• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

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Filly Friends

“Silver Spoon,” I said sternly, making sure to look her in the eyes as I spoke. “I’m telling you right now. I do not want what you’re looking for from me. I am an adult, and you are a child. I need you to know that I am not looking for any romantic involvement with you, or anypony else. Do you understand?” I glared hard at her as I spoke, wanting to make sure what I said got through to her. I told her twice now that I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to have to say this all again for a fourth time.

“Eep, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” She turned away shamefully, the look on her face making me lower my glare and sigh. Everything had to be needlessly complicated.

“Look,” I said, letting out a breath as I spoke. “We can be friends, but I don’t want to be anything other than friends. You can like me and we can hang out and stuff, but don’t go over the line. I am not comfortable with all of that.” I paused for a moment, then said again, “I am an adult, and you are a child.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” she said quietly, her face red as she rubbed a hoof behind her other. “I won’t do that again… are you still gonna be my friend?”

“Yes, I’ll still be your friend, as long as you understand that we’re just friends. Nothing else, okay?”

“Okay, I understand.”

There was a long awkward silence as I stared at her, she remaining turned away, before I asked, “Do you wanna find everypony else and do something? Like getting some cake from Sugarcube Corner? I have the money.”

“Mhm, yes please. But, um… maybe when we’re older we can be fillyfriends? Err, special someponies?”

Almost certainly not. I couldn’t say I had any particular interest in any women before I turned into a pony, and coming to Equestria hadn’t changed that. I certainly didn’t have an interest in horses, especially not ones who were less than half my age. The thought of it made me want to vomit. But I decided to not just outright say that with how sad she looked.

“I don’t know,” I told her. “I can’t predict what will happen in the future, so I guess maybe. Let’s get going now though.” That maybe was an almost definite no, but it made her smile to hear anyway.

“I hope I’m not leading her on,” I thought to myself as we started off. “Wouldn’t that be just another thing. Gosh, this is such a horrible situation.”

We found Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, but when we stopped by Scootaloo’s house, her parents took one look at me and told us that she couldn’t come with us. Diamond’s parents didn’t even entertain us, not even answering the door when we showed up. We were only able to wave to her in the window for a few seconds before her father glared at me shut the curtain. Wonderful.

“This sucks,” Sweetie Belle said as we sat down in Sugarcube Corner, the four of us only ordering drinks because of the depressing mood. “Everypony knows you didn’t do anything. Even Mayor Mare said you didn’t do anything! Why do adults have to be so mean?”

“Mah sister said that Asher would never do anythin’ wrong,” Applebloom jumped in. “She said yer the hardest workin’ filly she’d ever seen.”

“Well, I’m not gonna sit here and say I never do anything wrong, but I try my best. Twenty five years of experience helps me though. But yeah, I can say as an adult that adults are dumb.”

“Well, my daddy likes you,” Silver Spoon tried to say cheerfully. “He said so just now, didn’t he? He’s gonna talk you up to all of his Canterlot friends.”

“And Scootaloo told me her aunts are gonna be back in town again in a few months when her parents go off on their travels again, and they like you.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” I agreed. “Just gotta keep looking at the positives. Can’t let anything get me down. It helps having ponies like you who care. Thanks guys.”

“That’s what we’re here for, Asher!” Sweetie Belle said. “And so are Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara, even if their parents are being stinky.”

“Well, let’s not talk bad about ponies’s parents…” I paused, and then smiled, saying, “But yeah. They are acting pretty stinky, aren’t they?” We all laughed with that, and then I sighed, saying, “Oh, I hope I can get in with somepony and be a politician. There’s certainly a lot about Equestria I’d like to change if I can.”

“Knowing you, you’re probably gonna be named princess once Princess Celestia retires,” Silver Spoon said. “You’re always so nice and smart, just like her.”

“I doubt that. That title is gonna go to… well, I can’t say,” I got out, remembering what Celestia told me. “I wouldn’t want to be ruler anyway. But being somepony with some influence who can change things for the better would be great. I wanted to be a politician if I could back in Delaware, but I knew I had to choose between that and trying to become a business owner. Besides, my political takes don’t match up with Delaware anyway. They probably mesh a little better here though.”

“Ah’ve been meanin’ ta ask, are ya really from some other world like everypony says ya are?” the yellow filly asked. “Cause that seems like a load of crabapples ta me.”

“Yeah, he is,” Silver Spoon answered for me. “Asher doesn’t tell lies, so that’s how I know, even though I don’t get it.”

“Huh. Maybe that’s why ya act so weird.”

“I do act extremely weird,” I agreed, finishing my drink. “But I just am who I am, for better or for worse. Wish I could change some things though. But yeah, being a politician would be cool.”

“Ah don’t get why ya’d wanna be one of those rich, snobbish, stuck up Canterlot ponies fer,” Applebloom said, sticking out her tongue at the thought of it. “Or live in a big ol’ city like that. Cities ponies ain’t right.”

“Well just because you’re rich and live in a city doesn’t mean you’re stuck up,” I said. “Silver Spoon’s family is rich, and her dad has friends in Canterlot, but he was one of the nicest ponies I’ve met so far. Diamond Tiara’s family is rich, too, and she’s nice, even if her dad isn’t. The content of your character is what matters, not how much money you have or where you live.”

“Humph. Well, if yer so nice, and if yer gonna be a rich Canterlot pony soon, maybe you should be nice right now and pay fer our food. Ah’m gonna order a double servin’ of ice cream.”

“Hey, now,” I said, pretending to be stern but laughing along with them. “I didn’t say I’d go along with all that.”

Golden Crest got back to me about two weeks later, telling me enthusiastically that what I suggested he do was working, and that he was able to start raising his employees' pay because of it. He was ecstatic, and handed me a fifty bit coin as compensation, telling me that I could keep the change. I could definitely say I was happy, too.

“How did you know that would work, though?” he asked me. “I told you before, I would never have guessed that ponies would like it if I raised prices.”

I shrugged. “It’s just simply knowing who your market is and what they’re looking for… not that I’m saying you don’t know how to run your business,” I quickly corrected. “I don’t want to come off that way. I’m sorry.”

“You’re absolutely fine, sweetheart,” he said, patting my head. “If I’m making money and helping my workers make money, I don’t care where the advice comes from or who I need to listen to, even if it’s little fillies… err, colts. I apologize.”

“But yeah, you’re just gonna wanna make sure you don’t set prices too high, or raise the prices of everything. A good mix of cheap stuff for poorer ponies who want to buy their spouses something and expensive items for flashy ponies who like that kind of thing is a good idea. Holiday sales and everything work as well, too, but mostly it’s about catering to your audience, and yours is looking for high class, expensive jewelry. Raising prices is okay in your industry.”

“Mhm, I think I get that now… say though. You mentioned something about me investing in Sweet Apple Acres before. Were you just messing around with that, or being serious? Cause I can certainly talk to Granny Smith about investing if you are.”

“Well, I am serious, but just from my time spent over there, they don’t seem like the type that would take any sort of investment. I’m not even sure they’d need one anyway, unless they’re using it to fix up their farm more quickly and do the rest of the work they need done. Not to mention, Filthy Rich is gonna have a fit if he hears me telling you about how you should go ahead and insert yourself into ‘his business’.”

“Ah, well Filthy’s not a problem at all. I can handle the likes of him. I heard he was making a ruckus about you from Silver Spoon, and I think it’s just because he’s not used to competition. He’s the only one supplying apples to Canterlot, see?”

“Is that all he does?” I asked. “That certainly doesn’t sound like enough to make him rich.”

“His wife, Spoiled, is in the banking business, so they’re certainly plenty rich without the extra he does, even more than Platinum and I. But it’s not an issue. If you think it’s a good idea, I’d certainly like to hear about what I can do to help the Apples out. Even if it’s just something like a loan being paid back in royalties or some such.”

I wanted to be spiteful, but I knew I had to hold back. “I’d like to help, but he’s already bitter and angry enough at me as it is. I really don’t want to have him more down my throat than he is already. I can’t even see Diamond Tiara anymore because he’s so upset.”

“Mhm, I understand. I’ll leave them be for now then. But if you ever think we can sit down and talk this out with Filthy, holler at me, okay?”

“I will definitely make sure to talk to you first. Thanks.” Then I stretched and yawned, continuing, “I better get going though. There’s a lot I need to do before the day’s up, and I don’t want to go to sleep late again.”

“Why don’t you stay over here for the night?” he offered. “You can sleep with Silver Spoon in her room.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”

“No trouble at all, with all the help you’ve been. Actually, I’ll see if I can invite her other friends, too. Let you fillies have a sleepover together. Let me call up Filthy Rich right quick.”

I had no idea where this was going, but I didn’t question it as I headed into Silver Spoon’s room.

“Hello there, Diamond,” Golden Crest greeted politely with a smile as she and her father stood in his doorway. “Always a pleasure to have you over, what with how pretty you are, princess.”

“Thank you! Can I see Silver Spoon please, Mr. Crest?”

“You know you don’t even have to ask, sweetheart. Go ahead and run along. You know where Silver’s room is at. She and your other friends are there already, and Platinum is putting on some dinner.”

“Okay! Thank you!” She ran on up, leaving Filthy and Golden alone to head into the living room to chat.

“She’s such a wonderful filly, always nice to have her over,” Golden Crest said politely as the two of them sat down. “I wonder why she hasn’t been stopping by as often as usual. Silver Spoon’s been missing her best friend lately.”

“It’s just a whole bunch of mess between her and those fillies, a lot of intervening to do and such. You know how girls are.”

“Intervening. Don’t I know a thing or two about that,” Golden Crest said wistfully, leading into what he wanted to discuss. “About fillies, too, and how they can be,” he said. “My daughter’s went and got heart eyes for one of them if you can believe it. She’s turning into a mare and growing up already.”

“Oh yeah? Who’s she got her eyes on?”

“Well, a little colt named Asher from what she tells me.” Golden Crest looked across the room to a painting, and then back to Filthy Rich to gauge his reaction.

The stallion wore a scowl at just the mention of the name. “Asher? Are you talking about that little filly who went and meddled her muzzle in my business and tried to hurt Diamond in retaliation for telling her off? Is she here now?”

“Asher absolutely is here now,” Golden said casually, “but from the way I heard it told, Asher told your girl not to go running around in the Everfree. From Silver Spoon’s own lips it came, and I’m inclined to believe her.”

“Silver Spoon. Of course she did. That’s what she told me, too, but she’s gonna say that if she’s in love with that filly. Isn’t that obvious enough? She’s making me lose money by talking to the Apples.”

“You’re a business stallion, right? You can handle some adversity. Sounds like you need to toughen up if you’re letting a little girl get the better of you.”

Filthy let out a little grumble at that, his scowl becoming deeper. “It’s not about who it is that’s hurtin’ me. It’s about the fact that it’s happening. You wouldn’t let some foal run around and meddle with your best interests, especially not after convincing your kid to do something dangerous.”

“If a foal was messing with my best interests,” Golden countered, “then I’d just adjust rather than stage this little attack against them. And like I said, the way I hear it, your story isn’t what really happened.”

“Golden, you–”

“I’m gonna be frank with you, Filthy: I’ve already put her on retainer to help me out with my financials and business keepings and such. I’d appreciate it if, stallion to stallion, you stop messing around and making my employee’s life worse. Another thing Silver talks to me about is how depressed her filly friend looks, and it makes her cry. If you’re upsetting my daughter, then that’s gonna be a no-go. Are you hearing what I’m saying?”

Filthy Rich had a look of intense anger and frustration on his face, but held back from speaking his mind. Instead, he asked, “Is there anythin’ else you wanna add, Golden?”

“I believe that about sums it up. And in good time, too, because dinner’s about ready.” He looked upstairs and called, “Fillies! Get down here to eat!”

In a second, multiple sets of hooves were bounding down the stairs, followed by one set of careful hooves at the back of the pack walking casually behind the group. Filthy Rich eyed the filly at the back, and she stopped when she saw the stallion sitting next to Golden Crest, a little nervous because of the sight of him.

Filthy Rich glared right at Asher, staring her in the eyes as he asked, “What are you lookin’ at me for? Aren’t you supposed to be getting along for dinner?”

She closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath before saying, “I’m sorry for any trouble that I might have caused you. I didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable position financially, and if I’ve hurt you, I apologize. I didn’t mean to have this all turn into such a mess. I’ll be more careful about giving ponies advice in the future.”

“I… good. Thank you,” the stallion said awkwardly, completely unprepared for what he heard. A second later, Asher was scampering away and sitting at the table with her friends to eat.

Filthy rich blinked in confusion as he stared at her, Golden saying, “You know, she and I were talking about me joining the apple business and investing into the Apple Family Farm. But you know what she said?”


“She said she didn’t want to impose, even after I told her I’d talk to you if there was an issue between you and her. She could’ve been spiteful, but she didn’t, so I’d suggest you take your spitefulness and throw it away like Asher did. Wouldn’t want a foal to be better than you in two categories, would you?”

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