• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,922 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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We both rush up to the village, right through the opened gates. I stop as I dig my hooves into the ground, and skid to a halt. I look around at the state of the place.

Wooden walls. Ramshackle houses, hard roads, squatters. The most ghetto-ass place I’ve seen. To top it all off, an opulent and stone town hall, with stage included. I turn to the Succubus that lead me here, “Can you gather everyone?”

She crosses her arms, slightly distracting me with the perks of being a Succubus, “And why should I do that?”

I look back up to her face, “I can give you a position in government.”

She smiles, “Okay then!” And she flies off to the houses.

I walk my way to the stage, and climb onto it. This things made of high quality wood, mahogany or some shit like that. I’m a man, I don’t pay attention to wood. I walk behind a podium, and stare out as the demons come out of their houses.

I see the majority of them are either Imp, or lesser demon of some type. There are a few things that look like fucked up minotuars, but there are very few of that type. The rest are a mix of Incubus and Succubus, with a single Goblin thrown in.

There are only about a hundred of them. They stand there, impatience exuding from every pore.

I look out over the crowd, “Demons, I have slain the Greed who has ruled over you!”

I hear one of them mutter, “Oh great, another tyrant.”

I smile, “You shall find I’m quite the generous demon!” I take out one of the bags full of gold, and throw it into the crowd, demons diving to catch it. I point out over the crowd, “This is my place now, and things are to change! Look over the land! All shall be ours, through conquest or whatever! We shall flourish as we throw off our old chains! Today, we are New Hell! And we shall lead the New Empire of Hell from the wonder that this town is to become! Tartarus has been lost to chaos and conflict! We are to unite it together, and find a new age of prosperity!”

My speech managed to get some demons motivated, and they applaud. One of the minotuar demons shouts out over the noise, “What even are you!?”

I wait for the applause to die down, before I speak, “I am your leader, that’s what I am. I have traveled far to reach this place, and I shall complete what I set out to do! I am Wavok of Wrath, Chosen by Bahl! I carry the will of the Great Deceiver on my voice as he lies dead! I am the killer of Thazzor, and the freer of his demons! I am your greatest hope, and I ask for you to follow me. Follow within my cloven footsteps as I walk within those of Satan’s. We build up, we make allies, we improve. Then, we march against the Lords! Whoever the fuck they are, they should watch out! Cause I’ve got some whips, and their cooperation or death is required! They shall either bow, or they will face the Great Lake of Fire!”

The applause is louder this time, the demons clapping and whistleing.

I jump off of the stage, and go up to the treasure room, “I have set you free! Greed is no more! We work together, we make our town better! The demons shall be freed, and money shall be spent! For New Hell, and for my demons!” I take my whips, and hit the wall of the building. The building’s wall breaks down, and money comes out like water. Golden coins, at least a thousand of them.

The wave reaches my demons, and they cheer as the money hits.

I stand on top of the pile, looking over my demons, “This money is used for the good of us all! First, we build good living spaces! Then we get food! And then, our conquest of Tartarus shall begin! And I shall lead you all to an age of prosperity and unity never before seen in history! And you shall all be the ones to begin it! You are the ones who carry it! And you are the ones who shall benefit!”

They all cheer out one last time, and I smile at the praise.

I might not be Pride, but I do like being complemented.