• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,413 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Ten: Capitulation

Kanathara trod silently next to their guides, her gaze fixed on the forest ahead, while her familiar continued to stare at the twins. Behind them strode the rest of their cadre, with Applejack and Big Macintosh taking up the rear, their lethargic steps slowing them slightly. Pear Butter glanced over her shoulder constantly, making sure that the two ponies didn't stray too far from the group.

Not like the wrath demon had much to worry about, as they had yet to run into any undead, or wildlife, for that matter. In the distance they could hear them though, from confused birds squawking out mating calls to wolves howling at the moon. These calls were answered by other beasts both large and small, adding to the generally chaotic atmosphere that had settled over the entire area.

“This whole thing is really muckin’ with the ecosystem somethin’ fierce,” Applejack remarked.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed.

“Just another reason to beat Nightmare Moon as quickly as possible. Not like we needed any more reasons, mind you. What on account of her wanting to wipe out every living thing on the planet,” Pear Butter exclaimed.

“Is that true?” inquired Aloe. “Why would she do that? She's a princess.”

“She's a prime evil,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Genocide, to be exact.”

“That's…” Lotus began, only to trail off. “I know not to believe what Flintheart said, but he told us that Nightmare Moon was going to allow the sun to return after she defeated Celestia.”

“So that's the line she's been feeding her soldiers,” Kanathara mused. “Curious.”

“I certainly wouldn't have helped Flintheart if I’d have known that,” Lotus exclaimed.

“It's better that you did,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Otherwise you’d likely be dead and unable to assist us in saving the world.”

“I suppose that's one way of looking at it,” Aloe murmured.

“You don't have to come with us, by the way,” Applejack offered, trotting up to the front of the group. “You've suffered enough under that lunatic.”

“No,” Lotus forcefully declared. “Coerced though we may have been, we still did many evil deeds.”

“Deeds which must be atoned for,” Aloe added.

“Well, don't go takin’ it too far. Your lives still matter, and you both got a lot of years ahead of ya,” Pear Butter remarked.

“They won't be easy, mind you. I doubt Celestia will look kindly on a pair of reluctant necromancers like ourselves,” Aloe murmured sadly, her teal mane hanging down over her face.

“And even if we didn't end up in prison, I doubt the ponies of Ponyville will forgive us after what we’ve done,” Lotus murmured.

“Don't worry about it,” Big Macintosh stated.

“What Mac said,” Applejack exclaimed. “Sure, it might not go back to the way things were right off the bat, but I’m sure once they hear your story, they’ll forgive ya.”

The twins exchanged a glance and a shared sigh.

“I don't know if we can,” Lotus murmured, her hoof going to her cheek. “He didn't let us get any healing after casting any spells.”

“We are… very scarred,” Aloe all but whispered.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Scars are hot. If anything, you too are sexier with them.”

Lotus blushed and cocked her head. “Thank you?”

“And if you want to get them healed, I know a few people that may be able to help,” Kanathara added, elbowing her familiar in the side.

“That would be most appreciated,” Aloe exclaimed, a small smile coming to her face.

“I hate to interrupt you guys, but how far away are we exactly? We’ve been walkin’ for a while now, and I’m gettin’ worried we might run into some kinda monster out here,” Applejack inquired.

“Or a demon,” Big Macintosh added.

“Pfft. I say let ‘em come. That other guy didn't even put up much of a fight,” Rainbow Dash declared, puffing out her chest.

“It's not far,” Lotus quickly interrupted, pointing further into the woods. “You can see the ring of shriekers growing along the camp’s edge.”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow and glanced to where she could see dozens of two foot-tall mushrooms poking out from the underbrush. Though not overly large, they sported dozens of small holes in their white tops, and from their red stalk sprouted several pink tentacles. These appendages weaved slowly through the air, as if feeling out for any potential prey that may wander into their domain.

“Wait here a moment. I need to disable the runes and put the shriekers to sleep,” Aloe whispered, crawling through the thick bushes on her knees.

“It won't take long,” elaborated Lotus, who remained at Kanathara’s side.

“I didn't know they could even grow on the surface,” Pear Butter wondered.

“Without the sun’s rays, many subterranean species fare well up here,” Lotus explained.

“Even hook horrors?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

The former spa pony shuddered. “Unfortunately.”

“There,” Aloe whispered, slipping next to her sibling. “They won't be disabled for long, so we should probably get moving.”

“Allow me to do the talking,” Kanathara proclaimed, her form rippling briefly before she took on her pony appearance once more. “Pear Butter, Rainbow Dash. I want you two to remain out of sight just in case things go sideways.”

“Got it, boss,” Rainbow Dash replied, snapping off a salute.

“Alright, but be careful. These two mentioned that he had a few ponies who willingly followed him,” Pear Butter cautioned.

“Just two,” Aloe quickly added. “And they aren't well-liked either.”

“If things don't go well, point them out to me, and I’ll deal with them,” Kanathara declared.

“Please don't be too harsh though. They seem mostly misguided,” Lotus warned.

“I won’t. Now come on. We are on a very limited timetable with the fate of the world hanging in the balance,” Twilight remarked.

“Of course,” Aloe replied, turning back towards the encampment.

Kanathara trod silently behind her guides, following their hoofsteps perfectly and avoiding the seemingly inactive mushrooms. Which thankfully wasn't difficult, as their pink appendages had coiled around their stalks, which were in turn encapsulated by their folded tops. Kanathara had never seen such a fungus be used for defence, though she stowed her curiosity for the moment.

Instead she focused her attention on observing her surroundings, starting with the runes she saw carved into nearly every tree. These enchantments seemed to be simple wards meant to keep out wildlife, though they also had an alarm spell tied to them. It was crude and not well hidden, but then again, that might have been part of Flintheart’s plan to keep out any passesrby.

Either way, after passing them by, Kanathara noticed that the forest quickly began to thin and that her guides were watching where they stepped a little closer. Kanathara looked down to find several crude traps on the ground, and, with a small application of magic, the demon disarmed them all.

“Watch your hooves,” Aloe cautioned. “We don't have time to get rid of them all.”

“I got it already,” Kanathara replied.

“Even that one?” Lotus replied, pointing to a still active deadfall trap.

Kanatahra blinked. “Huh. Just a sec.”

Another quick spell later, it too was dealt with, allowing Kanathara to inspect the camp without fear of traps. Pushing a stray branch out of the way, she swept her disapproving gaze from left to right, her scowl deepening as time passed. Clearly organized around the lone wooden structure, nearly every other enclosure was primitive at best, especially when compared to the cabin.

Tents made from animal hide were clustered around the short wooden wall erected a few feet from the cabin. Though there was the start of a barrier around the camp itself, it was little more than several scattered piles of logs at the moment. Worse still were the ponies she could see meandering about the space, their faces downcast and expressions marred with dirt.

The smell was perhaps the worst part, and Kanathara could detect the scent of an open latrine from her spot at the camp’s edge. Clearly their former leader had not cared much about his minions, or he simply assumed that he would take Ponyville in short order. Either way, it was a muddy, smelly hole that immediately made Kanathara scowl in disgust.

“This is just sad,” Kanathara muttered. “Come on. Let's get this wrapped up quickly before the stink settles into my fur.”

Aloe nodded. “One moment.”

Lotus strode forward, quickly getting the attention of a nearby cultist robed in a ratty grey cloak. “Alert the others. We have an announcement,” Lotus barked in a commanding tone.

“R-right away,” murmured the young stallion before scampering away.

“Shouldn't take long now,” Lotus exclaimed as Kanathara and her sister trotted up next to her.

“It better not. This place smells rancid,” Kanathara deadpanned.

“Flintheart wouldn't let us dig the bathroom far from camp,” Aloe whispered.

Kanathara sighed and bit back her response, choosing to merely inspect her surroundings a little closer. She started with the cottage, which she quickly realized had no windows and only a single entrance barred by what looked like a solid oak door. She could also see different runes inscribed into the wood, as well as a large red one that hung above the front of the home.

The demon’s mind began to churn with counter spells and ways past the barrier, only for her gaze to fall on the chimney poking out from the roof. A quick scan told Kanathara that there were no barriers barring her from simply slipping through the top of the home. She was also able to confirm that there were no living things inside, though that didn't assuage her worries very much.

“We are ready,” Aloe whispered.

Kanathara shook her head, dismissing her curiosity and gazing down to where nearly thirty ponies had assembled before her. Nearly every last one of whom were nervous and shifted uneasily from hoof to hoof, searching for any sign of their former leader.

“Let's start off strong, shall we?” Kanathara murmured.

Without waiting for a response, the keeper of secrets reached into her pocket dimension and produced the decapitated head of Flintheart. Kanathara lifted it high into the air, gripping the thing by its hair and turning its empty gaze onto its former followers.

“Flintheart is dead,” Kanathara called out, causing a wave of nervous anticipation to roll across the crowd. “I can see on your faces that you worry I am his replacement, but fear not. I have no intention of preserving his reign of terror.”

Whispered thanks to the stars and sun could be heard emanating from the former cultists who all breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“His claim was fraudulent, his powers weak, and his true goal was to simply bog down the area in conflict,” Kanathara continued, tossing the head at the ponies. “I stand here before you because Nightmare Moon has returned, and she wishes to annihilate all life by blocking out the sun completely. I aim to stop this from happening.”

“So what? We’re just supposed to go with you now?” asked a male voice from the crowd.

Kanathara shook her head. “If you wish to aid me or not, that is up to you. What I can say is that anyone who does follow me will be protected against any potential legal or extrajudicial problems that may come your way in the future.”

“And what about him?” exclaimed a green-haired mare who gestured to a younger colt standing awkwardly at the edge of the group. “He helped Flintheart without any prompting.”

“And what about our loved ones’ souls? Are you going to keep those?” added another.

“I will disable the ward on the cottage in a minute, but before we get to that, I would like you to bring the accused before me,” Kanathara demanded.

Two of the closest ponies looked at the colt, and for a moment it seemed like a fight was about to break out. Then the male simply sighed and began to trot towards the head of the group, then stood silently before Kanathara. She slowly inspected the pony, starting with his shaggy blueish-grey mane, bright teal eyes, and off-white fur. He wore only a simple cloak and a set of boots that were likely a size too big for him to walk in comfortably.

The keeper of secrets narrowed her gaze and extended a hoof, forcing the pony to look her in the eye. “What is your name, and why would you throw in with such contempetable scum?” Kanathara demanded.

The pony gulped. “My name is Shady Daze, ma’am, and Flintheart was my uncle. He told me that we were just going to make all the other ponies leave our land. He never said we would kill anypony, just that we would use magic to take back what was ours.”

“You know he was lying to you, right?” Kanathara pressed.

“I know that, now…” murmured the colt.

“You are free to go, kid,” Kanathara offered.

“You can't just let him wander off. The kid’s got a necromancy cutie mark for cryin’ out loud!” shouted a voice.

“And I don't have anyone left… not anymore, anyway,” Shady Daze whispered, glancing back at the head of his uncle.

Kanathara sighed and used a bolt of magic to destroy the last remnants of the pony known as Flintheart. Before she turned to respond to Shady, Kanathara glimpsed at the colt’s flank where a snow-covered pony skull was emblazoned. There was no mistaking it, this kid had gained a special talent in necromancy, despite the fact that he was an earth pony.

“Come with us, kid. I’ll make sure you're taught the proper way to use necromancy,” Kanathara softly declared.

“Are you sure about that?” Aloe whispered.

Kanathara nodded, turning to her. “Necromancy can heal the sick and do many helpful things so long as that talent is properly nurtured. Furthermore, I sense no hatred in his heart. The boy needs only a careful hoof to keep him on the right track.”

“I for one agree,” Lotus added.

“And Perfect Pace?” asked another pony.

“Wait. Where is that snake, anyway?” inquired an angry pegasus.

“This him?” Pear Butter replied, striding through the trees with a golden-maned and deep blue-furred unicorn tucked under a forehoof.

“Uh, yeah,” murmured a member of the crowd, their gaze going up to the wrath demon.

“Unhand me, you filthy mongrel. Do you have any idea who I am?” shouted the stallion who thrashed desperately in the demon’s grip.

“I don't know, nor do I care,” Pear Butter declared.

“What's his deal?” Kanathara inquired, leaning in close to Aloe.

“Some bigshot from Canterlot,” replied the former cultist.

“I think he's the one that set up the whole alliance with Nightmare Moon,” Lotus added.

Kanathara nodded. “Drop him here.”

Pear Butter shrugged and did what was asked of her, depositing the stallion in front of the keeper.

“Watch it. This suit was custom-tailored, you know. It cost me more than you’ve likely made in your entire life,” Perfect muttered angrily, quickly standing and brushing the dirt from his pants.

“You have one chance to explain your actions. Use it wisely,” Kanathara cautioned.

Perfect Pace snorted and used his magic to straighten his mane. “I don't answer to you or that beast that had so rudely manhandled me.”

“Well, that went about as well as you likely anticipated,” Rainbow Dash remarked, the seemingly normal pegasus slipping in next to her mistress.

Kanathara shrugged. “Yeah, but it's always fun to give them the chance. Now then. Let's see what your true purpose here is, hmm?”

“What are you…” the stallion’s indignant tone faded to nothing as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Kanathara’s horn burned bright as her swirling gaze was fixed on the unicorn’s, her mind traveling deep into his memories. It didn't take long for a scowl to cross the keeper’s face, and her distaste only grew as time ticked by. Until her features were completely twisted in an angry glare leveled the stallion’s way, her magic fizzling only a minute later.

“You are a vile, repugnant little pony. Rainbow Dash, stow him away for later… enjoyment,” Kanathara declared.

Rainbow Dash shivered. “Damn, boss. That musta been bad.”

“It was,” Kanathara replied simply.

“Wait, what did you… how did--Oof.” The stallion doubled over when a hoof impacted his gut.

Still wheezing and unable to respond, the male was thrown over Rainbow Dash’s back, who quickly took flight.

“So what did he do, exactly?” Aloe nervously inquired.

Kanathara shuddered in disgust. “This… thing convinced Flintheart of his claim, gave him the necromancy books, and even stole the soul jar scroll from the guard. He was going to kill Flintheart after he had taken over Ponyville and use all the blackmail he had acquired to rule over the town like a petty dictator.”

“That's… messed up,” Lotus murmured.

“You know, I feel like we should push back more on that, considering we just have your word, but I feel like you're probably right,” shouted a voice from the crowd.

“Yeah, that guy had snooty noble written all over him,” added another.

Kanathara grunted. “Right then. While I deal with the wards, I’ll let Pear Butter organize those who wish to join us in fighting back against Nightmare Moon.”

The keeper of secrets didn't wait for a response from either Pear Butter or the crowd, merely teleporting behind the cottage in a flash. Where she turned to mist, floating up to the roof and down the chimney, reforming after entering what felt like a living room. The entire structure had only three rooms, one which served as a kitchen, living space, dining room, and entryway. The other two contained beds, though one was sized for an adult and the other was evidently made for a child. The larger of the two looked normal, while the smaller of the two was filled with stacks upon stacks of familiar jars.

A scowl once more found its way onto Kanathara’s face, though now it was muted somewhat, as she had noticed a piece of paper. Such a small detail would normally be ignored by the demon, though the fact that it was placed upon the pillow of the smaller bed made her stop. Kanathara pushed the door the rest of the way open and retrieved the small slip, which turned out to be a letter with the word ‘Will’, written across it.

With her curiosity getting the better of her, Kanathara opened the letter and peered inside.

To my nephew, Shady Daze.

Yeah, I know the password to get into the cottage was kind of lame. I know everyone says not to make it someone’s birthday, but you’re the only thing that matters to me. I hope you don't feel too bad about killing/banishing me. I was only acting so… out there to make sure all of our followers’ hatred was directed at me. Leaving you with the perfect opportunity to step in and take over now that you’ve defeated your ‘evil’ uncle.

Either way, I hope you end up as a kinder, gentler stallion than I and that you can live somewhere better than this hovel.

Love, Uncle Flint.

P.S If I haven't made it clear, I leave everything I own to you.

Kanathara exhaled slowly, crumpling up the letter and disintegrating it.

“He doesn't need to know that,” Kanthara muttered.

With a sigh, she glanced over the wall of jars and shook her head. “Still deserved it though,” she murmured to herself.

Trotting back to the entrance, Kanathara undid the lock and pulled it open, the ward fizzling a second later. A small gasp of shock and surprise came from the few ponies standing nearby, and Kanathara quickly got out of the way. Sure enough, a throng of multi-hued creatures rushed inside, each one frantically searching for the correct soul jar.

Kanathara ignored it all and trotted up to Pear Butter, Applejack, and Big Macintosh. “Thanks for letting me do the talking,” Kanathara remarked.

“No problem,” Big Macintosh replied.

“It seemed like you guys had the situation well in hoof,” Applejack added. “Figured we’d stay out of the way until you had everything sorted.”

“Right, speaking of which. Why don't we leave this to Pear Butter while we head into town?” Kanathara offered.

“Err, why exactly?” Applejack asked, scratching her head.

“For one we have to tell them the siege is broken, and secondly we need to recruit who we can from the guard. Which is where you two come in,” Kanathara replied.

“What?” Applejack muttered in shock.

Big Macintosh snorted in agreement.

“Who do you think they are going to listen to? Us, or you?” Kanathara replied.

The Apple siblings exchanged a glance and a shrug.

“I suppose you’re right,” Applejack admitted.

The rustle of leaves alerted Kanathara that her familiar had returned, alone.

“He's all tied up somewhere safe for whenever you want to enjoy him,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Good. Now let's get this little mess squared away, shall we?” Kanathara offered.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh declared.

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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