• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 3,629 Views, 681 Comments

Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

  • ...

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Turn 42: Dragonshy

An hour had passed since the match between team Dominator and team Wonderbolts.

In that time, the audience and others had gotten something to eat while the next two teams prepared for their matches. It was the V-Fighters verses the Tidal Maidens.

Celestia: Welcome back to the Double X's final round.

Luna: Sparks sure were flying during the matches between our last two teams. And the heat is still on as we head into our second set of semi-final matches.

Celestia: Let's meet the teams hoping to face off against team Dominator in the finals.

The megascreen switched on and showed the first team.

Luna: First off, the fighters of victory. Team V-Fighters!

Celestia: These boys truly have improved since the first round, where they barely managed to make it through in last place. But now they've found their way here and are hoping to complete their underdog story.

The megascreen then changed to show the next team.

Luna: And their opponents, the fair maidens of tidal. Team Tidal Maidens

Celestia: These girls have an underdog story of their own, having been knocked out of the competition in round two but managing to earn the fourth spot here in the finals. Will they be able to use that to take home the title?

Luna: We've just received word on the Team's chosen Duel Order. So without further ado, the Duellists competing against one another are.

The screen changed to show the faces of the Duellists and the order they'd be in.

Celestia: Spike versus Fluttershy.

Luna: Sunburst verses Sunset.

Both: And Flash versus Twilight!

Up in the VIP room, Shining frowned seeing the order. "Twilight's going up against Flash."

"Talk about star-crossed lovers," Cadance said.

Rainbow, her team having come up during the break, raised an eyebrow. "I hope them dating doesn't make them hold back."

"Or makes the loser mad at the winner," Sweetie worried.

"Don't worry," Cadance assured them. "Flash and Twilight won't hold back. They respect each other too much to give the other anything less than their all. And win or lose, they won't hold it against each other. This is the only way to decide which of them is more ready to take on the Dominators."

"She's right," Cold nodded. "Despite how much I don't want it to, there's more to these matches than just the victory podium."

"Tempest's plans involve being in the finals," Misty explained. "She wouldn't have fought Rainbow so hard if it didn't. Whether actually winning this tournament is important, I don't know. But we can't take that risk." She looked down at the field. "Those six need to be at their top form. It's the only way." Everyone else nodded in agreement, knowing the outcome of this whole tournament might just be decided in this next match.

Down in their team room, two of the Tidal Maidens were helping their third prepare.

"Everything looks in order," Sunset said as she finished looking through Fluttershy's deck. "But are you sure about having that Trap? It seems a little too...aggressive for your play style."

"Yes," Fluttershy replied, "I'm sure." She smiled at the two. "I promise, I won't let you down. I'm gonna give this Duel everything I have and hopefully win this match."

"That's good," Twilight smiled as she patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. "I know going out there alone might be a little...unnerving for you. But just remember, we're cheering you on. If at any moment you feel overwhelmed-"

"Know you have our complete support," Sunset finished for her.

Fluttershy smiled at the two of them, then nodded. "I will, thank you." With that, she pulled the two into a hug that they happily reciprocated. Once that was done, Fluttershy headed out the door.

But as she shut the door, her smile quickly faded. Despite her teammates' words of encouragement, she was still feeling like she was about to have a panic attack. There was so much pressure and she wasn't sure whether she could handle it.

"No," she said while forcing her breathing under control, "I won't let them down." She remembered back to the second round when she'd faced off against Tempest. 'If I hadn't lost so badly, Sunset wouldn't have challenged Tempest. Then we wouldn't have been knocked out of the tournament.' Sure, the playoff had gotten them back in the tournament, but that was really luck that had saved them then. "I have to win this match, to make up for all the trouble I caused."

With that, she strode down the hallway with as much confidence as she could muster.

"You guys ready for this?" Flash asked Spike and Sunburst.

"You know it," Spike punched his fist into his palm. "Just two wins and we're into the final."

Sunburst turned to the two, "don't think it'll be that easy. Twilight's team managed to get here for a reason. These Duels might just be the toughest ones of the tournament."

Flash and Spike sighed, knowing he was right. Flash knew his opponent was one of the strongest Duellists in the tournament and Spike's was no pushover. Meanwhile, Sunburst was thinking back to the last time he'd faced off against Sunset. He had improved a lot since then, but Sunset hadn't been stagnating either. So the winner of that match wasn't set in stone.

Spike stood up, ready to head outside. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm giving this match everything I've got. I know Fluttershy's good, but I won't let that stop me." He turned to them, "you guys just focus on your own matches. Leave this to me. I'll start us off with a win for sure."

Flash and Sunburst both nodded, "good look Spike."

"Thanks." With that, Spike headed out the door and made his way down the corridor. Despite how confident he looked, he was actually really nervous. He had to win this, to make up for being knocked out so early in the second round. "I can't let them down."

Back outside, the crowd roared as the time had finally come.

Celestia: The first Duel of the second semi-final match has arrived.

Luna: Let's welcome our brave competitors out onto the stage.

From two opposite sides of the stadium, two openings opened up and released a flurry of smoke. From the smoke, two figures stepped out and onto the battlefield.

Celestia: From team V-Fighters, SPIKE!

Luna: And from team Tidal Maidens, FLUTTERSHY!

The crowd's cheering increased as the two young Duellists walked towards one another, with one member of the crowd cheering louder than anyone. "Go, go, go Fluttershy!" Tidal cried as he waved around a flag that had all three Tidal Maidens on it. "You got this girl! I believe in you."

In their room, Starlight and Tempest were watching as the Duel began to get underway.

Starlight let out a chuckled as she sat back, "it'll be interesting to see who our opponent will be." Tempest didn't reply, instead just continuing to stare down at the field. Starlight could tell what she was thinking, that it didn't matter who their opponent would be. It wouldn't change how their mission played out.

Spike and Fluttershy met in the centre of the field, where the ref was waiting.

As they did, Spike noticed Fluttershy was shaking in her boots. Obviously the large crowd staring down at her wasn't helping her shyness. If this kept up, she wouldn't be able to Duel effectively and Spike wouldn't get to show off his skills.

"Hey, Shy." She turned to him and saw a smile on his face, as he gave her a thumbs up. "Let's give this Duel our all and have a blast."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and forced down her nerves, giving Spike her own smile and thumbs up. "Okay."

The ref finally spoke up as he held up a coin. "Heads, or tails?"

"Tails," Spike replied before the ref flipped the coin and saw what it was.

"Heads, so Fluttershy will go first." The two nodded and pulled out their Duel Disk, attaching them to their arms.

Celestia: Now that's settled, let's see which Duel Disk our competitors will be facing each other on.

She held up a remote and pressed the button.

Suddenly the floor beneath their feet began to shine as it projected the Duel Field, as a robotic female voice said. "AUGMENTED REALITY COMBAT SYSTEM ENERGISED."

In the blink of an eye, the two suddenly found themselves on a battlefield etched onto a ten-foot-high mountain with a flat top. Around it was a large forest complete with a waterfall and lakes.

Luna: It's the Brilliant Forest. Quite a beautiful spot for a picnic or to camp. And an even better area to Duel on.

Fluttershy looked out at the forest, knowing her monsters would feel right at home there. Maybe this Duel wouldn't be so bad.

Celestia: Are both Duellists ready?

They nodded, activating their Duel Disks.

Celestia: Then in THREE!

Luna: TWO!"

All: ONE"


Spike: 4000
Fluttershy: 4000


"I'm up first!" Fluttershy reached for her deck and drew her card...only to lose her grip of the card and accidentally toss it in the air. "Oh no!" She cried as she flurried to catch it, making Spike and the audience sweatdrop.

"Hoe boy," Applejack moaned.

"She's more nervous then we thought," Rarity realised.

"Ah!" Gilda face-palmed.

"Come on Fluttershy," Rainbow cried out. "Just stay calm."

Fluttershy finally managed to catch her card and sighed, then turned back to Spike. "I summon Sacred Guardian Beast Rush Rabbit!" In a flash of light, a white humanoid rabbit appeared standing at five foot and wearing brown gloves and boots. (A1800/D1300/L4) "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then I'll go!" Spike drew his card, smiling when he saw what he'd gotten. "I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Flame Viper Dragon and scale eight Flame Core Dragon!" The pillars of light appeared on either side of him, as the two dragons flew up into them. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal began to form above Spike's head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a single fireball shot out and struck the ground, exploding as Spike's monster flew out of the flames. "Flame Spear Dragon!" (A1900/D900/L4/P3)

"You've activated my Trap!" Fluttershy announced as her face down flipped up, "Super Crush Virus!" Now, during each of our End Phases, we have to send a Level one monster from our hands or decks to the graveyard or lose five hundred Life Points.

Spike froze hearing this, looking down at the cards in his hand. He only had one Level one monster and his strategy needed it. "Oh well," he said. "No pain, no gain. I summon Heat Wing Dragon to the field!" Another fireball appeared before exploding to reveal the Tuner monster. (300/D200/L1)

Celestia: Spike's playing risky using a card he needs to protect himself from Fluttershy's Virus.

Luna: But I bet I can guess what's coming next.

"Now," Spike's monsters leapt into the air, "I tune Heat Wing Dragon with Flame Sabre Dragon!" The little dragon transformed into a fireball that carved a blazing ring. Spike's monster then leapt inside of it. "Burning spirit, erupt into a wildfire of power!" The ring exploded and created a blazing sphere. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The flames receded, revealing his monster "Flame Hunter Dragon!" (A2300/D1300/L5/P8) "And when Heat Wing Dragon is used to Synchro Summon a Fire monster, that monster gains five hundred ATK points for his turn." The ghostly image of Heat Wing appeared above Flame Hunter and exploded into a veil of fire that surrounded the dragon, as Spike leapt up onto its back. (A2800/D1300/L5/P8) "Now attack!" The dragon shot a stream of fire out towards Rush Rabbit, but Fluttershy smiled.

"I activate Rush Rabbit's ability!" Her deck slotted out a card, which she took before slotting into her graveyard. "By sending a Level one monster from my deck to my hand, I can negate any attack launched." Sphere Kuriboh appeared infront of Rush Rabbit before the critter kicked it like a soccer ball, right into the flames.

Celestia: Impressive strategy. As long as she has Level one monsters, Fluttershy can't be hurt.

Luna: Spike's gonna be in trouble if he can't destroy Rush Rabbit. And don't forget about her virus card.

"I end my turn!" As soon as Spike said that, Fluttershy's Super Crush Virus activated before firing a blast of purple wind towards Spike. "Gaaahhh!" He cried as the virus bit into him.

Spike: 3500
Fluttershy: 4000

Meanwhile, Flame Hunter's ATK returned to normal. (A2300/D1300/L5/P8) Spike then rushed over to the end of the field before leaping off of it, Flame Hunter flying under him as he did. He landed on its back and flew into the forest.

Fluttershy moved over to the edge and looked down, seeing she wasn't getting off this rock without something to ride on. "Twilight, Sunset. I won't let you down." She reached for her deck, "it's my turn. I draw!" She saw what she'd gotten and smiled. "I set the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Sacred Guardian Beast Silk Spider and scale night Sacred Guardian Beast Unity Flock!" The pillars of light appeared on either side of her before the Pendulum Monsters flew up into them. Joining Silk Spider was a flock a five small birds, each a different colour. The portal began to form, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a single light shot out, revealing her monster. "Sacred Guardian Beast, Kindness Pegasus!" (A1000/D1800/L4/P5) Fluttershy and her rabbit leapt off the rock, landing on the pegasus before flying into the forest after Spike "And when she's Special Summoned, Kindness Pegasus lets me add a Sacred Guardian Beast from my deck to my hand." Her deck slotted out a card, which she took before jumping off her Pegasus and landed on the branch of a tree. "Now I tribute Rush Rabbit and Kindness Pegasus to summon this monster!" The two disappeared in a flash of light, which faded to reveal her new monster that she leapt up onto the back of. "Sacred Guardian Beast, Kindness Dragonoid!" (A2600/D1900/L7/P5)

Celestia: Looks like Fluttershy's stopped playing defence and is going on the offence. Will this prove to be a smart move or a bigger risk then she realised.

Spike, flying through the forest, looked back and saw Fluttershy catching up to him. "This is bad." He quickly looked around before spotting an Action Card on the leaf of a nearby tree.

"Kindness Dragonoid, attack Flame Hunter Dragon!" As she said this, Spike grabbed the card. But when he flipped it around, he saw it was a Trap.

Luna: Ouch, Blazing Ivy. That card forces Spike to send the top two cards of his deck to his graveyard.

Spike frowned but did so, sending a Trap alongside Burning Salamander. As he did this, Fluttershy's dragon was finished preparing its attack. "Silent Roar!" The beast let out of powerful blast of wind, which struck his Dragon and destroyed it.

"WOW!" Spike cried as he flew off his dragon and hit the ground, moaning as his Life Points decreased.

Spike: 3200
Fluttershy: 4000

"I end my turn," Fluttershy announced before her Virus card activated. "I send Winged Kuriboh to my graveyard to negate the effects of my Trap."

"This is bad," Sunburst noted from their box.

Flash nodded. "Spike's gonna lose more and more points with each turn. I knew Fluttershy was good, but she's really not holding anything back in this Duel."

"But Spike hasn't pulled out his best moves yet. Let's just hope he can before it's too late.

Spike moaned as he picked himself up, standing shakily before getting his balance.

He then looked up at Fluttershy and frowned before reaching for his deck, "it's my turn. I draw!" He did so and smiled when he saw what he'd gotten, "time to destroy that virus." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a trio of fireballs shot out and hit the ground, exploding to reveal Spike's monster. "Flame Hunter Dragon!" (A2300/D1300/L5/P8) "Flame Spear Dragon!" (A1900/D900/L4/P3) "And Flame Tracker Dragon!" (A1300/D300/L3) "And since he was Pendulum Summoned, Flame Hunter's effect lets me destroy every card in your Spell, Trap and Pendulum Zones." The dragon let out a mighty burst of fire, ready to incinerate all of Fluttershy's cards.

But Fluttershy didn't appear to be concerned, in fact smiling as the flames drew near. "I activate Unity Flock's Pendulum Ability!" The bird all began to sing in harmony, unleashing sound-waves that flew out and formed a shield around Fluttershy's field. "Once per turn, I can negate an effect that would destroy any card on my field. So your dragon's ability won't be destroying anything today."

Spike growled at this. "Fine!" Flame Hunter and Flame Tracker leapt into the air, "then I'll tune my monsters together to form an even mightier beast!" Flame Tracker burst into a trio of fireballs, that carved the fire rings around his Synchro Pendulum. "Cast your flames across this battlefield, and burn everything that is weak to ashes!" Spike chanted as his monsters were consumed by an explosion of fire. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The flames erupted, as Spike's ace burst free and revealed itself. "Dragonic Blazemaster!" (A3000/D2000/L8) "And since Flame Tracker was used to Synchro Summon, I can now add a Fire Attribute monster from my deck to my hand." His deck slotted out a card, which he placed in his hand.

As this was happening, Fluttershy and her dragon began to fly off in search of an Action Card.

Spike leapt up onto Blazemaster as they and Flame Spear gave chase. And as they came out next to one of the lakes, Spike gave his command. "Blazemaster, attack Kindness Dragonoid!" The sword-wielding dragon rushed forwards as its sword ignited, getting closer and closer to Fluttershy and her monster.

The girl noticed an Action Card on a rock in the middle of the lake, which she flew down to before grabbing the card. Upon looking down at the card, she frowned before leaping off her dragon and landing on the lakeshore.

Seconds later, Blazemaster slashed at Dragonoid with its sword and destroyed her.

Spike: 3200
Fluttershy: 3600

"Then I'll have Flame Spear Dragon attack you directly!" The humanoid dragon twirled its spear around before tossing it towards Fluttershy, who then slotted the Action Card she got into her Duel Disk.

"I activate the Action Spell, Spring Time Revival. Since you're attacking me directly, this card lets me summon a monster from my graveyard that's the same Level as the one attacking." In a flash of light, Rush Rabbit appeared between Fluttershy and the spear before being impaled and destroyed.

Spike: 3200
Fluttershy: 3500

"And since Flame Spear destroyed a monster, his ability deals you two hundred points of damage for every Level it has. The dragon grabbed its spear as it reignited, then used it to slash at Fluttershy.

Spike: 3200
Fluttershy: 2700

"I end my turn," Spike announced. As soon as he did, Fluttershy's Super Crush Virus activated and launched the purple gust at Spike. "Gaaahhh!"

Spike: 2700
Fluttershy: 2700

Celestia: Despite Spike summoning such a powerful monster, Fluttershy's managed to keep their scores even.

Luna: But how will she overcome Spike's Blazemaster?

"Here goes," Fluttershy reached for her deck and drew her card. She then smiled, as the portal formed above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a pair of lights shot out, revealing her monsters. "Sacred Guardian Beasts, Kindness Dragonoid!" (A2600/D1900/L7/P5) "And Kindness Pegasus!" (A1000/D1800/L4/P5) "And since she was Special Summoned, Kindness Pegasus lets me add a Sacred Guardian Beast to my hand." Her deck slotted out another card.

Spike knew that card was likely one that would cause him issue, but he had bigger problems rough now."

"Then I activate Kindness Dragonoid's skill, to transfer all of her ATK points to my Kindness Pegasus!" The dragon turned to the pegasus and breathed its pink breath onto her, her ATK points dropping all the way down to nothing as hers went up. (A0/D1900/L7/P5) (A3600/D1800/L4/P5) Fluttershy leapt onto her pegasus's back, "now I summon Synkuriboh!" The silver furball appeared beside the rest of her monsters. (A300/D200/L1)

"Don't tell me," Spike realised as it and Dragonoid leapt into the air.

"I tune Level one Synkuriboh with Level seven Kindness Dragonoid!" Synkuriboh transformed into a single light, that then carved a ring that Kindness Dragonoid flew into. "Through love and kindness, true strength is born to protect those precious to us!" The monsters were engulfed by the light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Fluttershy's most powerful monster. "Sacred Guardian Deity, Kindness DRAGONIA!" (A3000/D2500/L8) "Now for her ability!" The large dragon spread its wings, then leapt into the air before exploding in a burst of light. "By sacrificing herself, Dragonia lets me summon as many Level one monster from my grave to the field."

Spike watched as three monsters flew out of the light. Sphere Kuriboh, Winged Kuriboh and Synkuriboh floated down next to Fluttershy as she and Pegasus flew towards them. (A300/D200/L1)X3. "What's more, Dragonia's ability doubles their ATK points until the End Phase. (A600/D200/L1)X3. "Now, Kindness Pegasus will attack Blazemaster." The pegasus flew after the dragon, as it and Spike looked around but couldn't find an Action Card anywhere.

This allowed them to catch up before Pegasus used her tail to slap Blazemaster, destroying it and making Spike fall until he crashed into the trees. After smashing through several branches, he finally crashed into the ground.

Spike: 2100
Fluttershy: 2700

"Then I'll have Winged Kuriboh attack!" The winged furball flew forwards, as Spike began to pick himself up. "And since they were summoned using Dragonia's skill, my Kuriboh's can attack you directly." Winged Kuriboh flew past Flame Spear Dragon and struck Spike in the chest.

"Augh!" He cried as he fell back, slamming into a tree that made it rattle.

Spike: 1500
Fluttershy: 2700

"Sphere Kuriboh and Synkuriboh, you're up next." The two monsters flew forwards, ready to knock away twelve hundred of Spike's life points.

Celestia: If these attacks hit, then come next end of turn Spike will have lost.

Luna: I can't watch.

Luna would kick herself for that in a moment, as when Spike crashed into the tree it knocked an Action Card loose. Spike saw this and managed to grab the card before the monsters struck. "I activate the Action Spell, Peaceful Forest. This card makes all but one of your monsters go into DEF mode." Fluttershy's monsters stopped their advance before they and Winged Kuriboh took a defensive position, leaving Spike safe.

Fluttershy frowned at this, having been hoping that move would seize her the win. "Oh well, I end my turn." As she said that, her monster's ATK points returned to normal. (A1000/D1800/L4/P5) (A300/D200/L1)X3. Meanwhile, her Virus Card once again activated and she removed a Level one monster from her deck to protect herself.

In their room, Twilight and Sunset watched.

Sunset turned to Twilight, "Fluttershy's doing great."

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. She then frowned as the camera turned to Spike. As much as she wanted her team to win, she didn't enjoy seeing her brother losing so badly. "Come on Spike. Don't go down without a fight."

Spike moaned as picked himself up. He looked up at Fluttershy and frowned, knowing he'd be in serious trouble if he couldn't pull out a game changer this turn.

'Flash,' he thought, 'Sunburst.' "I won't let you down." He couldn't afford to. Not after being knocked out so early on in the last round. He refused to allow himself to be beaten this easily. "Here goes!" He reached for his deck, "I...DRAW!" He did so and went wide-eyed seeing what he'd gotten, smiling as he did so. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened up before a single fireball shot out and exploded, revealing Spike's monster. "Flame Hunter Dragon!" (A2300/D1300/L5/P8) He didn't bother using Flame Hunter's ability, due to Unity Flock's Pendulum Ability. "Then I'll use the Pendulum Ability of Flame Viper Dragon!" Said dragon transformed into a card alongside Flame Spear, The two cards flying into Spike's hand. "By sending him to the bottom of my deck and returning a monster on my field to my hand, I can now summon a Dragon-Type Monster from my graveyard." A fireball appeared before exploding to reveal Flame Tracker Dragon. "Although the downside is it's ATK points are set to zero." (A0/D300/L3)

Celestia: Excellent move, but unless Spike has another copy of Blazemaster it won't be much use.

Luna: Unless he has that.

That, was a Spell card Spike activated. "Go, Spirit Tuning!" Flame Tracker and Flame Hunter leapt into the air. "Spirit Tuning lets me Synchro Summon a monster in my graveyard." Everyone watched as the two monster transformed into a giant sun, which quickly faded to reveal Dragonic Blazemaster.

Celestia: An impressive move. But with Fluttershy's other monsters in DEF mode, he won't be able to beat her if he attacks.

Luna: And with Winged Kuriboh on the field, even if he summons Flame Spear, he won't be able to stop her.

Spike smirked, as he slapped a card down onto his Duel Disk. "I set scale one Flame Breaker Dragon into the Pendulum Scale!" The pillar of light appeared before the hammer-wielding dragon flew up into it. "And with him, I can now pay four hundred life points to Flame Spear Dragon and summon two monsters whose levels equal his.

Spike: 1100
Fluttershy: 2700

Flame Spear appeared before Flame Breaker tossed its hammer into its back, causing it to explode into four fireballs. Said fireballs paired off before merging into one, the flames quickly disappearing to reveal Spike's chosen monsters. "I summon Magna Drago and Fireheart Dracokid!" (A1400/D600/L2) (A1000/D800/L2)

Fluttershy's eyes went wide, knowing what card was coming next.

"Now," the three dragons leapt into the air, "Level two Magna Drago and Level two Fireheart Dracokid will Double Tune Level eight Dragonic Blazemaster!" The Tuner's exploded into a quartet of fireballs, which quickly blazed four rings of fire. Those four rings lined up, as Blazemaster flew up into them. "Flames of Apocalypse, incinerate everything in this world!" The flaming rings exploded, wrapping Blazemaster into a ball of fire. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The flaming sun began to extinguish, reveal Spike's new monster. "Dragonic Blazemaster...INFERNO LEGEND!" (A3500/D3000/L12) "And with seven Dragons in my graveyard, Inferno Legend's ATK goes up by twenty-one hundred!" From out of the ground, spirits of Spike's destroyed monsters phased out before exploding into fire. That fire flew into Inferno Legend's mouth. As it swallowed, the beast roared as it suddenly began to grow until it was almost twice its original height. (A5600/D3000/L12)

Fluttershy began to quiver as she stared up and the giant dragon, which in turn was staring down at her with menace in its eyes.

Spike meanwhile, was smirking as he pointed at his opponent. "It's been fun Fluttershy, but this Duel's over. Inferno Legend...ATTACK!" The giant dragon pulled out its sword before it burst into flames, then raised it above its head.

Fluttershy meanwhile, flew away from Spike and his monster as fast as they could. They shot back into the forest, knowing an Action Card was the only thing that could save them now.

"You're not getting away!" Spike cried as his dragon began to cut through the trees.

While this was happening, Fluttershy and her monsters reached a waterfall. And it was there that she spotted an Action Card floating in the water, leaping off her monster and running over to it.

She grabbed the card and turned it over. "This is it," she said as Spike's monster finally caught them. "I activate the Action Spell, Trap Forage! With this, I can look at the top three cards of my deck. And if any of them are a Trap card, I can pay half my Life Points to play it." Everyone was on the edge of their seats, as they watched Fluttershy reach for her deck.

Celestia: The outcome of this match may rest of what cards Fluttershy draws.

Luna: I'm so tense.

Fluttershy felt her nerves begin to get the better of her, knowing everything was riding on these cards. What if she didn't get a Trap. Or what if she did and the Trap she got couldn't help her. What if- "No!" She told herself, "no more doubting myself. I will not lose, for my team. I draw!" She drew her first card and saw it wasn't a Trap. She then drew her next card, which was Kuriboh. "Last card." She began to sweat as she drew it, then turned it over as her eyes were shut. She dared not look, but instead she heard Celestia say.

Celestia: She got one!

Fluttershy's eyes shot open as she saw it was a Trap, and gasping at which one it was. "This is..." She smiled before activating the Trap. "Go, Shift!"

Spike: 1100
Fluttershy: 1350

As Inferno Legend swung its sword at Kindness Pegasus, the winged horse suddenly flickered in and out of focus alongside Winged Kuriboh. The two then reappeared, having swapped places so that Winged Kuriboh was the one struck by Inferno Legend's blade. "NO!" Spike cried.

The winged furball was destroyed, but being in DEF mode meant Fluttershy was safe. The girl in question smiled. "Your Inferno Legend's ability only negates the effects of monsters on my field, which means Winged Kuriboh's effect isn't negated since he's now in the graveyard."

Spike growled, "which means even if I attack you again you won't take any damage." Fluttershy nodded in agreement.


Luna: Despite an overwhelming opponent, Fluttershy manages to protect herself from Spike's incredible assault.

"YES!" Twilight and Sunset cried while jumping up and down.

"Go Fluttershy!" Sunset screamed.

Twilight sighed happily. Spike was really showing off what he could do. No doubt the crowd amazed by his skill. Now she didn't have to worry about him losing.

In the stands, Tidal smiled seeing Fluttershy turn the Duel around.

"Atta girl. Always remember, you're stronger then you let yourself let you think you are. As long as you believe in yourself, your deck will always pull through. That's something every Duellist must learn." His smile increased as he started waving his flag around, "GO FLUTTERSHY! NOW WIN THIS!"

Spike sighed, knowing he only had one move he could do. "I end my turn." As he said this, Fluttershy's Virus card once again activated before unleashing the purple gust that struck him. "Yaaarrrhhh!"

Spike: 600
Fluttershy: 1350

Celestia: Fluttershy might have saved herself this turn. But against a monster as powerful as Inferno Legend, she'll need something big to keep herself in the game.

Luna: As far as I can tell, he only hopes to win would be to re-summon Dragonia. But does she have a way to do that?

No, Fluttershy didn't. Dragonia was not one of her options right now. Her only hope was to summon a monster strong enough to take Inferno Legend down. It all rests on this one card. "Here goes," she placed her hand on her deck before taking a deep breath. "I...DRAW!" She did saw and upon seeing what she'd gotten, gasped. "This is..." She smiled as the portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a single light shot out and struck the ground. "Sacred Guardian Beast, Kindness Dragonoid!" (A2600/D1900/L7/P5) "The I tribute Synkuriboh in order to summon my Sacred Guardian Beast, Grand Grizzly!" The silver Kuriboh disappeared and was replaced by a giant brown four-armed bear. (A2300/D1800/L6)

"What's the point of that?" Spike asked. "None of your monsters can stand up to my dragon."

"Don't be so sure," Fluttershy told him. "My deck's true power doesn't come from a single card, but from multiple cards working together. And that's how I'll win this Duel," she activated the card she'd drawn. "Starting with this card, the Ritual of the Sacred Guardians!" In a flash of light, a stone tablet with multiple animals appeared infront of her. On either side of it were a pair of stone animal statues.

"This can't be good," Spike realised.

Fluttershy nodded. "With this, I can summon a Ritual Monster with Sacred Guardian in its card name." Kindness Dragonoid and Sphere Kuriboh glowed, "all I have to do is give up monsters with enough Level stars!" With that, the two monsters transformed into a pair of lights that then flew into the mouths of the animal statues. The statues then spun around until they were facing each other before the lights shot out and met infront of the tablet. "The power of nature flows through us all, and only by understanding it can our greatest strength awaken." The tablet absorbed the light into itself before shooting a beam into the sky. "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The beam of light hit the skies, as clouds began to form around it. Then when it faded, the clouds floated down before disappearing to reveal Fluttershy's new monster. It looked almost identical to Dragonia. Only this monster didn't have any legs, while its tail was even thicker. On the back of its wrists were a pair of large pink shields, whilst the end of its tail was sporting a large shield as well. This new monster flew down and landed behind Fluttershy, curling its tail under it. "Sacred Guardian Deity, Kindness...DRAGONERA!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

The crowd awed at the sight of the monster, amazed by its beauty and grace.

The only one not amazed by this beast was Spike, who was beginning to worry that this new monster would do. And soon enough, he discovered he was right. "Skill activate!" Fluttershy reached for her graveyard, as a card slotted out. "By moving a Level one monster from my grave to the bottom of my deck, I can double the ATK of a Level four or below Sacred Guardian Beast." Spike's eyes went wide as he watched Dragonera hold up its claws, as Winged Kuriboh appeared before transforming into a sphere of light. "Kindness Pegasus!"

Spike watched as the pegasus flew up into the sphere, the light being absorbed into her. (A2000/D1800/L4/P5) "That's it?"

"Not yet," Fluttershy explained as she removed another card and did the same as before. Only this time, it was Sphere Kuriboh that appeared in between the dragon's hands before transforming into the sphere of light. And once again, Kindness Pegasus flew into the orb and absorbed the light. (A4000/D1800/L4/P5)

Celestia: So Dragonera's power is one that can be used multiple times.

Luna: And I'm guessing I know what's going to happen next.

"I activate Dragonera's skill one more time!" The dragon raised its hands as Synkuriboh appeared, then morphed into yet another sphere that Kindness Pegasus flew into. (A8000/D1800/L4/P5)

Spike shook in near horror, as he tried to look around for an Action Card. Right now, that was all he had in hopes of survival. And it just so happens, he spotted one in a nearby tree. "Blazemaster!" Inferno Legend used its sword to hit the tree, knocking the card loose in his hand. And as he caught it, he smiled. "I play Trap Forage. I'm sure you remember how this card works." He quickly drew three cards and smiled, "I got Roar of the Mighty Dragon!"

Spike: 300
Fluttershy: 1350

Fluttershy frowned, knowing her next attack might not hit its mark. But still, she had to try. "Kindness Pegasus, ATTACK!" The pegasus flew towards Inferno Legend, activating Spike's Trap and allowing his dragon to unleash a mighty roar that stopped the pegasus in its tracks.

"Here goes," Spike said as they both reached for their decks.

"DRAW!" They both drew their cards and held them up. Spike's monster was Underling Dragon, which might just save him if she drew a Kuriboh. But as he turned to Fluttershy, he saw the card she'd gotten was...Rush Rabbit. "Oh no." With that, Kindness Pegasus broke through the roar before tackling Inferno Legend with enough force that it caused the beast to explode.


"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" Spike yelled as the force knocked him off his feet and sent him flying.

Spike: 0
Fluttershy: 1350 (Winner)

Celestia: SHE DID IT! What an amazing Duel, Fluttershy has earned a win for team Tidal Maidens.

Luna: Talk about being the little Duellist who could. No doubt that's impressed the talent scouts. We might just have a future champion standing before us.

As the monsters and Duel Field faded, Fluttershy went over what had just happened and couldn't believe it. "Did I just...win?" Despite how hard it was to believe, it was true. She had beaten Spike. "I won." As she said this, her ears caught a certain sound.


Celestia: Hear the crowd roar. They really love that girl.

Luna: Can you blame her. But let's not forget about her opponent. He didn't make it easy for her.

Fluttershy turned to where Spike had landed and was currently picking himself up, rushing off to see if he was alright. "Spike!" She looked him over, "are you okay?"

She saw a look of disappointment on his face, but that quickly vanished as he turned to her. "I'm fine." He held out his hands, "congrats Fluttershy. You really earned this."

Fluttershy frowned but took the hand anyway. "You did great too. You shouldn't feel bad."

"Thanks," Spike replied before turning to head off into his team's bunker. As he did, tears began to stream down his eyes. "Sorry guys."

The first Duel of the second semi-final match has gone to the Tidal Maidens. Can the V-Fighters make up the score, or has their time in the Double X come to an end?

Only one way to find out. Stay tuned.

Author's Note:

WOW! Go Fluttershy, go Fluttershy, you're an awesome duellist and you showed them why. Too bad for Spike, but he's not out of the tournament yet.

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