• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

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The Dog Days Of Summer

I was not at Sugarcube Corner for very long, Filthy Rich taking no time at all to just drive me up the wall. I ate my ice cream and within five minutes, was heading back to Silver Spoon’s house, my jaw clenched tightly as I growled to myself. Golden Crest followed beside me, disliking the mood Filthy put me in.

“Don’t worry about him,” he told me as we walked together. “He’s not anypony who you need to bother with. Before you know it, you’re gonna be in Canterlot and be the understudy of some member of nobility and be well above anything I could hope to be.”

Maybe. Maybe I’d just fall over and die if Filthy Rich had friends out there he was gonna spread my name to. Maybe I’d just–

No, not gonna wallow in depression. I needed to be above that. Golden was a great employer, and he was gonna talk me up, and then when I went to that party in Canterlot with Twilight, everything would be great and I would get to where I needed to be. I couldn’t focus on people who didn’t matter and were just trying to hurt me.

“Unless God just keeps on letting everything get completely out of control and keeps on forcing me to have to build relationships up from ground zero every month.”

Man, I was being bitter, and I knew my bitterness was misplaced. I couldn’t blame God for my troubles, and I knew that, but I couldn’t help it. I could feel my faith slipping day by day. It was so hard not to be bitter and try to place blame when I was doing everything in my power to better my position and make my life better.

“Hey, Asher?” Golden asked, looking down at me. I finally noticed that we stopped walking, and looked up at him with a questioning look.

“Chin up,” he told me with a little smile. “Yeah, Filthy Rich is trying to make you upset, but you don’t have to have him in your life if you don’t want to. I’ll make sure he cuts all that mess out, and make sure you get a job wherever you wanna work when you’re older. I’ve got your back.”

That made me let out the breath I’d been subconsciously holding in and smile, too. Of course, as terrible as things seemed to be, it would always work out. I couldn’t let myself get down in the dumps, could I? I had to stay positive, as annoying as staying positive could be.

“Yeah, that was horrible thinking to have on my part… but God’s always watching, isn’t he?” As always, when my frustration got to me and I started to think negatively, God would send my way a little burst of positivity to help me snap out of it. I could always count on that.

I did my best to put Filthy Rich behind me, and enjoyed the rest of the sleepover. In fact, I had it in my head that I would do everything I could to enjoy the rest of the summer– until I remembered that summer was gonna be four hundred days long. Yeah, it was gonna be an absolute slog before anything got done, or even got close to happening.

We made a whole bunch of posters for us to put up, advertising the club. Or rather, my friends did, since I still couldn’t figure out how to make heads or tails of ponish despite spending the last few months studying and trying to get it in my head. I had a feeling that I would never get it into my head, and I’d have to rely on translations of text into unicorn script. I guessed it was a good thing I wanted to work in Canterlot where everyone wrote in that language.

Not that it mattered either way since no one really showed up to the club despite our posters. None of us complained though. It made organizing stuff for us to do easier anyway. In fact, we learned quickly that, even though her special talent was going to be something different, Sweetie Belle was a natural at singing. Applebloom turned out to be great and writing poems, and Scootaloo we all already knew was a stunt enthusiast.

Somehow, both Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara got their cutie marks on the same day. I don’t know how the latter got hers; she just told us that she was looking in the mirror one morning while wearing her tiara and the same one appeared on her flank. She didn’t know what it meant, but wasn’t that what we made the club for? We told her we’d help her figure it out.

I did see how Silver Spoon got her cutie mark. We were at Golden Crest’s house seeing if we could help his wife, Platinum, assemble jewelry, and she got it as she sat at the desk and made things. She was working on a spoon when hers appeared, her cutie mark being a fancy looking bluish-white spoon with a pink heart shaped gemstone pressed into it, the exact same thing as what she was making. How their cutie marks both seemed to fit their names perfectly and looked like the objects associated with them, I didn’t know, but I didn’t question it.

We built the clubhouse out of the messed up treehouse in Applejack’s yard, although that wasn’t an easy process. It took a good month before it was in shape enough to use. When it was though, it was a great spot to just sit and hang out and get away from it all. Not to mention, it was away from everyone else, so it was easy to hang out with Scootaloo since her parents still didn’t like me for some reason. I tried to ask them a couple of times why they didn’t but they insisted that they didn’t feel that way and said they never wanted me to think that of them. I could see through their act though. It wasn't like it was hard to tell since she was conveniently never able to hang out when I was the one asking.

And then after that, there was nothing to do. Golden Crest kept me on retainer, but didn’t really need my advice much at all, so I only ended up talking to him a couple of days a month. I helped Applejack with her apples, but after a certain point, there was nothing else to do with that, either. The days dragged on and on seemingly without end, with nothing to entertain me or keep my mind active. At one point I started wishing for school to start so I could have something to occupy my time, and looked at the calendar to see when it would be. Not for another hundred and fifty days– a good five more months. Five more months of nothing to do.

To say I was bored out of my mind was an understatement. With nothing to do, my thoughts started to roam and seemed to be leading back to dysphoria more often as time went on. Yeah, I had friends to hang out with, but not being a ten year old like everyone else made the things they liked to do become stale after a while. It was absolutely driving me crazy.

I was hanging out with Caramel again one day when I brought up my dysphoria. “I’m gonna go crazy without anything to do,” I told them as I paced around their living room. “There’s nothing for me to focus on so I can pretend like I’m not in this dumb filly’s body.”

“Yeah, I’ve been getting that way, too,” they agreed. “Applejack being done for the season doesn’t help. Hopefully though I can head to Canterlot soon and perform there.”

“Wait, you’re gonna perform in Canterlot?” I asked. “For who? When?”

“It’s just a little show for Prince Blueblood and his friends,” Caramel said bashfully. “I mean, I’m just gonna be the opening act, but hopefully this’ll be the start of an actual career. I’d love to travel the world if I could.”

“When are you gonna go?” I asked. “Is it any time soon?”

“Probably in a month and a half.” Caramel paused for a moment, then said, “You can come with me if you want. I mean, if your parents let you.”

“Yes! I do wanna go! But I’d need to talk to some ponies beforehand.” I wanted to see if Golden Crest would be able to talk to ponies before I went there if he could. Might as well make use of my time. Even if he couldn’t though, going out there could be fun. It’d certainly be better than spending all day doing nothing.

“Well you can definitely come with me,” they said. “I don’t mind.” Then they paused and looked away, continuing, “Plus, it would be nice to, you know, have somepony with me for encouragement.”

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, and was a second away from asking what they needed encouragement for before I realized. My ears flattened against my skull and I couldn’t help it when my face went red. Yeah, I should have known that’d be why they’d want me to come.

“God, I know this is my fault they’re feeling that way,” I thought to myself. “Me saying something made them say something, and now they’re gonna go fully down whatever road they’re on now because of me.”

“I– I mean, n-not that I should expect you to be helping me,” Caramel stuttered quickly, nervously. “I know you’re just a nine year old colt. I should be helping you if anything. O-or we could help each other. Or something. Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” I sighed. I closed my eyes and took a breath before deciding, “If I’m allowed to go, I’ll be there for you. I mean, I’m almost ten years older than you after all. I might not know much about being trans or whatever, but I can be moral support for whatever you’re gonna do.”

“Moral support. How am I supposed to be moral support when I know that this is explicitly immoral?” Except I was doing literally the exact same thing, so how on Earth could I possibly try and say what they were doing was immoral?

“Lord, just… please. Anything. I need at least a hint that I’m doing the right thing. I know I should be less judgmental since… but not being judgmental shouldn’t mean giving into whatever everypony wants, right?”

“Well, I’d really like it if you were there, Asher,” the pony told me shyly, rubbing one hoof behind the other. “I don’t know what it is, but you just seem like you have it all figured out and know exactly what you’re gonna do. It’s like you’ve done this all before.”

Hah. Now wasn’t that a statement. I’d had been through the whole ‘being a kid thing’ before, but I certainly wasn’t anywhere close to having whatever was happening figured out. I barely even knew what I was doing, and was mostly just guessing as I went along. But I figured it was that little hint that I asked for to see if I was doing the right thing, since they said they wanted me there.

“Well, I’m just older,” I said. “But yeah, I can be there. I just need to talk to Twilight first, and a couple of other ponies.”

“Thank you,” Caramel smiled. “It means a lot. I’ll see if Pinkie Pie can come, too, since she also knows about me.”

I didn’t know how comfortable I was being moral support, but there was a more important reason to be there anyway, which was to try and worm my way into Canterlot ponies’ circles. I hoped there was gonna be no issues with going there.

“Yeah, right. There’s always issues. You’re kidding yourself if you think everything will be hunky dorey.”

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