• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 471 Views, 21 Comments

The Freelancers - OverHeart

Two talented Netrunners find themselves on the job of a lifetime with unexpected results

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Chapter 57 - Return to Canterlot

After a not quite so heartfelt goodbye, Access and Sheet Rock were well on their way back to Canterlot which they hoped would be shrapnel free this time around. Both their AR displays lit up with a payment notification along with a message.


I do not blame you two for what happened, that blame lays solely with Lucky. As promised, I’ve deposited your payment as we had agreed despite the failure. I hope that it will prove sufficient given the great stresses that you were put under and I trust that you will keep your mouths shut regarding your time as contractors.

If we should meet again, I hope it will be under better circumstances. Should you need to contact me for any reason, my net address is attached.


Before now they had little choice but to hide in the damp, smelly, and dark utility tunnels under the city while they plied their trade, but now they had money and for the first time in a long while had options along with the means to dictate the terms.

“We should check in on the others, especially Star, when we get back by the way.” Sheet Rock pointed out. “No doubt they’ll be wondering how things turned out.”

“Somehow I think Star in particular already knows given her connection to the Crown.” Access mused. “I didn’t think much of it before, but now we’ve gotten a deeper look I think this warrants some investigation.”

“You mean that terminal you found?” Sheet Rock responded. “Have you tried to crack it already, you were fiddling with it on our ascent pretty hardcore.”

“I can’t figure it out, it’s not set up like a terminal from Equi-Tech, Crystal Dynamics, or even General Computing for that matter, it’s completely custom. Either the owner was a hardcore tinkerer or someone has something so sensitive to hide that they built a custom OS for it.”

Sheet Rock waved Access off gently. “Don’t worry about it for now. Just put on the back burner while we get our collective shit together.”

“Can’t disagree with you there.”

The smoggy skyline of Canterlot slowly slid into view as the slow, heavy, and bulky VTOL came to a hover over a small section of empty road near a highway junction. The sun was just beginning to drop below the horizon, which gave the stretch of road an eerie feel as the last scraps of evening light started to wane.

Pilot Wing’s voice crackled through the overhead intercom as the aircraft’s rear doors dropped open. “The Director said this is as far as I can take you. Your little stunt in the Arcology has everyone in a muddle, and we could do without the attention from one of our aircraft being spotted this close to the capital.

The tie-down points that kept the van anchored to the VTOL’s cargo bed released with a loud thunk as they fell away, allowing the van to drive forward and out of the aircraft. It hit the pavement with a loud thud, shaking around the two runners in their seats from the impact.

Short of some scratches and minor dents in the van’s lower body trim, the van and its contents was unharmed. From his seat in the cockpit, Pilot Wings gave a short wave before he rapidly made his exit to the east in a real hurry, and it wasn’t long until his aircraft flew deep into the darkness with only the navigation lights on the craft’s wingtips still visible.

“I wonder if it was a budgetary or political reason that we were dropped on the literal border of Canterlot?” Access said, highly amused. “Getting through the border checkpoint is going to be a total pain the ass. They could’ve at least given us the executive treatment, I mean we did risk our lives in yet another collapsing building for them.”

“Don’t be an asshole, Access, we’re lucky we got out of that with our lives let alone actually getting paid.” Sheet Rock sighed out as she sat back in her seat. “I’m more worried about Lucky, given the way she was treated by the Director’s bodyguards. That doesn’t exactly seem like the kind of thing a stable mare would order her subordinates to do.”

“Not our problem, Sheet, we were hired to do a job and we screwed it up. Nothing went right from the get go, if she were competent she’d have known that Riot was one step ahead of her.” Access pointed out. “You don’t run from a corp for a long time and not end up picking up a thing or two and if I had to guess, Matterhorn isn’t lost somewhere, he’s found his way into Riot’s clutches and likely being given the full spiel about his reasoning right about now.“

“You know, that doesn’t sound completely insane.” Sheet Rock admitted. “Just mostly insane. I don’t think Riot would pass up the chance to off one of the only ponies on equal footing with him.”

“Do you think they’re okay?”

“If I know those two, Star, and I do all too well, I’m sure they’re fine.” Jackie said, taking Star’s half empty glass from her. “I think you’ve had quite enough for one evening. Look, even your Synth agrees!”

Star turned her to face Snowy, who was stood in the corner of the room near the door that led out from the tavern and out into the street. His capability for facial expression lacked definition and flair, but even she could tell he wasn’t impressed with her intake of alcohol to cope with the evening’s occurrences.

Ever since she was unceremoniously dropped off in Canterlot by one of the Director’s pilots all she could think about was a good stiff drink, as she often did even as far back as when she worked for Darkspace.

“How did you all meet?” Star slurred out. “Just out of interest, ignore me if I’m prying.”

“Met on a job, believe it or not. Course this was back when they were greener than the Synth-Grass outside with barely a clue or idea how to do their job between them.” Jackie began. “They started out cracking soft for kids with little money, then they moved onto defacing systems, which then culminated in them stealing the personal information of the Canterlot mayor and… well… having some fun with it.”

“Hey I remember that!” Star remarked, a little surprised. “That was them? How in the ever-loving hell did they get away with that?”

“Pure dumb luck I would guess.” Jackie shrugged. “Netwatch sure came down hard on Access though when they found out later down the line, given his father was an agent of theirs. Brought the hammer down on both their heads actually, sad really.”

“What happened?” Star remarked. “Am I right to assume that it has something to do with the fact he acts like a child at times? I swear, that pony is way too hotheaded to be a runner.”

Jackie got a strange look on her face as soon as those two words were uttered. It was an eclectic mix of awkward, evasive, and perhaps even a little sad.

“I don’t really want to talk about it if you don’t mind, It’s painful enough for me but it’ll put Access over the edge.” Jackie finally responded. “I know you mean well, but it’s a wound that I don’t think will ever heal for him.”

Star looked at her reflection in the immaculately cleaned counter-top for a moment. That little detail would explain Access’ attitude and generally unstable nature a little, but she considered the ramifications of having such a pony around much less as part of a team.

There must be some reason as to why Sheet Rock had stuck around for this long, and it must have something to do with what happened to him. She didn’t want to pry, but if she was going to stick around it was important that she not be kept in the dark.

Trust had to take hold if they were to see this little partnership through, but that could only happen if they trusted her enough in return.

“We’re not even dead yet and you’re already celebrating our lives with drinks?”

Star turned her head and stared at the two runners stood in the doorway who were covered in desert dust, coats matted with sweat and the remnants of blood from their wounds. She barely reacted at first, but she did smile as warmly as her drunken brain allowed her to.

They quickly sat down next to her and ordered two well-deserved drinks, a low quality but somehow delicious cider, brewed in Jackie’s very own basement from a strange concoction of chemicals and flavourings. Real alcohol was expensive, and even in their new found wealth, the runners weren’t about to part with their money quite that easily just yet.

“So you two didn’t bite the big one then?” Star slurred out. “That’s surprising, I thought the director would’ve tanned your hides for sure back there.”

“I’m not sure if I want to know what you three have been up to.” Jackie remarked, placing two large pint glasses onto the bar. “Though judging from how beaten up you are, it must’ve been quite the ride.”

“Quite the ride doesn’t even come close to it, Jackie, I swear this is the last time we’re working for a corp.” Access responded, drink in hoof.

“This is the ONLY time I can remember where we’ve worked for a corp, Access.” Sheet Rock pointed out.

“Yeah exactly, that’s what I said, it’ll be the last time.”

“That’s not… you know what, I’m not even going to correct you this time.” Sheet Rock grumped. “I’m not sure if it’s your poor driving, how many hours I’ve spent awake, or the frankly terrifying prospect of having the past few days come back on us, but I think it’s about time for a vacation.”

“What happened to Matterhorn, to Lucky, they’re not with you?”

“You didn’t get anyone killed did you?” Jackie said, scowling slightly. “Remember what I said about getting out clean?”

“Stuff got complicated quick to be fair.” Star said, jumping to the Runner’s aid. “Trust me Jackie, you wouldn’t believe us even if we told you.”

“Try me.” she responded smugly. “I get all types passing through here on their way to all kinds of jobs, so I doubt you’ll tell me something I don’t already know.”

Sheet Rock regaled her with what had happened, the arrival, the Crown Agents, the hideout, and most importantly what had occurred at the Everfree Arcology in short order. Jackie looked incredulous at first, but quickly started to understand as each fantastical, and unlikely, scenario was explained to her.

Normally she’d question the validity of their statements as they often played up their part in things, but given what she’d heard from her contacts around the city, news of what these two took part in had reached a lot further than she’d have hoped.

“Look, I gotta be honest. Assuming that if what you’re saying is true, and I’m not saying it isn’t, but if Equi-Tech find you they aren’t going to give you a slap on the wrist like all the other times you’ve fucked with them.” Jackie said slowly. “Your new friends aren’t going to save you from the shitstorm Equi-Tech’s gonna bring down on you. If anything, they’re gonna be the ones joining in.”

“How do you figure?” Sheet Rock retorted. “If they were going to kill us they probably would have done so already.”

Jackie shook her head. “Word on the block is that Equi-Tech are riled up something awful, Fixers in the Upper City have reported raids taking place on bars where Mercs are known to frequent looking for any sign of you two. Before they were just lazy enough to slip past without much effort, but now you two have kicked the hornet’s nest they’re cracking down, hard.”

“I don’t know why, it was the Crown that did most of the ass-kicking if I’m honest.” Access said, joining in the conversation. “We just so happened to be along for the ride because of our skills, which as it turned out weren’t particularly useful. Somehow I think we were set up, can’t say for sure though.”

“See that’s just the thing, Equi-Tech knew you were there from the start, same with your friends, and that pony you’re pursuing.” Jackie pointed out. “From what I’m told they intended to wipe you all out, but got duped and left in body bags instead.”

“So what does the great Fixer Jackie reckon we should do then?”

“Nothing, don’t do anything to bring attention to yourselves until the heat dies down, and yes, this does mean you too Star. Stay in the sprawl, don’t go to the Upper City, and for the love of all that’s good, don’t go and break into system on your apartment’s Net access point.” Jackie groaned. “Chilled Coffee stuck around through everything if you can believe it as well, but I think even he would be averse to being anywhere near you right now. So avoid him too, if you would.”

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