• Published 3rd Oct 2012
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The Album - Peregrine Caged

A collection of 'snapshots', short stories that represent Moments in the lives of various ponies

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Photo Finish -- To Make Dreams Come True

Written by: Full Tome
Rated Everyone

Da lights. All of zem. Shining. Da crowd. Da whole Crowd. Vas cheering. Da Models. All of zem. Zey vere stunning!

I vill admit, I had seen it before. More times zen I can count. Every time it is a different crowd and a different dress. But every time, it is just as magnificent as before.

Yes, I have seen many models rise to glory. Some of dem for a moment, others zat I have helped at da start of my career zat are still going strong, living vat has been zeir dream from da start.

Even now as I vatch da stage, I see only those vith poise. Those vith heart. Those vith passion. And every time I see dem, zey amaze me. Not because zey are valking on da stage, or because zey are all marvelous, but because zey are alive.

I vatch dem as zey valk the runway, living to make others smile. Zese are da ponies, da ponies who all share vimsy, a vision, and da magicks!

In moments like zese, I cannot help but vonder vat it is zat makes dem vant to be on da stage, and vhy it is dat they vish to be in da spotlight.

For some, I have noticed, it is zat zey vant to be a star, and, for others, I have noticed zat they vant to make someone proud, but da result is alvays da same. They shine, and as they shine, zey inspire.

Zis inspiration only makes it so zat a cycle can continue. Da small all vant to see da famous. Da famous vant to be seen by da small. Zis vill make some of da small vant to be da famous.

Efen now, as I look out ofer da crowd, I see zem. Da vorkers, da artists, and da young. Zey all vant to see vat it is like. Some say zat they come to see da dresses. Some say zat they come to feel da highlife.

I remember one of my stars. It vas a shame, really. She vould have gone far. She could have been famous, for efen ven she vas at her vorst, she had...da magicks!

Zese are da ponies I look for. Zese are da ponies zat inspire. Zese are da ones zat have da magicks.

Da only problem I have run into vith looking for zese ponies is zat zey are so few. For every one I find vith da magicks, I have searched through hundreds, maybe efen thousands of ponies.

I hate seeing zee disappointed faces of colts, fillies, mares, and stallions alike who vish to be a model, but only da best of da best can make it in zee vorld that is fashion.

But, it is vorth it. Seeing a pony shine like no other, like da mares who have taken da stage tonight, it is like seeing a whole ‘nother vorld. It is a feeling zat no other ponies can give you when you vatch zem.

I am proud to say zat I have seen a good many of zem all first-hoof, and zat is something not everypony can say, at least not as much as I vish zey could. I cannot efen bring myself to look avay from da stage ven da ponies take it, because ven zey take it, zey take it vith fire!

As I look out, even now, zey capture my eyes, and make me feel like I have to see more. I dread da moment ven zey cannot keep da stage, for I vill be sad, and I vill be tired.

But I also look forvard to ven zey are done, because ven they leave da stage, I vill feel da vonderment, and I vill have back da vill to look for more vith da magicks.

Zese mares, zese stallions, and even da colts and fillies who are of da stars of da show, zese are the ponies zat make da vorld have beauty and give da vorld something to admire.

Zese are da ponies who make us all shine!

Everypony finds some harmony in da vorld, be it through vork, through friendship, through love, or through support. Still, zere are zose who find happines ven zey are alone.

I’ve found, it doesn’t matter vat you do vith your life, you vill shine above da rest, even if it is just in your own special vay. You vill.

Looking over the crowd, I see zose vith cameras, zere eyes shining as zey admire da ponies found by both I, Photo Finish, and other scouts. Zose vith hunger for da light zat the models share, zat zey vill bask in ven da time comes.

Everypony has to be in da spotlight at some point, and zey vill steal da limelight vether zey like it or not.

Da ponies on da stage, zey shine vith da magicks zat is beauty. Da ponies in da crowd, da magicks zat is admiration. Da ponies backstage, da magicks of vork; vork zat zey have taken time to perfect.

I vill alvays find da ones who vill vork da magicks, because vithout it, vee would have nothing. It is for zis reason I love doing my job, as much as it can hurt somepony.

Da young live to find a dream, the vorkers strive to live zere dream, and da ones who have lived zeirs’ live to tell about vat it vas like to live zere dreams.

I have reached da point vere I am one who shines, but my goal is different. I have found zose who have da magicks, yes. But, I have not finished living vat my dream is.

Zese ponies dream of many things. Some dream of fame, like the models who valk da stage tonight. Some dream of riches, like da ponies who are taking pictures vith zere cameras. Others dream of happiness, such as da ponies who are vatching da stage.

Of all da ponies I have efer found, zere are few who share my dream.

I dream...to make dreams come true.

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