• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,616 Views, 899 Comments

Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Battle of the Void Part 2: Destinies Fulfilled

Back in Equestria…

Discord was moping around in Fluttershy’s house. While his host had noticed his unusual behavior, she said nothing and hoped that he would tell her at some point.

Discord was more concerned that his experiment was in danger of failure because she had decided to be suicidal and face off against Amon in the Void. He saw little to no chance of her emerging victorious in a direct fight against the Dark God.

Discord and Fluttershy sat at the young animal caretaker’s table in her cottage, silently enjoying the tea Discord provided...or at least he tried to.

Fluttershy picked up on the Lord of Chaos’ distress, “Discord, what’s wrong?”

Discord’s attention became focused on Fluttershy. While he wanted to tell her, the secrets that he shared with the Royal Sisters was made in agreement that no other Pony must know the truth unless it becomes necessary for them to be tied to it. “Nothing’s the matter, Fluttershy. Just thinking about things,” he said.

Fluttershy tilted her head, “Like what?”

“I can’t tell you I’m afraid. The matter is a royal secret.”

“Well...Can you tell me in a way that doesn’t give away anything important? I’d like to help if I could...If that’s alright with you that is.”

Discord let out a deep sigh. “What if I told you that I acquired a student lately?”

Fluttershy’s ears perked. She leaned slightly over the table. “You have a student, Discord? That’s wonderful! Can you tell me who it is?”

He shook his head, “That’s confidential. But I would like to ask you a question.”

“What is it?”

“I have been testing my student through dangerous tasks that I believed they could handle. Just as I hoped, they passed every test necessary to be worthy of being my student. But now, they intend to go above and beyond my expectations and engage in a task where the chance of success, let alone survival, is quite low. I tried to talk them out of it but they were determined to see the task through.”

Fluttershy gasped, then gave a determined look to him. “You must help them. If you think they will need it, then give them all the help they’ll need.”

Discord sighed again before he began talking to himself which manifested as a version of himself wearing a brown jacket, a pair of half-moon glasses, and holding a pipe that blew bubbles. Discord asked the manifestation, “What have I gotten myself into? I already know that I need to help her. I suppose the only thing that’s stopping me from getting the help she needs is my own pride. If I help her, I have to swallow my pride. If I don’t, my experiment ultimately fails, two ponies die, and I’ll never hear the end of it from Celestia and Luna.”

The image rolled his eyes at his actual self, “You already know what you have to do. You and I both know that you hate to lose and if you want to win, you have to do the right thing.”

Discord groaned, “Why does the right thing have to be so painful?”

With a snap of his talons, Discord disappeared along with his doppelganger. Fluttershy smiled as she returned to her tea in solitude until Angel came to her with one of his demands.

The time had come for Kerrigan’s essence transfer to begin. Once the process began, Ouros would not be able to halt it no matter what. It would be up to the allied factions to protect the Queen of Blades until the process was completed.

“Amon’s shadows will devour all. Kerrigan, may the last of my essence give you the power you need,” Ouros said.

Kerrigan nearly felt overwhelmed by the power that was being given to her.

A number of Void Thrashers emerged from rifts and attacked Kerrigan. She used the power she was being given to annihilate the Thrashers. Sweetie and Lyra assisted as best as they could but Amon had summoned many more to overwhelm the defenders. The Ponies became concerned that Kerrigan could be killed with the sheer number of Void Thrashers that Amon was summoning.

Just when Sweetie was beginning to think the fight was a lost cause, the Thrashers suddenly disappeared into thin air. Kerrigan and the Ponies looked around to find out what happened as had Raynor and Tassadar from their ships.

Everyone was surprised to find a creature that looked like an amalgamation of different animals next to a pair of tall, gorgeous Ponies. One was dark blue with a flowing midnight blue mane and tail equipped with a shield and a large broadsword where the blade was enchanted to appear like the night sky. She was clad in an enchanted suit of midnight blue armor. The other was taller than the first and had an alabaster coat with a mane and tail that resembled an aurora. She was equipped with a golden halberd and clad in a golden suit of armor.

The Protoss only had to look at the white Pony to feel like they just had a full meal of sunlight.

Sweetie and Lyra stared at the trio in surprise. Sweetie was the first to speak, “Princess Celestia? Princess Luna? What are you doing here?”

Celestia gave a gentle smile. “Discord has been keeping us informed of your progress through your ordeal. You have performed admirably during your stay in this sector. You have surpassed all expectations that Discord had placed upon you. After Discord’s first report, Luna and I decided to allow you to continue your test to the end.”

“As for you, Lyra, you have proven thyself to be an accomplished warrior,” Luna continued, smiling. “You have spearheaded the Protoss to countless victories. You have even set yourself apart from your peers through your mastery of Magic, Psionic and Void powers. You are among the greatest representations of Purity of Form.”

Raynor walked up to the group with an expression that showed urgency. “Uhh...nice to see you and all, but we have an infinite army of Void Shadows to hold at bay ‘till Sarah’s ascension is done.”

“Oh! Yes, we need to focus on that.” Celestia said. “First though, it’s time to complete your ascension, Sweetie Drops. You were right, this may be the best chance we’re going to get to eliminate the threat of Amon. We wish to join you in the battle to come. Together, the six of us may stand a chance against Amon.”

Sweetie gave a big smile. “Thanks. Truth be told, I was really hoping you all would come to help us with this.”

Celestia returned the smile, “We would be honored to help you vanquish the Fallen One.”

“Yes, yes, happiness and smiles all around,” Discord said indifferently. “Can we get on with it? As chaotic as this realm is, the style creeps me out. Let’s hurry and begin your ascension already.”

“I will guard the pass into the Terran base,” Celestia said. “Luna can guard the hive cluster while Lyra can handle the Protoss’ defense.”

Raynor, Zagara and Artanis had their bases set up as Celestia, Luna and Lyra respectively teleported to them. Discord began channeling some of his essence to Sweetie.

While the allied factions were setting up their defenses, Amon’s Shadows had arrived. “I can sense the children here. You have made my hunt so much easier. Today and ever forward, I will be the only Xel’naga,” Amon said.


A wave of Shadows pushed toward Raynor’s base. Celestia simply slashed them away with her halberd.

Celestia’s Defense gave Raynor plenty of time to prepare his. He prepared several Bunkers and filled them with Marines and Marauders. The positions were further fortified with Siege Tanks and Missile Turrets.


So far, the attacks were hardly anything for Celestia to consider using much of her power against.

Amon continued probing the defenses by sending Shadows against Zagara’s hive cluster.

Seeing a chance to get in on the action, Luna charged forward against the wave of Shadows. Using her strength and speed, she quickly mowed down the offending Shadows with her broadsword.

Attacks came against Artanis’ base, but Lyra was ready. She electrocuted the smaller shadows with her Storm Charge while using her speed and blades to slash through the larger ones. She used magical blasts from her horn to shoot down flying Shadows.


Amon began sending more Void Thrashers to disrupt the ritual. Since one appeared near Celestia’s position, she dealt with it by firing a powerful Solar Beam at it to incinerate the creature.

The Shadows attacked Raynor’s base from two different entrances. Celestia quickly teleported to the other side and dispersed the wave with her halberd.


A massive onslaught of Shadows approached the hive cluster. Luna, however, was only feeling more excited as she bravely charged at the wave alone. She destroyed a large number of the attackers with a blast from her horn. She then took flight and demolished the flyers with another sweeping wave from her horn.

Raynor began fortifying Protoss and Zerg fortifications by building Bunkers, Siege Tanks and Missile Turrets near the Protoss line while calling on the mercenaries who were on loan from Mira Han to defend the hive cluster.


Lyra’s position came under threat from an overwhelming force of Shadows. The Pony Templar decided to experiment with her abilities by combining her magics with void energies and creating her own army of Void Shadows using the void energies around her.

She charged against Amon’s forces with her army and while the attacks were evenly matched, Lyra tipped the scales in her favor by unleashing a series of Psionic Storms upon her enemies.

When the battle was won, Lyra dispersed her shadows since they took some effort to maintain.

Next was Celestia’s turn to deal with a massive force. She weakened the attack by unleashing her own variation of the Solar Lance by firing numerous beams of solar energy at the attackers. Her halberd cut down any flyers.

Celestia and Luna each had to deal with a Void Thrasher that simultaneously appeared. Each one was blasted down by their horns.


Sweetie and Kerrigan were halfway done with their rituals. If Amon sensed that, he made it known by increasing his efforts and unleashing more Shadows.

Large groups pushed against Artanis’ Nexus Point and Zagara’s hive cluster. Luna began unleashing illusions that were made to face the phantasmal Shadows of the Void while Lyra made more Void Shadows to combat the ones that were coming.

Lyra and Luna each had to contend with a Void Thrasher. Lyra dealt with hers by drawing in the void energies around her and unleashing them in one powerful blast that obliterated the Thrasher.


Amon’s attacks continued to intensify. He sent large waves against all three bases at the same time. Thankfully, Lyra and the Royal Sisters were not feeling fatigued yet, but were showing signs that they would soon. Each wave was dealt with in their own way.

By this point, Raynor had an aerial force of Battlecruisers, Vikings and Banshees ready as a mobile defense. Artanis had a fleet of Carriers, Void Rays and Phoenixes and Zagara had Vipers and Mutalisks. Zagara’s Brood was reinforced by Sweetie’s Blight Dragons.


Three Void Thrashers appeared on each side and each one was taken down by one of the defending Ponies.


Amon began to grow impatient with the Shadows failing time and again to prevent Kerrigan and Sweetie from ascending. He began sending continuous waves of Shadows on all sides in an attempt to wear down the defenses.

Celestia, Luna and Lyra soon found themselves in a gauntlet type of scenario where they faced off against Void Shadows that kept coming. The ships and flyers from the allied forces moved in to assist the Ponies.

Void Thrashers appeared from every entrance to stop Kerrigan and Sweetie. Celestia, Luna and Lyra each defeated one thrasher while Kerrigan paused the transfer to deal with the fourth.

The Void Shadows were unable to get through the defenses of two Alicorns, a Pony Templar and the allied forces.


Kerrigan created a burst of power that blew away the Void Shadows. With her final act as a mortal, she gave the Swarm to Zagara, with the exception of Sweetie’s Brood of course.

Ouros gave the last of his essence to Kerrigan. “With the last of our essence, a new eternity dawns. The Infinite Cycles have come to their end.” he said with the last exertion of his will before closing his eyes for the last time.

Kerrigan’s body transformed, she now glowed with a searing light. Her hair became like flames. Her wings burned of eternal fire.

She peered deeper into the Void and sensed where Amon was. She flew off at speeds that would make Rainbow Dash envious.

At the same time, Discord had finished his ritual and wiped his forehead while extra hands patted him on the back. “Whew, I think that’ll do it.”

In that moment, Sweetie disappeared.

Author's Note:

Since the story is reaching its climax, the Xel'naga have come out to play. WIll Kerrigan and the Equestrians be able to defeat Amon? Find out in the next chapter when we conclude Sweetie's and Lyra's battles in the Koprulu Sector.

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