• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 471 Views, 21 Comments

The Freelancers - OverHeart

Two talented Netrunners find themselves on the job of a lifetime with unexpected results

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Chapter 18 - But Not Out

The atmosphere in the Van was tense and rage-filled, and Sheet Rock looked about ready to burst with anger at any moment. They made their way back to the sprawl at a quickened pace, away from any corporate forces that might decide to follow if they were spotted.

“We just left him down there, Star!” Sheet Rock screamed.

“Look I know, but you would’ve been crushed!” Star soothed.

“Would you have left US behind to save your own skin? How dare you make decisions for me, you aren’t even one of us!”

Stars expression turned stony. “That’s a bit of a loaded question, and I know you’re angry but you have to keep a level head. Access is augmented up to the eyeballs, so if he didn’t get hit by any big bits of rubble he’ll have survived that.”

“I haven’t been able to reach him yet though, I hope for your personal safety he didn’t die down there.”

“I’ll take full responsibility if he did, but you should have more faith in your own friend’s capabilities.”

A long and awkward silence fell for a few moments before Star could muster up the courage to speak again. as she felt like this was her fault, and in a way it was.

“I am sorry by the way, i didn’t think it’d turn out like this.”

“Save your apologies. It’s a good thing we plan for such eventualities, I’ll send some friends down there to get him assuming he isn’t paste on the floor.”

The garage was full of dust kicked up from the ceiling’s collapse and had fallen into pitch darkness. No lights were working anymore save for a few on the topmost level of the garage one floor up, though they didn’t shed much light into the dusty depths.

Thankfully the entire building hadn’t collapsed on top of them and it was a miracle he hadn’t been crushed by the falling debris.

His organic body and chrome augments had taken a beating and he could feel the strength leaving him little by little, he’d be hard pressed to clear all that rubble blocking the exit on his own and it looked like he was trapped down here.

Access stared up at the broken ceiling in disbelief, his entire body ached from the entire ordeal and all he could think about was his escape.

First however was finding out who this unhinged mare was, he heaved himself off the ground onto his battered legs, and limped toward the downed commander who’d been knocked unconscious by the falling rubble. He had to know who this mare was, and why she was so dead set on burying both him and his friends under a ton of rubble.

He bent down, tugged against the helmet’s seals and ripped it off in anger, and when he saw a mare scarred with innumerable old wounds and a golden orange and scarlet striped mane underneath, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

This mare has been a close friend of his once, but now she was for all intents and purposes, an enemy. He doubted that she’d explain where she’d been all this time when she eventually woke up, but he didn’t want to stick around to find out lest she resume her assault on him.

The tunnel leading out of the garage had been blocked by the falling rubble and the stairwell was completely destroyed with no way to go up or down.

Access pulled his gaze away from the destruction and resigned himself to being killed or captured until the gentle sound of an engine could be heard overhead approaching the giant hole left in the asphalt ceiling, and a pony poked his filter-mask clad head down into the hole.

“Anyone alive down there?” a gruff voice called.

Access coughed roughly from all the dust. “Bulwark? How did-”

“No time for that! I’m passing down a rope, we need to move quickly.”


“Later, just trust me.”

Sheet Rock paced around the apartment while Star tried to console her. It wasn’t working but it made her feel a little better about what happened.

She felt her skull buzz with the unmistakable sound and prompt that a message had arrived from Bulwark, had he found Access alive or was he dead? She nervously opened the message and braced herself for the worst.

Sheet, I found him, he’s alive.

Battered and badly wounded but alive. I’m taking him to Brandy Snaps’ place to get fixed up. Rest assured I’ll get him there in one piece.

He wanted me to rely a message to you too since his augments took a hit. Grand Gala is alive and she’s the one that attacked you, she likely survived though we weren’t going to stick around in case she woke up.

“Oh no.” she whispered.

“Is he, you know?” Star said from a ragged seat.

“No. Lucky for you he managed to survive. We have a bigger problem though.”

“Well, it isn’t like this day can get any worse.”

“That pony with the auto-cannon knows us from way, way back in our younger years. We used to work together but a job we were on went wrong and we had to abandon her on her orders, and we thought she’d died trying to clear an exit for us.”

“And I’m assuming she didn’t appreciate you not coming back with help? That seems petty considering she told you to go.”

“I don’t get it either, maybe it was the heroic bravado talking or something, since she always was the headstrong, get-things-done type.”

Star thought for a moment and narrowed her eyes. “And her name is Grand Gala, correct? To think we were in the presence of someone that knew who you were from the start.”

Sheet Rock blinked in confusion and sank into her seat with a defeated chuckle. “Yep. That’s her alright. Guess it really is her.”

“So what happens now?”

“We lay low, and enjoy life in the worlds happiest hellhole.” Sheet Rock said with a sarcastic giggle.

Access’ body felt like a sack of cement as he lay on Brandy Snaps operating table within his dingy yet spacious Upper Canterlot office. How he managed to keep his illicit business secret under the noses of corporate police was anyone's guess.

He hadn’t noticed the dire shape his limbs were in. They were bent out of shape and leaking their artificial muscle fluid, and were a complete write off. He’d need replacements for sure.

The rest of him wasn’t in good shape either, and he was lucky to be alive. Though the bruises, cuts and a split lip were relatively minor and the least of his worries.

“We really must stop meeting like this, Access. Why must you squander my good work and get yourself into situations where my art is destroyed on the regular?” the burnt umber form of Access’ ripperdoc lamented.

“Look, Brandy, I’m sorry. I’m not lieing when I say it wasn’t on purpose!”

Brandy looked upon Access with a certain level of disgust evident in his ragged features. “That’s what you said the last time, and the time before last, and the time before that even! This time you’re paying double, maybe that’ll teach you to take better care of yourself.”

“Aw, geez doc, really?”

Bulwark gave a gruff chuckle and patted Access’ crippled limbs. “Maybe that’ll teach you not to try to play hero. You got lucky this time around, buddy.”

“At least one of us was going to get hurt, it may as well have been the metal pony with an artificial heart, huh?”

Brandy smacked Access across the temple with an adjustable spanner and let out an annoyed grunt. “We’ve been over this. Your heart may be artificial but you aren’t, don’t make me get out the hammer again.”

“Yes sir.” Access said with a grumble of his own.

Brandy pushed himself back from his desk and his seat slid in the direction of the small hospital bed Access lay upon and placed down a heavy spanner, laser grafter and a large saw at his side.

“Now this might sting. But of course, you know that, right?”

“Just get on with it, you’ve made your point.”

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