• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 471 Views, 21 Comments

The Freelancers - OverHeart

Two talented Netrunners find themselves on the job of a lifetime with unexpected results

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Chapter 30 - Director

“Director, if I may?” Lucky said quietly.

“Is this about Matterhorn?” she responded. “The look I saw on his face before he stormed off spoke volumes more than he could’ve wanted.”

“I was wondering if you could speak with him. He is getting too volatile for his own good, to the point where he becomes paranoid.”

“Paranoia is good, to a degree.” Access offered. “Maybe not to that degree though.”

“You’re one to talk.” Sheet Rock joked.

“Out of all my projects, Matterhorn is one that I couldn’t even hope to understand, and I made him!” Luna chuckled.

There was an awkward silence that lasted for an equally awkward amount of time before Luna continued, sensing the tension.

“I should probably explain what I mean. That sounded worse than I had intended, I assure you.” she said quickly. “We don’t recruit from outside the organization unless we have to, which means we must turn to… alternative sources for our soldiers.”

“That seems ill advised.” Snowy remarked.

“Ah, I’ll have Lucky note that down for me.” Luna joked. “But in all seriousness, I imagine you understand the reasons why we must do things the way we do.”

They walked through corridor after corridor, deeper and deeper into the labyrinthine complex and they passed by multiple open plan offices and guard posts, staffed with guards clad in much the same armor Matterhorn wore, yet a little different in places.

His was much more intricately built with visible care and attention. That’s not to say his follow agents didn’t have the kind of gear that could make Access drool as he craned his head to peek at it, but there were still very visible differences in their armament.

They were funneled into a long room with a glossy polymer table in the center, and set out around it were a number of seats, one for each of them, including the two that Scarlet and Bulwark would’ve sat in.

“Please, do sit down everyone.” Luna instructed. “Rest assured you’re safe here, we have no need to harm you in any way.”

“Forgive me for my impertinence, but I believe my colleagues here have heard that before.” Star remarked.

Access and Sheet Rock nodded slowly, unsure if they should agree or not.

“Skepticism is good, hence why I’m still here today.” Luna pointed out. “But, unlike those outside our walls, I’m not going to kill you if you don’t give us what we want, we’ll just have to find another way. Shall we get down to business?”

“What is it you want?” Access asked. “Why go to all this trouble for a bunch of sprawl ponies?”

“That data X9 gave you of course, plus any other records you may have acquired.” Luna said plainly. “I should also mention we’ve come into the possession of the core X9 inhabited, it was quite forthcoming when it came to telling us who you were.”

“I’m surprised it trusted you, given how paranoid it seemed when we met.”

“AIs eventually develop their own thoughts and feelings, that is if you let them. Clearly Equi-Tech didn’t quite get the memo.” Luna offered. “Of course X9 had access to sensitive records so when it eventually went against them it took something that could ruin them with it.”

“Lucky for us.” Access remarked. “You probably already know, but when we broke into the Upper Canterlot Darkspace HQ during our own investigation, we came across a project name. Demiurge.”

Luna narrowed her eyes and gestured for the three agents in the room to leave, and she became very stern and serious. “Do you have any evidence of it’s existence? Records, data, images, anything at all?”

Access, a little taken aback at her sudden shift in tone, continued. “Some plain text memos and a large dump of encrypted data, can’t say if it’s related but-”

“Do you have a copy with you?”

“Yeah of course.” he said as he produced a data chip from his vest pocket, which he placed on the table.

“Excellent, leave it there and I’ll have someone collect it.” Luna said happily. “I’ll have Lucky show you to some dorms you can use, no doubt you’ll want some rest.”

“I think we deserve to be paid for our trouble as well, we went through a lot to get that you know.” Sheet Rock added.

Luna blinked in surprise. “Of course, where are my manners, I’ll have someone bring a few euro-chits to you. I’m sure you’ll find the amount more than fair.”

She got up from her seat but was stopped by a short huff from Star.

“We were told you’d explain everything, and you’re just going to walk away?”

Lucky went wide eyed.

Luna turned to face the group, surprisingly calm. “Correct. However, a full explanation will have to wait until my staff have decoded what’s on that chip. Be patient if you’re able, and if the contents are what we were looking for, you’ll get what you’re due.”

She turned back around and left without any further interruptions.

Lucky let a breath go that that she didn’t know she was holding. “You’re very fortunate she didn’t have you shot, you know.”

Matterhorn had disembarked the aircraft in a huff and after a brief walk he found himself within the equipment storage room, angrily throwing his armor off and into his personal locker.

The other agents around him gave him a wide berth as he finished putting his gear away, stomping out the room with a single twitching eye. When he had left, the other agents breathed a sigh of relief, the room now magnitudes calmer.

Rain Noir walked down the corridor on his way to greet their new arrivals when he spotted Matterhorn as he walked toward him from the other side of the hallway. With a warm smile, he greeted him despite his sour expression.

“Matterhorn! May I have a moment of your time?”

“What is it, sir?”

“Can you accompany me to meet our new arrivals? We got a lot of good data from your interactions, but I think it’s best that you continue for the foreseeable future.”

Matterhorn growled to himself quietly. “Yes, sir, at once.”

The four were led to another section of the facility, one that looked very homely despite its underground nature. Wood paneling covered the walls and fine carpets set upon the floor with bright yellow fluorescent lighting mounted into the recessed ceilings.

Lucky gave each of them a keycard that would allow them access to the room printed on the front face of the card, except Snowy who rejected his, opting to remain with his owner much to her surprise.

From down the corridor, Rain Noir called out to the group. When Star turned to face the noise and noticed her father she galloped toward him and locked him into a tight hug. It’d been such a long time since the two saw each other in person, and the last time was just before her little run in with a certain two Runners.

“I heard what happened, I was so worried!” Rain Noir cried.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Snowy was with me all the time.” Star responded. She turned to the two Runners and smiled. “Plus, I had help from these two.”

Rain Noir turned to face them as well. “So it’s you two I have to thank. After Darkspace sent her down there for her rather outspoken ways, I feared the worst.”

“We managed to catch her as she was moving in, she pulled us in for a chat and I suppose things escalated from there.” Access offered. “Couple of run-ins with trouble, but nothing we can’t handle.”

Rain Noir laughed heartily. “Yes, so I hear. You’ve been up to quite a lot haven’t you?”

Access and Sheet Rock laughed nervously, unsure of just how much they knew about them. They’d done a lot of questionable things on the net in their teen years that’d make this pony’s head spin, but they knew better than to brag about it.

Rain Noir laughed once more. “Your silence says it all. I need to talk to my daughter, perhaps the rest of you should retire for the night?”

Sheet Rock yawned. “Good idea, too much excitement for one day.”

“Matterhorn, please stand guard until I’m finished here.”

“Yes, sir.”

Author's Note:

And we're back!

Hope you've all had a good Christmas and new year, I've spent a good amount of time after Christmas building up a bit of a backlog of chapters, so i shouldn't have to miss postings any time soon.

Work on projects after this one proceed apace as well, I'll give more details when The Freelancers is about to wrap up, but we're still a good way from the end, I'd say we're just over half way ish.

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