• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,926 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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I rub my eyes as I wake up from the sharp and rocky ground. I quickly reach to my side, and feel around for my stuff. I look at the area and see it gone. I stand from my position, my horned red form intimidating the others surrounding me, “Who the hell took my stuff!?”

I glare at a little Greed Demon as he tries to run away, holding my bag. A lesser demon such as myself, but a Greed one. Greed is worthless when there is nothing to go around. I quickly sprint after him, my goat hooves striking the ground in quick succession. My well muscled figure nothing huge among other Wrath’s, but definitely intimidating against a Greed.

It’s short form tries to slip through the rocks dotting the landscape, hopping over the lakes of fire. I chase it, stomping the rocks down and bounding over the lakes. It takes a look back at me, the gold coin eyes in its head shining, before running even faster. I tackle it to the ground, and hold up a powerful fist, “Give me back my shit and I might not kill you!”

The Greed only holds it closer, “Never!”

I smile, forked tounge slipping through the spaces in my teeth, and I prepare my four arms to go to town. I start to bring them down, and beat the Greed into the dirt. Now, it’s just for the fun, demons can’t die anymore. But it is fun to hear the sound of fist against face as I teach the Greed a lesson.

At least it was, until I feel a spiked boot kick me off of him. I’m sent flying into a bolder, and falling to the ground. I stand up, and see two angels standing there as the Greed escapes. Their shining brightness hurting my red eyes. One of them walks up, and punches me in the face, “Maybe it’s time you learn a lesson, creature.”

I smile up at the fuckers, “Oh boy, time for some more racist, holy lights! Seriously, why don’t you just look at the Sixties?”

My remarks are knocked out of me by a kick to the gut, “Shut up, you thing. Learn your place.”

I look back at the angel, “Oh, come on now. Hit me! You won’t break me! Hit me!”

I take a punch to the side of the head, “I could break you without breaking a sweat.”

I lunge forward at him, “Then do it! I mange to win in hundred of bar fights, I can win against you! I have put so many assholes in their place, and I get sent to Hell for it! So hit me! Just another asshole for me to beat!”

My brave words are proven wrong as a single punch sends me flying into the bolder again, “You betrayed your kind when you came to this place.”

I laugh, “I came here!? Oh, that’s wonderful! No, no, if not for that bitch called a wife and her goat head I would be up there! I should be one of you! I was a victim!”

The holy boot meets my face, “Your kind don’t deserve any pity.”

I brace for more to happen, but then I hear the crack of a whip, “What do you think you’re doing!?”

The angels turn around, allowing me to see my savior, “Giving this creature some justice, Wrath.”

He whips the angel directly in the face, killing it, “That is my demon! You, other one, get out of here now! This is my land, and I don’t want you cunts killing my demons!”

The other angel flies off, and he walks closer to me. I look up, and almost jump in shock, “Lord Bahl!?”

The Lord of Wrath himself offers a hand to me, “Get up, we need to get moving.”

I slowly take his hand, and he pulls me up. He starts to bound across the land, and I follow beside him, “What the hell are you doing with a lesser demon like me?!”

He looks over, his eyes speaking of rage unknown, “I remember you, Wavok, this isn’t the first time I saved you from an angel! Surrounded by five of them during the Battle of Limbo!”

We rush into his personal castle, and he slams the gates closed behind us, “I do admit, I was screwed. But why am I here?”

He starts to shove things in front of the gates, “You may just be a lesser demon right now, but you have potential. Potential enough that you will take my position. And you will take it for good reason.” He looks over as he pushes the things, “Add onto that the fact that I hate these angels. Ever since the Rapture and the slaying of our Lucifer they seem only to exist and make things harder. Hell has fallen into chaos without Satan leading us, and we no longer have an army to save ourselves from the genocide from the angels. Hear it now, they’re coming for me.”

I hear the flaps of wings outside, “And what can I do for you, Lord Bahl?”

He hands me his cat-o-nine-tails, a whip with nine whips, “Take these, the Whips of Bahl. I have power enough to give you that potential, and a way to save us.”

I take the whip, and his hand grasps mine, glowing blood red.

His mouth opens with the same blood red color glowing out, “Tartarus, in a universe outside God’s jurisdiction! Placed into a situation like us, but with plenty of opportunity! I send my demon there! May the Great Lake of Fire ensure his arrival! With glorious Satan’s will, he goes!”

I feel the demonic power rush around me, and I look at Bahl, “For glorious Wrath!”

I fade away, able to hear only a few words whispered as I leave, “Help me.”


Princess Celestia sits in her throne room, with the other three princess surrounding her. Another bother has come up, another to be sent to Tartarus. All the better really, Tartarus is seemingly endless. They all believe that there is naught but cages in Tartarus for the creatures to wait. All except Celestia.

And it is only her in this room who can feel the shock of demonic energy from far underground. A type of demon energy far more angry than any felt before.

Celestia just takes a sip of her tea, sure that it was nothing.

Far away, a grey alicorn shivers at the demonic energy that he senses as he flies to Ponyville. Momentarily worried, before assuring that his friend in Tartarus would take care of anything evil.