• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,927 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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I can barely see a medium sized building in the distance as we cover ground. Our army now carries with it fifty new demons who flow within the shadows, knives poised to stab. I am a bit confused by the small size of the place we’re going to, “What even is this place?”

Blue speaks as we continue our march, “It once was the Great Archive of Tartarus. All knowledge that ever entered Tartarus eventually found itself recorded within one of the millions of books within. Then, Collapse happens, and the personal student of Celestia was put in charge of the library. Her name was Sunset Shimmer, and demons say she hoarded the books of the Archive to herself, leaving the fifty librarians with nothing to do. Those librarian’s hunger for knowledge was beyond anything to ever exist. If you had knowledge, and a librarian wanted it, you would regret stopping them from getting it. So, when Shimmer decided to withhold knowledge, she met with a very quick end. They found an old, forbidden spell, and used it upon her. It is said Shimmer disappeared and never really died, but no one knows for certain. It was because of this that the librarians became the first Insanity demons as they digested the new source of information from Equestria. They had no Lord until fate just chose Chaogat to ascend.”

We walk closer to the Archive, only to have an insanity demon open up the gates for us. Like any Insanity demon, it has long and tattered red robes covering most of its body. What isn’t covered by the robes is covered by leather wraps, and their face is completely covered by a golden mask. It nods as we approach, “Welcome, visitors!”

Then, the body erupts with green fire, and a green glow is left behind as it now looks at us again, “Visitors? No, not just visitors. No, no, I can recognize something on you. Your soul, your voice, it reminds us of our old friend. Oh! Oh, it all makes sense now! You’re the one Lantrrit told us about!”

I walk very much ahead of the rest of my army, and right up to the demon, “You’d better tell me why a demon like youself know of Pride’s name.”

It doesn’t flinch, only giving off what could be considered a smile with it’s fire, “Oh, he was a friend, very good friend! He thought us many things, many things indeed. He was a Scribe! He was here as his other friend spent time under Pony Satan’s tutelage. We had many, many different conversations as we shared our knowledge with each other! The spells he gave us were numerous, along with all the lore of his world. Terratus sounded like such a wonderland of knowledge. Oh, but you’re probably wondering why he would tell us of you! Oh, who are we skipping to all this lore without introducing ourself?” It steps back, and starts to walk into the library, “Come on in, we can serve you some coffee!”

I reluctantly follow after as the body seems to lose the green fire from it, but it continues onward. I follow it into a kitchen area, Blue following beside me as the army waits outside. I see an identical clone working in the kitchen, mumbling to itself as it sorted through ingredients, “Where is that quill? I think it’s in the ‘q’ section. What about the treaty he wrote for us? No, no, no, that’s not it. Gonna have to read this one later, there’s the thing!”

I stare at the demon as it serves three cups of coffee, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

The response comes from behind me, as the demon I followed in speaks, “Oh, don’t mind us, we just had to find something.”

It is followed up by the demon that now sits at the table, “Give us a few seconds more, we’re gearing up.”

Another identical demon rushes into the room, this one with the green flames and carrying a piece of parchment. It hands it over to the one sitting at the table, “Sorry for the wait.”

The green flames are also passed over to the demon sitting at the table, and the other two go jogging off. It continues what the previous one was saying with no pause in between, “These were a pain to find. Come, sit, have a drink.” It picks up the drink, and pours it on the mask, somehow absorbing it, “Now, introductions are in order. Wavok, Blue Diamond- yes wr can read your souls, thus knowing your name- our name is Chaogat.”

I don’t sit down, “Would you mind explaining to me what the fuck is going on!?”

The fires light up in mirth, “Oh, our apologies, you must be confused. We are Chaogat, for we are a hive mind. It was an Art our old friend tought us, how to merge minds. We combined minds, but not body or soul, a previously unseen feat. He also told us you would be coming when your world needed help, and if we helped willingly we could see Terratus. So, we brought this treaty he wrapped up for us before he left. Our signature is already upon it, and with it we pledge to help you.”

It unravels the paper, and I can see it written in very neat writing that it will make Chaogat become my vassal, and help me. I look up at it, “You think I will just sign this?”

It nods, “We will pledge our fealty to you as our lord.” The other fourty nine demons come into the room at once, each carrying a magic staff and a curved blade. One walks up to the demon that is speaking, and hands it it’s own blade and staff. It stands up, and all fifty demons light up in green flames, “We are ready to use our knowledge.”

I look at the paper once more, make sure there is no fine print, and sign my name down upon it.

All of the demons start to laugh at once, joining into a harmonic chorus, “Pos had better watch out, for all the Greed in the world cannot stop us! Let us march, Wavok, and we shall bring ruin and mayhem upon your enemies!”