• Published 3rd Oct 2012
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The Album - Peregrine Caged

A collection of 'snapshots', short stories that represent Moments in the lives of various ponies

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Doctor Whooves -- Stars and Stairs

Written by: Hope
Rated Everyone

The sun rising above the Rocky Ridges to the East is so much more meaningful here in Equestria than any other planet or time I’ve visited.

Here it is a gift from a leader to her people.

Here it is a sign of Celestia’s love.

I’ve met with her, Celestia. It was quite an honor, although I have to say, being roughly teleported out of my TARDIS and turned into an equine was not on my list of things to do that day.

Though who am I to complain?

My subsequent adventures in reclaiming my TARDIS, exploring a whole new alternate universe, and discovering several new regenerations of myself that had disappointingly not resulted in a red mane or alicorn body have been some of the more peaceful times of my life.

Well, over a thousand years and I finally found a place that has others working to save it on a regular basis.

I have myself a new companion as well.
Looking down to the right I chuckle, Derpy is sprawled across the bed in an absolute mess of feathers and blanket.
The first time she told me her name, I was sure I had misheard her, but she takes pride in rising above what others expect of her, and I take pride in always expecting the best.

I don’t sleep very often, if at all. So I have taken to watching over our little home and watching the night sky until sunrise.

The stars are far more interesting when a living being controls them.

I daresay I’ve got a knack of telling when Luna is upset by now, simply by how much attention is paid to the constellations when they play themselves across the sky.

As the sun finally wipes away the last of the stars, I move from my perch and make my way downstairs.

How in Tartarus the rest of Equestria deals with stairs is beyond me. I’ve taken to jumping all the way down, landing on a massive pile of pillows at the bottom.

Each time I have to fight the urge to yell, “Geronimo!” since I know that would wake Derpy even more assuredly than the loud thud of me missing the pillows and shaking the house.

Just a bit of a dent in the floor to join the others, not too bad.

With a grin, I set off to prepare breakfast since my faithful companion will surely be down soon, and on my way to the kitchen I pass a round, tall hat set on a shelf.

“Ah, my fez,” I sigh. I had it crafted by a very confused unicorn dressmaker as a memento, but sadly it drew my memories more and more often to River Song and the other life I had left behind. Someday I shall return to it, I am sure. Then I shall see my River again.

Derpy appeared on her way down the stairs a few minutes later, chuckling a bit upon seeing the pillows and dented floor.

"Doctor!" the grey pegasus called out.

After staring at the fez for likely far longer than was considered normal, I finally remembered that was my name and I should probably reply.

"Why hello! And good morning. What would you like to eat?" I ask cheerily.

Before she could answer, I am already trotting off to the kitchen.

With a chuckle, I think back and realize I've been trotting since before I had hooves to trot with. Now it was just an acceptable mode of transportation.

"Whatever sounds good to you," she answers, making her way down the last few stairs before following me towards the kitchen at a much slower pace.

"You know, I hated apples for the longest time."

I knew I was telling the story for the hundredth time but it was my favorite breakfast story.

"I swear these apples have to be descended from earth bananas and vice versa. Bananas here are simply bland."

That or my regeneration had given the wonderful yellow fruit the boot, but I don't think fate would be that cruel.

"So, what grand adventures shall we embark upon today? Equestria a thousand years from now? Nightmare Moon's war? We could go back and have a philosophical argument with Isaac Neighton!"

By the end of my list of possible destinations I've managed to smash an apple and overcook a daisy sandwich, but I love crispy bread. Like toast but with more personality.

"Apples, bananas, pears. Is there a fruit you don't have a problem with?" Derpy commented before chuckling. "But, no, I have work today, Doctor. So many letters to gather and deliver you know?"

I just don't understand how Derpy manages to find letters more important than adventure.

For a moment I just pout before pointing at the blue box currently residing in the bathroom.

"But... But time travel! And space too! Really now, you're as bad as Pond was. We can come back in time for your shift! I can't promise but if we are lucky we won't overshoot like last year."

It had been a very awkward situation, trying to explain to everypony why we had both vanished for several months, and it led to some persistent rumors that had still not been properly put down.

The similarity of our last names made it even worse.

Derpy rolled her left eye. I knew she had a pretty bad impression of me from all the mismanagement of time that filled my life but I just didn’t find mail all that important.

"Doctor, if I don't get back on time, I could be fired, and then nopony will be making bits in this home."

I always explained how I could get her money by other, less legal ways. The pouting though, the whining... "Doctor...." She was losing this fight and was going to break for the want of adventure, I was sure.

"Oh, look at the time, bye!" she yelled before jumping out the window and taking flight.

Windows, I have to say, are the best escape route for a pegasus. She started flying off towards the mail agency in Cloudsdale before I could get a word in.

After watching my not-so-faithful companion fly out of the window, I sighed and resumed my forlorn meal.

Admittedly I had been responsible for an impressively long list of absences and tardies, but the adventures we had!

There was simply no comparison.

After finishing my meal and discarding the dishes in the sink, I made my way through the bathroom into the TARDIS.

My home away from home, or, more accurately, my home that I spent a great deal of time away from.

It had taken quite a while to get used to piloting the thing with hooves and my mouth, although I did find out some of the levers tasted better than others.

Where should I go? Without Derpy, revisiting old haunts would just be depressing, and going back in time would mean I couldn't take her there since... Well, it'd be a mess. Different versions of me all over the place.

So that left new places. I hit a few buttons that I was mostly sure did what I wanted and pulled a particularly tasty lever, before being knocked on my flank by the force of the lift off.

Then again, the force of the lift off wasn't really from lifting off at all, but... What's the point of these monologues without anypony around to look baffled?

So through time and space I sailed, trusty screwdriver tucked away in that place where all earth ponies store things.

What's with the face? Saddlebags are cool.

The TARDIS finally came to a halt, screeching its protest at my rough handling, which I knew she liked despite the noise.

Now to see where we had arrived.

I stepped out of the TARDIS to a scene of devastation.

This planet was dying. The sun it orbited was entering its red phase, growing outwards as the gas it fed on was no longer trapped by its gravity well.

The grass on the ground was so dry it would turn to dust at the touch of a hoof. The lakes in the distance shimmered with a layer of steam.

I very nearly turned to leave, but a glimmer caught my eye. Turning, I spotted a tower at the base of the hill I had come to rest upon. A tower with equine shapes milling around it.

"Geronimo!" I whisper before galloping down the slope.

The shapes see me coming and turn to watch my approach. As I get closer I can see they aren't that far removed from ponies.

They look quite similar to what the Humans called elk. Though with flowing robes designed to reflect heat and with shimmering green eyes.

"Hello!" I call out cheerfully, before coming to a stop in front of them. Suddenly five sharp spears are leveled at my throat. "Was it something I said?" I ask meekly.

I was escorted by my new friends into the tower they had been patrolling or admiring when I arrived, it was thankfully much cooler inside. Some sort of field at the entrance kept the warm air out, blasting frost over my fur when I stepped through.

"Oh, it’s much nicer in here, but shouldn't you lot be evacuating?"

My entourage didn't feel like answering so I resumed my walk with their company.

"Guess not. Very nice place, a bit on the red side though, if I do say so myself. I prefer blues and greens."

The entirety of the inside of the tower was painted or dyed a muddy red color, which gave me the uneasy feeling of being inside a particularly cold oven.

Eventually, my companions stopped in front of a large door set into a dividing wall. They were considerably taller than I was, or still am, and they used notches in the upper reaches of the door to pull it open.

Inside sat the fattest equine I had ever seen. Though in that regard Equestria may have spoiled me a little since all the ponies there got so much exercise and were fed such lean diets.

Although I was surprised at the sheer size of the creature, my smile did not falter. "Why hello. I am the Doctor," I introduced happily.

The thing laughed. A slow deep laugh. "A doctor eh? So what is a doctor from another planet doing on mine?" the gravely voice asked.

"Well, The Doctor, small difference but it matters. And I was just flying through, visiting... Where am I exactly?"

"My planet," the thing repeated in an amused voice.

"Ah well, your planet then. You do know the sun is a tad close for living beings to still be living here, yes?"

The blank stare told me all I needed to know. "So... No. Well in short I think everypony needs to leave."

The being laughed again and got up.

From another angle I realized the poor creature was not fat, but swollen. It had wings and two graceful antlers curving from its head. At my best guess this seemed to be their royalty.

"Little doctor. I control the sun. By my grace it purifies us with its light. We have nothing to fear from it."

I shake my head sadly. So this is what Celestia could have become.

"What is your name?" I finally ask.

"I am called the Lord of the Flame," he rumbles.

"Fine. Lord of the Flame, I am the Doctor, and something is wrong here, something is sick. And I am going to fix it," I said in the most determined voice I could muster.

Now I had to figure out how to do that.

Derpy nudged open the door to our home and walked to the kitchen first, taking a leftover sandwich out to place on the counter for me when I returned, then she realized I may already be there. "Doctor," she called out, just like she did earlier that morning.

It was really the only way to know if I was home besides searching every nook of the house. She trotted over towards the bathroom to see if the TARDIS was there or not.

I had gotten back from my weeks-long adventure a few hours after I had left, actually doing the dishes, with a new appreciation of running water, and taking a quick shower.

Just as Derpy was getting home and calling my name, I was running full tilt off the upper landing of the stairs. "Geronimo!" I shouted gleefully, actually hitting the pillows this time before sliding halfway across the room.

"Oh, its so great to see you!" I say to the mare I just knocked over. "Its Tuesday right? I didn't skip a year?" I ask with a grin even though I know I am on time.

After dealing with an angry, sick sun god and watching a world burn to ash just barely after being evacuated, the normalcy and honesty in those askew golden eyes was such a welcome relief.

"Yes, it’s Tuesday," she said, struggling to get back onto her feet. "Have fun?"

She pointed to the counter with one hoof. "There’s some food there, if you want it. Not sure how long you were gone for. Don't know if you're hungry."

With a dramatic gasp I gesture to the sandwich.

"A welcome sight! It’s been about a week for me, crazy times. Met a mad sun god. Madder than your lot's at least." I chuckle and start in on the sandwich.

Once done I sigh happily before dropping the wrapper in the rubbish bin. "How was your day?"

"Wow, sounds...crazy. But another sun god, was it another planet?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah... It was another planet." I keep the smile up for a moment before it falters.

"Couldn't save all of them though. I'd say it was.... A one apple out of ten kind of thing." My smile returns but it is half-hearted.

"I really am thrilled to be back, Derpy. Spending that much time around the crazy and the fire, I'm glad to be back. I really am."

I move to the front door and open it, looking out at the evening sun.

"Let's watch the sunset. Just like normal ponies--except without the normal part." I chuckle. "We could even go to the park or something, just relax in beautiful Equestria."

"Normal should never be part of your vocabulary," Derpy said, smiling at me knowingly. She had been on enough adventures with me to know I needed a decompression.

"Yeah, maybe we could have a picnic," she replies.

I quickly grab a basket and start throwing food and drinks into it with reckless abandon. Once I've got nearly the whole fridge in there, I grab it in my teeth and start out the door towards the park.

"I just love how green it is here," I marvel, after a week of browns and reds it was stunning.

"Just fabulous, absolutely amazing. I love green, don't you?" Of course having to put down the basket each time I want to talk makes for slow going but I am not the sort to force my faithful companion to carry my things. At least not all the time, and at least not every companion.

I figure Derpy deserves a break after work. There, that excuse holds more water. Though how an excuse can hold water to begin with is a mystery to me.

"Green is a nice color," Derpy replies with a grin as I set down the basket again to say hello to a passing pony.

"Hey, I can carry that ya know. You could just toss it onto my back," she suggested. But as soon as the words exited her mouth, I collide with a pedestrian, although I had to wonder if they would call a walking pony an equestrian?

"So sorry! I was a bit distracted," I apologize cheerily as thoughts of puns and terrible jokes run through my head.

"Oh no, its fine," the pale pink unicorn said, getting up from the dirt.

"Well, I'm still sorry. Have an apple!" I flip open the basket to offer some of the food to the poor mare I knocked down. It’s the least I can do.

"We were just on our way to the park. To watch the sunset. Such a great sun too, just the right amount of fire, not too red. I've really got to thank Celestia next time I see her."

Once again I'm rambling, but I hardly care, ponies seem far more forgiving of it than humans.

Sea Swirl took the apple and thanked me before trotting away.

We made our way to the park and laid out a blanket before sitting down. The sun now hung low in the sky, dying the trees of the Everfree with sapphire blues and purples.

As we ate I thought back to the last moments I had spent on that dying planet.

The Lord of the Fire had stood outside his spire, watching me lead his people away.

“Can you hope to save every planet on every star, Doctor? Sticking your hoof in every catastrophe and not come out burned?” he called.

The anger had faded days before, he now simply watched me steal his people away with cold eyes and a reserved loathing at my success.

“Why not?” I call back, gesturing to the line of equines boarding a transport ship. “Why shouldn’t I help them? I can, and no other being is here to take my place.”

The sun god raised his hoof to the sky.

“Every star, doctor. Every star will burn out. We cannot live forever. How many will you save?” His words are laced with venom and my breath catches in my throat for a moment before I turn away.

“I will be there,” I say, more to myself than the mad sun god. “Every day, every star. That is my life. I will always be there, watching worlds burn.”

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