• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,198 Views, 127 Comments

Equestria Girls Animal Rangers - Patriots3492

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The Girls Accepts their Ranger Duty

Meanwhile inside Fluttershy's cottage, Sunset asked, "Wait, you two are mentors to Power Ranger teams and you want us to be your new rangers?" "Not to me, Sunset Shimmer, to Princess Shayla, since her team has retired from ranger duty, She first started with 6 Rangers named Cole, Danny, Taylor, Max, Merrick and Alyssa but after they defeated Master Org they retired from Ranger Duty, So Princess Shayla has been looking for new rangers to take their place and she chose new animals to put in the spheres and new colors" Said Keeper.

Then Princess Shayla spoke "Girls, will you please help me and Keeper defend the spheres and the Energems from the evil Sledge?" "What do you think Girls, Should we help and become Rangers for Princess Shayla?" asked Sunset, "Heck yes we should totally become Rangers and help them" said Rainbow Dash, 'Yeah Let's Do It" said Scootaloo, "Darn Tootin' we're gunna help Ya'll" said Applejack and Apple Bloom together,

"I'll help you Princess" said Sweetie Belle, "Sweetie, Can I talk to you in private over in the corner" asked Rarity "Sweetie, what are you thinking?, this could be dangerous and you could get hurt and think about Mother and Father, what would they say about this?" said Rarity "Rarity, I want to help, Mom always said that if anybody needs help to offer my help and see what I can do to help even if it something as simple as giving a hug to someone who is feeling sad, Come on Rarity, didn't Mom tell you the same thing when you were my age?" said Sweetie "Well yes she did, Ok Sweetie let's do it" said Rarity, so after Rarity and Sweetie got done with their talk they walked back over to the others and Rarity said "Princess Shayla, Sweetie Belle and I shall help to defeat this Ruffian Sledge"

"Yes I will Help with being a Power Ranger" said Pinkie, then Fluttershy said "I am not sure if I will be a good Ranger but I would love to help people and animals so Ok I will help" "I will help as well, and it could help my science work." Said Twilight

It was all down to Sunset Shimmer to make her decision, after some thought Sunset said "Alright I will help and lead this team and I will be the best you ever worked with, Princess Shayla."

"Thank you Girls now I will bestow the spheres onto you and what Colors you will become and what Wild Zords you will command,

Sunset Shimmer, You will command the Wolf Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Fire Sword,

Rainbow Dash, you will command the Peregrine Falcon Wild Zord and you will use the Ice Nunchucks,

Rarity, you will command the Otter Wild Zord and you will use the Water Bow,

Pinkie Pie, you will command the Kangaroo Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Air Fan,

Sweetie Belle, you will command the Fox Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Sun Baton,

Scootaloo, you will command the Harpy Eagle Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Lighting Crossbow,

Apple Bloom, you will command the Elephant Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Forest Spear,

Applejack, you will command the Buffalo Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Earth Axe,

Fluttershy, you will command the Jackrabbit Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Nature Bo Staff

And Twilight Sparkle, you will command the White Tiger Wild Zord and your weapon will be the Wind Sai," said Princess Shayla.
Then Sunset asked "how do we become Rangers" Princess Shayla replied "you say the words, Animal Spirits, Arise and you will assume your Ranger forms and when you need to call your weapons just say the name of your weapon and they will appear and to call your Zords down, just raise your Crystal Sabers to the sky and say Wild Zords Descend and your Zords will come down from my home in the Animarium and come together to form the Wild Pride Megazord." Rainbow Dash asked 'What Colors are we going to be?" Keeper then Spoke

"Rainbow Dash, you shall be the Ranger of the color of the sphere whose light shined on you, So Rainbow you will be the Blue Ranger and your friends will be the colors of the spheres whose light shined on them."

Then Apple Bloom asked "Who is gunna be the leader of our team? is it going to be Applejack?" "No, young Apple Bloom, your sister is not going to be the leader, the leader is going to be Sunset Shimmer, Applejack is going to be third in command after Twilight Sparkle." said Keeper, he then pulled out 10 watches and handed them to each girl, "these are your communicators that you can use to call each other if you get into a battle with Sledge's monsters to come to each other's assistance, And there are three Rules for being a Ranger that you all must follow,
1.You must never use your powers for personal gain
2. You must never escalate a battle unless your enemy forces you to,
3.And You must Never reveal your identity."

Just then there was a knock on the door to the cottage and Fluttershy answered it and saw it was two humans like Princess Shayla, the first one who walked in asked "Where is Keeper?, I need to speak with Keeper."

"Kendell, Koda, What is wrong? Where are the others?" asked Keeper "Others went into hiding because Sledge back and teamed up with Ranger with green and white suit, and he carry two weapons, one like Sword and other short like dagger." said Koda

Author's Note:

so Kendell and Koda make their entrance and Koda described the most powerful villain in the Power Rangers storyline, can you readers guess who Koda is describing?