• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,198 Views, 127 Comments

Equestria Girls Animal Rangers - Patriots3492

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Sledge Arrives

Keeper then walked over to a corner and said " I am glad that you and Koda are safe, Kendell, we must try to rescue the others from the jaws of Sledge and this mystery Ranger." Koda then looked over and saw the girls and asked "Keeper who are them?, are they threat to us?"

"No Koda, they are not a threat , they are going to help Princess Shayla and me by becoming Power Rangers like you and the others" he then went over to a table and waved his staff over it and ten animal shaped watch heads popped up, Princess Shayla said, "These are your animal Morphers, just say Animal Spirits, Arise and you will transform to your Ranger forms"
then Sledge came out and yelled "KEEPER I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE, COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME!!" Keeper then said

"Girls, you need to protect me and Princess Shayla from Sledge, Please morph and defeat Sledge." So Sunset and the Girls ran outside Fluttershy's cottage and got into fighting poses,

Sledge said "What is this? you 10 think you can beat me?" Sunset exclaimed "We may not be strong or good fighters but we will put you down, Ready Girls?"
"IT'S MORPHIN TIME, ANIMAL SPIRITS ARISE" yelled the girls then they transformed into their Ranger Colors then Koda and Kendell yelled out "Dino Charger Ready, Unleash The Power" and Transformed into their Ranger forms and Joined the girls.

Koda said "Follow our lead Girls" then charged toward Sledge and started fighting Sledge's foot soldiers, Rainbow and Scootaloo teamed up and took down seven foot soldiers and then high fived each other then saw that Fluttershy was being overwhelmed by more soldiers then they rushed over and Rainbow yelled "Hang On Fluttershy" but Sweetie Belle got to Fluttershy before Rainbow and Scootaloo could get there.

Meanwhile Twilight was having problems battling seven foot soldiers and she was holding her own, then she got pinned to the ground then Sunset came over after drawing her sword and fought the foot soldiers off Twilight. Sledge then said "You may have won this fight Keeper but it will not last, I will get the rest of the Energems from the rest of your Rangers and I will use them as rings to give to my wife Poisanda", Then Sledge and his minions retreated back to their ship.