• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: The Crumbling Foundation

Back on the Spear of Adun, Tassadar, Artanis and Fenix did what they could to help ease Lyra’s anxiety after her speech to the Tal’darim. Given the culture she was raised from, she was now leading a culture that was the opposite of Equestrian culture in almost every way.

Alarak walked up to the stressed Pony and appeared like he was going to gloat. With an amused tone, he said, “Now that you are the new leader of my people. Highlord, how does it feel to be a leader?”

Lyra ignored the Tal’darim’s tone and quickly calmed herself before responding, “It’ll take some getting used to, but I’ve been known to adapt easily.”

“Hrmph...Savor your position while it lasts.” Alarak walked away.

“I only pray he does not betray us anytime soon,” Tassadar commented.

“If he wants to claim my position from me, it has to be through Rak’Shir. His people won’t acknowledge him unless he claims it through ritual combat...or when I simply give it to him. The Tal’darim won’t like the latter option, but I don’t plan on staying in the Koprulu Sector forever.”

“And what about those who do not want to believe that Amon betrayed them?”

“There’s nothing I can do to make them change their minds. I may end up with more Rak’Shir challenges than ever, but in the end, they will learn the truth.”

Since Tassadar had enough talk about the Tal’darim, he decided to change the subject. “Now that we have secured allies in the Purifiers and the Tal’darim, we shall be going to Revanscar and remove Moebius Corps from this war. Do you have any ideas on dealing with the rest of his allies before we move on his host body on Aiur?”

Lyra shook her head. “No, according to Karax’s research, the only way to free the Golden Armada is to extract Amon from the Khala. Neither Kerrigan nor Bon Bon can steal control of Amon’s Zerg while there are still Hybrid around to control them. A victory at Revanscar will make sure that no new Hybrid will be made but it means nothing for the ones already out there.”

“Then we must make do with taking away the Tal’darim and Moebius Corps from Amon and engage in an all out assault against Amon on Aiur.” Lyra nodded.

While in transit to Revanscar, Tassadar held a meeting with Karax and Vorazun. The Dark Templar gave all the data that Zeratul gathered on the station. Karax commented that the Spear of Adun would be unable to enter the asteroid field but it could still be traversed by Carriers.

Once the Spear of Adun arrived near Revanscar Station, the first thing everyone noticed was that the Moebius ships they saw in the area were not moving to attack them; a suspicious ploy.

Suddenly, a number of Moebius Battlecruisers decloaked and a bright flash severely damaged the ship’s shields enough for Moebius to infiltrate the Spear of Adun. Since the Templar were going to be busy repelling the ship’s invaders, Tassadar tasked Karax with leading a counterattack with Lyra to strike at the heart of the station. Alarak gave the phasesmith a look that told him ‘do not fail us’.

While Lyra was observing the Nexus Point being set up, Karax did a short range scan of the facility and confirmed that Amon’s Hybrid were created there. He discovered three power cores that would destabilize the facility if destroyed and make destroying the rest of the facility much easier.

Karax’s Nexus Point was set up on a small movable platform near a scarce supply of resources.

Lyra scoured the small platform west of their mobile platform and slashed apart a few Vikings and Goliaths before a Probe moved in and returned any resource crates to the Nexus Point.

Once Karax gained access to the platform controls, Lyra moved ahead by teleporting to the next platform near the mobile platform’s next destination. A few Vikings and Goliaths were near her teleportation destination as well as a pair of Missile Turrets.

When Lyra saw the threat, she worked fast by hurling one of the Vikings into a Missile Turret and teleported near its smoldering remains, allowing her to hide from the detection range of the other turret. A magical blast from her horn destroyed the other turret before she slashed a pair of Goliaths.

In the main area of the platform stood a pair of Bunkers and a Missile Turret. There were also a pair of Wraiths and Vikings defending the rest of the platform. After Lyra blasted the turret, she smashed the Vikings and Wraiths against each other before infiltrating the Bunkers and dispatching the troops within.

Once the platform was secure, Karax moved the mobile platform north to dock with the secured platform and started exploiting the resources at its destination.

Tassadar informed Karax that the Daelaam were having difficulty repelling Moebius and the Hybrid on the Spear of Adun and ordered him to destroy the stasis chambers on the station.

Karax intended on moving the platform left next so he had the Carriers and a few Corsairs move ahead and clear out the next destination. It wasn’t long before the platform was cleared out.

Soon, the Nexus Point was getting constantly harassed by squadrons of Vikings, Banshees and Battlecruisers. Lyra bolstered the Carrier fleet by using her Mind Control ability on the Battlecruisers and freeing the minds of the thralls within.

The fleet cleared the next platform and destroyed one of the stasis chambers before the Nexus Point moved up. While the Probes started exploiting the resources in the area, the fleet moved toward the main Moebius platform. Lyra used a series of teleports to get to the main platform.

Once she and the fleet arrived, the platform was slowly overpowered by Lyra and the fleet. Ravens and Missile Turrets were placed into Void Stasis by Lyra’s ability while every piece of Terran hardware was either blasted, smashed or Mind Controlled.

The first of the power cores were blasted by Carrier interceptors. More mind controlled Battlecruisers joined the fleet and pushed into the Moebius base.

Overwhelming firepower and defecting Battlecruisers proved too much for Moebius as their best defenses were wiped out building by building and ship by ship.

The most guarded power core was soon blasted by the ships while Lyra moved south, smashing, slashing and blasting everything that got in her way.

With the facility defenses crippled as they were, Moebius almost completely halted their attack on the Spear of Adun to defend the last power core.

Lyra personally destroyed the last stasis chamber just before the fleet pushed against the last of the Moebius Corps defenses which were vastly outgunned by the swarm of Interceptors.

Once the last of the power cores were destroyed, the fleet cleared the station and everything that could be salvaged was warped back to the Spear of Adun. Lyra and Karax soon followed. Tassadar informed Karax that the Moebius Corps were repelled before they could reach the Solar Core so the ship’s weapon systems were at the phasesmith’s command and the fate of Revanscar Station was in his hands.

Unleashing everything that the Spear of Adun had upon the station, the failing space station was obliterated in a bombardment of photon energies.

Without its headquarters, the overall threat of Moebius Corps upon the sector was reduced to a small number of thralls that were no threat to any of the strong factions of the Koprulu Sector.

Without Revanscar, all Hybrid production for Amon’s forces had come to a sudden halt.

On the Spear of Adun, Tassadar addressed all of his advisors, “Amon’s Hybrid facility lies in ruin. His Hybrid armies shattered. And yet, for the briefest of moments, we lingered on the cusp of ruin. We endured because of the actions of our two brave Templar. In the midst of darkness, I have seen a light...I have seen a defiant hope.” He addressed Karax. “Karax of the Khalai, you were born a craftsman from a caste of engineers. But now, you stand as a warrior. Today it is clear that the age of castes has come to its end. Today we must all become Templar!”

Lyra smiled as the phasesmith was given the honor of being the one who proved that in the new age, all Protoss were equal.

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