• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Rebel: Biting the Bullet

The majority of the Sons of Korhal forces have withdrawn their forces to a safe distance from Antiga Prime. With the Psi Emitter broadcasting the Ghost-like signal to nearby worlds, the Zerg have begun appearing around the planet in much greater numbers. Raynor and Sweetie were both disturbed that they had to participate in unleashing the Zerg against not only the Confederates on Antiga, but also the colonists themselves.

The colony had begun to broadcast a distress beacon to once again seek help, except this time it is from the Zerg instead of the Confederates. There was also the fact that the Protoss have begun showing up nearby and were orbiting the planet and preparing to obliterate all lifeforms on the surface once again.

Raynor called for an emergency meeting to discuss trying to save the colonists. Once again, the Sons of Korhal leaders have gathered on the bridge of the Hyperion. Raynor began the meeting.

“This defensive crap just isn’t working!” he said, referring to keeping the colonists away from the Zerg while the colonists evacuate. “Look, I know it’s risky, but I think I know of a way to save the colonists and still buy time to get off world. If we attack the main Zerg Hive Cluster, they’ll have to recall their forces to protect the nerve center.”

Duke tried to dismiss Raynor’s plan as stupid and reckless and the two began to argue over Duke’s past actions as a Confederate General. Kerrigan and Mengsk broke the two up. “Your plan is a wild one Jim, but it’s worth a try.” Mengsk said. Kerrigan agreed with Mengsk’s assessment. Mengsk then addressed the Commander and gave him full authority of the operation. “Captain Raynor and General Duke will assist you. Lieutenant Drops, make sure these two get along.” Sweetie nodded.

Looking out to the stars, Lyra felt distant from those around her. She longed to see her marefriend Bon Bon again. She watched as the fleet was once again positioning themselves for another planetary bombardment. She was really not looking forward to seeing that yet again.

Observing the events from orbit, Lyra noticed the Terrans leaving the planet, much to her relief. Looking elsewhere, she saw a familiar ship holding orbit over the planet. The ship launched a smaller ship toward the surface. Lyra’s eyes widened. “Could it be…?” she thought hopefully.

Noticing her change in expression, Tassadar walked up to Lyra to address her concerns. “What do you see, young one?” he asked.

Lyra’s attention was drawn away from the ship and toward her mentor. She points at the Terran ship. “I remember that ship. It’s the one we saw shortly before Mar Sara was purified. I think Bon Bon might be on that ship. She might even be onboard that shuttle that departed for the planet’s surface.”

Tassadar put a hand on his chin. He had to make a decision about the upcoming purification. If Lyra’s friend was headed to the surface then he would need to do what was necessary to get her friend off the planet’s surface sooner. The fleet was not going to wait forever.

He knew what he was about to do would go against The Conclave’s orders, but he was not about to earn the ire of his protege because of orders. He ordered a number of ships from the fleet to accompany the Gantrithor to the planet’s surface. His orders were to assist the Terrans with their evacuation of the planet and burn down any Zerg Hive Clusters they encounter in the course of this endeavor.

Sweetie was not feeling confident about this mission. Preliminary data has shown some well developed Hive Clusters with a number of different Zerg strains that she has never seen until now. All they had for the time being was herself, Raynor on his vulture and Duke piloting a Siege Tank, as well as a few SCVs. The nearest mineral field was far from the nearest Vespene Geyser. They were in big trouble if they didn’t get a base camp set up and fast.

Their only saving grace was that they were the only ones on the island they were on and there was only one chokepoint for the enemy to approach...short of flyers and troops dropping on them from whatever they may call transports. Thankfully, the Zerg attacks have only been a few scouts so far.

The Commander’s time management skills shined through in this situation as he managed to get the base camp up and running with troops and mechs ready to go. Aerial defenses were up to par by Sweetie’s standards with a line of Missile Turrets to deter sneak attacks from the Zerg with a small group of marines in case the Zerg manage to unload a Zergling or two in their perimeter. The bridge was also fortified with Marine-filled Bunkers, Missile Turrets and a few Siege Tanks in Siege Mode.

A raiding party was formed of Marines, Firebats, and Goliaths as well as a few Siege Tanks. The group formed around Sweetie, Raynor and Duke and advanced upon the neighboring Zerg Hive Cluster. The Zerg base was overwhelmed by the impressive firepower while the Hive Cluster that was on a nearby island began transporting Zerglings and Hydralisks using those floating Zerg that Sweetie discovered were called Overlords with Mutalisks escorting them. Sweetie also became acquainted with a couple of new Zerg species that were incredibly troublesome.

One was a slow flying Zerg that looked broad and flat, almost crab-like, with no wings to show that it should even be able to fly could attack from afar outside of any missile turret’s range. Thankfully, the Commander thought ahead and had a squadron of Wraiths manufactured to counter them. The Guardians, as Sweetie discovered, were helpless against anything not on the ground as their attacks could not stay in the air long enough to hit anything in the sky.

The other troublesome Zerg specimen was a massive four-legged behemoth with what looked like razor-sharp curved blades and an extremely thick carapace. The Ultralisk was devastating to most things on the ground and took a lot of firepower to finally put one down.

The Zerg on the island continued to send reinforcements to the already ruined Hive Cluster for a few minutes before they finally relented. After that, the Commander decided to make use of the resources left behind by the Zerg. He soon began fortifying the new outpost with the usual defenses.

The raiding party soon moved forward again to where the Zerg were not as plentiful in the area ahead of them, though occasionally they do get attacked by a cunning Zerg that looked like it was mostly webbed wings with a sinuous head and numerous tentacles. Every now and then one is sent to harass the party by either launching a glob of sticky goo that slows down some troops, infects someone with some sort of parasite that doesn’t seem to do anything harmful to the host, or infects them with a creature that gestates quickly in the unfortunate victim and bursts out of their body, killing the host and leaving behind a pair of annoying Zerg that were not very effective in combat. Sweetie kept her guard up in case one of these ‘Queens’, as her database research had revealed, tried to pull such a lethal action on her.

The group arrived on a plateau near the island where their objective was: the Zerg Hive. Thankfully, the massive structure was within range of Duke’s siege cannon. Sweetie defended Duke while he burned down the Hive.

Upon the hive’s destruction, Duke’s sensors started going crazy, picking up a large amount of Zerg activity headed their way. Raynor asked how many there were in a passive-aggressive tone as he was still on bad terms with the General. Duke ignored Raynor’s tone and informed them that there were a lot of Zerg incoming, more than they could handle.

Just then the massive wave arrived with nearly every strain of Zerg that Sweetie had learned about so far. The area was almost blanketed by Zerg while Sweetie unloaded shot after shot into the seemingly endless wave. Despite all odds, however, the rebels managed to pull through and eliminate the Zerg wave. Sweetie was exhausted as she had to use every maneuver she knew just to survive that attack.

The Commander’s adjutant alerted everyone of a transmission it was receiving from the Protoss Expeditionary Force flagship Gantrithor and patched them through.

Raynor was also exhausted from the attack and was not in the mood for unpleasant surprises, but he listened in anyway.

“Terran Commander,” said the Protoss leader. “I am Tassadar, High Templar and Executor of the Protoss fleet. I come bearing no ill will towards you or your brethren. I have watched your struggle with the Zerg and stand ready to aid you in your struggle against them.”

Raynor was surprised by the Protoss leader’s generous act and couldn’t help but smile. “Wow...well, hell. The more the merrier” Raynor said.

“I commend your-” Tassadar said before he was shoved aside by another person who appeared to be of the same species as Sweetie. This one was colored aquamarine and had two colors in her hair: aquamarine and white. She also had a horn on her forehead.

“Bon Bon! Are you there?” the Pony girl asked. She then looked at the fallen Protoss commander and apologized profusely to him with an apologetic smile to go with it.

“Lyra?!” Sweetie said, her tone filled with joy and surprise. “What in Celestia’s name are you doing here?”

Raynor looked at Sweetie and raised an eyebrow. “You know her? Bon Bon? Wait, is she the marefriend that you’ve been talkin’ about?”

Sweetie let out a sigh. “Yes, she is, but we have more important matters to deal with right now.”

“She’s right,” Lyra said. “Tassadar is still under orders from his superiors to purify this planet and you guys have to get off the planet ASAP. We will help you guys deal with the Zerg but we will have to be fast. The rest of the fleet is getting impatient.”

The Commander agreed to allow the Protoss to assist with the operation and bolstered the ships that Tassadar provided, including his own ship, with the growing Wraith squadron that the starports were manufacturing. The small fleet then scoured the immediate area for Zerg and tore into their various structures and creatures and turned them into bloody shreds.

Soon the immediate area was cleared of Zerg, enough for the last of the colonists to safely get off world. With some breathing room at last, Sweetie opened a channel to the Protoss again. “Lyra, can you read me?”

“Yes Bon Bon,” Lyra responded. “It feels so good to hear your voice again.”

Sweetie smiled for a moment before her expression became serious again. “Listen Lyra, there are things that I need to do for these guys. Once this blows over, I’ll come find you. Until then, stay strong for me.”

Before Lyra could respond, Sweetie had ended the communication. Lyra sighed. There was so much that she wanted to tell her marefriend, but it seemed that fate would be putting that on hold.

Tassadar approached Lyra, still rubbing the sore spot where she pushed him. “Your strength has certainly improved thanks to your training.” If he held any ill will for the rude treatment, he did not show it. Tassadar sent soothing psionic waves to calm Lyra and let her know that he was not angry. “Do not worry, I am certain that you two will meet again.”

Lyra smiled at that. Even as the Terran ship left with Bon Bon aboard it or even the tragic purification of the planet could not bring down her good mood.

Author's Note:

For those who don't know, this mission was one of two missions that were part of the original release of Starcraft. However, Blizzard Entertainment decided to pull those missions after the first distribution for some reason.

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