• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,494 Views, 302 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...

Money and Taxes

Teleporting to Fluttershy's location, I found her perched on a fluffy cloud high above the ground.

As I materialized, the unstable surface beneath me gave way, and I teetered dangerously on the edge, before falling into the open sky.

I let out a startled scream as I braced for impact.

Just before I could crash against the rough stony surface below, A rainbow maned pagasus swooped down, her cyan wings a blur as she grabbed hold of me, just in time to prevent a potentially disastrous fall.

"Sweet Celestia! Are you alright? How did you even get up there anyways?" She asked as she gently placed me down.

Fluttershy flew down and looked at me with a horrified expression.
"Oh my goodness. How did you get hurt?"
She asked worried, noticing the bandages, I was covered in.

"Uh...I had to go to the hospital after some ponies tried to attack a small griffin child...The griffin will be alright, she is in the hospital with a guard beside her." I explained as I picked on my bandages.

They both seemed upset when they heard about ponies attacking the young griffin.

"The poor thing....She must have been so scared." Fluttershy said softly in concern.

"Tell me who did it! I will teach those no goods a lesson they won't ever forget." Rainbow looked like she really wanted to beat them up.

I looked away.
"The guards arrested them. They won't hurt anypony...or um anygriffin else." I said thoughtfully, hoping I used the right term.

I flinched slightly as I felt another wave of pain.

"You still look injured. Shouldn't you rest in the hospital?" Rainbow was pretty sharp at noticing things.

"Got discharged after they treated me. I will be fine." I lied, not wanting them to know I ran away from the hospital after finding out Shining was a guard.

"So is this your friend Rainbow Dash?" I asked Fluttershy in an attempt to change the topic.

"The one and only! You must be Doctor Vector." Rainbow said as she did somersaults in the air for some reason.

Fluttershy simply nodded.

"Did you find anything about Fluffy?" I asked as I lowered my voice.

"Your manticore broke into Apple Acres. Saw a bunch of guards take it away." Rainbow whispered after glancing around us cautiously.

I frowned as I realized my suspicions were right.
"Did you see where they took it?" I asked whispering back.

"I think they went towards the Castle. Had to go clear some clouds so couldn't see much of what happened...." She said in a low voice.

"Um...You could just ask the princess.....and explain how Fluffy is actually very friendly?" Fluttershy suggested in a hushed voice.

Why were we all whispering....

"I am breaking into the castle and getting Fluffy back...." I sighed, speaking my thoughts aloud.

"...Are you sure....that's a good idea?" Fluttershy seemed doubtful.

"That sounds.....Awesome! Count me in!" Rainbow smirked.

"So how are we breaking in?" She whispered excited for some reason.

I stared at her, utterly speechless and at a loss for words.

"I think I should go alone....Can't risk my friends getting in trouble along with me." I blushed as I realized, I didn't even know if they considered me as their friend.

"Don't worry about it! What are friends for?" Rainbow smacked my already injured back.

I mock glared at her but conceded.
"Alright, but we run immediately if a guard catches us." I sighed.

"Yessss!" Rainbow gave me highfive? hooffive? Whatever it was called....

I glanced at Fluttershy who seemed to be lost in thoughts and slightly hesitant.

"You don't have to come along with us if you don't want to." I said.

"Yeah, me and the doc can deal with the breaking in and sneaking out the manticore part." Rainbow agreed.

"It's...not that!...I am also worried about Fluffy but I think just asking the princess would work." She said thoughtfully.

I shuddered as I imagined myself simply asking the princess.
That sounded like a terribly quick way to get captured.

"Hmm....Didn't Rainbow say she saw the guards capture Fluffy? We don't even know if the princess would be aware of it being captured." I reasoned.

"Yeah and it sounds so much cooler then simply asking! Besides I doubt the princess would mind." Rainbow agreed with me.

I had a feeling the princess would really mind if we trespassed in the castle, and broke out what she perhaps thinks is a dangerous creature, but I didn't say anything.

"How about this? Me and Rainbow will do the sneaking in and searching part and you can watch from a safe distance away. If things go wrong, I can teleport Rainbow and myself back to you along with Fluffy." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan!" Rainbow grinned, rubbing her hooves together in excitement as she casually flew above us.

"A...Alright I guess." Fluttershy agreed.

"Let's meet at Fluttershy's cottage tonight." I said.

Breaking in the castle in broad daylight was a terrible idea...

"Pinkie has a bunch of disguises with her, I could ask her for her spy tools!" Rainbow added.

Oh so she was also a supporter of the pink politician...

We all went our seperate ways after coming to an agreement.
While I was still hesitant about getting them involved, I was confident about my teleportation abilities.

Luckily, I found a pedlar pony on my way that bought and sold items.

"Would you like to buy any of these?" I asked, as I placed all the complimentary items I got from the private room beside her.

She seemed a bit startled when she saw a whole bed appear out of thin air but was quick to examine the goods.

"Theez zeem to be in good condition. I will buy zem all." She said in an accent, I couldn't quite place.

Two large bags of bits were pushed towards me.
"Iz thiz enough?" She tilted her head towards me.

I picked up the bags with my mouth.
They felt heavy.
"Thank you." I smiled at her as I stored the money in my void box.

I paused as I realized that I had ran away from the hospital without paying my medical bill.

I quickly snuck into the hospital, managing to avoid all the guards stationed at the entrance.

"Can I help you?" A nurse asked.

I was surprised she noticed me, considering the fact I was well hidden behind the plant.

"I....uh..." I began nervously as I noticed a guard pony glancing at me, seeming suspicious.

"For room number 12!" I said quickly placing the two bags of bits beside her.

I ran away, before the intimidating guard pony with the golden armour could approach me.

I hoped it was enough to cover my medical expense.

"Oh! I am out of bits again." I sighed, before a hiring helping hooves sign, placed nearby caught my attention.

It looks like this Applejack pony was looking for helpers for her apple farm.

I immediately teleported to the heatwave I could sense with my magic, present within the barn.

I found myself face to face with an elderly mare, who was napping peacefully until my sudden appearance startled her awake.

"Burnt pies! Oh, my stars!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm, before she promptly went back to snoring, seemingly unbothered by the earlier disturbance.

Applejack was much older then what I had expected her to be.

"Don't worry! I will help you with the farming!" I told the old mare in a gentle voice, as I placed the blanket that fell down, back on her gently.

The Apple Acres Corporation was really terrible, resorting to exploiting poor elderly mares just for the sake of profit.

I was resolved to do my utmost best, so the poor old mare didn't have to worry about any heavy farm work.

I made my way to Applejack's farm, determined to lend a hoof without disturbing the old mare's slumber.

Careful not to make a sound, I adjusted the irrigation system, using my knowledge of fluid dynamics to ensure a more efficient water distribution. I inspected the soil, analyzing its composition with my magic, surprised by how fertile the soil was.

As I moved stealthily through the orchard, I devised a plan to implement natural pest deterrents, integrating elements of ecology to maintain a balanced ecosystem without harmful chemicals. Observing the trees, I noted their growth patterns, considering how pruning techniques could be applied to maximize fruit yield.

Using my magic made it very convinient to work.
However, I realized the poor old mare had neither a horn nor wings to assist her.

This meant, I needed to create efficient tools that would help her even without needed to resort to magical assistance.

I eyed an old, weathered wooden cart tucked away in a corner of the barn with the initials 'CMC' on it, which I assume must be the manufacturer's name.

Inspiration struck me, and with determination, I set out to transform this neglected relic into a functional farming device.

First, I meticulously examined the cart, analyzing its structure and identifying its potential weaknesses. Armed with a set of tools created with my magic, I reinforced the wooden frame, fortifying it to withstand the pressures of plowing the fields.

Next, I devised a system of gears and levers, drawing from my knowledge of mechanics to create a mechanism that would transfer rotational energy to the wheels.

Incorporating my understanding of physics, I designed a blade attachment that could dig into the soil effectively, breaking it apart for planting. A complex pulley system ensured the blade's precise movement, allowing for depth control and efficient plowing.

As dawn approached, my improvised contraption was ready. With a sense of accomplishment, I marveled at the transformation of the old cart into a functional plowing device.

Eager to put my creation to the test, I hopped onto the cart and let it do it's thing on a bare part of the field as I relaxed with a taxation law book in my hoof.

The book was incredibly boring and I couldn't find anything related to sales tax but I assume must be included in other books.

I found another book about basic equestrian laws that was a bit more interesting to read.

I skipped the chapter about 'Theft of Artifacts of National Importance' since it wasn't related to my case.

I yawned, giving up on reading.
Why can't they use simple language in legal texts.

There really wasn't any need to use unnecessarily complicated words, legal jargon and latin phrases for every sentence.

It was bothersome and extremely tedious to keep having to look up these terms.

The field now ploughed and apple seeds planted, I stretched my hooves as I headed towards the old mare.

An orange coated, blond maned pony, wearing a cowboy hat arrived at the farm, looking utterly perplexed as she saw me. "What in tarnation?"

"Um...I am Doctor Vector....was helping out with the farm work....You are?"

"Ah'm Applejack! Ya done all this work? Looks like a whole week's worth, at least!"
She sounded genuinely impressed.

She spoke with an accent common to countryside folks.

"Well I felt bad for the poor old mare having to do all this work. So is this farm yours?" I said a bit embarrassed, I had mistaken her grandmother for her.

"Aw, don'tcha worry none," she replied with a warm smile, waving a hoof at me, "An' nah, We all pitch in to run Sweet Apple Acres. It's a whole family affair, always has been."

So she was part of the Apple Acres corporation, and they owned both the farm lands and factory.

"Well this is hard for me to say, but a few days back one of mine stole some of your farm apples. So I suppose the work I did would be enough to compensate for the loss?" I glanced at her nervously, hoping she didn't ask for monetary compensation since I had no bits on me.

"Well, I appreciate yer honesty. It ain't easy admittin' somethin' like that." Applejack said, her eyes softening with understanding after her initial surprise.

"As a token of our gratitude for the help, take these for yer trouble." She handed me a large pouch filled with bits and a basket of freshly baked apple goods, the warm aroma of it wafted through the air.

"We appreciate the help, and around here, honesty's always valued." She continued as I shoved the large number of food items in my void box.

I glanced at the darkening skies and immediately teleported to Fluttershy.

Angel casually dodged as I almost fell on top of it, without even batting an eye.
The rabbit seemed to get used to my random teleportations by now.

"Rainbow here?" I asked.
"Psst...Up here." I glanced at the roof, gaping at the black skin tight disguise, that Rainbow wore along with a mask.

How was she sticking on the roof upside down....and why did she look like she was about to rob a bank?

"Want one of these for tonight?" She asked as she threw another similar looking disguise towards me.

"I think...I am good." I grimaced.
These looked like a pain to wear.
I couldn't bother.

She shrugged and simply flew down towards us.

"So um....what's the plan?" Fluttershy asked hesitantly.

"You stay here so we all can teleport to you. Me and rainbow split up and search. We find Fluffy and all teleport here safely before any guards catch us." I suggested.

"And how exactly are we supposed to find each other if we split up?" Rainbow crossed her hooves, looking doubtful.

"I can use tracking magic to find you?" I said, unsure if it would work within the castle.

She narrowed her eyes as she glared at me for a few seconds.

"Eh...Good enough I guess." Rainbow shrugged simply after a while.

"Um....if you get caught....just explain. The princess will understand...maybe?" Fluttershy seemed worried.

Seeing her so nervous was starting to make me feel anxious too....

With a nod, I teleported myself along with Rainbow some distance away from the castle.

Rainbow Dash and I stealthily made our way into the castle, our every movement calculated and quiet to avoid detection.

The mission was clear: Retrieve Fluffy, without alerting any guards to our presence and teleport back to Fluttershy.

It was simple enough.

There was nothing that could possibly go wrong.

Author's Note:

There will be no updates from 15th to 23rd October, since I got internal tests coming up soon!

Updates will continue as usual after tests!