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Ponies of the night

Ponies of the night

Long ago in days of Old,

A story that is often Told!

Two Sisters, one of Day, one of Night

Both got into an awful fight

Which was better? Night or Day?

Neither Alicorn could Say!

And so a curse was started soon,

A Nightmare brought on by the Moon!

Eternal night did drape the land,

Brought on by an Alicorns Demand!

A war was waged for Night and Day,

And Darkness finally blown Away!

The King arrived, his anger wild,

But did not wish to lose another Child!

And so instead declared a day,

For Luna to lament her ways!

And that is why, once a year,

We celebrate this Night of Fears!

Nightmare Night, What a fright!

Creatures hunting for a bite..

"Wait a minute Zecora?" Applebloom spoke up. She wore a pink dress with a black stripe and her large red bow. "We already know all about how Princess Luna tried to curse Equestria with Eternal Night, and that's how Nightmare Night came to be, but what creatures?

The Zebra in a voodoo priestess costume looked down at the group of frightened fillies sitting before her and replied.

An excellent question Applebloom!

For on that night so full of gloom,

An entire army Luna raised,

Of nightmare ponies wild and crazed!

And though dear Luna soon was shamed,

Her nightmare army still remained!

Dark ponies bat wings and fangs,

And never ending hunger pangs!

Wicked ponies of the Night!

Looking for something sweet to bite!

The fillies shacked after hearing that. Scootaloo wearing a green dress with a black stipe spoke up, "Y-y-y-you mean z-z-z-z-zombie p-p-ponies?"

"Worse," a voice said from behind the group of fillies, "Vampire Ponies!"

A large pony with sharp fangs hopped out from behind the foals.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The foals in colorful costumes screamed.

The pony behind them suddenly removed her fangs. "Got ya," Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

The fillies gave off a sigh of relief and the laughing about the prank that they have just experience.

Then Scootaloo said "You got a us."

"A wonderful jest." Zercroa said "You Rainbow Dash are truly the best."

"Thank you it was nothing." Said RD

"Aright fillies!' said Applejack entering the barn dress as a tin mare. "That's enough of the scary stories it's time to go trick of treating."

The fillies race out of the barn excitably.

Then AJ turn to Rainbow Dash who was wearing a bat costume. "Don't ya'll know that there's not such thing as vampire ponies? Vampire fruit bats maybe?"

"Aw come on Applejack." said Rainbow Dash. "It's nightmare night don't spoil the fun."

"Dash dear Applejack." Said the zebra "Best not to question this night of black."

Thought out the streets of the Tambelon were ponies young and old walking from door to door get tasty treats.

"Um um umm." Said Applejack walking besides her friend "I don't care how old you are there's ways room for trick of treating on nightmare night."

"I'll say." Pinkie in a clown costume with candy in her mouth.

"It too bad Fluttershy couldn't join us." Rarity said in a gown.

Then Twilight who wear a knight costume. "Well you know she fells about nightmare night. Just too darn scary for her."

"What's there to be scared off?" Ask Rainbow Dash. "Kids in costumes and all the free candy you can get!"

"Careful Rainbow Dash." Said Twilight "You should mock the holiday."

"Oh or what?" Said Rainbow Dash "Well get attacked by the creatures of the night?"

"Creatures of the night?" Spike said nervously and he was wear a dragon costume

"Relax Spike." Applejack said "It's just an old ponies tale."

"Actually that's not entirely true." Said Twilight "The modern historians believe that the reason wear costumes on nightmare night was to hide from the remains of Nightmoon's forces. Apparently even thought Luna eternal night was stopped many of the ponies who she bestowed powers on still wish to rule Equestria and so many of them keep their powers the only problem was their powers only works once a year on nightmare night and so they have to sleep the rest of the year avoiding daylight."

"Aw pony feathers that just a lot of superstition." Applejack said

"Maybe." Said Twilight. "But you got to adamant there's a lot of creepy stuff that can happen of nightmare night."

"Well if we stated seeing any vampire ponies." lough Rainbow Dash "I'll be sure to tell you."

Meanwhile deep within the Eeverfree frost an old donkey head tows an abandon castle at the edge of a cliff.

He slowly walked up a stone stair case tows the highest room in the tallest tower. Within the confines of the room a large coffin on a torch shrine.

"Master." The Dovekey cried out. "It is nightmare night once again."

The coffin then burst open reviling a bale white pony with a black cape appeared, he smiled with a fang grin and said "Finally a night I can stink my teeth into."

He then spared his leather bat wings and flew out the window and as he was flying he remembers one glaring problem in this very night.

"All the ponies will be wearing costumes." He said to himself. "I won't be able to tell which is a pony or which be my brethren." The vampire pony sigh. "I suppose I must settle of Wapples again."

Within the castle gardens stood a small simple cottage was there and Fluttershy looked out the window.

"Oh I wish I could participate in nightmare night with my friends." Fluttershy said "But it's so terrifying out there."

A small white bunny then hopped on her head and gave her a stun look.

"I know angle bunny." Said Fluttershy "But I can't help being afraid."

She then gave sigh "Come on let's check on the place pets."

Fluttershy and Angle walked out side of the door and into the garden were many magnificent animals belong to the king and queen's strolled high above in the sky a mysterious figure looked down on Fluttershy tenting to a giraffe.

"There you mister Speckles." Fluttershy said "Now to ten to Mr. and Mrs. Otteren." She then turn to the two ottoers.

"Well hello." Voice said from behind her.

Fluttershy said nearly leap up in the sky she turn to see a bale white stallion in a black cape standing directly at her.

"Oh I'm sorry." The bale pony said "I didn't mean to frighten you."

Fluttershy gave a small snig of relief. "Oh that's alright you just startled me is all."

Fluttershy surveyed the tall stallion curiously. "I never seen somepony like you here before."

Then white stallion gave a bow. "Count Bloodfang at your services ma'am."

"Oh well that's a very lovely costume." Said Fluttershy.

"Costume?" said the count "Oh no, no. This are my finest gowns I'm afraid I don't believe in participating in nightmare night."

"Really?" Said Fluttershy happy to hear this. "Me too."

"I can tell." Said The count with a toothy smile. "Tell me my dear why are you not participating with the other ponies?"

"Oh." Said Fluttershy "It the scary costumes I couldn't possible go out there."

"I know what you mean." Said the count "Those ridiculous costume make it impossible to tell who's a pony and whos not. Huh some times I wish all just give up that ridiculous tradition."

"I can't believe it." Said Fluttershy. "Me too."

"Imagine that." The count smiled "Tell me my dear what was your name again?"

"Fluttershy." Said the small pony blushing

"Well my dear Fluttershy I know this maybe formal. But would you be interested for joining me tonight for a bite?" Said the count said.

"Oh I don't know." Said Fluttershy "I suppose if I was with you I can give it a try."

The count gave a wide toothy grin. "Wonderful."

Meanwhile back on the streets of Canterlot the rest of the mane six and spike were still trick or treating.

"Um Um." Spike biting in a candy apple. "This has got to be the best hole we had yet."

"Don't forget." Said Rarity "That Trenderhoof and TroubleShoes their costume ball at their blimp."

"How could I forget." said Rainbow Dash "Soarin been bragging about it for weeks."

Back on the blimp TrenderHoof and Cheese were hanging up streamers.

"Well this sure to be a spirited event." Said TrenderHoof wearing a tabor tux.

"Not to mention." Said Cheese wearing a hunk of cheese. "Wild and crazy!"

Then Troubleshoes wear ghost said "Just make sure you don't crash the blimp this time."

"Wait a minute!" Said Soarin wearing a Wonderbolt costume "You crash the blimp before?"

Then TrenderHoof said "Only once."

Then Flash and Thunderlane guard pony uniforms. "Well guys we got the food!"

Then Cheese said "Alright when do we get to eat!?"

"We don't eat until the rest of the gust arrived." Thunderlane said

Then Rumble Tender, and Button Mash entered behind them all wearing red green and blue capes and shirts.

"Hey bro!" Said Rumble "Did you asked Fluttershy to the ball yet?"

Thunderlane then rolled his eyes and said "I told you before Fluttershy don't celebrate nightmare night."

"That's weird." Said Button Mash. "Cues we just saw her at sugar cube corner."

"What?" Said Thunderlane. "But that's not.."

"Yeah." Said Tender Tapes. "She was with some other stallion."

"What?!" Thunderlane screamed and quickly flew off the blimp.

Then Rumble asked "What was that all about?"

Then Tender said "I don't know but do you think that Sweetie Belle would dance with Button Mash?"

"Guys!" Shouted the young colt.

Down at sauger cub canner.

Fluttershy and the count wear setting at a table across from each other. Fluttershy spit a milk shake while Bloodfang was drinking a tall glass of tomato juice.

"My goodness ." Fluttershy said while looking around the place. "I didn't expect so many ponies in costumes here."

"Do not worry my dear." Said the count "All of these costumes are clearly fake. You can tell by the shawty craftsman."

"Oh Blood count." Said Fluttershy "Your so brave and intelligent."

"Ah you flatter me." said the count.

The two continued catting no notices Thunderlane looking out from the window.

"Count." Fluttershy said "I wasn't gonna tell you this but. Actually invited to a nightmare night party."

"You don't say." said the count smiling. "I wasn't thinking of but if you come with as friend 'll feeling a lot better."

"Oh Fluttershy." Said the count "I love to come with you on one condition."

"What is it?" Ask Fluttershy.

Then count's eyes suddenly glow bright red. "Look into my eyes."

Back at the blimp the party was in full swing.

Spike was dancing with Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie, and Cheese. Rarity was having an amusing conversation with TrednerHoof, Applejack was starting a conga line.

"Well button." Said Ruble nudging his friend." Ars you gonna asked her?" He pointed to Sweetie Belle with a light blue dress wit a black strip she was dancing with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"No!" Button shouted

Flash Sentry was dancing with Twilight until he notice Thunderlane entering the room rather gloom.

"Hey buddy." Flash going to him "What's with the long face?"

"Nothing." Said Thunderlane. "Nothing."

"Well doesn't seem like nothing." Said Soarin listing in on the conversation.

Back at the door Trouble shoes was still letting gust inside. "Oh Fluttershy." Noticing the frillier yellow pegasus. "I didn't expect to see you here tonight nice costume."

Fluttershy said nothing and just walked pass him and enter the blimp.

Then Troubleshoes said "Well that was awfully strange?"

Back on the blimp DJ Pon-3 was jamming on the turn table all of a sudden Pinkie Pie interrupted her. "Come one everypony it's time to kick this nightmare night up a noge!"

The music blared as ponies dance happily, except for Thunderlane. All of a sudden he notices a familiar looking pony in the crow.

"Fluttershy?" Said Thunderlane looking confused. He walked into the crowed looking for her.

"Hey Flash!" He said looking to his friend. "Have you see..."

Suddenly the entire blimp turn dark the ponies chattered confused as what to what happened.

"Hold on everypony!" Shouted Twilight Sparkle. "I got a light!" Her horn emanated a bright beam of light which she began to shine along the room. All of a sudden her light focus on a large object on the ceiling. Everypony looked upon what appeared to be a giant pare of yellow bat wings."

All of a sudden the wing spared open revealing a hideous fang pony and the creature was Fluttershy "Hissss."

The ponies thought out the blimp screamed in horror as Flutterbat flew down upon the crowed of panic ponies.

"What in Equestria is going on?!" Shouted Flash

"I think." Said Twilight "That's Fluttershy!"

"AAAAHHHHH!" Screamed the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they ran away from the fanged beast.

All three of them hide under the punch table.

"Find your own hiding spot!" Said Spike who was already under there.

"Slow down everypony!" Shouted Applejack to the screaming ponies trying to escape. "There's nothin' to be panic about!"

"Aaahhh!" Said Pinkie jumping on Applejack. "Bat in the blimp bat in the blimp help!"

"Fluttershy!" Said Rarity "Cease this outrageous behaver at once!"

The flutterbat looked down at her former friend with a growl. Suddenly she swoop down drily tows Rarity fangs beared.

"Look out!" Shouted TrenderHoof as he pushed Rarity out of the way.

Thunderlane the shouted "Soldiers!"

"Is he talking to us?" Asked cheese to Soarin.

"The time has come for an evasive maneuvers! Go Go, Go!"

Soarin and Flash both flew up in the air and attempted to talk Fluttershy. Unfortunately the viscous Flutterbat was very hard to take down.

"Okay!" Said Troubleshoes "Everypony out!" He bucked a big hole in the side of the blimp.

"Hey your going to have to pay for that!" TrenderHoof said

The ponies then ran out of the hole and out to the streets of Templon.

"Is that everypony?" Asked Applejack

"AAAAHHHH!" Screamed a voice.

They turn to see Rumble Tender Tapes and Button Mash in the bath of the crashing Flutterbat.

Soarin and Flash tangled up with her.

"Look out!" Both Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash screamed at the same time.

Thunderlane flew to the ad of his little brother and his friends and pushed them out of harms way.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash join Soarin and Flash and mange to drop Flutterbat to the ground.

"Fluttershy!" Shouted Rainbow Dash "What is wrong with you?!"

But all the bat pony said "Hiisssss!"

The rest of the mane six and Stallions gathered around her.

"What in tarnation is going on with her?" Shouted Applejack.

Twilight in cased Fluttershy in a bubble of magic. "I never seen something like this before, she almost look like a Vampire pony."

"But Vampire Ponies aren't real." Said Trender "Are they?"

"Hummmm." Said Zecora "She's a vampire pony for sure, she has been vampireifed that can not be denied."

The Mane six Stallions and spike were at Zecroa's hut. Flutterbat was still in the bubble floating above Zecrora

"So wait a pony picking minute." Said Applejack "How can she be a vampire pony I thought they were a myth?"

Zercora "Once a year on nightmare night, Luna's old forces of terror a fright awaken once again to feed. Once again to feed the restore the power that they need."

"So the legends are true." Said Twilight "Count's princess Luna do something about this?"

Zecroa sigh. "Luna did once lead this crew but now her rain surely thought. She can not cure poor Fluttershy a truth you can not deny."

The Flash said "Well then how do we fix her?"

"There's but one way to beat this curse, defeat the one who cures her first."

"Um what now?" Asked Rainbow.

"It quite simple." Said Spike "A pony can only be became a vampire pony by being cruse by another vampire pony. Once a pony stares at the hypnotic eyes there curse forever to be a vampire pony. Sucking the light out of anything that they can, the only way to undo the cruse is to find the vampire pony who cruse them frist and seal them away in a box."

The ponies in the room looked at spike dumbfounded.

"What I read a lot of comic books." Said Spike

"So." Said Twilight thinking. "We have to find the pony who cursed Fluttershy? How are we supposed to do that?"

Zecroa smiled. "Luna had a second in command a leader of her fearsome band. A castle beneath the Eeverfree bangs the dreaded terrible blood fang."

"Blood fang is real?" Said Twilight

"Wait." Said Flash "You know about this guy?"

"Oh yes." Said Twilight "And from what I've read he was not a nice pony."

"Um..."Said Cheese Sandwich "How not nice are we talking about here?"

"After Nightmare Moon was defeated." Said Twilight "Count Blood Fang took over her army, and try to conquer all of Equestria lucky Celestia and her froces were able to cruse them to eternal sleep. Other ways they might have taken over."

"Um..."Said Pinkie Pie her teeth chattering. "Is there any chance they can be another vampire pony?"

Zerora spoke "Blood fang is last of his kind. A fact that makes him out of his mind."

"Uhhhh." Said Soarin nervously. "What do you say we go back to Canterlot and have Celestia handle this."

"There is no time." Zecroa said "Once the sun rises on Nightmare night Fluttershy will be crused for life."

"You mean." Said Twilight in a panic "Fluttershy will be like this forever?"

The ponies looked up to their fanged friend still snarling and growling at them.

"Eternal sleep I fear." Said Zecora "You'll only see her once a year."

Pinkie Pie then began to tear up. "Will only see her once a year? That will take forever!"

A furious look comes across Tunderlane's face. "I can't not let this happen!" He quickly stormed out of Zecora's hut.

"Thunder!" Said flash flying after him "Where are you going!?"

"To find this Count and put an end to him permanently!"

"You can't do that alone!" Said Soarin fallowing behind.

"I don't have a choice!" Said Thunderlane

"Oh yeas you do!" Said Twilight Sparkle fallowed by the others. "We're all Futtershy's friends and that's why we're going to take down this Count Blood fang together!"

"Let go kick some vampire flank!" Shouted Rainbow Dash

The ponies and Spike trotted thought the darkness parts of the Everfree frost. Twilight was carrying a snarling Flutterbat in her bubble.

"Uhhh," Spike said his teeth chattering, "Are we sure this is the right direction?"

"According to my research," Twilight Sparkle spoke up, "This is direction of the Castle of the Two Sisters, where Count Blood Fang was last known to reside."

"I'm not saying I believe in Vampire Ponies," Applejack piped in nervously, "but assumin' this feller is real, shouldn't we have some sort of plan to take him on."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "I already have a plan.. Take him down!"

"Oh yeah," said Soarin rolling his eyes, "because that pan worked so well for you in the past.."

"Besides," said Spike, "How are we supposed to avoid his hypnotic vampire eyes!"

"Wait," said Rainbow her tune changing, "he has hypnotic vampire eyes?"

"Not to mention he has razor sharp fangs," Spike continued.

"He does?" Rainbow asked nervously.

"And he can fly up to a hundred miles per hour," Spike stated.

"He can?" said Rainbow her teeth chattering.

"Look!" cried Pinkie Pie.

"Yeeeaaaggghhh!" screamed both Rainbow Dash and Spike, holding each other in pure terror.

The ponies turned to see a tall crooked castle hanging over the edge of a cliff. Only a single light could be seen from it, in the highest room of the tallest tower.

"Count Blood Fang is in that ghastly thing?" cried Rarity. "How are we supposed to find him them in there?"

"Esp-p-p-pecially without looking at his eyes," whimpered Rainbow Dash.

"Hmmm," thought Thunderlane, "I have an idea!"

Inside the castle off the two sister the ponies crape around the the crumbling halls of the place that's had once been elegant it clearly seen better days.

Rainbow Dash and Spike were still shivering.

"G-g-g-guys." Said Rainbow Dash "W-w-w-what if something pooped out at us?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Yahhh!" Rainbow Dash scream holding Soarin tightly.

"Oh Dashes." Said Pinkie smiling. "No pony is going to jump out at of you. We're the only ponies here."

"Welcome ponies." Said a voice behind Pinkie Pie.

"EEk!" Shouted Pinkie leaping into Spike's arms

The ponies turn to see and elderly donkey in a hooded clock stand before them.

"I am Bray." Said Donkey said Slyly. "My master has been expecting you. Come I take you to your fate."

Rainbow took a look at Soarin who was giving a sly smile. She immediately broke from the hug and charge at Bray "No!" She said while pointing a accusing hoof. "We are not going any where with you! We gonna find your "master" and then we're going to kick his flank for what he did to Fluttershy!"

"Oh really?" Said Bray "And how are you going to do that with out the secret passage?"

"What secret passage?" said Twilight.

With a wicked smile Bray pulled a near by leaver and the floor dropped beneath the ponies. The mare stallions, and Spike screamed as the fell down words all of a sudden change directions and began falling up words. The ponies when higher and higher as the reach to the high room of the tallest tower a door open and they all crash onto the floors on the anti chambers.

"I have now idea how that happened." Said Twilight

"Uh Is everypony okay?" Asked Applejack.

"Ug think so." Said Spike.

"Wait!" Said Thunderlane "We're Fluttershy!?"

The ponies looked in horror to find Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for somepony?" A voice cried out.

The ponies looked up wards and saw Fluttershy hang from the ceiling along side this sinister Count Blood fang. The two bat ponies flew down from above and stood before the group.

"Oh nice." Said the count "More servants to join me and my queen. I get so lonely in this castle all by my self."

"Wait." Said Pinkie said "What about that Bray guy?"

The count winced "His alright but his not some pony to sit down and have a meal with."

Then Thunderlane rages voice said "How about I give you a hoof sandwich!"

Then the count said "Oh a such brave words coming from such a puny pony. Fluttershy my dear will you take care of this cretin for me?"

Flutterbat flew up and charge at Thunderlane her fangs bear. Thunderlane wrestled the mare to the ground trying to claim her down and he said "Easy Fluttershy we're you're friends remember!"

"She don't not need her friends any more." Said the count "She has her beloved count to protect her!"

"Protect her!?" Cried Thunderlane "Your called turning her into a vampire pony protecting her?"

"Ha!" Said the Count "Before she meet me she was afraid of everything! Now that she is a pony of the night she'll never be afraid again!"

"There's one problem being a night pony." said ThunderLane "You don't get enough daylight. Twilight now!"

Twilight Sparkle let out a bright beam of thought out the chamber.

"The light!" Shouted the count "I'm blind!"

"Now everypony!" Thunderlane shouted

Rainbow Dash and Soarin got up behind the count and tie a blind fold over his eyes.

"Wait what are you doing?" Shouted the count.

"Charge!" Applejack cried, she and Troubleshoes headed for the count and began pushing him to his coffin.

"My love!" Shouted the count "Protect me!"

Flutterbat's eyes open wide and she leaped towards Rainbow and Soarin.

"Look into my eyes!" Said Flutterbat

Soarin and Rainbow Dash became daze and confused the they quickly released the count who pushed Applejack and Troubleshoes with the sliest of ease. His eyes now free he proceeded to hypnotize the rest of the ponies only Thunderlane remands.

"Hahahaha!" lough the count "You though you could defeated me? the prince of darkness! My reign is eternal."

Thunderlane's eyes darted out of about the room finally they focus on Flutterbat.

"Fluttershy you can resist him! I know you can! you the strongest willed pony I know!" Thunderlane shouted "That's why I...Care about you!"

All of a sudden Fluttershy's expression changed she turn to the count growled at him and said "Look here mister who in Equestria you think you are!?"

"What!?" Said the count.

Fluttershy flew down before him. "Going around Equestria and turning ponies into vampires. I have a mind to go find you're mother and tell her what you've been up to!"

"My mother has been dead for centuries!" said the count trying to back away.

"That still doesn't excuse your action!" Fluttershy pushing him backwards. "I don't care if you are the last of you're kind! Turning ponies into vampires is not very nice! And frankly I'm not going to stand for it!"

The Count continued to back away quickly becoming frightened, "But Fluttershy, I thought we had something special?!"

"Yes it's true that I don't like Nightmare Night," continued Fluttershy backing the count against his coffin, "and I'm guessing neither do you! But does not mean that you can turn anypony you want into a vampire, even if you are only allowed out one night a year."

The Count was dumbfounded, "I.. I am the Prince of the Night! You cannot talk to me this way!"

Fluttershy glared, "Well the night is over!"

"Huh?" The Count looked behind him and saw the sun beginning to rise through the window, "Aaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The count quickly leapt into his coffin and shut it tightly behind him before the suns rays could hit him.

As sunlight filled the room, the ponies and Spike suddenly broke out of there trance.

"Huh, what?" said Twilight.

At the center of the room Fluttershy became encased in bright flash of light. When it vanished she was back to normal.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash cried.

Everypony in the room gathered around Fluttershy and began hugging and squeezing her. All except for Thunderlane who simply stood back and smiled.

"Don't you ever do that to us again Sugar Cube," Applejack teared up.

"Yeah," said Soarin, "we thought that you'd be a vampire pony forever."

"And, that we'd only get to see you once a year!" cried Pinkie Pie streams of tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Alright, alright," said Fluttershy backing away from the group. I'm sorry everypony, I didn't mean to ruin you're nightmare night.."

"Are you kidding," shouted Rainbow Dash, "This was the best Nightmare Night Ever!"

"It certainly was exciting," chimed in Rarity.

"Except for the part with the giant hole in my blimp," Trenderhoof growled.

"Don't worry," said Twilight, "the castle will pay you back for it."

"Aw man that was awesome!" said Spike. "Vampire ponies! Curses! I can't wait till next year! Hey where's ThunderLane..?"

Everypony in the room turned to see that Thunderlane had disappeared.

Outside of the Castle of the Two Sisters, Thunderlane slowly trotted away.

"Um, excuse me," a soft voice spoke up from behind.

Thunderlane turned to see Fluttershy flying down towards him.

"I just wanted to thank you for the nice words you said to me..," Fluttery said, "Did you really mean that?

"Of course," said Thunderlane, "You've always been one of the courageous ponies I've ever met."

Fluttershy blushed, "That's a very nice costume you're wearing Thunderlane.."

"Oh this isn't a costume," Thunderlane stated, "this is my Uniform. I don't really believe in Nightmare Night."