• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

  • ...

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A Very Curious Foal

Much too soon I was being awoken again, although this time it was to the smell of food.

“I did not know what you liked to eat, so I had my chefs prepare fish, rice mixed with spinach, and chamomile flowers.”

“I’m not really that hungry, but it does smell good…”

“It’s best to eat and keep your strength up, so you can fight your illness,” she explained as she floated the plate down to me. “Although uncommon, diphtheria can be quite serious at times.”

“I know that. We get shots for it where I’m from, too. But thank you for the meal.” With that, I closed my eyes in silent prayer before starting on the meal, ignoring the curious look the lady, the mare, was sending my way. It was probably the best food I’d eaten since I became a pony. I realized then just how much meat I’d eaten on a daily basis as a human, and took time to appreciate the flavor of the fish, salmon, one of my favorite foods.

“Is it okay if I spoke to you while you ate, ma’am?” she asked politely as I swallowed another bite.

“I’m- I’m a boy…” I trailed off, suddenly embarrassed as I stared at my plate, looking away from her.

“Ah, I’m sorry sir,” she immediately corrected. “Although that is interesting. Worldgates are not known to change one’s gender. Perhaps you’ve always seen yourself as a mare?”

“No, I haven’t, and we’re not starting down that rabbit hole,” I said tiredly. “I’m a boy. I don’t want to be a girl. And I don’t know what a “worldgate” is, but I do know that it was God who brought me here.”

“Ah, that’s the deity you believed I was, isn’t it?” she figured out. “Where are they now? Here in Equestria?”

“God’s not a physical being,” I explained. “He’s on… another physical plane of existence… it’s like…” I took a moment to think before telling her, “The way it’s been described to me is like a storybook. You can see and affect the people in the story, but the people in the story can’t see or affect you… to put it simply, anyway. It’s more complicated than that, but that’s the gist of it on a very basic level.”

“I see… so if this being brought you here, do you know why so?”

“I- I don’t know. Maybe to teach me a lesson about… why being… not mean, but like… ugh…”


I continued looking at my plate as I blushed, quickly and quietly answering, “About why being transphobic and homophobic is wrong.” I looked back up at her and saw her tilt her head curiously, quickly adding, “I mean, I’m not sure it’s a coincidence that I’m… in a girl’s body now and I’m staying with those two ladies… never mind.”

“I understand,” she told me as though she were speaking to a child, which made me frown. “Now Ashley-”

“I’m sorry, but it’s- I’m Asher. I know I said Ashley, but I…” I frowned harder, saying again, “It’s Asher, please.”

“Well, Asher,” she started again, “we can see what we can do about these things that have happened to you. Although I must ask where you came from.”

“I’m from a place called Delaware, on Earth,” I told her simply.

“Hmm… Earth… I’ve heard that name before, and I do believe it was one of the places I visited.” She put a hoof to her chin as she looked lost in thought, continuing, “If I’m not mistaken, I believe it was on Star Swirl and I’s restricted worlds list before the mirrors were destroyed…”

“Restricted worlds? Mirrors? What?”

“Nothing for you to be concerned about, Asher,” she told me dismissively as she waved a hoof at me. “Although I don’t believe we’ll be able to send you back quite so easily, if at all. We’ve no worldgates available for us to study, and Star Swirl and I hadn’t put much time into seeing why the mirrors acted the way they acted. I’m certain with enough time we could come up with something, but we’re speaking on the timescale of years or even decades.”

I sighed and closed my eyes at that knowledge. She was effectively saying there was nothing she could do for me, which I had expected, seeing as it was God who brought me here, not me jumping through some portal like she probably thought.

“I’m going to be… no, no. Don’t think like that. I’m supposed to be here since He brought me here. Besides, even if the choice were available, I don’t think He’d want me to mess around with magic and go against His will.”

“I understand,” I told her sadly as I let out a breath, slightly depressed.

“I do appreciate your taking my words well, Asher,” she told me. “Many in your position would not react quite so calmly.”

“Well, it helps that I’ve been here for four days already,” I responded. “And, I mean, if God brought me here, then here is where I’m supposed to be, I guess… I’m just… I don't know, a little bit depressed... wait, why did you say you’re like a deity?”

“I do admit I have aspects of it,” she explained, “and can see why some ponies might think as such. I’ve ruled over Equestria for millennia. I would not fault you if you believed I was one.”

“I- I don’t,” I answered quickly. “I only asked because- because I had to be sure. But there aren’t any other gods. The only god is God.”

“I’m not sure who you are referring to, but I can say the draconequus, Discord, had been called a god and is known as the Lord of Chaos. Although he's currently encased in stone. I don't believe he's the cause of your being in Equestria, if a feat such as that were even possible by him.”

“I- I don’t know who that is, but I don’t think… I- I don’t like this at all. I really don’t like this… when I say “god” I mean omnipotent and omniscient. I don't mean, like, doing weird stuff or being magical.”

“Although I’m not sure about omniscient, I can say that Discord is quite omnipotent,” the princess told me. “The laws of reality bend to his will. He once ruled over Equestria in a state of chaos until my sister and I used the Elements of Harmony to bring him down.”

“I really- achoo!- I really don’t like hearing all of this,” I told her, feeling just the barest, tiniest inkling of doubt in my faith at her words, trying to reassure myself that whoever Discord was, they couldn’t be a god because gods couldn’t be brought down by… whatever the Elements of Harmony were.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized gently, probably seeing the uncomfortable look on my face. “I didn’t mean to upset you. If you’d like, we can change the subject?”

“Yes please,” I responded quickly, grateful for the opportunity to talk about something else.

“If it’s acceptable, I’d like to question you about how you came here and what your world is like since I’ve last visited it. But before that, I assume you have numerous questions for me?”

“I… yes, I do actually,” I answered, quickly remembering something from yesterday. “I, um… I don’t know what I’m doing here or why, but, um… is something going to happen during that… sun holiday they’re planning?”

Celestia immediately dropped her face from neutral to a squinting scowl, which caused Asher to shrink back away from her. She looked almost angry at her for asking, and the filly looked at her hooves nervously as a result.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… never mind…”

“How did you figure that out?” she asked questioningly, leaning her head down as she took a step closer to her.

“I- I j-just…” she stuttered out nervously, going back to looking at her hooves. “She- she was talking about it in class, that teacher, Miss Cheerilee, saying how that sun celebration was coming up and how it was the one-thousandth year they were doing it. And- and she said it was being held here and that it would be held in a few days, so I figured… I mean, I really don’t think it’s a coincidence that I was put here in the town that holiday is being held on the one-thousandth anniversary exactly, so…” She looked back up at Celestia and squeaked at her intense expression.

The mare realized she was practically glaring at the filly and took a breath to relax as she explained herself.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. You’re quite the observant young man. Something will be happening on that day, the return of my sister, Princess Luna. However, I would appreciate you not sharing this knowledge with anypony else or researching it further. My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, is handling it, and handle it she will. Although it might be an incredible coincidence, I have my own plans for her and do not want you to steer her away from those plans. Do you understand?”

“I- yes, I won’t, but I… I really don’t like any of this. I just want to go home but I’m here, and I feel like there’s a reason for it and something I should be doing…”

“Just sit patiently,” Celestia told the filly. “I will get Twilight Sparkle to work on something to send you on your way as soon as the Summer Sun Celebration has passed.”

“Okay, but I- ugh, I feel like I’m going to be stuck here forever. I don’t- I don’t want magic used on me, and even if I did, I can’t just say ‘let me go home’ can I? I mean, if God put me here, then who am I to say ‘’Well, I’m just going to leave’?”

Celestia tilted her head again as she asked, “Can you describe this deity to me?”

She sighed at that, explaining, “I was told that He’s like you in that He’s benevolent and graceful, but he’s also omnipotent and omniscient and omnipresent. That’s the very simplest way I can describe Him.”

“And as you said before, their existence is such that we cannot interact with them, but they can interact with us?”

“Not entirely, but that’s the easiest way to describe it.”

“I’m not sure such a being exists.”

Asher rolled her eyes at that, muttering, “Of course you don’t, but I know He does.”

“How do you know?”

“Because of all of my answered prayers, and- and... the simple fact that I’m here at all is proof, isn’t it? I mean, I’m a horse for crying out loud! People don’t just become horses at random! And the fact that you can raise the sun and have magic and the fact that I just so happen to be here on the thousandth year of that summer holiday is all proof. None of that can possibly be a coincidence, and you won’t be able to change my mind on that.”

“I’m not doubting that this isn’t a coincidence, however, I still do not think such a creature could exist.”

“Well, I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on- achoo!... ugh, I hate being sick…”

“I was hoping to be able to question you tonight, but it seems as though you should rest for the night,” Celestia told her as she picked the plate back up. “We shall discuss more tomorrow. For now, rest your head, my little pony.”

“Okay,” she sighed as she laid back down, allowing the princess to leave again. As she closed her eyes, she quietly mumbled a phrase to herself, “I will fear no evil, for my God is with me, and if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear?”

“A very curious colt,” Celestia thought to herself as she left. “Although that worldgate… it’s changed ponies’ species, but never their sex… hmmm… Perhaps he's ashamed to say he sees himself as a mare? Unless that deity he thinks exists is real and truly brought him here… could such a being exist?” Celestia eventually made it to her own bedroom, still deep in thought.

“What to do with him… having him with Twilight is probably the best course of action… hmmm… I can’t have him messing up my plans though. Except I can't keep him in Canterlot because several ponies in Ponyville have already seen him and know him.”

The mare growled to herself slightly at that. If she had it her way, she would keep Asher in Canterlot. But as it stood, it seemed the best course of action was to stick her with Twilight after the Summer Sun Celebration until a worldgate could be built to send her back. Not that that really mattered anyway. By the time one was built, years would have passed and there’d be no point anymore. She would just have to deal with this until she retired it seemed, a thought that caused her to grumble to herself and sigh again.

“If such a being exists,” Celestia thought to herself, “then I certainly can’t say I like them.”

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