• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,242 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...


I opened my eyes and held my breath in awe as I gazed captivated by the night sky which had a serene magnificence unlike anything I had ever seen.

Illuminated by a tapestry of distant stars shimmering like diamonds scattered over a velvet canvass and the slightly oversized moon which basked the forest with a soft yet eerie glow gave me a semblance of comfort despite the distant sounds of howling animals.

"Well now I can say this for certain at least, this isn't earth. I cannot recognize any of these constellations." I said as I got up from the ground, accepting this strange reality that felt like a fever dream.

The vibrant, colourful hues of some of the flora with remains of bones lying around it was something I found inexplicably fascinating.

"Perhaps of the poisonous variety. The colors attract potential prey." I reasoned observing it from a safe distance, remembering the characteristics of colorful poisonous dart frogs from earth.

I could feel a strange sensation of energy around me which as unscientific as it sounds leads me to believe magic exists in this world.

Magic I presume could be explained as quantum particles of energy that could be harnessed either through the latent force in the surrounding environment or through manipulation of innate force within oneself using merely intention and willpower to do so.

I tried experimenting by trying to lift several objects of different density and move it around me using magic.
I found it easier to lift lighter objects and required more energy for the heavier ones.
Using the magic already present in the environment proved to have better results.

Think of it like this, picking up a pencil could be done without much effort but there would be a greater amount of force required to lift heavy weights.

"This is intriguing! I really must research more on this!" I couldn't help but grin as I started testing out my new abilities further.

Turns out one can feel drained after overexertion of magic.....

I tried to catch my breath as the dim white light on my horn sparked slightly and faded away.

I sighed and flopped down on the ground, leaning against a non deadly looking tree.
My stomach growled which made me regret not having eaten anything much before I was transported to this alternate dimension or was it universe?

I didn't know where I was but had a feeling that there was no possible way for me to go back.
"I suppose they must think I died in the accident and the experiment failed...."

The thought of having my experiment considered as a failure made me feel more bitter then the thought of not existing anymore on earth.

"I wonder if Elise is alright. I remember pushing her to safety before the explosion of light. Are there any more talking, magical equines like me around here or is it just me?" My questions were met with an eerie silence as the cold wind pushed past me.

"I must really be loosing my mind...talking to myself like this." I laughed despite myself.

I sighed wondering if there was something I could eat.

I considered hunting one of the wild animals but was surprised by the nauseous repulsed feeling I felt when considering eating meat.

"Oh yeah. I suppose horses are herbivores." I pondered.

I glanced at the grass on the ground.
"This is ridiculous. There is no way I am eating grass...." I sighed as my stomach growled even louder.

"Buck it!" I took a mouthful of the sweet luscious green grass that I found tasted sweet yet minty.

It wasn't the best taste but was enough to fill me up.

Food, water, shelter, and a weapon to defend myself would be needed to survive.

There was plenty of grass around here and water wasn't an issue since I stayed close to the river which had the most fresh tasting natural water.

Just have to look out for the snake like creatures that jump up with razor sharp teeth from the water....
I study the surface and properly examine the waves and ripples in the water and have a drink only when considered safe.

I wonder if magic could be used as a weapon.....if I exert enough force perhaps.

Before I realized, the night had long passed and the sun was starting to rise.

My conclusions so far from the experiments carried out all night to be put simply are as such:
1) Yes, magic can indeed be used as a weapon.
2) Slight force with intent, can cause injuries similar to being hit by blunt objects.
3) An increased amount of force leads to more severe injuries.
4) The blood consistency of whatever creature I am is different from that of humans and injuries tend to heal at a much slower pace.
5) It takes exactly two minutes and thirty seconds to fully recharge my magical energy supply once affected by magical exhaustion.

I glanced at my hooves and torso area, now covered in several bruises and cuts that were healing much slower then what I hoped.

I yawned as I became drained of energy and felt my eyes drooping.

"I need to find a safe place to sleep...away from predators."
I recalled hearing the sound of wild animals running in the opposite direction which led me to believe there was something that startled them....perhaps a larger predator.

"Oh!" I got a sudden flash of inspiration remembering my experiments with sensors when I was younger.

I remembered the structure and tried to replicate sensors some distance away from the roughly made shelter I constructed with tree barks and twine.

To my glee, I was able to create a perfect transparent cube barrier around my shelter.
Touching the barrier would change the barrier's color to red and make beeping sounds.

I smiled in satisfaction and made a mental note to wake up exactly two hours from now as I let myself fall into slumber with a contented smile.

I woke up irritated to flashing red lights.

"I just got one hour ten minutes." I grumbled in annoyance before realization of what the red light meant dawned on my hazy sleep addled mind.

"This isn't good...." I lit up my magic readying to defend myself from whatever wild beast threatens me before cautiously leaving the barrier.

I threw aside caution as I grew curious and approached the creature.

"What are you tree...dog? No, wolf! Tree wolf creature?" I found it fascinating something could resemble a plant so much yet be an animal.

It gave a grunt of offended annoyance as it glared at me with glowing eyes which led me to believe it understood what I was saying.

"Ah apologies good sir/ma'am/non binary creature? I wasn't aware you were sentient. Are you from around here?" I extended my hoof offering a hoof shake.

There is no need for me to forget my manners just because I wasn't a human anymore.

The creature actually blinked in confusion as it hesitantly sniffed my hooves.
It tilted its head in confusion before placing its bark textured stumps? paws? hooves? on mine.

"You are adorable. I shall henceforth name you Barky!" I pet it like it was a cat or dog.

It growled when I first extended my hooves towards it, spitting some tree parts from its mouth but started rolling on the floor making purring sounds of content as I tickled the under bark of its muzzle.

It seemed to understand my gestures but not my words which led me to the conclusion that it was most resembling of a dog in this universe.

This contention was further proven when Barky followed me excitedly to my shelter wooshing it's leaves from side to side like a dog wagging its tail.

"I am going to need an assistant for my next experiment to study the interaction of magic with other life forms." I said designing a circular ball like structure as well as several pet toys out of magic.

It happily complied, yelping in excitement as it brought back whatever object I told it to fetch.

"Looks like the experiment was a success. You did a great job assistant!" I offered it a hoof shake but it licked my hooves instead, covering it with tree sap.

"Whelp....looks like I ended up adopting this tree dog creature." I shrugged as I laid back down in my shelter intent on catching up the remaining forty minutes of my two hours sleep.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 is up! I have several more chapters ready which I intent to publish at a regular pace perhaps weekly.

Also link what do you think about the cover page! Pretty happy with how it came out! ^^