• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 3,656 Views, 682 Comments

Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

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Chapters Next
Turn 1: A New Adventure Begins

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Well as the descriptions explains, I'm releasing the first chapter of my third Yugioh story to celebrate the one year anniversary of the second stories end as well as the two year anniversary of the first story's original publishing. Hope you all enjoy.

Note that everyone who has one, will be in their updated clothing designs.

Fireworks filled the air, as people began to enter the Freeze Stadium. Within the stadium, the audience screamed in excitement at the prospect of watching what was about to unfold.

Suddenly, the stage was lit up by explosions, as a pair of women stepped up onto the stage. They were the world famous Celestic Sisters, Luna and Celestia.


The audience's screams increased at the sight of them.

Celestia: Well here we are, the Double X Tournament

Luna: For those of you not in the know, the Double X is a Dueling competition open to any and all challenges who are aged twenty or younger.

Celestia: Being a team contest, Duelists must be in groups of three to enter. It's been a long road for our contestants, but these young teams are ready to take on anything that might phase them. Let's welcome them onto the stage.

The doors on the side of the field opened, allowing all the duelists to enter out onto the field. They were all walking in groups of threes, signalling their teams.

Luna: Many of our young hopefuls you might remember, as several of them competed in last years Celestic Cup. This includes its champion.

The megascreen above switched on and showed the image of Flash, alongside Spike and Sunburst.

Down on the field, Flash saw his face up on the big screen and blushed. Spike laughed as he elbowed him in the side, while Sunburst tried to hide his face. Flash looked away from the screen and looked around, spotting Twilight standing besides Fluttershy and Sunset. He also spotted Rainbow leading Soarin and Gilda, close to Applejack, Rarity and Mac. He also spotted Pinkie and Maud, along with another girl he did not recognise.

Then he spotted her, the one he had entered this tournament to face once against. As she turned towards him, Flash remembered when he had first met her.

A year has passed since the battle against Sombra and his Doom-Vader invaders.

In that time, Canterlot had rebuilt and life had returned to normal. The hero of that event, Flash Sentry, was currently walking to school alongside his sister Scootaloo. In the year since he had saved the word, the teen had cut his hair shorter and was now wearing a black zipped up jacket with his crest on the shoulders. Scootaloo meanwhile, wore the same clothes she always wore.

The two turned a corner and found themselves outside Canterlot High. The school was bustling with students on their way to class.

As they heard the bell ring, Scootaloo turned to Flash. "See you later bro."

"Yeah," Flash replied, "see you later sis. Stay out of trouble."

"I will," Scootaloo said before rushing off to find her friends. Flash meanwhile, continued over to his homeroom. As he reached his locker and put his stuff away, he took out his phone and checked it for texts or messages.

"Flash," the boy looked up to see his friends Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity stepping down the hallway towards him. The three of them had changed their look in the passed year, making them look much more mature.

"Hey guys," he said as he walked up to them. "What's up."

Fluttershy pulled out her phone and showed it to him. On it was an article showing of their friend Rainbow, who was carrying a large trophy along with several other teens. They were all wearing the same sports gear. "Rainbow's team won the school district championships."

"Wow," Flash said as he looked the article over. "That's great."

"Yeah," Pinkie said, "we should throw her a party to celebrate."

"But she lives in Cloudsdale now," Flash told her. "I doubt she could come by for a party."

Pinkie's eyes suddenly burned with determination. "I will find a way." Everyone laughed at this.

"Hard to believe she's only been attending that sport school for a few months," Rarity said.

"Yeah," Applejack agreed, "I'm still amazed about how much convincing it took us to get her to go there."

"Well she didn't want to leave her friends behind," Flash said. "But she knew it was her best chance of going pro."

"That's true," Applejack replied before noticing Flash's phone. "So any word from Twilight?"

Flash frowned for a moment, but then hid it behind a smile. "Yeah, we emailed a few days ago. She's really enjoying France. She's already become fluent in the language."

"Of course she is," Rarity laughed before looking Flash over. "How are you since she left. I know long distance can be hard."

Flash's smile did not falter, "I'm fine. Twilight's having fun, so I'm happy for her." In that moment, the bell rang. "I gotta get to class," he shut his locker and began to run off. "See you guys later." With that, he was gone.

As soon as he was gone, the three girls all frowned. "You two see that?" Applejack asked.

"Yes," Rarity said, "something's up with him."

"He seems upset by something," Pinkie agreed.

"And I don't think it's just about Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"Ah have noticed he seems really distant lately," Applejack agreed.

"More like bored," Pinkie said. "Maybe he needs a party."

"I don't think this is something that can be fixed by a party darling," Rarity told her. In response, she got a loud gasp from the pink haired girl.

"Blasphemy!" Pinkie cried, getting another lot of laughs from them. As they continued on to their own homeroom, they spotted a guy looking around in confusion. "Hello," the boy turned to them, "you lost?"

The boy, who had orange skin and red hair while wearing a blue vest over a white shirt and brown pants with glasses over his eyes, turned to them. "Oh...yes, I'm new here. Haven't memorised the schools layout yet."

"No problem partner," Applejack said. "We'll help ya'h out."

"Thanks," the boy replied, "I'm Sunburst by the way."

As Flash sat in his class, barely listening to the teacher, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his most prized possession. His deck.

It was hard to believe that a stack of cards could change your life so much, but it had. Before finding his deck, he had been alone with no friends. Now, not only did he have friends, but he also had a girlfriend and a whole lot more.

But then why did he feel so empty right now?

Later that day.

Flash was in his room, doing his homework, when his computer beeped singling a call. He put down his pen and accepted the call, smiling when he saw who it was. "Hello milady."

"Hey babe," Twilight replied. Twilight, like the rest of his friends, had gone through changes in the last year. She had stopped wearing her contacts and now wore glasses, after Flash had told her she looked cute in them, while also having her hair up in a ponytail. She also wore a blue blouse under a pink vest, with a pink bow around her neck. A dark purple skirt with a pink star pattern was equipped to her body, along with blue knee high socks and purple shoes. "So what you up too?"

"Nothing much," Flash said. "Homework really."

"Bien ne vous précipitez pas ir."

"You realise I have zero idea what you're saying right?" Flash told her.

"I know," Twilight replied with a smirk. "So how are things back home."

"Not bad," Flash said. "Cadance asked me to babysit next week."

Twilight laughed at this. "Well you knew being godfather would come with its responsibilities."

"I ain't complaining," Flash told her. "You know I love Flurry. Besides, someones gotta do the fun aunt and uncle stuff until you get back."

"And I appreciate it," Twilight replied. "So, how have things been for you? Duel anyone lately?"

Hearing this caused Flash to frown, lasting only a second but enough for Twilight to notice. "Yeah, I get challenged every other day or so. Some are pretty good, others are getting in way over their head."

"Well you knew winning the Celestic Cup would cause this," Twilight told him. "I remember Shining had the same problem when he won, people coming to try and knock him off his throne."

"Yeah, I can definitely get that." Before Flash or Twilight could say anything else, the door opened and Scootaloo peaked her head in.

"Flash, gramps said it's your turn to take out the trash."

"Right," Flash turned towards Twilight, "I'll be five minutes."

"Okay," Twilight replied before he stood up and rushed out the room. As soon as he was gone, the girl turned to Scootaloo. "Alright, what's up with him?"

Scootaloo turned to her and frowned before sitting down. "You noticed to?"

"The Illusionist Faceless Mage could notice," Twilight replied. "What's wrong."

"I'm not sure to be honest," Scootaloo said. "I think...he's bored."

"Bored?" Twilight asked. "Of what?"

"Dueling," Scootaloo replied. "Gramps and I noticed it a little bit ago. Before when he Duelled, he always had a large smile on his lips. But over time, that smiles started getting smaller and smaller until now."

"It doesn't show up?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo said.

"I can't blame him," Twilight said. "After what he went through last year, a duel with no stakes wouldn't give him much excitement."

"I just wish I knew what to do to help," Scootaloo said. "I don't want him to grow bored of his favourite thing in the world."

"None of us do," Twilight replied as she pushed her glasses back up. "But you can't force him to have fun. We just have to hope someone comes along who can give Flash the challenge he need, to remember how much he loves Duelling."

"I guess," Scootaloo replied. "But what are the chance of that happening."

That night.

Atop a tall building, a single figure stood overlooking the city.

She was a woman with dark purple skin and dark pink hair. She was wearing a black leather overcoat over black clothing, with a black fingerless glove on her right hand. A large scar could be seen on her face, running down from her forehead and over her right eye.

She reached into her jacket and pulled out a picture, showing Flash with his Duel Disk. "Flash Sentry," she looked out at the city. "Time to test you."

The next day.

Flash was walking home from school, alone since Scootaloo and her friends were heading off to their local card shop to Duel, as he cut through the park. As he did, he could not help but remember this had been the place he had used his deck for the first time.

As he continued to walk through the park, he suddenly got the feeling that he was being watched. He looked around, not seeing anyone around, but he knew he was not alone. "Whoever you are, come on out already."

A soft chuckle filled the air, "not bad." From behind a tree, the leather clad woman stepped out to stare at him. "The fact you were able to detect me is impressive."

Flash raised an eyebrow. "I have good senses."

"Obviously," the woman said, "I am Tempest Shadow."

"Flash Sentry."

"Oh, I already know who you are." She stepped over to him. "Flash Sentry, Celestic Cup Champion and the one who saved the world from invasion."

"And let me guess," Flash replied. "You want to Duel me."

"If you wouldn't mind," Tempest replied.

Flash sighed, a little annoyed by all the people coming to challenge him. "Sure, I've got nothing better to do."

"Excellent," Tempest said before turning and walking off, "then let's go somewhere we're less likely to be disturbed."

Flash raised an eyebrow at this. Usually, his challengers prayed for people to see, thinking the victory over the Celestic Cup Champion might be recorded and put online. He eventually shrugged and followed after her, until they arrived at the same clearing he first Duelled Garble.

Tempest pulled out a purple Duel Disk and placed it on her arm, causing a black blade to appear. Flash did the same with his, placing his deck into the device and activating it. "DUEL!"

Flash: 4000
Tempest: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Flash reached for his deck and drew a card. He looked at his hand and began to formulate a stratagy. "I'll start by summoning Shining Fang Magna Wolf to the field in ATK mode." In a flash of light, a large white wolf appeared wearing silver armour and having a pair of sabre-tooth tiger like fangs. (A1500/D1200/L4) "I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Tempest reached for her deck. "I draw and summon Storm Guard Dominator Spear to the field in ATK mode." A bolt of light flew down and struck the ground, causing a bright flash of light which forced Flash to look away. When the light dimmed, he looked back and saw a new monster appear. It was a bulky ape like creature with grey fur and a pitch black armour, covering its chest, arms and head. It had a white mane covering the top half of its body and was carrying a large two pointed spear. (A1800/D800/L4)

Flash raised an eyebrow, having never seen this monster before.

"Next," Tempest went on, "I activate the Spell card Obsidian Orb."

Another card he had never heard of. What was going on?

"The way it works is simple," Tempest explained as a black orb appeared in her monsters hand. Inside it was a strange green mist. "I select a Dominator on my field and a monster on your side of the field whose ATK is less then mine, then I Dominate that monster!"

"Dominate?" Flash asked.

"Let me show you," Tempest explained. In that second, her monster tossed the orb at Magna Wolf. The orb bounced off him and shattered, releasing the strange green mist.

"Magna Wolf!" Flash cried as he watched his monster be consumed by the mist, which quickly faded to reveal a black stone statue that used to be his monster. "No way."

"Impressive, wouldn't you say?" Tempest asked. "Any monster that has been Dominated, cannot wage an attack. It also cannot switch battle positions, activate effects or be tributed."

Flash's eyes did not leave his petrified monster. "So...all he can do is stand there and do nothing."

Tempest smiled. "This is the power of the Dominators. They conquer the weak, allowing only the strong to survive."

Flash frowned. Maybe this woman was better then he had originally thought. "This might just be interesting." He looked down at his face down, which was the Quick-Play Spell Lightspeed. When Tempest's monster attacked, he would use it to raise his monsters ATK points by one thousand.

Tempest pointed at Flash. "And now, I'll use Storm Guard Dominator Spear's ability. Since a monster whose been Dominated is on the field, I can half his ATK points to wage a direct attack on you."

"What?" Flash asked in shock, as the giant ape's body surged with electricity. (A900/D800/L4) That electrical power flowed into its spear, which it then tossed towards Flash. The spear landed infront of the teen before discharging the lightning, zapping him. "Aaahhh!" Flash cried as the power shot through him.

Flash: 3100
Tempest: 4000

Tempest looked pleased with her turns outcome. "I place two cards face down and end my turn. My monsters ATK points now return to normal." (A1800/D800/L4)

Flash panted as he recovered from the attack. "Okay...this is definitely...gonna be interesting." He placed his hand on his deck, "I draw and play Pot of Greed. This card lets me draw two new cards," he looked at his cards and smiled. "I'm using Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris and Scale one Magna Caster Lunara to set the Pendulum Scale." He placed the two cards on the far ends of his Duel Disk.

On each side of him two pillars of light appeared as the two Pendulum monsters floated upwards, hovering once they were ten feet high as the image of a one and eight appeared below them. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Flash chanted as the two wizards pointed their staffs up, and each shot a beam of light which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time!" Flash explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Two lights shot out of the portal, and as they hit the ground they took shape and faded to reveal the monsters.

The first was a large robotic Minotaur with mainly blue armour and red trim, with pipes sticking out its back and shoulders. "Stampede, Charge Horn Magna Bull (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

The second was an orange pegasus with Flash's emblem on its flank appeared. It was wearing gold armour on its chest, hooves, and head. "Sky high, Flash Wing Magna Pegasus." (A1400/D800/L4)

Tempest smiled seeing this. "So this is the famous Pendulum Summon you are known for. Makes me wonder what else you have under yours belt."

"Let me show you!" Flash cried out as he pointed at her. "Magna Pegasus's effect activates whenever he's special summoned. The effect lets me randomly banish one card from your hand." He selected the card and Tempest placed it in her jacket pocket. "Now, Magna Bull, attack!" Steam shot out of the pipes around the monster, as it charged forwards before throwing a punch at the giant ape and destroying it.

Flash: 3100
Tempest: 3700

"You activated my Trap," Tempest called out as he face down flipped up. "Storm Guard Resurgence!" This Continuous Trap activates whenever a Storm Guard monster is destroyed. Now I can add any Spell card in my grave back to my hand."

Flash groaned, knowing she only had one Spell card in her grave. "At least I can do a bit more damage. Flash Wing, attack her directly!" The pegasus took to the air, as sparks surged around its wings. It then took a large flap and sent a bolt of lightning towards Tempest.

"I activate my other Trap," Tempest called out. "Defence Draw! Now the damage I take is set to zero and I can draw a card." A force field appeared around her, which the bolt bounced off while she drew a card.

"Not bad," Flash said. "I end my turn." As soon as he said that, the sound of cracking filled the air. He turned towards the source and saw it was Magna Wolf, as the rock around it cracked before shattering. Magna Wolf shook its newly freed body, getting the remaining bits of stone off of it. "So the Dominate only lasts until my End Phase."

"That's correct," Tempest explained as she went to her deck. "I draw and active the spell card Graceful Charity. So I can now draw three cards as long as I discard two." She did so, nodding at the cards she had drawn before placing two of them into her grave. "Now I activate the effect of my Spine-Hog Dominator."

Flash: 3100
Tempest: 3400

"Since he was sent from the hand to the grave by a card effect, I can pay three hundred life points to place him in the Pendulum Zone." A column of light appeared by her side, as a blackish gray hedgehog like creature flew up into it as a stylised one appeared beneath it.

"Sneaky," Flash said.

"Next," Tempest went on, "I activate the effect of the other monster I sent to the graveyard." A ghostly form appeared behind her, looking like her Spear Dominator only instead it was carrying a long metal chain with a three point claw on the end. "Storm Guard Dominator, Chain Claw. Once while this card is in the graveyard, I can normal summon a high level Dominator without paying a tribute." Another bolt of lightning flew down struck the ground, taking the form of another ape that was carrying a twin bladed axe. "Storm Guard Dominator, Battle Axe." (A2300/D1500/L6)

"Not good."

"I now activate the Spell card Obsidian Orb!" A familiar looking orb appeared in her monsters hand before it tossed it towards Magna Bull, smashing against its armour and releasing the green smoke. Flash could only watch as his monster was transformed into a stone statue.

"I'm really starting to not like that card," Flash said.

"Then you'll hate this card," Tempest explained as she activated a Spell card. "Dominator Lightning! Now I can increase the attack of a Dominator on my field by five hundred for each Dominated Monster on your side of the field." Electrical energy shot out of the Magna Bull statue and flew at Tempest's monster, charging its battle axe as it pulsed with energy. (A2800/D1500/L6) "Now attack Magna Pegasus!" The Dominator charged towards the armour wearing pegasus.

"I activate my face down," Flash's Spell flipped up. "Lightspeed, which will increase the attack of my light attributed monster by one thousand." An aura of light appeared around Flash Wing, increasing its power. (A2400/D800/L4) Though it was not enough to save Flash's monster, it was enough to weaken the damage he was gonna take. And that damage came when Dominator Battle-Axe swung its namesake weapon up at the Pegasus and destroyed it, the excess lightning shocking Flash.

Flash: 2700
Tempest: 3400

"Now I can activate Battle-Axe's ability. When he deals damage to you, I can search my graveyard for a Dominator whose ATK is equal too or less then the damage you took." A card came out of her Duel Disk, "now I can summon it to the field. "Storm Guard Dominator, Chain Claw!" The ape monster appeared before her, swinging its weapon around. (A300/D1900/L4) "And since a Dominator was special summoned to the field, Spine-Hog's Pendulum Ability allows me to draw a card. I'll then place that card face down and end my turn." Battle-Axe's ATK returned to normal.

"Man she's good," Flash moaned as he looked down at his hand. "Her deck works really well together. I'm gonna need something big to swing this Duel into my favour." He placed his hand on his deck. "Alright, here goes. I draw!" He drew his card and saw what he had got. "I'll start by activating Spell Recovery. Now, by removing the top card of my deck from play, I can add a Spell card in my graveyard back to my hand."

He looked at the card he had drawn and frowned before placing it in his pocket, then pulled a Spell card out of his graveyard. "Now I'll activate it, Pot of Greed." He drew two new cards, smiling when he saw what he had gotten. "Once again, my Magna Casters will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal began to open above his head once again "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out and struck the ground, taking form before fading to reveal the monster. Said monster was a twenty foot humanoid in red tiger styled armour. On its left arm was a large metallic gauntlet, with a star shape on the back of the wrist that three large claws poked out of. "Unleash your roar, Star Fang Magna Tiger!" (A2400/D2100/L7)

"Next I summon my Aura Pulse Magna Rat!" In a flash of light, a small clockwork rat with gears for ears appeared at his feet. (A300/D200/L1) "Now I'll activate my Rat's special ability." A giant portal opened up above their heads, as Magna Rat leapt up towards it. "By banishing himself, Magna Rat lets me summon any monster that's been removed from play to the field."

Magna Rat flew into the portal, as another monster flew out the other side. It was a twenty foot high silver robotic humanoid creature, with light blue armour and orange trim on its arms, legs, chest and shoulders. From its shoulders were a pair of square jet booster like wings, and it wore a red scarf which was emblazoned with the same symbol as the one on Flash's shirt. "Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon...X!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Tempest smiled up at the monster. "So there it is, the legendary Flash Heart Dragon."

"Flash Heart X's ability," Flash called out. "Since it was special summoned, the weakest monster on your side of the field is removed from play!" A portal opened up beneath Chain Claw, as it fell into it and disappeared. "Now Flash Heart, ATTACK!" The dragon's jets ignited, sending it flying towards Battle-Axe before it sucker punched it into destruction.

Flash: 2700
Tempest: 3200

"Since a Storm Guard Monster was destroyed, I can add Dominator Lightning back to my hand."

"Well now my Magna Tiger, will attack you directly!" The tiger themed monster charged towards Tempest, using its massive claws to slash at her

Flash: 2700
Tempest: 800

"Now Magna Wolf will finish the job," Magna Wolf rushed towards Tempest. "And during the Battle Phase, Magna Wolf gains one hundred attack points for each card that's been removed from play. (A1800/D1200/L4) Magna Wolf pounced towards Tempest, but she was not looking at it. Instead, she was staring directly at Flash. When the teen saw this, he looked at her and their eyes met.

The woman smiled. "Come on then...Flash Sentry." Suddenly, the entire field was bathed in a bright light.

Flash was forced to shield his eyes, as the light washed over him. When he felt the light die down, he opened his eyes and found he was no longer in the part. Instead, he appeared to be in space.

A light caused him to turn towards it, only to find himself staring at the planet earth. "What the...where am I?"

"Flash Sentry." Flash spun around to see Tempest standing a ways off, a planet that looked different from earth but still familiar floating behind her. She smiled at him, "the one who links the two worlds together. Are you something special, or simply an anomaly?"

"What?" Flash asked, only to once again shield his eyes when another bright light shined. "Aaah!" The light suddenly faded and Flash could open his eyes, seeing he was back in the park. "What was that?" He turned to look at Tempest, "did she do that?" Suddenly, the sound of Magna Wolf's cry caught his attention. He looked over and saw that his attack had been blocked, by Dominator Battle-Axe. "How?"

"I activated my Trap," Tempest explained as she pointed to her flipped up face down. "Storm Guard Defender. By banishing a Storm Guard from my graveyard, I can negate the attack of any monster whose ATK is lower then the banished one." Battle-Axe pushed Magna Wolf away before disappearing, "it also lets me draw the same number of cards as your monsters level." She drew four cards.

"Looks like she survived by the skin of her teeth," Flash said. "I end my turn." Magna Bull was freed from its petrification, as Magna Wolf's ATK returned to normal. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Then its my turn," Tempest reached for her deck. "I draw." She smiled at the sight of her card. "I'm using Scale eight Tempest Unicorn Dominator, to set the Pendulum Scale." A second column of light appeared besides her, as a purple unicorn with black armour and a broken horn appeared within it. Once it was in place, a portal opened up above Tempest's head. "Now I will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal opened above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

A single light shot out of the portal and struck the ground, taking shape before revealing the monster. Said monster was a woman in crimson leather armour, with a black hooded cloak. Her mouth was covered by a mask, while a scar similar to the one Tempest had was over her eye. In her hand was the handle of a sword, which appeared to have been broken halfway down the blade. "Tempest Rogue Dominator....SCARVOLT!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Wow," Flash said in amazement.

"Scarvolt's ability!" Tempest said as her monster pulled out what appeared to be a pair of Obsidian Orbs from beneath her cloak. "Whenever she's special summoned, she can Dominate two monsters on your field whose ATK is less then hers." She tossed the orbs at Magna Wolf and Bull, encasing the two of them in stone once again. "Next I activate another Obsidian Orb, to use on Magna Tiger!" Scarvolt pulled out another orb and tossed it at Magna Tiger, petrifying it.

"Oh no," Flash whispered.

"And now I activate the Spell card, Dominator Lightning!" Electrical Energy shot out of the three statues and and flew up to Scarvolt, surging around her body and increasing her power. (A4000/D2000/L7/P4) "What's more, Scarvolt can attack once, for every Dominated monster on your field."

"So Scarvolt can attack three times?" Flash asked

"That's right. Though the attacked monster won't be destroyed since Scarvolt was special summoned this turn, plus the damage you'll take is halved. But it'll be enough. "Scarvolt, attack Flash Heart Dragon X!" The Dominator flew towards Flash's dragon, as the lightning around her body flew into her sword and took the form of a blade. "And since it's the Battle Phase, Tempest Unicorn's ability increases the ATK of all Dominators on the field by two hundred for each Dominated Monster on the field. (A4600/2000/L7/P4)

Scarvolt reached Flash Heart and used her sword slash upwards at his shoulder, the lightning from her sword striking the robotic dragon and causing it to scream out.

"Aaahhh!" Flash cried, as he clutched his shoulder. "What the heck?"

Flash: 1650
Tempest: 800

Scarvolt suddenly disappeared and then reappeared behind Flash Heart before slicing at him once again, causing the him and his partner to cry out once more.

Flash: 600
Tempest: 800

Once again, Scarvolt disappeared. This time when she reappeared, it was right infront of Flash Heart chest. She raised her sword before, slowly, pushing it forwards into the dragon's chest. Both Flash Heart and Flash cried out, as Flash fell to his knees while his life points dropped.

Flash: 0
Tempest: 800 (Winner)

As the monsters faded away, Tempest looked down at Flash. The boy was clutching his chest, still reeling from that last attack. "How?" He asked.

Tempest chuckled as she walked up to and passed him, heading towards the exit of the clearing. "Not bad Sentry, but I suggest you improve your abilities."

Flash heard this and quickly picked himself up, turning towards her. "WAIT!" Tempest stopped, "let's Duel again."

Tempest remained quiet for a few moments, until she finally spoke up. "The Double X." Flash raised an eyebrow at this, "it's a Duel tournament I'm competing in. If you wish to Duel me, then enter." With that, she walked off a disappeared.

Flash meanwhile, thought back to the Duel he had just had. It was crazy, intense, terrifying. "AWESOME!" He screamed in exhilaration. He had not felt that much of a rush while Duelling in ages. He definitely wanted to Duel her again. Then he remembered what she had said, the Double X Tournament.

Grand was in his apartment, relaxing after a hard days work.

Suddenly, the apartment door flew open and his grandson rushed inside. "No running in the house."

"Sorry gramps," Flash replied but did not slow down and raced into his room.

Grand smirked, happy to see Flash was back to his enthusiastic self.

Flash sat down at his computer and began typing away, until he found what he was looking for. A website explaining the rules of the Double X and how to compete. It was taking place in several weeks and was open to anyone who was aged twenty or younger, but required you to enter a team of three. It seemed that anyone from around the world could enter.

New Duelist, hopefully just as strong as her, would be coming to compete. "This is just what I'm looking for." Flash's boredom was all but forgotten, as he looked forward to entering this new test of his skills. Would he be able to to come out on top and would he be able to Duel her again? He could not wait to find out.

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