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Lets get mysterious

Lets get mysterious

Night fall in the city of Trotham city then suddenly an exclusion lights up the skies as the Mane-iac burst out from the natural history museum.

"Mahahahahaha! With the griffin gantlet soon those who mocked me and my work will quick in terror!"

Suddenly a voice cried out in to the night "I am the terror that trots in the night I am the barber to the bed head of evil! I am Mare-do-well!"

"Blast you Mare-do-well!" Mane-iac shouted. "Hey there's an idea blast you. Yes blast you mare do well!" She then pulled out her bazzoka and attempts to fire on mare do-well.

But the daring mare of mystery dodges each blast by leaping from roof top to roof top.

"Your terrible tendrils of terror are finally finish you vile villain!"

"Not by a long shot!" Scream Mane-iac pulling out a bow and arrow.

She then begins fire boxing glove arrows at her and each one exploding when making contacted.

Mare-do-well dogged them one by one eventually made her way to the ground and tackled the Mane-iac.

standing atop her proudly and she declarer "You're terrible tricks had finally run out Mane-iac."

But then suddenly green tufts of mane gripped mare do-well from behind.

"They just begun." A voice cried out. She then turn and saw "The Mane-iac!? But how?"

Mare do-well was now looking at the Mane-iac who was under her hoofs.

Then she saw it's head popped open reliving a machinal arm holding out a bomb.
"Looks like it's the end of you mare-do well! Mwahahahaha!"

"Nooooo!" Screamed Spike and Rainbow Dash.

"To Be continued!?" Rainbow Dash cried as the end credits began to roll. "But it was getting to the best part!"

"Don't worry." A voice spoke up from behind the comic book counter. "They'll be a new episode next week."

They were in a big comic book store know as the comic Stabls and its run by an brown earth pony with a black mane named Quibble Pants.

"Next Week!?" Spike cries. "I can't wait that long!"

Rainbow Dash spoke out "Will Mare-do-well be able to stop the Mane-aic? Whole she stop the Phony Pharaoh and what's going to happen to Hundrum!?"

Then the counter pony then said "You do know it's just a tv show right?"

"Just a TV show?!" Rainbow Dash said "Just A TV Show!? Mare Do-Well is a way of life!"

Then Quibble pants the counter pony chucks. "I'm thinking you guys been watch to much of Mare Do-Well lately."

Spike then cross his arms "Your one to talk Quibble Pants." He pointed behind the counter. "You got every issue of the mysterious mare do-well ever made."

Then Quibble pants frown "That different the TV show isn't cannon."

Rainbow Dash and Spike rolled their eyes.

"Aren't you you two done." A voice asked entering the comic book shop. It was Twilight with Flash standing besides her.

"No we are not done." Rainbow Dash frowned. "We still got to talk to Quibble Pant about the convention next week."

"Really?" Twilight asked "You're going to that convention again?"

"Hey!" Quibble pants chimed in "Mare do con is a place for all fans Mare Do-well power ponies, and Daring Do!"

"Well." Flash Chimed in "Your not dragging the rest of us with you."

Later at the con Flash said "I can't believe they dragged the rest of us with them." Flash Sentry Stood beside his friends Cheese Sandwich (who was dress as filly second) and Soarin.

Then Soarin said "AW come on everypony is a fan of Mare do-well."

Then Flash rolled his eyes and said "Right and this had nothing to do with impressing Rainbow Dash?"

"Your the talk." Soarin spotted. "Aren't you here to help a crenate princess to find a rare copy of Daring Do?"

And Flash then shot "You know I've been fan of Daring do since I was a colt."

The Soarin said "No you we grew up on the streets together with us remember we didn't have time to read."

"I remember reading Daring Do." Flash said proudly and then a confused look came across his face. "Though I don't know how."

Then Cheese said "Yeah well I'm just here for the costume contest!" He then suddenly appeared dress up as Filly second.

Then suddenly Pinkie Pie was appeared dress up as the Mane-iac. "Ha filly second we meet again!"

Then Cheese playing along "We do in deed Mane-iac! I will stop you're evil seam!" The two laugh as they pranced away.

"Glade to see their having fun." Flash and Soarin turn to see Twilight Spike, and Rainbow Dash approaching them. "So Flash are you ready to get rare signed copy of Daring Do? I heard they have rare cover on it never release in stores!"

Flash smiles and said "Looking forward to it."

Rainbow Dash Soarin and Spike watches as the two ponies disappeared into the crowed.

"So." Rainbow Dash said while placing her hoof on Soarin. "Are you ready to meet Quibble Pants?"

Soarin smiles "If he is as exciting as you say he is."

"His awesome!" Spike cried waving his claws in the air. "He knows everything there is to know about Mare do-Well! He even promise to introduce us to Gallup Gadot!"

"Who?" Soarin asked confused.

"Umm, Gallup Gadot" Rainbow sarcastically "The actress who played the mare-do well on TV?"

Then Soarin said "Oh right."

Rainbow Dash continued as the ponies and Spike headed down convection. "Quibble Pants owns a pretty popular comic shop so he know a lot of famous celebrities."

"Oh your fatter me." A voice spoke up. They turn to see Quibble Pants approaching them.

"Quibble Pants!" Spike cried out and then he saw a little purple pegasus filly next to him. "Who's she?"

Then Quibble said "Everypony I like to introduce you to my step daughter Wind Sprint."

"Hmph." The tiny pony frowned.

Then Soarin said "Hey Rd you didn't tell me the guy was married."

Then Rainbow Dash said "He wasn't the last time I check."

Then Quibble said "Well I was seeing a incredible mare named Clare skies and a while after that we got married and now I'm a daddy!" He hugs on the Wind Sprint tightly.

"What ever." The filly frown again.

"She...umm... Adjusting." Quibble said.

Rainbow Dash Soarin and Spike glance at each other.

Then Clare skies a unicorn mare appears and said "There you guys are." She then nuzzle up to Quibble "Who are your friends?"

Then Quibble said "This is Rainbow and Spike my two best customers."

"And Soarin!" Soarin chimed in "That's me I'm Soarin."

Then Quibble said "Well Rainbow I got myself a wife and now you got yourself a boyfriend."

"What!?" Both Rainbow and Soarin screamed their faces turning red.

"No we're not." Soarin chimed.

"His not my." Rainbow shouted.

"We barely now each other." Soarin said.

"WE are not dating!" The both of them shouted.

"Uhhmhm." Spike muttered under his breath.

Quibble pants Clare skies and Wind Sprint looked at the two in confusion.

"So anyway." Quibble said "Shall we get going?"

"Yes we are going to meet Gallup Gadot." Rainbow said.

Pinkie and Cheese got into a long line of costume ponies holding their exactment.

Then Pinkie said "Eeeeeee, it's so existing! I can't wait for us to win!"

"I know me either!" Said Cheese.

"Ha ha ha." Laugh a pony behind them wearing a mow hawk and shades. "Can you believe these guys Rock Roller?"

Then the other stallion wearing a tank top and cargo pants said "Yeah Hip hop. Can you believe these power pony punks can beat us in the costume contest."

"Hey that's not very nice." Pinkie said to the two behind them.

Hip hop said "Just stating the fact little filly."

"Hey!" Said Rock Roller "We've been winning this costume contest last five years in a row."

"Well no a offense." Said Cheese "But your costumes ant's all that great."

"HA!" Hip Hop said "Can you believe this foal? Thinks these are our costumes."

"What!?" Said Pinkie.

Rock Roller "Girl we never put on costumes till the last minute keep the compaction on there hooves."

"Haller!" Said Hip hop the two chuckles while they walk pass Pinkie and Cheese in the line.

Pinkie Pie's mouth dropped wide open. "Cheese!" She grabbed a hold of the her friend "WE got to go find better costumes!"

"Way?" Cheese asked.

Then Pinkie said "Sop we can beat those two pony jerks from beating us in the contest!"

"But I thought we we're doing this contest for fun." Cheese said.

"WE are!" Pinkie proclaimed "And what's more fun then beating a couple of meanies! Mwa hahahaha!" She laugh evilly.

then Cheese said "Umm you're laughing evilly."

"No I wasn't." Said Pinkie Pie glancing back and fourth.

At the other end of then convection were over at the Daring Do section.

Twilight and Flash were walking to where the daring do books are being soled.

Then Twilight said "Oh I can't wait to see the new cover! I read the book but then cover is supposed to add a hole new level of detail to the story!"

Then Flash said "Well let's hope we get to see it. I do love a good daring do book."

Twilight then said "I didn't know you were a fan of Daring do Flash."

Then Flash said "Well back when I was a colt living on the streets. I always to used to pretend I was on adventures with Daring do and her companions." Then he rubbed his head "And some times I even dream that I was on her adventures."

"Aw that's so sweet." Said Twilight. "You never told me much of your foul hood before."

"Well." Said Flash "There's not much to talk about. I grew up on the streets along side Cheese and Soarin we usual just sleep of roof tops, stealing food to survive."

"What about your parents?" Twilight asked.

"Well honesty" said Flash sheepishly rubbing his head "I don't remember them, I know I must have had parents once. I just can't seem to remember them."

"That's wired." Said Twilight "Nothing at all?"

"Nothing." Said Flash uncomfortably. "All I just remember was that I was me with Cheese and Soarin and that's it."

"All right everypony." Said a mysterious auctioneer. "It is time to begin our betting for the limited edition of the Daring do items!"

"That's one heck of a Caballeron costume." Said Flash.

That made Twilight giggled. "Yeah but at least his not wearing an Ahuizotl costume."

Meanwhile Quibble Pants lead Rainbow Soarin, Spike Clare Skies, and Wind Sprint. Thought a crowed fan ponies.

"Ha ho ho." Quibble said "Can you believe who many ponies are fans of the Mare Do-Well TV show?" He said to Wind Sprint.

"Hump." She growled and march a head of her step father.

Quibble sigh then Clare skies place a hoof on his shoulder. "Better luck next time sweet heart."

As Clare skies when to join her daughter Rainbow when to Quibble "Okay what's going on?"

"I have to be honest with you guys." Quibble Pants said. "I've been trying to bond with my step daughter for a while now. But she wants nothing to do with me."

Then Soarin said "So why did you bring her here?"

"While I thought introducing her to a big time celebrity would impresses her. But she don't seem to be interested."

"Is she a fan of Daring Do?" Spike asked

"Well no but I know she watch the Mare-Do-Well show. So I figured introducing her to Gallup Gadot would win me major points with her."

"Defiantly would win points for us." Said Rainbow.

"Welcome!" An announcer shouted "To the Q and A staring Gallup Gadot!"

"Wow!" Then ponies cheered as the see the actress enter the stag.

"I'm the terror that gallops in the night I'm the shining light to fans every where I am Gallup Gadot!"

"So when do we get to meet her?" Said Rainbow Dash elbowing Quibble Pants.

"Right after then Q and A I got the whole thing set up."

"I don't know about this." Said Cheese Sandwich

"It's simple!" Said Pinkie wearing a pharaoh crown "I'm the Phony Pharaoh and your my arch enemy the Saddle Ranger."

"Yeah I get that," said Cheese, "What I don't get how these costumes are any better than the last one's we had?"

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Because these costumes I got from the Tambelon Natural History Museum!"

"Wait what?" panicked Cheese. "Don't you think the owners will be a little angry with you?"

"Relax," said Pinkie brushing off the subject, "My sister works there. Besides, with these costumes there's no way we can lose."

All of sudden numerous sirens blared. Cheese and Pinkie turned to see DJPon3 blaring at a turntable as numerous bright colored lights and smoke appeared. Out of the fog pranced a six foot animatronic of Ahuizotl. Pinkie Pie's jaw dropped as she watched the Ahuizotl animatronic dance before the cheering crowd of ponies.

Ahuizotl's mouth opened revealing Hip Hop, "Aww yeah baby! Who's bad?"

Ahuizotl's chest opened revealing Rock Roller, "We bad! Woowoowoowoowoo!"

As the two stallions danced in their giant costume, Pinkie Pie's face turned red, "Okay, now it's personal!"

"Sold!" said the figure in the Caballeron costume. A grey googly-eyed pony in a cardboard Caballeron costume walked away with an exact replica of the Sapphire Stone.

"Next on the docket," the Caballeron look alike proclaimed, "This rare signed copy of Daring Do and Titan's Talisman!"

Twilight and Flash watched as the auctioneer lifted a sheet revealing the book they both knew all to well.

"Eeeeeeeeeeee!" Twilight smiled giddily clopping her hooves together.

"Our starting bid," the auctioneer declared, "Is at 200 bits!"

"2000 bits," a voice cried out.

The ponies in the crowd gasped as they turned to see had made the opening bid.

"Is that A.K. Yearling?" Flash proclaimed, pointing at the center of the room.

It was indeed A.K. Yearling wearing her signature glasses and shawl. The auctioneer smiled wickedly at the opening bid.

"2000 bits! 2000 bits from the author of the Daring Do series! Do we have any other takers?" the auctioneer proclaimed.

A fierce look crossed Twilight Sparkle's face, "3000 bits!"

"3000 bits from the Princess of Tambelon!" the auctioneer proclaimed, "Any other takers!"

"5000 bits!" A.K. Yearling proclaimed, suddenly getting angry.

"7000 bits!" proclaimed Twilight.

"Uh-oh.." Flash Sentry mumbled.

Back at the Q and A.

"No I neve did not consoled Apple west for my role in the show." Gallup said "Next question."

"Oh oh oh." spike raises his claw in the air.

"Yes you the little purple thing in the back row." Gallup said.

"Have every actually met Daring Do?" spike asked.

"No I have not." said Gallup looking annoyed "I don't know how many times I have to answer that question."

Then the Announcer "Well that's it for the questions on to the autograph singing!"

Then Quibble Pants smiles down at his daughter and at then others. "Come on guys this pony gonna get you in front of the line." He then led the ponies and Spike around the line of autograph goers just as they were about to reach Gallup and security pony stop them.

"Hold it right there buddy no unauthorized ponies beyond this point."

"You don't under stand." Quibble Pants said nervously "I promise with a personal meet and greet with Gallup Gadot." Then pulled out an all access pass with a convened smile.

"Oh really." Said the guard rather sarcastically "Then why don't you get in line with the other ponies that were promise with a personal meet and greet with Gallup Gadot." He pointed to yet another long line of ponies.

"But you don't under stand I'm a personal friend of hers!"

"Security!" Then two more security ponies came in and pushed the group in the back of the line.

Then when they got there Wind Sprit "Surprise, Surprise."

"I don't under stand!" Quibble Pants panic "She promise I can meet with her today!"

"What ever." Said Wind Sprit as she began to trot away.

Then Clear Skies put her hoof on his shoulder "Better luck next time sweetie." Then she went off to chase after her daughter.

Seeing how Quibble was sad Rainbow "What was that security pony problem!" Shouted. "I say we go back there and demined that he let us in there and meet Gallup Gadot!"

Soarin then said "I got a better idea. Let me show you all something I learn growing up on the streets."

Meanwhile back at costume contest we see the robot Ahuizotl still break dancing.

Cheese Sandwich watches nervously waiting for Pinkie Pie to return. "Where is she?"

"Here I am!" Pinkie Pie returning in yet another costume.

"Wait a minute I thought I was suppose to be saddle rager." Cheese said

"This costume is a 100 better!" Said Pinkie.

"Uh Pinkie I'm starting to worry about you." Said Cheese.

"Don't worry Cheese." She then pulled a string on her costume. "This pony is taking care of everything!"

Her costume began to infelt growing larger and larger until it was about the same size as the Ahuizotl robot.

"It time to win this contest!" She decarded as she leap on top of the Ahuizotl robot and the two began to wrestle with each other. The costume ponies watch began panic and ran away.

"This is going to get worst before it gets better is isn't it?" Said Cheese.

Back at the auctioning hall.

"200,000 bits!" Cried A. .

"500,000 bits!" Said Twilight.

"500,000 bits going one twice." The auctioneer shouted.

"Twilight why is this book so imparted to you?" Flash asked.

"It's..It's just a very good book that all!" Twilight said.

Then Flash said "But it's not worth 500,00 bits!"

"750,000 bit!" Shouted AK Yearling.

"Sold to AK.."

All of the sudden Pinkie Pie and the Ahuizotl robot crash into the room. Then auctioneer leap for the stage as the two giant crashed into it and then rare snig Twilight Sparkle leap in to the air as the book fly in to it. Unfortunately AK Yearling also leap for the book to two mares began to fight over it over the crowed of panicked ponies.

"Are you Sure this is a good idea?" Said Spike

He Quibble, and Rainbow were crawling in a air vent with Soarin leading them.

"Trust me." Soarin said "Back on the streets me Flash, and Cheese used to do this all the time."

Rainbow chimed in "Quibble Pants you can't possible think that this is a good idea?"

Then Quibble Pants "I'll do anything to impress Wind Spirt Anything!"

Then all of the sudden the air vent began to shake violently Spike Quibble, Soarin and Rainbow began to fall to the floor below. Where the autograph session was put in a grinding hold by two fighting monsters.

"What the heck is going on!?" Rainbow Dash shouted looking at the scene before her.

Then Cheese Sandwich appeared behind them. "Pinkie Pie is rampage!"

"Not again!" Said Spike.

"Out of the way!" A voice shouted Gallup Gadot crash right in to Quibble Pants. "Then she said "Quibble Pants I was wonder when you showed up. I've been waiting for you."

"It's a long story." Said Quibble Pants "But right now i need you to meet some pony."

"It's me!" Said Spike hugging tightly to Gallup.

"No not you." Said Soarin

Pinkie Pie contused to wrestle with the Ahuizotl costume.

"Oh you want to play rough do ya?" Said Hip Hop appearing from out of the mouth.

Then they both heard a loud whistle got there attention.

"Fowl!" Cheese shouted while wearing a referee costume. "Fowl on you! Fowl on you! Fowl on both of you!"

Then Pinkie's costume began to deflated "Cheese why re you stopping me!"

Then Cheese said "I had to stop the madness! I mean look around you!" Pinkie looked as the crash displeases and panicked ponies.

And the pink ponies blushed "Did I do that?"

Cheese then shooed his head "Pinkie why was this contest son imparted to you?"

"I was just trying to beat those meanies for being so rude to us." Pinkie pointed at Hop Hop and Rock Roller who was crawling out from the Ahuizotl robot.

"Pinkie." Cheese said "Those two aren't worth it."

"Oh oh oh!" Said Hip hop "WE my boy are totally worth it hit it DJ!"

DJ pon-3 began to play as Hip hop and rock Roller here brake dancing to the beat.

Pinkie took on look at them. "Your right there not worth."

Then the two of them walked away.

Back in the auction room Twilight and AK Yearling were still fighting over the book.

"You don't know what your getting into!" Said AK Yearling.

"Oh yes I do!" Twilight said.

"Twilight!" Flash said "Why do you want this book so much?'

"I'm trying to get it for you!" Twilight shouted.

AK Yearling and Flash came to a hold.

"What?" Said Flash

"Soarin told me." She said "That you were a big fan of Daring. but you couldn't afford it because you were leaving on the streets so I wanted to get you this."

Then a sad look came cross AK Yearing's face as he saw the two of them. "Here keep it." She said "I don't need it that bad."

Then Twilight said "Thank you and sorry about the fight."

Then the book Arthur said "Yeah me too."

Then watch as AK Yearling was walking off in the distance then the two ponies smile at each other.

"Hum!" Said the auctioneer in the Caballeron costume. "That will be 750,000 bits."

Then Twilight said "I only bit 50!"

At the other end of the conversion we see Clare Skies and Wind Sprit who setting down at the food court.

Wind Sprit sipped on a soda while her mother try to cheer her up.

"You know." Clare said "I hear spitfire my be here in this convention."

"Wind Sprit!" They heard a voice and turn to see Quibble Pants racing with Rainbow Soarin, Spike, and Galloping Galot to them. "Look who I have interduce to you!"

"Hello." Said Galloping Galot as she said. "Hello I'm Galloping Galot."

The filly looks waded eyed at the celebrate staying before her and said "Oh my gosh! Your Galloping Galot! you played Mare do-Well!"

"Told you I knew her." said Quibble Pants.

Then Wind Sprit said "Yeah yeah, what ever." She then turn to the actress and said "I'm your biggest fan!"

Clare skies said "Wind would you're like to thank your father?'

She then turn to Quibble and said "Yeah thanks."

Then Rainbow Dash said "Are you kidding me?" She then came up to Wind decarded "After everything we been though to interduce you to this pony your still not impress!"

Then "Impress with what?"

Rainbow Dash "With your dad we when thought all trouble to get you to meet your hero!"

Then after hearing "I'm sorry I just...miss my old dad too much." she then starts to tear up.

But then Galloping said "It's find to miss a parent that you love and lost. But this find young citizen try his very best to make you happy and isn't that what makes a true hero or better yet a parent?"

Then wind sprit thought about this for a moment and then she finally gave in and gave Quibble Pants a big hug. "I still think your kid of a nerd." She said with a smile.

Everypony lough at this.

Back a the entrance to the convection center Flash and Twilight chatted with each other about what happened today.

"Thanks again for the book Twi." Flash said "But you didn't have to go over board."

Then Twilight said "That's okay this is what you do for friends when you have them."

Then Flash said "I'm just glade that whole thing is over." Flash then looked down and a thought acceded to him on the cover of the book were two new characters along side Daring Do. It was a handsome earth pony stallion and a daring pegasus mare. "Mom Dad?" Flash said in his mind.