• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,413 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Eleven: Bludgeon

The older stallion leapt up from his chair and reached for a nearby sword. “Guards, fulfill your orders!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Don't bother,” interrupted Top Speed. “These two defeated a hell knight with relative ease. I don't think you’ll pose much of a threat.”

That seemed to give the other pegasi pause, as the guards glanced hesitantly from the demons to their leader. Who himself seemed on the verge of giving in, though he did not relinquish the hold he had on his longsword.

“Go on, try it,” Rainbow Dash encouraged, helmet retracting to reveal her smiling face. “I’d love the chance to extend my lead over my mistress.”

“Lead? We weren't counting people we knocked out,” Kanathara retorted.

“Correction, you weren't counting,” Rainbow Dash shot back.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “You are such a child sometimes.”

“I prefer the term youthful,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“So, uh… what exactly is happening?” muttered a guard.

“We’re taking you all hostage for the moment,” Kanathara began, glancing around the room in a slow, predatory manner. “After we have the information and pony we require, we shall leave.”

“Seems like a good reason not to do anything rash,” added the mare while shooting a glare over at the stallion opposite of her.

Who placed his sword back against the wall. “So it would seem,” he admitted.

“Right,” Kanathara exclaimed, clopping her hooves together. “You guys can take a seat while we ask some questions, okay?”

There was a moment of indecision which passed over the room, where the guards seemed ready to attack. Then Top Speed sighed and motioned to the two unoccupied chairs against the far wall, prompting the two pegasi to relax. They then awkwardly walked over and seated themselves, though neither took their eyes off the demons for even a second.

“Good,” kanathara declared.

The keeper of secrets then lit her horn and cast a spell which bathed the small room in a purple glow. This light seeped into the walls of the place, suffusing the area with energy and making the ponies’ hair stand on end for a few seconds. Once it faded, there was nothing left save for a faint lavender outline around the doors and now repaired window.

“There we are. Now then.” Kanathara smiled. “Let's start with what you guys are trying to do here, hmm?”

“Not get killed by demons?” offered one of the guards.

“Ha, I like this guy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “I meant your organization. What are the motives of House Ebon Wind?”

“They want to try and forge peace between both sides,” offered the mare. “Others, such as ourselves, disagree.”

“You do know that you are all slowly freezing to death and that by squabbling you're just going to make things more difficult for yourselves, right?” Kanathara replied, an eyebrow raised.

“The divide between our peoples is too great,” stated the older stallion, forelegs crossed over his chest. “We either expel or eliminate the interlopers. Doing anything less would be a slow suicide.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “What, really? That’s why you’re set on this whole genocide thing? You don't think you can forgive one another?”

“This isn't just some petty squabble that can be remedied by holding hooves and singing a song!” stated the stallion.

“Surely you could at least try,” Kanathara retorted. “I mean, you’ve even got an existential threat both on your doorstep, and in Canterlot. If you don't work together, the moon-touched will destroy the city, and if they fail, Nightmare Moon will bring doom to this entire plane.”

“The wounds we’ve suffered are simply too great. Such concerns aren't as immediate as the possibility of being murdered by your neighbor,” remarked the older mare.

“For what it's worth, I don't think it's that bad,” offered Top Speed. “I was just following orders, though I don't believe I can do that anymore.”

“Don't tell me you’re abandoning your oath!” shouted the graying stallion.

“Your family has served the houses for generations,” murmured the mare in shock.

“I’m not abandoning anything,” Top Speed retorted. “My oath is to protect our people and to safeguard Cloudsdale from threats. Right now you seem like the greatest threat to our continued survival.”

The guards murmured in vague agreement, though Kanathara couldn't be certain.

“I’m going to interrupt you both right there,” Kanathara exclaimed. “I have more questions, and you can argue amongst yourselves later. For now I want to know what kind of command structure you have.”

“Don't you dare speak a word to these demons,” hissed the stallion.

“Hey, we don't want fine details. Just like, do you have a council or a leader of some kind?” Rainbow Dash added.

“We have a council,” stated the older mare.

“What are you doing, Purple Skies? You’re giving vital information to the enemy!” hissed the stallion.

“Like our names?” Purple Skies shot back.

The stallion recoiled as if struck, raising his hooves. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It just happened.”

“Look, Red. These are high level demons. They could probably mind control us into talking, torture us in ways we can barely imagine, or simply rip the information from our heads. I don't think hiding things from them is even a real possibility,” Purple Skies exclaimed.

“For what it's worth, she is right,” Kanathara remarked. “I could do all of those things if so inclined.”

“Kinda on a time limit though, so if you could just give up that information freely, that would be greaat,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I vote we do that,” exclaimed the guard, who received a swift elbow to the gut from his fellow. “What? Doing otherwise would be pointless.”

“At least pretend like it's a hard decision,” hissed his companion.

“We have seven council members who make the decisions, though anyone in a leadership position is present for the meeting itself,” Purple Skies explained. “There used to be thirteen seats, but well… things change.”

“And people die,” muttered Red.

“How many council members are there for peace?” Kanatahra inquired.

“Three,” Purple Skies replied. “There is one undecided, though I think old man Carwright simply doesn't want to get on anyone’s bad side.”

“He never was the most strong-willed of the bunch. It's too bad his husband isn't still around, now Derby Dancer had backbone,” murmured Red absently.

“A tragedy that was,” added Purple Skies.

“Right, quit it with the old people muttering,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “These people who are against peace, what are their names and descriptions?”

“Sun Sire is about middle age, average built, white fur, gold eyes, blonde mane and is the picture of a pretty boy,” Red began, snorting bitterly at the mere thought of the other male. “Will Power is a little older, a little fatter, has a penchant for smoking cigars, and looks like shit smeared on a grassy field.”

“He's got a brown mane, and green fur,” Top Speed reasoned.

“Dumb little prick too,” Red murmured.

“And the last one?” Kanathara prompted.

“That would be Lightning Break,” offered Purple Skies. “She's the head of our house, and is about the only one with a brain on that dang council.”

“What does she look like?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Tall, imposing, with a thoroughbred pegasus physique,” Red declared. “She’s the type of mare to stand over pretty much any stallion, but would never be mistaken for one of the rougher sex.”

“Yes, yes. Everyone knows you have a crush on her, but what does she actually look like?” Purple Skies exclaimed.

Red sputtered, his face becoming his namesake. “I do not! I’ve been faithful to you my entire adult life!”

“I mean, you can be faithful but still have a crush. It's not like you’d ever even get the chance to cheat anyway,” remarked Top Speed absently.

“Hey! I…” Red frowned. “I agree with you, but it's still kinda mean.”

Purple Skies rolled her eyes. “She's got teal fur and a short mane that is red, yellow, and a dirty rust color.”

“Her mane is all the colors of a new dawn,” Red offered.

“Do you even think about what you’re going to say before you say it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Point taken,” Red murmured.

“Okay, so these three are the ones who are against peace. Great.” Kanathara clopped her hooves together. “Now, who's the most important of the bunch of you?”

The small group of pegasi exchanged a series of wary glances at one another, a silent argument passing between them. Red glanced from Purple Skies to Top Speed and back again, an expectant look in his eye. The guards simply raised their hooves and took a metaphorical step out of the entire conversation. Top Speed seemingly lost the discussion and released a sigh as the other two stared expectantly at him.

“I suppose I’m the highest-ranking individual here,” he remarked.

“Good, then get up and walk in front of me. Until we’ve acquired what we are here for, you are our hostage,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“You probably want me to guide you to the council chambers as well,” Top Speed offered.

“Nah. Just direct us to wherever Fluttershy is,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Oh, she's probably in the greenhouse,” offered the mostly silent guard. “She usually spends most of her time there.”

Rainbow Dash was upon him in an instant, flaming eyes boring into his skull. “How do you know that? Are you a stalker? Are you planning on wearing her skin?”

“I, uh… what?” he muttered, entire body trembling like a leaf in a stiff breeze.

“Down, girl,” Kanathara commanded.

Rainbow Dash reluctantly took a step back, growling all the while. “Why? He's keeping a secret from us. I can smell it on him.”

“Oh really, well, in that case…” Kanathara glanced expectantly at the guard.

“I secretly love tending to the roses!” he shouted, erupting in tears. “They are just so precious, and I can't help but sneak in there whenever I’m off shift!”

“There there, bud, it's okay. Your secret is safe with us,” muttered the other guard, who patted his friend on the back.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Huh. Guess I kinda overreacted a bit.”

“Ya think? I thought the poor guy was going to pee himself,” Kanathara remarked.

“So, uh… Do you want me to bring you there, or are you going to harass more of the staff?” Top Speed offered.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Kanathara began, her horn lighting briefly and causing her demonic form to be replaced by a rather large pegasus.

The now disguised Rainbow Dash fidgeted uncomfortably, scratching at the spot where her breastplate should be.

“Augh, I hate this spell. I can't wait until we get back on the metaphorical road again. Illusions always make me itchy,” Rainbow Dash complained.

“It won't be for long. Now then, the rest of you will remain here for the next few hours. We should have what we want and be long gone by then,” Kanathara exclaimed as her, her familiar, and their hostage trotted out the door.

“And if we choose to leave?” asked Red.

“You are confused. That was not a request,” Kanathara replied, closing the door behind her.

A second later the door handle vanished, along with the rest of the door a moment after, leaving only a featureless white wall devoid of any indication as to what had been there a moment earlier.

“Lead the way,” Rainbow Dash encouraged, gesturing down the hall towards what looked like a living room.

“Right, just, uh, follow me, I guess,” Top Speed muttered.

Rainbow Dash walked directly behind the stallion as they all collectively made their way through what had likely been someone’s home at one point. Now it was part of a greater conglomerate of buildings, made evident by the fact that upon leaving, they entered another house. Only this one was larger, made mostly of cloudcrete, and was clearly designed for, as well as built by, pegasi.

Large open spaces were common, there were no railings on the second floor, and windows were numerous. There were also a good number of ponies milling about the area, the vast majority of which had wings. Serving as a sort of cafeteria space, there were several tables sitting in the middle of what had been a living room at one point.

Though the majority of the pegasi sitting around the area were not really of note, there was one detail that caught Kanthara’s eye. A lot of them had some manner of injury, most common of which were burns of various severity. Some were missing feathers, others wore bandages, or cradled limb stumps close to their bodies.

It seems like that fire may have gotten a bit out of control, Kanathara reasoned.

Did you expect any less? Rainbow Dash replied.

No, but it is a little disappointing that they weren't able to handle it, Kanathara remarked.

We also got a ton of new faces. They look well trained too, Rainbow Dash pointed out, subtly gesturing towards a small group of stallions seated off to the side.

Kanathara did her best to inspect them while casually walking past their table. What she saw was a bit confusing and slightly concerning.

They were well trained, that much was incredibly obvious, even on a single sidelong glance. Their mannerisms were of a soldier, professional to a fault, clean, orderly, and above all ready for anything. Though they didn't need to wear any weapons or armor given that they were not on duty, they did so regardless. Such equipment was kept to a minimum, yet it was clear that they knew how to handle the blades of various lengths belted to their sides.

Kanathara stowed her questions until after they had left that house behind and entered into a long hallway. Now alone with her familiar and their hostage, Kanathara trotted up next to the male and cleared her throat.

“You seem to have a good number of soldiers now,” Kanathara remarked.

Top Speed blinked. “Oh, uh. Right, turns out a bunch of houses weren’t convinced to join with the whole Element plan but after the sun didn't rise, that changed.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “And how many would you think you have now?”

“Oh, uh. One hundred, maybe two hundred or so? Got plenty more volunteers but their training is spotty,” Top Speed replied.

“And the number of assassins?” Kanathara pressed, walking a little closer to the male.

“I don't know, honest,” he quickly replied. “It's a security risk to know exactly how many of us there are.”

“Like how it's a risk to know how many trained soldiers you have,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Top Speed shrugged. “You could find that out through careful observation. You will not do the same for others like me.”

“A fair assessment,” Kanathara reasoned, quieting the conversation as they passed by a talkative pair of pegasus mares.

Who barely even noticed the trio, as they continued to loudly speak about their weekend and the potential partners they had their eye on.

“It's just up ahead,” Top Speed offered, gesturing to a large green door visible near the end of the hall.

“Well? Keep moving,” Rainbow Dash pressed, jabbing him in the flank with a hoof.

“I’m going, I’m going,” Top Speed muttered.

Kanathara said nothing and merely trotted slowly alongside the other two, watching her surroundings closely. Once the green door had opened, she gazed inside to find that they were indeed within a greenhouse of some kind. One that had seen better days evidently, given that the majority of the windows were broken, and smoke damage was visible almost everywhere.

Despite the scent of cinder which floated heavily in the air, there were still numerous planters arrayed before them. Most of which had some kind of vegetable or fruit growing in them, though there were a few bushes and patches of flowers. More interesting than any perennial were the pair of ponies standing at the far end, the duo hunched over a diminutive tree.

Both were familiar, but one was moreso, as she was none other than their target, Fluttershy. The other was a tall earth pony that seemed oddly at home amidst the burnt out greenhouse.

Wait. Is that one of the ponies you turned into a plant? Rainbow Dash asked.

I think so, Kanathara replied.

“So can I go now?” Top Speed asked.

“Not until we’ve secured the asset. Keep moving,” Kanathara demanded, jabbing a hoof towards the far end.

The pegasus grunted and kept walking, trotting loudly up towards the crouched ponies.

Who didn't notice they were no longer alone until the last second, when the stallion’s ears twitched, and he glanced over his shoulder.

“Someone’s here,” he whispered.

Fluttershy yelped and spun around, her gaze immediately settling on Top Speed, a frown springing to her lips. “Oh, it's you. Come to spout off about how I should kill my friend again?” Fluttershy demanded.

“No, actually,” Top Speed muttered somewhat guiltily, “I’m here at the behest of your other friends.”

“Other fr…” Fluttershy trailed off the second her gaze landed on the disguised demons. “Rainbow Dash, Kanathara?”

The pair shed their disguises, causing both Fluttershy and her earth pony friend to jump. Fluttershy’s panic died quickly, and, upon seeing that his friend was unbothered by their presence, the other pony relaxed as well.

“Got it in one,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Hey, Shy,” Rainbow Dash greeted, the demon opening her hooves expectantly.

Fluttershy awkwardly accepted the hug, though she made it as brief as possible before pulling away.

“What are you two doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hopefully not to blow up the place again,” added the earth pony in a soft, gentle tone.

“Not this time,” Kanathara replied, waving a hoof. “Though I’m not ruling it out.”

“Nah, we’re here for you,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “We need your help to save Equestria and defeat Nightmare Moon.”

“How could I help with something like that?” Fluttershy murmured in disbelief.

“There is this whole thing with the Elements and stuff, but suffice it to say we need you,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I’m needed here. Cloudsdale needs me,” Fluttershy declared.

“That's not everyone who needs you,” offered the earth pony who bumped his hip against Fluttershy’s side.

Rainbow Dash’s gaze narrowed, though she was cut off by Kanathara stepping forward.

“Look, I can appreciate that things are bad here, but we have bigger concerns at the moment,” Kanathara began. “If my plan works, we’ll save the whole planet from freezing over. Which is a little bigger than just this city.”

“Yes, but surely you have the time to help bring peace,” Fluttershy replied, her blush fading the longer she spoke. “If we don't do something quickly, then I fear my home and its people may destroy themself.”

“This is a bit bigger than just one town. Even if it is Cloudsdale were talking about,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“But all we need to do is get everyone into the same room, and I’m sure we can work it out together,” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Kanathara sighed and couldn't help but notice that Fluttershy’s earth pony companion clearly wasn't wholly on board. He didn't say anything, merely standing there with a look on his face that said he was being quiet out of politeness rather than agreement.

“It won't be that simple,” Kanathara stated.

“How do you know? We haven't even tried,” Fluttershy pressed.

“Maybe… maybe we should help them,” Rainbow Dash added. “Imagine if we were able to get all those pegasus soldiers on our side. We would have complete air superiority.”

Kanathara groaned, running a hoof down her face.

“It certainly would help,” offered the earth pony.

“Augh, fine, but we are going to need a meeting with your parents beforehand. I need to know if I can even count on them to sue for peace in the first place,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Oh, that's easy. They’ve actually been very helpful in my attempts to broker a deal between both sides. In fact, I know that with their support alone, we can at least initiate the conversation,” Fluttershy gushed, a wide smile springing to her face.

“We can't promise that they’ll work together however,” remarked the earth pony.

“I’m certain this bunch will have a plan,” offered the assassin.

“I’m surprised you’re going along with this, Speed. I didn't take you for someone to betray the houses,” stated the other stallion.

Top Speed sighed. “Things change.”

“And ponies get stabbed,” added the earth pony.

“Oh my gosh, I just noticed that! How are you even walking around!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“It's a long story, and I’m actually a hostage at the moment,” Top Speed explained.

“Not for long,” Kanathara corrected. “All we need you to do is to direct us towards the jails. Provided you’ve managed to capture some moon-touched.”

“I think we have. A few got caught rigging explosives to the underside of the citadel,” Top Speed replied. “Why do you ask?”

“It's important for the plan. After that, we’ll meet Fluttershy wherever her parents are, at which point we won't need you anymore,” Kanathara declared.

“We’ll meet you back at my family home. Do you know where that is, Top Speed?” Fluttershy asked.

“I do,” he replied with a nod.

“Good,” Kanathara exclaimed. “Then let's get to it.”

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