• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 472 Views, 21 Comments

The Freelancers - OverHeart

Two talented Netrunners find themselves on the job of a lifetime with unexpected results

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Chapter 13 - The Upper City

The two pulled open the Van’s side doors, Sheet Rock took the drivers side and Access took the passenger side. He adjusted the center mirror slightly and spotted a flat Plasteel case and a slightly taller Plasteel case sat next to it in the Van’s cargo space.

He pointed out the two cases to Sheet Rock, who peered over at them herself.

“You reckon that’s our gear?”

“Probably. Go check it out on the drive there if you want.”

“I think I’ll pass on that, your driving is bad enough without the rest of the sprawl adding to it.”

Sheet Rock giggled. “Hey don’t worry, all that chrome will keep you safe.”

“You’re a real funny mare, you know that? I’ll wait until we’re closer.” Access grumbled.

With Access looking as unimpressed as ever, she started up the engine with a quick tap of the engine start button and it roared to life, like most vehicles it was both key less entry and ignition. As long as the remote was close to the Van they could have the doors unlocked and have the engine started at the same time. Handy if the situation called for a swift exit.

As the Van silently crept forward out of the parking spot, it became increasingly apparent just how luxurious the van was. Not a single thing was out of place and driving it felt like a dream.

Quite the distance separated them and the gates of Upper Canterlot, though the traffic in the dead of night would be relatively minor compared to the utter nightmare it was in the day.

They rode in silence until they approached the gates to Upper Canterlot, they towered far above into the sky and imposed a great sense of division between the two districts. Very few ponies could pass through them without being heavily questioned, but their temporary passes, new vehicle and unassuming demeanor should allow them passage without much trouble.

All around the gate were various warning signs, spotlights and automated security in the form of buzzing security drones, though most of it looked like it could fall apart at any given moment, it was heavily implied that any trouble would be dealt with swiftly.

The van gently came to a stop in front of the heavy blackened steel gates, and a tired looking earth pony trudged out from the nearby guardhouse. He stared at the two and sighed as he approached the drivers side door.

“Papers, please.” he said in a bemused drawl.

Sheet Rock complied and handed over the temporary passes Star had provided for them, she started to sweat nervously as the guard took them and slid them into his datapad.

“Purpose of visit tonight?”

“Just business. Late at night of all times, you know how it is.”

The guard smirked. “Tell me about it. Be glad you’ve even got a pass to go anywhere at all, I’m stuck that small box for eleven hours at a time.”

Verification of their passes was taking an uncomfortable amount of time and the two became nervous as time seemed to drag.

“Sorry about this. Checks have been taking longer since we got the orders to screen everyone, I wouldn’t normally bother but you know, it is what it is.”

“You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.” Access said dismissively.

They sat at the gate for what seemed like an eternity, the night brought with it a cool breeze and a distant sense of unease. Maybe once they crossed the border into Upper Canterlot that feeling might abate for a moment.

The guard chuckled as his datapad beeped, he looked up at the two and passed the two chips back in through the window.

“Everything seems to be in order, let me get the gate for you. Don’t take this personally but don’t cause any trouble, and follow any directives you’re given once you’re in the city proper.”

Sheet Rock blinked in surprise. “Why? What happened?”

“I don’t get paid enough to know specifics. You two don’t look like the usual miscreants they get milling about so you’ll probably be fine.”

Sheet Rock continued to wear her confused look and the guard trudged off back to his small cube of a guardhouse and proceeded to pull a large, heavy and corroded switch.

Before long, a small portion of the gate ground open slowly, just enough for a small vehicle such as theirs to drive through, though it’d barely given them enough time to pass before it ground to a close behind them again.

Beyond was the shining beacon that was Upper Canterlot, as they drove up the road beyond the gate the scenery gradually changed from the grimy and dirty streets of the sprawl to the well kept and aggressively clean streets of Upper Canterlot.

“And here we are, the upper city.” Sheet Rock said with a sign of disgust.

Access looked ahead as the shining lights of the upper city fully came into view and gave a semi-impressed huff. “Let’s just get this over with, I don’t want to be here any longer than I really have to be. Is this place far?”

Sheet Rock nodded. “Shouldn’t be.”

The van glided towards a sparsely populated intersection, and they joined the flow of traffic towards the central plaza. Buildings slid past them and the highways gave way to large residential districts and then to sprawling shopping plazas, nightclubs and bars.

No matter whether you lived in the Upper or Lower city, the nightlife was much the same. Ponies getting far too drunk for their own good on expensive liquor and gambling all their euro away in the blink of an eye.

Soon after, the leisure spots of the upper city center gave way to sterile and serious office buildings interspersed with the occasional upmarket specialty store. While the layout itself was less confused and muddled than the lower city, the roads were not and it slowed their progress somewhat.

“Right. The building should be around here somewhere, go see what Star left for us before we make our way in. I’ll try not to send you careening into anything, I promise.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Access said as he clambered over the passenger seat and into the rear of the van where his metallic limbs clanked against the bare metal flooring.

He pulled the flat Plasteel case towards himself and cracked it open with fevered glee. Inside was a set of high-end tools, used for all manner of jobs that required fine precision.

It was difficult for him to pull his gaze away from the high-end tools but he pulled the larger of the two cases towards him to inspect its contents as well, and unexpectedly when it was opened, it contained a couple of heavy-duty jumpsuits in a rather garish and bright yellow coloration.

After meandering her way through the winding streets for a little while, Sheet Rock pulled into a large mostly empty lot, cut the engine and turned around to face Access. “So? What we got?”

“Some fancy tools. And jumpsuits of all things.”

Sheet Rock raised an eyebrow. “Makes sense, gotta look the part. Toss one over for me would you?”

Access tossed one of the heavy, yellow, jumpsuits to Sheet Rock, who awkwardly tried to slip it on over her existing clothing, he chuckled in amusement and slipped his on over his own, being careful not to get any of the long sleeves caught on his bulky chrome.

When he was done, Access exited out the side of the van and levitated the tool case alongside him along with their saddlebags making sure to leave behind their firearms, though the expectation these days was everyone is armed at all times, they couldn’t reasonably expect to bring them and not have them confiscated when they entered, so they opted to do without.

Sheet Rock soon finished fussing with the fitting of her suit and clambered out the drivers side, she ran a hoof through her puffy mane and shot Access a determined look. “Got everything?”

Access held up the tool case and both of their saddlebags. “Obviously.”

Sheet Rock nodded and proceeded to look around, presumably for their target. “Good good. I know I’ve said this before, but try not to say anything stupid.”

A goofy grin crept across his face. “No promises. But otherwise noted. So where we headed?”

Sheet Rock peered around for a moment, the amount of tall office buildings in this block alone was dizzying but she eventually pointed out a cluster of them that stood out a little taller than the others, it was easy for the two to pick out their target’s general location, owing to the large amount of Darkspace Jumpsuit wearing bat-ponies coming and going from the cluster of towers just across the street from them.

“This way. Act casual, but like you’re supposed to be here.” Sheet Rock teased as she started to walk.

Access heaved the bulky tool case onto his back to steady it. “Sure boss.”

“Hey. Can I ask you a question?” Sheet Rock shot back quickly.

“Uh. Sure? You aren’t going to start fussing again are you?”

“No. I just want to make sure you’ll be okay while we’re in there.”

Access stepped closer to Sheet Rock as the two came to a small crossing. “Is in the middle of a crowded street really the time to be asking this?”

“We’ve never done anything like this before, we’ve always done things remotely and walking straight into somewhere that'll be a very dangerous place for ponies like us is near madness.”

Access cut Sheet Rock off. “It’ll be fine as long as our cover isn’t blown, they have no reason to suspect us of all ponies if we stick to the story we’ve been given.”

“I don’t disagree. But neither of us have any experience with operations like this.”

The crossing lights flickered to pleasing green and the rushing traffic ground to a halt, allowing the two and a gaggle of other ponies passage across the four lanes of traffic.

“You worry too much, hopefully this will be the one and only time we have to do something like this.”

She thought for a moment, and chose to pick her words more carefully than usual. “I doubt that, we’ve been dropped into something we barely understand and one wrong step would mean the end of us. We’re going to find ourselves in worse situations before all this is over.”

Access shot his friend a reassuring look. “Keep a level head and trust in our benefactor. Okay?“

“Yeah, sure. First time for everything I suppose.”

The two walked the rest of the way in silence and soon came to a towering, glass and steel cluster of buildings. Sheet Rock walked ahead to a small plaque that was inscribed with business names, it took her some time but she eventually found the specific building they needed on the plaque.

It wasn’t far from where they were now and would be a mere brisk walk.

“Last chance, Access. You ready?”

He nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”

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