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Family quest part 1

Family quest part 1

In deep of a jungle a young pegasus with a broken wing was running for his life. He didn't know what he was running from be he knew he had to escape from behind him a loud roar can be herd as he ran faster and faster he suddenly came to a cliff at the edge of the jungle down below is the open sea. He froze up terrified be on belief then turn back to back to hear the roaring sound behind him. Realizing he had no choice the young foal took a deep breath and leap towers the water below.


"Would you keep it down!" Shouted Soarin throwing a pillow at Flash.

Flash awoke to find he was in the castle barracks with Cheese and Soarin.

"Honestly." Said Soarin "We got petrol duty tomorrow."

"Ugh Sorry Soarin." Said Flash sinking back in his cot. "I was just having that dream again."

"Oh!" Said said Cheese looking down from the bunch above him. "Isn't that dream when you forgot all the answers for your math test?"

"No." Said Flash annoyed "It the dream that I can't remember."

The next day Flash and Soarin were guarding the west castle entice Flash was still pretty tired from last night gave off a large yawn.

"Senty on there solider!" A voice cried out it was Thunderlane walking to them. "We don't anypony falling asleep on duty."

"Um I'm sorry Thunderlane." Said Flash "Just had a hard time sleeping last night."

"You had a hard time sleeping!" Said Soarin black circles around his eyes. "What about me?! I'm the one you keep awake at night!"

"Yeah sorry." Said Flash

"Well if problems you can always speak to Luna about it." Said Thunderlane

"Yeah." Said Flash "Rubbing his eyes I don't think it's that kind of problem."

"Watch out!" A young voice cried out.

A ball came flying thought the air and hit Flash in the face. "Ow!"

Three young fillies came running up to catch the ball.

"Oops." Said AppleBloom "Sorry about that Flash."

"Applebloom Sweetie Belle Scootaloo." Said Thunderlane "I thought I told you not to ply ball around the castle gates."

"We know." Said Scootaloo "But we were just trying out this new ball my aunts gave me."

"Well." Said Thunderlane "I'll be sure to tell both about the trouble you cased."

"Aw come on Thunderlane." Flash said to him "Cut them some slake their just kids."

"Alright." Said Thunderlane "But you three better fallow orders next time."

"Yes Thunderlane." The Crusaders said in unison.

Scootaloo then turn to Flash and said "Thanks for covering for us."

"No problem." Said Flash

"Scootaloo." Said Sweetie Belle "I got your back pack right here."

"Thanks Sweetie Belle." Said Scootaloo putting the ball in back inside of it.

As she open the back pack flash notices a familiar symbol on it. It was small compass sitting along side of a map.

Suddenly his head began to hurt.

"You alright Flash?" Applebloom said looking at him confused.

"Yeah." Said flash "Just a small headache."

Later that night Flash was once again tossing and turning in his bunk once again. In his dream he was a small colt again sailing on a woodened raff. A terrible storm was brewing rock his boat back and forth as he struggle to stay a float a massive figure began to rise from the waves. There was a brilliant flash of light and then suddenly a pony floated down before him.

"Princess Luna!" The young colt cried.

"Flash Sentry!" Luna proclaim using a royal vice. "I have watch over you nightmares and have fell the pain."

"Pain?" Said Flash "What pain?"

"I see you truly have forgotten the past." Said Luna

"What past?"

"If you wish to regain what has be lost you must no longer deny what your dreams been have been telling you." Said Luna "Fallow your path and you will not be the only one who will regain what was lost."

"Wait!" Said Flash "What do you mean lost!? What are you talking about!?"

Flash Sentry awake in a cold sweat more confused then ever.

The next morning Flash Sentry was in the kitchen sleeping in his cereal.

"Um...Flash." A voice spoke up.

"Ah what? what is it!?" Shouted Flash he then turn to see Twilight Sparkle standing behind him confused.

"Is there an easer way to eat you breakfast?" Aske Twilight

"Ho...huh." Said Flash embarrassed. "The thing is I was just recovering from scary nightmare."

"A nightmare?" Said Twilight "Have you try talking to Luna?"

"She alright showed up." Flash said

"Wait a minute!" Said Twilight "You mean Luna visit you in your dreams?"

"Yeah." Said Flash "You can say that."

"Well this is incredible!" said Twilight "From what I heard when Luna visit you in a dream it suppose to be major even it about to change in your life."

"Well that's great." Said Flash "But what kind of change are we talking about here?"

"Oh it can be some big, something small usually solve a problem that your having." Said Twilight

"The only problem I have." said Flash Is that I can't sleep at night with this stupid nightmare."

"Your having a nightmare?" Said Twilight excited "That's incredible it might be the reason Luna is visiting you."

"That's great." Said Flash sarcastically "but how do I get it to stop?"

"Ummm..." Said Twilight "Maybe we need to consult an expert."

Deep with in the Eeverfree frost Flash Sentry and Twilight were visiting Zecroa's hut.

"Ummm.." Said Zecroa looking at flash at the center of the room. "Describe this dream that hounds your nights and I will find why it bring you fright."

"Well." Said Flash leaning in his chair. "Every night it's the same thing. I'm running thought a jungle or the ocean or some hidden temple and there's something coming after me the only problem is that I don't know what it is."

Zecroa starch her chine in curiosity. "Describe what started this affair did something made this dream appear?"

"Well..."Flash thought to himself "I think it all when it started when we got back from that convention."

"Really?" Said Twilight "What happen?"

"It had something to do with that book you gave me?" Said Flash "There was something about thought ponies on the cover I could have soared I've seen them somewhere before."

"How is that possible?" Said Twilight "I thought you sept you whole foal-hood in templon.

"Actually." Said Flash looking embarrassed "Iv never told you this before but I don't remember much about my foal-hood."

"What!?" shouted Twilight jumping out of her sit.

"I remember meeting Cheese and Soarin and then nothing." Said Flash

"Why didn't you ever tell me this before?" Asked Twilight

"Well it just never came up." Said Flash

"Umm..." Said Zecora in deep contemplation. "Memories lost can often be found. Did anything else bring these dreams around?"

"No." Said Flash "Well except there was one thing."

"What?" Said Twilight

"Oh it was nothing." Said Flash "It was just this old back pack that Scootaloo hade. I could swear that I've seen it somewhere before but that's ridiculous right."

Twilight and Zecroa looked at Flash cursedly.

"It's is ridiculous right?" Asked Flash

"This is ridiculous!" Said Flash as he and Twilight were trotting down in the Templon.

"I barely know Scootaloo's family and now I'm going to bug them about something that's none of theirs business."

"This is the only clue we have." Said Twilight "Who knows something about those ponies and that symbol."

Flash and Twilight came up a small cottage squashed between two buildings.

"We should really go." Said Flash "There no need to bother them with this."

Then Twilight "Oh no you don't." She used her magic pull his tail. "You're going to talk to these ponies weather you like it or not."

Twilight gave a large knock on the door.

Then much to Flash spires Tender Tapes open the door.

"Hi Tender Tapes is your sister home?" Twilight asked

"Oh she's." Said Tender

"Gang way!" A voice interrupt with in the house.

"Scootaloo Get back here." Shouted and orange earth pony.

"Not again." Said Tender Tapes

Twilight and Flash entered the house and seeing the living room in shambles.

"Ooooohhh!" Shouted Scootaloo riding down the banister on her scooter.

"Scootaloo you know your not suppose to ride your scooter in the house!" Shouted a young orange colt chasing her down.

Scootaloo looked back at the young colt and said "Come on Frist base don't be such a Stink in a Muuuuud!" Scootaloo flew off the edge and up in to the air.

Twilight sparkle horn began to glow and she just barely got the filly.

"Oh hi Twilight, hi Flash." Said Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo." Said Twilight "Do your aunts know that you behaving like this?"

Then the little pegasus blushed and said "Oh um...We'll they might not be in right now."

"Umm..."Said Twilight giving her a look.

"Go easy on her Twilight." Flash spoke up putting a hoof on her shoulder. He then turn to Scootaloo and said "We are just here to ask you some questions."

Twilight sparkle then levitated the filly down.

"What is it you need to know?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Well the thing is." Flash said "We kinda wanted to know about that back pack of yours."

"Oh you mean the old back Scootaloo needed because she broke her last one and needed to use our parents." Said Tender Tapes.

"Wait you took our parents back pack!?" Said Frist Base who turn to Scootaloo.

"What aunt Holiday and aunt Loofty said it was okay." said Scoot

"That's not the point!" said Frist Base "That back pack is the only thing we have to remember our parents by."

"I told you before." Scootaloo yelled back "Their coming back!"

"No there not!" Said Frist Base "When are you going to except that!?"

"Ummm guys." Said Tender Tapes nervously. "We have guess."

"Stay out of this Tender!" Both of them shouted.

Tender Tapes snig and looked to both Flash and Twilight. "This happens every week."

Then Flash jumped between the two and said "Alright that's enough! There is no need to argue about this!"

The two foals look at each other and then trotted of in opposite directions.

Tender Tapes looked to Twilight. "I'm really sorry about that, they been like that for as long as I can remember."

"I didn't realized that you and Scootaloo were brother and sister." Said Flash

"Well we both what purple manes and orange coats we though that was obvious." Said Tender Tapes

"Actually." Said Twilight "That doesn't necessarily prove anything. Applejack her siblings have different coats and manes and their related."

"So." Said Flash "That back pack belong to you folks?"

"Yeah." Said Tender Tapes as he starting to clean up the living room. "We don't really remember them. But aunt Holiday said that they were going on a long trip and she don't know when they'll be back."

Then Twilight said "Do you think that Holiday and Lofty could tell us more about them?"

"They should." Said Tender Tapes thinking. "They should be home any minute now."

There was a large crash at the door way Twilight and Flash turn see two mares one earth and the other a pegasus standing at the door way. They brought home a bunch of groceries but of some reason they had let them all drop the floor. Both of them looked completely dumbfounded at the sight of Flash.

Finally Aunt Holiday spoke "Flash Sentry."

Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle were sitting in the cottage kitchen confused.

"Do you have nay idea way the send us in here?" asked Flash.

"No." Said Twilight "This is pretty unusual for them their normally not this strict."

The door swung open and the two mares entered closing it tightly behind them.

"Where Tender Tapes and the others." Asked Flash

"I send the out for a while." Lofty said "It better that they don't hear this yet."

Then Holiday spoke up and said "Flash Sentry where have you been all this time!?"

Then Flash said. "Um sorry what?"

"You do remember us don't you?" Said Lofty.

"No." said Flash "I can't say I remember ether of you."

Lofty and Holiday looked at each other confused and concerned.

Finally and a thought occurred to Lofty. She reach up in to a covered and pulled out a large photo album.

Lofty open up the book showing Flash and Twilight. "Do you remember this?"

Then Flash look at photo in shocked

"That me!" Said Flash

The photo showed a picture of himself as a colt with the two ponies from the cover of the Daring Do Book. Then three young ponies at different ages besides him.

Then Holiday said "These are Scootaloo Frist Base and Tender Tapes parents they are also your parents."

Both Twilight and Flash were struck.

"Wait!" Said Twilight "Your telling me Flash is those three older brother!?"

"Yes." Said Aunt Lofty "I'm afraid it's true."

"I don't' remember any of this!" Flash said looking at the photo. "How did this happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us," said Holiday, "We haven't seen you or you parents in years."

"Wait wait, wait," Twilight said taking out a notepad and quill, "Let's start from the begging."

Then Lofty said "Alright to put for starters you mother and father were famous explores they use to go over all of Equestria and off to distant lands just to find rear treasures. You even when on severely of their adventures with them of course Scootaloo and the boys were much to young to go on any of them. So you aunt and I would often take care of them."

"Wait," Said Flash, "I used to go on adventures?"

"Yes," Said Holiday, "Thought I honesty didn't know what your parents were thinking. They wanted you to join in on seeing the world, eventually they would have taken the others if it wasn't for the incident."

"Incident?" Said Flash confused.

Lofty singed and turn the page of the scrap book and she now was showing Flash and his parents were going on a blimp. Lofty Holiday and the foals were waving them goodbye. "The last time we saw you, your parents were going on some short of imported mission of saddle Ariba but they never came back none of you did."

Flash looked at the image confused, "I don't remember any of this."

"We were afraid of that." Holiday said

"Flash Twilight," Said Lofty, "It's probably better off that you don't tell Scootaloo and the boys this we don't want to get their hopes up on their parents coming back."

Flash the glared at the two and said, "What? I'm not aloud to tell them that I'm their long lost older brother?! It think I have right to see my family!"

"Flash," Twilight said trying to claim him down, "We under stand what your trying to say Lofty and until we more information it's probably best if they don't know."

Flash looked at his aunts and then to Twilight finally he singed. "Alright."

But what none of the ponies realized that Scootaloo was listing from the side with tears in her eyes.

Back at the castle kitchen Flash Sentry was chugging down a mike shake furiously.

"Uh, Flash," Said Soarin looking across the table at him, "Maybe you should slow it down a bit."

Flash just said, "I can't believe this! All this time I thought I was completely alone in this world and now that I finally found a family and they want nothing to do with me!"

Then Cheese said, "Join the club I can't even remember the last time I saw my family."

"Cheese you don't have a family," Said Soarin.

"That's what I'm saying," Said Cheese.

"The worst part of all is," Said Flash, "Is that Twilight just wants me to sit back and be patient! Like the answers I've been looking for are just going to appear in tin air."

"Oh really." Said a voice calling out behind him. Flash turn to see Twilight and the rest of the mane six standing behind him.

"Twilight I didn't mean..." Flash said

"It's okay Flash." Said Twilight "I under stand that your frustrated, that way everypony and I have been discussing a plan."

"We think," Said Applejack, "That last place you saw you parents we in saddle Ariba, we all should take a trip over there and try to figure out what happened to them."

"We already spoke with TrenderHoof and Troubleshoes and they are more then happy to take us on their ship," Said Rarity

"And because we are all best friends we should be going together!" Said Pinkie Pie

Flash face suddenly lit up and then the said "I forgot how great you guys are!" He then hugged all his friends at once.

At the air felid.

"All ponies adored!" Shouted Spike "Next stop saddle Ariba!"

The mane six slowing loaded on to the ship where TrenderHoof and Troubleshoes were all ready waiting for them.

"All aboard ladies!" Said TrenderHoof with smile "Welcome to the SS TrenderHoof."

"Ahem!" TroubleShoes coughed.

"Oh all right and Troubleshoes," Said TrenderHoof.

"Thanks for joining me guys," Flash said boarding the ship.

"No problem pal," Said Soarin, "After all we're pals."

"Friends till the end even after then!" Cheese said

"Personally," Said Thunderlane coming up behind them, "I'm just here to keep you all out of trouble."

"Aw come on," Said Soarin "What kind of trouble could we possible get in to."

None of them seem to notice three small ponies sinking up on to the ship.

Frist Base said, "This is a bad idea guys, we are going to get in a lot of trouble if Aunt Holiday and Lofty find out."

"I told you," Said Scootaloo "this our chance to finally find out about our parents."

"Are you sure you hear Aunt Holiday and Lofty right?" said Tender Taps

"Yeah," Said Frist "Sounds like one of your crazy stories to me."

"I'm telling you," Scootaloo, "It's the truth"

The blimp sails off thought the skies of Equestria Flash lean over the side of the ship looking at the book cover with his parents on it.

"Um Flash," Said Twilight coming up behind him," Are you alright?"

Then Flash said, "It just I want to know why my parents disappeared. Are they okay did they abandon me? Did they abandon the others too?"

"Well," Said Twilight trying to claim him down, "We know that this is them on the cover of the Daring do book maybe if we under stand the plot of this story we can figure out what they were doing here."

Scootaloo listen in on from behind a near by barrel neither Flash nor Twilight notices her.

"Let see," Twilight said opening the book, "If I recall correctly Daring Do was in saddle Ariba looking for the gates to Tartarus."

"That's right," Said Flash, "But Doctor Caballeron was looking for it too."

"And when they got there," Said Twilight, "They found that Ahuizotl was trying to open the gate but he couldn't because he didn't have the key?"

"Right," Said Flash, "But did they ever find the key?"

"No," Said Twilight, "The book ended on a cliff hanger. The temple where the gates to Tartarus where collapse with Ahuizotl inside of it."

"And wasn't he trying to turn Daring do to stone?" Said Flash

"Our parents were turn to stone!?" Shouted a voice

Twilight and Flash looked over to the barrel, Twilight levitated the barrel with her horn reveling Scootaloo behind.

"Uh...Hey guys," Scootaloo smiled sheeplsiy, "How's it going?"

"Scootaloo!" Said Twilight said, "Did you sneak up on this ship without us knowing!?"

"Uuuhhh," Said Scootaloo, "Maybe."

"Scootaloo," Said Twilight, "Just think about how worried your brother must be right now?"

"Achoo!" Sneezed a small mouth behind the another barrel.

Then Flash rolled his eyes and said, "Okay boys come on out we know your there."

Then Tender Tapes and Frist Base came out from behind the barrels.

"Hum hey guys," Said Tender Tapes, "How's it going?"

The two boys join their sister as Twilight re gain her bluster.

"Just what do you three think your doing here?" Said Twilight.

"Same thing you are," Said Scootaloo, "Looking for our parents

"Wait how did you know about that?" asked Flash.

"Aunt Lofty's kitchen isn't sound proof," Said Scootaloo.

"So you over heard everything," Said Flash.

"Yep," Smiled Scootaloo, "And we here to help you find our parents."

"Personally," Said First Base, "I'm just here to keep these two out of trouble."

Twilight then groaned and said, "Now we have to turn this ship around."

"Aw come on Twilight," said Flash, "They just want to find out the same thing we do and we can always have spike watch over them."

"NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo!" Spike ran up to Flash and Twilight.

"WhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhy!?" He gestures toward Twilight.

"YouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYou!" He pointed at Scootaloo with distain.

Spike then stormed off fuming at the ears. "Well at least he took it well," said Flash.

Later on deck, Tender Taps was bugging TrenderHoof and Troubleshoes about the controls on the ship, while Frist was trying to keep his younger brother under control.

"So what does this do?" Said Tender

"Don't touch that!" said Frist Base. "You don't know how any thing on this ship works!"

"I'm just asking a question," Said Tender Taps.

"Question leads to touching," Said Frist, "And touching leads to danger!"

Spike groan as the two boys continued to argue.

Meanwhile Scootaloo looked over to Flash still looking over the edge of the ship.

"So..." said Scootaloo, "You're my older brother?"

"What?" Said Flash turning, "On...well...no...um...yes...um...possible."

"Well this is great," Said Scootaloo snuggling up to Flash, "I all ways wanted a big sister." She pointed at Rainbow Dash snoozing in the sails, "And now i have a big brother too!"

Then Flash said, "Don't you have two big brothers?"

"Huh." Said Scootaloo looking annoyed "Their alright."

Flash then said "What's wrong with them."

"Nothing," Said Scootaloo, "Except Frist Base is always bossing me around and Tender Tapes just stands there and try stay in the middle."

Then Flash said "Well they probably have your best interest at heart."

"Yeah." Said Scootaloo "But everything will be different when we find our parents again."

A look came across Flash face. "Look Scootaloo I'm not really sure we are going to find our parents let's not get or hopes up."

"But your our brother." Said Scootaloo "And you came back."

"Yes." Said Flash "But even sure how I got lost in the first place."

"Well what ever it is we'll find out together." said Scootaloo

"Yes." said Flash with a small smile "I suppose we will."

"Attention Ponies!" Shouted TrenderHoof "We are now approaching Saddle Ariba!"

Flash and Scootaloo looked down and saw a large city of mud and clay standing besides a large river and palm trees. The blimp slowly settle down by the river and the mane six and stallion paepae to disembark.

"Um Spike." Said Twilight "Way don't you stay and look after those three."

"Way do I always get the tuff jobs." Said Spike

"Don't Worry Spike." Said Flash "You'll have Frist helping you out."

The mane six and Stallions entered the streets Saddle Ariba the ponies there were much taller and prouder looking.

"Be careful you guys." Said Twilight "Saddle Ariba is out side of Equestria's borders so there's no telling what's waiting for us out here."

Then Flash said "Got it Twi. But what exactly?"

"Well..." Said Twilight looking at the Daring Do book. "According to this we are supposed to be looking a tavern and somepony named Fazah Fazim."

"Uh...Twilight." Said Rainbow Dash "I don't think you need to take the book literally."

"Did you say Fazah Fazim?" A passing pony spoke up. "You can find him at the Anubis Oasis."

"Well what do you know." Said Pinkie Pie

The ponies approach a large tavern draped in palm trees inside was stood many sat many rough looking ponies many of whom appeared to be from Equestria. At the back of the tavern stood a large waterfall with a bare in front of it. A stout tin pony in a fizz stood behind it cleaning a glass.

"Welcome Ponies!" He said in a friendly voice as the mares and stallions approach the bare. "How can I help you today?"

"Um..." Flash looked at the bartender nervously finally Twilight nudged him. "Have you ever heard of two ponies called Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood?"

All the ponies in the bare suddenly gasp.

"Um..." Said Fazah Fazim pulling his caller "Never hear of them, let me get you ponies a drink on the house."

Ponies watch as Fazah Fazim snuck off to the back.

"Huh." Said Rainbow Dash "Did anyone else find that guy suspicious?"

"I don't like this." Said Thunderlane looking around. "Most of the ponies in here look like some unsavory characters."

"Tell me about." Said TrenderHoof "I pretty sure I own money to that guy to the corner over there."

"Um..." Said Fluttershy "Maybe we should come back when this place is friendlier."

"Relax." Said Soarin "I can handle any one of these punks mono a mono."

The Rainbow said "Me two."

"Getcha!" Said a minotaur grabbing both Rainbow Dash and Soarin.

"We're in trouble." Said Soarin'

"So..." Said a scruffy looking pony approaching them "Looking for Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood huh? throw these ponies back out on the streets."

"Escaped for that guy!" Said another pony "He owes me money!"

"I knew it!" TrenderHoof

Then a diamond dog leapt atop of Applejack.

"Hold on there little doggy!" Said Applejack "You think you can take this bull by the horn you better get ready for a ride! Come everypony knock them down and knock them low." Applejack knock diamond dog off into a piano. All of a sudden the pony behind it began to play it.

As the music played Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich got out there party bazookas and start firing at the crowed. Meanwhile Soarin and Rainbow Dash took the Minotaur by the arms and toss him into a table. Thunderlane and Flash when back to back pouching ponies away as they came.

Twilight and Rarity started blasting some other with their horns while Fluttershy was hiding behind them.

"Give me the money you owe me!" Shouted a pony chasing TrenderHoof.

TroubleShoes slammed a large barrel on his head.

"Stop!" A voice cried all the ponies in the room turn to the entice standing in the door way was a greasy mane stallion in a cargo shirt and bandana and a wicked smirk spared across his five clock shadow. "So you ponies are looking for my old friends, well it just so happens i have a few friends of yours."

Two bulky looking ponies came in carrying Spike Scootaloo, Frist Base, and Tender Taps. The mares and Stallions were terrified by what they saw.

"Who do you think you are?" Flash shouted.

"My apologies," said the Stallion, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Cabelleron!"

To Be Continued