• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: Confrontation

Lyra, Sweetie and Raynor personally made sure that the third fragment of the Xel’naga artifact was secure in the lab. While most Terrans would find the psionic emanations from the artifact fragments to be weird and borderline supernatural, Lyra and Sweetie were used to psionic energy at this point to not be fazed. The Overmind, however, felt pain from being around the artifact.

The three of them left the lab and walked down an access corridor. Raynor took a swig from his flask as they walked.

Suddenly, the lights in the corridor began to mysteriously go out. While Raynor found this startling, Sweetie and Lyra could feel a familiar presence near them.

“Hi Master Zeratul!” Lyra spoke happily.

The form of the middle-aged Nerazim appeared before the trio. “Greetings, friend Raynor, friend Sweetie Drops and sister Lyra Heartstrings. I bring tidings of doom.”

“I guess this means that they are beginning to awaken?” Sweetie asked.

“Yes, the time has come to gather our allies and prepare for the coming war.”

“I actually encountered one of them on Slayn not long ago,” Lyra said.

Raynor was completely lost in the conversation. “Can somebody tell me what the hell’s goin’ on?”

“Would you believe me if I said that the true threat to Humanity is beginning to emerge? Someone out there has been cross-breeding Protoss and Zerg to create powerful monsters and is gathering them for one big war for the future of the universe,” Sweetie said.

Raynor sighed, “Wonderful, as if we didn’t have enough on our plate. What’re we supposed to do ‘bout this?”

“We need to be prepared to face the coming war. For one, we need to save Kerrigan and make sure the Swarm doesn’t fall into Amon’s hands.”

“Who’s Amon?” Raynor asked.

“In a nutshell, the guy who’s ultimately responsible for Humanity’s Zerg and Protoss issues; an evil Xel’naga that wants to erase the universe and remake it how he wants.”

Raynor blinked several times as he tries to take in what Sweetie said. He opened his flask and downed the rest of his drink. When he didn’t feel drunk enough, he walked the rest of the way to the cantina.

“I think you broke him,” Lyra said.

“Hopefully, a little time will be all he needs to come to grips with what I just said. If he chooses not to believe, I’ll let the facts speak for themselves; even if I have to show him the Overmind’s vision.”

Zeratul, who had been watching the spectacle, decided that his presence was no longer required. He handed Lyra a crystal for her, Sweetie and Raynor to look into later and faded into the shadows. The lighting in the corridor returned to normal. The Ponies followed Raynor to the cantina.

They noticed Tychus sitting next to Raynor. Tychus couldn’t get a response from the rebel commander. When he saw Sweetie and Lyra, he decided to talk to them instead.

“What in the hell got into him?”

“He just heard some things that he’s struggling to comprehend,” Sweetie said.

“Huh, anyway, I was tryin’ to tell him that the Zerg are about to invade Tyrador, the main research facility for the Moebius Foundation.”

Sweetie hummed, “I guess Kerrigan is looking for the locations of the remaining artifact fragments. I take it that Moebius already knows where the remaining pieces are located.”

“I would guess so.”

“Well, I guess we’re going to Tyrador. I need to have a few words with Kerrigan anyway.”

As Sweetie and Lyra were about to leave the cantina, the news came on. Donny was saying that the Dominion was ready to fight the Zerg but didn’t say when. When Kate asked about when, Donny made himself out as a little paranoid when he claimed that the Zerg were watching their broadcast. Sweetie rolled her eyes.

Upon arrival above Tyrador, the Hyperion receives a transmission from the head researcher of Moebius, Dr. Narud. Almost immediately, Sweetie and Lyra feel a familiar power coming from Narud, one they hadn’t felt in years. However, since the artifacts took priority over confronting the familiar scientist, they kept the knowledge to themselves for the time being.

Narud spoke a little on Raynor’s past before Raynor made him get to the point. Narud wanted the Moebius data cores destroyed before Kerrigan can get to them. Since Kerrigan had no idea where the data cores were, she would be searching the various buildings in the city before she finds a data core.

The operation got started just in time for Kerrigan to begin her methodical search pattern. Turns out, she was already close to one of the cores. The city was overrun with Zerg and there were moderate numbers of Zerg at each data core.

Since time was of the essence, Narud lent the Raiders the Moebius Medivacs to allow them to ferry troops all over the city.

However, Swann had other plans to ferry troops in the form of using the massive Hercules transports. Raynor also intended to have Science Vessels escort the transports and use their repair nanomachines to patch up any damage the transport may receive.

Some Siege Tanks were in place to defend the immediate area from anything dangerous. Sweetie called in Siege Breakers and War Pigs to fortify the defenses.

Sweetie quickly ordered the construction of a Starport in order to get the transports up and going. Meanwhile, she noticed through the scope of her rifle that Kerrigan was closing in on the first core and they had to hurry. She also noticed a number of mercenaries standing near one of the data cores doing nothing.

Thinking quickly, Sweetie boarded one of the Medivacs and ferried herself to the mercenaries. Once she arrived, she quickly got the group motivated and everyone began firing at the first data core building. Thankfully, the data cores were fragile enough that bullets could destroy them.

Kerrigan taunted Raynor, Sweetie and Lyra through her usual means. Sweetie could see that the years had not made her any wiser since she almost acted as if her taunts were weakening their resolve.

Since she was sure that Raynor could handle the rest of the operation himself, Sweetie had Lyra come with her. Using the Medivacs, the mercenaries were transported back to base while one Medivac picked up Sweetie and Lyra and, by their request, dropped them off directly in Kerrigan’s path. The Medivac flew a safe distance away while the Ponies moved toward Kerrigan. Lyra immediately teleported to the roof of a nearby building to observe.

When the infested Ghost noticed them, she stopped inspecting the building next to her and faced them. “You actually came to me by yourselves, you must be more foolish than I thought.”

“I came here to talk to you,” Sweetie said.

“‘Talk?’ What are you planning? Is this a distraction while Jim destroys the other data cores?”

“That’s one part of it. The other part is that I wish to discuss with you the purpose of your infestation. There’s no point in hunting the artifacts yourself since they will all ultimately wind up on your doorstep once they are all gathered.”

“True, very well, I shall hear what you have to say. Who knows, you may even amuse me.”

“I know that the Overmind never told you your purpose with the Swarm. Despite what you may think, you were not designed to be a mere agent like the Cerebrates. Your original purpose was to take control of the Zerg once it was gone and rebel against the one who gave rise to the Zerg and Protoss.”

“It would seem that the Overmind vastly overestimated its chances against the terrifying force that comes to claim us all. It can’t be stopped.”

“I beg to differ. Maybe if you would stop listening to the voice of Amon in your head, maybe you will realize that your indomitable will could be the key to save the Zerg from being Amon’s slaves.”

“And then what? If you know of Amon’s existence then you should know that he is far too powerful. No force in this universe can stop him.”

“Then why did the Overmind even bother to create you? We are talking about an ancient being of great knowledge and reason. In the state it was in, all it could do was think and command Zerg. Right now, when I look at you, I see something that the Overmind had that you lack: hope.”

Sweetie received word through her comms that the final data core had been destroyed. Knowing this, Sweetie decided to wrap up their conversation. “I would suggest you think about what I said, Kerrigan. You are the key to stopping Amon’s plans. We will meet again on Char where I will save you from his influence.”

With that, Lyra teleported Sweetie to her before they boarded the nearby Medivac and retreated back to the Hyperion.

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