• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,845 Views, 61 Comments

The Next Chapter of our lives! - ScisetShimmerEvan

Graduation is approaching and Sunset has something important to share with her friends while Cinch gets her revenge on the Main 7 with some unexpected help.

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Old enemies return (written by 13 Shades of Sunset) (Updated 1/21/2023)

A particular girl in Canterlot City finds herself walking down a sidewalk. One could already recognize her. Whether it was based on her look or just hearing about her in selected newspapers. She had poofy and a bit of curly hair tied into a ponytail, a deep, dark purple collared shirt worn under a dark spiked leather jacket, light purple shorts, and some long smooth-looking boots to complete the outfit. She used to be one of what was considered a triple threat force and still is. Who is she? Her name, Adagio Dazzle.

She was just walking off, exiting and straying away from Sugarcube Corner. A man suddenly walked up to her causing the former Siren to be grimaced.

"What do you want? Money?" She questioned in annoyance.

"Aww... is it that obvious?" He asks in reply.

"Well, I don't have shit. So go flirt with some other girl on the street," Adagio dismissed. Just as she was about to walk past him, the shady guy grabs a hold of her arm and forcefully pulls her back.

"That's what they say when they don't wanna pay. Gimme the cash!!!"

The mugger pushes her to the ground and quickly began strip-searching her. Adagio tries to push him off but to no avail. She angrily snaps and instantly kicks him between his legs. The mugger shouts in pain. Both arms dragged down and holding his pelvis as he falls, and lays down groaning in pain.

“Maybe that’ll teach you to be more… restrained,” she says.

“Someone, please help me,” the mugger says softly.

“That was the fourth time this week I had to face one of your types.”

Adagio walked away from the mugger as soon as the situation seemed handled. She’d been putting up with the struggles with Aria and Sonata for a while now. They were used to just taking whatever they wanted just by the alluring sound of their voices in a trio. That was until…

Grr… The Rainbooms. She says in her thoughts. Maybe we wouldn’t be stuck in this wretched place if they hadn’t gotten in the way!!!

She tries to punch something out of rage and sheer vengeance but tries to hold back to prevent hurting her hand. The other two Sirens catch up with their leader after a bit.

“Seriously Adagio? You had to kick that guy on the ground like he got his kiwis kicked…” Replied Aria.

“Yeah… he is in a lot of pain,” Sonata says.

“Thanks, Captain Obvious,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“What? I mean, he’s not having a good moment down there.”

“I have already addressed that Sonata. So can you just drop this already?” Adagio says in annoyance.

“Well… someone’s cranky,” the blue Siren says under her breath.

“THAT’S IT!!!”


The leading Siren silences both of them before either one tries to hurt the other. “Listen, we’ve already been going through enough shit since the Rainbooms took us down during the Battle of the Bands. We barely have any resources to put on the table, we’ve been struggling to survive day by day, we stay at a mediocre mess of a three-star motel after we lost our tour vehicle going around the county, and having been stripped of our powers to do anything about it! So the least you could do is just frigging behave!!!”

Silence filled the air, as it feels like everything just shuts up for a minute from their venting leader. The two siblings kept themselves quiet to not disturb and irritate her anymore which starts to make things much easier.

But soon, Aria breaks the quietness.

“I… I’m sorry Adagio.”

“I promise I can treat you to tacos next Tuesday to cheer you up?” Sonata offers.

The leading Siren had finally calmed herself down. She showed a bit of remorse and a caring expression toward them. They’re of course the only family she has in her current lifetime. She takes a bit of a deep breath and sighs.

“It’s… okay. I just need to think. Just be a bit quieter when talking.”

“Mhm,” both of them nod.

Just then all of a sudden, someone else is walking down the sidewalk toward them. Seemingly trying to approach the trio. And that someone, none of them recognize.

“I see you girls are in a bit of a… consequence,” a middle-aged woman asked, seeming to be in an outfit a principal normally wears, carrying a semi-light briefcase in her hands.

“Who are you? Are you a principal or teacher who works at Canterlot?” Adagio questions the lady.

“Principal? I once was. CHS? No. My name is Abacus Cinch.”

“Well, mind explaining why you decided to talk to us of all people all of the sudden?”

“I got this, Aria,” their leader says, making her stand down.

“I could. But what matters is that I believe we have a common enemy,” she attempts to persuade. “I believe you’ve seen these girls?”

Cinch holds up a school newspaper that had the Main seven on it. “Oh hey, we know those girls we… oh…” Sonata says until Aria glares at her to realization.

“So you do know them?”

“The Battle of the Bands. We came from another world but were banished from that one. Came here to take over this place-“

“Buuuuut they destroyed our pendants practically, which believe it or not, gives us the power to sing and feed off of negative emotions…”

Adagio shot a death glare at Sonata and gestured, zipping her mouth and throwing out the key.

“Hmm… well I also happened to have dealt with them before during the Friendship Games. I’ve witnessed the supernatural and magic within the confines there, and even the girls themselves. Maybe if we worked together, we could achieve our endgame,” the former principal persuades. “And maybe, just maybe, I can help you find a better place with exquisite living conditions.”

“Well… we’d like to have our power back, but I doubt you’d be able to fix that Cinch,” Adagio replies.

“Very well. I’m not sure if I can, but maybe this is of interest to you.”

We pan to the side seeing Moondancer spying on the four of them talking. “What is Cinch doing with them?” She whispers to herself, as she hid around a corner of a nearby building.

Cinch holds up her briefcase, clicking the locks open. Revealing to be a shiny, magical, and mysterious-looking crystal. The Siren trio gazed in awe at the magical object and could feel its aura. With its dark color and appearance, the object could only mean one thing.

“Cinch has the dark crystal!” Moondancer whispers.

“Wha… where did you get this?”

“I found this at Crystal Prep. Though I’m not entirely sure how it turned up there,” the former principal says as she closes the case up. “I’ve been using this to summon particular forces to distract those girls. With someone examining their powers from a distance. It could, however, give you a special thing or two. If you team up with me and my apprentice that is.”

“What apprentice?” Aria asks.

The apprentice walks up and joins in on the conversation. Cinch’s so-called partner in crime was none other, than the human counterpart of Sunset Shimmer!

“You!” Adagio yells out loud.

She then runs up to Sunny and grabs her by the jacket.

“Hey get off of me!” She responds, pushing her away.

“What are you doing here Sunset?”

“Joining this secret club of ours, what’s it look like? Also, how do you know my name? We’ve never met before!”

“Oh don’t play dumb with me. You ruined our lives at the Battle of the Bands, you bitch!” Adagio replied, trying to jog her memory.

“I never went to CHS, sorry to disappoint you. But the Sunset you know did.”


“I honestly don't know what that girl thinks she’s doing, but long story short, she stole my identity. She took some of my looks and even my name. Worst of all, even some people thought I was an imposter. And well, I’m looking for a little payback,” Sunny says while popping the joints in her knuckles.

“Wait, so you’re her human counterpart?”

“Yes. But honestly, she probably got face surgery just to erase me out of the actual picture.”

“I believe it. Though we’ve never met our doppelgangers, so it’s honestly pretty cool. Maybe you two can be twins!” Sonata says excitedly.

“You're seriously just gonna believe the whole clone-doppelganger thing?” Asked a skeptical Sunny.

“Well, we’re not sure if we have human counterparts so to speak. We are from an alternate world after all. So even though this isn’t as far-fetched as our story, it is something to wonder about,” Aria shares.

“Yeah,” both of the remaining members nod.

“So, are you girls in?” Cinch asks, awaiting an answer from the trio.

“That must explain the timberwolf we encountered! I have to warn the girls!”

Moondancer began running off to locate Sunset and her friends about the shocking discovery she had just made. She didn’t have time to spare her thoughts as Cinch was the one with the dark crystal!

The group huddled up to speak with each other quietly as to what they should do with the offer from Cinch.

“So should we take it?” Aria says, being the first to speak.

“I don’t know. How are we sure if we can trust them to hold up their end of the deal?” Shared Adagio.

“I mean, we could just ask them if they will?” Sonata suggested.

The three nod at each other and finish up their quick personal meeting.

“Well?” Cinch waits for her answer.

“We’re in,” Adagio says.

“Excellent,” the former principal then opens up the case once again and lets Adagio take it, using the crystal’s power.

“I already have a couple of ideas, but I’ll need your help Cinch,” She says, holding the rare-looking mineral up to the sky.

“Well, this is gonna be fun,” Sunny jokes around.

“Indeed,” Cinch says with a devilish grin.

Moondancer stops in her tracks to see a beam of magic coming from the same spot she saw the others with the crystal. “This can’t be good!”

All of a sudden, a spawn of timberwolves appears in front of her as a summon from the crystal. She makes a run for it and the wolf chases her away.

Things seem to be at their worst now that Cinch had that crystal in her possession. It was without a doubt, things were about to get much worse for the Main seven.

Sunset, Twilight, and several of their friends were just watching the news of the sudden chaos that was happening throughout the city. They were each called in to discuss the sudden news revealed on the local news media.

While they were discussing all this Rarity and Applejack came through the door, arriving together after rushing over as fast as they could to Sunset and Twilight’s apartment.

“We came as soon as we saw the news!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Y’all alright?” Applejack asks.

“Yeah we’re ok,” Twilight reassured.

“Just… I don’t know what’s causing this… Maybe it’s the dark crystal?” Sunset guessed.

“Whoever has it, we need to find out and get it away from them.” Everyone nods at Twilight’s statement.

“But how can we find it? I mean, for all we know, anyone could have it?"

“Well, Rarity… I might have one idea.”

Sunset takes a quick, concerned look at Twilight telling her if she was thinking exactly what she was thinking at that moment.

“You don’t mean…”

“My human counterpart has it.”

Just then, a knock on the door gets everyone’s sudden attention.

“It’s unlocked, darling!” Rarity grants entry.

As the door opens up, Moondancer comes through with a sudden loss of breath after running several blocks following the encounter she had with the timberwolf.

“Moondancer! Are you alright?” Twilight asks.

“No, I just fled from being chased by a timberwolf!”

“You did!?” Exclaimed Twilight.

“Yes, but as shocking as it sounds, I have something more important news I need to tell all of you.”

“What is it?” Sunset asks

“Yeah, what's the big idea?” Applejack joins in.

“Please, do tell.” Rarity says.

“I’ve discovered who has the dark crystal, and the person who has it is someone we all know well.”

“Who is it?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Abacus Cinch,” Moondancer says with a sigh.

A shocked Sunset now has a bunch of questions zipping through her head, after hearing what Moondancer had shared. “What!? Cinch is the one who’s got it?!?!”

“And it only gets worse, as she has formed a team. One of which is your counterpart, Sunset. The others are those three girls you’ve all met before. The Dazzlings, or Sirens as you call them,” a worried Moondancer informs.

Sunset began realizing that their worse fear had come true. And the one to blame was herself.

“Everything is out of control. And it's all because of me,” Sunset says in remorse. “I have to make things right! I’m gonna go find them, and put to stop this once and for all! So please, no one try to stop me!”

This made Twilight feel very disappointed in her girlfriend.

“Sunset, you can’t do this all on your own. I told you once before and I'll say it again. I told you I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world, in any world. And I meant every word of it.”

“Even if you should?” Sunset asks, showing a bit of doubt.


Yet here we are. You built yourself such a beautiful lie. And now it's falling apart. Tell me, Sunset. Can you feel the consequences crushing you?

A voice suddenly began speaking inside Sunset’s mind. She recognized it from somewhere, as it sounded very familiar. Only to realize it was the voice of Adagio Dazzle, the leader of the Sirens.

“Adagio? Where are you? Show yourself?”

Then, another voice started to talk, but this time it was in Twilight’s mind.

Tell me Twilight. Have you ever wondered to yourself how your device went haywire back at the Friendship Games?

“Um, what exactly is going on?” Asked Applejack.

“Adagio and Cinch must be communicating into our minds somehow. But how?” Sunset wonders.

Twilight tries to counteract Cinch’s question about what happened at the Friendship Games. She wasn’t sure how to respond at first, so decided to tell her what she thought when she first thought it over. Well yeah, but I’ve since thought it was just faulty wiring.

Wrong! The reason it went haywire was because of Sunset’s magic! As you know, that created those rips in our world to open up in the sky and eventually caused you to turn into Midnight Sparkle! You shouldn't trust Sunset anymore, for she is the one responsible for your fear of magic!

And that was when it all came back to her. Twilight remembered exactly what happened as the memory replayed itself in her mind.

Maybe there's another way I could reach her? Hey, let's go! What did you do?! Where's the portal? Where's the portal!?!?

“I… I don’t believe it. You're the reason my device went all haywire, causing me to become Midnight Sparkle!” Twilight shares, as she finally gives in to the manipulation.

“Twilight, I didn’t know about this, nor knew it happened. Please, if you can just let me-”

“Stay away from me you monster! I regret everything I’ve done since you came into my life! You ruined it! I had the perfect future planned for going to Everton. But it's all thanks to that stupid school competition for making us cross paths! I never want to see you again you She-Demon! ”

Twilight realized that she snapped right in front of her girlfriend, cutting her off right in front of their friends. The room is in utter silence for a moment until Sunset just decides to leave the room, with her eyes tearing up.

“No, Sunset, I’m sorry I didn’t mean…”

“I’ve heard enough Twilight! Leave! Leave me at once!” Sunset replies as she heads out of the room in tears.

“Sunset wait!” Applejack says, trying to get her to stay but to no avail.

“Come back!” Rarity replies, following behind Applejack in the direction Sunset went.

While Twilight had every right to yell at her girlfriend just now, she realized that she had made things even worse for her relationship and the love she shared with Sunset.

And while Cinch and her team were celebrating their first attack against the Main seven, Twilight was realizing she had just broken her girlfriend’s heart.

“What… What have I done…”

To be Continued…

Author's Note:

Wow... That sure was some ending alright. I always wondered to myself, what would have happened if Sci Twi ever learned that Sunset's magic was the main cause of her turning into Midnight Sparkle, and I'm very proud that I managed to add this to my story. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, as 13 Shades of Sunset worked real hard on it. While it did turn out shorter than I expected, I love the way she did it as it was the best she has given me for this story. And that we've both been busy lately with our day-to-day lives, and that I was away in New Mexico these last few days with my aunt and uncle visiting a place I've been wanting to visit for years! Anyway, now that my trip is over, the next chapter, chapter 5 is currently in the final stages of completion. I still wanted to add a few things before it's ready for its debut as I'm hoping to have it up before July is over. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, especially with the return of Abacus Cinch, and the Sirens. Expect me to call them that over Dazzlings as I prefer it more, and Sunset's counterpart Sunny too, in case any of you forgot. And before I go, I'm gonna end this story with a song that perfectly describes the ending of this chapter, and I'd like to thank my good friend Krickis for inspiring me to do it for my own stories. I might do it again in the future, so stay tuned for that. Well, that's all the time I got for now, as I need to get ready for my flight home tomorrow, as I'm editing this from my aunt and uncle's place right this very moment. Have a good one my friends, and I'll see you all real soon. :raritywink: