• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 4,642 Views, 1,089 Comments

The Album - Peregrine Caged

A collection of 'snapshots', short stories that represent Moments in the lives of various ponies

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Daring Do -- The (Normal) Adventures of Daring Do

Written by: thatwheelchairguy
Rated Everyone

"...Not this time, Ahuizotl!" the tan Pegasus cried as she swung down from the treetops, snatching the sapphire statue from her archenemy. "Curse you, Daring Do!" the blue dog creature yelled as she swung off into the sunset...." The sound of heavy rain dancing on her rooftop woke Daring up from the pleasant dream. Dreams like those always made her mornings. Stretching her wings, the tan Pegasus decided it was finally time to get up. The rain put a damper on her plans for the day. She was originally going to start explore a new set of ruins, but that was fine, there was still plenty she could do; like cleaning up around the tree house, Celestia knew the place needed it. After a shower and breakfast, she thought after seeing her reflection in her mirror.

Trying to get to her kitchen was more hazardous than some of the most dangerous ruins she had explored. There were rolled-up maps tossed about on the ground, exploration gear, and priceless artifacts shoved into any nook and cranny she could fit them in. I really need to get those sent in, she thought. Daring groaned when she saw her kitchen table--it was covered in maps and charts of her latest finds. After making herself a quick breakfast of apples and juice, she threw on an apron and bandana in place of her trusty pith helmet and got to work.

Opening up the windows of the tree house so the dust wouldn't settle back inside, she could feel a slight breeze from the storm. "That'll feel good while I'm working," she said to herself. Walking back into the kitchen she grabbed the maps that were already rolled up and started putting them up in the bins she had labeled for each area: Saddle Arabia, Zebrica, and other exotic areas. After making sure she had gotten every map from every room, she got to work on the ones spread out. She knew she had been to a lot of places, but seeing all her bins full really made it hit home. Daring could only imagine how many artifacts she had lying around. I’ll get around to those soon enough.

Using one wing as a duster and her other one to hold the dustpan, Daring carefully backtracked thru the areas she had just cleaned, humming to herself as she carefully made sure she got all the dust from her freshly cleaned house. Each time the dust pan got full, Daring would go to the nearest open window and throw out the dirt. She got a sense of serenity, watching the dust fall, becoming mixed in with the rain. The consistent patter of it on her ceiling was calming as well. But she had enough of that, it was time to get back to work.

The next thing on the agenda was her books. She had plenty of shelves to put books on, but with her constant explorations, said books were scattered all throughout her home. It was enough to make any neat freak lose it. Daring decided to start back in her room and work her way to the front. Grabbing her empty saddle bag off her bed, she started stuffing it full of books, making trips to the library to unload once said bags were full. It only took her two and a half trips before she was in the main part of her home, the bookshelves filling up quickly with every trip back. There was one particular book she had a hard time with--her Album--which was chock full of past adventures and silly tid-bits.

After the last book was put away, Daring collapsed on her couch, sighing in exasperation. Glancing at her clock revealed she had been cleaning for a few hours. No wonder I’m so tired. On the bright side, all that was left were her artifacts. Taking a second to look around, she admired her hoof work. Almost every surface was clean, she could actually see her floor, and, instead of smelling like an old dusty library, her home had a light citrusy scent. Deciding she had lounged long enough, Daring prepared herself for the final stretch.

Once more heading back to her room, she got to work. Collecting her treasures a hoof load at a time, Daring allowed herself a second to reminisce as she placed each relic where it belonged. A lot of them were small trinkets, like necklaces or idols. Her more important and big finds were in museums spread out thru Equestria. She had replicas of some of those, such as the Sapphire Statue. She couldn’t help but chuckle at that memory, poor Ahuizotl. Shaking her head, she pushed herself harder. She was almost done. Thinking back now as she ran around her home, digging up relics from the most random places (an idol in her fridge, necklace under her couch, scrolls in her dresser, etc.), Daring was glad she didn’t have anything that would require more than one pony to move.

After about another hour and half’s work, she was finally done. Collapsing unceremoniously onto the couch, Daring noticed that the rain had stopped, leaving her with a perfect view of the sun setting and the moon rising. Even though an entire day of exploring had been missed, she couldn’t complain. The tan Pegasus smiled tiredly, glad to have finally caught up on all the cleaning. “I’m never letting it get that messy again,” she said, laughing at herself. She knew that in a few days, there would be maps and artifacts scattered throughout the place all over again. At least I can enjoy while it lasts. The tired Pegasus dragged herself to the kitchen for what was hopefully the last time that evening to make a small dinner and put on some tea. Once her tea was done, Daring took her modest dinner, a daffodil sandwich, hay fries, and honey tea, back over to her couch. She had made up her mind to enjoy what was left of her day. “Another day, another adventure,” she said softly, and sipped at her tea.

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