• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 3,656 Views, 682 Comments

Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

  • ...

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Turn 3: Birth of a New Team

"What, you think you've found someone who could be part of our team?"

Flash smirked as he looked back at Spike, who just stared at him in shock after hearing what he had just said. The two were currently in the park, going over their decks in preparation of the tournament. "Yeah, I think I have. I'll have to ask if he wants to join, but I know he'll be a great asset."

"So who is he?"

"His name's Sunburst. He goes to our school and he's in my grade. He was a little nervous when we first met, especially when he thought he'd lost his deck. On the upside, I got to see how much he cares about his cards."

"So you guys Duelled. Was he really that good?"

"Yeah, though at first I wasn't so sure." Flash flashed back to the Duel and how it had played out. "When the match started, he wasn't sure on what moves to use."

Spike frowned hearing that. "You sure you want someone like that on the team."

"I do. Because the more into the game he got, the faster he made his plays. I think he was just nervous when it started. With a little more experience and practise, I'm sure he won't be as hesitant."

"If you say so. But first things first, I wanna see how well he Duels. I'm a member of this team too you know, so I get a say on who our teammates are."

Flash laughed. "Sure, no problem. I'll see if I can't set up a match."

"Sweet." With that, the two continued to work on their decks. Spike paid extra attention to how he made his, since he wanted to be able to go all out when he Duelled this guy.

The next day.

Flash had been sure to head to school early that day, so he could wait outside the main door for Sunburst to arrive. After about twenty minute, he spotted the spectacled teen approaching. "Hey."

Sunburst looked up at him in surprise, obviously not expecting to be called out to. "Oh, hello." He pushed his glasses up his nose, "can I help you?"

As Sunburst stepped into the school, Flash walked besides him. "I wanted to talk to you about the duel we had."

"What's there to talk about? We duelled, you won, I lost. That's all there is to it."

"There's more to it then that. The match was close, real close. I only won because I got a lucky draw. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. I told a friend of mine about how well you duel and he's interested in a match. What do you say?"

"Is this friend of yours a good Duellist?"

"One of the best I know."

"Then no thank you."

Flash's face faulted, that response not the one he had been expecting. "What, why?"

They had arrived at Sunburst's locker, which he began to open. "If his skills are equal to yours, then Duelling him will result in the same outcome as our Duel." He opened the locker and pulled out the books he'd need. "He will be victorious, so there is no point in me Duelling against him." He shut the locker, "it would just be a waste of time."

"That's not true. Just because you lost to me, doesn't mean you'll lose against anyone else. You have to at least try."

Sunburst sighed as he turned to Flash. "I'm sorry, but I have more important thing to do. I can't be spending time trying something I know I'll fail at." He pushed his glasses back up his nose. "Now if you excuse me, I have classes to get to."

"They don't start for another fifteen minutes."

"Which leaves me five minutes to get there and ten minutes to pre-read the subject matter we'll be discussing." With that, Sunburst walked off leaving a very confused Flash behind.

The teen sighed and he slumped over. "Oh, Flash." He stood up and looked around, seeing Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity walking towards him. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"We didn't know you were friends with Sunburst," Rarity told him.

"You know him?"

They all nodded, as Pinkie spoke up. "We showed him around on his first day here."

"And he's in some of mine and Fluttershy's classes," Rarity continued.

Applejack tipped her hat, "so what chew two talkin bout?"

Flash explained how he had duelled Sunburst, barely managing to beat him and wanting him to join his and Spike's team. "So Spike wants to test him out?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "but he doesn't want to Duel. He says that he knows he'll lose, so what's the point."

"That's silly," Pinkie said.

"I know," Flash leaned against the lockers as he turned to Fluttershy and Rarity. "So what do you guys know about him, since he's in your class."

"Oh," Fluttershy said, "well he's not very sociable. He really only ever talks when someone talks to him."

"But he's smart," Rarity told him. "Really smart. Almost Twilight smart."

"I already figured that. Anything else?" Rarity and Fluttershy both shock their heads no, making him sigh.

"We're sorry Flash," Fluttershy said. "But like we said, he's not very social. The only other thing I know about him is he seems to go to the library after school."

"Really?" Flash hummed in thought, an idea popping into his head.

"Flash," Applejack asked, "what a ya'h scheming?"

After school.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone in the classroom grabbed their stuff and headed out the classroom. Only one person remained, Sunburst.

He continued to read his book until the teacher told him he needed to vacate, making him sigh before closing his book and heading out the classroom. He worked his way through the crowds of teens wanting to escape the confines of school, eventually arriving at his own little sanctuary.

"There he is," Flash said as he and Spike peaked over the large book they were hidden behind.

Spike raised an eyebrow at Sunburst as he watched him find a table to read at. "That's the guy you want on our team."


"He doesn't look like much."

"Neither does Twilight, Fluttershy or Thorax when we first met him. Any of them as weak as they look."

"Point. So what are we doing?"

"Recon. We need to find out as much as we can about our prospective new team member."

"If you say so." And so the two sat and watched as Sunburst read. Thirty minutes later they were still watching, and kept watching for another thirty minutes. After the third half hour, Spike sighed. "Well this is boring. He's just sitting there. This is worse then Twilight...actually-"

"He's getting up!" The two raised the book as Sunburst stood up, stretching for a moment before heading towards one of the bookshelves opposite where Flash and Spike were sitting.

"Where's he going?"

"Probably to get another book. Let's just sit tight and wait for him to come back." And so they waited, about ten minutes.

"How long's it take to pick a book?"

Flash sighed as he put the large book down. "Come on." The two stood up and headed over to the bookcase, looking down each other them to see if they could spot him. But then-

"Can I help you?" The two cried out as they spun around and leapt back, seeing Sunburst staring at them with a frown.

"Hey Sunburst," Flash laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "We were just-"

"Spying on me." Flash laughed again. "You weren't very subtle. I knew you were watching me the moment I sat down."

"You did?" Spike asked, Sunburst turning to him.

"And who are you? Flash roping elementary school students into stalking?"

"He didn't rope me into this, and we weren't stalking." Spike then went back over what Sunburst said and realised he said something that made him frown. "And I'm in junior high."

"Look," Flash stepped between then, "we're sorry for spying on you. We just wanted to know what was so important that you couldn't Duel Spike."

Sunburst's gaze moved to Spike, realising this was who Flash wanted him to Duel. He then turned his back to them. "Well now you know, so will you please just leave me to do it in piece."

"No way!" Spike told him, "you and I are gonna Duel."

"I already told your friend I didn't want to. There's no point in Duelling if I already know I'm going to lose."

"You don't know that," Flash told him. "You haven't seen Spike's deck, so you don't know if you can beat it or not. What's the harm in at least playing just one Duel."

Sunburst sighed, his glasses sliding down his nose, before he turned back to face them. "You're not gonna leave me alone until we Duel, are you?" Both Flash and Spike nodded, making him sigh again before pushing his glasses back up his nose. "Fine, one Duel. But win or lose, you've gotta leave me alone afterwards." Flash and Spike both smiled at him.

The two soon headed out the library and onto the schools back field, Flash sitting on the bleachers as Spike and Sunburst strapped their Duel Disk's onto their arms.

"Alright," Spike said, "time to see if this guy's as good as Flash says he is." The green blade shot out of his purple Duel Disk, "you ready?"

Sunburst sighed as his Duel Disk activated. "I guess."

"Then let's do this."


Spike: 4000
Sunburst: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Spike went to his deck. "I draw and summon Flame Sabre Dragon, in ATK mode!" A fireball appeared on the field and exploded, revealing a red humanoid dragon carrying a pair of swords that were set ablaze. (A1500/D1200/L4/P5) "I'll place on card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn, I...I draw." Sunburst looked over the cards in his hand, humming as he began to go over every move he could do with them. "Okay. I'll...um, I'll..."

Spike raised an eyebrow at this before turning to Flash, who gave him a small shrug. "Just give him a minute." Spike rolled his eyes and turned back to Sunburst, who looked liked he had finally decided on his move.

"Alright, I'll start by summoning Burn Blader!" In a burst of fire, the flaming suit of armour appeared. (A1800/D100/L4) "I'll attack." The monster charged forwards and swung its fire sword at Spike's dragon, who tried to block with his own sword only for it to break and allow Blade Burner to slash the dragon in half.

Spike: 3700
Sunburst: 4000

"And since Burn Blader destroyed a monster, his ability deals four hundred points of damage to you." Burn Blader pointed its sword at Spike before unleashing a torrent of fire. Spike's eyes went wide as he shielded himself from the fire, which struck him and caused him to stagger back a few inches.

Spike: 3300
Sunburst: 4000

Once the flames decreased, Spike steadied himself and looked over at Sunburst. "Alright, maybe he's as good as Flash said he was."

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn. I draw," Spike looked at the card he'd drawn and smirked. "I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Flame Breaker Dragon and scale eight Flame Core Dragon!" Twin pillars appeared on either of him, as a pair of dragons flew up into them. One was a dragon that looked like Flame Sabre Dragon, only it was carrying a flaming hammer instead of a sword. The other was a younger dragon carrying a red orb that was almost as big as it was.

Once high enough, the two fired off a beam of light which connected to open a portal. "Now watch, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Spike smirked as the portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Two fireballs shot out of the portal and exploded as they struck the ground, taking shape and fading to reveal the monsters hidden below.

"Flame Sabre Dragon!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

The second was a dark blue quadrupedal dragon with two heads atop a pair of extra long necks. "Twin Headed Dragonia!" (A2300/D1100/L6)

"Not good," Sunburst gulped as he looked upon the paired dragons that were currently staring him down.

"I attack Burn Blader with Twin Headed Dragonia!" The two dragon heads opened their mouths before both unleashing a flurry of fire, which struck the flaming suit of armour and destroyed. "And when Dragonia destroys a monster, any damage you take is doubled.

Sunburst grunted as the flames surrounded him, melting away his life points.

Spike: 3300
Sunburst: 3000

"I activate my Trap card," his face down flipped up "Light the Beacons!" A bonfire appeared infront of him. "Since you destroyed a monster, this cards lets me take a Level four or below Fire Monster from my hand or deck and summon it to the field." His deck shuffled before slotting out a card, which Sunburst took out as the bonfire exploded to reveal a familiar kitsune. "I summon Sunburst Familiar in DEF mode." (A1200/D1000/L3)

Spike smirked, liking the way Sunburst was managing to keep himself in the game. "Alright, Flame Sabre Dragon will attack your fox!" The dragon flew towards Sunburst's monster before performing an X slash on it.

"When Sunburst Familiar is destroyed by battle, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and add any two fire monsters to my hand." He drew five cards and looked them over, the look on his face showing he had more then two to pick from. After several seconds, he picked two and returned the rest to his shuffling deck.

"I end my turn."

Flash looked between the two, looking over what they had done so far. Whilst Spike was powering through, relying on his instincts and experience, Sunburst was thinking his moves through and picking them carefully. "Both strategies have their merits, so not its all a matter of which one can use their strategies the best." His focus turned to Sunburst as he hummed. "In a Duel, a person's true nature is revealed. So what will this duel reveal about your nature and how you'll manage against Spike, once he goes all out?"

"It's my turn," Sunburst reached for his deck. "I draw," he looked over his cards and smiled seeing he had everything he needed. "Alright," he pushed his glasses up his nose before grabbing two cards, "it's time that I set the Pendulum Scale. Say hello to scale two Red Sun Magician and scale six Green Sun Magician." The pillars of light appeared besides him, as Red Sun Magician and a green version of it flew into them before firing the magic that opened the portal. "Now watch, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

A single light shot out of the portal and hit the ground before taking shape and fading, "Sunburst Guardian!" (A1400/D1800/L4)

Spike raised an eyebrow at this. "All that, for a monster he could summon already?"

Flash turned to him. "Don't get overconfident. That's the same move he used on me, so be careful."

"I activate Red Sun Magician's Pendulum Ability, which lets me increase the level of a Fire monster by up to three." With a wave of his wand, the wizard and launched a trio of fireballs at Sunburst Guardian. (A1400/D1800/L7)

"Here it comes," Flash told him.

"I activate the Ritual Spell Sunburst Altar!" Between them appeared a large stone table with the Sunburst emblem carved into it, whilst a bronze basin sat atop it. Around it stood twelve candle stands, all of which were unlit. "Now I can sacrifice any Fire monsters whose Levels equal seven or more." Sunburst Guardian burst into seven fireballs, which moved over and lite seven of the candles around the altar. "Mystical fire, that burns like the sun, give life to the wizard whose intellect cannot be extinguished!" The fire on the candles shot up before flying into the basin, "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The basin exploded, the fire shooting up and took form before fading. "Sunburst Magician!" (A2300/D2200/L7)

Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "That's not the same Ritual Spell he used to summon it last time." He smirked, "this is starting to get interesting."

"I activate my Magician's ability, to look at the top five card of my deck and summon any Level four or below Fire monsters."

Spike: 3300
Sunburst: 2700

He drew the five cards and smirked. "I summon Sunburst Apprentice and another Sunburst Guardian!" The two monsters appeared on his field, Apprentice in ATK mode and Guardian in DEF mode. (A1500/D1300/L4), (A1400/D1800/L4) "And now I'll equip Sunburst Magician with Blazing Aura!" A veil of fire surrounded Sunburst Magician, increasing his attack power. (A3300/D2200/L7) "And then I'll use Apprentice's ability to increase his own power by five hundred ATK." (A2000/D1300/L4)

"This could be a problem," Spike said.

"Sunburst Magician, attack Twin Headed Dragonia!" The older Spellcaster pointed its staff at Dragonia and unleashed a fireball, which struck the two headed dragon and destroyed it.

Spike: 2300
Sunburst: 2700

"Now my Apprentice will destroy Flame Sabre Dragon!" The younger Spellcaster copied its elder, unleashing his own fireball and destroying the sword wielding dragon.

Spike: 1800
Sunburst: 2700

"I end my turn." Apprentice's ATK points returned to normal. (A1500/D1300/L4)

As Spike recovered from the attack, he looked up at Sunburst and smirked. "He really is as good as Flash said. He's been planning this out from the start." He reached for his deck, "I'll just have to kick things up a notch. It's my turn, I draw!" He looked at the card he got, then up at his Pendulum Monsters and nodded. "Alright, I activate Flame Breaker Dragon's Pendulum Ability. An ability that lets me pay four hundred life points to banish a Dragon monster from my hand."

Spike: 1400
Sunburst: 2700

"I banish Gandora-X, the Dragon of Demolition!" A massive black dragon covered in red lights appeared on the field, as Flame Breaker Dragon tossed its hammer into its back. As soon as it made contact, the dragon exploded and the flames split into eight fireballs. "Now I can search my deck for any Dragon monsters whose total Levels equal Gandora-X's." Two of the fireballs split off, while the other six floated around each other before combining. The last two did the same and began to take form, "Behold!" The first was a red a yellow dragon, "Magna Drago!" (A1400/D600/L2) The second became a large red dragon with orange blades on its arms and tail end. "And Iron Tail Dragon!" (A2100/D1400/L6)

Sunburst looked over the monsters that had been summoned, beginning to sweat when he realised what one of them was. "A Tuner Monster."

"That's right," Spike said, "and now watch as I tune level two Magna Drago with level six Iron Tail Dragon." The smaller dragon flew into the air and transformed into two balls of fire, which carved a pair of burning rings that Iron Tail flew into. "Cast your flames across this battle field, and burn everything that is weak to ashes" Spike said as his monsters burst in an explosion of fire. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The flames erupted, as Spike's ace burst free and revealed itself. "Dragonic Blazemaster!" (A3000/D2000/L8)

To say Sunburst was intimidated was an understatement. "That's...um...quite an impressive beast," he corrected his glasses. "But it's no match for my Sunburst Magician."

Spike smirked. "I'm not done. I'll now Pendulum Summon Flame Sabre Dragon back to the field!" The portal reopened and a light shot out to take the form of Spike's Pendulum Monster. (A1500/D1200/L4/P5) "Now I'll have Dragonic Blazemaster attack!"

"Well Sunburst Guardian ability forces you to attack him before any other monster."

"Then that's what I'll do." Blazemaster's sword ignited before he swung it down towards the shield baring warrior, said shield not being strong enough to protect it from being destroyed. "And with one less monster on the field, Sunburst Magician's attack power goes down." (A2800/D2200/L7) "What's more, Blazemaster's ability now activates. Since he destroyed a monster, he can attack once again."

"What?" Sunburst asked in horror.

"Go, Eternal Flame!" The sword ignited once again, this time being swung in Apprentice's direction. Sunburst Magician meanwhile, was reduced by to its original power level. (A2300/D2200/L7)

Spike: 1400
Sunburst: 1950

"Sure it's only half the damage you'd usually take, but I'd say it's worth it. Especially since I'm about to destroy your Sunburst Magician, leaving your field empty for Flame Sabre Dragon!" Blazemaster's sword ignited one final time, as the dragon bared down on Sunburst Magician before impaling him on the end of his blade.

Sunburst watched as his last monster was destroyed, leaving him defenceless.

Spike: 1400
Sunburst: 1600

Sunburst shook all over, unable to believe his best combo was so easily defeated. Even worse, this was the second time it had been outdone. "I guess things haven't changed."

Flash heard this and raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?" Sunburst realised he had been caught speaking his mind, making him turn away. "This situation's looking bad," Sunburst turned back to Flash. "But it doesn't mean you'll lose. Even if Spike attacks, you'll have enough life points to survive." He turned to stare at him, "so what are you gonna do?"

Sunburst wasn't sure. "Flame Sabre Dragon!" He turned to Spike, "attack!" The dragon flew towards Sunburst, ready to slash him with his sword. For some reason, watching this made him remember something.

A ten year old Sunburst was sitting on the back porch of his house, his card out as he played again an opponent whose face was shrouded. "I attack!"

"Oh," the opponent cried, "that wipes out all my life points. I wish I could be as good as you Sunburst."

"Sunburst laughed. "It's alright, you just need to learn all the abilities of your cards. Once you know them all, figuring out how to win will be easy."

"Yeah," his friend replied, "I'll just have to look at the cards and know how to win. It'll be one glance and bam, winning stratagy." Sunburst and his friend laughed. "Sunburst, you think we'll even become duelling masters?"

Sunburst smiled. "Oh course. With my brains and your skill, we'll be two of the best that ever existed."

His friend laughed. "Alright, then let's make a promise. Not matter what, the two of us are gonna meet on the big stages of the Duelling world. And we won't give up until we get there." Sunburst's friend held up a pinkie finger, which Sunburst gripped with his own.


Sunburst opened his eyes, time seeming to stop as he saw the dragon approaching.

That's right, he made a promise long ago. He couldn't give up now. It was in that moment that the light of his Pendulum caught his eye, making him look up and realise something. "That's it!"

Flame Sabre Dragon was inches away from Sunburst, ready to deal an attack that would leave him with only a hundred life points. But then, out of nowhere, what appeared to be a UFO popped up and shielded Sunburst from the attack.

"What?" Spike and Flash asked as they watched the UFO be destroyed.

Spike: 1400
Sunburst: 1500

Sunburst smirked at the two as he pushed his glasses up. "You're probably wondering where that monster came from?" The two nodded. "Well you see, it's thanks to my Green Sun Magician. When you attacked me directly, his Pendulum Ability let me draw a card. And since it was a monster card, I could summon it to the field."

"Smart," Flash quipped while Spike nodded.

"Thanks. And since UFO Turtle was destroyed, his ability lets me summon any Fire monster with fifteen hundred or less ATK points. So I'll summon, another UFO Turtle." A copy of the previously destroyed monster appeared, opening up to show it was a turtle. (A1400/D1200/L4)

"Alright," Spike spoke up, "I end my turned."

Sunburst looked up at Dragonic Blazemaster, not sure how he was gonna beat it. He then looked down at his deck and went through it mentally, trying to find a card he could use to win. Only one came to mind, but getting it out onto the field was a slim possibility. But even so, he had to try.

"It's my turn," Sunburst slowly reached for his deck.

'Believe in your cards Sunburst' Flash mentally told him. 'Believe they want to help you win.'

Sunburst took a large gulp of air as his finger touched the top card, "I draw!" Time seemed to slow, as Sunburst brought the card up to his face and opened his eyes. Said eyes went wide when he saw what he'd got, "inconceivable." Spike and Flash raised an eyebrow, "I summon Blaze Wizard!" The fire mage appeared besides UFO Turtle. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And when he's summoned to the field, I can add a Ritual Spell Card from my deck to my hand." His deck shuffled before slotting out a card, which Sunburst took out. "Now, Red Sun Magician's Pendulum Ability activates. With it, I can increase the Level of UFO Turtle by three." The Pendulum Monster waved his staff and unleashed a trio of fireballs, which struck UFO Turtle and increased its fire's power. (A1400/D1200/L7)

"Here it comes," Flash told Spike.

"Now," Sunburst placed the card Blaze Wizard had gotten him into his Duel Disk, "I activate the Sunburst Gate Ritual Spell!" The magical door appeared behind him, whilst UFO Turtle exploded into seven fireballs. "Now all I have to do is sacrifice any Fire monsters whose Levels equal seven or more." The fireballs entered the holes surrounding the door, whilst Sunburst closed his eyes and began to chant. "Courageous flames, that burns like the sun, give life to the warrior whose fiery heart cannot be extinguished!" The doors of the gate flew open and unleashed a giant fireball, "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The flames faded to reveal the monster Sunburst had summoned. It was a knight, wearing a golden suit of armour with a fire red cape. It carried a large golden sword that had the Sunburst symbol on the hilt. "Sunburst Knight!" (A2600/D1900/L7)

Spike whistled, "nice."

"It's about to get nicer, because I'm using Sunburst Apprentice's ability to revive him from the graveyard." The young magician appeared besides the rest of Sunburst's monsters.

"As strong as those cards are, they can't beat my Blazemaster."

Sunburst smirked, "you sure about that." He turned to look at his knight, Flash and Spike doing the same, and watched as he drew his sword and lifted it into the air.

"What's he doing?" Spike asked.

"Spike," he turned to Flash, "your monsters." Spike looked up at Blazemaster and Flame Sabre, whose flames appeared to be being sucked out. He followed fire and saw it flowing into Sunburst Knight's sword, whist Blaze Wizard and Apprentice were also being drained. (A4600/D1900/L7)

"No way."

"Sunburst Knight's ability increases his ATK points during the Battle Phase, by five hundred for every other Fire monster on my field...or yours."


They watched as the teen pointed at Blazemaster. "Sunburst Knight, destroy Dragonic Blazemaster and end this Duel!" The Knight leapt into the air and swung its blazing sword at the dragon, who raised his own sword but found it getting sliced in half before being stabbed in the chest. The dragon released a mighty roar before exploding, the flames consuming Spike.

Spike: 0
Sunburst: 1500 (Winner)

As the monsters faded away, everyone stood there looking shocked at what had just happened. And no one was more shocked then Sunburst, who was looking down at his cards as his glasses slid down his nose. "Did I...win?" He looked at the score on his Duel Disk and saw the word 'winner' next to his name. "I did."

Flash finally got over his shock and stepped over to Sunburst. "You sure did. Your deck heard the cry of your heart and responded, giving you what you needed to pull off a win."

Sunburst raised an eyebrow at this. "My deck...heard the cry of my heart."

Flash nodded as he took Blaze Wizard off his Duel Disk. "These cards are more then just paper and ink, they're a gateway that links our world with another and can transmit our feelings to the monsters on them. Blaze Wizard didn't just happen to be on the top of your deck. You reached out and asked for help, which he heard and responded to."

Sunburst didn't understand a single thing Flash was telling him, but decided to not tell him he thought he was crazy.

"Hey," he looked up at Flash, "would you be interested in joining our team?"

"What?" Sunburst asked in surprised, while Spike smirked.

"Spike and I are wanting to compete in a tournament, but we need a team of three who are twenty years old or younger. You've obviously got the potential to be really good, and this would be the perfect way for you to improve your skills. It's a great opportunity for you, so what do you say?"

Flash and Spike both watched Sunburst expectedly, obviously waiting for his answer. As for Sunburst, he didn't seem to know whether or not this was a good idea. "I don't know," he pushed his glasses back up. "I think you might be putting my skills a little to high. I doubt I could keep up with a skilled Duellists you think are gonna be there."

Spike chuckled hearing this. "You kidding. You managed to beat me, so that's gotta show how good you are. And hey, if you don't think your good enough yet, we've got a few weeks until the tournament starts to train."

"He's right," Flash told him. "And even if you're not as good as the others Duellists, what's the harm in competing? You'll get to face off against new opponent, test yourself against monsters you wouldn't usually get the chance to face, and maybe make some new friends." Flash held out a hand, expecting him to take it in agreement.

Sunburst stared at his hand for several long moments, until finally he sighed and took it in his own. "Alright, I'm in...I guess."

"Sweet," Flash replied, "then our training begins tomorrow. Watch out world, you've just witnessed the birth of the team that's gonna win the next Double X Tournament!"

"Ow yeah!" Spike cheered. Sunburst meanwhile simply sighed, not sure what he had just gotten himself into.

Author's Note:

So now Sunburst is apart of the team. Now we can move onto the next team's formation.

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