armor

Flash then said "What?"

All of a sudden Shining Armor leap out from the rock and then shouted "Het frosty over here!"

The Yetis then turn to see Shining and then charged at him. Then snow beast then chases Shining Armor while Flash made a speedy get away by flying over the mountains.

"I really hope the captain knows what is he doing." Flash said.

Flash continued forward flying thought the snow eventually he saw a small village with great wooden walls down below.

Then Flash said "I think that's Yakyaskistan."

Then pegasus quickly soared down worded landing at the center of the village.

"Gentle... Yaks I have a treaty to deliver!" Flash said.

Suddenly an army of angry yaks surrounded him bearing their horns at him.

"Who are you pony?" Then largest of them said

"Umm I'm from Tambelon the Kingdome of Equestria and I'm here to give you guys this." He then pulled out the treaty and then the yak eyed him suspiciously are at least that's what Flash thought his eyes were covered in fur.

Then the yak. "Who we know you not work for Storm King?"

Then Flash said "Well if I was why would I come to you guy alone?"

Then the yak said "Ummm good point you enter hut with other treaty."

"Other treaty?" Flash asked credulity.

Flash entered the hut and much to his surprise two large yati guarded a much smaller yati. This yati was much scrawnier then the other two with curl toothy grin.

"Well, well, well!" Said the yeti with a voice like hooves on a chalkboard. "Lookie here! Looks like Equestria is trying to renew their treaty! Too bad the yaks alrighty agreed to our treaty!"

"What!?" Said Flash doumbfounded.

Then the Yak said "Hold on we no agree to treaty yet!"

"Right, right." Said the yeti. "I'm getting a head of my self. The point is we the storm Kingdome are clearly superior chose to have a treaty with we are big we are strong, and more impartially we know how to show up on a meeting on time!"

Then Flash just at the guy and said "Now wait a minute the only reason I was late is because me and the captain were almost attacked by some of your guards!"

"Oh really!" Said the yeit with a mischievous smile. "And where is your captain bray tell?"

Then Flash looked down in worried and then said "We was distracting the storm king's guards so I can get here with the treaty."

Then yeit said "Ha likely story how do we even know that this pony is from Equestria!? Why he could be a spy for Sombra wanting to take over your kingdome with his evil magic."

Then they heard a voice out side of the hut that said "We can vouge for him!"

They turn to see and much to Flash's surprise Sunset shimmer Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie Lulamoon entering the room.

"Prince Rutherford." Sunset proclaimed "We got something to show you."

They then used their magic to show that Shining being held captive by a group of Yetis.

The largest Yak looked and said "That Shining Armor He good friend to Yaks!" He then turn to the yetis and shouted. "You Yetis lied to yakes."

The smallest of the yetis then back away in fear and said "Yeah now let's not turn this into a federal case. I'm just hoping we can settle this civilly." As the Yeti came close to the entrances to the hut he turn to his comrades and shouted "Run!" The yeits quickly ran out of the hut to the edge of the village.

"Yaks!" Shouted the yak prince. "Charge!" A army of yaks chance after the yati out of the wall and into the mountains.

Flash then turn to the three unicorns and said with a suspicious look. "Why did you help was it because Soma hates the Strom King?"

Then Sunset said "We don't don't work for the Storm King anymore we have our own reasons for helping you."

Then Flash said "Really what are they?"

"That my dear colt!" Trixie said with a mischievous smile. "Is classified information."

With a flash of her horn all three unicorns disappeared.

Then Flash said "Well that was something." Then something dawn abound him. "Shining Armor!" He quickly ran out of the hut to join the yaks.

Back at the Storm King's camp Shining Armor was in a magic proof cage and the yatis were playing cards as they watch and looked over to Shining Armor.

"Got any threes?" One of the yetis asked him.

Then the white unicorn rolled his eyes and said "Gold fish."

Then the smaller yeti leader ran into the camp. "Run for your life's head for the hills! Which why to grand mas house!?"

Then the yetis saw that an army of yaks was stampeding towards them.

"Game over! You win!" Proclaimed tossing his cards in the air. He ran away to join his comrades.

Shining Armor then smirked as he watch the yetis run. "I more ways then one."

"Shining Armor You friend of Yaks we set you free!" Prince Rutherford said as he and his yaks back away from the cage.

"Wait!" Shining Armor said knowing what they are about to do. "Guys lets talk about this!"

"Charge!" Prince Rutherford shouted.

But before they got to the cage Flash stop in their tracks by shouting "Stop!"

The yaks came to a screening hold as Flash leap down in front.

"Why don't we try this instead." Flash said while holding the key to the cage.

Shining Armor was whited eyed and said "Where did you get that?!"

"Oh I swiped it from old fur ball there when he wasn't looking." Flash said while unlocking cage.

"Of course you did." Said shining Armor while rolling his eyes yet again.

A look of fury suddenly crosses Flash face. "That's it! I have done everything you asked this entered trip! dealt with all complains and comments." He then ponited to the Yaks. "I even delivered the treaty to the yaks. Why won't you trust me!?"

Shining gave Flash a skeptical look. "What are you taking about of course I trust you."

Flash jaw dropped "What?"

"Flash Sentry you help my sister and her friends to save all of Equestria. If I didn't trust you I would have never given you that treaty in the first place." Shining Armor said.

Flash Sentry smiled after hearing that felling proud of himself.

"I just don't like you." Said shining Armor matter of factify.

Than Flash shouted "What? But wait if you don't like me then why don't you trust me!? That's doesn't make any sense!"

Shining Armor then said "Flash let's be honest do even like me?"

Flash frown "Not really."

Shining Armor then said "But you do trust me don't you?"

Flash then said "Yes. What are you trying to get at?"

Then Shining said "You're not gonna like every pony you meet Flash Sentry but what's imported that you trust them to do the right thing."

Flash then thought back when Sunset Starlight, and Trixie came in to save him. "You know what your right bro."

Shining Armor frowned at that "Don't call me bro."

"Enough talk!" Cried Prince Rutherford as he gripped both stallion in his massive hoof. "We dance ponies!" The yaks all began dance wildly shaking the entire mountain side.

"Couldn't we sight the treaty first?" said Shining Armor whining.

Atop of the mountain side Sunset Starlight, and Trixie watch the sense below.

All of a sudden Starlight's horn began to glow. "The mission was a success." Starlight speaking in to her horn.

"Excellent." The voice of Tempest shadow said. "Return to base. We have another mission for you."

Meanwhile at the Storm King's places.

Then smallest yeti cowered before the Storm King massive throne.

"So let me get this straight you failed to get me my treaty to Yakyaskistan there by not getting me a decked root to Equestria!?"

"Oh please!" Then smallest Yeti whimpered. "I sware it will never happened again!"

Then the Storm King Said "Your right it won't."

Then The smaller yeti said "Wait ya promise mom you wouldn't!"

The Strom King grown and said "Find. But next time you won't be so lucky."