When A Scientist Becomes A Pony

by SamParks10

First published

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

Dr. Nikolai dies in an accident while researching about wormholes, trying to turn back time despite it seeming impossible and ends up waking up in the Everfree forest in the body of a young pony, unaware of what he is.

His experiments on magic, his newfound interest attracts attention to himself despite his desire to remain hidden.

(The Art on the cover page is mine. Do not steal. You can ask and use if I agree.)

The Accident

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I sighed as I adjusted the readings again and fixed the measurement errors.

"This won't do. I need more caffeine." I spoke to my assistant without taking my eyes away from the valve.

"Dr. Nikolai. I really think you need to take a break. It's 4 am and you haven't slept at all since yesterday." Elise said with a concerned and frustrated voice as she hesitantly handed me the coffee.

"It's all right. I will rest once I am done. I am so close to getting results." I said dismissively as I downed the espresso quickly, relishing the scalding sensation of the bitter drink in my throat that made me feel more alert.

With my extensive research and expertise in quantum physics, the concept of wormholes appealed to me to be the most probable solution.

It suggests the existence of hypothetical shortcuts through spacetime. If these theoretical passages exist and could be manipulated, it might be conceivable to create a bridge between different points in time, allowing for the reversal of events.

"Eureka! I have a good feeling of it being a success this time!" I exclaimed seeing the lights turn green.

"Are you sure time travel is something that's really possible? I still think it seems far fetched and unscientific." Elise said looking doubtful but her voice indicated a slight hopeful tone.

"Nothing is impossible Elise. As long as one is able to comprehend something and find a probable solution, anything no matter how improbable is not beyond certainty." I said glancing at my reflection on the metal surface of the containers.

I looked terrible to put it simply.

The dark circle under my eyes seem to grow even more, my eyes which were once bright and filled with curiosity was now a dull brown.

The exhaustion made it seem like I was far beyond my twenties.
My hair was an unkempt mess and grew long enough to the point it reached my shoulders.

I really need to get a haircut once I am done with this.

I closed my eyes and listened to the whirring sounds of the machines and the timely, even paced beeping feeling content.

"It should take a few more minutes till we get a definite solution. Experiment number 72." Elise sounded tired but hopeful.

I opened my eyes trying to ignore the migraine that had been constantly bothering me for a while now.

"I am hopeful as well this time. It's been a whole minute and there hasn't been an explosion so far." I laughed remembering the last experiment.

I grimaced at the sudden wave of exhaustion I felt and wobbled slightly as I clutched the desk near me, suddenly feeling a bit dizzy.

Elise quickly brought a seat for me and handed me a glass of water.

"Doctor....when was the last time you ate something?"
"I had coffee." I shrugged not wanting her to worry.

She simply raised her brows and glared at me.
"Coffee isn't food. When was the last time you had something edible?"

"I don't remember." I looked away.

"Seeing how you have an eidetic memory and can't remember when you last ate, It must be a long time since you ate something." She sighed and gave me a granola bar.

I smiled thankful, taking a few bites.

Suddenly we felt a slight electric current and I quickly skimmed through the indictation on the monitor.

It appeared for a few seconds but we both seemed to have noticed the anomaly.

"Get the readings of the quantized energy levels and wave particles!" I exclaimed as I rushed towards the monitor furiously typing the prompts.

"Already on it sir!" She worked quickly and efficiently.

I adjusted the valves based on her readings and for the first time in years I couldn't help but beam in excitement.

"Everything's stable here! I believe the rotators will start in approximately two minutes from now." I grinned as I quickly did the calculations in my head.

We both rushed to a safe area to avoid the radiation but could still feel the surging electric currents in the air.

"I bet 20 dollars it won't explode this time." She laughed excitedly as she saw the lights turn red.

"I am in agreement with you this time. Don't want to bet on something where I would have a higher probability of loss." I smiled back at her.

The countdown showed 60 seconds remaining for it to be charged fully.

"Nikolai....if time travel was really possible, What is the first thing you intend to do?" She asked curiously not taking her eyes off the monitor.

I smiled sadly as I observed the fluctuating numbers on the screen.
"I spent 12 years on this project Elise....just so I could go back in time and tell my mom how much she truly meant to me."

Elise turned to look at me with a sad expression.
"I am really sorry about what happened to your mother. If this succeeds....no....when this succeeds go and tell her how much you love her. You really meant the world to her Nick."

I smiled at her sadly as I remembered the moment my mother shielded me from the monster with the knife.

Angry words....slurred speech filled with vile words....A broken wine bottle that left a permanent scar on my back and a man grabbing the kitchen knife and approaching me.

Those distant memories....no nightmares....could be replayed in my mind like it was happening now.

Having an eidetic memory is not as great as it is made out to be.
Not when I can still see her holding me in her trembling arms while whispering sweet words of comfort as I cry helplessly in her arms.

The sadistic laughter of the man who was my father in nothing but name as he stabbed my mother repeatedly with the kitchen knife are voices that still echo in my mind.

I cannot recall whether the screams of my mother or mine were louder as I was covered in her blood.
The nauseating metallic smell of blood as she shielded me from every blow is still vivid in my mind.

I still remember the sensation of her warm body turning cold as her lifeless body flopped down on the floor beside me.

I was a foolish child trying desperately to wake up someone without a pulse.

The tears remained in her eyes even when they were empty, hollow and lifeless, devoid of the gentle, comforting brightness those soft blue orbs once had.

Father glanced at me dispassionately as he lit up a cigarette calmly, not showing an ounce of guilt after brutally murdering my mother.

"Why?" I whispered the word using whatever strength remained in me, the word barely able to come out of my throat as I choked down tears.

He looked down at me like I was an insect.
"That's what she deserves for getting a restraining order against me."

“….kolai? Nikolai Are you okay?” My assistant asked, worried.

I clasped the corners of my lab coat and shook my head bringing myself back to the present.

Now is not the time to remember that.
Even though I have always regretted not being able to move or help mother in any way as she gave up her life to protect me…

I distractedly rubbed my hand near my back remembering the cause of the scar.

"You look pale. You alright Doc?"
"Let's countdown when it's 10 seconds." I smiled weakly despite the ache in my heart.

"10!" I began.
"9!" She smiled.
"8!" If this succeeds, we would be achieving what was once considered impossible.
"7!" We continued counting.
"6!" I really hope we succeed this time.
"5!" I wonder if I can change the past in any way with my actions.
"4!" The sounds of thunder and rain increased outside.
"3!" I should have brought an umbrella, I would end up drenched on the way home.
"2!" Oh well...

"Well that was anticlimactic...." I sighed as nothing happened for a few seconds.
"I really hoped this one was a success...What do you think went wrong this time?" Elise sighed, dissatisfied with the results.

I skimmed through the charts as I searched for any inconsistencies.
"The energy levels are off by mere decimals." I groaned in frustration.

When we deemed it safe from radioactive elements and gamma rays, we left the safe barrier of reinforced radiation shielding glass.

I sighed, exhausted.
"Let's try again tomorrow."

"Hopefully experiment number 74 proves to be a success." She yawned, looking tired.

We turned away from the experiment deciding it was better to resume tommorow instead.

The sound of booming thunder and a sudden flicker of lights stopped us in our tracks.
The lights suddenly went off, leaving us in complete darkness.

I turned on the emergency lights and we were basked in the eerie dim blue light.

"Do you think the weather interfered with the test results?" She spoke the words lingering in my mind.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. It seems highly probable." I said thoughtfully.

"This doesn't look right..."She indicated the monitor with trepidation.
"Why is it still running....Shouldn't it have shut down immediately upon failure?"

"Yes...It was programmed to do so. I don't understand it either how it is still running without any electrical supply." I frowned at the impossibility of it as I rechecked the readings.

The lights flickered again and there was a sudden wave of current in the air.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw the high levels of radiation detected.

"THE RADIATION LEVELS!" I shrieked desperately, dragging her with me towards the safety of the glass barrier.

But it was too late....

There was a sudden light.
Everything was too bright and then there was darkness.


I felt like I was drowning.
I could barely breathe as I felt the water overpower me.

Is this what death feels like?

I tried to calm down and lay on my back.
It felt strange but I managed to get to the surface and claw my way out by climbing up the soil.

My eyes opened wide in horror as I realized I couldn't feel my fingers.

What appeared to be stubs of grey covered with grey fur replaced what were once my hands.

I shrieked in horror as I suddenly looked at the reflection in the water.
I was some sort of equine creature with a horn.

"This isn't real. I must be hallucinating or losing my sanity." I laughed nervously as I examined my new appearance in the river's reflection.

"A horned horse? I look like a unicorn of some sorts...just with unrealistic colors."

I hoped that I was in some kind of realistic dream and didn't actually become this mythical creature.

The feeling of pain made me doubt if it was just a lucid dream but I ignored it and pushed it at the back of my mind.

I had bright emerald green eyes instead of my usual brown and my hair....or was it mane? was a dark shade of bluish black with some white streaks on them. My coat was greyish white and I had the same scar I used to have before near my back.

There was also a strange tattoo of the quantum physics symbol with some star shaped particles revolving around it on my flank but I ignored it, trying to hold onto whatever sanity I had remaining.

Sure Quantum Physics was my speciality but I couldn't recall getting a tattoo of it on my behind.

The flora and fauna seemed unlike anything I had seen on earth.

"Oh great. I am a talking equinous horned creature in a strange place that definitely isn't earth."

I tried to wipe the dirt of my hooves and instinctively felt a strange sensation of warmth on my horn as a strange white light seperated the dirt particles from me.

"What the buck!" I sighed and just laid down on the forest ground.
"......Great! I can't even cuss now."

I shut my eyes hoping to wake up from this strange lucid dream soon.


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I opened my eyes and held my breath in awe as I gazed captivated by the night sky which had a serene magnificence unlike anything I had ever seen.

Illuminated by a tapestry of distant stars shimmering like diamonds scattered over a velvet canvass and the slightly oversized moon which basked the forest with a soft yet eerie glow gave me a semblance of comfort despite the distant sounds of howling animals.

"Well now I can say this for certain at least, this isn't earth. I cannot recognize any of these constellations." I said as I got up from the ground, accepting this strange reality that felt like a fever dream.

The vibrant, colourful hues of some of the flora with remains of bones lying around it was something I found inexplicably fascinating.

"Perhaps of the poisonous variety. The colors attract potential prey." I reasoned observing it from a safe distance, remembering the characteristics of colorful poisonous dart frogs from earth.

I could feel a strange sensation of energy around me which as unscientific as it sounds leads me to believe magic exists in this world.

Magic I presume could be explained as quantum particles of energy that could be harnessed either through the latent force in the surrounding environment or through manipulation of innate force within oneself using merely intention and willpower to do so.

I tried experimenting by trying to lift several objects of different density and move it around me using magic.
I found it easier to lift lighter objects and required more energy for the heavier ones.
Using the magic already present in the environment proved to have better results.

Think of it like this, picking up a pencil could be done without much effort but there would be a greater amount of force required to lift heavy weights.

"This is intriguing! I really must research more on this!" I couldn't help but grin as I started testing out my new abilities further.

Turns out one can feel drained after overexertion of magic.....

I tried to catch my breath as the dim white light on my horn sparked slightly and faded away.

I sighed and flopped down on the ground, leaning against a non deadly looking tree.
My stomach growled which made me regret not having eaten anything much before I was transported to this alternate dimension or was it universe?

I didn't know where I was but had a feeling that there was no possible way for me to go back.
"I suppose they must think I died in the accident and the experiment failed...."

The thought of having my experiment considered as a failure made me feel more bitter then the thought of not existing anymore on earth.

"I wonder if Elise is alright. I remember pushing her to safety before the explosion of light. Are there any more talking, magical equines like me around here or is it just me?" My questions were met with an eerie silence as the cold wind pushed past me.

"I must really be losing my mind...talking to myself like this." I laughed despite myself.

I sighed wondering if there was something I could eat.

I considered hunting one of the wild animals but was surprised by the nauseous repulsed feeling I felt when considering eating meat.

"Oh yeah. I suppose horses are herbivores." I pondered.

I glanced at the grass on the ground.
"This is ridiculous. There is no way I am eating grass...." I sighed as my stomach growled even louder.

"Buck it!" I took a mouthful of the sweet luscious green grass that I found tasted sweet yet minty.

It wasn't the best taste but was enough to fill me up.

Food, water, shelter, and a weapon to defend myself would be needed to survive.

There was plenty of grass around here and water wasn't an issue since I stayed close to the river which had the most fresh tasting natural water.

Just have to look out for the snake like creatures that jump up with razor sharp teeth from the water....
I study the surface and properly examine the waves and ripples in the water and have a drink only when considered safe.

I wonder if magic could be used as a weapon.....if I exert enough force perhaps.

Before I realized, the night had long passed and the sun was starting to rise.

My conclusions so far from the experiments carried out all night to be put simply are as such:
1) Yes, magic can indeed be used as a weapon.
2) Slight force with intent, can cause injuries similar to being hit by blunt objects.
3) An increased amount of force leads to more severe injuries.
4) The blood consistency of whatever creature I am is different from that of humans and injuries tend to heal at a much slower pace.
5) It takes exactly two minutes and thirty seconds to fully recharge my magical energy supply once affected by magical exhaustion.

I glanced at my hooves and torso area, now covered in several bruises and cuts that were healing much slower then what I hoped.

I yawned as I became drained of energy and felt my eyes drooping.

"I need to find a safe place to sleep...away from predators."
I recalled hearing the sound of wild animals running in the opposite direction which led me to believe there was something that startled them....perhaps a larger predator.

"Oh!" I got a sudden flash of inspiration remembering my experiments with sensors when I was younger.

I remembered the structure and tried to replicate sensors some distance away from the roughly made shelter I constructed with tree barks and twine.

To my glee, I was able to create a perfect transparent cube barrier around my shelter.
Touching the barrier would change the barrier's color to red and make beeping sounds.

I smiled in satisfaction and made a mental note to wake up exactly two hours from now as I let myself fall into slumber with a contented smile.

I woke up irritated to flashing red lights.

"I just got one hour ten minutes." I grumbled in annoyance before realization of what the red light meant dawned on my hazy sleep addled mind.

"This isn't good...." I lit up my magic readying to defend myself from whatever wild beast threatens me before cautiously leaving the barrier.

I threw aside caution as I grew curious and approached the creature.

"What are you tree...dog? No, wolf! Tree wolf creature?" I found it fascinating something could resemble a plant so much yet be an animal.

It gave a grunt of offended annoyance as it glared at me with glowing eyes which led me to believe it understood what I was saying.

"Ah apologies good sir/ma'am/non binary creature? I wasn't aware you were sentient. Are you from around here?" I extended my hoof offering a hoof shake.

There is no need for me to forget my manners just because I wasn't a human anymore.

The creature actually blinked in confusion as it hesitantly sniffed my hooves.
It tilted its head in confusion before placing its bark textured stumps? paws? hooves? on mine.

"You are adorable. I shall henceforth name you Barky!" I pet it like it was a cat or dog.

It growled when I first extended my hooves towards it, spitting some tree parts from its mouth but started rolling on the floor making purring sounds of content as I tickled the under bark of its muzzle.

It seemed to understand my gestures but not my words which led me to the conclusion that it was most resembling of a dog in this universe.

This contention was further proven when Barky followed me excitedly to my shelter wooshing it's leaves from side to side like a dog wagging its tail.

"I am going to need an assistant for my next experiment to study the interaction of magic with other life forms." I said designing a circular ball like structure as well as several pet toys out of magic.

It happily complied, yelping in excitement as it brought back whatever object I told it to fetch.

"Looks like the experiment was a success. You did a great job assistant!" I offered it a hoof shake but it licked my hooves instead, covering it with tree sap.

"Whelp....looks like I ended up adopting this tree dog creature." I shrugged as I laid back down in my shelter intent on catching up the remaining forty minutes of my two hours sleep.


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"Slept well Barky?" I asked feeling much better after the two hours rest.

It whined as it nuzzled me and laid back down trying to stay awake but kept dozing off.

I suppose the timber like wolf creatures need more then two hours of sleep unlike myself.

"It's alright, just rest for now. I wont stray too far from shelter." I said softly as I petted it's leaves which were surprisingly soft and felt nice to touch.

It made yipping sounds of joy and fell asleep quickly, the wind it exhaled reminded me of the refreshing scent of autumn leaves.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of birds chirping and water flowing from a nearby river.
It felt relaxing, well apart from the occasional growls and hisses of predators fighting each other for territory.

"I wonder what food your kind consumes?" I wondered as I stroked its bark textured head with my hooves like one would do to a cat or dog.

I hadn't seen it consume anything so far other then water.
I had assumed at first that it would have a plant based diet like myself but I supposed that would be similar to cannibalism for some creature made of tree.

Although that would be a reasonable hypothesis, I believe it would be more accurate to say it is more plant like then animal.
Which leads me to conclude that it survives like a plant and performs photosynthesis.
Just like a plant, all it needs to consume physically is water.

A sudden wind blew past us and Barky whined as some of it's leaves shook and fell off due to the cold.
I created an artificial warmth using my magic and it nuzzled me in its sleep making sounds of content.

"I suppose you require a perfect temperature as well to survive just like a plant." I couldn't help but smile at the discovery.

"Never thought I would find a plant this cute."

"Alright! Time to do some research! I will be back Barky." I got up.

Walking on hooves instead of legs felt natural to me now.

I left an ugly looking flower I experimented with earlier beside Barky.
I suppose it could just sniff it and find where I was since it was similar to a dog.

My objective today was to find out other non poisonous edible food that wasn't grass.
While grass itself wasn't problematic to eat, I can't have it all the time,

Imagine having to eat mint flavored gum for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
While there is nothing wrong with mint flavored gum on its own, it's not something you can have all the time.

Although my eating habits were quite terrible as a human, even I would rather starve then have nothing but mint gums.
To put it simply, plain grass was getting old and I needed more variety in my diet.

I will perform what I like to call the five minutes test to test out if something is poisonous or safe to eat.

1) Observe: Stay 5 minutes at a close proximity to test sample.
2) Touch: Gently touch with hoof for 5 minutes.
3)Hold: Hold it for 5 minutes firmly. (I cannot explain how but it feels natural to hold things with hooves.)
4) Magic: Use magic to feel for any unusual traces of energy lingering around sample.
5) Taste: Lick and wait to see if any adverse reaction or burning sensation on tongue within 5 minutes.
6) Chew: Chew and then wait for 5 minutes.
7) Consume: If there is no adverse reaction and the sample tastes edible, should be suitable to consume.

Magic played a significant role in my experiment and it was easy to distinguish the flora of the poisonous variety.
Other than a slight rash on my hooves, I was perfectly fine by the end.

My conclusions are to put it in simple terms as such:

1) Stay away from anything colorful including most flowers other than the yellow ones which are safe to eat but tastes terrible.
2) Anything green is safe.
3) The ugly looking brown twine filled with holes, despite its appearance is the most delicious having a taste similar to that of coconuts but sweeter

I carried the good samples back with magic which makes transporting items very convenient.

"Sorry it took a while. I am back Barky!" I called out as I arranged the newly procured food.
I was met with silence.

"Barky?" I called out again but grew worried as it didn't come running circles around me like it usually did to greet me.

I let go of my supplies and used my magic to create markings of it's vacuoles from traces left behind on fallen twigs.

I followed the trace for a while but then met a dead end.
The trees looked more colorful and flowers much more vibrant then were I had my shelter at.

I heard the sound of falling twigs and excited howls and turned to look.

I gaped in surprise at what I saw.
Barky brought back a friend!

He and another timber wolf rushed towards me with glowing green eyes and carried something in their mouths.
I embraced them both in a hug as they pounced excitedly on me.

"I thought a predator attacked you. Glad you are alright." I sighed in relief.
"Having an assistant is vital for a researcher after all."

I glanced curiously at the basket they brought to me.
"Sweet Apple Acres? Where did you get this from?" I asked confused as I read the markings on the side of the basket.

Barky's friend who I promptly named Leafy considering the larger number of leaves on their head, nudged the basket closer to me as if telling me to open it.

I blinked in surprise as I saw a warm freshly baked apple pie inside.
The other basket was filled with delicious looking red apples.

"For me? Thanks! Really appreciate the present!" I tickled the underside of both of their bark jaws.

I took a slice of pie and an apple, tasting them both.

It was the most delicious bucking thing I had ever had.
The crisp red apples were fresh, sweet and juicy and the apple pie reminded me of the warm food that mom used to make for me when she was alive.

It reminded me of home and I felt tears fall for the first time in years as I ate like I had never eaten before.

"Thank you...." I sniffed as they nuzzled me offering me comfort.

After eating that, I realized that the things I had consumed so far were practically garbage.
Whoever made this was truly skilled.

I blinked as realization dawned onto me and I felt myself go pale.
"Wait...who made this?" I wondered if humans or some other sentient form of aliens could cook in this universe.

Sweet Apple Acres didn't sound like someone's name, so it must be the name of the corporation that dealt with apple and apple products based consumables.

Some kind employee must have given it as a present to my lovely pet.
Cute animals are irresistible after all.

However, I assume that they must not have known much about the diet of Barky's species since Timberwolves just need air, sunlight and water.
Well, I would happily partake in these delicacies in their place instead.

I glanced at Barky and Leafy, and saw them happily chasing each other and it took me a while to realize his friend was a female timber wolf.

I also noticed Barky made contended sounds of purring when she brushed past him.
"Oh ho ho! So that's how it is eh? Not bad Barky!" I smirked as I playfully smacked its wooden back.

Barky gave an embarrassed whine AND pushed me away.
"Hmmm....how about we go on a picnic by the riverside with that "friend" of yours?" I asked him giving special emphasis on the word friend as I nudged him playfully with my hooves.

Barky gave an annoyed growl but followed me anyways with Leafy tagging along.

I noticed how he would purposely try to slow down his pace so that she could catch up or how he would discretely kick away the rocks near her path to give her a clear way and felt my grin grow wider.

I laid down the basket by the riverside and sat down with them beside me, all of us enjoying the sight of the water that shimmered under the gentle sun rays.

The trees swayed with the gentle breeze and Barky and Leafy nuzzled each other contently while I munched on the apple.

It was such a relaxing and peaceful sight, other then the many headed snake that kept trying to snap its jaws in an attempt to bite our heads off.

I had already set up a reinforced glass barrier that shielded us from whatever was outside it.
Since the tree wolves produced oxygen and I produced carbon when I exhaled, it was a mutually beneficial personal greenhouse.

We enjoyed watching the hyra, amused by how it kept on smacking itself on the glass and its failed attempts to bite the glass off.

Well, it was mostly just me who was entertained by the sight as the timber wolves had eyes on just each other and nothing else.

The hydra gave up in frustration and made anguished weeping sounds as I cheered it on when it jumped up from the water and every single one of its head started smacking itself again on the glass before it fell back down.

It felt like watching a shark in an aquarium trying to rush past the glass barrier but not being worried since the reinforced glass ensured safety.

I finished my last apple and was surprised to find a note.

"Apples to be delivered: Sugarcube Corner, Total Price: 10 Bits." I read out aloud in horror.
"The Apples Acres seller didn't give it to you.....It was meant for someone else? Did you steal it? I thought I raised you better then that!"

They both looked away in shame and I turned pale.
"Theft is a serious offense Barky! If the Sweet Apple Acres Corporation decides to sue us, we have no" bits" to compensate then with. We likely being at the bottom of the food chain, wouldn't be able to survive in prison."

They both made sad whining sounds and I sighed.
"Don't worry about it. If caught, I will take full responsibility. Let's just get rid of the evidence for now and hope we don't get caught." I threw the basket towards the offended looking hyra who chomped at it furiously.

"Thanks Mr. Snake creature! Appreciate the help fellow accomplice!" He hissed and snarled furiously showing his enthusiastic appreciation and resolve to stick by our side no matter how it turns out in the end.

I noticed the timberwolves still looked sad.
"Don't worry about it. The food was great. Besides on the offside it goes to court, I have been to jail once so I can handle it."

They both looked at me in surprise tilting their head curiously.

"Well let's just say an experiment of mine went wrong....so I uh had to spend a night in a cell once. I explained it was a honest mistake and got out much faster though."

I said remembering the time I got arrested for arson and had to explain my hypothesis and the external factors that wasn't considered along with possible alternatives to the guard who begged me in tears to just keep quiet.

He also mentioned having a headache, poor guy.
It must be due to his stressful job so I offered him alternative solutions to a different field of employment giving detailed statistical analysis of each factor.

Seeing how he threw me out of the station in just a few hours without even having to spend the whole night in there leads me to believe he was looking forward to the results of my experiment and didn't want anything to ruin it or that he took my advice seriously and really wanted to look for a better job.

Their eyes glowed brighter in excitement as they heard my story.
"Be good now. There is no sunlight in prison." I warned and they looked horrified.

I glanced up at the orange skies enjoying the sunset.
The Hyra kept on glaring at me with all its heads as it chewed the basket to shreds.
I smiled appreciating the sincerity it showed as it helped us to dispose of the evidence really well.

"Well it's getting a bit late. See you maybe next time Snakey!" I said getting up to leave, proud of the name I came up with for the hydra.
The hydra hissed it's goodbye as we left.

I noticed Leafy happily following us as her leaves shook in happiness.

Children grow up so fast. I could already imagine having little sapling puppies running everywhere as they yipped around us and Barky and Leafy visiting me with the critters every other weekend.

"So how long till I become a grandfather?" I asked them unable to hide my grin.

They radiated heat as I felt some steam come from some of the branches.
"Oh how amusing! Is that feelings of embarrassment I detect?"

I laughed as they both growled and shoved me on the ground playfully.


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I took Barky and Leafy for their usual morning walk but decided to stray off from the usual route today.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's still impressive." I gently touched a dull grey flower with my hoof that glowed brightly immediately upon touch.
I chuckled as I saw them both run across the flowery path, enjoying the way the ground lit up.


I froze.
There was no mistaking the palpable shift in the air that prickled my senses as a chill coursed through my spine.

"Did you feel that too?" I almost whispered as I held my breath.
They paused and glanced at me, tilting their heads in confusion.

I lit up my horn trying to get a feel of the energy with my magic.
I stopped immediately as I struggled to catch my breath.
The powerful wave strongly repelled my magic.

There was a powerful energy surge nearby resonating in the air that felt like it went against every fiber of my being.
"This is worth researching." I shuddered as I felt another chill.

The timberwolves snuggled close to me, sharing their warmth assuming I was feeling cold.
"I appreciate the sentiment but it isn't just cold. It feels more eerily haunting instead." I gave them a few pats and then trotted towards the source.

I didn't have to look back to know they both were following me.

It took a few hours but we were finally close.

The timberwolves preferred to stand outside to guard me from intruders while I entered the cave that emitted a dim light.

I immediately blocked my magic as I felt a wave of nausea overcome me with proximity to the source.

"A tree?" I blinked in confusion as I observed an unusual looking tree covered in thorny twines.

There was a star shaped gem in the middle that resembled the quantum symbol surrounded by stars tattoo on my flank.
It was split into branches with had five different gems embedded in each one of them.

There was a moon and sun symbol etched on the main stem.
"Fascinating." I breathed in awe as I felt a slight energy from it even while blocking my magic.

"Hmm....this could be a good energy source." I grinned as I began transforming the twines to copper wires.
I realized, I could create anything with magic as long as I understood the basic component and structure of it.

I felt myself become slightly out of breath but I didn't stop till I had enough copper.
While pure silver would have been the most conductive metal, it required more magic to produce.

Copper itself is an excellent alternative and is quite conductive for electric power which is why it was also used on earth inside wires, considering its efficiency and availability.

While it didn't require much magic to produce, I found it to be quite draining.
It was an arduous and excruciating task to do even the most simple things while the core forcefully repelled against me.

I quickly connected the wiring and left the cave bringing the wires with me in my magic hold.
I felt much relaxed when I was a safe distance away.

"Where's Leafy?" I asked seeing Barky wait for me alone.
He nudged me to follow as the leaves around him shook in excitement.

I gaped as I saw what were the remains of an old castle.
We all rushed in to explore this new place excitedly.

It seemed to have a moon and sun theme similar to the symbols etched on the tree's stem.
"You know what this means right?" I grinned.

They just kept running circles around me as they chased each other.
"This will be our laboratory as well as our new home." I said thinking of all the experiments I could perform.

"Research time!" I beamed as I began setting up my tools and renovating the biggest room into the main lab.

"Alright now time to get the electric supply set up." I attached the copper wires from the main power core source to the generators and passages.

"This must be what Edison felt like!" I felt satisfied as the room suddenly lit up with light.

I removed the old dimly lit candles and put them in another room instead.
"Don't need any fire hazards in the lab."

My experiments with magic and science leads me to believe that teleportation might be a possibility in this universe.
I am incapable of performing or creating something that I do not comprehend which is why I must learn more about magical teleportation.

I find it easier when I think of magic as a form of energy instead of a fantasy element.
"Pretty impressive how the single tree core can power up something as energy consuming as this." I observed.

I took notes as the room was filled with whirring sounds of the machines and the gentle wind of the timberwolves leaning against each other as they fell asleep.

"Aww...wish I had a camera." I smiled as I looked at them.
"I could make a camera while I wait for the core to fill up...."

A sudden thud and growl from outside woke up the wolves who snarled as they headed outside.
"Aww they make such good guard dogs." I said as I followed them outside curious of the noise source.

I blinked as I saw a strange mythical creature that tripped over and got entangled in the wires I had laying around.
It looked like a lion with a fluffy mane but had horns, wings and a scorpion like tail.

It resembled a manticore from the stories I used to read when I was younger of mythical creatures.
I also noticed it didn't have any claws unlike the timberwolves which made it a fuzzy harmless giant.

The manticore growled loudly at us and the timberwolves greeted it back with their own snarls and growls as they tried to appear larger.

"Oh looks like fluffy is stuck in the wires." The manticore roared at me loudly perhaps in appreciation of its new name.

I helped untangle it from the wires and it seemed much more calmer as I helped heal its bruises with some of Barky's sap which I discovered had healing properties that applied to literally any creature that wasn't like me.

The manticore purred as I rubbed its fur with my hoof.
Leafy and Barky whined, nudging me away with their head feeling jealous of Fluffy.

I didn't feel like telling them manticore's fur were softer to touch then tree barks so I just petted them all for an equal amount of time.

I groaned.
Looks like I adopted a giant cat that was also intent on following me everywhere.

At this rate, I would end up adopting all the forest creatures one by one.

I was worried about them not getting along at first since they were like dogs and cat but they quickly became friends.
The timberwolves seemed to enjoy the warmth of fluffy's soft fur.

The core was finally ready for experimentation.
I made some minor adjustments and calculated a reasonable distance.

I think I have a pretty good understanding of the basic concept.

My conclusions are as such:
Establishing a quantum bridge between point A and point B by connecting it to the complex energy of the main core, and focusing my innate energy at focal points C and D, would allow for the precise deconstruction and reconstruction of the interconnected particles at the destination fixed and measured.

This would allow for the seamless transfer of matter across space thus making teleportation possible.

"I am going to need several pieces of rocks of varying weight and size." I instructed my fellow assistants who readily fetched some nearby rocks and piled it beside me.
The manticore brought back a bolder which was larger then me in size.

"Excellent this much will suffice!" I petted them all as they yapped and roared happily.
I started testing it out one by one from the smaller to the larger ones.

All of them were able to teleport to whatever location I adjusted point B as.
The small ones required minimal energy while the larger one absorbed more energy from the main core.

I was actually impressed by the core's durability.
It seemed to have infinite energy.

I was about to test out the flower snacks I had with me instead of rocks when Fluffy slipped and fell into the point A circle.
My eyes widened in horror but I was relieved to find out that it was perfectly safe to teleport a living creature as well.

"That startled me! I am just glad you are okay." I sighed loosing count of how many times the manticore was tend to be prone to accidents due to its clumsiness.

"Well looks like it's time to clear out another room for us to sleep." I stretched my hooves as I glanced at the dark skies outside the window.
"I remember seeing a bedroom somewhere."

I suddenly froze as I heard all of them growl, eyes glowing and hackles raised as they cautiously went outside.
"What animal is it now that wants to get adopted?" I sighed as followed them again.

I grabbed the binoculars that I had made earlier due of boredom and turned it towards the direction they were looking at.

I froze as I saw several dark shadows in the sky.
"We need to leave." I whispered as I realized they were several ponies in dark armor and bat like wings headed in our direction looking intimidating as they searched through the night skies.

They looked like some kind of guards.
While I was happy to see another of my kind, albeit slightly different in appearance, I had a feeling they were not here just to chat but on official business.

I assume they must be here to arrest us for the apples we had stolen yesterday.

I completely hid my and my pets presence with magic as I teleported us all away to a safe point B.
I sighed in relief as I gasped for breath under the tree.

"Great! It has been less then a week and I am already wanted for a crime I did not commit." Fluffy licked me offering comfort while the timberwolves just seemed embarrassed.

"Don't worry. At least this confirms that there are more sentient creatures of my species. I wonder if there are any unicorns as well or are they all batlike ponies instead with wings instead of a horn." I wondered aloud as I examined the gems on the tree.

"Well it's worth researching on." I pulled apart one of the gems with my muzzle which strangely seemed to shut off the power supply emanating from the tree.

"Oh! It must be something like how all batteries are needed for a device to work properly!" I reasoned.

Fluffy did a great job helping me collect all the gems and was even able to pull out the main star like core of the tree.
"Alright I think I will go research on my species next! I am pretty nervous actually. The thought of being able to speak to another sentient creature is fascinating."

I hopped onto Fluffy's back and he carried me with him.
Both the timberwolves and manticore had impressive speed and endurance that I wasn't able to match, so it was more convenient for me to ride one of them instead, although it still felt weird riding another animal as a small horse.

It took several hours but we finally reached the edge of the forest.
We all hid behind the trees and looked from afar and I could see several colorful houses in the distance.
There was a cozy looking cottage nearby from which the sounds of animals and soft laughter could be heard.

The timberwolves nuzzled me and gave me a container of their sap filled with healing properties before they left for the forest after a long hug.

I understood they were saying goodbye and felt a bit sad at their sudden departure but knew that they needed the forest to survive.
"I will come visit sometimes! It was really fun!" I yelled out to them and they howled their goodbyes, disappearing in the mist.

"I bet they will have sapling puppies the next time we visit." I chuckled as Fluffy licked it's paws.

"The first rule to survive in society is having money. We will be selling these later for bits!" I counted the gems in my makeshift bag wondering how much I should sell it for.

I saw a yellow winged pony that had light pink hair, walking outside beside a grizzly bear.

I haven't seen any unicorns yet but I was hoping there were more like me in existence around here.

"Let's talk to her! She has pets too!" I said excitedly as I approached her cottage.

The manticore followed closely behind me wagging its scorpion like tail in excitement.
I have a feeling Fluffy will soon have a grizzly bear friend.

Business Deals

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I noticed that the pink haired yellow pony with gentle blue eyes was still distracted and had yet to notice me.

I knocked on the fence outside her cottage loudly with my hoof to get her attention.
She really needs to get a doorbell.

"Eep!" She flew backwards startled and Grizzly stood in front of her protectively, growling at me.

"Hello there neighbour!" I pushed the bear aside and greeted her confidently.

It would be troublesome to explain how I wasn't from around here so I just pretended to be another townsfolk dropping by to say hello.

I doubt she knew anypony considering how far away her cottage was from the rest of the houses.

"Um....hi?" She spoke in such a soft voice, it was barely audible.

She seemed reserved and shy or was it cautious?
I assume she must be wary because of how dangerous the town/village was.

Why else would she live in seclusion, far away from others ponies with just her pets to accompany her?

She must have trained the bear as a guard to ensure her safety.
This leads me to conclude that this place is dangerous and the townsfolk don't trust each other easily.

I smiled warmly to show her I wasn't a threat as I gently pressed the bear's squishy paws with my hooves.
"A lovely cottage you have here miss...."

"Fluttershy..." She said shyly feeling more at ease as she watched me play with the bear's paws. "And um you are?"

"Oh I am Doctor....." I realized that they had two letter names here as per their interests, which meant I couldn't use my real name. "Vector."

Apple Acres was perhaps the name of the pony who owned the Apple Corporation and seeing how this one had a butterfly tattoo on her flank, Flutter Shy must be a lepidopterologist.

"Doctor Vector.....um you aren't scared of bears?" She asked hesitantly after a moment of silence.

"Oh not at all! I have a pet myself too so I am quite used to handling animals!"

"You do?!" She asked suddenly excited as her eyes brightened up in curiosity and excitement.

"Yep Fluffy is right....there?" I blinked as I couldn't see the manticore nearby.

I could hear sounds of ponies screaming in the distance but it was probably unrelated.

"Fluffy....Is it a cat? Oh! Or a rabbit? I have a rabbit called Angel too! Isn't she adorable?!" She said holding up a bunny whose expression made it look like it was judging me for all my poor life choices.

Fluttershy seemed very excited and animated when talking about animals just like how I get when I explain quantum physics to someone.

She must have a job looking after animals seeing how the place was filled with birds and critters of all kinds.

I teleported Fluffy back to me who proudly offered me the apples he stole.

"What did I tell you about stealing apples? The Apple Acres Corporation would blacklist me at this rate." I pulled him aside so Fluttershy wouldn't find out about the apple theft.

I promptly disposed of the evidence by eating it.

"Sorry about that. Fluffy is a bit too much to handle sometimes", I said turning back to her and dragging Fluffy along with me in a magical grasp.

She just froze and stood there gaping at us in surprise.
".....Is that a manticore? It's huge!"

"Yep! Fluffy might seem a bit on the heavy side but he is a good boy!" I said proudly as I nudged him to go play with the other animals as I spoke with her.

"Oh my goodness.....They're usually so fierce! How did you tame him?" She asked excited as she hovered around Fluffy curiously.

"Well he is a bit clumsy sometimes. Ended up following me around after I helped him once when he was hurt." I explained as I glanced at Fluffy who was now licking the bear's face.

Grizzly just stared at him in disbelief and sighed despondently for some reason.

"That's incredibly kind of you. You must be really good with animals!" She said smiling warmly as she noticed Grizzly holding Fluffy in what appeared to be a bear hug.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't out of kindness.
I only untangled Fluffy from the wires so it wouldn't mess up my experiment.

I also refrained from mentioning that the only reason the bear is holding Fluffy so tightly is to stop him from eating the rabbit.

"Well, I have some experience with animals. I could help out sometimes if you are looking for a pet sitter!" I offered remembering how I still needed bits.

"Sure, I will let you know if I need help." She smiled softly.

Fluffy got bored of trying to eat the rabbit and approached us curiously while excitedly swaying it's scorpion like tail and flapping it's wings.

"Oh! I almost forgot to ask! Do you know any nearby locations where I can sell items for bits?" I asked hopeful to find a buyer interested in my gems.

"The Ponyville market?"

I tried not to laugh at the ridiculous name as I bobbed my muzzle up and down.
"Indeed! That's the one!"

"Well....um you will have to head straight down that road, turn right then keep going forward till you see Rarity's boutique and then...." She began giving me directions.

"Wait! Did you say boutique? A place that sells clothing?" I asked curious of how pony clothing would look like.

"Yes, Rarity is a really good friend of mine. She's really good at it! You get one free item if you are a first time customer."

I grinned.
Nothing like getting things for free using connections.

"Thanks Fluttershy! I will bring over Fluffy to play some other time seeing how he gets along well with the bear!" I tilted my head sideways indicating Fluffy to follow.

Grizzly's eyes twitched in annoyance because of how Fluffy constantly kept prodding it with his paws.

It sighed in relief at the prospect of the manticore leaving him in peace.

Fluffy followed me closely after licking fluttershy's face in goodbye.
"Bad boy! No licking ponies!" I lightly smacked it with my hoof.

She didn't seem to mind and petted the manticore with her hoof gently who promptly began fluttering his wings, happy at the attention.

I waved my goodbye to Fluttershy and thanked her again for her help before I left.

I climbed on top of Fluffy to gain a better vantage point.
The elevated view proved advantageous, since my interruption mid conversation had prevented me from receiving complete directions from Fluttershy as to the market's location.

I felt a bit self conscious as everypony stared at me with wide eyes and horrified expressions.

I felt embarrassed as I realized perhaps riding another animal as a pony was strange and unusual after all.

I sighed.
"Fluffy, you can go roam on your own for now. I will teleport you back to me when I am done with business here."

Fluffy gently lowered itself so I could climb down and licked me goodbye before rushing towards who knows where.

I hoped he went to see Grizzly instead of trying to steal more apples.

I noticed a well decorated house that I supposed was the boutique.
There were several pastel colored ponies trotting away happily from there, each wearing clothes or accessories that seemed to suit them.

I hesitantly peeked inside.

"Pardon me? Is this Rarity's boutique? Fluttershy mentioned the location should be around here." I asked the white coated unicorn with elegantly styled purple mane and diamonds tattooed on her flank.

Her sharp blue eyes flickered with recognition as I mentioned Fluttershy. "Why, yes darling! You've come to the right place!" she said, her tone warm and welcoming as she beckoned me inside.

"Anything in particular you might be looking for dear?" she asked as she began expertly measuring me, her magic making swift marks on the pony-shaped mannequin behind her.

"Perhaps something not too expensive, I am a bit short on bits..." I said a bit embarrassed.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I was practically broke and was here just to get something for free.

"Don't fret, dear! For our first-time customers, it's absolutely complimentary!"
She waved her hoof dismissing my monetary concerns as she used her magic to swift through various suits that seemed to suit me well.

"That's awfully generous of you! Really appreciate it!" I smiled softly while I cackled like an evil villain internally over my success at being able to get something for free.

She smiled back at me.
Using her magic, an array of suits floated before me, each one more vibrant and flamboyant than the last.

I grimaced at how gaudy and colorful some of them were.

"Hmm...those are lovely but I prefer something that wouldn't draw any attention to myself." I explained, wanting something simple and plain so I don't have to feel too guilty for taking free clothing made out of expensive materials.

Rarity's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Fear not, my dear! I have just the design in mind that will suit your tastes perfectly. It will be exquisite yet subtle, I assure you," she said, seeming confident in her skills.

"You don't mind waiting right?" Her eyes beamed in excitement as she began to work on it.

"Not at all! Take your time, I understand perfection takes time." I replied appreciating the dedication she showed to her craft, remembering how much time some of my best experiments took.

She seemed pleased as she began working with fervour, overcome by a sudden flash of inspiration.

I looked around as Rarity immersed herself in her work, her hooves and magic moving with practiced precision.

I frowned as I saw heaps of decorative gems lying around carelessly in baskets, some of them falling over.

Seeing how a simple clothes shop was able to procure a large amount of gems made me realize that gems aren't much valuable around here.

This unfortunately meant that the gems I had with me weren't worth much in value.

I wonder if working as a pet keeper assistant for Fluttershy would yield better income.

I needed money to buy materials for my experiments after all.

Rarity beamed with pride, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction as she showed me the result of her work.

I donned the suit and put on the matching mask that came along with it as a pair.

"Why you look positively dashing in that!" She complimented, as she brought a mirror for me.

The fabric, in subtle shades of deep forest green, was meticulously chosen to match the striking emerald hue of my eyes.

Delicate silver embroidery adorned the suit, that seemed to shimmer in the light.

The mask, crafted with intricate lacework, featured emerald gemstones delicately woven into the design, enhancing the intensity of my gaze and making my eyes stand out even more against the muted tones of my greyish white coat.

I marveled at how it perfectly complimented me.
Her attention to detail was impeccable.

"I love it!" I beamed, pleased with this marvellous creation.

Rarity smiled, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
"It was my pleasure, dear. I'm delighted you liked it. Do come back if you ever need anything else!"

I was surprised to notice that it was already night time outside.

However, I realized that I was lost when I found myself in a quiet dark alley.

"Hmm...this doesn't seem right." I wondered if I should go to the market tommorow instead, after asking Fluttershy for a proper map.

I felt a hoof tap me from behind and was startled to see a unicorn wearing a dark cloak and a mask.

"Psst...You here to buy or sell?" They whispered to me after cautiously looking around us.

"To sell?" I had a feeling this wasn't the usual market seeing how suspicious this pony seemed.

I was just about to explain how it was a misunderstanding and how I wasn't here to either buy or sell drugs when they quickly dragged me along with them.
"This way...I know a shortcut."

I had a bad feeling about this but my curiosity won over caution and I let them guide me deeper into the dimly lit alleyway.

They swiftly stopped outside a barely concealed door hidden within the depths of the alley and knocked thrice, paused and knocked thrice again.

"Password?" A bored sounding voice asked from inside and the hooded unicorn turned towards me as they waited.

While still curious, I began to feel a touch of apprehension at this.
"Uhh....dunno?" I said sounding nervous.

"A donut. Correct password. You may enter." The door opened and a muscular pony without any wings or horns that also wore a mask escorted us inside.

"Welcome to the Nightmare's Underground Black Market." He said listlessly.

They have gotta be pulling my leg.
Can't believe that worked.

Oh well.
I suppose I could make up a story about how valuable these gems are and auction them off for a higher price then they are worth to some rich, naive pony who was clueless about how much gems are really worth.

Royal Investigations

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Princess Celestia stood regally on her balcony, her eyes gazing out over the land she ruled.

The gentle breeze ruffled her flowing ethereal mane as her thoughts turned to the recent Timberwolf attack that had threatened the safety of her subjects.

She was worried when she received news of two timberwolves that had boldly crossed past the Everfree forest and stolen food from the Apple Acres.

With a deep frown, she swiftly made her way to the royal chambers, her mind set on finding a solution to enhance the kingdom's security.

It won't do to have dangerous creatures cross past the everfree forest and bring harm to her subjects.

Inside the grand chambers, Princess Celestia summoned her most trusted advisors, including Raven Inkwell, the Royal Archivist knows for her genius analytical skills and the valiant Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor who was extremely proficient with combat magic and defensive spells.

As they gathered around a polished marble table, the princess addressed the urgent matter at hoof.

"My dear advisors, Equestria is facing an increasing threat from Timberwolves. We must find measures to bolster our security and ensure the safety of our citizens," her voice commanded respect and authority, yet was calm and gentle.

"Your Highness," Raven suggested, her eyes briefly meeting Shining Armor's before focusing on Princess Luna. "I have a suggestion. What if we reinforce the magical wards around our borders? Timberwolves are quite powerful, but with a strong barrier, we could stop them from entering our territory."

Shining Armor, nodded in agreement.
"I am confident in my abilities to create a powerful shield that would be able to deter the creatures of the Everfree forest from entering and causing further harm to the civilians."

"Additionally, we should conduct regular drills and training sessions for the Royal Guard to improve their readiness in dealing with such threats. Preparedness and coordination are the key to defending Equestria effectively." Brave Heart, A key member of the Elite Royal guard added.

Princess Celestia considered their suggestions carefully, her mind sharp and analytical.

"I concur with both of your proposals. Strengthening our magical defenses and ensuring our guards are well-trained are crucial steps. Furthermore, I believe it's time to establish a network of watchtowers along the borders, equipped with advanced communication devices. This will allow us to respond swiftly to any potential threats and coordinate our efforts effectively."

Her advisors exchanged approving glances, recognizing the wisdom in her words.

With a sense of purpose, they gave a respectful bow before taking their leave, setting out to implement Princess Celestia's directives, their determination matching her own.


In the quiet hours of the night, Princess Luna, with her ethereal mane shimmering like the night sky, took over her duties, raising the moon and casting a soft, comforting glow across Equestria.

Princess Celestia gracefully let the sun down, leaving her sister to watch over the kingdom at night.

"Rest now, Tia. I shall take over." The princess of the night spoke, smiling at her sister.

She smiled back warmly however, the tranquility was shattered when a royal guard, her armor clinking with urgency, burst into the room.

Her eyes widened as she bowed down deeply, addressing both princesses. "Your Highnesses, I apologise for the sudden intrusion, however something peculiar is happening that require your immediate attention!"

"You may rise and speak freely." Celestia spoke gently to the slightly trembling guard.

"We have been trying to reinforce the magical barrier, but there's an incredibly powerful force within the forest warding off our attempts. It's as if the barrier itself is protecting something from within." The pegasus guard, Orange Ember informed as she got up gracefully.

"Captain Shining Armour is the most skilled pony when it comes to defensive shields, but his attempts proved to be fruitless as well." She elaborated confidently, feeling more at ease.

Princess Luna's eyes narrowed, her mind sharp and focused. "This is most concerning. The creatures of the Everfree Forest hath never ventured beyond its borders before, a boundary they hath always respected."

"Gather a team of skilled unicorns and investigate the source of this disruption in barrier formation post haste!" She ordered the guard.

Princess Celestia, her expression grave, nodded in agreement.
"Be cautious and thorough in your search. We must understand the nature of the source of this magical disturbance and ensure it poses no threat to Equestria."

With a determined salute, the guard hurried off, the echoes of her hoofsteps fading as she left the room.

Luna turned to her sister, her concern mirrored in her eyes.
"Sister, this situation is unlike anything we hath encountered before. I fear there might be forces at play that seek to disrupt the harmony of our kingdom."

Celestia nodded solemnly, her aura of wisdom and calm radiating reassurance as she looked into the distance.
"Don't worry Lulu. We shall face this challenge together. No force, whether from within or beyond, shall threaten the peace of Equestria. We must be prepared for whatever may come."


Another day passed without any significant results regarding the timberwolf investigation and Princess Luna was beginning to grow even more concerned as she got several reports of suspected underground trades and illegal dealings that were brought to her attention.

Since these crimes were allegedly committed discretely within the shadows of the night, the matter at hoof fell under her jurisdiction.

A green flame and a letter falling on the ground beside Celestia brought her out of her thoughts.

Princess Luna's brows furrowed with concern as she read Twilight's letter, her eyes scanning the words carefully.

"Sister, it seems Twilight Sparkle hath sensed a disturbance surrounding the Elements of Harmony while investigating the magical disruption amidst the forest. Methinks we should take her words seriously," Luna said, her voice laced with worry.

Celestia's expression mirrored Luna's concern. "The Elements of Harmony are the foundation of our realm's balance. My student's findings are worth investigating."

With a determined glint in her eyes, Luna reassured her sister, "Fear not, dear sister. I shall dispatch the Night Guards to investigate this matter in the Everfree Forest. Their skills are unmatched, and under the cover of darkness, they shall navigate the shadows and uncover the truth behind this disturbance."

Celestia placed a hoof on Luna's shoulder, her trust in her sister's capabilities evident. "Thank you, Luna."


In the dead of night, a nervous guard rushed into Luna's presence, his voice trembling with fear.

"Princess Luna, the Elements of Harmony....they...they are gone!" Light Beam stuttered.

Luna's eyes widened with disbelief and horror. In a voice that echoed through the castle halls, she used her Royal Canterlot Voice, shaking the very foundations of the castle.

Her commanding tone echoed through the chambers, rousing Princess Celestia from her slumber. Celestia's eyes widened in alarm as she quickly understood the gravity of the situation.

The two princesses exchanged a brief, determined glance before they both headed to the forest themselves to investigate along with Twilight Sparkle, hoping that her expertise in magic would prove to be reliable.

Under the shadowed canopy of the Everfree Forest, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, accompanied by a visibly distressed Twilight Sparkle, and several night guards ventured forth in search of the missing Elements of Harmony.

Twilight's voice quivered with anxiety as she exclaimed, "This is bad, very very bad! The Elements, they're gone, missing, disappeared, vanished without a trace....."

Princess Luna grew slightly concerned for Twilight's sanity but seeing Celestia's neutral expression, assumed it was normal for her student to react like that.

Her eyes narrowed in determination. "Fear not, Twilight Sparkle. We shall not rest until we reclaim what is rightfully ours. The darkness may try to hide its secrets, but it cannot escape the vigilant gaze of the night."

Beside her, Princess Celestia nodded, her reassuring presence lending strength to their resolve.
"Indeed, Our main priority should be to find the Elements and restore their power. Equestria's safety depends on it."

"This...this way your majesties." Light Beam interjected nervously as he showed them the path ahead.

"The tree of harmony seemed to be connected to some kind of device within the old castle that we suspect caused the magic drain." Orange Ember pointed towards the wiry snake like lines that were connected to the tree and extended towards the abandoned castle.

"I was sent on patrol duty last night and observed what I am certain was a pony along with several shadowy figures beside it" Sharp Eyes interjected confidently.

Princess Celestia and Luna glanced at each other worried before they followed the lines to the now abandoned Castle of The Two Sisters.

Twilight seemed to be muttering calculations all the way to herself as she skimmed through some notes she had with her.

"Princess! The magic from the elements were drained to power up this device!" She gasped as she used her magic to study the remaining traces.

"I think I can find out what they used the magic from the elements for if I just...." She bagan muttering calculations again excitedly.

"Truly?! Thou art most capable Twilight! Do tell what nefarious purpose was the elements used for by this vile criminal?" Luna's mind raced with curiosity as she pondered the dark intentions that could lead somepony to drain and steal such powerful artifacts.

"Of course, Princess!" She beamed as she began performing an archaic spell, now only familiar with ponies specializing in historic ruins.

"That can't be right....." She gaped speechless. "Maybe if I calculate again?"

"Did you find something?" Celestia asked as she looked around the artificially created, now abandoned structure.

".....um yEs? MAYbee?!" Her eyes flickered around nervously.


"Um...it's uh....." She whispered something that was incoherent.

Celestia shook her head, sighing at her sister's use of the royal canterlot voice that made Twilight even more nervous.

"Apologies...Old habits." Luna coughed awkwardly. "What did thou say? Was it a mind control spell, necromancy perhaps? Destructive mass enchantments?"

"A teleportation spell.....basic level." Twilight looked away.

"WHAT DID THOU JUST SAY?! DOST THOU INTEND TO DECEIVE ME?", Princess Luna's voice resonated with authority, her booming words cutting sharply through the air.

"I...No! Never princess! I wouldn't dare!" Twilight shook visibly, growing even more nervous.

"Calm down sister. I doubt Twilight would make a mistake in a historic scrying spell. I can vouch for her potential in magic, her being the element of magic as well must be considered." Celestia sighed.

"I can see how Princess Luna has her doubts", Twilight spoke feeling slightly reassured by Celestia's presence.
"Even little foals can perform basic teleportation when they are only 2 months of age."

"To think somepony used the elements of harmony for something as simple as basic teleportation...ludicrous." A now calmer Luna shook her muzzle in disbelief.

Finding nothing else apart from their findings, they left the forest, deciding to gather Twilight's friends for assistance, should they be unable to find the elements.


Luna sighed as she had to cancel night court in order to investigate the matter relating to illegal trades and second attack from the Everfree creatures.

Today was a busy night for her.

The citizens were growing even more fearful after a manticore stole some apples as well.

She ordered for an increased security detail for the Apple Acres, which was now surrounded by nightguards for safe measure.

There were reports of a brave stallion that managed to subdue and tame the manticore, but both the stallion and the manticore were nowhere to be found.

A pity. The unnamed stallion deserves recognition and reward for his brave actions.

Luna sighed as she shifted her focus towards the issue of the illegal trade of goods that she was shocked to discover was a crime committed within the supposedly peaceful Ponyville.

A newspony, Gossip Love allegedly had connections, who would be able to give them access to the hidden underground network.

Disguising herself as a unicorn, she went along with Gossip Love and Shadow Mist, one of her bat pony guards who specialized in discreet undercover operations.

She wore a dark blue robe, embedded with silver gems and put on a matching mask.

Her mane was a lighter shade of silver blue rather then her usual night sky appearance.

Gossip Love wore a flashy red dress and a matching red mask decorated with feathers, saying it was her usually preferred style while Shadow Mist wore a plain black cloak and mask that made him seem almost unnoticeable.

The princess learned that wearing a mask was a requirement to enter and while cloaks, robes and dresses were optional, they were preferred among the underground members.

The masks helped to conceal the identities of the ponies who would rather not have anypony be aware of the nature of their clandestine activities or interests.

Gossip also gave the princess and the guardpony golden hoofcuffs to wear with the letter 'B' on it that she informed would give them unrestricted access to the underground market.

Gossip led them down through a dark alley and stopped when they reached a hidden door.

"Password?" A bored sounding voice asked.

"Honey~ It's me!" Gossip whispered in a sultry voice.

"Love?! What are you doing here?" The door opened and a muscular earth pony
asked before looking suspiciously at the two ponies behind her.

Gossip Love promptly leaned in for a hug and smacked his neck when he hugged her back.

"Let's go in before anypony notices!" She tilted her muzzle forward as she stepped over the unconscious stallion on the floor.

The princess and the guard kept on staring at her in shock and disbelief as they followed her.

"What? How else do you think I get all the juicy gossips for the Equestria Daily?" She shrugged.

"The bouncer told me everything he knows about this place when I gave him a little too much cider." She chuckled as she led the way.

Gossip opened the doors gracefully as she strutted in confidently.

The place was filled with ponies in masks dancing or talking quietly amongst themselves, as well dressed bartenders served them drinks.

"Looks like an ordinary nightclub." Shadow pointed out quietly, seeming to be invisible till he spoke.

A blue haired unicorn with large purple sunglasses instead of a mask blasted music that reverberated through the air. The spectators roared with excitement, cheering and dancing wildly to the catchy beat.

"It is an ordinary club but the 'special dealings' are reserved for the more secretive VIP class." She informed as she kept glancing at the flank of one of the stallions.

"How do we tell apart the very important ponies from the rest?" The princess asked.

"Don't make it too obvious but do you see that gentlecolt in a silver green suit, wearing a golden hoofband with the letter 'S' on it? That's a first class seller. Red and Silver are the two other lower levels. The rest without any hoofbands are just ordinary ponies here to have a good time in the club."
She explained as she grabbed a drink from a passing waiter.

The waiter offered drinks to Shadow and the Princess as well, who both accepted with a slight nod.

Shadow immediately disposed of the drink in a nearby plant discretely.

"On duty. Can't drink." He explained solemnly when a curious Gossip noticed.

"We will need to keep an eye on the green suit stallion. If he has a golden hoofcuff, he is a dangerous one." Gossip added as she glanced at him discretely.

"We hath always thought ponyville was quite peaceful. To think such crimes would be going on within our lands, unnoticed." Luna sighed as she noticed a large number of well dressed ponies wearing hoofbands.

"You will be surprised princess. There are a lot of quiet, peaceful ponies that have a really strong influence and nasty reputation down here." Gossip Love chuckled as she nursed her drink.

"Fluttershy....?" Shadow spoke as he looked into the distance.

"Fluttershy represents the element of kindness and is one of the most kind ponies, I assure you. She would never mingle amongst such ponykind." The princess sounded slightly offended at the implication.

"No...I mean I see fluttershy over there by the decorative statue dragging a suspicious looking box with her." Shadow pointed out a nervous looking Fluttershy who was wearing a pink mask and a silver hoofband with the letter 'B' on it.

"WHAT?!", two pairs of hooves suddenly silenced the princess.

"Shh...we are undercover remember?!" Gossip whispered hastily.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO! BUT IT WAS YOUR STALLION WHO APPROACHED ME FIRST!" Gossip huffed seeing the curious glances directed towards them.

There were a few muffled whispers of ponies, shaking their muzzles in disbelief and going back to doing what they were doing before.

"There, now they won't suspect we are here to investigate." She whispered to the embarrassed looking princess.

"What I am concerned with is the fact that silver hoofcuffs are usually reserved for those dealing with animal meat." Gossip whispered turning a bit green. "Fluttershy had a 'B' on her hoofcuff which means she must have bought meat in that large crate of hers...."

"She takes care of animals. If this is how she procures food for her pets, it seems reasonable." Luna reasoned calmly.

They noticed the silver green suit stallion with bluish black mane approach a nervous looking Fluttershy seeming excited to see her.

"He is the only one we had seen so far with a golden hoofband. Fluttershy could be in danger." Shadow seemed worried as his hoof reached for the concealed weapon underneath his cloak.

"Sheath your weapons for now Shadow, however should matters get out of hoof, thou hast my permission to apprehend him discreetly," Princess Luna allowed, her tone firm yet measured.

They all stood there gaping in disbelief as they saw Fluttershy drag the stallion in a nearby private room.

What was obviously Prince Blueblood without the mask and two mares were roughly thrown out of the room with magic.

Prince Blueblood quickly put on his mask and took his leave hurriedly, leaving the annoyed mares alone who yelled at him to give them the bits he owes.

Luna's eyes twitched in annoyance.
"I will have to speak to dear Tia about Blueblood's behaviour later."

The room Fluttershy and the green suit unicorn were in was covered in a magical noise cancelling barrier that made them blush.

"The element of harmony and an underground no good rich stallion. This is juicy content." Gossip Love's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"....Remind me to use the memory erasing spell on her later when we are done with the investigation."

"Of course, your majesty." Shadow nodded.

The barrier was gone in a minute and the stallion walked out looking content.

"That didn't last as long as I hoped it would." Gossip sounded disappointed.

"Gossip Love. I hereby order you to remain silent, should thou harbor intentions of uttering another crass remark." Luna ordered.

"I assure you, nothing untoward happened in that room. The gentlecolt merely teleported her back home." Shadow informed, looking slightly relieved for some reason.

"And how would you know what happened in there?" Gossip questioned looking doubtful.

"Batponies have ultrasonic senses. If I focus, I can sense every moment through soundwaves, regardless of whether a soundproof barrier was used." He explained calmly as they discreetly began to follow the stallion they suspected to be involved, who himself was obliviously unaware.

"But you never know with the quiet ones.....what if Fluttershy despite how she looks would just love to mount...." Gossip began.

"Requesting permission to sue Gossip Love on the charge of defamation of character if she makes another disparaging remark about one of the key elements of harmony." Shadow turned to the princess with a neutral expression.

"Permission granted. I could reserve the first hearing in tonight's night court." Luna replied, a concealed smirk playing on her lips as she observed how her words silenced the mare instantly.

"Much obliged, your highness" Shadow acknowledged with a respectful nod, his expression carefully neutral, though a hint of amusement glimmered in his eyes, carefully concealed from view.

Black Market Auctions

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"Welcome to the Nightmare's Underground Black Market.", The muscular pony said listlessly, before pointing out another hidden door on the right.

"The password matches the one for gold class. You may enter through door number five on the right. Everything in there is complimentary, Enjoy yourself." The mysterious pony who led me in informed me quietly before disappearing amongst the shadows.

I entered and was in awe as I found myself in a lavishly decorated private room.
A soft light emanated from a magic crystal lamp, casting a warm golden glow, illuminating the room's opulent furnishings.

A grand mahogany desk stood at the center, covered in neatly organized scrolls, leather-bound tomes, and intricately decorated books.

The air was scented with a subtle blend of exotic spices and fragrant flowers, creating an atmosphere of refined luxury.

The room was adorned with rare artifacts, each carefully displayed in ornate cabinets. Intricately woven rugs covered the polished wooden floor, muffling hoofsteps and adding to the room's sense of quiet sophistication.

As I marveled at my surroundings, a mare, elegantly dressed in a golden silk gown and wearing a matching mask adorned with intricate embroidery, entered the room after knocking politely.

With a polite smile, she extended a well decorated tray with a golden hoofcuff towards me.
"For identification purposes, esteemed Golden Class member," she explained, her voice melodic and refined.

I accepted the golden hoofcuff with the letter 'S' etched on it and fastened it to my hooves.

The mare offered a respectful bow, "Should you require anything, you need but ring the bell. Until then, I shall take my leave."

She inclined her head in a gesture of farewell, before she gracefully took her leave and left me alone with my thoughts.

"....They most likely assumed that I was a rich pony from my appearance. The service would not be as good if they get to know, I am in fact extremely broke." I said to myself as I enjoyed the complimentary grapes, eating it carefully while making sure my suit didn't get dirty.

"Hmm...these are good." I wrapped some grapes and snuck it in my bag.

The mysterious pony from earlier did say everything here was complimentary after all...

"I wonder if there is anything else that's free...." I wondered as I began opening up every drawer I could find.

My bag started filling up with all the free luxurious soaps, embroidered towels, books, and decorative statues.

I glanced at the exotic plant in the corner which had a nice shade of red tinged at the tip of its leaves.

This won't do.
I need something with more space to hold all the items.

I wonder if I could create a portable way to store items in the void so I don't have to bother carrying them with me all the time....

"Time to research!" I grinned.

My analysis are as such:
1) Time, as we know, is akin to a river flowing in one direction. Yet, when manipulated with precision, it can be made to loop upon itself, creating pockets where moments overlap and coexist.

2) Magic, being the essence of this world, provides the energy and stability needed to sustain these temporal loops.

3) Black holes are basically cosmic voids with gravitational forces so strong that even light cannot escape.

4) By utilizing their unique properties, it would be possible to create a channel within the void.

5) Items stored there would remain untouched by the passage of time, yet easily retrievable when needed.

I leaned back against the chair smiling in satisfaction.

I had an idea of the basic theory that would be involved, all I needed was experimentation.

I frowned as I realized upon calculation that I would need to use a large amount of energy that could lead to possible magical exhaustion.

The gems proved to be a good source of power in my previous experiment, so perhaps using it, instead of depleting my own would prove to be a more optimal solution.

I connected the gems using some spare wires and used some of my own magic to create a storage space that would hold itself within the void.

As the energy from the gems interlaced with my own supply, I felt my skin crawl and shuddered at the sickening sensation.

I glanced at my hooves which had red rashes and felt itchy upon contact with the powered up gems.

My horns were heated up to the point it was too hot to touch with my bare hooves.

"I seem to have an allergic reaction to the gems." I pondered.

I gasped for breath as my throat felt closed off and immediately cut off the power supply from the gems.

I used my magic to inject myself with a component I was familiar with, letting the cold liquid course through my veins.

"Nothing a little Epinephrine can't resolve." I sighed in relief as the effects wore off.

"How unusual" I touched the decorative gems on my suit and mask and didn't feel a similar reaction.

"It seems that I am only allergic to this particular set of gems." I realized.

Well the gems didn't matter now as I already got what I wanted from it.

"Time to test it out."

The room quivered with suppressed energy as the porthole hummed to life, and a small black box appeared.

I gathered all the complimentary items adorning the room, including all the plants and cutlery I could find and deftly stowed them within the void space beyond the small box, which expanded itself and greedily consumed every object it was offered.

In the blink of an eye, the items disappeared into the cosmic void, leaving the room impeccably untouched, as if it was never filled with decorations.

I slid my hooves into the box and was able to take out the grapes, I desired.
They were in pristine condition and tasted perfect.

"Looks like the experiment was a success." I grinned to myself as I ate the sweet grapes.

I took my usual two hours of rest and woke up feeling refreshed.
I stretched my hooves, stored the entire bed in my little warp box before leaving the now empty room.

It's not stealing if everything is complimentary.

I wandered around the place looking at the several ponies of various hues enjoying themselves.

I heard the sound of a scream and some commotion in the direction of my empty room but it was probably nothing important.

A wooden staircase that led to an underground area caught my attention.

The ponies going down there looked extra wealthy, with their muzzle high in the air and trotting gracefully with their partners.

I was the only pony without a company but I didn't mind it at all.

I felt myself try to conceal my grin as I realized that the area seemed to be some kind of underground casino.

I watched them for a while and realized to my glee that ponies were terrible at hiding their expressions.
They were so expressive that it was rather obvious if they were dealt with a lucky or unlucky hoof.

I closed my eyes for a while, enjoying the sounds of the excitement within the air.

The sound of money clinking and the shuffling of cards was like music to my ears.

I didn't have any bits on me but was able to exchange some of the expensive decorative items and plants I had seized from the room earlier in exchange for chips.

The mare handing out the chips had a plant tattoo on her flank, so I was correct to assume she was a botanist.

Her eyes lit up in glee as she gently took the plants from me like they were rare treasures.

With chips stored securely in my void box, I paced around looking for a good spot.

I avoided the tables with ponies that had cards or dices tatooed on their flank.

Luckily, I found a table with an empty spot, that had ponies with flank marks unrelated to gambling.

Seizing the opportunity, I joined the convenient poker table, sitting down gracefully with an air of confidence, I did not possess.

Poker is to put it simply, a game of mathematics and psychology. Understanding the numbers and the subtle cues of the opponents could tip the scales in my favor.

While luck plays a role, it's the mastery of probabilities and the ability to read expressions that would give me a better edge then other ponies.

I observed everypony's expressions quietly as the cards were shuffled and distributed.

The dejected sigh and lowered ears made me realize that the silver masked mare had terrible cards.

The confident smug smirk and slightly twitching ears of another indicated their luck.

My cards weren't the best but they weren't the worst either.

I smirked as I mirrored the expression of the confident pony.

Assessing every move and calculating the odds with each card drawn, I adjusted my expressions before I either called or held.

Making money has never been so easy.
I laughed as I slid the chips towards me, feeling satisfied.

Some of the ponies observing the game spoke words of acknowledgement, while the ones at the table cursed me silently as they glared at their lost chips.

Ignoring them, I exchanged my chips for bits and pocketed my earnings into the void.

I was just about to leave when a mare with an elegantly curled silver mane, and a navy blue mask approached me.

I remembered she was one of the ponies spectating my game.

"Well, aren't you quite the lucky one?" she purred, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Feeling generous tonight, handsome?"

I glanced at her flank and noticed she had a tattoo of a pile of coins, which I assume meant she was a salespony.

"Why don't you follow me? I could show you something really interesting~" She leaned closer towards me and whispered in my ears.

This confirmed my suspicions that she was a salespony trying to get me to buy whatever she wanted to sell.

Nice try lady, but if anypony is going to scam rich ponies by selling cheap things for more then it is worth, it is going to be me.

I raised an eyebrow as I gently took a few steps away from her.
"Ah, you must be a salespony, trying to peddle your wares," I replied, making sure my tone was polite but dismissive.

"I appreciate the offer, but I am not in need of any products at the moment." I told her firmly, not in the mood of dealing with any persistent salesponies.

The mare blinked, as she stammered out, "N-no, I wasn't... I was just... never mind," her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink as she hastily galloped away, leaving me quite puzzled by her abrupt departure.

Salesponies are usually more persistent then that.
How unusual...

I shrugged as I went towards the sound of disco music.
The neon lights, loud catchy beats reverberating in the air and the crazy dancing of the ponies made me reminiscent of the nightclubs on Earth.

I never liked the crowds, preferring the quiet solace of libraries or laboratories during my spare time.

Classical music was more fitting for my taste, yet I couldn't help but vibe to the music here.

The DJ pony, a mare with short blue hair, blue headphones and large purple sunglasses had impressive skills when it came to music.
I wonder if Spotify existed here, I would love listening to this again.

Hmm....Perhaps, I could create a recording device.

It was simple enough to create as I knew the basic structure of it.
The only problem was how to get just the sound of the music and avoid all the other noises in the club....

The issue was resolved by simply sneaking up on the stage by hiding my presence, creating a partial sound barrier and recording the music of the DJ pony.

I hope she wouldn't mind.
I wonder if copyright exists in this world...

Oh well, it's not like I intent to sell it to anypony so I assume it should be fine.

I stopped hiding my presence as I approached the table with fancy looking appetizers.

I was just about to enjoy the delicacies, and save some for later in my void box when I noticed a familiar mare.

My jaw almost dropped as I saw Fluttershy, dragging a heavy looking crate along with her.

"Fluttershy! What are you doing here?" I approached her, excited to see a familiar face.

I glanced at the contents of the crate curiously.

"Oh is that meat for the animals? I bet grizzly would love these fish, they look fresh!" I commented.

She hurriedly shushed me as she dragged me along with her in a nearby room.

I helped her bring the crate in with my magic.

"Um...." She froze as she saw a blonde stallion lying on the floor with two mares on top of him.

They seemed to be stuck as their hooves were entangled together, so I helped seperate them and placed them outside the room.

Fluttershy shook her muzzle before whispering nervously, "I didn't expect...to um see you here Doctor."

I put up a sound barrier around a room so she could speak comfortably without the fear of being overheard.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting to see you here either. I am assuming you come here to buy food for the animals. Correct?" I asked curious.

"...It doesn't bother you? That I um....buy meat?" She asked nervously.

"Not at all. I let my manticore go on its own, when it wants to hunt for its food too, it's a natural part of their diet. Just because I wouldn't consume meat, doesn't mean I should restrict their natural diet." I said remembering how Fluffy would always come back to me after it was done hunting.

I wonder what Fluffy was doing now....

She looked relieved for some reason and gave me a warm smile.

"Golden hoofcuffs with an 'S'? What are you here to sell?" she asked after a while, noticing my hoofcuff.

"Just some gems" I shrugged as I shook my bag and heard it rattle against against each other.

"Smuggled gems?" She whispered cautiously, even though the room was soundproof.

"No I extracted them myself but figured ponies down here would pay more." I shrugged.

"Makes sense.", She nodded in understanding.

"So, looks like you are having some trouble transporting the crate back home? It looks heavy." I observed as I tried pushing it with my hoof.

"The Griffin who sold it gave a discount for bulk buyers, so I might have gotten a bit more then usual. " She blushed slightly.

I wonder what a Griffin looks like....perhaps I could have a Griffin pet.

"I could teleport you back home with the crate." I offered.

"You know how to perform long distance assisted teleportation? Twilight told me it was one of the most complicated spells she learned!" Fluttershy seemed surprised.

"I do it all the time with my pets! They tend to get lost often so I am pretty used to teleporting then back to either me or my old house." I told her proudly.

"Pets?! You have more then one?" Her eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Well the other one is a wolf dog breed I suppose. I could show you some other time. He recently found himself a female companion it seems." I smiled, missing Leafy and Barky.

"Oh my gosh! That's so cute!" She squealed.

We both excitedly spoke about the possibility of getting to see puppies for a while before I realized it was almost time for the golden area underground market to open.

"I will teleport you back! Goodnight Fluttershy!" I waved goodbye to what was perhaps my first sentient friend in this world.

She waved goodbye as I teleported her and the crate back to her cottage.

I couldn't help but smile as I left the room, imagining myself swimming in a pile of bits that I would get after selling the gems.

I adjusted my mask and confidently trotted towards the gold plated gate.

"Right this way, Sir." A stallion in a crisp black suit and white mask led me towards the backstage area after glancing at my hoofcuff.

"What are you here to sell?" The appraiser with a magnifying glass flank mark asked as she adjusted her glasses.

I placed the gems carefully on top of the table as she frowned slightly, looking doubtful.

After a while she looked at me in surprise before nodding to another pony.
"They....they are genuine."

"What?! The elements of harmony...." He looked at her in disbelief as he examined it with his magic.

The elements of harmony sound like a nice name, has a nice catch to it.
Perhaps I could call it that considering how the gems go along well with each other.

"Accepted..." He said after a while gaping at me.

"Please remain seated, You will be called upon when it is your turn to sell. Feel free to bid for any items you find interesting." The black suited pony escorted me to a nearby seat that was vacant.

I waved politely to the pair of mares who sat beside me.
The one with light silver blue hair and dark blue robe, introduced herself as Moon Shine and the one at my right in a red dress and feathered mask told me her name was Love Talk.

A stallion sat behind us looking dark and brooding as he kept his eyes firmly fixed on Moon Shine.

How intriguing....
The way he carried himself seemed like a guard.

While Love Talk seemed more relaxed, Moon Shine carried herself in a dignified way, that along with her expensive looking robe embedded with shimmering silver jewels, confirmed my suspicions that she was a rich noblepony.

I bet if I played my cards right, I could sell my gems to her for an exorbitant amount, higher then the usual market price.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, fine mares," I greeted them courteously, my demeanor professional as I gave them my best business smile.
"You may refer to me as Doctor, or simply Vector if you prefer."

"Welcomes to the Nightmare's Underground Black Market Auction, esteemed mares and gentlecoats!" A magically enhanced voice reverberated throught the suddenly darkened room.

The stage was suddenly illuminated with warm lights, the red silk curtains parting to reveal a stage where a mysterious book laid upon a stand, the spotlight falling right on it.

"For our first item we have........"
A hushed silence of suspense filled the audience.

An exotically dressed mare stood proudly on the stage as she continued with an accent similar to that of Middle Easterns.
"Princess Luna's very own personal diary that was dropped accidently from her saddlebag during her visit with the Saddle Arabian dignitaries!" The voice explained.

Oh! So it seems like this place had a monarchy system.
Well it doesn't matter, I have no interest in the worries of some haughty noble princess.

"That's right! Every dark secret of the Night Princess is in this very book! In fact...."

"I BID TWENTY!" Moon Shine interrupted the speaker before she could finish the sentence.

"We have a TWENTY! Any other bidders?", The host called out excited.

I glanced at Moon, her face seemed to be really red as she had her eyes affixed on the book.

"Calling Once, Calling Twice....."
Nopony else dared to bid seeing her glare.

"Anddd SOLD!"
Moonshine promptly snatched away the book as she handed the black suited pony what appeared to be a check.

She looked relieved as she held the book close to her.

"Not bad!" I said impressed, she was able to get a noble's personal diary for twenty bits.

I had no idea of the value of bits, other then being aware of the fact, a basket of apples is worth ten bits.

Perhaps I could convince them to buy my gems for Twenty bits as well.

I tried to peek into her book, curious about what nobles write in their diaries.

Moon snapped the book shut and glared at me.

I gave her an apologetic smile and looked away, I suppose she was a really big fan of the night princess.


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"Hold on to your seats, esteemed Mares and Gentlecoats! Because the night has just begaaan!" The host's voice echoed as the auction hall was enveloped in darkness once more.

This could be interesting.
I brought the bowl of grapes out of my void box, to snack on as I watched.

Moon Shine refused the grapes when I offered her some, but Love Talk happily exchanged some of the popcorns she had snuck in here, for my grapes.

The light shone on a table and we blinked in confusion at the object.

"For our next object we have....." The host began as soft murmurs of confusion filled the room.

"A half-eaten cake, once enjoyed by Princess Celestia herself, preserved with magic to maintain its condition," A blue-colored pony with a pink swirly mane and tail resembling ice cream beamed with pride as she adjusted her pink mask.

"That's right! The princess of the Sun, known for her love for confectionaries had to leave in a hurry....leaving behind this delicious half eaten treasure!"

I was bewildered to notice how a large number of the audience marvelled and bidded excitedly over a half eaten cake.

I found it hard to comprehend how the bids were even higher then the night princess's personal diary.

I glanced at Moon who was slightly shaking before me in what I assume must be excitement.

She seemed to be trying not to laugh for some reason.

I was surprised, she didn't bid for this item considering the fact that it belonged to the Sun Princess but I suppose she found the Night Princess more favourable.

I thought this world was a Monarchy at first but perhaps it was a Diarchy instead.

"SOLD for Fifty!" The host announced with the striking of a hammer.

The hall was filled with hushed whispers of disbelief as the item was sold.

This is ridiculous. I would rather use fifty bits to buy five baskets of apples.
What a waste of bits.

I shook my head in disbelief as I grabbed a few more popcorns with my hoof.

Moon Shine, while hesitant at first also enjoyed the popcorns that Love Talk shared with us.

The next few items were various paintings, which I had absolutely no interest in.

A pony resemblant version of 'Mona Lisa' made the wealthier ponies go wild as they tried to outbid the other ponies, shouting over each other.

A black haired pegasus, wearing a hat put up a goblet for auction that caught the attention of several ponies.

Her wing seemed to be wrapped in bandages as she told the story of how she managed to get her hooves on it.

While her tales of adventurous exploits were entertaining, it all seemed rather far fetched.

The pony who won the auction promptly fainted after being handed the item, saying how she was a huge fan of the seller.

My thoughts strayed as I didn't find anything particularly interesting.

I wonder if Fluffy is alright....I really hope he isn't stealing more apples.

It would be a shame if I was blacklisted as a buyer from the Apple Acres Corporation.
Their apples were really delicious.

"For our next item we have....." I glanced at the stage with a bored expression, trying to stiffle my yawn.

If it was another painting.....I might as well take a nap.

"The Book on Monsters and Necromancy... "
A pale sickly looking pony with red eyes muttered as they looked back fearfully at the book behind them.

The title sounded strange but I suppose it was a fantasy genre novel, that involved monsters and necromancy.

The spotlight brought the object in clear view.

I felt my jaw drop as my eyes fell upon that beauty.

The book, appeared strangely alive. Its pages seemed to breathe, and its cover, made of a material that was either leather or fur, was adorned with sharp teeth and spider-like eyes.

I sat there, captivated, unable to take my eyes off this marvellously bizzare creature.

I gaped in astonishment as I saw it trembling violently in the cage that held it, it's pages rustling as if attempting to break free from the leather binds that restrained it's mouth.

"It....uh bites." was all that was offered in explaination as the book growled deeply.

The seller gulped, their voice shaky as they squeaked out nervously,
"Any bidders?.....please..."

It was perfect! A pet book that is likely sentient just sounds to good to be true!
I love it!

The hall was filled with a hushed uncomfortable silence before I leapt at the opportunity.

"ME! I BID!" I leapt out of my chair in excitement.

"How much, Sir?" A suited pony approached me as he handed me the book that sat in a cage.

I didn't remember how much I had won from the gambling, so I just gave him the unopened bag of bits that I had exchanged earlier for chips.

"This much." I said as I gazed happily into the book's beady spider like eyes.

I didn't pay much attention as I was distracted by my new pet but luckily no one out bidded me.

The seller looked really grateful for some reason as they thanked me for saving their life.

I assume they must have been in severe debt, leading them to be forced to sell their beloved pet.

I felt a bit pity for the seller but promised to take good care of Toothy in their place.

I glanced at the painting being auctioned next and noticed a large number of ponies bidding.
If they preferred rustic paintings over books, all the more better for me.

I noticed the book smacking its teeth against the cage bars rattling the cage as it moved about.

I smiled at it warmly.
It seemed really excited to see me.

"Don't worry, I will let you out later. You will just get lost in here if you escape." I said as I slipped a hoof inside the cage and rubbed it's leathery fur cover gently, that felt strangely warm and lifelike.

It's deep growls soon turned to contented purrs as it fell asleep making low snoring sounds.

I noticed everypony sitting close to me stare at me with wide eyes.

"Ah sorry about that." I said in embarrassment as I put a noise cancelling barrier around the cage.

I suppose it was considered rude to have a snoring pet in a quiet auction room.

I glanced at the sleeping book, it looked content as it's pages shook gently with every breath it took.

Fluttershy would love 'The Book On Monsters And Necromancy' seeing as how she loved animals.

I smiled to myself as I thought about giving it as a present to the first sentient friend I had made in this world.

I had a feeling she would get along really well with Toothy.

"The Alicorn Amulet is immensely powerful.....However, the more the bearer uses the amulet, the more it corrupts them...." A mysterious pony wearing a dark hood warned in a low cautious voice.

Why would anyone want to buy something with strong side effects.
I wondered to myself, trying to figure out if the hooded pony was the one who led me in here or was it another pony wearing a hood.

"An in built magical lock prevents anypony other than the bearer from taking it off. However, the amulet has its limits, as it cannot perform spells that are considered simply impossible, such as duplicating a target, making a pony play ten instruments at once, or changing a pony's gender." They explained.

I raised an eyebrow doubtfully.

Duplicating basic objects can be done by anypony if they understand its basic structure. (It doesn't work with apples or other food items though, I tried.)

Just get ten ponies instead of having one play ten instruments.

Wearing a wig and makeup could change the pony's appearance to that of another gender....or surgery if they are desperate enough.

A grey bespectacled stallion with a purple braid and cap, kept on out bidding everypony as he kept his eyes affixed on the red crystal like amulet.

I wonder if I should have made my gems into amulets or some other kind of decorative pins to increase its value.
Oh well...too late now.

I noticed my hoofcuff emit a slight glow, which meant my turn was coming up soon.

"What are you going to sell?" Love Talk asked curiously, as I got up from my seat.

"Just some rare gems. You will see soon." I smiled at her, hoping she would be interested in bidding for my item.

"Good luck!" She whispered as I headed towards the back stage.

"Ready?" The pony in a suit whispered, nodding slightly, upon noticing me.

"I was born ready." I smirked feigning confidence as my hooves shook slightly.

"Your turn next. Go immediately when the pony selling the relics is done." He informed me as I waited my turn.

I took in deep breaths, trying to fight back my stage fright.

I have always hated talking in front of a large audience.

Well, I just need to introduce the items I am selling, making up some story about how rare it is. There is no way I would end up embarrassing myself.

The relic selling pony took his leave, giving me a slight nod as the curtains closed.

I nervously went towards the stage and got the black void box ready.

"And the last item for tonight.....This one will make your jaws drop! Get ready for something truly shocking and unexpected..." The host introduced as the lights went off.

I better come up with a really good story for these cheap gems.

The lights turned on and there was an awkward silence as the spotlight landed on the empty table.

I realized I was supposed to talk after a few more seconds, that felt like minutes.

"Oh! Right...um for the last item...." I began as I opened the bag and let the gems fall on the table one by one, clinking against each other.

"The Elements of Harmony." I said remembering the name that was mentioned.

"They uh are very rare...one of a kind...you won't find anything as powerful as these."
I gulped as the bright lights fell on my eyes.

The large crowd of ponies were gaping at me in hushed silence with looks of disbelief.

I needed to do better if I wanted to convince everypony to bid for these cheap gems.

"That's right....taken right from a very powerful tree, you can use this energy to obtain whatever your heart desires." I felt more confident as I looked straight ahead, avoiding their eyes.

I noticed the ponies were still silent, not one of them bidding for the gems and I felt my confidence waver slightly.

I took a deep breath before I continued.
"Starting price: TWENTY BITS!" I said in my loudest voice.

"WHAT DIDST THOU JUST SAY? ART THOU JESTING?" Moon Shine's incredulous tone cut through the air, booming and resonating very loudly as she suddenly stood up.

"That voice....no it can't be...." The host stuttered weakly before galloping away in a hurry.

I suppose she used to be his ex marefriend seeing how he retreated hastily upon recognizing her voice.

I noticed a large number of ponies leaving suddenly as well.

I sighed, I don't blame them.
They didn't want to waste their precious time on the useless last item and would rather go home.

"EXPLAIN THYSELF AT ONCE, I COMMAND THEE!" Her voice echoed amongst the walls as her sharp glowing eyes bore into mine.

I felt myself hold my breath.
She was really good at bargaining, seeing how she demanded an explaination after I mentioned the absurd price.

"Fine....if twenty bits is too much for you to afford, how about ten bits for the gems instead."

I concealed a smirk as I noticed her eye twitch slightly as I injured her pride.

There is no way a noblepony would keep on bargaining after that.

"I really can't go any lower then that miss. I had to go through a lot to get it from the pony who sold it to me." I lied confidently through my teeth, just like the nonsense I used to concoct, in order to get more funds for my research back at Earth.

I noticed all the other ponies left other then Moon, Love Talk and the mysterious stallion at the back who was possibly a guard.

I looked confidently into her glaringly sharp eyes.

I couldn't loose this buyer.
Seeing how everyone left in a hurry, not interested in my gems, she was the best buyer I could possibly get.

"You can get a basket of apples for ten bits. I am sure these gems are worth that much at least." I insisted firmly.

"Ten bits...." Her voice lowered as she gaped at me.

I tried not to smile as I realized this meant she was considering my offer.

The other two ponies also looked at me disbelievingly, probably much more aware of the low market value of gems in the market.

I remembered a trick the older ladies on Earth used when they wanted to haggle prices for groceries.

"If you are not buying, I can simply look for another pony who would be willing to pay ten bits." I sighed loudly as I turned to leave, grabbing the gems and the caged book with my magic.

Anytime now...

"CEASE THY MOMENT, I COMMAND THEE TO HALT AT ONCE!" The loud unicorn's voice thundered, echoing through the room.

I couldn't help but smile.
I found it hard to believe that this little trick actually works!

I turned towards her immediately, concealing my smile as I shook the bag filled with gems slightly.

"Well? Interested in buying?" I asked with my best business smile.

She seized the gems away from me with her magic, but gave me no bits.

I frowned slightly as I noticed Love Talk leave the hall upon her indication.
The guard stallion, promptly blocked the exit after Love was gone.

Was I about to get robbed?

I held the caged book firmly with my magic.

They robbed me of my gems but I would not let them steal my pet too.
This was a gift for Fluttershy.

I gaped in surprise as I saw Moon drop her disguise, her silver blue mane faded, revealing an ethereal night sky.

Her coat transformed into a deep shade of midnight blue, and her gown vanished into air, revealing a moon tattooed, pony with wings and horn.

Atop her mane rested a majestic dark regalia, accentuating her regal presence.

I just stood there gaping as I couldn't take my eyes off her shimmering mane.

"Princess Luna," the guard acknowledged her with a respectful nod.

She reciprocated the gesture, and in an instant, the guard shed his dark cloak, revealing a batlike pony clad in an ominous dark armor, holding a spear that was pointed in my direction.

I realized to my horror that the guard was among those who searched the forest after the apple theft incident.

But why would the crown be so concerned about a mere theft of apples?

I found it hard to believe that stealing apples could be such a serious offense here, unless the crown had some sort of contractual agreement with the influencial Apple Acres Corporation.

Corporate influence, bureaucratic entanglements, lobbying, red tape and all those convoluted affairs...

Yeah, it sounds a bit far fetched even for this dystopian world of sentient equines.

"BY MY POWER AND AUTHORITY AS THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT, UNDER THE WATCHFUL GAZE OF THE MOON," She decreed with a voice that resonated throughout the now empty hall with an undeniable force, "THOU ART HEREBY UNDER ARREST!"

I bowed slightly, making sure that my voice was steady as I asked, "Your Majesty, might I inquire as to the reason for my arrest?"

I really don't understand what I did wrong that would lead to the ruler arresting me herself.

"You are under arrest for attempting to sell the elements of harmony illegally, without having the authorization or right to do so.", The guard explained, with a neutral expression as he approached me.

The princess nodded slightly in affirmation.

I blinked in surprise.
This wasn't what I was expecting.

Why would the crown......

"Oh!....I see." I sighed dejectedly as I finally understood the real reason for my arrest.

I wasn't being arrested for stealing some apples.

I neither obtained a proper permit to sell the gems not did I pay the required sales tax.

Of course, it made much more sense that the crown would interfere for such a case. I had failed to abide by the laws of commerce within the state.

This place probably had a sales tax.
Since I avoided it, I was being arrested for tax evasion.

I gulped nervously, trying to recall what I knew about tax evasion.
Wasn't it punishable by at least seven years imprisonment.....

The guard took a step closer, a pair of hoofcuffs clutched in his mouth. "Please cooperate and extend your hooves forward," he ordered firmly.

"Um....I plead the fifth....Do I get a lawyer?" I stuttered, my voice quivering slightly.

I looked around nervously, taking a cautious step back, away from the princess and her guard.

I really wished I had read a bit more on basic law, instead of confining my reading to scientific journals and books related to my field of interests.

My knowledge was very much lacking in this unfamiliar territory of legalese.

"Fifth? Lawyer? What's that?" The guard tilted his head in confusion, his lack of understanding adding to my slowly rising anxiety.

I felt my face go pale, as I realized there were no lawyers here, I would have to defend myself in court for tax evasion, a subject that was not within my field of expertise.

On The Run

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I sighed looking away dejectedly, "So, there are no lawyers here....right?"

"Sir, please cooperate with the investigation. We will go easy on you if you tell us all about the pony who sold the gems to you." He said in a voice that was firm, yet polite.

There was no way I could tell them I didn't have any accomplices, I was the main perpetrator in this tax evasion case.

I looked into his eyes with a determined expression.

"I understand...." I began, as he gave me a slight smile, looking more relaxed.

"However, I will need more time to prepare a strong defense for myself." I said firmly as I lit up my horn getting ready to teleport to safety, to wherever Fluffy was at.

They both froze as they noticed, I was about to use my magic.

Princess Luna's own horn lit up as she got a defensive spell ready.

I felt a chill course through me as I realized to my horror that I couldn't feel Fluffy's presence at all.

I never had any trouble teleporting back to it before.

"Relax, I do not intend to do something as foolish as attacking the crown." I said incredulously as I sensed the multiple layers of defensive shields the princess put up.

I was already in trouble for tax evasion. Harming a royal would just end up with me being executed for treason.

"I shall willingly surrender myself to the crown on my own accord, once I have built up a strong defense for my case." I promised.

While it was extremely worrying how Fluffy's presence was completely gone, I could perhaps teleport somewhere else, to somepony I was familiar with.

I suppose they realized by now that I was about to evade arrest.

"My sincere apologies for what I must do. Kindly grant me a months time to prepare my defense against the charge of tax evasion." I bowed respectfully, my tone filled with regret.

".....Tax evasion....WHAT?!" I grabbed my pet book and teleported to Fluttershy immediately before the princess could tell me how tax evasion was a serious offense.

Fluttershy shrieked as I fell right into her bathtub.
I shrieked as well, startled by the cold bath water.

I prefer my bath water to be scalding hot, thank you very much.

Well this is awkward.
I teleported to her when she was in the middle of a bath.

I immediately leapt out of the water, shaking myself dry.

Wait....Aren't ponies usually naked all the time.
Perhaps, it wasn't such a big deal in this world.

"Uh...Pardon the intrusion." I coughed awkwardly.

".....Get....Out...." She glared, throwing a soap at me.

I left hastily, quite surprised she could glare like that.

I politely stood outside, waiting for her to be done.

I suppose it was considered rude to watch a mare bath, even though ponies don't usually wear clothes here.

I opened the cage and let the spider book crawl about the place.

The rabbit kept on smacking it with a broom for some reason.
Toothy didn't seem to mind as it chewed on the broom enjoying the taste of wood.

"Aww....they get along so well." I smiled warmly at them.

"What is that....thing?" Fluttershy blinked in confusion as she saw the crawling book try to jump and reach Angel, who somehow managed to sit on top of the wooden shelf.

"Bought it at the auction. Thought it would be a good gift for you since you liked animals." I said proud of the good bargain.

"It looks like a book....it's an animal?" Fluttershy asked tilting her head curiously.

"Watch this." I grabbed a piece of carrot lying nearby and threw it as far as I could out of the window.

"FETCH!" I ordered and the book threw itself out of the window.

It crawled back inside, bringing back a drool covered carrot to me, it's spider like eyes shining with a slight red glow in excitement.

"Um....It does behaves like an animal." Fluttershy observed amazed as she curiously glanced at it, looking interested.

The spider book offered the drool covered carrot to the bunny who threw it back to it with an unreadable expression on it's face.

"Aww...the bunny is sharing it's food with Toothy. So cute!" I observed as the spider book turned the carrot to shreds with it's teeth.

"The Book on Monsters and Necromancy....Did you um...read this book?" Fluttershy read the title, looking slightly worried.

"Would be an invasion to Toothy's privacy, and extremely awkward, so nope." It would feel weird to read the contents of a semi sentient book.

Fluttershy hesitantly placed a hoof on its surface, but became more relaxed as the book slightly vibrated and made purring sounds of content.

"Um....Thanks for the book Doc. I love it!" She squealed in excitement as Toothy's pages rustled happily.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot.....Have you seen Fluffy?" I asked worried about it's lack of presence.

"No, You can't find the manticore?" She asked worried as well.

"I...I have a tracking spell on it. Unless there is a powerful spell around the area, repelling my magic, I should be able to find it immediately." I sighed.

She seemed as if she was deep in thought for a moment.

"I just hope nothing bad happened to it, and there's just something disrupting my spell." I continued dejectedly, hoping Fluffy was still alive despite his lack of presence.

"I have a Pegasus friend who is really fast! I could ask Rainbow Dash to search for it." She suggested.

With a name like Rainbow Dash, I had a strong feeling that she excelled in speed.

"Really! Thanks a lot Flutters!" I hugged her feeling extremely grateful for her help.

"No worries Doc. The poor thing must be really scared and alone right now. I really hope we can find Fluffy soon!" She smiled softly at me.

"Oh also....Say hypothetically, if somepony wanted a legal book about tax evasion, where would they find the book?" I asked looking away.

"Evading taxes...." She raised an eyebrow at me looking slightly suspicious.

"I said 'hypothetically', for a friend who may or may not have been caught for tax evasion!" I coughed awkwardly into my hoof.

"Um...Twilight has all kinds of books. You could ask her maybe?" She said after a while.

"Twilight?" I asked curious.

"Yes...Twilight's a good friend of mine. Lives inside a tree." Fluttershy gave me a map this time, pointing out the directions.

"I will go ask Rainbow to try searching for Fluffy. See you later Doctor!" She waved her goodbye and headed in the opposite direction.

I was engrossed in my own thoughts, as I realized to my annoyance that I had been holding the map upside down and got lost.

I looked around me, climbing every tree I could find but couldn't find any tree houses.

I shook the stray branches and leaves off me as I tried looking for more trees.

I found a treehouse near a farm area, that was some distance away.
Seeing the vast amount of apple trees in the distance, I assume they were the main apple suppliers for the Apple Acres Cooperation.

I was just about to climb this tree when, suddenly, out of nowhere, a pink pony fell on top of me.

The curly pink maned, pink pony took a deep breath on as she saw me.

"Uh....what in the world?" I interrupted her mass of gibberish words that I could not comprehend.

I took a few steps back, trying to escape this lunatic, who had no sense of personal space.

Completely unfazed by my reaction, she simply grinned from ear to ear. "Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" she chirped, as if whatever that was, is a perfectly normal occurrence for her.

"D...Doctor...Vector..." I managed to introduce myself, still recovering from the shock of her sudden appearance.

Pinkie, sensing my bewilderment, simply laughed as she shook my hoof really fast, "Good to meet you too Doctor! Welcome to Ponyville!"

She suddenly popped a confetti that she got out from her mane.

Despite my initial bewilderment, I found her joy infectious and I grinned back at her.

I glanced up at every apple tree, looking for a treehouse as Pinkie Pie bounced up beside me, her energy infectious.

"Oooooh! Wanna join the fun at my super-duper party? It's gonna beee off the charts!" She asked as she literally shook in excitement.

"A party? What do you usually do?" I asked, pausing as I looked at her curiously.

Was she some kind of politician? By off the charts, she could have meant the high number of votes she was expecting her party to get.

Super-Duper seemed like a strange and unconventional name for a party, but it strangely seemed to suit a politician with her personality who clearly stood out from a crowd.

"We have tons of super duper fun events! Lots of ponies would come when it starts! In fact there isn't a single pony who hasn't heard about this super duper fun party!" She enthusiastically began advertising about her party.

I admired how confident she was about her ability to get many ponies to vote for her, seems like whatever events she organizes, attracts many potential supporters.

I glanced at the baloon tattoo on her flank.

A baloon didn't seem related to politics.
Maybe it had a deeper meaning, like how a balloon looks colorful and bright on the outside, but is empty and filled with air on the inside.

I nodded to myself, feeling more certain of my conclusion as the pink pony kept on jumping from one topic to another that served no purpose, just like every politician I knew.

"Is the balloon related to your Super Duper party?" I asked in a whisper.

"My cutie mark? Yepp! That's right!" She confirmed my theory as she began telling me the story of how she got her cutie mark.

I blocked out her words as she went on about some rock farm, probably how she had to struggle in a harsh environment in poverty before she became a politician.

Hmmm...so these flank tattoos were referred to as 'Cutie Marks'.

I couldn't find any treehouse in any of the nearby trees.

In fact....why was this pony still following me, was she that desperate for votes?

I looked away from her, thinking of a way to avoid being involved in politics.

I needed to reject joining her party subtly. "Ah, I prefer supporting parties... quietly, from the shadows," I replied, to the pink politician. "Less attention, you see."

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened in surprise before she grinned even wider. "Oh, I get it! You're a shadowpony! That's super cool! But parties are for everypony, even the shadowy types! Come on, I know just the perfect thing for a pony like you!"

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she dragged me along with her in a cart.

I wondered where she got the cart from.

I tried to explain it to her how I do not wish to make my political affiliations publically known but she barely listened to a word I said.

"Oh, I get it! You're into secret spy stuff, aren't you?" she exclaimed, her voice lowering conspiratorially. "A super stealthy, undercover party in the shadows! Righttt?!"

"Sure..." I sighed giving up, not bothering to explain, I wasn't interested in being a spy for her party either.

"I've got just the thing! Spy-themed cupcakes, invisible punch, and camouflage confetti! We can play 'Pin the Tail on the Shadow,' where the tail is, you know, super sneaky and hard to find!" Pinkie Pie grinned, clearly convinced that she was onto something incredible.

I chuckled nervously, not comprehending what she was going on about, perhaps another eccentric event of hers. "Um, that sounds... intriguing. But really, I just wanted to get some books quietly..."

Her eyes widened in mock surprise as she gasped loudly. "Books? Oh, you mean secret spy manuals! I've got those too! Follow me, Secret Agent Bookworm, and let's throw the stealthiest, most undercover book party ever!"

With that, she grabbed my hoof and whisked me away, leaving me both bemused and extremely bewildered.

The prospect of secret spy manuals did sound intriguing....

Pinkie Pie chatted animatedly with me about espionage and covert operations, and I began to have second thoughts about all this.

Arriving at what seemed like a sweet shop, she led me to a corner filled with books, each one adorned with titles like "Stealthy Secrets 101," "Invisible Ink Recipes," and "The Art of Disguise." I couldn't help but chuckle at her unusual book collection.

"Here they are, Secret Agent Bookworm! Dive into the mysterious world of espionage!" Pinkie declared, as she literally dived right into a pile of books.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she wore a cape and hat.

I didn't bother asking her where she got it from, getting gradually used to her eccentricities.

I picked up a book titled "Princess Celestia's weakness." and flipped through its pages, curious about the contents.

It seemed to be disguised as a cake recipe book but I was certain held dark secrets of the crown hidden within the words, that could be used to the politician's advantage.

She appeared suddenly at my side with a tray of cupcakes adorned with tiny magnifying glasses and fedora hats.

"Woah....those look great!" The book about the crown's weakness now forgotten, I glanced at the cupcakes.

"Special spy cupcakes to fuel our top-secret missions! They're super delicious, you know," she beamed with pride, handing me one with a grin.

I took a bite, surprised at how tasty it was. "These are amazing! I never had a cupcake before."

She looked shocked as she gave me a look of sympathy.

Well I meant, I never had one in this world...but oh well...

"A super spy always needs their super snacks! Now, let's talk gadgets! Oooh how about a party cannon that doubles as a smoke screen? Or confetti that reveals secret messages?" She suggested as we both enjoyed the cupcakes.

Could it be that she was orchestrating an elaborate scheme against the state and needed tools and weapons?

I would assume with this place being a diarchy, she feels like her power as a politician is being threatened.

And she also had that book about the Sun Princess's weakness.
It wouldn't surprise me and if her goal was to start a revolt against the crown.

Well...like one of my ex professors used to say, If you are curious about something, Don't hesitate to simply ask.

"So, Pinkie," I said, my tone low, "Are you plotting against the crown?"

She gasped dramatically, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh no, Secret Agent Bookworm, you've found me out!" She winked at me, before smirking mischievously for some reason.

I gulped as the lights turned off and a single flashlight lit up on her as she told me about her 'super secret evil plans'.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me!" I assured her, not wanting to make her my enemy.

We played a few games, that were surprisingly fun before I left, thanking her for giving me the opportunity to join her party.

She seemed really pleased to hear that.

While I wasn't interested in joining her party, having connections with a well known politician wouldn't hurt.

But I was convinced, that I would vote for her party during the next election instead of whichever pony was the current mayor.

I sighed as I glanced at the large number of trees around me.

Hmm...I suppose instead of searching every tree, I could simply teleport to those trees which had some heatwaves in close proximity to it.

Heatwaves indicated the presence of life.

Since all life forms produce heat, having a heatwave present near a tree would mean, I could find this Twilight pony much faster.

I teleported inside a treehouse filled with three small ponies, which I assume where children considering their miniature size.

They squealed something about Cutie Mark Crusadors Ghost Hunters before I teleported away.

It became apparent that many couples favored romantic picnics beneath the shade of trees.
I got a lot of annoyed glares as I rapidly teleported in the middle of ponies trying to have a tender moment.

The most awkward reaction I got, was when I materialized in front of a stallion who was kneeling down and holding a small ring box in his hoof.

I took the box, confused at first but then realized it was intended for the mare standing behind me.

She seemed to misunderstand something and fled away in tears as the stallion glared at me, snatched the ring box from my hoof and went galloping after her.

I sighed, feeling exhausted.

"One more..." I sighed before noticing a literal house inside of a tree some distance away.

My eyes lit up as I realized, I had finally found Twilight's place.

I immediately teleported towards the heat wave within the tree.

"I would like every book you have on taxation laws!" I proclaimed confidently.

A small dragon who was in the middle of a bath shrieked as I fell in his bath water.

".....Get out!"
The sentient dragon threw a rubber duck at me.

"Pardon the intrusion...." I stepped out of the lukewarm water and left politely.

I looked around the large number of books inside the tree house.

"I didn't know Twilight was a dragon."

I wondered if it would get along with Toothy, as I waited for Twilight, the dragon to be done with it's bath.


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I casually flipped though some of the books as I waited for the dragon to be done with it's bath.

I was impressed with the wide variety of books in the collection. Books ranging from magic and botany to astronomy and history.....it seemed like if I wanted to search for a tax related book, this was the right place.

I frowned as I couldn't find what I was looking for.

I somehow ended up being distracted by some comic books, which were interesting enough for me to forget what I had initially come in here for.

Suddenly, a lavender coated unicorn with streaks in her mane and tail barged in, seeming to be distracted by some papers, she was skimming though.

"Spike, Spikeee!" She called out loudly.
"Coming! Give me a minute!" The purple green dragon's voice was heard yelling in the distance.

I put the comic book aside and coughed awkwardly.
"Is now a good time?" I asked her.

She seemed to be really busy with all those books and papers.

She seemed surprised as she spotted me, "Oh, sorry about that! I wasn't really expecting any guests tonight...I am Twilight, and you are?"

Oh, Looks like she was Twilight and the dragon was perhaps, her sentient pet, Spike.

"Doctor Vector, I was told you had books...." I began but froze as I noticed her cutie mark.

The strange star markings were similar to the one I had.....while mine were small, dark blue, and orbited the quantum physics symbol, hers were a delicate shade of pink and white, adorned with numerous tiny white stars.

"You know, it is rude to stare at a mare's flank for so long...." The small dragon, now done with it's bath remarked, arching an eyebrow as he caught my gaze.

I quickly averted my gaze, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Oh, pardon me, I didn't mean to stare,"

"I just noticed the star markings, and wondered what they meant." I said awkwardly as I looked away.

"Oh, my cutie mark? It represents my passion and talent for magic!" She smiled as she began to recall about how she got her cutie mark.

I was lost in my thoughts wondering if my cutie mark had something to do with magic as well.

She was going on about how she created a magic powered explosion of some kind and the princess had to investigate the national security threat herself.

It struck me as quite extreme but it's not my place to judge considering the fact that I wasn't in the princess's good books either....

"What about your cutie mark? How did you get it?" She asked curious.

"Probably quantum physics related....with traces of magic. I cannot exactly recall." I didn't understand what those stars meant either, or why it was a darker color then Twilight's.

Shouldn't it be the same colour, if it was magic related?

"You....don't remember how you got your cutie mark?"
Both her, and the dragon seemed shocked.

"Hmm...there was an accident. I don't remember exactly what happened, but when I woke up, I was alone and had this mark on me." I said recalling how I ended up here.

The unicorn's ears flopped down as she and her dragon looked at me sadly.
"I...am sorry to hear that. It must have been terrible." She said with her eyes downcast.

I coughed awkwardly not knowing how to deal with sad ponies.

"Anyways, it doesn't matter now. I assume it must be quantum magic related." I shrugged.

"So, you have all kinds of books here?" I quickly changed the topic.

"Of course! We have books on almost every subject here!" She beamed with pride.

"What book are you looking for? I can help." The dragon offered.

"I want every book you have on taxation laws." I nodded.

To my surprise, Twilight's eyes widened with genuine excitement.

"Taxation law books? Nopony has ever asked for those before. They've been gathering dust for ages," she exclaimed, her horn glowing as she levitated the books from a nearby shelf, related to the subject.

Twilight, with her magic, gathered all the books she had on taxation, forming a precarious tower.

I grinned as I saw the large number of books. There is no way, I would end up loosing my case, if I had a good defense.

With these many books, I was quite certain I would find some sort of legal loophole that could help my case.

"I will take them all! When do I return it?" I grinned.

"Sixteen bits borrowing fee. You can return it in two weeks and reissue it, if needed." The dragon informed me in what sounded like a sentence he was used to repeating.

I frowned as I realized I didn't have any bits on me, the night princess had seized my gems and didn't pay a single bit for any of it.

"I don't have any bits on me right now...I came from Pinkie Pie's 'Super Duper' party and....." I hesitantly mentioned my political connections.

"Oh you are friends with Pinkie Pie! You can have these for free then for now." Twilight smiled as she pushed the books towards me eagerly.

I assume she must truly fear the powerful political leader.

I felt a bit bad, using my connections this way, but if using the party's name gets me a discount, I am not complaining....

"Thank you very much! Really appreciate it!" I gave her a polite smile as I took out my void box to store these books in.

Her eyes widened with fascination as I stored the books inside my interdimensional box.

"That was incredible! How did you manage to create an interdimensional storage space? I've read about it in Starswirl's theoretical concepts, but I've never met anypony who actually accomplished it," she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she stared at the box in awe.

"Hmmm....Imagine our reality as a vast tapestry of dimensions, each woven intricately together. By tapping into the quantum fabric that underpins these dimensions, I've managed to create a localized rift—a sort of controlled wormhole, if you will," I began, as I flipped through the pages of one of the books casually, before storing it in the void box.

Why was she taking notes.....

"With precise manipulation of magical energy and quantum particles, It enables me to link a pocket dimension to this space. This pocket dimension exists outside of space and time, allowing me to store objects within it without affecting their mass or energy states," I continued, as her excitement kept growing.

The dragon seemed to be sleeping as we spoke, I didn't understand why Twilight was so interested, but I answered her questions anyways.

"Essentially, I've established a stable connection between our reality and this pocket dimension, utilizing principles from both magic and theoretical physics. A delicate balance of magical resonance and quantum coherence, enables the seamless storage and retrieval of objects without violating the laws of conservation of mass and energy," I concluded, hoping my explanation was satisfactory.

I glanced at the darkening skies outside.
Answering every question she had would take forever.

"Ah, that was an interesting discussion. It is unfortunately getting rather late. Thanks for the books once again Twilight!" I said as I hastily took my leave.

"Of course! Feel free to come back again anytime, if you need any more books!" She waved me goodbye.

"Wait! Before I leave, I wanted to ask something." I recalled her special talent was magic, which meant she was the perfect pony to know about magical disruptions.

She tilted her head curiously.

"Hypothetically speaking, Is there anything nearby that would cause a strong magical disruption....say by blocking teleportation magic?" I asked hoping she had information.

"Hmm....The Canterlot Castle is the only place I can think of that has strong anti magic barriers including wards against teleportation magic, to protect the princesses from outside attacks." She said thoughtfully.

This is bad....The princess might have taken Fluffy as hostage, in order to get me to turn myself in.

"Thank you!" I faked a smile, despite the uneasy feeling I had, as I took my leave.

I glanced at the distant moon as I kept wandering aimlessly, thinking of ways to get back my pet.

"Mom! After we get hayburgers, can we get donuts too?" A young filly asked her parents.

"Hmm...Joe does make pretty good donuts, Should we dear?" The mother asked the happy looking stallion beside her.

"I don't know~ What's the magic word?" He smiled at the young ones.

"Pleaseeee!" Both the filly and the foal said in unision.

"Alright! Alright!" He laughed as they went on ahead, chattering excitedly among themselves.

They seemed happy....
Reminding me of the warmth I had missed.

I paused as I realized that I didn't actually have a home to go back to.
I couldn't ask Fluttershy for a place to stay.

There was no way, I would impose on my friend like that.

I kept on walking aimlessly into the night, finding myself even more alone as the night sky turned darker, and all the lights from the houses went off.

Everypony was probably asleep by now, happily tucked in, and lost in the world of dreams.

I sighed in frustration, kicking a nearby pebble.
I was exhausted, and not just in a physical sense.

"This really isn't fair...." I glared at the moon angrily. "Why did I have to die and become whatever I am now..."

I really tried to just deny this new reality of mine, going along with whatever I was faced with but small things like seeing a happy family, made me realize what I had lost.

"This really isn't fair...." I kicked a nearby tree, but only ended up hurting my hoof.

I glared, as I furiously tried to wipe away the tears that fell down uncontrollably.
I was angry....and tired.

"All I wanted was to turn back time and save my mother! Is that really too much to ask? Why did I end up in another dimension instead? I just....wanted to...save her. That's all I ever wanted!"

It was hard to get the words out of my throat as I choked back another sob.

It was exhausting to keep pretending to be okay, when I really was not.

I was tired of pretending everything was just perfect, it was exhausting trying to smile, when I didn't have any real reason to be happy.

Because it didn't change the fact that I lost the single person I had cherished back on Earth.

My mother no longer existed and neither did I.

No matter how much I tried to deny it, I knew deep within me that the part of me that once lived on Earth, no longer existed.

I knew, I had died back then in that explosion and I was truly alone in this world, that was an undeniable fact.

"Why couldn't I just die in peace.....why did I have to become this?" I yelled my frustrations to the moonlit sky, as I broke down in tears, in a place that didn't have a pony in sight.

I was usually a calm person, but even I couldn't help but feel frustrated.

"I spent all that time on my research....I would have done anything to bring back mother....Why did I have to fail?"

I heard muffled sounds in the distance and quickly wiped away my tears, not wanting anypony to see me like this.


With nothing else to do, and slightly curious when I heard the sound of shattering glass, I felt myself go towards the direction of the sound.

I froze at what I saw.
A small bird that seemed like a mix of a lion and an eagle laid on the ground, trembling with fear.

It seemed injured and covered in blood.
I noticed its wings seemed broken, bent at an unnatural angle.

There were a group of rough looking ponies surrounding the bird and laughing as they kicked it with their hooves.

The sound of a soft whimper as the bird tried to crawl away, made me snap.

Anguish and fury welled up within me, overpowering any semblance of control as I pushed them away roughly with my magic.

"What the hay? It's just a filthy griffin brat. Mind your own damn business." The unicorn with a knife cutie mark snarled at me as he countered my magic.

I felt my heart ache as I saw the defenseless baby griffin, with feathers ruffled and eyes wide with fear, being cruelly attacked by a group of heartless ponies, who I had so far mistakenly assumed were peaceful creatures.

I stood protectively in front of the small griffin, glaring at them.
"What is wrong with you?! It's....just a child."

One of the pegasus, with a skull shaped cutie mark swooped above me and placed something around my horn.

I felt a wave of horror as I realized, I could not use my magic, no matter how hard I tried.

"Say thank you. This magic restraining device was pretty hard to get you know~" One of them cackled as they pushed me away from the scared bird.

"Say boss, how much do you think we could sell it for?" Another pegasus asked the unicorn as she threw an empty glass bottle near the griffin.

My hoof clenched, and my jaw tightened in frustration as I charged into the fray, filled with rage and grief.

I ignored the pain as I felt a strong wave of magic, burn through my skin, exposing the raw flesh beneath.

I retaliated against their attacks, distracting them away from the griffin child, fighting without any magic, fueled by a mix of sorrow and rage.

I felt a storm raging within my soul with each blow I landed.

The trembling griffin child reminded me of myself when I was younger.

I hated how helpless and weak I was back then, unable to do anything other then cry helplessly as my mother shielded me from my father's rage.

If only I was stronger back then.
If only I could have fought back instead of trembling in the corner, unable to do anything but cower uselessly in fear.

If only mom was still alive.....

My breath hitched as I tried to hold back a sob, everything was blurry as the tears fell unwillingly from my eyes.

The hoof that clashed against my body wasn't as painful as the ache in my heart.

I fought relentlessly, with nothing but adrenaline, sorrow and rage surging through my veins.

The moonlight casted eerie shadows, highlighting the raw emotion etched into each of their features which must have been reflected in mine as well.

With a primal scream that seemed to come from my very soul, I kept on fighting for the sake of the precious life of the injured child.

Finally I had managed to drive the attackers back, their forms scattering like leaves in the wind.

I didn't stop until I was certain they would not be able to get up and hurt the griffin again.

Tears streamed down my face, mingling with dirt, blood and sweat, as I collapsed on the ground, feeling utterly exhausted.

My blood covered hooves trembled with the aftermath of the fight as I looked down at the injured assailants now lying on the ground and groaning in pain.

I had emerged victorious in the fight, yet the ache in my heart would not cease.

I felt empty as the energy slowly drained from me.

Breathing heavily, my chest heaving with exertion, I turned to the baby griffin, gently extending a trembling hoof, offering solace to the small injured creature.

I immediately withdrew my hoof, my eyes softening as it looked at me with wide eyes in what I assume must be fear.

Being so quick to resort to violence, I would be afraid of me too if I was the griffin child.

"I am sorry....you had to go through....that." I tried to smile at it despite the tears.

Just then, a blue haired, unicorn stallion approached us, his eyes wide in shock as he took the scene before him.

I weakly stood in front of the griffin child, protectively trying to shield it from any attack, as I glared at the stallion.

"Just what happened here?" He demanded, not flinching as he looked right into my eyes.

I glanced at his cutie mark. He didn't seem dangerous. If it was a shield, it meant he would be capable to protect.

My voice hollow and choked with emotion, I forced myself to speak clearly, "The griffin child is wounded, Please take her to a hospital."

He nodded as he glanced at the injured ponies on the ground with a raised brow.

"I did that when I saw them hurting her." I explained as I looked away.

He nodded as he created a protective magical shield around the injured griffin and quickly restrained the other ponies with his magic.

"I have to leave...please take care of her."
I told the stallion, not bearing to see the child look at me with such scared eyes.

To my astonishment, the baby griffin gently reached out, grasping my trembling hoof with her small, yet surprisingly strong talons.

With a voice, soft and reassuring she looked right into my eyes and said,
"Are you okay?" her tone was filled with concern, as if she could sense the depth of my despair.

"I will be." I replied, with a weak smile.

"You are coming to the hospital as well. You are hurt." The stallion said firmly as he helped me up.

"Alright...." I conceded after a while.

I needed to get this thing off my horn, so I could use magic again.

I wouldn't be able to return all those books to Twilight, if I couldn't use the void box.

The library fine would be more then I could afford..

Lying on the bed beside the baby griffin's in the hospital, I felt an odd mixture of emotions – relief that the creature was receiving the care it needed, and a lingering sense of despair from the events that had transpired.

It was not like me to resort to such violence.

I should have simply grabbed the child and escaped with it to safety.

The stallion who helped us, sat on a nearby chair as he looked right into my eyes with a gentle expression.

"Thank you for saving the griffin's life. That was very brave of you. The assailants have been arrested by the royal guards so there is nothing for you to worry about." He informed as he offered me a plate of sliced apples.

I couldn't help but freeze as he mentioned the word 'guards' but relaxed after I realized, it wasn't meant for me.

I touched my horn with a hoof and was surprised to find the restraining device gone.

I picked up a slice of apple with my magic and sighed in relief at getting back my ability to use magic again.

"Those magic restraints are meant to be used on dangerous criminals. They are being interrogated to find out how they managed to get their hooves on it." he said looking angry for some reason.

"Luckily, the guards have keys to unlock these kind of restraints with them. So we managed to get them out. I am glad you both are safe." He smiled warmly as he glanced at me and the sleeping griffin laying on the bed beside mine.

"Guards? Which one?" I couldn't help but flinch slightly.

I was still wanted for tax evasion after all and didn't have a defense ready just yet.

"Oh I did! I am Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard!" He said, beaming with pride as he extended a hoof towards me.

I felt a chill course through me as the baffled guard looked at me in bewilderment.
"Are you alright? You seem a bit pale..."

I promptly teleported away.

Money and Taxes

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Teleporting to Fluttershy's location, I found her perched on a fluffy cloud high above the ground.

As I materialized, the unstable surface beneath me gave way, and I teetered dangerously on the edge, before falling into the open sky.

I let out a startled scream as I braced for impact.

Just before I could crash against the rough stony surface below, A rainbow maned pagasus swooped down, her cyan wings a blur as she grabbed hold of me, just in time to prevent a potentially disastrous fall.

"Sweet Celestia! Are you alright? How did you even get up there anyways?" She asked as she gently placed me down.

Fluttershy flew down and looked at me with a horrified expression.
"Oh my goodness. How did you get hurt?"
She asked worried, noticing the bandages, I was covered in.

"Uh...I had to go to the hospital after some ponies tried to attack a small griffin child...The griffin will be alright, she is in the hospital with a guard beside her." I explained as I picked on my bandages.

They both seemed upset when they heard about ponies attacking the young griffin.

"The poor thing....She must have been so scared." Fluttershy said softly in concern.

"Tell me who did it! I will teach those no goods a lesson they won't ever forget." Rainbow looked like she really wanted to beat them up.

I looked away.
"The guards arrested them. They won't hurt anypony...or um anygriffin else." I said thoughtfully, hoping I used the right term.

I flinched slightly as I felt another wave of pain.

"You still look injured. Shouldn't you rest in the hospital?" Rainbow was pretty sharp at noticing things.

"Got discharged after they treated me. I will be fine." I lied, not wanting them to know I ran away from the hospital after finding out Shining was a guard.

"So is this your friend Rainbow Dash?" I asked Fluttershy in an attempt to change the topic.

"The one and only! You must be Doctor Vector." Rainbow said as she did somersaults in the air for some reason.

Fluttershy simply nodded.

"Did you find anything about Fluffy?" I asked as I lowered my voice.

"Your manticore broke into Apple Acres. Saw a bunch of guards take it away." Rainbow whispered after glancing around us cautiously.

I frowned as I realized my suspicions were right.
"Did you see where they took it?" I asked whispering back.

"I think they went towards the Castle. Had to go clear some clouds so couldn't see much of what happened...." She said in a low voice.

"Um...You could just ask the princess.....and explain how Fluffy is actually very friendly?" Fluttershy suggested in a hushed voice.

Why were we all whispering....

"I am breaking into the castle and getting Fluffy back...." I sighed, speaking my thoughts aloud.

"...Are you sure....that's a good idea?" Fluttershy seemed doubtful.

"That sounds.....Awesome! Count me in!" Rainbow smirked.

"So how are we breaking in?" She whispered excited for some reason.

I stared at her, utterly speechless and at a loss for words.

"I think I should go alone....Can't risk my friends getting in trouble along with me." I blushed as I realized, I didn't even know if they considered me as their friend.

"Don't worry about it! What are friends for?" Rainbow smacked my already injured back.

I mock glared at her but conceded.
"Alright, but we run immediately if a guard catches us." I sighed.

"Yessss!" Rainbow gave me highfive? hooffive? Whatever it was called....

I glanced at Fluttershy who seemed to be lost in thoughts and slightly hesitant.

"You don't have to come along with us if you don't want to." I said.

"Yeah, me and the doc can deal with the breaking in and sneaking out the manticore part." Rainbow agreed.

"It's...not that!...I am also worried about Fluffy but I think just asking the princess would work." She said thoughtfully.

I shuddered as I imagined myself simply asking the princess.
That sounded like a terribly quick way to get captured.

"Hmm....Didn't Rainbow say she saw the guards capture Fluffy? We don't even know if the princess would be aware of it being captured." I reasoned.

"Yeah and it sounds so much cooler then simply asking! Besides I doubt the princess would mind." Rainbow agreed with me.

I had a feeling the princess would really mind if we trespassed in the castle, and broke out what she perhaps thinks is a dangerous creature, but I didn't say anything.

"How about this? Me and Rainbow will do the sneaking in and searching part and you can watch from a safe distance away. If things go wrong, I can teleport Rainbow and myself back to you along with Fluffy." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan!" Rainbow grinned, rubbing her hooves together in excitement as she casually flew above us.

"A...Alright I guess." Fluttershy agreed.

"Let's meet at Fluttershy's cottage tonight." I said.

Breaking in the castle in broad daylight was a terrible idea...

"Pinkie has a bunch of disguises with her, I could ask her for her spy tools!" Rainbow added.

Oh so she was also a supporter of the pink politician...

We all went our seperate ways after coming to an agreement.
While I was still hesitant about getting them involved, I was confident about my teleportation abilities.

Luckily, I found a pedlar pony on my way that bought and sold items.

"Would you like to buy any of these?" I asked, as I placed all the complimentary items I got from the private room beside her.

She seemed a bit startled when she saw a whole bed appear out of thin air but was quick to examine the goods.

"Theez zeem to be in good condition. I will buy zem all." She said in an accent, I couldn't quite place.

Two large bags of bits were pushed towards me.
"Iz thiz enough?" She tilted her head towards me.

I picked up the bags with my mouth.
They felt heavy.
"Thank you." I smiled at her as I stored the money in my void box.

I paused as I realized that I had ran away from the hospital without paying my medical bill.

I quickly snuck into the hospital, managing to avoid all the guards stationed at the entrance.

"Can I help you?" A nurse asked.

I was surprised she noticed me, considering the fact I was well hidden behind the plant.

"I....uh..." I began nervously as I noticed a guard pony glancing at me, seeming suspicious.

"For room number 12!" I said quickly placing the two bags of bits beside her.

I ran away, before the intimidating guard pony with the golden armour could approach me.

I hoped it was enough to cover my medical expense.

"Oh! I am out of bits again." I sighed, before a hiring helping hooves sign, placed nearby caught my attention.

It looks like this Applejack pony was looking for helpers for her apple farm.

I immediately teleported to the heatwave I could sense with my magic, present within the barn.

I found myself face to face with an elderly mare, who was napping peacefully until my sudden appearance startled her awake.

"Burnt pies! Oh, my stars!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm, before she promptly went back to snoring, seemingly unbothered by the earlier disturbance.

Applejack was much older then what I had expected her to be.

"Don't worry! I will help you with the farming!" I told the old mare in a gentle voice, as I placed the blanket that fell down, back on her gently.

The Apple Acres Corporation was really terrible, resorting to exploiting poor elderly mares just for the sake of profit.

I was resolved to do my utmost best, so the poor old mare didn't have to worry about any heavy farm work.

I made my way to Applejack's farm, determined to lend a hoof without disturbing the old mare's slumber.

Careful not to make a sound, I adjusted the irrigation system, using my knowledge of fluid dynamics to ensure a more efficient water distribution. I inspected the soil, analyzing its composition with my magic, surprised by how fertile the soil was.

As I moved stealthily through the orchard, I devised a plan to implement natural pest deterrents, integrating elements of ecology to maintain a balanced ecosystem without harmful chemicals. Observing the trees, I noted their growth patterns, considering how pruning techniques could be applied to maximize fruit yield.

Using my magic made it very convinient to work.
However, I realized the poor old mare had neither a horn nor wings to assist her.

This meant, I needed to create efficient tools that would help her even without needed to resort to magical assistance.

I eyed an old, weathered wooden cart tucked away in a corner of the barn with the initials 'CMC' on it, which I assume must be the manufacturer's name.

Inspiration struck me, and with determination, I set out to transform this neglected relic into a functional farming device.

First, I meticulously examined the cart, analyzing its structure and identifying its potential weaknesses. Armed with a set of tools created with my magic, I reinforced the wooden frame, fortifying it to withstand the pressures of plowing the fields.

Next, I devised a system of gears and levers, drawing from my knowledge of mechanics to create a mechanism that would transfer rotational energy to the wheels.

Incorporating my understanding of physics, I designed a blade attachment that could dig into the soil effectively, breaking it apart for planting. A complex pulley system ensured the blade's precise movement, allowing for depth control and efficient plowing.

As dawn approached, my improvised contraption was ready. With a sense of accomplishment, I marveled at the transformation of the old cart into a functional plowing device.

Eager to put my creation to the test, I hopped onto the cart and let it do it's thing on a bare part of the field as I relaxed with a taxation law book in my hoof.

The book was incredibly boring and I couldn't find anything related to sales tax but I assume must be included in other books.

I found another book about basic equestrian laws that was a bit more interesting to read.

I skipped the chapter about 'Theft of Artifacts of National Importance' since it wasn't related to my case.

I yawned, giving up on reading.
Why can't they use simple language in legal texts.

There really wasn't any need to use unnecessarily complicated words, legal jargon and latin phrases for every sentence.

It was bothersome and extremely tedious to keep having to look up these terms.

The field now ploughed and apple seeds planted, I stretched my hooves as I headed towards the old mare.

An orange coated, blond maned pony, wearing a cowboy hat arrived at the farm, looking utterly perplexed as she saw me. "What in tarnation?"

"Um...I am Doctor Vector....was helping out with the farm work....You are?"

"Ah'm Applejack! Ya done all this work? Looks like a whole week's worth, at least!"
She sounded genuinely impressed.

She spoke with an accent common to countryside folks.

"Well I felt bad for the poor old mare having to do all this work. So is this farm yours?" I said a bit embarrassed, I had mistaken her grandmother for her.

"Aw, don'tcha worry none," she replied with a warm smile, waving a hoof at me, "An' nah, We all pitch in to run Sweet Apple Acres. It's a whole family affair, always has been."

So she was part of the Apple Acres corporation, and they owned both the farm lands and factory.

"Well this is hard for me to say, but a few days back one of mine stole some of your farm apples. So I suppose the work I did would be enough to compensate for the loss?" I glanced at her nervously, hoping she didn't ask for monetary compensation since I had no bits on me.

"Well, I appreciate yer honesty. It ain't easy admittin' somethin' like that." Applejack said, her eyes softening with understanding after her initial surprise.

"As a token of our gratitude for the help, take these for yer trouble." She handed me a large pouch filled with bits and a basket of freshly baked apple goods, the warm aroma of it wafted through the air.

"We appreciate the help, and around here, honesty's always valued." She continued as I shoved the large number of food items in my void box.

I glanced at the darkening skies and immediately teleported to Fluttershy.

Angel casually dodged as I almost fell on top of it, without even batting an eye.
The rabbit seemed to get used to my random teleportations by now.

"Rainbow here?" I asked.
"Psst...Up here." I glanced at the roof, gaping at the black skin tight disguise, that Rainbow wore along with a mask.

How was she sticking on the roof upside down....and why did she look like she was about to rob a bank?

"Want one of these for tonight?" She asked as she threw another similar looking disguise towards me.

"I think...I am good." I grimaced.
These looked like a pain to wear.
I couldn't bother.

She shrugged and simply flew down towards us.

"So um....what's the plan?" Fluttershy asked hesitantly.

"You stay here so we all can teleport to you. Me and rainbow split up and search. We find Fluffy and all teleport here safely before any guards catch us." I suggested.

"And how exactly are we supposed to find each other if we split up?" Rainbow crossed her hooves, looking doubtful.

"I can use tracking magic to find you?" I said, unsure if it would work within the castle.

She narrowed her eyes as she glared at me for a few seconds.

"Eh...Good enough I guess." Rainbow shrugged simply after a while.

"Um....if you get caught....just explain. The princess will understand...maybe?" Fluttershy seemed worried.

Seeing her so nervous was starting to make me feel anxious too....

With a nod, I teleported myself along with Rainbow some distance away from the castle.

Rainbow Dash and I stealthily made our way into the castle, our every movement calculated and quiet to avoid detection.

The mission was clear: Retrieve Fluffy, without alerting any guards to our presence and teleport back to Fluttershy.

It was simple enough.

There was nothing that could possibly go wrong.

Breaking In

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Rainbow threw a grappling hook towards me and did some random hoof gestures that I didn't understand.

I nodded anyways and we both scaled up the castle walls.

I was glad my coat was a greyish color and mane dark blue.
It made it much more easier to blend with the shadows, which would be harder with bright colors.

We both stuck towards the shadows as the guards passed by us, illuminating the way with their magic.

As we navigated the dimly lit corridors, Rainbow Dash whispered, "We gotta be quick and silent, Doc. I go right, you go left."

I whispered back, "Get back Fluffy without getting caught."

With more hoof gestures, which I had no idea the meaning of, Rainbow went the other way, leaving me alone in the dark, eerily silent hallways.

As I ventured deeper into the castle, regretting this with every step I took and every guard that passed by me, I heard a familiar sound.


"Fluffy...." I whispered as I held my breath.
I saw a warm golden light emitting from the room where the noise had come from.

I froze as I saw the guards standing outside the door.

I was just wondering how to get past the guards when I felt a hoof tap me from behind.

The hoof covered my mouth before I could scream.
I turned towards the figure and relaxed when I noticed it was just Rainbow.

Her hoof gestures seemed more animated.

I nodded, pretending I understood whatever that meant.

To my horror I saw Rainbow fly right past the guards at a speed I couldn't comprehend.

"Halt! Who goes there?"
"Identify yourself, intruder!"
"After the intruder!"

My eyes widened in horror as the guard's voices echoed through the corridor and the sound of galloping hooves filled the air as they hurriedly followed Rainbow Dash's dark blurred form.

I stood there gaping for a while before I realized that Rainbow had diverted the guards' attention, so I could get Fluffy.

Swiftly, I made my way to the room where I had heard Fluffy's voice earlier.

I found the door was locked to my disappointment.

Panicking as I heard Fluffy's voice, I used my magic to break right through the door and quickly rushed in.

To my surprise, I saw a white coated alicorn with an ethereal mane and tail that was flowing, which was colored in a gradient of pastel hues.

Her eyes wide with shock, she stumbled backward and fell to the floor, startled by my sudden presence.

Instinctively, I levitated nearby pillows with my magic, quickly cushioning her fall and ensuring she was unharmed.

She looked rich...
There was no way I would risk having to compensate for her expensive medical expenditures.

"Oh my...." She seemed at a loss for words.

"Rawr!" A happy manticore licked my face as we reunited at long last.

The alicorn had a serene expression as she looked from the manticore to me.

"Is this one yours?", Her eyes were kind and warm, and voice surprisingly gentle as she spoke to me.

I looked around and noticed Fluffy seemed remarkably relaxed, there were some snacks and chewed toys strewn across the carpeted floor.

"Yes, I...." The guards stormed in before I could complete my sentence, witnessing the scene of the fallen princess and my lit up horn, clearly misunderstanding my intentions.

Oh...They must have assumed I was responsible for the princess's fall.

"Stop right there intruder! You're under arrest for breaking into the palace and attacking a member of royalty!" one of the guards shouted, pointing a spear towards me.

"Step away from Princess Celestia right now and surrender yourself peacefully!" Another demanded.

Ah....that was the Sun Princess's room I just broke into, I realized noticing her cutie mark.

I was royally screwed....
No pun intended.

I raised my hooves as I slowly backed away from the princess and swiftly mounted Fluffy before they could react,

"Let's get out of here!" I yelled urging the manticore to move.

My heart pounded as we dashed away, escaping the chaos behind us.

The guards' voices faded into the distance as we raced through the castle, at a speed that made me feel slightly ill.

I held on firmly onto Fluffy's fur for dear life, as it swerved making another sharp turn.

"Ugh...Slow down." I closed my eyes as everything began spinning around me.

Rainbow Dash flew right towards us, easily keeping up with Fluffy's speed to my surprise.

Her eyes widened in concern. "What happened back there? I heard an explosion!"

"There's no time to explain now," I replied, my voice urgent. "We need to get out of here before the guards catch up. I might have broken the princess's door..."

I groaned wondering how on earth this pegasus could keep up with us, almost seeming to be casually flying beside us.

"By Celestia's Sweet Flank! YOU DID WHAAT?!" She yelled looking horrified.

Their expressions of astonishment related to Celestia sure were unique here...

"I will explain later! I panicked okay?!" I stopped suddenly as we made it towards the garden.

My eyes fell on a strange statue.
A lifelike draconequus with various animal parts, it had mismatched features and seemed like a fusion of different creatures, a goat's legs, a lion's paw, and a snake's tail.

I froze in awe, unable to take my eyes off it. I felt myself approach it, drawn by this artistic masterpiece.

It almost seemed to resonate with something within me.

"Snap out of it! What was that all about?" Rainbow clapped her hooves right in front of my face, bringing me out of my trance.

Did it's expression change slightly...No, It must have been my imagination.

There is no way a statue could move on its own after all.
Must be the dark shadows playing tricks on my eyes.

"Uhh....I don't know. Oh yes, let me teleport you back!" I blinked in a daze.

I teleported Rainbow and Fluffy back to Fluttershy before attempting to perform it on myself.

I froze in horror as I realized I could not teleport myself back.

Perhaps, the magical barrier allowed only for something to be teleported out, restricting self teleportation magic.

Perhaps, I could teleport to another familiar pony since it was resistant to me teleporting towards Fluttershy.

The strange statue fell down suddenly as I accidentally bumped into it and I noticed a slight crack on it due to the fall.

I quickly put it up again before the guards could notice but the sound resonated through the silent night.

"Do not resist! We have you surrounded intruder!" A voice ordered from a distance.

I used my teleportation magic again, in a hurry as I saw the guards begin to approach me.

Without any particular location or pony in mind, I let the magic lead me, which seemed to work to my surprise.

I ended up materializing in the air, right on top of Shining Armor, the captain of the royal guard, I had met earlier while saving the young griffin.

He seemed to be conducting training exercises.

Before I could yell a warning, I found myself sprawled on top of him, who to my shock, passed out beneath me due to the impact of my weight and sudden fall from a height.

Guards quickly rushed to his aid, ordering for him to be taken to the medical facility.

I was promptly surrounded by a circle of spears, their sharp tips glinting dangerously close, in the moonlight.

"You are under arrest for trespassing within the castle, attacking Princess Celestia, and assaulting the captain of the royal guard!" The guard chasing me earlier yelled from the distance as he rushed towards me.

Great....more charges to add to my already pending charge of tax evasion.

I sighed, not bothering to even resist as I was swiftly apprehended.

I was led away, my hooves bound, and we paused outside a dimly lit, cold cell within the castle's dungeons.

"You'll remain in here until you're summoned for interrogation," The guard who escorted me to my cell stated firmly, as he uncuffed me.

The heavy iron door clanged shut behind me, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I glanced at the rat on the floor, who stared back at me with it's beady eyes. "I suppose I should be thankful. At least the accommodations come with a charming rodent companion."

The rat squeaked in response, as if in agreement, making me laugh despite the dire circumstances.

I simply laid down to rest in the lower part of the bunk bed, hoping Rainbow and Fluttershy didn't worry too much about my absence.

"At least Fluffy is alright...." I muttered, distractedly petting the little rat snuggled up beside me.

I stiffened, suddenly getting up as I heard the doors clang open once more.

"Your new cellmate. Behave in there." The guard simply said as a blue coated unicorn was thrown in my cell unceremoniously.

"Arrested for letting off fireworks in a residential area.....and maybe starting a fire. Still this is ABSURD! How can the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE possibly wow the crowds without a grand fireworks display?"

My cellmate sure was noisy.

She shrieked in terror, on seeing my new pet rat.

"Ugh, this is simply unacceptable! Trixie demands better accommodations without any dirty, filthy rodents!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing off the stone walls.

"How rude....Ratty is a very well behaved rat. Let's just all try to get along in here for now. " I glared at her.

Ratty gave an indignant squeak at her as it hid in my mane, content with the warmth it provided.

"Fine, Trixie will stoop to such levels, but only because she cannot leave this wretched cell! So what are you in for?" She asked rolling her eyes at me.

Trixie's eyes widened in disbelief as I recounted my charges, "Breaking in? Attacking the princess? Assault on the captain of the royal guard?"

"What other kind of nefarious trickery have you been up to, you vile criminal fiend?" she gasped, her voice a mix of horror and awe.

I simply ignored her, trying to get some sleep.

Trixie, kept going on and on about the unfairness of her arrest, lamenting how something as innocent as fireworks had led her to this dreary dungeon.

I covered my ears with the old dusty pillows, trying to desperately escape her endless complaints.

"Please, Trixie, I beg you. Your grand and powerful plan must involve silence," I pleaded, my voice laced with desperation as she began telling me about her great escape plan, very loudly.

Trixie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, as she continued endlessly. "Fear not, fellow cellmate! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE'S magical prowess knows no bounds. Together, we shall escape this wretched place and prove our might!"

Maybe, if she stopped yelling 'Great and Powerful Trixie' in every sentence she said, she would have a greater chance of success with her escape.

Being in the same cell with her was torture....

Wasn't torture of undertrial prisoners against the Geneva Convention or something?
I really wished, I had spent more time reading the law books instead of simply farming all day.

"I beg for solitary confinement. Anything to escape this endless torture!" I pleaded to the guard watching us, unable to bear this hell any longer.

He looked at me with sympathy but shook his head, with a regretful expression.
"Sorry. I am not authorised to do that."

I was seriously considering breaking out and risking adding prison break to my already long list of charges, when a guard approached our cell.

"You are free to leave, Trixie Lulamoon. Please step outside." He said as he escorted her outside.

I sighed in relief as I heard her indignant voice slowly fading away in the distance.
"Unhand me, you insolent ruffians! Is this any way to treat a respectable mare?! Do you not recognize the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE? The audacity to.... "

The guard outside cast a sympathetic glance my way, his eyes reflecting a look of absolute pity.

I sighed at went back to sleep, not even having the energy left to retort.

Some Digging

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I sighed as I rolled around the narrow bed, utterly bored out of my mind.
There was nothing left for me to do after the guard watching me had left to do his other guardly duties.

The cold, eerily quiet cell made me even miss my former cellmate....

....Well almost miss her.

I jumped out off the bed and started pacing around the confined space, restlessly.

I had already gotten my two hours of sleep and didn't feel like spending all my time here simply laying in bed.

That would simply be an inefficient and unproductive use of my precious time.

Even Ratty seemed bored, as it scurried around, chasing the shadows that danced within the cell as the faint light filtered through the bars.

I wonder if there was a way I could use magic in here despite the magic resistant barrier...

With nothing better to do with my time, I decided to experiment on the use of magic within the restrictive barriers.

I focused my energy, attempting to cast a simple levitation spell on a small rock I had noticed lying on the cold, stone floor.

To my surprise, the magical energy flowed through me with a peculiar ease, yet there was an odd sensation, akin to pushing against a weak but resilient force. It was as if the very air inside the dungeon had a different quality, allowing my magic to move more freely within its confines. The resistance was there, but it was weaker than what I was accustomed to, like trying to push against a soft breeze rather than a solid wall.

I assume it must be because I was used to using magic despite the gems naturally resistant nature.

The gems resistant ability were much more powerful then the restrictive magic barriers surrounding the dungeon.

Intrigued, I continued my experiments, testing the boundaries of the dungeon's restrictions.

"Want to volunteer as a test subject?" I asked Ratty who gave an excited squeak as it scurried towards me.

Lifting it with my magic required more force then the stone and I could feel something try to force itself against my horn.

I ignored the slight migraine in my head and gently placed Ratty down despite the growing pressure that made me want to cut off my magic immediately.

I felt slightly nauseous but it was still manageable.

I tried lifting the bed next with my magic which was the heaviest object within the cell, and I immediately felt the resistance grow exponentially.

It felt like trying to push through a dense fog, each attempt met with a searing pain in my head, as if it were being compressed and strained.

I cut off the magic immediately as I tried to catch my breath. My mind was a mushy, hazy mess and I couldn't think clearly.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned back against the cold wall, and shut my eyes trying to
stop my rapidly increasing headache.

I glanced outside the cell.
My curiosity was greater then the pain I would have to endure.

I wonder if I could escape....

I knew and understood the basic mechanics of how a lock worked so perhaps it wouldn't be impossible to simply pick the lock with my magic.

I glanced around outside the bars cautiously but saw no guards nearby.

"This is a terrible idea." I looked at Ratty who simple scurried right through the bars as if encouraging me to try.

"You are a terrible influence, my friend." I couldn't help but laugh.

I took a deep breath before channelling my magic within the lock in the form of a tension wrench and a rake.

As my magic passed through the confines of the cell, a peculiar sensation washed over me.

It felt similar to being inebriated and hungover simultaneously, just without the fun parts.

It was more like a disorienting blend of lack of coordination, blurred vision and nausea.

The magic, restricted by the cell's enchantments, swirled against me like a violent storm trapped inside a fragile bottle.

Even the slightest attempt felt like trying to control a wild river with bare hands – unpredictable, uncontrollable, and extremely overwhelming.

A strong force coursed through me, causing my head to spin and my senses to blur.

It was like waking up with the worst hangover imaginable. My thoughts became muddled, and my focus wavered, leaving me in a state of disarray.

"H...how do I stop?" I panicked at the inability to control my magic as I saw several clones of Ratty approach me.

I managed to cut off my magic flow as I lost focus of the lock and tried to focus on the rat instead.

Everything in the room seemed to have duplicated.
I lifted one of my hoof and saw two...no, perhaps four hooves.

I sighed as I began to count, trying to figure how long the effects last.

"Let's just take a break." I gave Ratty a gentle pat, as it looked up at me with it's worried beady eyes.

It was actually surprising how expressive animals in this world could be.

I quickly try to maintain a composed expression hiding how uncoordinated and exhausted I felt as I heard the sound of approaching hoofsteps.

"Lunch." A guard with a stony expression slid a tray towards me.

The glop looked inedible and I had no idea what it was supposed to be.

Lunch was an unrecognizable glop, water and a piece of hard bread.

"Thanks, I was starving. This looks delicious." I grumbled sarcastically.

Boredom was making me feel really impatient and annoyed.
I chewed at the glop uncertainly trying to figure out what it was supposed to be.

It didn't taste too bad surprisingly....

"Better then grass." I muttered as I softened the hard bread with some water and shared it with Ratty.

Ratty happily nibbled the softened bread.

"Grass?" The poker faced guard looked at me with a curious expression.

"Yeah, Used to graze on grass where I lived." I shrugged as I wondered if the blob was supposed to be a mixture of potatoes and something else.

"YOU USED TO EAT PLAIN GRASS?!" The guard sounded horrified.

I glanced at him in confusion.
Don't horses normally eat grass? Was it really that strange?

"Hmm...Is it really that strange?" I really couldn't understand why he seemed so shocked.

I smiled warmly and shake my head at Ratty who offered me a piece of its share of the bread.

"Maybe in the old times when food was scarce....But nopony eats grass anymore unless they really have nothing else." He looked at me with a look of absolute pity.

I sighed feeling slightly annoyed.
"Well there was nothing else I could eat in the Everfree forest that wouldn't kill me, now could I?"

I remember Fluttershy tell me about the forest being called as 'The Everfree'.

"WHAT?! YOU USED TO LIVE IN THE EVERFREE FOREST?!" The guard's jaw almost fell.

"Yeah what about it?" I asked, sipping the cold water slowly.

This guard was way too loud.
I wonder if I could ask for a replacement...

"B...but The Everfree forest is a dangerous place. It's filled with dangerous creatures and poisonous flowers, the clouds move on their own, and the plants grow by themselves." He shuddered.

"Sounds about right." I shrugged as I slid the empty tray back towards him.

I understood his concerns about the poisonous flowers, but the creatures weren't dangerous at all.

I also couldn't really understand why he was so bothered by the idea of clouds moving on their own or plants growing themselves.

Wasn't that simply nature doing its thing?

He glanced at me with a worried expression as he took the tray away.

"Hang in there for now. Princess Celestia said that she wasn't attacked, and you broke in just to save your pet, so you will only be questioned about attacking the Captain of the Royal guard." He assured me in surprisingly gentle voice.

Oh good....They didn't know I was wanted for tax evasion yet.

"Is Shining Armor alright?" I asked curiously.

I had a better chance of getting out of this if his injury wasn't too severe.
Causing grievous hurt would end up being a more serious offense then simple hurt.

"The captain is unfortunately still unconscious but the doctors say he should wake up soon enough." The guard informed me with a slight nod, before leaving.

I heard some rustling under the sink and was surprised to find Ratty had dug a small hole in the wall that seemed to lead towards a tunnel below.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I grinned at Ratty as I told it of my plan.

Rats are far intelligent creatures then they are given credit for and can easily crawl through narrow spaces.

They also had excellent abilities to see clearly in the dark, which made Ratty just perfect for the idea I had in mind.

"Once you manage to dig your way out of the castle, I can teleport you to Fluttershy." I explained.

"Let her know what's going on."
I knew Fluttershy had a strange ability to actually understand what animals were saying, so I figured Ratty could be used to deliver my message to her.

I really didn't want Fluttershy and Rainbow to be too worried about me since I was the only one who couldn't teleport back safely.

I felt like I needed to send Ratty to deliver my message before Rainbow tries to do something ridiculously impulsive like breaking into the castle just to rescue me.

I was certain that I would be able to use magic freely when it was in an area outside the castle.

"Alright. Stay still Ratty." I focused my senses on Ratty to share its vision.

I had done it before on the other animals to locate them when they were far away.

"Doesn't get any less disorienting." I smile as I see the world from a rat's point of view.

While Ratty didn't have as good as a vision as me, and couldn't identify as many colours, it was a nocturnal animal which made it excellent in seeing things that I wouldn't be able to due to the darkness.

"Alright. You can go in now." I glance at the tunnel and tilt my head slightly.
A rat would be able to perfectly pass through such small spaces.

With an excited squeak Ratty went through the small space and easily began to navigate the dark tunnels.

Using a combination of magical signals and subtle taps of my will, I directed the rat's movements, as if I were manipulating a high-tech surveillance device.

While the use of magic was slightly difficult since it was technically still within the castle, it was much more manageable due to being underground.

Tapping the mental controls to the right, I guided the rat through the shadowy tunnels, its keen senses picking up the faintest of vibrations. Each tap to the left or right translated into a precise turn, navigating the creature through the winding labyrinth of the dungeon.

I could easily visualize the dark, dank tunnels beneath the castle, mapping out the twists and turns in my mind.

With the help of my magical signals, I guided the rat, instructing it to navigate the labyrinthine passages. With each movement, I could feel the rat's senses – the dampness of the earth, the faint scent of moss, and the echoes of distant hoofsteps.

Why would anypony be moving about in the castle's hidden underground tunnels?

It couldn't be helped....
I was just too curious.

"Time for a little detour, Ratty..." I mutter to myself as I signal it to explore the area where the sounds originated from.

"It better not be Rainbow...." I groaned, hoping she didn't plan on doing something foolish like breaking me out.

I really didn't want to add jailbreak to my other charges....

In the dim underground chamber, a figure emerged from the shadows, its form shifting and undulating like liquid darkness. Its body, sleek and insect-like, bore a pearlescent sheen that glimmered in the faint light filtering through the cracks in the walls. Its eyes, multifaceted and glowing with an otherworldly hue, observed Ratty with a calculating expression.

I sighed in relief.
I didn't know what this creature was supposed to be but at least it wasn't Rainbow.

It looked similar to a pony but didn't feel like one.
It was a different creature.

It appeared to be a bizarre fusion of pony and insect, a strange creature that seemed to be sentient.

Its chitinous exoskeleton clung tightly to its sinewy frame, and translucent wings twitched occasionally, as if eager to take flight. It moved with an eerie grace, its movements fluid and unhurried, like a predator patiently waiting for the right moment to strike.

I couldn't help but stare, captivated and slightly unsettled by this enigmatic being, for reasons I couldn't explain myself.

The creature shrugged, realizing Ratty wasn't a threat, before buzzing away doing whatever it was doing down here.

"Alright....back to what we were doing."
I figured they were simply a breed of underground ponies perhaps.

While I would like to study the creature and perhaps engage in conversation, should it be capable of communication, I knew that the time before I was sent for interrogation was short.

I had to send Ratty to Fluttershy without getting distracted by anymore unusual underground creatures, no matter how captivating they seemed.

I didn't even need to direct Ratty anymore to move towards the direction I wanted it to go since it knew exactly what it was doing.

I had a more panoramic view of its surroundings, due to its eyes being located at the side of its head which was very convinient to map out the routes.

I couldn't help but grin as it finally wriggled and squeezed itself up towards open air.

It worked!
Ratty was free!

"Good luck Ratty!" I whisper as I teleport it safely towards Fluttershy.

I knew I could count on Ratty to deliver my message.

My ears flicked slightly as I heard approaching hoofsteps.

I quickly cut off the connection between me and Ratty and glanced at the guard approaching me with a bored expression, hoping she couldn't hear my racing heart.

It was a good thing I didn't stall any longer with distractions since I had managed to make it just in time.

If it was any second late, the guard would have caught me in the act of using magic within the dungeon, and orchestrating a covert communication channel that I had established to send a message outside without any prior permission.

That wouldn't have ended well at all....

I raised my eyes, peering at the approaching guard with an air of casual indifference, masking the tumultuous fluttering in my chest. As she unlocked the cell door with a jingle of keys, I straightened, attempting to maintain an outward appearance of composure while inwardly wrestling with a surge of nerves.

"Time for for your interrogation," the guard stated flatly, gesturing for me to step out of the cell. With an air of forced nonchalance, I complied, walking alongside her as we traversed the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon.

"So who's going to be interrogating me?" I ask warily, unsure what to expect.

"Princess Cadance." The guard said simply while maintaining her neutral expression.

"Princess Cadance?" I ask worriedly, not recognizing that name.

Just how many princesses did this place have.....

"Yes. She came to visit Captain Shining Armor, when she received news of the assault......" The guard glanced at me with a concerned expression before masking it quickly.

"She was understandably worried since the Captain still hasn't woken up and insisted on handling the interrogation of the perpetrator herself." The guard sighed before stopping in front of a door.

"Ready?" She nods towards me.

I should have probably broken out of here when I had the chance.....

Not only was the victim still unconscious but a member of royalty had decided to question me herself.

This wasn't looking good for me.

"Yes. Let's just get this over with." is what I say instead as I keep my eyes fixed at the door ahead, trying hide my unease.


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Upon reaching the interrogation room, the guard ushered me inside, where Princess Cadance awaited, her expression serious and intimidating. The room was awash in soft hues, creating an unexpected contrast to the tense atmosphere that lingered.

As I entered, I offered a polite nod to the princess, attempting to conceal the knot forming in my stomach. I settled into a chair, trying to appear composed while inwardly musing about possible escape routes.

The rhythmic and monotonous ticking of the ornate clock in the room seemed to heighten the tension, amplifying the gravity of the situation.

She simply stared at me, saying nothing.

"Well....this is awkward." I coughed trying to break the silence.

If this went any longer, I wouldn't be surprised to hear crickets chirping.

"Why did you attack Shiney?" She glared at me.

"I am not saying anything without a lawyer prrsent." I said confidently despite the fact that this dystopian civilization apparently had no proper legal system.

I wasn't stupid enough to confess to something I did not do.

It was common sense to get a lawyer before talking to the police.
There was no way I would fall for whatever interrogation tactics she had in mind.

Besides I had no idea who this Shiney was....
I had already enough charges on my plate as it is.

"Who is Shiney?" I asked after a while.
I was planning to remain quiet but I couldn't help but be curious.

"The Captain of the Royal Guard." She answered but I saw a flicker of worry in her composed expression.

"Ah! You mean Shining Armor!" I realized Shiney was a nickname, she used for him.

"You two must be close, hmm?" I tried to change the topic to anything that doesn't lead to a discussion about my more serious charges like tax evasion.

To my surprise I saw a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

"Well...he is an excellent guard!" She seemed flustered.

"Oho~ I see how it is. You like him don't you?" I smirked.

This was amusing.
It was fascinating how expressive creatures in this world were.

I could read her like an open book.

"It's not like that! I...I am a princess and he is a guard." her face was flushed and she frowned slightly.

"Does it really matter? It's a completely natural process of releasing dopamine and norepinephrine that causes such emotions. Sometimes you just need to express such sentiments." I nodded in understanding.

She blinked for a while in confusion before bursting in laughter.

"You really think so?" She leaned back in her chair, more relaxed then before.

"Of course. Tell him how you feel. You need to take the risk and communicate it to the other party or else you will never know if it could be reciprocated."

I had no idea how I ended up giving love advice when I was supposed to be going through an interrogation....

"Better to fail without regrets then to never know what could have been." I nodded, pretending to be some kind of expert in this field when I had no idea what I was going on about.

I listened to her and gave her advice even though I had no experience with things like love.

The only time I felt my heart race was after a good run or when my experiments were successful.

"It was an accident. I really did not mean to teleport on him." I sigh as the conversation shifts to his injuries.

"Why don't you go check up on him? He might feel better after seeing you." I suggest wishing she would leave already.

She kept on talking about him for hours...
I would rather go through an intense interrogation session then undergo this kind of torture.

Her eyes light up at the suggestion and she leaves hurriedly after thanking me profusely for the suggestion.

I waited for a few minutes after she left me alone, then got up from my seat.

"Time to escape...." I grin to myself considering trying another teleportation spell.

The door barged opened and the loud pony I met at the auction earlier who not only stole the goods I was going to sell but also was the one got me arrested in the first place scowled at me.

"Princess of the Night." I grimace, sitting back down.

"So who's playing the good cop?" I ask, making sure I kept a safe distance from her.

I tapped my hooves anxiously against the table as the guards left me alone with the last pony I wanted to see.

"Knowest thou why thou art here, and the gravity of thy crimes?" She asked colder than ice.

"I din't know there would be a sales tax or that I needed a permit to sell those gems! Look I am a honest pony. I would never evade taxes on purpose. I uhh..come from far away so I didn't know the law here." I explain in a rush.

She frowned, seeming dumbfounded.

Oops... Did I just confess to something she wasn't aware of?
This is bad.

Her eyes widen in realization as she considers what I just admitted.
"So thou wast the masked pony who didst attempt to sell the Elements... and evade our capture?"

She didn't use her usual loud voice but there was something unnerving about the way her eyes glowed as she glared at me.

"Uh....What did you think I was here for?" I gulp, glad that there was a table between us.

"I was intending to interrogate thee regarding thine unlawful entry into the castle, accompanied by the beast, and thine assault upon my sister and the royal guard." She paced around the room lost in thought, her hoofsteps the only sound in the eerily silent room.

"Ah! I see." I gulped.
"So uh you didn't know it was me who evaded taxes before this...." I sighed dejectedly.

This is why I should have kept quiet.
I am in more trouble now then I was before.

She suddenly slammed the table with her hoof and glared at me, invading my personal space.

"FOOL! EQUESTRIA HAST ABOLISHED THE TAX SYSTEM FOR PONIES CENTURIES AGO! WHAT NONSENSE ART THOU SPOUTING" She boomed in that typical megaphone voice of hers that reverberated through the room.

"So...I am not in trouble for tax evasion then?" I asked hesitantly.

I had a bad feeling in my gut about this for some reason.
Did I miss something?

"Thou didst attempt to sell the Elements of Harmony, the very essence upon which Equestria stands, for mere ten bits!" She was trembling in fury trying to control her magic.

"I....I didn't know what it was. I found those gems in the forest." I said weakly, trying to speak despite the pressure.

How was I supposed to know those gems were some kind of national treasure?!
They should have kept it in a museum or something instead of leaving it in a forest like that for anypony to take.

It was getting hard to breathe and the air around me felt constricted.

I had to placate her before I suffocate from the pressure of her overwhelming magic presence.
It was nauseating and I could barely move.


I collapsed onto the floor unable to speak.
This was the first time, I felt true fear since I ended up in this place.

I tried to get up but my hooves shook and wouldn't cooperate.

My magic was already weak after the forced use of magic in the dungeon.

"I..." It took immense effort to say that one word.

My horn burned like it was on fire as I tried to control my breathing.

I had to get away from her.
She was dangerous.

She noticed me struggling and took a deep breath looking exhausted and drained before cutting off her magic supply.

I sighed in relief relishing the ability to breathe freely.

"I shall make my sister aware of thy deeds." Her voice was cold and quiet like the cool night breeze.
"Consider not even the thought of escape."

I nodded, flinching slightly as the door slammed shut, leaving me alone with a stone faced guard who was so still that he might as well not even be there.

I could feel my heart racing.
I knew, I was going to be killed.

If it was her, I was certain, she wouldn't let me die peacefully either.
It was going to be a cruel and painful death.

No matter what, I had to find a way out of here.
That was the only way I could survive.