• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,845 Views, 61 Comments

The Next Chapter of our lives! - ScisetShimmerEvan

Graduation is approaching and Sunset has something important to share with her friends while Cinch gets her revenge on the Main 7 with some unexpected help.

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Family Reunion (written by 13 Shades of Sunset) (Updated 1/21/2023)

After ascending the stairs to the roof, Princess Twilight, Sci Twi, and Sunset's father finally found her, following their hour-long search around the school.

She was in a far-off corner of the roof, trying to calm herself down. Sunset was completely lost for words on who she laid her eyes on earlier. Was this man her real father or not?

Sci Twi was sure she’d be there and lucky Sunset was. But now they had another problem. How were they gonna explain to Sunset that this man was her father and would she’d buy it or not?

“What should we do now?”

“I can go talk to her? Maybe it might help our current situation?”

“I think it’s best if I handle this girls. I’m the one responsible for making her run off in the first place. I must fix the problem I’ve created.”

Both of the Twilights knew he was right and let him go talk to his daughter in private.

He slowly approached Sunset, trying his best not to startle her before calling out her name to get her attention.


Sunset turned around and came face to face with her father once again. She still felt a little scared at that very moment just by looking at him. But she had to do this. She knew she couldn’t escape the situation she was currently in. Even though her father wasn’t in his unicorn form, a part of herself still thought that this was somehow her biological father. But she had to figure out first if what he was about to share with her was true.

“I don’t want to frighten you. I just want to talk, that’s all.”

He then slowly moved his hand towards her shoulder before Sunset slowly backed away from him.

“Stay there, stay right there, don’t move or come anywhere near me!”

“Ok. But I’d like to tell you a few things if that’s alright. I know this must be impossible for you to understand after everything you’ve gone through these last few years. I don’t know how I can fix it. But I just want to say I’m sorry. It’s me Sunset. Your father, Brightfire Shimmer.”

“You're not my father.”

“I am your father Sunset. You saw my memories when you read my mind right before you ran off. Why would you see them if they weren’t mine, to begin with?”

“That still doesn’t answer the question if you are my real dad or not!”

“But I am Sunset, please I just want you to just listen to m-”

“My father and the rest of my family are dead!”

“Sunset, please-”

“They’re dead, WHO ARE YOU!”

As Princess Twilight and Sci Twi watched from a far-off distance they could tell that Brightfire’s confrontation with Sunset wasn’t going according to plan!

“I’m worried, should we go and help?”

“No. Brightfire wanted us to stay put and handle it himself. And we’re gonna do exactly what he wanted us to.”

Sci Twi knew her counterpart was right and so didn’t argue back putting her focus back on Sunset and Brightfire.

“I know you have many questions right now Sunset but please, if you can just let me expla-”

But before Brightfire knew it Sunset grabbed a hold of his jacket as she looked at him straight in his eyes with anger.

“What? What!? Say it! SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THESE YEARS!? You’re supposed to be dead like everyone else in our family! I saw them buried and everything in Equestria, in our village months ago! How do you even recognize me!? I’m not even a pony in this form!? Just who the hell are you? What do you want from me!?!?!”

“It’s a long story Sunset but I promise, if you just listen to me, you’ll understand what happened and where I’ve been all these years. And once you do, I promise I won’t ever leave you again. Because family always sticks together, and I still love you, sweetie. Always have and always will.”

Soon enough, Sunset pulled her father into a hug as she cried her tears out on his shoulder. She remembered him saying those same words the day she left for Celestia’s school when she was a filly. This person indeed was her true father.

Brightfire held his daughter in his arms, stroking her hair to calm her down. He knew she needed it after being separated from him all these years.

Sunset was lost for words that her father was somehow alive. But she needed answers as to where he’d been.

And she was about to get her answer sooner than she thought.

After Sunset had managed to settle her emotions, they all went back to her apartment to talk things over with her father.

After Sci Twi got them all some tea and snacks, Sunset decided to ask her dad a very important question that had been bothering her for the last half hour.

“Why now? Why did you decide to find me now after all this time? Where have you ever been all these years? I thought you died the night that snowstorm hit our home in Equestria!?!?”

“Well you see Sunset, I wasn’t home that night the storm came through.”

“Wait? What!?”

“I was away searching for a rare artifact I had been researching on. When I learned the tragic news, I went home to see if anyone had survived the storm that hit our village. But all I found was a destroyed home, with several dead bodies of everypony I had once known as my family.”

There was a moment of silence throughout the apartment before Brightfire continued his story.

“I wasn’t sure how I was gonna move on from it, so I scavenged whatever I could find in the remnants of our home and continued from that point as best as I could. It was hard trying to move on after that tragic day. I hoped things would just simply get better, such as wondering if my eldest daughter Sunset was still out there somewhere. She wasn’t home the night of the storm. But… that’s exactly what would lead up to my disappearance.”

“What exactly were you researching, Brightfire?” Princess Twilight asked curiously.

“They’re called the Harmony Crystals.”

“The Harmony Crystals? What are those? I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of them?” Shared Princess Twilight

“That’s because only a handful of ponies in all of Equestria have heard of them. There’s not much information to be found on them, even in the biggest libraries in all of Equestria. They’re very hard to come across.”

“What are these crystals, and where did they come from?” Wondered Princess Twilight.

“To know that, we’ll have to go back centuries ago, to when they were first created. The Harmony Crystals are just as old as the Elements of Harmony, as they are duplicates of them, in the form of crystals.”

This made the three girls very interested as they listened to what Brightfire had to share next.

“After they were created and used alongside the Elements of Harmony it was realized if two sets of the elements existed, it would make anyone more powerful than ever if they possess them both. It also would make it easier to end up in the wrong hooves, or hands as you humans call these things," Brightfire explained as he wiggled his fingers.

“Anyway, if they were used by those who wanted to use them for evil, just like how it was with the Elements of Harmony, it would lead to war! So the crystals were locked away to be kept safe so one could ever find them again. And for many centuries, many of those they were lost to time.”

“Woah!” Replied Sci Twi.

“Fast forward to a few months before the storm hit my village, I stumbled upon seven of the crystals deep within a cave not far from the Crystal Empire. I immediately became fascinated by them. I wanted to learn everything I could about them. With help from Princess Celestia, I learned that there were a total of eight crystals in existence, which made me wonder why there were eight instead of six, as there were only six Elements of Harmony. That was when Celestia told me that there were two more elements created alongside the other crystals.”

“Wait, there’s eight of them!?!!?!?!” Replied Princess Twilight.

“That’s what I thought until Princess Celestia told me. The seventh crystal was a forgotten element that was made into the seventh crystal, while the eighth crystal ended up being the most dangerous one of all of them. That finale crystal was made of pure dark magic while the other seven were made of pure light magic.”

“Then what was its purpose even existing, to begin with?” Asked Sunset.

“Well, after the six crystals were created, the last two came to be from magic left behind by Starswirl the Bearded to make the seventh crystal made of pure light magic. While the eighth crystal was created from remnants of dark magic left behind by King Sombra. It was decided that it would be best not to use the eighth crystal alongside the others. Whoever was to touch this crystal, even for a second, would be taken over by its dark magic flowing within. Or worse, would be killed by its powerful magic if not careful. I knew the risks were dangerous but I still went off to find the last crystal. I ended up going on a quest to search for its location. And I’ll never forget what I went through the night I found it.”

“How did it happen?” Sci Twi asked worriedly.

“It was years ago, but it still feels like it was just yesterday. I was on the outskirts of Ponyville, three years following the loss of my family when I stumbled upon the eighth crystal after months of searching.”

Brightfire took a sip of his tea before continuing where he left off.

“After I found it deep within the cave and set up camp that night, I brought all the crystals together to see what would happen. I didn’t touch the eighth crystal or use my magic to hold it. I knew the consequences if I layed a hoof on."

"What happened when they were brought together?" Sci Twi asked.

"When I did, it caused multiple rifts to open all around me. Before I knew it, one of the portals sucked me into it! I tried hard as I can to get away, but it was too strong, and it swallowed me up.”

The girls were all utterly horrified at where this was going as Brightfire got to the next part of his story.

“When I was sucked through, the crystals were separated from me! During the next few seconds, I saw them go two separate ways through two different portals. Seven of them ended up in some cave from what I can tell, while the eighth crystal I wasn’t able to identify where it was headed. That's when I blacked out as my body began to change from a pony to a human."

Brightfire was a little hesitant that he had shared it with someone for the first time but pressed on with his story.

"When I woke up, I realized I wasn’t in Equestria anymore. Nor was I a pony!”

“Where did you end up?”

“I ended up here, in this world. I appeared to have ended up in some big city that felt just as big as Manehattan. I’d later learn that it was called Canterlot City. At first, I wanted to find a way to get back home to Equestria. But as days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, I couldn’t figure out where to even start.”

“That sounds like how I felt when I first came here to get my crown,” shared Princess Twilight.

"It was. Not only had I lost the crystals, but I also wasn’t sure if there was any way possible of finding a way back home. I did what I could to survive, and adjust to this world. I created paperwork so no one could find out I wasn’t from this world. If someone found out, I'd be in danger. I eventually got used to this world as well as this body. I got a job and my own place I’ve been living in ever since. My life went well until I heard about a school nearby that was having strange magic sightings over the last few months. This got me curious, so I decided to check it out for myself. I had a hunch from what I heard, wondering if it by chance it was equestrian magic.”

“It’s not that bad after you get the hang of it after a while. That was how it was for me when I first came here,” shared Sunset.

“Even as a teen you still amaze me Sunset. Back to the story, when I arrived at the location it looked like an ordinary school. I almost thought I had wasted my time coming here, and came all this way for nothing!”

Sci Twi was about to ask him why til he started to explain it.

“That is until I learned the statue was a portal. It was by complete accident as I didn't realize it was a portal til it went through it by accident. It took me straight back to Equestria where I met Princess Twilight. That of course leads us here to the present moment where I have since been reunited with my daughter after all these years. I haven’t been this happy in so long. And it's all thanks to you Princess.”

“But what about the crystals? Are you saying that the ones Sunset, my friends and I have are those crystals?” Sci Twi curiously.

“That is correct. I believe the crystals you girls thought were geodes, are the crystals I have been researching on, that brought me here in the first place.”

“How is this even possible? How did you figure all that out in just a short amount of time?” Asked the now-shocked Princess Twilight.

“After realizing that my daughter can read minds from the crystal she’s wearing, I remembered that was the power that can only be used when bonded to the seventh crystal. Known specifically, as the Empathy crystal. Out of the seven that were created they each have the respective power that was transferred from the elements. That, I’m sure you girls have already known about since you found them.”

“So you’re telling me, that these crystals my friends and I found at Camp Everfree are the Harmony Crystals!?!?” Sci Twi asked, getting a nod back from Brightfire to answer her theory.

“Wait, if Sunset and her friends have seven of the Harmony Crystals, where is the eighth crystal!?”

“That, I do not know Princess. Hopefully, it’s somewhere where no one will ever be able to find it. I’m still searching for it right as we speak, and when I do, it must be destroyed! It is made of pure dark magic, and I’d hate for someone to find it. Cause if they do, this world is doomed!”

Brightfire turned to face his daughter once again as he spoke kindly to her.

“Sunset, I am very sorry I have been gone from your life all these years, causing you nothing but pain. Can you ever forgive me?”

To answer his question, he was met with a hug from Sunset.

“Of course! Just knowing that you are alive just makes me so happy I have someone left in my family. And now, you don’t have to worry about being alone or losing me ever again. Ok, Dad?”

Thanks, Sunset.”

“And were you serious you aren’t gonna leave me?”

“Absolutely. I’m not the same as I once was all those years ago. While I still plan to continue my research and continue my life here, all I want is to be with you more, Sunset. Despite all that’s happened to us, we're still family.”

“Thanks, dad. I love you.”

“I love you too Sunset.”

Sunset embraced her father with another hug, and before they let out tears of joy, being reunited once again.

“I say we tell the others this great news that your father is alive, Sunset. This calls for a celebration!”

“Yes it does Twilight, yes it does!”

“I’d love to stay and join you, but I must be getting back to Equestria. Celestia must know you are alive. I'm sure she's been wondering where you disappeared to, and now I have the answer. If you do indeed plan on staying here Brightfire, it’s perfectly fine with me. Just knowing you are safe and sound with Sunset is all that matters to me. If you ever need me, I’m just a book away from to help with whatever you need.”

“Thank you, Princess. You don’t know how happy I am that I’ve been reunited with my daughter.”

“It was my pleasure.”

“And thank you Twilight. I mean it, from the bottom of my heart.”

“Just doing my job Sunset.”

After exchanging goodbyes with Princess Twilight, Sci Twi and Sunset told their friends the exciting news before they all met up at Twilight’s house as her parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, were eager to meet Brightfire just as much as their friends were.

But while everyone was celebrating this exciting reunion, the mysterious figure who had been following Sunset and Sci Twi all day arrived at its destination. They meet up with another hooded figure, deep within a dark alleyway.

“So, did you figure out if the rumors were true?”


“I see. So, there is another girl in this town bearing the name Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yes, but not only that, she proclaims to come from another world.”

“What!? How can that be?!?! Are you lying to me!? Cause if you are, I swear you're not gonna like what happens when I get angry!”

“No! It's what I heard from them, I swear!!! I do find it hard to believe just as much as you do, I think what they shared was true.”

“Very well, but I still need more answers! I’ll need you to spy on them some more first thing tomorrow. And don’t make me tell the boss that you're not doing what she wanted us to do. Or you’ll be the one who’ll be blamed for this. I don’t want her to be upset at me for being in big trouble, Stars! You hear me you piece of shit!!!”

“Yes, yes, I hear you, just please, go now before you make me cry!”

And with that, the hooded figures left the alleyway, to get ready for the next part of their plan. But they were likely, not prepared for what was gonna happen next.

The next day, Sunset had decided to pay her dad a visit to see where he had been staying on the far side of the city. He had given her his address while at Twilight's house the night prior, telling her to come and visit once she was done with school.

She arrived at the address he had given her, which wasn’t that far of a walk from CHS.

She was about to knock on the door when she heard someone call out her name.

“Wait for me Sunset!”

That’s when Sunset realized it was her girlfriend Twilight catching up behind her.

“Twilight? What are you doing here? I thought you said you had something important to do with your mom?”

“I did, but we decided to do it another day. You don’t mind the company, do you?”

“Not at all.”

Twilight smiled back before Sunset knocked on the door to her father’s apartment. The door opened slowly a minute later to reveal Brightfire. He looked like he hardly got any sleep from the bags he had under his eyes. But still, he seemed to be in a good mood with the smile he adored.

“Hello, Sunset. Human Twilight.”

“Twilight is fine, Brightfire.”

“Oh. Yawns. Sorry, you just woke me up from a nap. I just spent the last few hours researching the dark crystal's location.”

"You found it!?!?" Replied Sunset.

“I think. Come on in and I’ll show you.”

And so Sunset and Twilight entered his apartment to see the progress he’s made on finding the whereabouts of the dark crystal.

But just like yesterday, they were being followed by the mysterious figure, who had been secretly stalking them since they left CHS.

After entering his apartment, the first thing they noticed from looking around the place, was how messy it was.

“Sorry for the mess girls. I don’t usually have visitors.”

“Right, remind us later to help you clean all this up later?”

“Will do, but please, follow me.”

Brightfire led them to another room of his apartment. It was filled with maps, bulletin boards, and three giant computers! Just by looking around the room, it must have been where he spent all of his time researching. And slept by the apparent bed off in the corner.

“Woah!” Sunset gasped.

“Is this how you were able to find the location of CHS?” Sci Twi asked.

“Yep, alongside other parts of this city too. And just recently, I’ve gotten signs of Equestrian Magic sightings too.”

“Really! How were you able to do that?”

“Because of me.”

It was then to Twilight and Sunset’s surprise that Brightfire had another guest in his home. And it was someone that Twilight recognized. The moment the figure made their appearance they can tell they were wearing a Crystal Prep uniform, a pair of glasses, and had the same hairstyle as Twilight, but with a slight color variation.


“Hey Twilight, long time no see.”

The two old friends hugged each other before Twilight proceeded to ask her old what she was doing in Brightfire's apartment.

“What are you doing here? Last I heard you moved out of Canterlot City. Why are you still here?”

“Well you see, my parents weren’t fond of the move, soon it lead to a lot of arguing, and then getting divorced. After that, I ended up moving back here with my mom and resuming my studies at Crystal Prep. Currently, I’m getting ready to go to Everton this fall for college. I got accepted before graduating from CPA. I'm also glad Cinch is no longer the Principal after I returned. I still wonder why she’s no longer there though. No one wants to tell me why, no matter how many I ask?”

“Oh, that’s a shame to hear. But congrats on graduating from CPA. I'm sure it was a lot better with Cinch out of the picture,” Twilight shared before winking over to Sunset. She smiled in reply back before it was her turn to talk to Moondancer.

“Ok, but that still doesn’t explain why you're here in my dad’s apartment?”

“She’s helping me with my research.”

“Yes we can tell that, but for how long has she been helping you?”

“The last three months.”

“Three months!?!? Why didn’t you tell us?”

“You never asked me. Nor did I know you knew Moondancer.”

“Fair enough.”

“You never told me you had a daughter Brightfire. Is there a reason behind it?”

“I’ll explain it to you later Moondancer. It's a very long-”

But right before Brightfire could finish his computer went off, with several alarms and everything!

“What’s going on!?!?” Said Sunset.

“Does your computer have a virus? Is someone trying to hack you? Is equestrian magic trying to take control of it!?!?!”

“Twilight, calm down, his computer is perfectly fine. I’ve added firewalls and everything to make sure that he’s not getting any.”

“Then why is his computer going off?”

“It's detecting a signal on the far side of town!” Brightfire shouted.

“Where exactly?” Sunset shouted back.

“At Crystal Prep Academy.”

“Wait, it's coming from Crystal Prep!?!?” Said Twilight and Moondancer.

“What’s it detecting?” Sunset asked.

“Oh my god! I-I can’t believe it!”

“What is it, dad?"

“The signal that it's detecting, it's the eighth crystal!”

“It is!?!?!?” Said Moondancer.

“Are you sure?” Sci Twi asked.

“I’m positive. I programmed this computer myself, and it’s never failed me. I think it's best we head over there and find it before someone beats us to it!”

The three girls agreed with him and set off to Crystal Prep Academy.

But little did they know that when they’d get there, there was a surprise waiting for them.

And right as they left the mysterious figure brought a walkie-talkie out from her jacket and activated it.

“Get ready, they’re coming your way.”

Following a short bus ride, they arrived at Crystal Prep Academy in downtown Canterlot City.

The place seemed very quiet and almost abandoned like no one had been there for ages.

“Huh, for a late Tuesday afternoon, I thought this place would be open with many teenagers going about their everyday schedules.” Shared Brightfire.

“Then why is no one here?” Wondered Sci Twi.

“Oh right, I forgot to mention. The school is now closed for the summer so we won’t have to worry about someone wondering why we're here wandering around.” Shared Moondancer.

“And that’s good how?” Sunset asked.

“Because according to my magic detector, the crystal is close!” Brightfire shared.

“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go find that crystal!” Twilight shouted.

And that’s exactly what they did.

Brightfire’s detector went off and on for the next few minutes as they searched for its location.

After a while, they weren't getting anything. But just when they thought they were in the clear, the magic detector went off like crazy in front of a bush on the far side of the school.

“Well girls, we’ve found it! Now, since this crystal is very dangerous I want none of you to try not to grab it. If you touch it, it’ll try and take you over!”

“So then how will we get it without touching it?”

“Way ahead of you Twilight.”

Sunset had managed to find a tree branch that was long enough to grab the crystal. And fortunately, a few of its branches were still intact so it could carry the crystal for them.

After getting the tree branch from Sunset, Twilight slowly approached the bush as quietly as she could. But before she knew it, the bush shook a little.

“No need to panic Twi, you're alright. It’s probably just your imagination. Just get that crystal, and it’ll be all over with quickly.”

Twilight kneeled in front of the bush and started to search for the crystal, but it was then that she made a shocking discovery!

“The crystal, it's not here!”


“Then what was my device detecting?”


What they thought was the crystal inside the bush, was a bunny rabbit.

“That’s it? We came all this way to find a bunny! That for some reason has antlers?”

“Are those even real?” Moondancer asked.

Twilight touched one of them and even pulled on it a little before the bunny got startled when she pulled it. The bunny then jumped out of her hands and ran off towards a nearby rabbit hole.

“Great, we just spent the last half hour hoping we’d find that crystal, only to be empty-handed after finding a bunny with antlers!?!?” Complained Twilight.

“That sure was odd. I’m pretty sure only bunnies in Equestria have them. I’ve never seen one on earth from my time here.” Said Brightfire.

"Neither have I," shared Sunset.

“So then how did it get here?” Wondered Moondancer

It was then that they noticed that there was a tear in the sky that looked to be leading to Equestria!

Brightfire and the three girls were surprised by this and began wondering where it came from. But their expectations came too late as the tear in the sky eventually disappeared before they could figure out how it got there.

“Well, that was odd?” Questioned Moondancer.

“You can say that again Moondancer.”

“So, what now?” Sunset wondered.

“I don’t know girls. We came all this way to find the crystal but to no avail. Guess I should probably make some adjustments to this thing. I mean, this was the first time I’ve used it.”


“I’m sorry but it's true. I built this thing in just twelve hours. What did you expect?”

“He’s got a point, Twilight. Why don’t we head back over to his apartment and try and fix it?”

“Well, it's better than staying out here doing nothing. Let’s head back to-”

But that's was when they heard a scream nearby. It was coming from a civilian who was being attacked by a tree-like monster that Sunset and Brightfire recognized.

“Is that?”

“No, it can’t be!”

But it was exactly what they feared!

“What is that thing!”

“That thing, Moondancer, is a timberwolf!”

“A what now?”

“How did one even get here? They don’t exist in this world!” Said Sunset.

“I’m gonna need some explanations on what you meant by that!”

“We’ll explain later, but for now, we need to stop it! Twilight, it's go time!”

Sunset and Twilight soon transformed into their ponied-up forms they’d turn into wherever there was trouble, and help was needed in dire situations such as this one!

“So what’s the plan?”

“We're going to need to kill that thing somehow. It’s made of timber, so we'll need something flammable. Then, we can destroy it with fire! But the only problem is we don’t have anything to use to ignite it?”

“Wait, I got it!”

Twilight brought her lucky lighter from her pocket. With it, they had the advantage of stopping the timberwolf.

“Alright! Twilight, you deal with trying to set that wolf on fire while I distract it and help that girl.”

“On it!”

“Dad, you and Moondancer get to safety. We don’t want anyone to get hurt. So please, get somewhere safe!”

“Got it!”

“You don’t have to tell me twice!”

And so it was now time to stop the timberwolf and save the civilian!

Twilight and Sunset stood face to face with the creature awaiting who was gonna make the first move while the wolf growled at them.



Time seemed to have slowed down as the scene turned into a small standoff.

The timberwolf turned around as it was being approached by the two humans.

The civilian was able to get up and run from the commotion, letting the two girls handle it from there.

Both parties had a significant glare in their eyes, and soon the other dared them to take the first move.

The Timberwolf, of course, took the first strike, but Twilight used her telekinesis to get a nearby mailbox and use it as a shield, stopping its instant lunge attack.

She hit it back as the wolf took damage from it and handed Sunset a long pipe from an external building as a weapon.

The bacon-haired girl charged forward and immediately hit the wolf with the pipe. The creature immediately struck back and Sunset ended up getting a huge scratch from it! It ripped her shoulder open after being thrown toward a brick wall of a nearby building.

“Aaahh!!!!” Sunset yelped out in pain as three large cuts appeared on her left arm.

“Sunset!!! Are you ok?”

“Yeah… I should be fine. It’s just a scratch. But this thing is gonna get it now!”

“There’s no way it can take on the two of us.”

“Don’t underestimate it Twi.”

As soon as they were about to attack again, a sudden whistle came out of nowhere. Once the timberwolf heard it, it retreated into the woods.

“Huh… well that’s…”

“Anticlimactic?” Sci Twi suggested.

“I was gonna say disappointing. Still, who blew that whistle?”

"Maybe it belonged to its owner?"

"Twilight, it's a wild creature. What are the odds of it having one?"

"Actually, it does.” Said a mysterious voice.

“Who said that?” Sunset replied

“Over here you two.”

It was then that they spotted someone in a dark alleyway.

Neither Sunset nor Twilight was able to tell who it was, as they couldn't see the person’s face. The alleyway was very dark, making it impossible to see who it was.

“So… you ready to explain to me why you happen to be a bit… similar to me?” says the shady figure, making both of the girls very confused.

“Sorry, but do I know you?”

“I think you do… you and I are the same…”

The girls still come out clueless trying to figure out who they were talking to and why they said that to them.

“Listen I don’t know who you are, but we haven’t met before. My name’s Sunset Shimmer and this is my girlfriend Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh, I know exactly who you both are sweetheart.”

“You do?”

The figure chuckled before facing Sunset and Twilight once again.

“You took so much from this world that should have been given to me! And now I’m demanding it back from you. Isn’t that fair? Sunset?” The anonymous figure says as it comes out of the alleyway, revealing itself to be none other than the human counterpart of Sunset Shimmer!

“What… the f——”

To be Continued…

Author's Note:


Human Moondancer, art made by ultrard

Bunny with the antlers

Well, we sure ended on quite the cliffhanger eh? I thought it was about time for me to do this with Sunset's counterpart making her debut, and boy did I love it, especially working with my good friend 13 Shades of Sunset that wrote (most) of this chapter, so let's all give a big round of applause for his hard work. Anyway, tune in for the next chapter to see what happens next and how our Sunset will handle this situation at hand. Also if anyone asks about the scene where Sunset encounters her father at the beginning of the chapter it's based on a deleted scene from The Amazing Spiderman 2 where Peter meets his father who he thought was dead. I loved the deleted scene so much that I had to do this for my story and I did, which I wrote back in February believe it or not. Anyway, I hope you all liked how the story is going so far as there's still more to come for this story. I'm gonna try and get chapter 3 out sooner than when I posted Chapters 1 & 2 as I'm gonna be out of town in a week visiting Washington DC with my family so expect Chapter 3 very soon. But if I'm unable to get it out then it'll likely be out in 2-3 weeks from now. I'll see what happens. But for now, I'm gonna spend my evening relaxing following another exhausting day at work as it's gotten busier where I work since yesterday started. And don't forget to like and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until next time I'm SciSetShimmerEvan signing off.