• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

  • ...

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Who She Is

“Hmmm… most of the ponies here are girls…” I noticed as I stood with Lofty and Holiday, looking around at the crowd. “There’s hardly any stallions…”

“I have a question,” I started to them. “Where are all the boys?”

“What do you mean, Asher?”

“Well… I mean, all these people are girls,” I explained. “If it’s such an important holiday and the whole town is here, shouldn’t there be more men?”

“Haha, how many stallions do you think there are, kiddo?” Lofty asked.

“I would think it’s a one-to-one ratio,” I answered. “Or like, a few decimals over a one to one for males to females. There should be slightly more stallions than mares, but not by a lot. I mean, that’s how it is with humans, and I would think it’s the same with horses, too. I don't see how it would be different”

“Ummmm… well, here in Ponyville, I think the ratio of mares to stallions is three to one or four to one if I remember correctly.”

I looked at them with surprise and tilted my head, almost not buying it. “Four to one? Are you sure about that? That… doesn’t sound like something that exists in nature and I’m pretty sure a species would die out with numbers like that.”

“That’s just here in Ponyville, sweetie. For other places-”

“Um, can you please not call me sweetie?”

“Right, I forgot. I’m sorry. Anyway, I’m sure for other places it’s closer to one to one, but mares have always outnumbered stallions in Equestria, at least as far as I know.”

“How? That doesn’t seem like something that should exist. Wouldn’t that result in inbreeding?”


“It’s- actually, no. I’m not gonna be-”

“You’re gonna come with us to our sleepover tonight right?” Diamond Tiara interrupted, suddenly appearing behind Lofty, Holiday and I as we stood in the large ballroom of the town hall. The two mares turned around faster than I did, looking completely surprised that Diamond Tiara was speaking to me, even more so when they saw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle with them. They still looked a little bit out of it, even after so long, but they looked and sounded much better now than several hours ago.

“Yeah, you promised you would go,” Scootaloo added. “And we want to go, so that means you have to go, Asher.”

“Plus, Diamond’s parents are gonna let us have more cider,” Silver Spoon jumped in. “So we can have as much as we want.”

“I’ll go if you guys aren’t drinking more,” I told them, remembering what Silver said about me earlier that day and shifting uncomfortably at the thought. “You guys have had enough for the whole year, honestly.”

“Awww come on,” Sweetie Belle said. “Don’t be a sour puss. You’ve barely had any anyway.”

“Yeah, and the way you guys acted is the reason why. I really don’t feel like dealing with a bunch of drunk little girls. It’s part of the reason why I left you guys in the first place? Besides, it’s not good to drink a lot. Too much is bad for your health.”

“What if we only had… had one? I mean, two? Pleeeeeeaaasssse?”

“Ugh, fine. But only if it’s two. I really don’t want to deal with you guys drinking all night. That’s not what I consider to be a good time.”

“Are you sure, Asher? And you, too, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? I mean, they’re not gonna be mean to you, will they?”

“Nuh-uh. We like them now,” Scootaloo answered. “Diamond’s not really too bad, I think.”

“Yeah, and Scootaloo is not completely lame,” the pink filly agreed, “so I’m gonna let them come to my sleepover.”

“Um, well… okay, I- I guess…” Lofty stuttered, sounding shocked. “Um, what time are you girls gonna be back? I mean, you girls and Asher?”

“Um, I don’t know, tomorrow probably?” Scootaloo answered. “We’re gonna be back later, after tonight. “

“Okay, but if you do have any problems, make sure to come to us, okay?” Holiday instructed, warily glancing at Diamond and Silver. With that though, everyone turned their attention to the front of the room in anticipation. A yellow pegasus directed a chorus of birds to sing before a spotlight shone on a brown, grey-haired lady. She wore glasses and a green bow and looked to be in charge of the event we were about to watch.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” the mare spoke with a British sounding accent, “as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration.” As she said it, she rolled her Rs on her tongue fancily, her words getting a loud cheer from the crowd.

“In just a few moments,” she continued, “our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year.”

I thought I saw something flash above me, and looked up to see the moon, which was still high in the sky, being only around midnight. No one else nearby noticed, but I thought I saw the purple pony I met at the party look up as well and mutter to herself a few yards away from me near the center of the crowd. I looked back up along with her and frowned to myself as I saw the face of the moon change, from a unicorn to a completely blank canvas of a celestial body.

“That’s… a bit unnerving,” I thought to myself, “but that princess did say that something was going to happen tonight, so it’s not like it’s out of the blue. I think she said that her student was going to take care of it, so it’s probably nothing.” Still, it made me a bit anxious to see.

“And now,” the mayor continued, “it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…”

“And yet she says she’s not a deity.” I thought to myself. “Well she certainly doesn’t mind being treated as one.”

“Princess Celestia!” the mare finished with a flourish, opening the curtain behind her. A spotlight shone on the spot where she was supposed to be, and the room gasped when they saw no one there, murmuring in confusion. I had to admit, with the way the mayor built it up I expected Celestia to be there, and it made me a bit more nervous when she wasn’t. She didn’t seem to me like the type to have things go anything but her way, and it made me a little bit afraid.

The room was silent for a moment before a wisp of smoke started to appear on the balcony where the curtain was, coalescing into a pony, one that was as large as Celestia except with a black coat and a picture of a moon in place of the sun that Celestia had on her butt. She also wore armor, a helmet and a large plated necklace on her chest. She looked down on the crowd with disdain, like we were all beneath her, but she didn’t seem particularly scary, especially when I remembered that the princess said this was her sister.

“I guess she was expecting this to happen. Actually, she probably wanted this to happen, seeing how angry she got at the idea of my figuring out what was going on. I’m pretty sure everything’s going to be fine though. Actually, I’m pretty sure she said this lady was a princess, too...”

I looked over to the librarian to see what she was doing, and found myself a bit more nervous from her worried expression, but decided to, as much as I didn’t want to, put my faith in Celestia that things would be okay.

“Lord,” I prayed, “whatever your will is, let that be your will. I’m not certain what’s happening, but I ask that you keep this town safe from whatever may come.”

“Oh, my beloved subjects,” the mare started as she looked around the room, “it’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun loving faces.”

“What have you done with our princess?” someone, Rainbow Dash I thought, yelled in the crowd. A second later, she flew up and used her hoof to punch the mare, hitting her in the face and sending her flying backwards. The mare, Celestia’s sister, didn’t look like she was prepared for it, and neither was the crowd, as I heard them gasp again and give a few surprised cries.

“What is she doing?” I asked, half to myself and half to Lofty and Holiday. “Celestia told me that that’s her sister.”

“I’m not sure, but… that’s her sister?” Lofty responded. “I can’t imagine she’d be related to somepony like that... is that true? Did she tell you that?"

"Yes she did, so I'm not sure if she'd like someone attacking her, but..."

“Yeah, well, she’s kicking her flank, like she should!” Scootaloo cheered. “Go Rainbow Dash!”

The rainbow haired pony flew to land on top of her and picked her up by the metal collar she wore, demanding, “Where is she?” However, she was met with the absolutely enraged look off of the pony, one that made me and the ponies around me take a few steps back in fear. She had her teeth bared in anger and wore a look of hate as she took in the blue pegasus.

“Am I not royal enough for you?” she spat coldly before suddenly standing upright and flinging Rainbow Dash across the room, crashing her into several ponies before hitting the back wall. As she did so, she flew high above the room, extending her wings gracefully before lighting up her horn and destroying the chandelier hanging above her, sending glass raining down on us.

“Ah! I thought she said her student was taking care of this!” I yelled as I covered my head with my hooves, feeling just a few pieces of glass cut me as the rest of the room screamed.

“Get down, girls,” Lofty instructed, using a hoof to direct her wife down as well and spreading her wings out to protect us from anything else that might happen. I followed her instructions, but I also kept my head out a little bit so I could see what was happening, catching my breath at the absolutely angry look she wore. She looked around the room for a moment before landing her gaze on me, staring me in the eye with a look that sent a chill up my spine.

“Please, please just ignore me,” I thought to myself, hoping she wasn’t about to do what I thought she was going to. “Please, Lord, just let her-”

Before I could finish my prayer, I was being lifted off the ground, a blue aura surrounding me and my muscles stiffening as I was carried in the air.

“P-p-put me down!” I yelled, my breathing getting faster as I was carried higher and higher. “I- I don’t like being high up! Please put me down!”

I had to close my eyes because of how high up we were, and I could feel myself shaking from how terrifying it was. The situation itself wasn’t that scary, but my fear of heights combined with this pony sending glass raining down and tossing Rainbow Dash into other ponies had me freaked out.

“Lord, please let me be safe,” I said aloud, not caring who heard me. “Please let her put me down, please…” As I said it, I had to force myself not to try and struggle against the aura that held me in case I somehow fell to the ground because of it.

“Ah ha ha, are you scared of me, little filly?” the mare started. I could tell I was close to her without opening my eyes because of how loud her voice was now. It felt like I was near enough to almost feel her breathing into my coat, and I could almost feel my hair standing up in fear. I kept my eyes closed as I tried to control my breathing, reminding myself that Celestia said this was going to happen.

"She knew this was going to happen and is just letting this happen anyway," I somehow thought to myself. "What kind of ruler does that? Lord, please... please keep me safe..."

“Do you plan on throwing yourself at me as your friend did?” she asked, growling a little bit. “Do you know who I am?”

“Please just put me down,” I found myself pleading, turning my head and hating the situation I was in. I opened my eyes for a moment to try and find that librarian so I could see what she was doing, but immediately closed them again once I saw just how far away the floor was. I couldn’t help but start to hyperventilate a little bit at the fact that I was basically suspended in the air, cursing and clenching my jaw as I thought about how I was going to tell Celestia off when I saw her again. For someone who was supposed to be benevolent and all like these ponies said she was, she was certainly putting me, and a lot of people for that matter, in danger. I had the feeling that she could stop this if she wanted to, but actively chose not to.

“Please… oh my gosh, I hate heights. Just put me down… I don’t know who you are!”

“You don’t know?” she asked threateningly. “Does my crown no longer count now that I’ve been imprisoned for a thousand years? Do you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

I ignored her as I tried my best to stay calm, still keeping my eyes closed and my head turned away from her. I could tell though that she was getting angry, and there was a long period of silence before more words were said.

“LOOK AT ME AND ANSWER ME!” she demanded, yelling at the top of her lungs, loud enough that I almost thought I heard the room shake. I flinched hard at her sudden scream, but kept my eyes closed and my head turned.

“Oh my gosh, just put me down please,” I begged, my emotions starting to get worked up. “I really don’t like being this high up! Please just put me down!” I thought I was getting a little bit better at controlling myself when I thought I was about to cry, but right then it was tough because of how high up I was.

“Tell me who I am!” she screamed, growling at me. “I saw the way you were staring at me! I know you know who I am! Now tell me!”

“I don’t know who you are!” I yelled back loudly, my whole body completely tensed up. “All I know is what Celestia told me! Please just put me down!”

“Fine! Since you want to be let down so much, I’ll let you down!”

“Don’t drop-” I started, not able to get out more than that before she released me from her grasp and I fell to the floor.

Author's Note:

Man, Applejack being sick affects a lot, seeing as since she was, she couldn't hold back Rainbow from attacking NMM.

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