• Published 14th Nov 2018
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Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

  • ...

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Turn 2: Sunburst

"The Double X Tournament?" Twilight asked over the computer.

"Yeah," Flash replied to the girl on screen, "it's a special Duelling Tournament open exclusively to Duellists who are twenty years old or younger. I'm gonna enter it."

Twilight giggled, happy to see her boyfriend was excited. "Well I'll be rooting for you."

Flash nodded, "though it won't be easy. First I gotta get myself a team."


"Yeah, its a team tournaments. If I wanna enter, I'm gonna need to be part of a three man team."

"I'm sure you'll find someone," Twilight assured him. "Who wouldn't wanna be teamed up with the Celestic Cup Champion."

"Got a point, like always. Besides, I've already got an idea about who I want on my team."

"Good," Twilight nodded with a frown, "it's just too bad I won't be able to come support you in person."

Flash smiled hearing this, glad he had a girlfriend who'd want to be there for him. "Well I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend, if I expected you to drop your studies just to come be my cheerleader. You just keep up with your classes and make sure to record my matches."

"You got it," Twilight told him. "So I have to ask, what brought this all on? I know you love Duelling, but I wouldn't expect you to just enter a tournament out of the blue like this without a reason."

Now it was Flash's turn to frown, as he sat back and allowed the memories to flash infront of his eyes. He remembered Tempest's face, how she kept turning his monsters to stone, and how her ace completely destroyed his. He looked back to the screen, "I met someone. They were like...no Duellist I've ever faced before. I didn't stand a chance against them."

Twilight seemed intrigued by this, "who were they?"

"She said her name was...Tempest Shadow. Her style was crazy, barely leaving me with any options to use against her. She said she was gonna be in the Double X, so that's my best bet to face off against her again."

"So you want to enter, just to get a rematch with this one Duellist?"

"Partly, but really I wanna see what else is out there. I might have won the Celestic Cup and saved the world, but that's far from meaning I can't get better. If I wanna improve, I've gotta face off against new challenges and be really pushed to my limit. So yeah, I'm entering to get a rematch with this woman, but I'm also doing it to broaden my horizons."

Twilight smiled as she listened, because Flash's spark was finally back. Gone was the almost bored expression, replaced with a blazing desire to push his limits and reach the apex of his skill. "Well, whatever happens I'll be rooting for you."

"Thanks," Flash smiled at her before looking at his clock and seeing the time, "well I need to get to bed. Lot to do tomorrow."

"Alright," Twilight prepared to log off, "talk to you tomorrow?"

"You bet," Flash replied. "Love you Twilight."

Twilight blushed hearing that, "love you too." With that, she logged off and Flash did the same before climbing into bed.

Meanwhile, across town, the boy Pinkie and the others had helped was laying in his bed. As he did, he turned to his bedside desk and spotted a deck of cards.

Sunburst frowned as he stared at them, his vision impaired without his glasses, wondering if what he planned on doing tomorrow was a good idea. "Do I really want to be part of that again?" He asked himself. "Especially after what happened before?" There was no answer, of course, making Sunburst sighed before turning away from the cards. "Guess I'll find out tomorrow."

The next day.

As soon as he got to school, Flash instantly went in search of his first teammate hopeful.

He spotted him by his locker, Spike. The teen had had quite the growth's spurt in the last year, with the top of his head now reaching's Flash's forehead. He was also wearing a purple short sleeved scale patterned hoodie over a green long sleeved shirt, with dark grey pants.

"Spike!" Flash rushed over to the teen as he turned to him, a smile appearing on him.

"Hey man, what's up?"

Flash replied by first placing his hands on the younger teen's shoulders, "how'd you like to join my Double X team?" This question was met by Spike's own.

"Come again?" Flash quickly explained, Spike's eyes getting wider with each second, until finally he finished at the teen was literally shaking on the spot. "Are you serious? You want me on your team."

Flash nodded, "wouldn't want anyone else."

"Then of course I'll join!" The two smirked before fist bumping, signifying their new partnership. "So what's our first step into this thing?"

"Well first we need to find a third teammate, then...er...I'm not sure."

Spike slumped, "seriously?"

Flash chuckled, "sorry man. Guess I got so focused on the actual tournament, that I didn't stop to think about what we needed to do to enter."

"Well we can tell you that darlings." The two turned to see Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie walking towards them.

"Wait," Flash asked, "you know about the Double X Tournament?"

"We saw an ad for it yesterday," Applejack explained.

"It does look like a lot of fun," Fluttershy said.

"So you guys are competing?" Spike asked.

Rarity nodded. "Applejack and I are teaming up with her brother."

Pinkie then bounced up and down, "and I'm gonna do it with Maud and Marble. It's gonna be fun, fun, FUN!!!"

The others laughed at her excitement. "Marble's the girl Maud said was the best Duellist out of your siblings, right?"

Pinkie nodded springily, "you got it. She doesn't get out much and can be a little shy, but she's almost unstoppable in a Duel. With her on our team, we can't lose."

"So," Spike spoke up, "how do you get into the tournament?"

"Oh it's quite simply Spikey. In a few weeks, there are gonna be many Micro Tournaments going on. It's only by winning one of those, that you earn a spot in the Double X Tournament."

"So that's it," Flash said. "Seems simple enough."

"But ya'h need three teammates ta enter," Applejack told him. "Any idea who ya'h gonna pick?"

Flash hummed as he leaned against the locker, "Good question. I was gonna ask one of you, but since you've got your own teams I'll have to ask someone else. Plus they need to be under twenty."

Spike also thought about it, only for an idea to pop into his head. "I know," he turned to Flash. "What about Thorax?"

Flash smirked, "of course. That's a great idea."

"Are you serious," Rarity asked in disbelief. "You honestly expect a king, who's busy trying to pull his nation out of recession, to drop everything and fly to Canterlot just for a Dueling Tournament?"

Both Flash and Spike slumped as they realised Rarity was right. "There goes that idea."

"Back to square one," Spike moaned. In that moment, the bell rang to single they needed to get to class.

"Looks like we'll need to bench this problem until after class," Applejack told them.

The others nodded and separated, making their way to their homerooms. As they did, Flash and Spike began thinking about who could be their third member. Flash was so focused on this that he didn't notice something step around the corner, causing the two to collide and hit the ground.

"Ow!" They both moaned as Flash turned to see who he had run into, finding it to be Sunburst. "Sorry."

"My glasses," he began to tap around on the floor as he squinted. "Where are my glasses?"

Flash looked and spotted the aforementioned glasses, picking them up and holding them out to the teen. "Here."

Sunburst took them and placed them over his eyes, allowing him to see properly. "Thank you."

"No need, it was my fault you dropped them." They stood up, "I wasn't watching where I was going. Sorry."

"That's alright," Sunburst replied. Before either of them could say anything else, the warning bell went off. "I've gotta go." With that, he rushed off leaving Flash behind.

As Flash turned to continue his own journey, he noticed something on the ground. It was a deck box, which Flash guessed belonged to the boy he'd just run into. "Oh boy," he picked it up and opened it to see that it was containing cards. "I hope I run into him again, so I can return these." Closing the box, he put it in his backpack before heading for his class.

After school.

All day Flash had been searching for the boy he'd run into, between classes and during lunch, but found no trace of him. Now that school had let out, it was likely he had gone home so Flash wasn't sure he'd see him again that day. That only lead to one option, give the deck into the lost and found.

But it seemed lady luck was on Flash's side today, as when he arrived at the lost and found desk he saw the bespectacled teen there. "Are you sure no one's handed something like that in?" He asked nervously, "it's really important."

The girl sitting behind the desk shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I haven't been given anything for the lost and found all day."

The teen moaned as he banged his head on the counter, "why did this have to happen."

Flash decided to to put the boy out of his misery, "hey!" The teen looked around and saw him, as Flash held up the card box. "Looking for these?"

The teens eyes went wide before he ran over to him, snatching the box out of his hand and opening it up to shuffled through the cards. He then breathed a sigh of relief, "they're all here."

"Yeah sorry," Flash said. "You must have dropped them when I ran into you. I've been hoping to return them all day."

"It's not a problem," the teen replied. "As long as their safe, that's what matters."

Flash nodded, "you seem to really care about those cards."

He nodded, "they mean a lot to me."

"So do you Duel?" It was a simple question, so why did it seem to make him look uncomfortable?

"I...used to, but not anymore. Ever since I moved here, I've been thinking of starting again."

"Great," Flash pulled out his Duel Disk, "then how about we have a match?"


"A match. You know...a Duel."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't know."

"Oh come on. What's the worst that could happen?"

The teen seemed to be having an internal battle, but eventually he nodded. "Alright, let's do it."

"Great," Flash shined his signature smile, "I'm Flash by the way. Flash Sentry."


Soon enough, Flash and Sunburst arrived at the park.

Flash had suggested the school roof, but Sunburst had asked for a location that was less likely to be found. So Flash had taken him to the spot he had Duelled Tempest.

"You ready?" Flash asked as he placed his Duel Disk on his arm and switched it on.

Sunburst pulled out an orange Duel Disk and put it on his arm, then took his cards out of the box. Looking at his deck for a moment, Sunburst took a deep breath before placing the cards into the slot and causing a red disk to appear. "Ready." Flash nodded.


Flash: 4000
Sunburst: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Flash said as he reached for his deck and drew his card. "I'll start by summoning Reflector Scale Magna Snake, in ATK mode!" In a flash of light, a nine foot long robotic snake appeared. It was green, with multiple gears running along its side. Around its neck was what looked like a satellite dish. (A1600/D1300/L4/P7). "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then I guess it's my turn," Sunburst replied as he reached for his deck. "I...er...draw," he did so and looked at his hand. He then hummed as he began to go over every move he could do with them.

After a whole minute, Flash finally spoke up. "You gonna make a move some time this century?"

"Oh," Sunburst said as he corrected his glasses, "yes. Sorry. I summon Blaze Wizard to the field in ATK mode." Fire exploded in front of him, which quickly died down to reveal the monster he had summoned. It was a man wearing fire themed wizarding clothes, carrying a staff that was burning at the end. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And when Blaze Wizard is summoned to the field, I can add a special Spell Card from my deck to my hand." His deck shuffled before slotting out a card, which Sunburst placed into his hand."

Flash smiled. "Took him a while, but he finally made a good move. But his monster's still weaker then mine."

"Next," Sunburst explained, "I activate my Quick-Play Spell Card. Wildfire Cyclone." A tornado of fire shot out the ground and surrounded his monster. "This card increased my monsters ATK and DEF points by the number of cards in your hand, times two hundred." Flash looked down at his four cards, quickly doing the math in his head. (A2000/D1900/L3)

Flash smirked, "now things are getting interesting."

Sunburst once again pushed his glasses back up his nose. "I guess I attack with Blaze Wizard." The fire wizard pointed his staff at Flash's monster and unleashed a stream of fire.

"Sorry," Flash said as his face down flipped up, "not happening. I activate my Trap, Dimensional Prison." A portal opened up infront of Magna Snake and unleashing a powerful sucking force, which pulled in not only Blaze Wizard's flames, but the monster itself. "This trap negates your attack and removes your monster from play."

"I see," Sunburst said. "An ingenious move. Not only did you protect yourself, but you also left me wide open for an attack."

"Exactly," Flash said. "Now are you done?"

Sunburst hummed before looking down at his hand, then placed one card face down. "Now I am."

"Alright," Flash went to his deck, "then it's my turn. I draw and summon Glow Claw Magna Chimp!" In a flash of light, a robotic monkey with white and gold armour appeared. It had a white mane of hair and a golden mechanical tail, along with large clawed hands with lights that shined. (A1800/D600/L4/P9) "And since you're field's open, I'll use him to attack!" The monkey rushed towards Sunburst, its claws beginning to glow brighter.

"I activate my Trap," Sunburst called out as his face down flipped up. "Fire Guard, which will negate any battle damage dealt to me." A wall of fire appeared between Sunburst and the attacking monster, with Magna Chimp pulling away before it could get burned.

Flash sighed. "Alright, then I'll end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Sunburst said as he reached for his deck. "I draw and since it's now my Standby Phase, Fire Guard's effect forces me to give up four hundred points for ever monster on your field." The wall of fire appeared once again, only to unleashed a pair of fireballs that struck Sunburst.

Flash: 4000
Sunburst: 3200

"Next I summon Sunburst Apprentice, in ATK mode." Another explosion of fire appeared, fading to reveal another fire themed wizard. (A1500/D1300/L4) "Now I activate his ability, which lets me increase the ATK of a Sunburst monster on field by five hundred points until the end phase. (A2000/D1300/L4) "Attack!" The magician pointed his staff at Magna Chimp and shot a burst of fire, which struck the monster and destroyed it.

Flash: 3800
Sunburst: 3200

"I'll end my turn there for now." Sunburst Apprentice's ATK returned to normal. (A1500/D1300/L4)

Flash nodded and reached for his deck. "My turn, I draw. I'll start by tributing Magna Snake to summon my Twin Laser Dragon!" The mechanical snake disappeared and was replaced by a large robotic brachiosaurus with a cannon on either side of it. (A2100/D1500/L5) "Attack!" One of the cannons fired, unleashing a laser blast which flew at Sunburst Apprentice and destroyed it. "Usually Twin Laser can attack twice, but since you're Fire Guard's protecting your life points I'll end my turn there."

"Then it's my turn," Sunburst drew as Fire Guard burned away some more life points.

Flash: 3800
Sunburst: 2800

He looked at his card and nodded, a plan obviously forming in his head. "I summon Sunburst Familiar, in DEF mode." In a burst of fire, a bright red fox with nine tails appeared before him. (A1200/D1000/L3) "I'll end my turn there."

"It's my turn," Flash drew his card before pointing at the kitsune. "Twin Laser Dragon, attack!" The robot fired its cannon and destroyed the fox, but that only made Sunburst smile.

"When Sunburst Familiar is destroyed by battle, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and add any two Fire monsters to my hand." He drew five cards and looked them over, his smile widening as he saw what he'd gotten before pulling two out. The other three were placed back on his deck, which quickly shuffled.

Flash hummed as he looked at the cards, getting the feeling whatever Sunburst got was gonna be trouble for him later. "I end my turn with a face down."

"It's my turn," Sunburst placed his hand on his deck and whispered a silent pray. If he could draw the right card, he'd have everything he'd need to take the lead. "I draw!" He looked at the card and smiled, then pointed at his face up trap card. "I'll refuse to pay the life point cost for Fire Guard, meaning it's now destroyed."

Flash got even more nervous as he watched the card explode. If he was willing to part with a card that kept him from being blasted, he must be really confidant in whatever card he'd gotten. "What are you planning?"

"Let me show you," Sunburst replied before taking the cards he'd gotten last turn and holding them up. "I set the Pendulum Scale with scale two Red Sun Magician and scale seven Blue Sun Magician." The twin pillars appeared on either of him, as a pair of monsters flew up into them. They were a pair of wizards wearing almost identical sun patterned clothing, though one was red and the other was blue.

Once high enough, the two fired off a beam of light which connected to open a portal. "Now I will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Sunburst pushed his glasses up before the portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

A single light shot out of the portal and hit the ground, exploding before taking the shape of a suit of armour that was filled with fire and holding a flaming sword. "Burn Blader!" (A1800/D100/L4)

"Is that it?" Flash asked. "Decent move and all, but I was expecting you to pull out something...bigger."

"This is only the start," Sunburst looked up at the magician to his right. "Red Sun Magician's Pendulum Ability now activates, increasing the level of any Fire monster on my field by a maximum of three." The Pendulum Monster waved his staff and unleashed a trio of fireballs, which struck the possessed suit of armour and increasing its fire's power. (A1800/D100/L7) "Now," Sunburst placed a card into his Duel Disk, "I have everything I need to activate this."

Behind Burn Blader appeared a large stone gate with wooden doors. Above the doors was a sun emblem and twelve star shaped indents running around the edge. "Say hello to the Sunburst Gate, the Ritual Spell I got thanks to Blaze Wizard. Now all I have to do is sacrifice any Fire monsters whose Levels equal seven or more." Burn Blader exploded into seven fireballs, which flew up and entered seven of the twelve indents.

"Here we go," Flash said as he watched the ritual take place.

Sunburst closed his eyes and began to chant. "Mystical fire, that burns like the sun, give life to the wizard whose intellect cannot be extinguished!" The doors of the gate flew open and unleashed a giant fireball, "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The flames faded to reveal the monster Sunburst had summoned. It was a wizard with a long red hair and goatee, with a pair of glasses similar to Sunburst's over his eyes. He was wearing a bright red cloak that wrapped around his whole body and went all the way down to his knees, while also carrying a wooden staff with a figurehead in the shape of the symbol on Sunburst's breast pocket. It swung its staff around, a trail of flame shooting out of the figurehead to swirl around him. "Sunburst Magician!" (A2300/D2200/L7)

Flash smirked, "there's the big move."

"I activate Sunburst Magician's ability," Sunburst went on. "By paying three hundred life points, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and summon any Level four or below fire monster among them."

Flash: 3800
Sunburst: 2500

He drew five cards and picked one before returning the others, "I summon Sunburst Guardian to the field in DEF mode." Sunburst Magician unleashed a fireball, which hit the ground and exploded to reveal a knight in bright red armour and carrying a sun shaped shield. (A1400/D1800/L4) "Also, since a Sunburst monster is on my field, I can revive Sunburst Apprentice to my field." The young wizard appeared besides the other two monsters, "now he'll use his ability to increase Sunburst Magician's ATK points." (A2800/D2200/L7) "Attack!" Sunburst Magician unleashed a stream of fire from his staff, which struck Twin Laser Dragon and destroyed it.

Flash: 3100
Sunburst: 2500

"Now, Sunburst Apprentice will attack you directly." A fireball was soon headed towards Flash, but he was ready.

"I activate my Trap, Defence Draw!" As the face down flipped up, a force field appeared to block the fireball. "This card negates your attack and lets me draw a card," Flash did so.

"Alright," Sunburst replied, "I end my turn." Sunburst Magician's ATK returned to normal, as Flash started his turn.

"I draw and play the Spell card Pot of Greed, to draw two new cards." Looking at his cards, Flash nodded as she finally got what he needed. "Now it's my turn to set the Pendulum Scale, with scale two Nightlight Magna Sheep and scale eight Lustrous Feather Magna Leghorn!" The pillars of light appeared besides him, as two new monsters flew up into them. The was a small anthro sheep wearing pink armour that had lots of light bulbs on them, while the other was a robotic chicken with green wing that glowed and a star on its stomach.

Once the two were high enough, a portal opened up above Flash's head as he began to chant. "Now it's my turn to cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

A pair of lights shot out of the portal and struck the ground, taking shape before fading to reveal the monsters.

"Get to work, Reflector Scale Magna Snake!" (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"Shred'em up, Glow Claw Magna Chimp!" (A1800/D600/L4/P9)

Before Flash could say anything else, Sunburst spoke up. "I think this is as good a time as any to tell you that while it's in defence mode, Sunburst Guardian is the only monster you can attack."

"Really?" Flash asked, feeling let down that his plan wasn't gonna work. He looked down at the other card Pot of Greed had given him, which would have come in handy.

"Yes," Sunburst said, "and Sunburst Magician has his a secondary effect. While I have a Fire monster on the field, he can't be targeted for an attack."

"I see," Flash sighed before placing a card face down. "I'll end my turn there."

"Then it's my turn," Sunburst reached for his deck. "And now I'll activate my Blue Sun Magician's effect. So instead of drawing, I can add any Spell card from my deck to my hand." He pulled out his deck and shuffled through it, taking out a card before placing the deck back. "Now I'll activate that Spell card, Blazing Aura."

Flash looked up and saw Sunburst Magician was suddenly consumed by a veil of flames, as it seemed to increase in power. (A3300/D2200/L7) "What happened?"

"This Equip Spell increases Sunburst Magician's ATK by five hundred, for every other Fire Monster on the field. With Sunburst Apprentice and Guardian on the field, he gains one thousand points."

Flash gulped. This guy might have been slow at the start, but now he was really piling on the pressure. "I might be in trouble."

"No might about it," Sunburst said. "Now I switch Sunburst Guardian to ATK mode and use Sunburst Apprentice's effect to increase his ATK by five hundred. (A2000/D1300/L4) "Then I'll pay three hundred life points to activate my magician's effect."

Flash: 3100
Sunburst: 2200

He looked at the top five cards and frowned, "no level four or belows." He put the cards back and looked over at Flash, "but Sunburst Magician is still strong enough to blast your Magna Chimp!" The wizard unleashed a stream of fire, which was aimed straight at the robotic monkey.

"I activate my face down," Flash's card flipped up to reveal a Spell card. "Multiversal Spirit! This nifty little card lets me send a monster in my Extra Deck to the graveyard, then increase my Magna Chimps ATK by its Level times one hundred." Flash's extra deck opened and he pulled out a card, showing it to Sunburst. "So I'll discard my Level eight Flash Dragon Accel!"

Sunburst saw the ghostly image of a robotic dragon appeared around Magna Chimp, increasing its power. (A2600/D600/L4/P9) The flames struck Magna Chimp and even with his increased power, he wasn't able to survive.

Flash: 2400
Sunburst: 2200

"Now my Sunburst Apprentice will destroy your Magna Snake." The younger wizard unleashed a fireball, which flew at the mechanical snake and destroyed it.

Flash: 2000
Sunburst: 2200

"And lastly, Sunburst Guardian will attack you directly." The warrior leapt towards Flash before slamming his shield into him.

Flash: 600
Sunburst: 2200

Flash grunted as he staggered back, barely managing to keep himself upright. Sunburst meanwhile, sighed. "That should have ended it. If only I could get one more monster onto the field. I end my turn." Sunburst Apprentice's ATK returned to normal.

Once Flash caught his breath, he stood up tall. "You're good, I'll admit that. It was luck that really saved me there." He reached for his deck, "now let's see if my luck holds." He smiled, "and if my belief in my deck will be rewarded."

Sunburst raised an eyebrow at this, "belief?"

"I draw," Flash looked at the card he got a smiled. "I activate Starburst Reload. So by removing Twin Laser Dragon from my grave, I can draw five new cards." He did so and smiled when he saw what he got. "It's go time!" The portal once again appeared above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a pair of lights shot out and hit the ground.

"Stampede, Charge Horn Magna Bull (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"Unleash your roar, Star Fang Magna Tiger!" (A2400/D2100/L7)

"What he planning?" Sunburst asked. Those monsters were strong, but not strong enough to beat his Magician.

"Next," Flash slapped a card onto his Duel Disk, "I summon Vail Pixie X in ATK mode!" A tiny fairy monster appeared on the field, having silvery skin and a green dress along with sparkling insect wings and purple hair. (A100/D100/L1) "Now, I'll tune Vail Pixie with Magna Bull!" Vail Pixie transformed into a ring of light, which Magna Bull leapt into. "Memories of strength long forgotten, return in an explosion of power!" The two monster disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded to reveal a new monster. It was a fifteen meter long robotic serpentine dragon with white armour, carrying a large golden orb in each of his claws. "Flashback Dragon!" (A2300/2200/L7)

Sunburst watched in amazement, as the beast flew above his head. "Incredible."

"You haven't seen anything yet," Flash said. "I activate Flashback Dragon's ability." The serpentine curled up and bit its own tail, creating a circle that was soon filled with light which Magna Tiger leapt towards. "By banishing my Magna Tiger, I can summon two monsters from my deck whose Level equals his." As the robotic man tiger flew into the portal, two lights shot out the other side. "Say hello-"

The first became a teenager in steampunk attire, with a portal gun strapped to his right arm. "To Magna Fighter Gun Runner!" (A1600/D1400/L4)

The second became a pink anthro pig robot, with bronze gears on its arms and tusks made out of glowing crystals. "And Crystal Tusk Manga Boar!" (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"An interesting ability," Sunburst said. "But why would he do that?"

"I now activate my Leghorn's ability," Flash pointed at Sunburst Guardian. "Which lets me increase the level of any monster that's face up on the field, whether it be on my side of yours, by three or less." Leghorn spread its wings as the star on its stomach glowed before firing out three shooting stars. They struck Sunburst Guardian, increasing its level. (A1400/D1800/L7)

"Why?" Sunburst asked.

"Because now my Gun Runner's gonna attack?" The steampunk teen pointed its weapon at his foe before firing, striking it in the chest and destroying it. Doing so decreasing Sunburst Magician's ATK. (A2800/2200/L7)

Flash: 600
Sunburst: 2000

"And now for Gun Runner's ability." The monster fired its portal gun again, this time causing a small wormhole to open up infront of it. "Whenever he destroys a monster, I can banish him and summon a monsters whose Level is equal to or lower then the one of the monster he destroyed."

"So that's why you levelled up my monster," Sunburst realised.

Flash just nodded as Gun Runner jumped through the portal, with a bright light flying out the other side. That light landed in the center of the field before fading to reveal Flash's ace, "Flash Heart Dragon...X!"

Sunburst marvelled at the sighed of the monster.

"Now," Flash pointed at Sunburst Apprentice, "for Flash Heart X's ability. Whenever he's special summoned, the weakest monster on your field is banished." A portal opened up behind the young wizard, which sucked him into it before it disappeared. "And without the extra monsters, Sunburst Magician's back to its regular ATK points." (A2300/D2200/L7)

"Oh no," Sunburst whispered.

"Flash Heart Dragon X, attack!" The robotic dragon's boosters fired, rocketing it across the field towards Sunburst Magician before it sucker punched him. The spellcaster exploded into flames, which struck Sunburst and singed him.

Flash: 600
Sunburst: 1800

"And now Flashback Dragon will finish this Duel!" The serpentine dragon slithered through the air until it blocked out the sun, raising the other in its claws as they began to glow. It brought them together, causing a beam of light to fly out with Sunburst as its target.

Sunburst saw this and his eyes went wide before he braced himself, the beam of light hitting the ground infront of him and causing an explosion that knocked the boy off his feet. "Ahhhh!"

Flash: 600 (Winner)
Sunburst: 0

As the monsters disappeared, Flash saw Sunburst sit up and start patting the ground. It was then he noticed the teen was missing his glasses. Moving over to him, being sure to be careful of his footing, he spotted the glasses. Picking them up, he held them out to Sunburst. "Here."

Sunburst took the spectacles and placed them over his eyes, "thanks."

"No problem," Flash held out his hand and Sunburst took it before being pulled up. "That was a pretty good Duel."

"I guess," Sunburst replied. He then looked down, "I lost though."

"Don't sweat it, the match was close. I just got a few lucky draws in the end."

"Maybe," Sunburst then turned away, "I gotta get going." With that, he began to walk off, leaving Flash a little confused. Sure it wasn't fun to lose, but he had done really well. So why did he look like he lost everything?

"He's good," Flash told him. "Really good. I wonder...could he be who Spike and I are looking for?

Flash's search for a teammate may have just ended, if Spike was willing to let him join and if Sunburst even wanted to compete. Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

Well, there's Sunburst's introduction for you. Hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think of his and Flash's decks. Can't wait to hear your thoughts.

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