• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,197 Views, 127 Comments

Equestria Girls Animal Rangers - Patriots3492

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Apple Bloom's First Fight

One day at Sweet Apple Acres, Big Macintosh was making breakfast for his siblings when his niece Apple Shine came down from her room, "Good Morning Uncle Macintosh, breakfast almost ready?" "Eeyup, is your aunt Apple Bloom up yet?, cause she needs to git ready for school and so do you little lady." said Big Mac, "yes she is up, she is just getting out of the shower,and she has her morpher in case we get attacked" then Apple Bloom came down the Stairs and said "Oh Good Breakfast is done, I am Starvin' like Winona is when she is out of dog food" "Speaking of Winona, she needs to eat too, ya Whippersnapper so git to it befere you leave for school" Said Granny Smith "I Already fed her this morning, Granny, she is out by Ma and Pa's Tree nappin" said Big Mac. "Oh Ok, Where's Applejack at?" asked Granny, "Rainbow came by and picked her up to meet her friends at school so she already left." Said Big Mac. "Ok I will take Apple Shine and Apple Bloom to school with me, you keep working the farm, and help yer Ma with anything she needs, ya hear me Big Mac?" said Granny Smith, "Eeyup I hear ya Granny, I will stay on top of the farm and help Ma with what she needs, Have a good Day."

While Apple Bloom was on her way to school, Sledge was talking to Drakkon, "Sledge, Why is it taking you so long to get me a energem so I can leave this dimension and conquer the world in that universe?, I must reach full power to make that universe like my main universe, but I am unable to because I am not at full power and the only way I can reach full power is because of the Energems but I DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE ENERGEM OR CRYSTALS, BECAUSE YOU ARE FAILING TO GET ONE!" yelled Lord Drakkon, "My Lord there has been a problem, 14 humans have become Rangers like the Rangers I deal with, and they have been stopping the monsters you have let me use and I don't have anymore only the ones I have are on my ship." said Sledge.
"What do you want me to do about it, you intolerant little imp," Said Drakkon "Use one of your monsters and GET ME A ENERGEM OR CRYSTAL RIGHT NOW!!!!" Yelled Drakkon.

Meanwhile as Apple Bloom and Apple Shine were with Granny Smith driving to the school, A man in White arrived at the school and spoke into his morpher "Wes, this is Trent, I am at Cantorlot High awaiting further orders." He said,

When All of a sudden a monster who was white with Blue streaks came down and said "Time to Freeze this place to draw out the Rangers to get their Crystals and Energems for Sledge." Then he proceeded to freeze the school, then Apple Bloom saw The Monster freezing the school and said "Apple Shine, Run and Hide and call Applejack to send me some help," AB then ran over to where the monster was and said "Hey ya big popsicle, ya want a fight, Y'all's got one, Animal Spirit, Arise Elephant Power, Gold Ranger" "Well look who slide in, name's Iceage and I'm gonna freeze you in solid blue Ice and take your crystal to my master" "Fat chance of that Ya Overgrown Snowcone" said Apple Bloom, But out of nowhere came 20 laser arrows that shot out and hit Iceage, "OW who did that?, that hurt" said Iceage, "I will show you who did those arrows, it was me, Dino Thunder White Ranger and with this little Lady's help, we will send you back to your master with an Icicle up your butt" Said Trent. then Apple Bloom drew her Forest Spear and Trent drew his White Drago Sword and they ran toward Iceage, when they were a few feet away Apple Bloom Threw her spear toward Iceage but he deflected it but that gave Trent time to get in close and he swung his sword and got three hits on Iceage then Apple Bloom threw her Spear again and this time it hit Iceage and then he started sparking then he fell onto the ground and exploded.

Then after Trent and Apple Bloom powered down Apple Bloom said "Thanks Partner, I apperceptiate the help with that overgrown Icicle, I donna want I would have done if you did not show up," "No Problem You met me when your sister met Xander but my name is Trent, Wes Assigned me to you, so if you need me I will be there to lend a hand." Then Apple Shine ran back with Applejack, "Aunt Apple Bloom are you ok?," asked Apple Shine, "Yea I'm ok Thanks to Trent's Help."

Meanwhile on Sledge's Ship, Sledge threw one of his minions and yelled "WHY CAN'T I GET A ENERGEM OR A CRYSTAL, I WANT TO GET ONE ENERGEM OR A CRYSTAL FOR MY MASTER"

Author's Note:

This is Apple Bloom's individual fight cause She had a fight with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with her, so this is her individual fight just by herself