• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,862 Views, 61 Comments

The Next Chapter of our lives! - ScisetShimmerEvan

Graduation is approaching and Sunset has something important to share with her friends while Cinch gets her revenge on the Main 7 with some unexpected help.

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Counterpart Encounters (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/21/2023)

Sunset could not believe her eyes at who she was looking at following the encounter with the timberwolf. After all these years of being in the human world, and wondering where her human counterpart was all this time, she had finally found her!

She looked practically just like her, except for a few minor differences.

For starters, she was wearing a completely different outfit than what Sunset had. She still bore her signature cutie mark on the skirt she was wearing. To which she felt not that surprised to see. Her hairstyle and colors were completely different. It was darker compared to Sunset’s lighter hair color. She did once have the same colors herself until after the Battle of the Bands when she decided to change her appearance following her redemption, one of which was dying her hair to a brighter shade of red and yellow.

But just by looking at her counterpart eye to eye, Sunset felt nothing but shock upon the moment right in front of her. She finally got to meet her human counterpart after all these years and all she had to say about the moment was just.

“What… the f——”

“Don’t you dare say that word Sun-”

It was then that Brightfire realized what was going on, and why Sunset was lost for words when he saw a second Sunset Shimmer right in front of him. The same went for Moondancer who was starting to wonder if she was seeing things.

“Can someone explain to me why there are two Sunsets?”

“Yeah, like who the hell are you, and why do you look exactly like me!?”

“Ok, now this is gonna be hard to explain, but the reason I look like you is that… I’m your counterpart?”

“Counterpart? What do you mean you're my counterpart? Are you a clone of me or something?”

“No! Well, I technically am you. I’m technically from an alternate world.”

This made her counterpart laugh.

“You? From another world? What are you, crazy! Are you trying to make me laugh? Because you did! Or are you just trying to steal my identity, you freak!”

“No, I’m not trying t-”

“And I bet that’s not even your real hair either. It’s likely just some stupid wig you have on!”

But it was Sunset’s real hair, which her counterpart found out after pulling, causing Sunset to yell in pain.

“Ow ow ow! Quit it, that hurts!”

“Huh. Either that’s one strong wig you have on, or I’m out of shape?”

“It's neither because I am you damn it!”

“Alright then, prove it! Tell me something only I would know other me?”

That was gonna be a lot harder than she thought it would be. Sunset didn’t know a single thing about her counterpart other than the fact that somehow she tamed a timberwolf.

“Well um uh…”

“What, the cat caught your tongue?”

“Stop it Sunset!”

“You can’t tell me what to do. I’m a grown-ass wom-”

But when Sunset’s counterpart laid eyes on Brightfire, she looked like she had seen a ghost.

“D-d-d Dad!?!”

“I’m not your father Sunset. I am your father’s counterpart, and I’m from the same world the other Sunset is from.”

“No, this can’t be real, this can’t be!?!?”

Sunset knew her counterpart was scared there was another version right before her eyes and her father decided to show the girl they won't hurt her.

“Listen, I know you have a lot of questions right now. But if you can just-”

“No, this can’t be! You died years ago! You and Mom were killed in that explosion!”


“Whoever the hell you both are, this is a fair warning! Stay away from me! I’m getting the hell out of here!”

Sunset’s counterpart whistled for the timberwolf, as it came out of the forest and before she jumped onto its back. And before they knew it, the wolf ran off with Sunset’s counterpart before any of them could follow her.

With her counterpart now gone, Sunset and Twilight reverted to their normal appearances while Brightfire and Moondancer went over to join them.

“Are you two alright?”

“I’m fine. How’s your arm Sunset?”

"This cut on my arm is gonna take some time to heal, but I’ll be fine. I’ve been through worse,” Sunset replied as she began inspecting the cut on her left arm, which had put a hole in her favorite leather jacket.


Everyone soon turned to look at Moondancer, wondering what had gotten her so upset with the frown on her face.

“Can someone care to explain to me what is going on here? And what you meant by counterparts and this other world Brightfire!?!?”



While Sunset and Twilight didn’t want to tell Moondancer, after what they had just witnessed, they knew they had to tell her. It wasn’t gonna be easy, but they knew it couldn't be a secret to her any longer…

“Moondancer, I know we haven’t seen each other since I left Crystal Prep, but as your friend, what I’m about to tell you, must be kept a secret. And you must not tell anyone but me and my friends. Got it?”

“Hmm. While I do find it hard to believe, after what I witnessed just minutes ago, whatever it was, your secret will be safe with me.”

“Thanks, Moondancer.”

“So then, is what Brightfire shared true about counterparts and another world?”

“Well yes, but first we should talk about this somewhere private. This is gonna take a lot of explaining so you know what we're dealing with.”

“And we need to get Sunset’s arm checked to see if her injury is serious or not,” Brightfire shared as he removed Sunset’s jacket to examine her left arm, which had blood dripping down it.

“Dad, I told you I’m fine.”

“No, you're not, Sunset. This is serious. You need treatment right away!”

“He’s right, Sunset. It looks serious. We seriously shouldn't just ignore this. You need help!”

“Alright then, Twilight. If you want me to get my arm treated, I might as well.”

After getting on the next bus heading to Canterlot City the other mysterious figure who had talked with Sunset’s counterpart the previous night saw them leaving from where she was hiding.

“Whoever you both are, I’m gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna prove to Sunny I’m not worthless!”

After returning to Brightfire’s apartment, Twilight explained everything to Moondancer while Sunset got her arm examined by her father. Twilight told Moondancer everything she knew about what had happened since she last saw her. Starting from what happened at the Friendship Games when she turned into Midnight Sparkle, to the many people she and her friends had to battle to protect their planet from equestrian magic. The crystals they got at Camp Everfree and even her relationship with Sunset.

“And that pretty much sums up everything.”

“Wow. I can’t believe it! So you're telling me, that not only are Brightfire and Sunset from another world, but the statue at CHS is a portal to this world they came from?”


“And that Cinch was the reason she wanted you to release all that magic your device collected just to win the Friendship Games, that eventually led you to become this, Midnight Sparkle?”

“That is correct.”

“Wow. I’m loss for words right now. If you would have told me this months ago, I would have likely not believed you. But, after seeing two Sunsets with my own eyes, it all makes so much sense now!”

“And that is why you must keep this a secret Moondancer. If someone learned there’s a portal to another world at CHS, who knows what might happen?! And if Sunset and her father were found by the government, they might become test subjects for all we know! So please, I’m asking you as my friend, can you please keep this a secret! Do you think you can do that?”

“Of course, Twilight. While this will take some getting used to, I promise to keep your secret safe.”

“Thanks, Moondancer.”

“Anytime Twilight. And after hearing what you and your friends have been going through the last two years, I want to help."


"Of course. Knowing Sunset's counterpart, she must have something planned up here selve. We'll need all the help we can get to stop her. I’ve also been kinda lonely since I last saw my friends at graduation last week so that's another reason. It would be nice to spend some more time with one of my best friends before college too. I can tell you've changed so much because of friendship, and it makes me even more proud to know you found love.”

“You mean it?”

“Absolutely. While we've both changed these last few years, you still feel like a sister to me. So until the time comes for me to leave for Everton, I want to spend as much of my time with you and your friends.”

That made Twilight feel overjoyed with happiness.

“Thank you Moondancer.”

Moondancer smiled happily back before giving her friend a well-deserved hug.

She wanted to ask Twilight some more questions she had going through her head when she noticed the time on a nearby clock.

“Oh, shit! I gotta get going, Twilight. I promised my Mom I’d help her with repainting her room this afternoon. I need to get going right away!!”

“It’s ok Moondancer. Would you like me to walk you to the bus stop?”

“I’d like that.”

Moondancer said her goodbyes to Brightfire and Sunset before she and Twilight walked down to the nearby bus stop, to await the next bus to arrive.

Once the bus had arrived, Moondancer said goodbye to Twilight before she returned to Brightfire’s apartment to see how Sunset was doing.

While her jacket still had the rip from where the timberwolf attacked her, Sunset had another one she could wear until her favorite one was fixed. Still, she was ashamed the one made by Twilight got ruined which made her feel a little disappointed.

“How’s your arm? Does it still hurt?”

“A little, but I’ll be fine.”

“That was one hell of a cut you got Sunset. It almost scared me to death when that timberwolf attacked you.”

“Dad, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m gonna be fine. Stop with all this worrying!”

“It’s my job to worry about you Sunset. While we've been separated these last few years, you're still my daughter. I’m not gonna just sit back and watch you get hurt. What kind of father would I be if I didn’t do that?”

“Can’t argue with that one. That’s what my brother always did for me when I was younger.” Shared Twilight.

“Ok, fair enough. Just try not to let it get you too worried, ok Dad?”

“As you wish Sunset.”

It was getting late into the evening by now, so Brightfire was kind enough to make them dinner. And good timing it was too. They had gotten quite hungry following the battle at CPA and some of them hadn't eaten anything since lunch.

While eating her food, Twilight asked Brightfire and Sunset if they could tell her what they knew about timberwolves. She was very interested in learning about the magical creature they fought today. She knew they'd be encountering them again in the coming days, so she wanted to be prepared for when that time comes around.

“Timberwolves are a race of creatures that reside deep within the everfree forest in Equestria. Just like the name, they’re made of timber. While it's rare to come across one, they’re very dangerous if anyone were to encounter one. Though I do find it odd one has found its way to earth, as from all the books I’ve read, they don’t exist in this world.” Brightfire shared, answering Twilight’s question.

“But it still doesn’t add up to how one ended up here?”

They took the next few minutes to think how a timberwolf could've ended up on the earth before Sunset came up with a possible theory.

“I think I might know how one ended up here.”

“Really? How Sunset?”

“Remember during the Friendship Games when your device started to go haywire, we saw rips in the sky appear just like we saw today at Crystal Prep.”

“Oh yeah? How could I forg… Wait, how does that tie into what happened?”

“I haven’t one hundred percent figured it out, but something must have caused it to happen. Leading the wolf to go through one of the rips that opened in Equestria bringing it here. But what could have caused it?”

That was when Brightfire remembered something important that was connected to their current situation.

“Wait a minute, rips in the sky! That could only be made possible if, if-”

“If what Dad, spit it out already!”

“If the dark crystal is used!”

This made Sunset and Twilight very confused as to how the crystal would be responsible for the rips in the sky.

“How does that tie in with this problem we're trying to solve?”

“If too much of its magic is used, the crystal will start to control whoever is using it. If not stopped in time, the crystal will go as far as to open rips in the sky, just like what we saw at Crystal Prep.”

“So then if that happened, then that must mean-”

“Someone has already found it!”

“But who could have it?”

“Your guess is as good as mine, girls. But whoever has the dark crystal, we must be prepared for whatever is coming next.”

With graduation just three days away the Main Seven knew they had to be ready to face whoever had the dark crystal. And whatever the plan the person who had it was gonna use it for.

Whoever it was, they had no idea how bad it would turn out.

After bidding Brightfire goodnight, the girls were on their way home following the unexpected afternoon they had. From Twilight reuniting with her old friend Moondancer, finding a bunny with antlers, fighting against a timberwolf, meeting Sunset’s human counterpart, and finally figuring out that the dark crystal was in someone’s possession.

They were already worried as to what was gonna happen next if they didn’t figure out who had the crystal. Not to mention Sunset’s counterpart was in the city somewhere, and their high school graduation was just around the corner.

“What are we gonna do Sunset? We don’t know who could have that crystal and what they’re gonna do with it! Just who could it possibly be?”

“Don’t come to terms yet Twilight. We don’t know who it might be at the moment, so it's best we don’t let it worry us until that moment arrives, alright?”

“Yeah, you're right. With all this stress building up inside of me, I’m not sure if I’ll be ready for graduation this Friday.”

“Same here. I was already feeling nervous about the sudden changes that are about to come, and the graduation speech I'm doing. But now that I know my counterpart is in the city and has somehow tamed a timberwolf, that’s even worse! Sigh. Sometimes I wish I could just have an ordinary life. But we can’t always get what we want, can we?”

“That makes two of us.”

Sunset smiled back at Twilight, feeling a bit better she had her girlfriend by her side during these tough times they were in.

As their apartment came into view, the couple was feeling ready to have a quiet evening to themselves after the long day they had. That was until they heard something coming from behind them!

“Twilight, did you hear something?”

“I think so?”

It was then they noticed someone in a nearby alleyway right where they were. They couldn’t see who it was though as the figure was hidden deep within the shadows. But that didn't stop Sunset from finding out who it was.

“Hello? Is there someone there? I know you're here. Come on out and show yourself!”

The figure was scared at first but realized who she was talking to.

“So, it's true. There is another Sunset!”


“Wait, you know me?”

“Yes, yes I do.”

This just made Sunset more confused than ever.

“How? How do you know me?”

The figure went silent once again, feeling speechless it was talking to the pony version of Sunset Shimmer. But at the last minute, the mysterious figure decided to reveal itself.

“Because I know your counterpart.”

“You do. How?” Asked Twilight.

“Who even are you?” Sunset asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

“Because… She was once my friend.”

It was then the figure left the alleyway and removed its cloak, revealing itself to be none other, than the human counterpart of Starlight Glimmer!

She looked just like what pony Starlight as a human. And like Sunset's counterpart she had a few minor differences. She wore a pink jacket with black rhombuses on it, a black skirt, a white t-shirt with her cutie mark on it, black shoes, and her hair was up in pigtails.

Sunset and Twilight could not believe it. In just one day, they met not only Sunset’s counterpart but now the human counterpart of Starlight Glimmer as well!

“Starlight Glimmer?”

“Yep, that’s me.”

“What are you doing here? And why were you following us!?!?”

“I know that you're not gonna like this, but… I’ve been secretly following you for some time now.”


“Why?” Sunset asked curiously.

“Because I was forced to...”

“Forced to? By who?” Twilight asked.

“It’s for my boss Sunny and I were working for?”

“Wait a sec, are you saying that someone has sent you to spy on us? What for?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t know. I had never even been told who my boss’s name was when we met her. All I know is that she wants revenge against you and your friends for what you did to her. But I don’t like working for her. And, to be honest, I want to help you, girls!”

While that did answer some questions they had, Sunset and Twilight still needed to know if they can trust her.

“How can we be sure you want to help us? We’ve been told everything about your counterpart thanks to my pony counterpart.” Explained Twilight.

“Besides, if my counterpart's behavior is similar to mine, that must mean it's the same for you!” Explained Sunset.

Starlight knew it was risky, but she had to do what was needed to get their trust to help them.

So, she slowly walked up to Sunset and offered her right hand to her. Sunset was confused at first before she figured out why she was offering it.

“Then look into my memories!”

Sunset was befuddled Starlight wanted her to do it, but if they wanted to know she wasn’t lying to them, then she must do what has to be done.

As Sunset proceeded to grab hold of Starlight’s hand she slowly backed away. For once, she felt scared of what secrets Starlight could be hiding.

“Are you sure about this? I know we just met, but do you want to do this?”

“If it’s to get your trust, then yes. It’s a risk I’m willing to take!”

With that cleared out, Sunset activated her crystal and grabbed ahold of Starlight’s hand. Her eyes went white a few seconds later, as she took a look into Starlight's memories!

It was a lot to see and witness, but after seeing just about all of Starlight’s memories, Sunset could tell both herself and Twilight had to tell their friends about this right away.

“Well, do you trust me?”

Sunset wasn’t sure how to respond but decided to by hugging Starlight.

“I do. I don’t know what to say after what I just saw you had gone through Starlight.”

“Yeah, it's one of many reasons it’s got me to where I am today.”

“Well, now that we know you're on our side, we’d like you to tell us everything.”


“Yes. From how you got here, how you were once friends with my counterpart, and who your boss might be.”

Starlight wasn’t sure how to respond at first but accepted Sunset’s offer. She had finally gotten her trust, meaning she’d be able to help the Main Seven after all.

Following their counter with the human counterpart of Starlight Glimmer, they took her back to their apartment where they awaited their friend's arrival so Starlight could explain any questions they had for her. While it was late in the night, their friends all made it over in a little under twenty minutes.

When they all arrived, they were shocked to see Starlight was there. They thought it was the same Starlight they met during the mirror incident with Juniper Montage a year prior until Twilight told them it was the human Starlight.

The couple explained to them what they encountered at Crystal Prep and the remainder of their afternoon. At first, they were all a little surprised by what happened with Sunset’s counterpart but were not expecting that Starlight’s counterpart wanted to help them.

“Are you sure we can trust her Sunset?”

“Positive Applejack. While I still question it myself, I did see her memories earlier. And what I saw, was tragic.”

“What did you see?”

“I’d be happy to explain it to you all if you’d like?”

The girls all turned to look at Starlight Glimmer, who had her hair down and waiting to answer whatever questions they had for her.

“Alright then. We’ll listen.”

Once everyone got comfortable Starlight began sharing with them about her past. And from what she told them before she started, it was gonna get emotional.

“I was born in a small town that’s hundreds of miles away from here, where I lived with my family. I had a great life for many years and a strong friendship with two great friends of mine. Their names were Sunburst and Sunset, who I usually call Sunny for short.”

“So that’s why you were calling her that.” Wondered Sunset.

“Yeah, is there a problem with that?”

“It just makes things easier so we don’t get confused on which Sunset is which. Although it won’t be hard over their hair color and wardrobe.” Shared Twilight.

“Got it… My life went well for many years up until three months after my eleventh birthday.”

“What happened?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Sunny and I were being babysat while our parents had gone out to dinner for the night. I was excited about that night for a while now. I had been begging my parents if I could have a sleepover with Sunny for some time and I had finally gotten my wish. My parents didn’t like Sunny but allowed it as she was my friend.”

“Why didn’t they like her?” Asked Twilight.

“She picked on people, shoplifted, blackmailed. She almost got expelled from our school at one point for damaging the property.”

“Oh my stars!” Said Rarity.

“Were you ever like that when you were younger Sunset?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“No, I wasn’t. Yes, I was a bully for a while when I first came to this world. But I never went as far to hurt someone, shoplift, or even damage someone's property.”

“That makes two things we know about your counterpart.” Noted Twilight.

“Anyway, it was a little after midnight when a train had stopped several miles outside our town for the night. After it was parked in a siding, the crew left for some needed rest before returning the following morning. But not long after they left one of the diesel locomotives, which had been having problems all day, caught fire!”

“Oh no!” Said Pinkie Pie.

“The fire department came and put out the fire. When they arrived they had to turn off the engine’s generator to prevent the fire from spreading. After the train was inspected to see if everything was alright they left the scene. But there was a serious problem that no one knew about! With the leading engine shut off completely, the brake pressure began leaking to the point the train couldn’t hold its weight. When the pressure dropped too low the train began moving on its own, becoming an unmanned runaway! After rolling down the line at nearly sixty miles an hour it got to the center of town where hit a sharp curve and it's train of tanker cars behind it derailed with a fire breaking out instantly!”

“Dear lord!” Said Applejack.

“Huge balls of fire blasted from the tanker cars. The train's consist consisted of tankers fully loaded with over thirty thousand gallons of crude oil. The fire would go on for about three days until it was eventually extinguished. The fire destroyed much of the main section of town but also killed about forty-seven people in the process.”

“I hope they’re all in a better place now.” Said Fluttershy.

“And approximately twenty-seven children became orphans. Sunny and I were two of them, as both of our parents lost their lives in the explosion.”

The girls were devastated. Not only did Sunset's counter lose her parents at a young age, but Starlight's as well. Fluttershy even felt like crying, for what Starlight had to go through. Her tears started to form in her eyes before Spike and Owlowiscious came in to comfort her.

“So, what happened after that?” Sunset asked.

“Sunny and I were sent to a local orphanage alongside the other children who lost their parents. Many of them got adopted as the weeks went by, making me hope someone would adopt me so I can have a new family. But after two months had gone by Sunny began plotting an escape. She didn’t want to wait to find a new family, nor cared how long it would take. Plus, she wanted her parents back more than anything. I knew that would have been impossible as their bodies were incinerated by the fire. She did manage to escape the orphanage and wanted me to come with her. I was hesitant at first, but I ended up going with her.”

“But why? Why didn’t you just let her go without you?” Sunset asked curiously.

“I didn’t want to be left alone. She was the only one I knew out of everyone else in the orphanage. Finding a new family now seemed like the last thing I'd ever get at that point.”

“You got us there, but it's a bad decision you could have avoided from the start.” Commented Twilight.

“I know, but I made my decision a long time ago. We were on our own following that night. That would end up being our life for the next seven years.”

“That sure must have been quite a rough time to go through.” Commented Applejack.

“It was…”

“Ok, but if you both were technically homeless, how did you both get here?” Asked Sunset.

“If someone found out we were homeless they’d drag us to an orphanage where we'd be back at square one. They'd likely make sure we didn’t escape like we did the first time. I'm sure Sunny and I pissed off the owners when they realized we escaped. Or worse case, we could get arrested by the cops.”

“But how did you both get clothes that don’t look so terrible or raggy? They look almost brand new?”

“Rarity!” Everyone but Starlight shouted.

“What? I had to ask. I mean, just from what Twilight told us, I find it hard to believe Sunset’s counterpart’s attire doesn’t make her look like she’s homeless at all!”

“I can explain how that happened if you’d like?”

“Well, are you gonna tell us or what?” Rarity asked.

“Oops, sorry.”


After managing to survive for many years going from town to town, stopping at many shelters for food and rest, Starlight and Sunset were in desperate need of new clothes, as the ones they had were starting to show their age.

They had holes in them, stains all over, and smelled horrendous.

“Oh my, now that sounds awful!”

“Rarity stop interrupting the flashback!” Shouted Applejack.

“Sorry. Carry on.”

Anyway… They stopped at a thrift store in a small town one day they were passing through to get themselves some new clothes.

While it was rather small, the store had quite a selection of both new and used clothes for sale.

And as a bonus, they had managed to score some money from people they met in the many towns they transverse through. Many felt sorry for them so they gave them whatever money they had so they could buy themselves some food or a place to stay.

With the money they had, they could buy some new clothes for themselves but had to choose wisely over what the store sold.

“Wow, you sure must have had a lot of money!” Shared Pinkie Pie.

“We didn’t. We only had forty dollars in total. But that was when Sunny decided to do something I’d later regret…”

“What would that be?” Sunset asked.

“She decided to be kind enough to let me spend all the money so I could get myself some new clothes. At first, I thought she was doing it to be kind to me, but she did it so I was distracted. Not long after we arrived at the store she saw a girl our age wearing an outfit Sunny seem interested in. So she distracted me with the money so could go off to the changing room to steal the girl's outfit.”

“How cruel of her!” Said Rarity.

“How did she do it?” Sunset asked.

“At first, she originally thought about stealing a used red dress she was on display on a mannequin. Which for some reason cost four hundred dollars. I don't know why but I didn't question it. That was when she spotted the girl wearing the outfit she liked heading over to the changing room. Sunny ended up forcing her to give up the outfit. The girl surprisingly did as Sunny threaten her if she didn't give it to her. Once she stripped out of her clothes and changed, she left the girl naked in the changing room. With only her old and smelly clothes left in a corner.”

“Oh my!” Gasped Fluttershy.

“That bitch!” Said, Rainbow Dash.

“I’m starting to hate this Sunset Shimmer already!” Replied Pinkie Pie.

“Why didn’t anyone try to stop her or even security kick her out?” Twilight asked.

“We were in the middle of nowhere. There was only one employee in the entire store, who also didn’t even care about us or notice us. Except for when I paid for the clothes I bought… And for an unknown reason, it didn’t have any security guards or cameras anywhere!!!”

“Did you at least try and make her return it?” Rarity asked.

“I did but to no avail. She hates it whenever I tell her what to do, as I am technically younger than her meaning I could be treated like a child. I did end up being kind to the girl who got blackmailed by Sunny and used the last of the money I had and bought her some new clothes. I bet wherever that girl might be now, is likely still pissed Sunny stole her outfit.”


“Dang. But, do you know how my counterpart managed to tame that timberwolf though?” Sunset asked curiously.

“So what that thing was called? Huh. And no, I don’t as a matter of fact. It even acted like a dog when we encountered it just a few days ago. To that, I don't have an answer.”

“What exactly happened when you both encountered it?” Twilight asked.

“Well, we had just arrived at Canterlot City when this rip in the sky showed up, and out fell the wolf. I was startled when it saw us and hid behind a tree for safety. But Sunny had other plans in mind.”

“And that was?” Replied Sunset.

“I thought she was trying to defend me from it until she somehow managed to tame it.”

“How though?” Sunset asked again.

“That’s the thing, I have no clue! The first second I was hiding in fear from it, the next she managed to tame it.”

“Wow. We sure had a lot on our plates when trying to stop that wolf ourselves earlier today. But now, this seems like it's gonna be even harder to face off my counterpart being its tamer.” Replied Sunset once more.

“That then leads us to last week, when we met this woman who wanted to help us. We agreed and in exchange, she gave us a roof to sleep under and food so we can help her with her plans that revolved around you girls.”

“Do you by any chance know who this person is?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t. Whenever I saw her, she is always wearing a cloak and a red mask. She didn’t want to show us her true identity.”

“Does she know that you're here?” Twilight asked.

“No. Half the time she doesn't pay attention to me. She seems to like Sunny more. Almost like they’re mother and daughter. The only times she’s spoken to me is if I’ve managed to do what she’s asked me to do, which has only been to spy on you girls.”

“Wow. It looks like we got trouble on our hands.” Replied Rainbow Dash.

“Do you know what her next move is?” Sunset asked curiously.

“I’m afraid not. Just this past afternoon I told Sunny I didn’t want to be a part of this anymore. She treated me like crap, made us abandon our hometown, and do bad things so we could survive. Even after everything we’ve gone through together since we were just children, I was sad to lose the last person I called family. Sure she was my friend, but I think all this time she was just using me.”

“Sounds exactly how I was when I dated Flash Sentry.”

“Who’s that?”

“We’ll tell you another time, it's not important at the moment.” Finished Sunset.

While it was sad and interesting to learn about Starlight’s life, Sunset didn’t realize that it was getting late and her friends had to get going back home.

“It's getting late, I think it's time you all head home. We still have school tomorrow, and I’m sure your parents are wondering where you are by now.”

“But what about Starlight? You're not making her go back to living on the streets?”

“No Fluttershy. I wasn’t planning to.”


“Yes, you can stay with me and Twilight for the time being ok?”

“I understand, but do you seriously want to help me?” Starlight asked in a sad tone.

“Of course. Starlight, you’ve been through a lot lately. Seeing how my counterpart did this to you, I feel like I owe you a favor for wanting to help us. And to that, I want to help you.”

“So do I.”

“Me too.”

Before we know all seven of them agreed they each wanted to help Starlight. This sense brought something deep down inside Starlight, she hadn’t felt in a long time.


“Thank you, everyone. This…This is the kindest anyone has been to me in years!”

“It’s what you do for someone you care about Starlight. And it looks like you need a friend you can trust. And now, you've got seven of them.”

Starlight felt like crying, knowing that these girls wanted to help her. Instead, she got a group hug from her seven new friends. Knowing that she didn’t have to worry anymore about being alone.

The next morning, Starlight was sound asleep by the time Sunset and Twilight were up and getting ready for school.

Since Sunset’s jacket was currently with Rarity getting fixed, she was wearing the other jacket she had. While it wasn't the one from Twilight, it was still a nice jacket.

Starlight didn’t cause any problems for them after their friends left the previous night. But Twilight wasn’t so sure they should leave her in their apartment while they were away at school. Even while looking at her sleeping on the couch in a pair of Sunset’s pajamas, Twilight began thinking why not just take her with them? But she knew they couldn’t for obvious reasons.

“Sunset, are you sure it’s a good idea we leave her here while we're at school?”

“She’ll be fine, Twilight. And besides, Spike and Owlowiscious will be here to keep an eye on her.”

“Yep, you can count on us!”


“Alright then. But we should at least leave her a note so she knows where we are when she wakes up. She doesn’t have our number or a phone.”

“If that’s what you want, Twilight, that's fine with me."

Following another normal school, Sunset and Twilight returned home to see that Starlight was finally up and awake. But when they did, she was in fear of what was being broadcasted on tv.

“Starlight? What’s wrong?” Sunset asked.

“Girls, you might want to see this?”

They were both somewhat confused about what she was talking about until they took a look at what was being shown on the local news channel. That was when they realized what was worrying their new friend.

“Reports show an alarming rate of catastrophic disasters occurring across the city. There have been signs of tears in the sky appearing once every few hours today causing havoc everywhere. People are now asking themselves… How long will they last, and what will happen if they don’t stop?”

While fortunate their day had gone alright, their worst fears had now come true. Sunset and Twilight didn’t have much time before things were to get worse for both themselves and their friends.

“Oh shi-”

To be Continued…

Author's Note:


Human Sunset Shimmer, art made by Whalepornoz

Human Starlight Glimmer, art made by Emeraldblast63

Dun Dun Dun!!!! Looks like their worst fears about the dark crystal are becoming reality. What'll happen in the next chapter? Well, you're just gonna have to stay tuned to find out for yourselves! :raritywink:

Before I go, I'd like to dearly apologize for the wait. June was quite a busy month for me as I spent the first week of the month spending 8 days in Washington DC with my family, followed by 2 weeks of many long and exhausting shifts at work with many new movies that have been coming out, alongside finishing up scheduling a trip I'll be going on next month with my Uncle Terry & Aunt K to visit a tourist line in New Mexico. 13 Shades of Sunset is currently in the works on Chapter 4, so if all goes well it'll be out sometime in the next week. Also, before anyone asks, the info on the disaster Starlight mentions is info on a real disaster that happened in Canada back in 2013. So for anyone interested to learn more about it, I'll leave the Wikipedia link right here Lac Megantic rail disaster . But for now, I'm gonna call it a night and head to bed following the unexpected day I had. Anyway, til next time I'm SciSetShimmerEvan, signing off. :rainbowdetermined2: