• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,198 Views, 127 Comments

Equestria Girls Animal Rangers - Patriots3492

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Pinkie Pie's First Fight

Pinkie Pie was on her way home from visiting her family, and as she got off the bus in Canterlot she started skipping along and humming to herself but then her phone rang, she pulled it out and saw that it was Maude calling "Hey Maude, what's up, Did I leave Gummy there again? Ok I will be back to pick him soon, oh, you will bring him to my house? Thanks Maud, Ok talk to you soon, BYE!!!".

Then she looked down at her phone and saw the time was 9:00 "OH NO I AM LATE FOR MY SHIFT AT SUGARCUBE CORNER", so she booked it and ran toward Sugarcube Corner, but then she got a tingly feeling in her elbow, "Oooo A tingly feeling, that means someone is watching me" she said to herself, meanwhile Sledge's general Wrench said "Master Sledge, it is not a good idea to attack that pink one, she knows we are watching her" "I DON'T CARE, SEND A MONSTER DOWN TO STEAL HER CRYSTAL AND MAYBE DRAW OUT ANOTHER RANGER TO DESTROY THEM BOTH" Yelled Sledge, then Sledge told a monster that looked like he was covered in barbed wire "LOOK WIREHEAD,GO DOWN TO EARTH AND STEAL THAT PINK HAIRED GIRL'S CRYSTAL AND BRING IT TO ME AND I WILL GRANT YOUR FREEDOM" "You got it Master Sledge, I will return with that girl's crystal and make you proud" said Wirehead "SEE THAT YOU DO" Said Sledge.

Wirehead arrived on Earth and said "All right, Where is that Pink girl with the crystal at, Bring her to me" But instead of Pinkie showing up, A figure in Yellow yelled "Shift Into Turbo, Dune Star Turbo Power, Hey Monster if you are looking for trouble you just found it in the form of me, The Yellow Turbo Ranger" meanwhile Pinkie was just getting off work at Sugarcube Corner and saw the Yellow Turbo Ranger fighting with Wirehead so she said to herself "I better help her out" so she yelled out "It's Morphin Time, Animal Spirit Arise, Kangaroo Power" she jumped into the battle and drew out her Air Boomerang and threw it at Wirehead, he grunted and said "Hey, Who threw that?" then Pinkie bounced over next to the Yellow Turbo Ranger and said "Hi, I am here to help you" "Thanks, I need your help, Can you throw your weapon at him several times and then I will come at him from behind and hit him with my Star Chargers" said the Yellow Turbo Ranger
"Okey-Dokey-Loky Air Boomerang throw" the boomerang hit Wirehead 7 times then the Yellow Turbo Ranger shot a blast form her Star Chargers,

Then Wirehead shot barbed chains at both Pinkie and the Yellow Ranger and Pinkie deflected the chains and shot them back at Wirehead and they finally able to destroy Wirehead and everyone else retreated back to Sledge's ship.

After Pinkie demorphed, she went over to the Yellow Ranger and tried to introduce herself but when she got over to where the Yellow Ranger, She was gone "Where did she go?" asked Pinkie to herself then she went back to her house.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took me so long to get done I had really bad Writer's Block and I was busy with my work taking care of Baby birds and Mammals so I did not have time to work on this chapter. So who do you want the next chapter about

Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle
Please let know in the commets
Wirehead is my idea but he is inspired by Barbwire Org from Power Rangers Wild Force