• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,860 Views, 61 Comments

The Next Chapter of our lives! - ScisetShimmerEvan

Graduation is approaching and Sunset has something important to share with her friends while Cinch gets her revenge on the Main 7 with some unexpected help.

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Another Chapter Concludes, Another Begins (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/22/2023)

After moving everything outside, the graduation ceremony was back on once again, with only half an hour behind schedule.

While that was going on, Sunset and Sci Twi went off to the girl's restrooms to change into the clothes Rarity gave them.

It felt nice to be out of the ones that got ruined, as the battle had done a lot of wear and tear to them. But the clothes Rarity had given the two girls were even better!

Sunset’s was a simple red dress with the sleeves cut out, exposing her shoulders, while Twilight’s dress was light and dark purple. Looking in the mirror, she puts her hair back in her signature ponytail with a spare purple hair tie she had. Her signature star hair tie went missing sometime during the battle after her hair had come undone. While it was sadly lost, Twilight didn’t mind, she always kept a spare at all times, in case something like this were to happen.

Now, for some reason, they couldn’t seem to find the heels they wore halfway into the battle, so Sunset and Twilight now had no shoes to wear for the remainder of graduation. Luckily, Rarity has some spare shoes for them she was kind enough for them to have. And were fortunately not another pair of heels, as they instead got a pair of mary janes, and some black stockings, to replace Sunset’s ruined pantyhose and Twilight’s socks. That and Rarity figured neither of her friends wanted to wear any heels for a while, after having to wear them for half the battle against Cinch and her team. Plus, they do get very uncomfortable, after wearing them for a good amount of time. Wardrobe aside, it was now time to get going to the ceremony!

After getting changed, Sunset went to the nurse’s office so Nurse Redheart could inspect her leg, and see if she was ok to walk.

Sunset had been limping following their victory against Cinch, so Principal Celestia called in their school nurse to see if Sunset’s leg was indeed injured, or possibly broken.

They were reluctant to learn it was perfectly fine and that she just sprained her ankle. Nurse Redheart instructed her to take it easy for the next few days and not put too much pressure on it, which Sunset had no problem with.

After making sure she was one hundred percent ready, Sunset was more than confident to do her speech now, following the battle against Cinch and healing her relationship with Twilight.

Speaking of Twilight, before Sunset went off to do her speech for real this time, she had a little something for her. It was a bouquet. Her mother, Twilight Velvet was originally planning to give them to her after the ceremony, but upon making sure her daughter was alright following the battle, she gave them to her early.

After being given the flowers, Twilight got the idea they should wear a flower or two in their hair. Twilight put a few of the flowers in Sunset’s hair like she did to her own before they perfectly matched. This made them giggle in happiness, right before Sunset had to make her way to the podium.

She was already quite nervous as she walked onto the stage, but knew she had nothing to worry about.

Sunset took a glance back at her friends from where they were seated in the row of chairs. They each smiled at her, saluting thumbs up, and wished her good luck. This made Sunset feel more confident and less worried. The same went for Twilight, who was just sitting down with the rest of her friends as the ceremony resumed where it had left off.

Sunset took a quick breath of air in, adjusted the microphone, and started reading her speech.

“First off, I’d like to thank every one of you for coming to this year’s graduation. These past four years of high school were tough at first, for those who remember how I once was before I found the magic of friendship. Still, they were great memories I made, although somewhat challenging. At times, I wanted to give up. Thought to myself that I didn’t belong here. Wondered if I should stay, or go back to where I belonged. But in the end, I didn’t!”

“There’s the Sunset I know,” whispered Twilight.

“High school was a great part of my life, just like it was for all of my friends. I’ve come a long way to get to this moment, and I’m very proud of myself for all of the hard work I have accomplished here. Sure, I did cause trouble for many students and teachers at one point, but I’ll surely miss this place after today. I’d like to give a big thank you to all of my teachers, along with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, for the help they gave me during my time at CHS. I am thankful for the many friends I have made here, and the great memories I’ll cherish for the rest of my life, I made at this very school.”

“Flare Star, where you might be, I hope your happy Sunset has accomplished so much. I miss you, honey,” Brightfire whispered, before clearing away a tear.

“This chapter of my life may be coming to a close, but a new one, with new adventures, is just beginning! As we start this next chapter of our lives, I know that we each have a new adventure to look forward to, in the not-too-distant future ahead of us. No matter where we go, we’ll have people out there to help us in need, and the magic of friendship to guide us every step of the way. And like a good friend of mine would say, ‘that’s the true power of friendship!’ Thank you.”

A big round of applause was met by the audience, who all loved Sunset’s speech. She even spotted her father deep within the crowd shedding tears of joy.

After Principal Celestia gave out the diplomas to her newly graduated students, a slideshow was shown of their time at CHS, while the Main seven performed one last song together for the final time.

Originally, the girls were planning to discontinue their band once they had graduated, meaning that this would be the end of the Rainbooms. But when the band Principal Celestia hired for the graduation had to cancel their invitation at the last minute, she needed to find a replacement, fast.

So, she asked the Main seven if they’d be happy to volunteer, to which they agreed to fill in!

They weren’t sure what song to play, so they let the audience choose for them. And the song everyone wanted them to play was “Right there in front of me.” Aka, the first song they made after Twilight became their newest member.

The remainder of the graduation went off without a hitch, and soon enough it was time to party!

As usual, Pinkie Pie went all out. It was something the newly graduated students will never forget during their time at CHS!

The next day, we find ourselves in the magical world of Equestria, in its capital of Canterlot. A private coronation is being held in honor of Sunset becoming the sixth alicorn and crowned the Princess of Empathy.

Sunset’s friends felt weird being ponies again, but many of them managed to get used to it very quickly compared to the first time. It was mainly Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Brightfire, as they had gotten more experience out of everybody- I mean everypony else! Almost slipped my tongue just there. Even Starlight and Moondancer thought it was pretty cool, even if they lacked clothing and were equines.

Many of the guests who were invited to the coronation, questioned why the rest of Equestria wouldn’t learn of another alicorn now existing, to which Princess Twilight stated, “Sunset Shimmer no longer lives in Equestria and it will be staying a secret among all the ponies who are attending this coronation. She has stated countless times her real home is in the human world with her friends now. Which is perfectly fine with me and our former rulers Celestia and Luna.”

Celestia was the most pleased out of everyone with Sunset’s step into the alicorn hood. She never felt prouder about what her former student had accomplished since abandoning her studies all those years ago. It’s hard to believe when Sunset first went through the portal leading to the human world, Celestia thought she’d never see her again, and if she’d ever change.

But fate had other plans, which leads us to this celebratory moment for Sunset Shimmer.

And before anyone asks, Sunset wouldn’t have to worry about being immortal now that she was an alicorn. Princess Twilight was able to put a spell on Sunset, making her capable of aging as a normal human would and not being immortal like herself and the other alicorns. Plus, it also made things easier for Sunset, so she didn’t have to worry about staying the same age as time goes by.

But with all she’s been through, Sunset still managed to earn her wings saving the earth from merging with Equestria. Being rewarded with her very own alicorn wings, and a beautiful crown! It wasn’t as fancy as Princess Twilight’s crown, but Sunset didn’t seem to mind.

She still however did feel a bit anxious wearing her new crown, as after putting on the Element of Magic back at the Fall Formal, she somehow had gotten a fear over crowns. Even if they were magical or not, Sunset didn’t feel one hundred comfortable wearing one. But with time and patience, she likely will.

As Princess Twilight once told her, being a princess takes a lot of time to get used to!

And it did.

A week has passed following graduation and Sunset’s coronation, and we find ourselves back on planet earth.

During that short amount of time, a lot has changed for the girls and their new allies.

Each of the Main seven now feels like a respected adult since graduating from CHS. They were more than ready for college in the coming fall season. While college was mostly on their minds, they were also adjusting to being ‘normal’ again.

For the first time since their trip to Camp Everfree, they no longer had their crystals or powers anymore. They were back to being ordinary girls again. And Spike, an ordinary dog having lost his ability to talk after Fluttershy’s magic became history.

It’s unknown when they’ll be back to their normal selves, but I’m sure they’ll recover from this, with time and patience.


“I don’t know what eventually means, but it sounds very very long.”

Ok, who gave my computer to Thomas the tank engine, and put this in for him!?!?

One bright and sunny morning at Sunset’s apartment, we find her fast asleep in bed. But to our surprise, Twilight and Spike are there sleeping too!

Twilight had moved back in with Sunset as they were in a relationship again like nothing had happened. But in reality, something did. But, let’s try not to ruin the moment, shall we?

Twilight was the first to awake that morning, feeling happy to be waking up next to her girlfriend. Sunset awoke seconds later when she felt the cold sensation of someone’s finger touching her nose. This made her smile when opening her eyes to see her girlfriend staring down at her.


“Morning Sunset. Sleep well?”

“I haven’t slept this well in a while. Thanks for asking Twilight.”

“Are you ready to start a new day?”

“Sure, but first. Sunset gave Twilight a quick kiss on the cheek before she let out a giggle in response. “Now, I’m ready.”

Twilight giggled once more, as they made their way downstairs to see Starlight and their guests fast asleep.

Sunny and the Sirens had no place to go following their betrayal to Cinch, so Sunset allowed them to stay at her apartment for the time being.

After returning from Equestria following her coronation, the Main seven started to show their new friends the importance of friendship. It seemed that their work was paying off, especially with the sudden change in attitude their four former enemies were showing signs of.

However, compared to Starlight, Sunny and the Sirens needed more time, before they could officially prove to themselves they were adjusted to friendship being in their lives. They were still in the early stages of a long road to go down, and there was no sign of when they’ll reach that endpoint. Not to mention the Main seven didn’t have a lot of free time to spare with their summer break and were getting ready for college.

Sunny and the three Sirens were each in a pair of borrowed pajamas and sleeping bags on the floor, while Starlight continued using the couch.

Neither Sunset nor Twilight was sure how long their new friends would be staying with them but had hoped to help their friends find a new place to call home.

As the day proceeded, everything was going smoothly, and there seemed to be nothing to worry about.

That was until Sunset’s journal received an incoming message from Princess Twilight.

They weren’t expecting to hear from the princess after the coronation, as it was a total surprise when they did.

The message explained she wanted to meet them at CHS that evening, and discuss something important business about the future of their worlds.

She also requested for Brightfire, Starlight, Sunny, and the Sirens to be there too. The reason why, the Princess didn’t say, nor explained why. But the Main seven didn’t bother, as this was more important, and hopefully won’t be something to worry about.

It was almost nightfall by the time the Main seven were outside at CHS, with the rest of their friends, and Brightfire, awaiting the princess's arrival. Just about everyone was wondering what the princess wanted to share with them. Was it serious? And should they be worried? Their answers would soon be made, as seconds later, Princess Twilight arrived from Equestria. She had a loss of breath after exiting the portal as she went from equine to bipedal, for the third time that month. But she had gotten used to traveling to this alternate world.

“Hello everyone. Thank you for coming on such short notice,” shared Princess Twilight, while smoothing out her skirt.

“Your welcome Twilight. Now, what’s this important news you wanted to tell us?” Sunset asked curiously.

“Well, I’m not sure how you're all gonna like this. But, I’ve come to a very hard decision. One that must be done for the future of our worlds.”

“What do you mean by that princess?”

“I’m glad you asked Applejack. After much thinking, and discussing with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, I’ve decided that the portal must be closed as soon as possible for the foreseeable future.”

A round of shocks and gasps were shared, over the news the princess had confessed to them.

“You're closing the portal! Why?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“After what we experienced with the rips opening in the sky, during the battle against Cinch, our worlds were in danger of being merged. If it wasn’t for the crystals transforming Sunset into Daydream Shimmer, all would have been lost.”

Twilight did a little bit of breathing to prepare herself for what was to be explained next, as this wasn’t gonna be an easy one to explain.

“In order for our worlds to be safe from any harm of something like this ever happening again, the portal must be closed for the next thirty moons. Giving it time to heal itself from releasing loads of equestrian magic into this world. So, this will likely be the last time I’ll see you all, until that time has passed.”

Everyone went speechless.

While some of them knew this would eventually come, the girls were very sad this might be the very last time they’ll ever see Princess Twilight.

She had become a good friend of theirs and cared deeply for her. Even if she wasn’t human or from their world, they still treated her as her own friends back in Equestria.

“Will we ever see you again?” Asked Brightfire.

“Brightfire, I do not know… A lot will change within that period. But, whenever you look at the stars above. Think of one of them, as my soul. Continue to spread the magic of friendship wherever you may go, and protect this world from any evil still lurking out there. While this does mark the end of an era, you have each shown yourselves worthy with the magic of friendship. I thank you all, for everything you’ve done.”

“Well, not all of us princess. But, I’ll take it. Your criticism is always welcomed.” Adagio confessed, while messing around with her jacket.

“As even Sunny has managed to accept its magic. Which makes me feel more pleased than ever. Knowing that there is still a way to help someone possess the capacity for change, with friendship.”

Each and every one of these girls had accomplished so much if it wasn’t for the brilliant minds of Princess Twilight. It had done a lot for their worlds and lives if they had never met back at the Fall Formal. It sure was something they were proud of the princess managed to do, even at the toughest of moments.

Though with everything these girls have accomplished, a few of them had other thoughts in mind. One of them was Sunny, Sunset Shimmer’s human counterpart.


“Yes, Sunny?”

“I know we’ve only known each other for a very short time, but, I have a request to ask you.”

“A request? What kind of request?”

Sunny took a glance at Starlight before she started explaining herself.

“With my counterpart wanting to stay in this world, that means yours won't have a Sunset Shimmer. And, I think a world without one, would be a much gloomier place. So, could I go with you to Equestria, in her place?”

Like earlier, a round of shocks and gasps came around to Sunny’s sudden request, all curious as to why she requested this to the Princess of Friendship.

“Really, but why?”

“For much of my life, I’ve been nothing but a thief, a terrible person, and a no-good friend. Especially to Starlight. But after being shown the magic of friendship, and my counterpart saving me from a bitter end, it gave me hope. Maybe I could have a better life somewhere, just like she did. And I think that place is Equestria!”

Princess Twilight was surprised about this but quickly understood.

“Is that what you’d want? I’m sure the girls will be more than happy to help make things better for you with time and ease. Do you really want to do this?”

“I do. They got their own lives to worry about, and won’t be together much longer. I can start a new life in Equestria and make new friends myself. It confused me at first that my counterpart came to this world in the first place, but I think she was destined to come here. Which makes me think I’m destined to go to Equestria!”

That made Princess Twilight feel very pleased.

“If that’s what you’d like, then you have my permission.”

“Oh, thank you, Prince-”

“Actually, can we go too?”

Everybody turned to look at the youngest Siren, overhearing her question.

“You do? Why? Your all still criminals there you know, right?” Replied Sunset.

“Like we’d forget that,” mumbled Aria.

“So, what made you change your mind?” Asked Princess Twilight.

“We have enjoyed our time here on planet earth, but we miss Equestria. And after losing our magic-”


“No one asked Sonata!” Replied Aria.

“We mean it completely! We’ve been struggling to survive, even after getting stranded here centuries ago. When we lost our pendants, we started to see signs that we were starting to age. While that is normal for you humans, it's not for us Sirens," finished Adagio.

“That’s what you get for trying to take over our world,” whispered Rainbow Dash.

“We’ve also learned of our counterpart's location. Which is why we can’t stay here,” shared Aria.

“We learned that our counterparts are moving to this city in the coming weeks. This would be a huge problem if they learned of our existence. So, if we want to learn more about friendship, we were wondering, can you do it for us, Princess? Please?” Confessed Adagio, who was now blushing in the process.

“But if we want to go back home, we’ll have to deal with whatever punishment we’ll be charged for our crimes,” shared a sad Aria.

“Whatever it’ll be, we accept it! We’ve done many bad things in Equestria and this world! We don’t one hundred percent like friendship yet or know if we ever will. We still want to learn everything there is about it! Even if it’s back home in Equestria of all places,” said the confident Sonata.

Princess Twilight was pleased the Sirens wanted this and would deal with any crimes they’d face if returning to Equestria.

“Well, as the new ruler of Equestria, you are dismissed for your crimes.”

“Wait, what!”

“Are you serious?!?!”

“Please tell me this is a joke?”

“Nope, it isn’t. But if you want this, you’ll have to prove yourselves. You girls think your up for it?”

The three sisters nod back, meaning this will be the last time the Main seven see the Sirens. Their once revivals, now friends.

But then, a realization came to Fluttershy on another crucial matter. And Princess Twilight was able to notice by the ever-so-familiar worry Fluttershy often has.

“Is something the matter Fluttershy?”

“Yes, Twilight. If Sunny and the Sirens are going back to Equestria with you. Then, where will Starlight go?”

Fluttershy was right. With Sunny and the Sirens going to Equestria with her, Starlight had nowhere left to go.

“Does she have any family she can live with?”

“Sunny and I lost all contact with our families years ago. She’s been the only family I’ve had ever since. And knowing she’s going to Equestria, I’m all alone again…”

This was indeed a sad moment for them. One that seemed to have no answer.

Fortunately, there was a silver lining to solving it.

“You can stay with me,” replied Brightfire.

“I-I can?” Starlight asked.

“Yep. I got a spare room at my apartment that I hardly use. I’d be more than welcome to let you have it. If you’d like?”

Brightfire then walked over to Starlight and kneeled to face her at eye level.

“You’ve become very close with Sunset like your part of the family within the last two weeks since she met you. Just knowing you need a place to call home, and someone to take care of you, I’d like to adopt you Starlight.”

“Really. You’d do that, for me?”

“Of course. But, if you’d rather want to find someone from your family to stay with, I’ll gladly-”

Brightfire never got the chance to finish, as Starlight immediately began hugging him, as the tears of sadness she had, turned to tears of joy.

“I’d love to be a part of your family! Sunset feels like the big sister I’ve always wanted! So yes, I’ll take your offer!”

Brightfire couldn’t feel more proud of himself, knowing he had just helped Starlight find a new place to call home. And a family, that would love her very much.

With that out of the way, it was finally time to say goodbye to Princess Twilight and her new students before they’d leave for Equestria.

Sonata and Aria felt very disappointed with how they acted toward Pinkie Pie and Starlight during the battle at CHS. So now was the perfect time for them to apologize before going home. While that was going on, Adagio made a long overdue apology of her own to Sunset Shimmer.

Like Adagio, Sunset originally hated her for what she and her sisters did back at the Battle of the Bands, and the encounter at the Starswirl festival weeks prior. While Sunset is the only one who’d remember it, the Sirens still played an important role in helping them against Cinch, when they needed it. There was still hope that Adagio and her sisters could turn over a new leaf, but the Sirens had to prove it if they were up for the task.

“We’ve had quite our tough moments Adagio, but I’m glad you want to change.”

“So do I Sunset. Now, this is something I’d never find myself doing, but I'd like you to have this.”

This got Sunset confused until Adagio started removing her leather jacket, before she folded it up, and offered it to her friend.

“Oh! I can’t accept this. That jacket must mean a lot to you.”

“It’s perfectly fine with me. You do look good in leather jackets compared to everyone else I know. Myself included. So, think of it as a gift for not losing hope in me and my sisters. Is that alright?” Asked Adagio.

Sunset wasn’t too sure how to respond at first, but the fact Adagio was offering it to her, Sunset accepted the gift for not losing hope in the Sirens.

“Of course Adagio.”

Sunset removed the current jacket she was wearing and handed it over to Sci Twi to wear before putting on the jacket from Adagio.

“Huh, what a perfect fit. Feels nice too. Reminds me of the first one I had. Thank you Adagio,” confessed Sunset.

“Your welcome Sunset,” Adagio shared, before covering her sleeveless arms. She started to get a bit chilly without her jacket but knowing it was in good hands, just made her happy in the end.

Once everyone had exchanged their goodbyes, it was time for Princess Twilight and her students to leave.

“I ask only this of you, my noble friends. Keep spreading the magic of friendship, wherever you may go.”

“You can count on us to keep it going,” replied Brightfire. To which Princess Twilight smiled in reply.

Sunset was the last person to say goodbye to the princess before she was to return home with her new students in tow.

Princess Twilight never got to spend a lot of time with Sunset, or her human friends during the few times she visited. She was still gonna miss them, just as much as her own friends back in Equestria after moving out of Ponyville to Canterlot.

“That jacket looks good on you Sunset.”


“I’m not sure if the journals will still work once the portal is closed. But if they do, don’t hesitate to send me a message whenever you feel like it.”

“Sure thing.”

Twilight took a look at the sun setting behind them, and knew it was time.

“Well, it’s time for us to go.”

That made Sunset smile in a mixture of happiness and sadness.

“Until we meet again Princess Twilight.”

The two princesses exchanged handshakes before they all bid a final farewell.

One by one, Sunny, the Sirens, and Princess Twilight entered the portal heading for Equestria.

Just before Sunny entered the portal, she took one last glance at her old home. Knowing it will be safe, there wasn’t a counterpart situation to worry about, nor any magic either to cause worry. When she entered the portal, she felt more than ready for the new life she was about to start. She wondered what new friends she was hoping to meet, and what memories she’ll make with the magic of friendship in Equestria.

But that’s a story, for another time.

The following Friday, Pinkie Pie threw a graduation party for the newly graduated CHS students, celebrating one last final for old-time's sake. Everything was going splendidly as she wanted.

There was lots of delicious food to eat, people going around about their future plans, party games to play, and a pool in the backyard to chill in.

We find the human five, in Pinkie’s living room, all decked out in the dresses they wore back at the Camp Everfree fundraiser. They were discussing the many fun memories of their time together at CHS. From their freshman year, meeting Princess Twilight, and more.

“We sure had quite the journey at CHS,” Applejack shared, before taking a sip of her fruit punch.

“I can’t believe we finished high school!”

“Same here Fluttershy. While this will be our last summer before we go our separate ways, we sure had one hell of a ride. Right girls?”

Several agreements were made, making Rainbow Dash feel very pleased and awesome!

Just then, Moondancer and Starlight come along to join in on their conversation.

“Hey everyone, how’s it going?” Asked Moondancer.

“Just talking about our summer plans. Enjoying the party?”

“We are. You sure know how to put on quite the party, Pinkie Pie.” Commented Starlight.

“You're welcome! It’s what I do to get smiles and laughter for my friends and family.”

They all laughed over Pinkie’s comment, knowing they were gonna miss it once they went off to college.

“Thanks again for making us these dresses, Rarity.” Shared Moondancer.

“Yeah, they're beautiful!” Said Starlight.

“The pleasure is all mine. I’m just glad you both love them!”

“Have you heard anything new about your adoption yet Starlight?” Fluttershy asked, before taking a bite of her pizza.

“Not yet. Brightfire, or my dad so to speak, is still in the middle of getting the paperwork ready. If all goes well, I’ll be adopted a few days from now!”

“That’s wonderful! You're gonna enjoy having Sunset as a sister. I just know it!” Confessed Applejack.

“Thanks. It means a lot.”

“Speaking of Sunset, where is she? I haven’t seen her or Twilight since I arrived. I was going to apologize I couldn't meet with you all at CHS on Monday. My mom wanted to take me out to dinner that day to introduce me to her new boyfriend. And I didn’t know til the last minute,” shared Moondancer.

“Your good Moondancer. I’m sure Twilight just forgot to tell you. She’s been very excited about the date with Sunset she was waiting for.” Shared Rarity.

“A date? What for?” Asked Moondancer.

“For their first dating anniversary. Sunset has been planning it for weeks. She’s been keeping it a secret from Twilight until we graduated. And we all pinkie promised not to tell her,” shared an excited Pinkie Pie.

“Wow. All that for an anniversary! I guess love makes you do crazy things?” Shared Starlight, who was playing around with a strand of hair.

“That’s a relationship for you Starlight. You’ll feel the same way when you start dating yourself!” Moondancer shared, before winking back at her new friend.

“Speaking of those two, do you mind telling me how they got together? Sunset never told me how she fell in love with her. I’m very interested in hearing it.”

“Well, we can tell you. But I think we should take this conversation somewhere private. You might find it a bit depressing,” confessed Rainbow Dash.

“Really? How?”

“You’ll see,” Moondancer replied, as she lightly punched Starlight’s left arm.

“Come on girls, let’s head to my room where we’ll tell you how our two friends became our favorite couple!”

On the far side of the city, Sunset and Twilight were down at the beach enjoying their anniversary date.

Unlike their friends, they were in the outfits they wore during their spring break cruise two months prior, and their matching star flip-flops over the shoes they wore with the outfits originally.

Sunset also adored the leather jacket Adagio had given her, and the crown she got at her coronation. Twilight was wearing a jacket too, being the one she made for Sunset, who was kind to let her borrow it. She even had her hair down as opposed to her signature ponytail appearance everyone knows her for. Twilight had decided to ditch that look following graduation, mainly as a start of her new future, not having to worry about getting confused as the other Twilight, and that it was the perfect time for a change.

It also made her look cuter too.

“It sure is beautiful tonight, huh Sunset?”

“Yeah, best it's been in a while.”

Like Sunset planned for their anniversary, everything was going as she wanted. First, they went out to dinner at one of their favorite restaurants, went to see the latest Daring Do movie with Juniper Montage appearing as a background character in it, and finish the night off stargazing at the beach. It was fun and all, but Twilight had something vital to tell Sunset now that they were together again.

“Sunset, I’m sorry for how I acted when I learned your magic was responsible for turning me into Midnight Sparkle.”

“You had every right to blame me, Twilight. I always wondered to myself how your device went crazy back at the Friendship Games. But I never expected I was the one responsible for it happening. It surprises me that my magic was what turned you into a monster. So, I should be the one apologizing, not you...”

“But it wasn’t. You couldn’t control your magic back then, like the rest of our friends. And it was my fault for being so interested in learning about magic. I got so caught up with it.”

“You got a point there.”

“I mean, I ended up causing so much trouble, all because I wanted to learn everything there is to know about magic! Even after you saved me, and I transferred to CHS, there was one thing I never regretted. After all, that's happened.”

“What’s that?”

“I got friends back in my life.”

“Which is great!”

“And that my BGFF is a princess.”


“Best Girl Friend Forever, you dummy!” Twilight replied, before lightly punching Sunset’s left shoulder.

“Stop it Twilight, you're making me red like my hair.”

“Well, you earned it. Not only did you save everyone at graduation, but you stopped Cinch from our worlds merging.”

“And who knows what would’ve happened if the crystals didn’t.”

“But they did, and granted your wish of becoming a princess! How does it feel now that you’ve become one?”

“I’m gonna be honest to you, Twilight. While a part of myself still thinks I don’t deserve it, after everything I’ve done, and how much I’ve changed, I understand what it feels like to help those who have been where I once was, like you. And why, I became the Princess of Empathy.”

“Mhm. Princess or not, you’re still my best friend Sunset.”

“Thanks again, Twilight.”

The girls decided to stop talking for a while and go back to their stargazing. But after nearly twenty minutes, Sunset remembered something important of her own, she needed to confess to Twilight. She was saving it for after graduation and now was the perfect time to share it with her, since they’re officially graduates of CHS.

It was time for Sunset to tell Twilight what she had planned once they went their separate ways for college, as it was now or never for her to do so.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while Twilight, and I think it's finally time you know.”

“What is it Sunset?”

“I’ve thought over what to do once we’ve graduated, and I’m thinking of going on a journey.”

“Really? What for?”

Sunset was getting nervous about what she was gonna share next but knew Twilight would understand.

She changed her sitting position on the beach blanket they sat on, so she could face Twilight.

“While the portal to Equestria is closed for the next thirty moons, and magic isn’t leaking into our world, I’ve been wondering about the rest of the artifacts that ended up here.”

“What about them?” Twilight asks as she gets up to face her girlfriend.

“I talked with Princess Twilight before graduation if she knew how many ended up here. And amazingly, there are dozens more of them scattered across our planet.”

This conversation was now getting Twilight curious as to what her girlfriend was trying to tell her.

“What are you trying to tell me, Sunset?”

“If I want this world to be free from the magic I brought here, I must find those missing artifacts! I know I’m not the one responsible for them, I still feel guilty of the magic I brought here in the first place. The artifacts are harmless now, but there’s still a possibility that if any magic is still out there, it could activate any one of them, and will cause something bad to happen! I do have an invite for you if you’d like to tag along, but I know you can’t because of college.”

That’s when Twilight remembered the lie she told Sunset about Everton four days before graduation. She did want to go to college after graduating high school but didn’t want to be separated from Sunset.

After thinking about it for a good thirty seconds, Twilight knew she had to tell Sunset the truth.

“Sunset, I have a confession to make about the letter I got from Everton.”

“I didn’t get accepted.”

“Wait what!?!? You lied to me!! But, you told me you got accepted and everything!”

“I know because I got rejected!”

A moment of silence was met between them before Sunset was the one to break it.

“Yo-you did?”

“I was sad about it at first weeks ago and wasn’t sure how to tell everyone. Everton was my dream college. The one I’ve been wanting to go to for so long! But when my life changed after I met you, I don’t care about Everton anymore.”

Sunset went speechless! Within the last year she’s known Twilight, she’s been told more than a million times how much her friend wants to go to Everton, once they graduated from CHS. And now that she outright confessed to her she got rejected and didn’t care, Sunset needed to know why her girlfriend was simply ok with it.

“So, if you don’t want to go to Everton, you're saying you’d rather stay with me?”

Twilight nodded back sadly, as a frown started growing on her face.

“But, why? You’ve told me endless times how much this means to you. You’d do just about anything to get accepted into that college. Aren’t you the tiniest bit sad you got rejected?”

Silence fell upon them once again, with the only sound being waves crashing against the shore.

“My passion for science will always be a part of me, but my life has changed so much since you came into it. Sure, it took some time to get used to having friends again, not spending all my time alone with my studies, and even magic being brought into it, I found something I never thought I’d find. Love. It originally came when I met Timber, but there was something about you Sunset that was completely different from all the other people I’ve met.”



Twilight brought out her phone from her pocket before she began browsing through the many photos she had taken over the last year with her friends, bringing back many good memories.

“We have had our unfortunate moments, even before we started dating I still think about on occasion. Nearly losing you to suicide, twice. Our short breakup when I learned your magic was responsible for me becoming Midnight Sparkle. The tragic Memory Stone incident when I forgot you entirely. And the love I had been growing for you was just erased! I even acted the same way you acted to me back at the Friendship Games when you stepped on my drone by accident. I’ll never forgive myself for that one. I’m sure our friends feel the same. And it was all because that damn Wallflower didn’t like that you had changed when shown the magic of friendship! Just why? Why did she do it to you of all people? Why couldn’t it be me!”

Twilight began to feel tears forming in her eyes just thinking about it, until she felt Sunset’s arm wrap around her, and brought in for a hug.

“You are nothing like Wallflower Twilight. Don’t compare yourself to who you really are not deep down. I know the feeling when it comes to past mistakes. But it's in the past now. It’s water under the bridge.”

“You're right. I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok. While that moment will forever be one of the darkest times of my life, we’re together again. That’s what matters, right?”

This made Twilight feel much better, as she began whipping her tears away.

“You're right. I mean, our author would definitely agree with my statement about the Memory Stone incident and Wallflower Blush, now that I’ve said it to the world.”

“He would?”

“Why do you think I just explained how much I loathe Wallflower and the Memory Stone incident? I wouldn’t have said that anywhere else would I?”


Oh, come on girls! I was so close to making sure more people know how bad that special was! It was a terrible way to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Equestria Girls! But of course, Hasbro thought they should do it... It was absolute bullshit no one thought of something better than that!

Oh well, back to the story I guess…

Sunset still couldn’t believe her girlfriend’s confession just yet, as she was still overwhelmed about Twilight accepting her rejection from Everton. But for the cost of love, she was completely blown out of her mind!

“You sure did catch me off guard there Twilight.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I’m quite scared of what the future has in store, and what’s coming next. I don’t want to give up on our relationship because I want to go to college and you're off traveling the world. It’s you I want more than anything. To be with for the rest of my life. Raise a family, have a child, hell, maybe even get matching tattoos of our emblems, or cutie marks as you call them.”

“That’s not a bad idea, now that I think about it,” Sunset wondered.

“I don’t care what some people would say that I’m a bi. I want you more than any other person out there! And that’s all I want. To be with you Sunset!” Twilight replied as she grabbed ahold of Sunset’s hands.

Sunset went silent for a second but could feel the emotions Twilight was feeling.

“Well, I feel the same way Twilight,” Sunset confessed.

“My grandfather once told me before he died, that when it comes to love, always choose the side of love! And that’s what I want! To be with you!”

That was when something sparked inside Sunset, that made her realize what Twilight was trying to tell her.

“Wait, so does that mean?”

“Yes Sunset, I want to come with you on your journey!”

“I can’t believe it! Are you serious?”

“You bet! I’d rather let college be pushed aside if we want our world to be safe. You’ll need all the help you can get if you want to find those artifacts. And lucky for you, you're talking to someone who would be special for that position.”

This made Sunset smile with glee.

“What would I do without you Twilight?”

“So starting now, let’s find each and every one of those artifacts, so our planet is back to normal!”

That made Sunset feel even more bursts of joy flowing through her veins.

“Wow. You’d do all that, just to keep our relationship from jeopardizing?”

“Yes, Sunset. You mean a lot to me. You’ve been there during my toughest moments I’ve had since we first met. Helping me with my fear of Midnight Sparkle. Relationship difficulties, and even editing the school yearbook of all things. I don’t want to lose you all because of college. You’re my best friend, Sunset. I wouldn’t want to date anyone else but you.”

That was when Twilight was brought in another unexpected hug from her girlfriend. She looked at Sunset eye to eye while whipping away the remaining tears she had on her face.

“I’ll be right there with you, Twilight. If you think your place is with me, I don’t have a problem with it. But I have to ask. Are you sure you're up for this?”

Twilight now felt puzzled, making her left eye twitch a little.

After telling Sunset everything she’d sacrifice to be with her, she started to feel something odd coursing through her. So, in order to get it out of her system, she did the last thing she’d thought she’d ever do, as she tackled her girlfriend in response to her question!

Sunset’s crown got knocked off in the process, landing in the sand right next to them, right as Twilight planted a kiss on the love of her life, before looking into those beautiful cyan eyes she had.

“Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, it does Twilight.”

“Oh! And, before I forget, I have a quick favor to ask.”

“Sure, what is it?” Sunset asks while smoothing out her dress.

Twilight grabbed something from her pocket and placed it in Sunset’s hand. It wasn’t her phone this time, it the locket Sunset had given her when they started dating.

Sunset was confused as to what the favor was that involved the locket before Twilight began explaining.

“Since we don’t have our crystals anymore, I’m thinking about wearing it more often starting now. But, I want you to be the first one to do it. Just this once. To remember the moment. If that’s okay with you?”

Sunset smiled back, as she began moving some of Twilight's lavender hair out of the way, before hooking the locket’s chain around her neck.

After it was secure, Twilight examined the locket as she opened it up, revealing the two photos inside.

There were originally two different photos inside when Sunset first gave her the locket. But within the last year, Twilight replaced them with new ones of her time with Sunset as her girlfriend.

It ended up making the locket even more special, with the memories they had made together as a couple.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you Sunset.”

“Your welcome Twilight.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Can we make a promise?”

“A promise? What kind of promise?”

“That, no matter what happens. We’ll always be together.”

This worried Twilight a little.

“Do you think we can?”

“I don’t know. But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about love, it’ll always be there, if you manage to keep it going. But only, if we can learn to trust one another. And not keeping any more secrets locked away. How does that sound?”

Twilight thought it over for a good minute and kissed Sunset in response, making her feel relieved.

“Speaking of surprises, I have one for you too!”

“You do?”

“I wrote a song for you.”

“You did? That’s great!”

“And I’m gonna play it for you with the instrument you and Rainbow use.”

“You mean the guitar? But you don’t own Twilight. Nor know how to use one?”

“That’s where you're wrong, Sunset.”

Twilight brought out a small guitar from inside her backpack, as she pulled the strap over her shoulder, tuned it, and remembered back to the many hours she spent practicing for this special moment.


Sunset adjusts her seating position before she was ready to hear the song her girlfriend wrote just for her.

“I’m all ears Twilight.”

And with a strum of the guitar string, the song commenced.

Once the song had finished, Sunset was lost for words.

“Wow Twilight, that was beautiful. I-I loved it!” Sunset confessed while clearing away a tear.

“Thank you Sunset. I wanted to do something special for our first anniversary. Rainbow Dash was kind enough to give me guitar lessons before gifting me this guitar. I also got Fluttershy’s help with the lyrics. I put a lot of effort into this, just like you did for this date.”

“Well, you did an outstanding job, Twilight. Happy anniversary.”

“Happy anniversary Sunset. I love you.”

“I love you too Twilight.”

They came in for another deep kiss, celebrating their first full year together since they became a couple.

Whatever will come next? I think it’s best we let the girls handle it from there.

After finishing their stargazing, the two girls went over to Pinkie’s house for the remainder of the graduation party. They were happy to learn that Starlight’s adoption was almost complete and it would soon make her Sunset’s younger sister! Not by blood, but still, they’ll be sisters soon enough.

As excited as the news was, however, they still had to tell their friends what they discussed at the beach earlier, and Twilight’s rejection to Everton. She already told her parents about it on the way to Pinkie’s house. They were very disappointed she didn’t tell them till now but relieved she was honest. She made sure to tell them about the journey with Sunset, to which they were ok with her going on. It was her decision to make as she was an adult now, but they had some rules they wanted her to promise she’ll keep, while she was off on her journey with Sunset.

Getting back on track, it was perfectly clear how happy the Equestria Girls were feeling, now that they had completed high school, and their last summer together was about to start.

However, none of them were ready for the sudden news their favorite couple was about to share.

Upon the conclusion of the party, Sunset and Twilight explained their plans to their friends on finding the remaining equestrian artifacts that were still on their planet.

Each and every one of them was surprised they’d be leaving sooner than expected. But after learning why, they understood their decision completely.

If they want the planet to return to the way it was before magic and the artifacts came in it, they must fulfill this goal!

The plan was they’d leave within the next week, as it would be best to start as soon as possible.

And with a shocking twist, not even Sunset nor Twilight expected, Starlight wanted to join them.

She wanted to join, not only to assist and spend more quality time with her soon-to-be sister, but to also find her long-lost friend, Sunburst.

Starlight had no idea where he’d been since he moved out of her hometown seven years ago, or where he possibly had been since she last heard from him. She knew she’d find him, but where was the question?

Even if it took her several years to search for him, she didn’t want to lose hope of finding her friend.

But what mattered more was finding the artifacts scattered across their planet!

They, fortunately, didn’t have to worry about what artifacts to find, as Princess Twilight had given them a list of the remaining artifacts that were on earth. It was all thanks to Starswirl the Bearded, so they’d have an easier way of finding them.

It was odd that Starswirl kept a list of the artifacts he dumped on their planet eons ago, but no one decided not to question it for obvious reasons.

It was unknown how long the journey would last them, or how far they’ll travel in search of the artifacts.

But they knew that whatever happened, none of them were gonna give up, until they found each and every artifact, so their planet was safe once again.

So as long as they stick together, they’ll be alright.

To be Continued…

Author's Note:


Sunset’s replacement outfit, art by artmlpk

Sci Twi’s replacement outfit, art by artmlpk

Adagio without her spiked leather jacket, art by Rileyav

Starlight & Moondancer’s dresses, art by Sarahelen

Pictures in locket, art made 5mmumm5

Well, we're only 1 chapter away from the epilogue of my Eqg final. I apologize for another delay, my editor Echo Breeze ran into some wifi and computer trouble lately, so she wasn't able to edit it til a few hours ago. But no matter! We're getting close to the ending which is all that makes me happy. This epilogue will be up sometime next week so ya'll find out what happens next for the girls. I'd also like to give a special shoutout to Leo Luce for permitting me to use the art of alicorn Sunset. He made it for his out story a few months ago and loved it! I thank him so much for letting me use it for my story, as I'm gonna be honest, sometimes finding good art pics to reference can be a pain in the ass. Especially ones of Sci Twi without a bun or ponytail. I hope everyone who's still with me has been enjoying the story, and while it didn't go 100% to plan as I wanted it to, I'm glad that my story is nearing completion.

See you all next week, bye! :raritywink: