• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,199 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...


I took Barky and Leafy for their usual morning walk but decided to stray off from the usual route today.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's still impressive." I gently touched a dull grey flower with my hoof that glowed brightly immediately upon touch.
I chuckled as I saw them both run across the flowery path, enjoying the way the ground lit up.


I froze.
There was no mistaking the palpable shift in the air that prickled my senses as a chill coursed through my spine.

"Did you feel that too?" I almost whispered as I held my breath.
They paused and glanced at me, tilting their heads in confusion.

I lit up my horn trying to get a feel of the energy with my magic.
I stopped immediately as I struggled to catch my breath.
The powerful wave strongly repelled my magic.

There was a powerful energy surge nearby resonating in the air that felt like it went against every fiber of my being.
"This is worth researching." I shuddered as I felt another chill.

The timberwolves snuggled close to me, sharing their warmth assuming I was feeling cold.
"I appreciate the sentiment but it isn't just cold. It feels more eerily haunting instead." I gave them a few pats and then trotted towards the source.

I didn't have to look back to know they both were following me.

It took a few hours but we were finally close.

The timberwolves preferred to stand outside to guard me from intruders while I entered the cave that emitted a dim light.

I immediately blocked my magic as I felt a wave of nausea overcome me with proximity to the source.

"A tree?" I blinked in confusion as I observed an unusual looking tree covered in thorny twines.

There was a star shaped gem in the middle that resembled the quantum symbol surrounded by stars tattoo on my flank.
It was split into branches with had five different gems embedded in each one of them.

There was a moon and sun symbol etched on the main stem.
"Fascinating." I breathed in awe as I felt a slight energy from it even while blocking my magic.

"Hmm....this could be a good energy source." I grinned as I began transforming the twines to copper wires.
I realized, I could create anything with magic as long as I understood the basic component and structure of it.

I felt myself become slightly out of breath but I didn't stop till I had enough copper.
While pure silver would have been the most conductive metal, it required more magic to produce.

Copper itself is an excellent alternative and is quite conductive for electric power which is why it was also used on earth inside wires, considering its efficiency and availability.

While it didn't require much magic to produce, I found it to be quite draining.
It was an arduous and excruciating task to do even the most simple things while the core forcefully repelled against me.

I quickly connected the wiring and left the cave bringing the wires with me in my magic hold.
I felt much relaxed when I was a safe distance away.

"Where's Leafy?" I asked seeing Barky wait for me alone.
He nudged me to follow as the leaves around him shook in excitement.

I gaped as I saw what were the remains of an old castle.
We all rushed in to explore this new place excitedly.

It seemed to have a moon and sun theme similar to the symbols etched on the tree's stem.
"You know what this means right?" I grinned.

They just kept running circles around me as they chased each other.
"This will be our laboratory as well as our new home." I said thinking of all the experiments I could perform.

"Research time!" I beamed as I began setting up my tools and renovating the biggest room into the main lab.

"Alright now time to get the electric supply set up." I attached the copper wires from the main power core source to the generators and passages.

"This must be what Edison felt like!" I felt satisfied as the room suddenly lit up with light.

I removed the old dimly lit candles and put them in another room instead.
"Don't need any fire hazards in the lab."

My experiments with magic and science leads me to believe that teleportation might be a possibility in this universe.
I am incapable of performing or creating something that I do not comprehend which is why I must learn more about magical teleportation.

I find it easier when I think of magic as a form of energy instead of a fantasy element.
"Pretty impressive how the single tree core can power up something as energy consuming as this." I observed.

I took notes as the room was filled with whirring sounds of the machines and the gentle wind of the timberwolves leaning against each other as they fell asleep.

"Aww...wish I had a camera." I smiled as I looked at them.
"I could make a camera while I wait for the core to fill up...."

A sudden thud and growl from outside woke up the wolves who snarled as they headed outside.
"Aww they make such good guard dogs." I said as I followed them outside curious of the noise source.

I blinked as I saw a strange mythical creature that tripped over and got entangled in the wires I had laying around.
It looked like a lion with a fluffy mane but had horns, wings and a scorpion like tail.

It resembled a manticore from the stories I used to read when I was younger of mythical creatures.
I also noticed it didn't have any claws unlike the timberwolves which made it a fuzzy harmless giant.

The manticore growled loudly at us and the timberwolves greeted it back with their own snarls and growls as they tried to appear larger.

"Oh looks like fluffy is stuck in the wires." The manticore roared at me loudly perhaps in appreciation of its new name.

I helped untangle it from the wires and it seemed much more calmer as I helped heal its bruises with some of Barky's sap which I discovered had healing properties that applied to literally any creature that wasn't like me.

The manticore purred as I rubbed its fur with my hoof.
Leafy and Barky whined, nudging me away with their head feeling jealous of Fluffy.

I didn't feel like telling them manticore's fur were softer to touch then tree barks so I just petted them all for an equal amount of time.

I groaned.
Looks like I adopted a giant cat that was also intent on following me everywhere.

At this rate, I would end up adopting all the forest creatures one by one.

I was worried about them not getting along at first since they were like dogs and cat but they quickly became friends.
The timberwolves seemed to enjoy the warmth of fluffy's soft fur.

The core was finally ready for experimentation.
I made some minor adjustments and calculated a reasonable distance.

I think I have a pretty good understanding of the basic concept.

My conclusions are as such:
Establishing a quantum bridge between point A and point B by connecting it to the complex energy of the main core, and focusing my innate energy at focal points C and D, would allow for the precise deconstruction and reconstruction of the interconnected particles at the destination fixed and measured.

This would allow for the seamless transfer of matter across space thus making teleportation possible.

"I am going to need several pieces of rocks of varying weight and size." I instructed my fellow assistants who readily fetched some nearby rocks and piled it beside me.
The manticore brought back a bolder which was larger then me in size.

"Excellent this much will suffice!" I petted them all as they yapped and roared happily.
I started testing it out one by one from the smaller to the larger ones.

All of them were able to teleport to whatever location I adjusted point B as.
The small ones required minimal energy while the larger one absorbed more energy from the main core.

I was actually impressed by the core's durability.
It seemed to have infinite energy.

I was about to test out the flower snacks I had with me instead of rocks when Fluffy slipped and fell into the point A circle.
My eyes widened in horror but I was relieved to find out that it was perfectly safe to teleport a living creature as well.

"That startled me! I am just glad you are okay." I sighed loosing count of how many times the manticore was tend to be prone to accidents due to its clumsiness.

"Well looks like it's time to clear out another room for us to sleep." I stretched my hooves as I glanced at the dark skies outside the window.
"I remember seeing a bedroom somewhere."

I suddenly froze as I heard all of them growl, eyes glowing and hackles raised as they cautiously went outside.
"What animal is it now that wants to get adopted?" I sighed as followed them again.

I grabbed the binoculars that I had made earlier due of boredom and turned it towards the direction they were looking at.

I froze as I saw several dark shadows in the sky.
"We need to leave." I whispered as I realized they were several ponies in dark armor and bat like wings headed in our direction looking intimidating as they searched through the night skies.

They looked like some kind of guards.
While I was happy to see another of my kind, albeit slightly different in appearance, I had a feeling they were not here just to chat but on official business.

I assume they must be here to arrest us for the apples we had stolen yesterday.

I completely hid my and my pets presence with magic as I teleported us all away to a safe point B.
I sighed in relief as I gasped for breath under the tree.

"Great! It has been less then a week and I am already wanted for a crime I did not commit." Fluffy licked me offering comfort while the timberwolves just seemed embarrassed.

"Don't worry. At least this confirms that there are more sentient creatures of my species. I wonder if there are any unicorns as well or are they all batlike ponies instead with wings instead of a horn." I wondered aloud as I examined the gems on the tree.

"Well it's worth researching on." I pulled apart one of the gems with my muzzle which strangely seemed to shut off the power supply emanating from the tree.

"Oh! It must be something like how all batteries are needed for a device to work properly!" I reasoned.

Fluffy did a great job helping me collect all the gems and was even able to pull out the main star like core of the tree.
"Alright I think I will go research on my species next! I am pretty nervous actually. The thought of being able to speak to another sentient creature is fascinating."

I hopped onto Fluffy's back and he carried me with him.
Both the timberwolves and manticore had impressive speed and endurance that I wasn't able to match, so it was more convenient for me to ride one of them instead, although it still felt weird riding another animal as a small horse.

It took several hours but we finally reached the edge of the forest.
We all hid behind the trees and looked from afar and I could see several colorful houses in the distance.
There was a cozy looking cottage nearby from which the sounds of animals and soft laughter could be heard.

The timberwolves nuzzled me and gave me a container of their sap filled with healing properties before they left for the forest after a long hug.

I understood they were saying goodbye and felt a bit sad at their sudden departure but knew that they needed the forest to survive.
"I will come visit sometimes! It was really fun!" I yelled out to them and they howled their goodbyes, disappearing in the mist.

"I bet they will have sapling puppies the next time we visit." I chuckled as Fluffy licked it's paws.

"The first rule to survive in society is having money. We will be selling these later for bits!" I counted the gems in my makeshift bag wondering how much I should sell it for.

I saw a yellow winged pony that had light pink hair, walking outside beside a grizzly bear.

I haven't seen any unicorns yet but I was hoping there were more like me in existence around here.

"Let's talk to her! She has pets too!" I said excitedly as I approached her cottage.

The manticore followed closely behind me wagging its scorpion like tail in excitement.
I have a feeling Fluffy will soon have a grizzly bear friend.

Author's Note:

Thanks Poparakelis for suggesting in the comments to have him be friends with a manticore and King of Kingdoms of God for suggesting me to include a lab!

And yes he is about to sell the elements of harmony for bits! :trollestia:

(Also what do you think of having his pony name as Doctor Quantum or should it be Doctor Vector instead?)