• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,922 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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Corruption and Destruction

We arrive right outside the city of Malaise, all four hundred demons appearing out of thin air. The sounds of battle reach my ears instantly. My eyes catch up as I look down upon the city below us. We stand on a hill, giving me ample sight of the scenario below. Demons of Destruction, whom look like Wrath demons but less muscular, fight alongside demons of Pain, who are lanky and have pieces of metal protruding from their skin. They fight against a combined army of Corruption and Lust. Succubi and Incubi fighting alongside shades that look like replicas of Gothce. Even with the combined army, it is clear to see that the warriors of Destruction outnumber them. I can hear Chaogat suck in air quickly, “Ohhhh. We forgot to calculate the temporal shifts.”

I turn to face them, “What do you mean?”

They shrug, “Well, a good morning I guess would be proper. It’s, uh, it’s been a day since we opened the portal. Ifer is dead, and he must have moved on to the last Lord.”

I glare right into their mask, “You mean to tell me you allowed them a day to breathe!?” I quickly calm myself, and turn to face the rest of the army, “Demons, help fight against Destruction! Help the demons of Lust and Corruption fight against this army!” I turn to face Chaogat again, “And you had better watch who you hit with your attacks.”

One of them let’s out a little laugh, “You want us to fight the army and not help against Tirek?”

I shake my head, “I am a Demon Lord, not just a collection of greater demons. I can take care of it myself.”

They lose the laughter quickly, “We don’t appreciate the implications of ‘just’ there.”

I turn to face the fighting armies, “Yeah, well I don’t like getting fucked over by an insane collection of minds. Guess both of us are pissed now, aren’t we?” I shake my head, “Just fuck off and kill those Destruction fuckers, I gotta go kill Tirek.”

I don’t allow him any time to respond as I rush down the hill. I run right into the mass of fighting demons, but they all instinctively let me through to the castle. They have no time to question why they should move over, so they just do it. It allows me to make it to the castle within a minute.

I kick open the doors to the throne room, and stumble upon Tirek killing Corrugat. He has him floating in the air, opening his mouth wide open. Both of their bodies are covered in heavy injures, but it seems Corrugat fell first. However, I remember the power within the whips.

I whip them out, and when the are swung, a beam of brimstone flies from each whip, combining into one to instantly turn Corrugat to dust. I hold out another arm as he fully dies by my hand, and absorb the soul from my kill.

I can see the centaur huff in rage, and turn to face me. He glares at me, “You! You would dare to steal my kill and absorb his magic instead of me!? You, the fool, Wavok! Bahl was a fool to believe his little prophecy. He had the audacity to claim that some demon would unite all of Tartarus and make peace with the surface!” He laughs, “What a fool he was. There can be no peace with the surface. Not with Ordirus. Only Destruction and war. Once I unite Tartarus by slaying you, we shall show them the pain they subjected us to for all these centuries! We will torture Celestia until she realizes what it feels like to have your body ripped away and replaced with a monstrous bipedal form! We will find those Elements and burn them with fire ever so how and so slowly so they may know the heat of this cursed realm! Ordirus shall be slain and we will force his damned ponies under our rule! And I will not have you stand in the way! To Equestria with what Bahl said! With what Lucifer fed to Pony Satan!”

I flick the whips out once more, striking him in the chest with beams of brimstone. The beams of fire carrying the heat of the Great Lake of Fire, literally hotter than Hell. I stomp by foot down, causing the entire room to shake, “You shall not speak of Lord Satan in such a way!”

I wrap the whips back up, and rush towards Tirek. For all his talk, he is still heavily injured.

I jump up into the air, twirling around and sending my whips cascading towards him. All nine sharp whips ready to dig into his flesh and melt it away. He raises his arms up, and crosses the two silver bands on them over each other.

We’re about to collide with our attack and defense, but we are interrupted. Both of us are sent flying through the air by an amber shockwave. I fly into a stone wall before falling to the ground roughly. Tirek gets thrown on the floor and slides all the way to the wall, leaving a nice path of blood.

The shockwave almost seems to speak to us. It attacks all my senses and screams in my ear, ”And this fucking cunt thinks he can just kill me!?”

Tirek pulls himself up as best as he can, and coughs up a glob of blood, “Harmony? No... that can’t be right. The prophecy can’t be true...”

I pull myself up to stand, and also cough a bit from the rough collision, “What the fuck was that?”

Tirek simply shakes his head from where he kneels, “No...”

Then, just as suddenly, we are met with yet another shockwave of energy. This white field of force shoves me roughly against the wall I just got up from.

This one isn’t a shout, it isn’t a challenge like the last one. This is quiet. It whispers to us, ”The probably... has changed.”

I slam against the wall, but land on my feet this time. It would seem the shockwave sent a sword to sit right next to Tirek. He picks the sword up, “But... if Ordirus is dead... no. The war, so much death... so much pain. Bahl was correct.” He turns the blade in his arms, the blade now facing him. He brings it into his chest with such swiftness, and drags it down through his body.

I can only sit and watch (and absorb his soul) as this Demon Lord decides to take his own life.

What the fuck were those shockwaves?