• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,419 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Ten: Farm Fresh

“Kids, do you have everything ready?” shouted the familiar voice of Pear Butter.

Kanathara shot out of bed, inadvertently dragging Rainbow Dash along with her, the vengant still clutched tight against her mistress’ chest. The keeper blinked and blearily looked around the room, her mind barely comprehending what was happening. Then she remembered what they had just gone through, what lay ahead, and the expectations set before them.

“Augh. I wish I could have gotten another hour at least,” Kanathara muttered to herself.

When she didn't get a response, the demon looked down to find that Rainbow Dash was still snoring away. Her forehooves wrapped around Kanathara’s midsection, and her head pressed firmly against the keeper’s side. It was an adorable sight, and one that Kanathara desperately wished she could preserve for at least a few more minutes.

Then she remembered the tone Pear Butter had taken, and quickly realized that they had likely already overslept. The farmer-turned-demon had a habit of attempting to gently wake them, only to later break out the demanding motherly tone that always got Kanathara up.

Shaking her head, the keeper of secrets gently cupped her familiar’s chin and leaned down close to her ear.

“Rainbow Dash. It's time to get up,” Kanathara whispered.

The vengant grumbled and pressed her face even more intently against Kanathara’s midsection. “Nrgh. Five more minutes,” she muttered.

“No. Now. We gotta save the world, remember?” Kanathara pointed out.

“The world can wait,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “If you don't get up, you’ll be sleeping by yourself from now on.”

Immediately Rainbow Dash let go, sitting upright in their cozy bed with a wide, alert expression. “Alright, I’m up. You don't have to go straight to the nuclear option, ya know,” Rainbow Dash whined.

“Would anything else have worked?” Kanthara retorted.

Rainbow Dash frowned. “No, probably not.”

Kanathara chuckled as she slipped out of bed. “Come on. We got a lot to do, and something tells me we won't have a lot of time to do it.”

“Augh, why does the heavy stuff always end up on our plate?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Because we’re the best,” Kanathara replied simply, trotting over to the door. “Now, are you going to keep whining or what?”

“No, I’m fine,” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she bitterly plodded after her mistress.

Kanathara rolled her eyes and pushed her way through the door, glancing only briefly around the strange underground temple. Then she was gone, trotting back out into the courtyard and up the tunnel which ended at what had once been a wine cellar. Now it was a little more well reinforced, with the addition of a few protection charms and several wards.

It still contained a bunch of alcohol, though now it also had a smiling wrath demon standing in its center. The ex general of Tirek’s armies was waiting patiently in the small room, a large pair of saddle bags draped across her withers.

“You girls ready?” Pear Butter asked.

“As we’ll ever be,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Evidently someone still ain't a morning person,” Pear Butter remarked with a chuckle.

“Can you even still call it morning at this point? What with the moon being up and all,” Rainbow Dash rebutted.

“No, not really,” Pear Butter admitted, rubbing her chin.

“Semantics aside,” Kanathara interrupted, “I think we are ready to move out. I assume you have everything we’ll need?”

“That I do,” Pear Butter replied, hefting the bags in emphasis. “I’ve got a healthy breakfast, some snacks, a drink, and a few potions in case of emergencies.”

“Then it sounds like we are ready to go,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Great. So, uh, where were we starting again?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Applejack’s,” Kanathara answered. “She likely knows where the others are and is the closest.”

“Plus we can probably help Ponyville out at the same time,” Pear Butter added.

“That too,” Kanathara agreed.

“So long as we don't take too wide of a detour. I like the town too, but not enough to sacrifice the whole world for it,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“I’m sure it won't take all day,” Kanathara declared, gesturing towards the exit. “Now come on. We better get all our goodbyes out of the way, otherwise we’ll be here all morning… er, night.”

Together the trio trotted out of the cellar, up the stairs, and back out onto the front lawn where they were greeted with a much different sight. The imps, cultists, and various demons under Velvet’s employ had doubled in number and were readying themselves for war. Camp supplies were being boxed up, great otherworldly beasts of burden were saddled, and entire platoons of creatures were waiting to march.

Standing at their head was Kith, Velvet, Tirek, and several other important-looking creatures. Who all poured over a large map of Equestria dotted with flags, tiny figurines, and an unflattering caricature of Nightmare Moon near Canterlot. Upon seeing Kanathara Rainbow Dash and Pear Butter exit the home, Velvet and Tirek excused themselves, while Kith merely gave the trio an excited wave.

“There you are,” Velvet began, wearing only a loose fitting set of black leather armor under a suit of rust-colored chainmail. “I was beginning to think you two were going to sleep past noon like you were still teenagers.”

“Nah, I was just being a little too nice,” Pear Butter admitted somewhat sheepishly.

“Let me tell ya. I’m glad that's one phase of her life I missed,” Velvet joked. “Shining Armor was bad enough staying up late all the time and studying.”

“Oh, it was actually really cute. Aside from the sleeping in and stuff, Kanathara here would try out some wild new style of dress just about every other day,” Pear Butter whispered rather loudly.

“Augh, mooom,” Kanathara whined.

“Why the groan? It was quite adorable,” Tirek remarked.

“I liked it. Though the goth phase was a bit ehh,” Rainbow Dash added, wiggling her hoof in the air.

“Anyway!” Kanathara loudly proclaimed. “Are you guys ready to move out?”

“Almost,” Velvet replied. “We are just finalizing the last of the supplies before we begin our march. At least that's assuming Tirek here has managed to get all the necessary rations organized.”

Tirek raised his hands defensively. “I did what I could. It's not my fault we were growing food mainly for demonic consumption.”

“I’m sure you two will figure it out,” Pear Butter exclaimed.

“Oh, this is so nerve-wracking. I can't believe you two have to head back out there so soon. You’d think the universe would give you at least a day to relax,” Velvet remarked.

Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest. “Ahh, don't worry about it, Mrs Sparkle. We can handle it.”

“Ya hear that? We got this. Though it's this guy I’m worried about,” Pear Butter exclaimed, pointing to Tirek. “Make sure you don't put him in charge of too much. There was a reason he delegated nearly everything, ya know.”

Tirek snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don't know what you are talking about. Delegation is merely another skill I have mastered.”

“Don't worry. I’ve got him firmly squared away in logistics,” Velvet replied with a wink.

The two older females exchanged a chuckle while Tirek merely sighed to himself and looked down to Kanathara.

“Do be careful out there. I would hate to see you harmed after you’ve already gone through so much,” Tirek quietly declared.

“We’ll be fine, Tirek,” Kanathara replied somewhat brusquely.

“Ya, we got this,” Rainbow Dash added with a smile. “At this point I doubt anyone other than Nightmare Moon could stop us.”

“You are quite powerful now, but don't let that get to your head. You know what happens when someone gets overconfident,” Tirek gravely remarked.

“We won't,” Kanathara stated firmly. “But we really should be going.”

“Right. We won't keep you a second longer,” Velvet replied, leaning forward and hugging the keeper briefly before stepping away. “Good luck out there.”

“She won't need it,” Tirek confidently stated, placing a hand on Kanathara’s shoulder. “She has a powerful team, after all.”

“Yer damn right she does,” Rainbow Dash proudly declared.

“Come on,” Pear Butter encouraged. “I got a path that should only take us a few minutes to reach the farm.”

“Lead the way,” Kanathara replied.

“This path is quite… robust,” Kanathara remarked as she eyed a small wooden bridge that crossed over a narrow stream.

“I walked it a few times while you guys were out adventuring and whatnot,” Pear Butter explained. “It just seemed like a good idea to make it a little easier to walk.”

“A demon like you needs no path, especially not one this well manicured,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “You were hoping that someone else would use it, weren't you? Oh and hey, did you ever end up seeing Big Mac or Apple Bloom by the way?”

“No. Big Macintosh knows of me, as does Granny Smith, but neither wanna speak to me. Apple Bloom doesn't know yet,” the wrath demon muttered sadly. “I had hoped that one day my other kids would come visit me. Though I suppose that all hinges on whether or not your plan works.”

Kanathara snorted. “No pressure.”

“I mean, it's just the fate of the world,” Rainbow Dash added, bumping her hip against Kanathara’s side.

“Speaking of plans, what were we…” Kanathara trailed off. “Do any of you hear that?”

“It sounds like a bunch of animals,” Pear Butter replied. “But nothing should approach the path. Not after I put up those wards.”

“Maybe the whole ‘it still being night’ thing has thrown them off,” Rainbow Dash pointed out, gesturing up to the large pale moon that hung overhead.

“Maybe. But it doesn't exactly sound right,” Kanathara murmured.

“I get ya,” Pear Butter replied, standing upright as she gazed out through the thick tree cover that surrounded them. “It sounds almost like a whole bunch of them.”

“Ya think there is some kinda stampede happening?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don't know, but I think we’re about to find out,” Kanathara replied, pointing to the woods off to their right.

Turning in that direction, the three demons didn't have to wait long before they caught sight of their newest batch of foes. The first member of which was the reanimated remains of what looked like a young grizzly bear. Its cheek hung from its desiccated face, and both eyes were a milky white, yet still latched onto the trio within seconds.

Releasing an unearthly roar that rattled within its zombified remains, the undead animal charged. When it broke the treeline a second later, it did not do so alone, as a dozen other smaller creatures ranging from rabbits to wolves came along with it. The sight was a pitiable one, with the creatures sporting dozens of gaping wounds, as well as the occasional arrow.

“I’ll handle this,” Kanathara offered.

Stepping forward, the keeper of secrets lit her horn and aimed a blast of violet magic at the bear. The second Kanathara’s swirling energies hit the undead beast, it stopped dead in its tracks before dropping into a heap. Like a puppet with its strings cut, all life left the monster, though its allies were unaffected and continued to charge.

They never got the chance to lay a claw on the demons however, as Kanathara’s second attack finished off the majority of them. A well-placed bolt of chain lightning leapt from one animal to the next, disintegrating the smaller ones and blowing apart the larger members. Somehow a single mostly skeletal wolf survived, though it perished after getting a simple mana bolt to the face.

“That was… underwhelming,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Well, they were simple animals, and they weren't even brought back to life with much skill,” Kanathara replied, kicking the bear’s head. “Even just removing the negative energy reanimating them was enough to outright kill this one.”

“Whoever did this likely has little idea as to what they are doing,” Pear Butter exclaimed.

“You don't think some amuetuer necromancer is giving Ponyville trouble, do you?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“It's possible, but more than likely this is just a scouting force designed to bring back more bodies to their necromancer masters,” Kanathara explained.

“Could be a whole cult of them,” Pear Butter added. “I overheard Velvet talking about a couple of lich cults that she was trying to recruit or eliminate.”

“Any of them worth noting?” Kanathara asked.

Pear Butter shrugged. “Most were small time. Necromancy is illegal just about everywhere, and Celestia has done a fine job ensuring that few even know of its existence. That being said, there were a few that might pose a challenge.”

“Pfft. If they are using these pathetic things, then they can't be that tough,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Kanathara kneeled down and prodded the dead bear’s cheek. “It sure seems that way. Why, I’m fairly certain I could do a better job with my eyes closed.”

“Why don't you anyway? Use more necromancy, that is?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

Kanathara stuck out her tongue in disgust. “It's just so… situational. Most demons can't be reanimated, as we don't truly have bodies in the first place, so it only works on mortals. It's just more effective to rely on your own skill and power rather than the strength of some reanimated corpse.”

“Either way, I think we should move a little quicker,” Pear Butter interrupted. “If they made it out this far, then they could have already hit the farm.”

“Pisha. Applejack wouldn't have any trouble with these chumps,” Rainbow Dash dismissed.

“There might be a lot more of them though,” Kanathara pointed out.

“And they have Apple Bloom to worry about,” Pear Butter exclaimed.

“Double time it, then?” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Absolutely, but I think I’ll let you handle the running part,” Kanathara replied, her body turning to mist before quickly seeping through Rainbow Dash’s skin.

“Fine by me. Pear Butter, why don't you take the lead? I’ll match whatever pace you got,” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Try not to fall behind,” Pear Butter replied.

The wrath demon then took off in a remarkably fast sprint, becoming a golden blur that bounded down the path.

“She's pretty quick. I like it,” Rainbow Dash muttered before taking off after the other demon.

The messy, mostly greenish blur of the forest began to dissipate, giving way to neat rows of trees from which hung a sparse number of apples. The orchard, though more orderly than the forest, was clearly in disarray, with many trees having been toppled. Broken branches littered the ground, and the occasional animal corpse could be seen lying still on a patch of disturbed earth.

Each one of these creatures were in some state of decay, their bodies having been discarded by the careless necromancer that had first revived them. These poor things weren’t alone however, as the skeletal remains of several ponies could be seen lying beneath a group of apple trees. Even a glance was enough to tell that they were dead for good, as most were sporting several fractured or entirely missing limbs.

The signs of battle were numerous, though thankfully they had seen neither hide nor hair of any member of the Apple family. Only the odd blood splatter that didn't originate from one of the zombified bodies that dotted the once pristine orchard.

As they neared the farm house, the trio could hear what sounded like fighting in the distance. A twang of a crossbow punctuated by the occasional grunt or groan that came from one of the combatants. Though they couldn't pick out any words, it was clear that Applejack and Big Macintosh were involved in some way, given all the shouting.

Pear Butter poured on the speed, her large hooves ripping up sections of the earth as the wrath demon sprinted headlong towards the noise. Rainbow Dash easily kept pace with the larger female, her armor snapping into place as she ran along next to her. Kanathara merely readied herself mentally, preparing to leap from her familiar the second they cleared the treeline.

Which occurred only a few seconds later, giving the demons a clear view of the porch and the fighting happening right in front of it. On one side was Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Big Macintosh, the elder siblings standing out front, holding off their foes. Who happened to be a small horde of monsters, the bulk of which were made up of undead animals.

A trio of zombified ponies clad in armor and wielding several different weapons were the most concerning of the bunch. That didn't mean the animals could be discounted completely however, as Kanathara could see that they were constantly snapping at the Apples’ flanks. All save for Apple Bloom, who was safe further back, the young pony frantically winding what looked like an antique crossbow.

Her siblings had weapons much more well-suited for combating the undead, as Big Macintosh swung a hammer while Applejack wore a set of spiked horseshoes. They were also suffering from numerous scrapes, cuts, and other minor wounds, most of which looked new. Their equipment was in tatters, with what minimal metal armor they had suffering from dozens of dents while the leather under it was in ribbons.

It was clear that although they might win this fight, it wouldn't be without injury, nor would it be easy.

Skidding to a brief stop, Rainbow Dash waited until Kanathara was able to reform before opening her wings. She was about to join the wrath demon in battle when her mistress caught her by the shoulder with a hoof.

“Wait. She's got this,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Are you sure, boss?” Rainbow Dash asked.

The keeper of secrets nodded. “The zombies have only minor protection charms, while the animals are barely held together as is.”

“If you say so,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“We’d probably just get in the way at this point,” Kanathara pointed out.

Rainbow Dash looked up to where Pear Butter had already grown to nearly a story and a half tall, flames shooting from her lips. “Yeah, probably,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

Pear Butter didn't hear a word of this, as the demon’s gaze was focused on the sight of her children in trouble. Each cut and bruise they sported added to the already raging inferno that swirled within her belly. She could feel her body grow with each thunderous step she took towards the house, stopping only when she became worried of the collateral damage.

For a moment she saw the panic, fear, and confusion as it flashed over Big Macintosh and Applejack’s faces. Thankfully they seemed to realize that she was here to help, and fought with a renewed vigor. Their undead foes had yet to realize that their living enemies had received back-up, that was until Pear Butter stomped one of their number flat.

The abrupt death of their comrade prompted the primitive instincts of the rotten creatures to spark to life once more. One turned towards Pear Butter while the other continued its assault, with the animals splitting up evenly between them. The wrath demon had hoped they would all focus on her, but she wasn't going to complain. Her kids could handle themselves.

Another hard stomp shook the ground and crushed several small animals, though the zombified unicorn evaded her attack. Worse still, Pear Butter could feel several of the small creatures skitter up her leg, biting and clawing at her scales. They were of little note however, and the wrath demon continued to try and crush her true foe.

Who was surprisingly quick, hopping out of each one of Pear Butter’s attacks and even offering several strikes of his own. The rusted blade proved ineffectual against the wrath demon’s scales, though the blows irritated Pear Butter. She wanted this to be over already and for her children to be safe once more.

To that end she swept her hoof aside, sending the undead unicorn flying across the farm, where he slammed into the barn and slumped to the ground. She followed this up by briefly causing a burst of flames to shoot from under her scales, scorching the small creatures that had been gnawing on her. With that done, she swiftly stomped, swiped, and otherwise destroyed the various animals still trying to attack her.

Turning her attention to the final undead pony, Pear Butter brought her hoof back for one final attack. Only for Applejack to beat her to the punch and kick the creature’s head clear off its shoulders. The zombie struggled briefly, swinging its short sword randomly before a blow from Big Macintosh’s hammer sent it to the ground in a heap.

For a moment no one said anything as Pear Butter slowly returned to her normal size, with Applejack and Big Macintosh merely staring at her. Then a twang, and a bolt bounced off the wrath demon’s chest, the small piece of wood and metal snapping on impact.

Everyone turned to look at a rather sheepish Apple Bloom holding the crossbow.

She smiled nervously. “Oh, uh… woops?”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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